• Published 11th Oct 2018
  • 5,233 Views, 294 Comments

A Trail Leading Home - Hades Shadow 92

A father and his little filly find a home in Ponyville. What new adventures await them? And will the past catch up with them?

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Ch. 16 - Scraps and Bruises

Chapter 16

-- Scraps and Bruises --

“Ow!” Gallus said.

“Quit your whining kid. Take it like a griffin.” Tala said, applying the salve to his slightly burnt chest.

Gallus was currently sitting on the couch in Trail’s living room, with Tala sitting on her haunches in front of him. The rest of the students were spread out around the room, some simply getting rest while the others were being treated by Trail.

“When you are done with that sister, the brew for regrowing his fur is ready.” Zala said, fiddling with objects on the kitchen counter, aka her makeshift alchemy lab.

Trail and his sisters had taken the children back to his house as they planned, and immediately started examining the injuries that the children had. Thankfully none of them truly had any serious injuries. Minor burns, scraps and bruises, etc.

“Sorry about that Gallus.” Smoulder said in a nasally tone, as her nose was still recovering from the powder.

“Hey, not your fault. It’s all goo… Aaah cold.” Gallus said, his face scrunching from the feeling of the salve.

“And done. Now put your complaining and get the potion from Zala in the kitchen.” Tala said, pointing to the kitchen.

Gallus quickly got up and went into the kitchen, taking the potion from Zala.

“Take that and your fur should regrow in a few days.” Zala said, getting up from behind her chemistry set and into the living room.

Trail was examining Sandbar, who all in all only had a few bruises and some soreness. Trail applied some medicine that Zala gave him to the kid’s bruises, to help with the pain.

“How’s that, better?” Trail said.

“Yeah, much better. Thank you Mr. Trail.” Sandbar said.

“Just Trail is fine, kiddo.” Trail said.

Yona came by and had her head down, “Yona is very sorry Sandbar.”

Sandbar smiled, “Yona, it wasn't your fault. Whoever cast a sleep spell on you is the one who will be sorry.”

Yona gave a tiny smile and laid down next to him. Her legs were still a little wobbly from the spell.

“Yeah, what kind of jerk was messing with us? Being in a net is no fun at all.” Silverstream said.

She was pretty much unharmed, only embarrassed by the fact she was caught so easily.

“I don’t know, but whoever it was, I hope Princess Twilight finds them.” Ocellus said, sitting with Silverstream.

“I agree. They almost fed you to a spider, who does that!?” Comet said, also sitting with her friends.

Comet was exhausted from pushing herself at the end and had a few bruises from her tumble at the beginning of the race, but otherwise was ok.

“Calm down sweetheart. No use getting worked up about it. All we can do is wait for Princess Twilight and Starlight to come back, hopefully with some evidence that points us to the pony behind all this.” Trail said.

Comet nodded, ears drooped.

“Yeah, and when I find the little punk, he’s gonna be one sorry dude.” Tala said, raking her claws against the floor.

“Easy Tala, best let the Princess deal with punishment.” Trail said, looking at his sister.

“Oh yeah, like community service, or some little fine to add to the royal treasury right?” Tala said.

“Tala, this isn’t Griffinstone. You can’t take matters into your own claws.” Trail shot back at her.

“Some punk ruins a race my niece looked forward to, and I’m just supposed to let them off easy? No way!” Tala yelled.

“I’m afraid I must disappoint you Miss Tala.” A voice said from the doorway.

Everyone looked to see Princess Twilight and Starlight Glimmer entering the house, the former had a serious look on her face while the latter went directly for Comet and her friends.

“Princess, did you find anything?” Zala asked, checking on Yona and helping her with her balance.

“I’m afraid whoever did this has made sure they stay hidden. We found some magical traces on the race track but not enough to pinpoint an exact match.” Twilight explained.

Starlight spoke up next, “And without a precise match, we can’t accuse anyone of interfering with the race.”

“So we’re just gonna let the little punk get away with it!?” Tala screamed.

“I’m not saying that Miss Tala. We will continue to search for evidence, but we can’t act until we know for sure who it is.” Twilight said sternly, staring the griffin down.

Tala huffed and sat back down on the couch, refusing to look at the pony princess.

Trail thought for a moment, “If it was a unicorn, they would have been quite the spellcaster. Did you find any hoofprints or some kind of sign in the treeline?”

Starlight shook her head, “Another that a small animal couldn’t leave behind.”

Trail hummed in thought, placing a hoof under his chin.

Suddenly Smoulder stood up and roared, “I know who it was! Tourmaline! He would pull something like this!”

Everyone looked to her, Twilight putting on a serious expression again.

“Smoulder, what proof do you have that he did it? As far as I know, Tourmaline was at the school during the race. I saw him in the library before I left.” Twilight said.

