• Published 11th Oct 2018
  • 5,320 Views, 301 Comments

A Trail Leading Home - Hades Shadow 92

A father and his little filly find a home in Ponyville. What new adventures await them? And will the past catch up with them?

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Ch. 32 - Heartbreak

Chapter 32

– Heartbreak –

Starlight sat there, unmoving, tears running down her cheeks as she stared off into the crowd that Trail had ran off into. She didn’t know how much time had passed. She didn’t say anything. Voices were talking all around her, but she couldn’t hear what they were saying. She focused back on the ponies around her.

“What the hell is going on? Trixie demands an answer as to why Trixie’s best friend is crying and broken?” Trixie shouted.

“Look, it’s complicated.” Tala said.

“Complicated!? Starlight is in tears and Trail Blazer is gone! I can see right through this!” Rarity yelled.

“Ladies, please. There is no need to shout. This is all a misunderstanding.” Valley said, trying to calm everyone down.

“Misunderstanding!? Trixie’s best friend is heartbroken and you call it a misunderstanding!?” Trixie shouted even louder.

“Hey! Quit shouting at her!” Tala said, growling defensively next to her mother.

ENOUGH” Twilight shouted as she landed between the two groups.

“What is going on here? I could hear the shouting from the apple bobbing stand.” Twilight said.

Trixie and Rarity pointed to Starlight Glimmer, who saw her mentor and that started the sobs again. Twilight immediately flew to hug her student, allowing Starlight to cry into her chest.

“What happened Starlight?” Twilight asked softly.

“Trail hates me…” Starlight said between sobs.

“What? That’s not true Starlight.” Twilight said, softly stroking Starlight’s mane.

“Trixie saw Trail Blazer running away and then saw Starlight in this state. Trixie believes that Trail rejected Starlight’s advances.” Trixie said bluntly.

Starlight cried louder.

“Trixie! That’s not helping!” Twilight said sharply.

Trixie flinched and moved closer to the two mares, ears lowered. She hugged Starlight from behind, leaving the mage surrounded by her closest friends.

“It’s not because of Starlight.” Tala said, gaining everyone’s attention.

“What do you mean?” Twilight asked.

Starlight heard this as well and looked up, seeing the griffin looking down and really sad. Starlight had never seen Tala like this.

Valley Trail spoke up, “Starlight dear. Please understand that this is not what you think. Trail does care for you, I know this. There is something I think all of you should know about.”

Ten minutes earlier…

Trail ran away, ignoring the calls of his sister and mother. He couldn’t stay there. The images kept repeating in his mind. Images of “her”.

He didn’t even notice as his sister Zala and Zecora were walking toward him.

“Oh brother, come to find us? We were just on our way.” Zala said, smiling widely.

He didn’t respond, only running around them and further down the path, ignoring their calls as well. He had to get away. He couldn’t face it. He couldn’t relive it.

“What do you mean Valley Trail?” Twilight asked.

“My son does not hate you Starlight. That much is fact. This situation was caused by something else. Something I had hoped Trail had left behind.” Valley said.

Before Twilight could ask another question, Zala and Zecora appeared at the scene.

“Mother, what is going on? Trail just ran past us without even noticing we were there. He looked distressed.” Zala said worriedly.

“Come dear. I’ll explain.” Valley said, ushering her daughter closer.

Zecora and Zala listened to what had transpired in their absence, Zala’s face growing more pale and worried by the end.

“It’s been so long. I thought he had put it behind him.” Zala said.

“We couldn’t have known dear. Trauma does not easily leave one’s soul.” Valley said.

Starlight finally spoke up, “Trauma? What trauma?”

Valley, Tala, and Zala all looked at Starlight, Twilight, Trixie, and Rarity with looks of worry and sadness.

“You all have been such kind friends to Trail. Especially Starlight. He told us about your past and how you told him despite how afraid you were about him judging you. You deserve the same trust.” Zala said.

“Gather the rest of your friends. We don’t like telling this story more than we have to.” Tala said.

“While you do that, I will look after Trail. He needs me.” Valley said, wheeling herself away.

Twilight nodded and flew off to collect the other elements of harmony. Trixie stayed with Starlight, holding her for support. Starlight could only imagine what story she was about to be told, if their expression were any indication.

Comet had run after her father shortly after he ran off and Starlight stopped responding to her. She needed to fix what she had done. This was all her idea. She caused this tragedy. She may have destroyed what feelings her daddy and Starlight had. She had to fix this, she had to find him.

Her father was bigger and faster than her though. Comet had lost him and Ocellus after a few minutes of running. She panted and tried to find her father. So many ponies were walking through the streets, she couldn’t see past any of them.

