• Published 11th Oct 2018
  • 5,233 Views, 294 Comments

A Trail Leading Home - Hades Shadow 92

A father and his little filly find a home in Ponyville. What new adventures await them? And will the past catch up with them?

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Ch. 9 - Comet's First Lesson

Chapter 9

Comet’s First Lesson

Saturday could not have come soon enough for Comet as she bounced with excitement as soon as she came downstairs from bed. Trail laughed as her enthusiasm was contagious. He made both of them breakfast, just simple toast and cereal. But Comet knew that in one hours time, Starlight Glimmer would arrive to start their first magic lesson.

“Comet, you’re gonna bounce right out of your seat if you don’t settle down a little sweetheart.” Trail said, chuckling at her excitement.

“But I can’t help it daddy, it’s my first real magic lesson ever!” Comet said gleefully as she couldn’t contain herself.

“Real magic lesson? What, so my lessons don’t count?” Trail said with a smirk.

Comet stuck her tongue out at him, “You know what I meant.”

They both laughed as they finished their breakfast, putting the dishes away and doing a bit of cleanup in the kitchen. The morning was just like any other, the sun was shining perfectly through the windows of the house. Not a cloud could be seen in the sky, a perfect day.

A knock came at the door, and Comet immediately rushed to the door.

“Miss Starlight you’re here!” Comet shouted gleefully.

But when she looked at the pony standing in their doorway, it was not her tutor.

Ditzy Doo stood there with a confused look on her face, “She is? I didn’t see her. Least I don’t think so.”

Trail came to the door and smiled, “Good Morning Ditzy, any mail for us today?”

She beamed and pulled out a few letters, passing them to him. “There you go Trail, and a good morning to you both.”

Comet deflated just a little but smiled still, “Hi Miss Ditzy, thanks for the mail. Sorry for the mixup.”

“No problem, I get ponies mixed up sometimes too. Enjoy your morning, I gotta get back to my route.” Ditzy said, lifting off only to hit her head on the porch lamp.

Trail shook his head, “You ok Ditzy?”

“Oh yeah, not the first bump on the head this morning. Bye.” Ditzy said, flying off to the next pony on her route.

Comet closed the door and slumped against it, “You don’t think she forgot, do you Daddy?”

Comet’s eyes started to water a little, her ears drooped as she began to fear the worst. What if Starlight didn’t think she was worth her time?

Trail lowered his head to her level, “Sweetheart, no need to worry. Starlight would never forget something like this. I’m sure she’ll be here real quick.”

Comet smiled a little, but still sat there, her back leaning on the door.

Suddenly, the door opened and she fell backwards, landing on her back with an “oof.”

Looking up from her position, she saw the pony she had been waiting for all morning. Starlight Glimmer was standing above her, a look of concern on her face.

“Comet, are you alright? I didn’t know you were right at the door. I should have knocked first.” Starlight said, lifting Comet back to her hooves with her magic.

When Comet was back on her hooves, she immediately wrapped her forelegs around Starlight’s neck, hugging her new magic teacher giggling.

“You’re here! You’re finally here!” Comet squealed.

Starlight was surprised but returned the embrace as best she could. Comet soon let go and they walked into the house.

“I guess I was a little later than I said I would be. Twilight and Spike needed some help... cleaning up after breakfast.” Starlight said, ending with a nervous chuckle.

“Did something happen this morning?” Trail asked.

She cleared her throat, “Let’s just say it’ll be a while before Spike trusts me to make pancakes again. I swear I thought I got it all right.”

Trail and Comet laughed at that, with Starlight joining in after a bit of blushing.

After some small talk, Trail gathered his bow and saddlebags and headed for the door.

“Alright then, I’ll be heading out for the Everfree. Comet, behave for Starlight, and have fun sweetie.” Trail said, nuzzling his filly as she joined him at the door.

“I will Daddy. Have fun, and tell Zecora I said hi.” Comet said.