“He could have snuck out! He’s always had a bone to pick with us, especially Comet!” Smoulder fired back.

Trail turned to Comet, “Who is the Tourmaline? And why would he have a problem with you sweetheart?”

Comet looked away, “I don’t know why. Ever since my first day he’s been a jerk. Always calling us names, making fun of how I was raised. Always bragging that he gets top scores in Magic and Theory.”

Trail looked to Twilight, “So this Tourmaline has resentment towards Comet and her friends, and is skilled in magic. That seems to provide both a motive and the skills required.”

“I agree it does raise some questions. But without physical evidence placing him at the race, we can’t punish him for it.” Twilight said.

“Twilight, I agree with Trail. That colt has been a problem ever since he came to the school. He hardly puts any effort into any class other than Magic and Theory, and I’ve had several students, including Comet and her friends complain about him.” Starlight stated.

Twilight sighed, “I know. The other teachers have complained about him too. I’ve talked to him about it, but he refuses to listen. I’ve sent several letters to his father about it, but I never get a reply.”

“If this kid is only in it for the magic, why didn’t he try at Celestia’s school in Canterlot? Isn’t that school made specifically for magic?” Tala asked.

“That is a good question. I’ve never had a reason to look into it, but perhaps it’s time to ask Princess Celestia about it.” Twilight said.

“Forgive me Princess, but if this has been going on for a while, why only consider it now?” Trail asked.

“I had hoped that someone at my school could help him see the magic of friendship. But that hasn’t been the case. I don’t wish to give up on him. But I am willing to look into him.” Twilight said.

Trail sighed, “I have full respect for you and what your school is trying to accomplish Princess. But if this colt is as bad as everyone is saying, then something needs to be done.”

“I will send a letter to Princess Celestia when I return to the castle. I will ask her advice on this matter.” Twilight said.

Trail nodded to that.

And then another thought hit him, “What about the field trip? Is he going to attend?”

Twilight thought for a moment, “I believe so. He may skip that day. He was never interested in outdoor activities.”

“And what if he tries something during the trip?” Smoulder spoke up.

Tala huffed, “I say don’t let the kid go. I don’t want a kid like that around Comet. Especially out in the forest.”

“We can’t just tell him that he can’t go without a legitimate reason.” Twilight said.

“You just said the kid probably doesn’t even want to go. So the only reason he’d want to go is to have another shot at Comet and her friends. The race was one thing, but out there, ponies can get really hurt.” Tala spat back.

“And I can’t punish a student for something we cannot prove he did!” Twilight shot back.

Tala stared down the Princess of Friendship, neither backing down. Starlight saw this and got between the two.

“Please calm down everyone. Arguing over this isn’t going to help.” Starlight said.

Tala huffed but backed off anyway. Twilight took a breath to calm herself.

Seeing the two calm down, Starlight continued, “Now, here is what we can do. Let’s see what Princess Celestia tells us about Tourmaline, and I’ll keep a closer eye on him at the school. As far as the field trip goes, if he wants to go, we’ll let him. But I’ll also attend the field trip to make sure nothing happens. Sound fair to everyone?”

Tala begrudgingly nodded, and Twilight nodded as well.

Trail stepped, “I’ll let Zecora know what’s going on as well. She, myself, and Starlight will all be in charge of the field trip and keep an eye on him as well as keep the students safe.”

“Don’t we get a say in this?” Sandbar asked.

The adults looked over to see Comet and her friends all standing, looking over at them.

Starlight shook her head, “I know how you all feel about him. So I need to ask you not to confront Tourmaline about this. Accusing him without evidence could play right into his hooves.”

“So we’re just supposed to forget all that stuff at the race even happened!?” Smoulder said, a puff of flame escaping her mouth.

She felt a claw on her shoulder, making her turn to see Silverstream.

“Smoulder, I know you’re mad. But they’re right. We don’t have proof. And if we go after Tourmaline without proof, it’ll just look like another schoolyard brawl.” Silverstream said.

“Yona want to smash mean rich pony too. But Yona also know that we shouldn’t make assumptions just cause we don’t like somepony.” Yona said.

Ocellus walked up next to Silverstream, “I agree with Silverstream and Yona. Let’s hold off on confronting him until we know for sure.”

“Oh come on Ocellus, he nearly fed you to a spider!” Smoulder yelled.

“Yes, and part of me wants to put him in a cocoon and hang him from the ceiling, but we can’t do that!” Ocellus said.

Smoulder was shocked. Her changeling friend very rarely raised her voice. All of her other friends were taken aback as well.

Ocellus quickly noticed this and changed into a rock.

This caused her friends to laugh a little at her embarrassment, but eventually everyone calmed down and sat down next to Ocellus. Seeing everyone with her, she changed back and gave a bashful smile.