“Comet sweetie.” Her nana’s voice said from behind her.

“Nana, what did I do? DId I hurt daddy?” Comet asked, tears in her eyes.

Valley Trail picked up her grandfilly in her magic and placed her on her lap.

“No dear. No you did not. Your father is hurting. And it’s time that you knew why. Come with me. We will find him.” Valley said, smiling at Comet.

Comet nodded slowly and laid her head in Nana's chest as she wheeled them along. She didn’t say a word. She didn’t know what to say. What was hurting her daddy?

“Twilight, y’all gonna tell us what this is about? Why does Starlight look like she’s been crying all night?” Applejack asked as she walked into the throne room.

“I’ll explain as soon as everypony gets here, Applejack.” Twilight said.

“Found everyone Twi!” Rainbow Dash shouted as she barreled through the door.

She was followed by Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Spike. All the Elements sat down in their respective chairs. Starlight sat next to Twilight, and Trixie sat next to Starlight. Zecora stood at the end of the table, close to Zala.

Zala and Tala stood a few steps away from the table so that everyone could see and hear everything. Their expressions showed distress and discomfort, like their skin was crawling.

“We thank you for coming. To those here who did not see the incident occur, our brother ran away from Starlight during a moment they had accidentally fell atop one another. Trail then pushed Starlight off and ran into the night. Let us be clear that Starlight was not the reason for our brother’s reaction.” Zala explained.

Everyone looked shocked at the story but none spoke up, allowing the sisters to continue.

“You all have been awesome friends to our brother, so we trust you to keep what you hear in this room a secret. It’s not something we want floating around.” Tala said.

Everyone nodded and leaned in anticipation.

“I’m sure it has come up at some point, whether by a simple question or an accident. But you were most likely never given a clear answer. The time has come to get those answers.” Zala said.

Tala looked at everyone intensely, “Time to learn who Comet’s mother is.”

Trail soon found himself at home, hiding in his room and refusing to move from his bed. He cried and wept as the painful memories flooded his mind. But more than that, how ashamed he was at how he reacted to Starlight. Did she truly want to kiss him? Did she actually have… feelings for him?

The door to his room opened and he flinched. Turning to the door, he saw not only his mother rolling into the room, but his daughter laying against her chest. As soon as Comet was within jumping distance, she leapt onto the bed and hugged her father with all her might.

“Daddy, I’m sorry!” Comet cried, burying her head in his chest.

Trail soon broke into sobs himself, hugging her so quickly and tightly that his hat flew off his head and landed on the floor. Valley Trail was now right next to the bed, looking at the two with what only could be described as a motherly expression.

“Sweetie, please don’t cry. You didn’t do anything wrong.” Trail said.

“But I scared Starlight and put you two in that situation. I was trying to make you get closer to one another. I thought I was helping. But I ruined everything.” Comet said, sobbing hard.

Trail was shocked, “What do you mean? Helping with what sweetheart?”

Comet sniffled, “I thought you and Starlight liked each other, so I tried to help you be together.”

“Comet, I don’t know what to say. Starlight and I are friends.” Trail said.

But as he said that, a pain shot through his chest. Was Starlight just a friend? DId he see her as more? DId she see him as more than a friend?

“I’ve seen the way you two are with each other. All the time you spend with that mare. Can’t you see it, son?” Valley said.

Trail looked at his mother and looked away after a minute or so. He truly didn’t have an answer. Could he have those feelings?

But everytime he thought about the way Starlight was looking at him, he flinched and more tears came.

“Trail, you must let it out.” Valley said, holding his face with a hoof.

“Let what out? Daddy, what’s wrong?” Comet asked.

Trail tried to close his eyes tighter, he couldn’t talk about it. Not in front of Comet.

“Trail, it’s time she knew. She’s old enough to understand.” Valley said.

He shook his head.

“Trail, your daughter sees your pain. Do you truly wish to make her continue watching?” Valley said.

Comet snuggled up against her father and broke him out of his shell. He looked at her, and took a deep breath.

“You’re right Mom. She deserves better. My Comet, my little filly.” Trail said, nuzzling his daughter’s head.

She looked up at him, “What are you two talking about?”

Trail took another breath to calm his nerves, “Sweetie, it’s time you learned about your mother.”

Author's Note:

Hey guys, Hades here.

So I hope all of you aren't sharpening your ptichforks and lighting the torches after this chapter. I promise, I am going to tell the story next chapter. No more tiptoeing.

Have patience, and please don't kill me.

See you next chapter.