• Published 5th Jun 2012
  • 12,222 Views, 2,091 Comments

Chaotic Harmony - shirotora

A new friend teaches the girls what true chaos is

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Armageddon Part 9: We Happy Few

We ran through the White Tail Woods as the army of darkness pursued. We were careful not to trip our own surprises though as we heard the various traps behind us. Logs fell, arrows were flung, bombs exploded, and dead falls swallowed up demons. By the time we made it to the place that we were going to make our stand, a spot in the forest with plenty of trees to hinder them but not us, the enemy forces had been reduced by more than 30%.

I gave the order, “Break!”

We scattered into smaller groups. That way those of us with destructive powers didn't have to hold back. It was a good thing too because the moment we had distance I saw massive blasts of fire and magic from everywhere. I shot off a torrent of chaos fire from my left paw as I split an imp in half with my spear in my right. Jynx was at my back crushing demons with her mechanically enhanced strength, occasionally shooting them with the magic powered rail gun on her shoulder.

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Octavia and Vinyl danced around each other in a deadly dance of small lightning fast swords. Octavia held her rapier in front of her while Vinyl held a rapier and main gauche. The pair, as intimate with each other as they were, moved in perfect harmony. It was like they were a single being with two bodies. The thin blades they wielded struck with speed and precision, cutting arteries and piercing bodies. I was a dance of lethal elegance and grace.

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“Does the pretty little pony think she can fight?” Said a diamond dog, “I think I will enjoy flaying your flesh.”

Rarity gave an evil smirk, “While I do thank you for saying I’m pretty, I must warn you about your assumption of my ability to defend myself. You see, just because I’m beautiful, doesn't mean I don't know how to fight.”

“Oh,” Said the dog, “And what can yo...” The canine found it difficult to talk when it's brain was blasted out a fist sized hole in it's head. A diamond floated back to the seamstress, still red with blood.

Rarity levitated several dozen sharpened diamonds from the saddlebags she wore, each about one inch wide and three long. Her ability to multitask and her attention to detail let her control more objects than any other pony in Equestria. Not even the princesses could match the designer in the shear number of things she can control and still have the level of precision she had. The unicorn created a tornado of diamond blades around the herself making mince out of any foolish enough to approach. Of course, NOT approaching didn't help as she launched them with the accuracy of a US Marine Sniper Scout, except their bullets don't come back at their call. The demons were learning the truth in the phrase “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned”.

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Every changeling was taught combative spells of some kind, and Lyra was no exception. Despite not growing up in the hive, her parents made sure she could defend herself if need be. Those lessons were being used as she threw bolts of green fire at her enemies. Her wings flashed into existence for a moment as she buzzed away from a powerful blast by a unicorn.

“I must say, that's quite the trick.” He said, “I'm truly impressed.”

“Glad to hear it.” Lyre returned as she kicked an earth pony in the head, breaking it's neck, “Let me show you some more.”

She launched a fire bolt at the stallion only to have it stopped be a wall of force.

“Come now,” He said as whites of his eyes turned crimson red, “You don't want to hurt me.”

His intense gaze locked onto the mint green unicorn's eyes. Lyra's body relaxed as her eyes glazed over.

“Good, now come and let me give you a kiss.” He smiled showing his elongated canines.

Lyra approached as she was told. The stallion grabbed her and started sniffing her face.

“Aren't you a pretty one.” He said.

The vampony ran his tongue up her cheek. He was so caught up in toying with her he didn't notice the scowl that crossed her face before she dug her own fangs into his neck and tore out his jugular. He jumped back howling in pain. Lyra promptly spat out the blood and tried wiping the taste off her tongue with her hoof in disgust.

“Didn't you know,” She said as she spat more blood, “Changelings are extremely resistant to mind control. After all, we're the masters of deseption.”

A look of indignation came over his face as he bled out. After a few seconds he burst into flames and his ashes blew away in the wind.

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Phoenix and Jetaga took up a position on either side of Rainbow Dash. They blasted fire at any and all that got too close while Rainbow fired her rifle. It wasn't like the others, in that it didn't require a long time to charge. It was composed of three crystals, two to store energy and one that acted as a sort of magic lightning rod that charged the crystals in one minute. While she fired from one the other charged, and with the amount of magic in the air it was charging in about thirty seconds instead of a minute.

The three of them were all but impossible to touch.

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Bon Bon took command over the non-magically inclined earth ponies. They formed a circle and covered each others backs with spears, axes, and swords. They fought with the kind of dedication earth ponies were always known for. Their resilience and endurance were being put to the test. They had already lost one of their number when he jumped out of the circle to pursue an injured werewolf. They swarmed over him and tore him limb from limb. Bon Bon never even knew the guy's name.

“Keep it together.” Bon Bon said over the noise.

She was the only one there that brought her own weapons, a set of iron hoof covers that her fighting art got it's name from. She lashed out with strength that only an earth pony could use, and crushed whatever she touched, even stone and steel. Suddenly, the ground shook as a massive troll lumbered toward the group. Bon Bon looked on in horror at the huge beast. She knew what would happen if it reached the group. She made a harsh decision. She was going to break away and take it out herself. She knew she wasn't going to make it back before they tore her apart like they did that poor stallion, but it was better than letting them all die. Just before she moved though a blur rushed past her.