The clock on the wall rang out, making everyone look over to it. 6:00 pm.

“It’s getting late. Come on kids, we better get you all back to the school.” Starlight said.

Twilight nodded and started to head for the door, but as she turned to check on her students, they all were giving her and Starlight a look.

“Umm, Headmare Twilight, could we maybe stay the night with Comet?” Gallus asked.

Twilight was taken aback this time, and looked unsure.

“Oh, well, I don’t know. Trail?” Twilight said, looking to Trail Blazer.

Trail looked at Comet and her friends, his daughter moving in front of him.

“Oh please daddy, please?” Comet said, giving Trail the puppy eyes.

Trail looked to his sister, who simply smirked at him. And after a few seconds, he sighed and turned to Twilight and Starlight.

“I’m ok with it if you are Princess.” Trail said.

Twilight thought for a moment, earning a nudge from Starlight.

“Considering the day they had Twilight, I think we can let them have a night to enjoy themselves. Don’t you think?” Starlight said, giving Twilight a smile.

“You’re right Starlight. Very well students, you can spend the night. But I want you back at the school by lunchtime tomorrow, understood?” Twilight said.

“Yes Headmare Twilight.” All seven students said in unison.

Twilight nodded and looked to Trail, “Alright then Trail. I leave them in your care.”

“I’ll have them back at the school on time, you have my word on that Princess.” Trail said.

Twilight nodded one last time before she left out the door and disappeared in a flash of light. Starlight came up to Trail and smiled.

“Thank you for this Trail. The kids needed this after the day they had.” Starlight said.

“Agreed. We still on for coffee tomorrow morning?” Trail asked.

“Absolutely. See you then.” Starlight answered.

She too exited the home and disappeared in a flash of light. Trail closed the door and looked to the students.

“Well kids, I suppose we can whip you up something to eat. Go on upstairs to Comet’s room if you want. I’ll come get you when dinner is ready.” Trail said.

“Awesome!” All seven kids said as they rushed upstairs.

Zala walked up beside her brother, “You handled that situation well. I too am upset about what happened at the race, but I believe you made the right decision brother.”

Tala sighed, “Yeah, I guess I should go apologize to the Princess tomorrow. It’s just… seeing Comet and her friends all sad after they worked so hard for this race is infuriating!”

“All true sister. But we must keep cool heads. Rash decisions will only make this worse.” Zala said.

Tala smirked, “I swear Zala, you must have been a fortune cookie in a past life.”

Trail laughed at that, earning a poke in the rib from Zala. The zebra turned and went into the kitchen.

“Come then siblings, we have several mouths to feed tonight.” Zala said.

Trail and Tala moved behind her, entering the kitchen and preparing the meal.

“I got Gallus covered. What about the hippogriff, Silverstream was it?” Tala said.

“Yeah. And I believe they are omnivores. So perhaps fish will suffice. Got a supply in the freezer.” Trail said.

“Excellent. Was in the mood for some fish myself. Hope you got cod.” Tala grinned, moving to the freezer.

“Like I could forget your favorite fish.” Trail scoffed.

“So then Auntie Tala swooped down and stomped the cragadile’s head, making it miss daddy and give him time to line up another shot. All it took was one ice arrow and it froze like a popsicle.” Comet said, making gestures for all the action in her story.

“So cool! I watched Sky Claw Tala in the tournament a few years ago and she was totally awesome. Knocking down griffins left and right!” Gallus said enthusiastically.

“Yona want to see Sky Claw in action! Yona bet she’d be great at smashing!” Yona yelled excitedly.

“And let’s not forget your other aunt. I bet she’s got plenty of awesome stories too.” Sandbar said.

“If she tells stories as good as she cooks, then I bet so.” Ocellus said, licking her lips.

“Yeah, I haven’t had fish that good since last time I visited home.” Silverstream said, giggling a little.

The door to Comet’s room opened, revealing Trail Blazer.

“Alright kids, time for lights out.” Trail said.

The group gave a unison “awwww” as they picked themselves up.

“So the girls can stay up here with Comet. Gallus, Sandbar, you two can take the couch downstairs.” Trail said.

“You got it Mr. Trail.” Sandbar said.

That earned him a pillow to the face, making the girls all giggle.

“I told you. Just Trail is fine. Mister makes me feel old.” Trail laughed.

Gallus and Sandbar went out the door and into the hallway, leaving Trail to give out blankets and pillows he had gotten out of the closet to the girls.

“Sleep well girls.” Trail said.

“Night daddy.” Comet said, waving to her father.

He smiled as he watched the girls lay down and get comfortable. When he was satisfied, he left to help the boys settle in for the night.

At least something went right today.

Author's Note:

And here is another for you guys. I kept my promise and met my goal of 2 chapters before Christmas. I feel great.

And with that said, all that's left is...

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.