“I will. And Miss Starlight, I trust I can leave my daughter in your capable hooves?” Trail asked with a smirk.

Starlight rolled her eyes but smiled, “I told you not to call me that Trail, and yes, Comet will be just fine with me.”

Trail nodded and left out the door, off to the Everfree to meet with Zecora once again.

Starlight and Comet set up in the backyard, a wide open space with a porch. On the porch was a table and four chairs. A decent sized canopy sat over the furniture, giving the porch a nice shady spot for ponies to get out of the sun.

Comet and Starlight were on the grass away from the porch however, setting up some objects for the lesson.

Comet sat in front of Starlight as the counselor pony spoke, “Alright Comet, your first lesson starts now. I hope you’re ready for a long day of practice.”

“Yes Ma’am!” Comet shouted as she bounced slightly in excitement.

“Right! Now let’s start with the spell you were having trouble with. Transfiguration, right?” Starlight asked.

Comet’s ears drooped only slightly, “Yeah…”

“Alright, now let’s see how far you’ve come on your own. Try turning this rock into a teacup.” Starlight said, placing a rock in front of Comet.

Comet took a deep breath and closed her eyes, lighting her horn and focusing her magic around the rock. The rock shook a little in her magical aura, but it did not change shape. Comet tried to put more power into the spell, clenching her teeth from the strain of using so much magic. Sparks flew from her horn, yet still nothing. Eventually, Comet’s magic sputtered out and she slumped.

She couldn’t bear to look at Starlight, not after she failed in front of her so badly.

“I think I see what your problem is sweetie.” Starlight said as she moved next to the filly.

Comet slowly looked up at her, almost afraid of what the answer would be.

Starlight spoke plainly and directly, “You’re trying too hard.”

Comet’s expression changed from scared to outright confused. What could she possibly mean by that?

“I don’t understand. What do you mean I’m trying too hard?” Comet asked, looking up at the older mare.

Starlight smiled and wrapped a hoof around her shoulder, “You are too tense, too stiff. Magic is all about feeling and emotion. If you try and force yourself by simply concentrating harder, you’ll only succeed in tiring yourself out, expending too much magic for a simple spell.”

Comet could not believe what she was hearing. All this time, she had been looking at this the wrong way. It was so simple, yet it eluded her.

“So, I’ve been doing this to myself?” Comet asked.

“Yes, but don’t worry. Now I know where we should begin.” Starlight said, levitating the rock away and sitting next to Comet.

“Alright Comet, we are going to practice magic flow. Take a seat next to me please.” Starlight said, sitting on her haunches.

Comet raised an eyebrow, but did as she was told. Sitting next to her teacher, she looked up to her for instruction.

“Now close your eyes, take deep breaths and relax.” Starlight said, closing her eyes.

Comet took a deep breath, relaxing her muscles and closing her eyes like her teacher. It felt nice, being there with a calm breeze blowing.

“Good. Now I want you to focus your magic through your horn. No spells, just let it flow.” Starlight said.

Comet again did as she was told, activating her magic and letting it just flow. It was hard not to focus on a spell and just let it flow. Her horn glowed her signature light blue aura. After a minute or so, the glow started to spark. Comet’s eyes clenched as she tried to maintain focus.

Starlight opened her eyes and looked at her student, seeing her struggle to control the flow of magic. She placed her hoof on her shoulder.

“Comet, relax. Don’t force the magic, let it flow on its own.” Starlight said.

Comet tried to calm down, but she just couldn’t. It was like if she let go, the magic would stop. She couldn’t disappoint her new teacher, she just couldn’t.

“I don’t know how. What should I do?” Comet said, still straining.

Starlight thought for a moment and came up with an idea, “Comet. I want you to imagine a stream. Think of your magic like a flowing stream. You are the reservoir, and you need to let the magic run its course. Don’t try to fight it.”