“Carrot Top!” Cried the candy maker

It was too late. The farmer was already in the clutches of the great monster with a sad smile on her face... and a lit stick of dynamite in her mouth. The gigantic creature bit her head clean off, blood spraying from her neck. Her death was not in vain though as a loud explosion scattered the things skull. Bon Bon felt a mixture of joy that everypony else was safe, sorrow at the loss of a friend, and pride that she knew such a brave mare.

“Don't stop!” She yelled as tears fell down her face, “Don't you dare let her sacrifice be for nothing!”

They fought on with a new found fervor, inspired by their fallen comrade.

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It was as if they could smell her ancestry, which of course they could. Applejack was surrounded by vamponies, each trying to claim the life of an Apple. It was a rare honor for them as only three Apples had ever been killed... there was a reason for that.

Another parasite was dusted at the edge of the Apple families ancient blade. It was wielded with a speed that was unnatural for a pony, but again, the Apples are anything but normal.

“My my my, you truly are an Apple aren't you?” Said a soothing voice.

Applejack looked over to the source and scowled. There was a dark green, almost black vampony, with the expected blood filled eyes. She immediately took notice of his right fore-hoof. It was split down the middle vertically.

“Lord Clovenhoof, ya just couldn't stay dead-dead, could ya.” Said AJ.

“Is that any way to speak to your elder?” He said.

“Ha! That's rich.” Scoffed the country mare, “Are ya gonna fight me or can I just gonna kill ya now.”

“Oh, we'll fight alright.” He said, “So I suggest you get serious, and stop hiding your true self.”

Applejack's eyes narrowed and she scowled, “Fine, ya wanna see me at mah worst? You got it.”

There was a very good reason why the Apple family was not only the best vampire hunting family but the only surviving one. The Apple clan was founded by Lord Apple Seed, a noble stallion. He was very different from other nobles though. Among a select group of them he was known by a different name... The Day Trotter.

He was a vampony of unique talent. He could walk in the sunlight without so much as a sunburn. He didn't have the allergy to silver or even the thirst. He hated his own kind and hunted them everywhere he found them. His legacy was passed down from generation to generation and was now possessed by the orange mare.

Applejack took a vial of thick red fluid and uncorked it, tipping the life giving substance into her mouth and down her throat. It made her feel like a monster herself, but she knew she had no choice. The whites of her eyes clouded with blood as she felt strength course through her veins. She reminded herself to thank her lover for the blood after the fighting was over. Always doin for me with out thought. The big lug.

Applejack hissed, baring her fangs and glaring at her ancestral enemy, “Ah'm gonna tear out yer heart and shove it down yer throat.”

“It feels good doesn't it?” He said.

The cow pony answered by charging at the vampire lord. To a normal onlooker, it would have seemed like she teleported, but to two vampires it was a normal, natural speed. Applejack's blade collided with his with force enough to shatter the weapons if they weren't enchanted.

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Midnight was looking down his hooves after Pinkie explained what was going on.

“I, I'm sorry.” He said to Ruby, “I just... I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions.”

Ruby was shocked to say the least, “It's quite all right. I'm surprised you're so friendly towards me.”

“Well, my dad stood up to Celestia to save Surprise. If he can do that for a changeling than I can at least be nice.” He said, “Besides, you don't seem bad to me, despite what those other ones did in Canterlot.”

“Your dad?” Asked Ruby, confusion clear on her face, “You mean that cat?”

“He adopted me.” The colt beamed, “Some bad ponies wanted to kill me to end the world and he saved me... twice. When he found out that I didn't have a family he and my mom adopted me. She was the unicorn that was with him.”

“I saw her.” The changeling said, “In Tartarus, she was there, but that cat guy busted in there and took her.”

“That's my dad.” Midnight said, “He's always fighting to protect everyone.”

“If only all ponies were more like you.” Ruby said, “Thank you all for showing me such kindness. And thank you especially, Ms. Pie. You took care of a changeling filly when most would want to see her dead. I can never thank you enough.”

Pinkie was still upset about losing her foal but she had to do the right thing. The group walked toward the door.

“I need to leave before the others get here. I'm sorry, but I can't stay here.” Rubies horn lit up as the front gate opened.

Pinkie held the baby out to her mother. As Ruby reached out to take her a spear erupted from her abdomen, spraying the others with blood. Ruby's eyes widened with fear.

“Run...” She said as her horn was enveloped in green fire, “Take care of her.”

She was pulled out of the shelter as the three ponies and one dog turned and ran back inside screaming an alarm. Behind them, an explosion of green flame rocked the entrance.

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Important, please read this. Do not skip.

As you know I like involving my readers in the story making process. Well now you have a humongous decision to make. I have two endings; one nice and happy, fairytale ending, and the other a bittersweet ending with a tragic death. Which would you like to see? Both will be posted (eventually), but the one you vote for will be the one that's official and will play a role in... wait for it... the sequel! That's right folks, a sequel to Chaotic Harmony is in the works. It'll be a while before I start it but I already have a basic outline and setting.

Vote via PM. One vote per person. Voting will continue until I say it's done.

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