Comet took a breath and began to imagine a stream. Water flowing down in a straight line, clear blue water shining in the sunlight. As the water flowed, the glow in her horn began to settle, less sparks coming from it. As she continued to let the water flow, she felt something. A bend in the river, her horn sparking again.

But she took another breath and let the water flow back down the path, not forcing it. Her magic seemed to grow, the light shining brighter on her horn. Starlight could sense her magic flow, seeming bigger than she originally thought.

“Very good Comet. Now I want you to stop the flow. Not abruptly, just let it go gently. Like slowing turning off a sink faucet.” Starlight said.

Comet took a deep breath and tried to stop the flow of magic, but something didn’t feel right. Her magic kept going, overflowing down the river. She struggled to stop it, but it just wouldn’t stop. Her horn glowed brighter as the flow seemed to increase rather than decrease. Comet soon got frustrated and tried to force it to stop.

That was a mistake, as the magic soon sparked and burst out her horn. Starlight was pushed back a few feet, landing on her back, while Comet fell backwards, hitting her head on the ground. A pain shook through her skull as she made contact with the dirt, the back of her head was throbbing from the pain. Her horn sputtered and the glow faded out.

“Comet, are you ok?” Starlight said, having recovered and made her way to the filly’s side.

Comet didn’t answer as tears began to form, slowly gaining in volume and flowed down her face. She turned on the ground and buried her muzzle in the dirt, crying out in frustration and pain. Starlight was taken aback by this.

“Comet sweetie, it’s ok. Everypony messes up sometimes. That’s why we’re practicing.” Starlight said, trying to comfort the crying filly.

“But.. I tried so hard. I was… doing good, and then I messed... up like always.” Comet said, sniffling and hiccuping between her words as tears continued to fall.

“Sweetie, no pony gets it on their first try. That’s why you practice, so you can get better.” Starlight said, laying down next to the filly.

“But no matter how much I try, I always mess up! I’ll never be any good at magic, never! That’s why I don’t have my cutiemark yet, I have no talent!” Comet cried out in frustration.

As soon as she said those words, she found herself in a tight hug, her head resting against something warm and soft. She looked up and through her tears, she saw Starlight looking down at her with a stern yet sorrowful look.

“Don’t you ever let me catch you saying that again young filly. You have so much talent, and so much potential. I refuse to let a promising filly like you give up.” Starlight said, her expression softening as she held the filly.

Comet sniffled a little, and rested her head against Starlight’s chest, taking deep breaths with a few lingering sobs. Starlight simply sat there, holding her and stroking her mane to calm her down. After a few minutes, Comet calmed down enough that she looked up to her tutor again.

“You really think I have potential Miss Starlight?” Comet asked meekly.

“Of course I do, no other student works as hard as you do Comet. You just need some guidance. And I have to say, you have more magic in you than I originally thought too.” Starlight said, smiling down at her student.

“I do?” Comet asked curiously.

“Absolutely. I haven’t seen a magic surge like that since… well me when I was your age.” Starlight said, pausing in her words.

Comet smiled at that. She impressed her tutor, even if she didn’t mean to. And she really believed in her. Comet giggled and hugged Starlight again. Starlight joined in the laughter as well.

As the two recovered, Comet got back on her hooves and they started the lesson again, things going a bit more smoothly. After about three tries, Comet finally got the magic flow to work for her. Starlight gave her a few more exercises to work on, and before they knew it, lunch had arrived.

“Alright Comet, I think that’s enough for today.” Starlight said, getting up from her seat.

Comet once again stopped the flow of magic successfully and got up as well.

“Aww it is lunch time already?” Comet pouted.

Starlight chuckled at her student, “Now Comet, even the best spellcasters need to know when it is time to rest. Don’t want to overstrain your horn, or it’ll fall off.”

Comet gave her a deadpanned look, “Starlight, that’s impossible. Magic burnout is most certainly a thing, but no amount of strain on the horn could cause it to fall off.”

Starlight burst out laughing, “You sounded just like Twilight just now.”

Comet held her head high, “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

Both mares went inside, finding a seat on the couch. Trail was due to return soon, and Starlight planned to wait until he got back before she left her student.

“So Comet, what did you think of your first lesson?” Starlight asked.

“Well other than that little hiccup in the beginning, I loved it! Thank you so much Miss Starlight.” Comet said, starting out embarrassed and shifting to excited.

“Hey, it’ll all work out. Just keep practicing and you’ll be top of your class in no time.” Starlight said, patting Comet on the shoulder.

Comet giggled, and then a thought came to her mind. Something Starlight had said earlier.

“Miss Starlight, you said I had more magic than you originally thought. Do I have more than an average filly my age?” Comet asked.

Starlight nodded, “Sure. A surge like that isn’t something most unicorns can do. Most unicorns have their magic focused on their special talent. For example, Rarity’s is focused on levitation for her dresses, and finding gemstones.”

“But I don’t know what my special talent is.” Comet said, her shoulders slumping a little.

Starlight put a hoof on her shoulder, “I’m sure you’ll find it soon. You’re a late bloomer that’s all. I was a late bloomer too you know.”

Comet looked surprised, “Really?”

“Oh yeah, my friend Sunburst got his and went off to magic school at Princess Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. And I didn’t get mine until years later.” Starlight said.

“But you’re so good at magic, I figured you would have been the first to find your special talent.” Comet said.

“That goes to show you Comet, you never know when your mark will appear, but it will eventually.” Starlight said, booping Comet’s nose with her hoof.

Both mares giggled and fell back against the couch. Starlight looked around and saw a couple of photos sitting on a shelf. The first she saw had Trail Blazer holding a baby unicorn, that was most definitely Comet. The next one really caught her interest as it had three other figures standing next to Trail and Comet.

One was a griffin with greyish white feathers on her head and neck, leading to a darker grey coat on the cat part of her body. Her wings were a light grey, with the gray darkening on the top of them. Marking along her head went from her eyes to the back of her head. Her bright blue eyes bore the look of a griffin who was proud of her looks and not afraid to show it. Confidence seemed to radiate around her.

The next figure was a zebra mare, reminding her a lot of Zecora, but built more like an athlete. No rings around her neck, but three earrings on her left ear. Her eyes were green and looking at the camera with a soothing calmness.

The last figure was a purple unicorn mare with a dark pinkish mane, sitting in a wheelchair. Comet was sitting in her lap, the older mare’s blue eyes looking down at the filly. Those eyes were the same as Trail’s.

“Hey Comet, who are those people in the picture with you and Trail?” Starlight asked, pointing at the photo in question.

Comet looked to the photo and smiled brightly, levitating it over to them to get a closer look.

“This is our whole family. Me and Daddy of course. The griffin is my Auntie Tala, the zebra is my Auntie Zala, and the older unicorn is my grandmare, Valley Trail.” Comet said, pointing to the individuals as she introduced them.

Starlight raised an eyebrow, “You have two aunts that aren’t ponies?”

“Well not by blood, but they helped daddy raise me, so they’re family in our eyes.” Comet said, smiling brightly at the picture.

Starlight nodded and looked at the picture again, “I see. So where is your mom? Was she not around, or was she taking the picture?”

Comet’s ears drooped a little and looked to her tutor, “I don’t have a mom, Miss Starlight.”

Starlight’s eyes widened, “Oh I’m sorry Comet. I didn’t know. Did something happen to her?”

Comet looked away, “I don’t know. I never met her. Daddy doesn’t like to talk about it. He said he’d explain when the time is right.”

Starlight was even more confused, and concerned. What happened to her mother? Why was she not around to raise her? So many questions. But it wasn’t her place to pry. Though she wondered if Trail would answer some of her questions when he got back.

Author's Note:

Hey guys, another chapter and I didn't take several months. Progress XD

I had a lot of fun with this chapter. Hope you all enjoy it too.

Next time, Tumble in the Trees.