• Published 11th Oct 2018
  • 5,318 Views, 301 Comments

A Trail Leading Home - Hades Shadow 92

A father and his little filly find a home in Ponyville. What new adventures await them? And will the past catch up with them?

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Ch. 7 - Tutor

Chapter 7


“Come on Comet, you can do it.” Ocellus said, giving her friend encouragement.

Comet’s face was straining as she focused on the spell, her horn glowing with it’s light blue aura. The rock she was focusing on glowed with the same aura as it floated in front of her. But after a minute of struggle, the rock crumbled and Comet let the magic stop.

Ocellus came up to her and patted her shoulder, “Comet, it’s ok. We can try again.”

Comet sniffled as her ears drooped, “What’s the use? I’ll never get the hang of this. Everyone else in class can transfigure objects so easy. I study more than anypony, why can’t I get this?”

Tears flowed down Comet’s cheeks as she grew more frustrated with herself. She kicked one of the spare rocks Ocellus had collected. It flew across the ground of the courtyard and hit a wall that Silverstream was sitting by, starting the hippogriff.

“Ah!” Silverstream yelped in shock, getting up from reading her book.

Comet say what she had done and quickly ran over to Silverstream, “”Silverstream I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to.”

Silverstream hovered over the unicorn, “Hey it’s ok. No harm done. You didn’t hit me, and I know you would never throw a rock at me.”

Comet’s ears drooped again, unable to look at anything but the ground.

Silverstream’s ears drooped and she looked to Ocellus, “She still having trouble with her magic homework?”

Ocellus nodded softly, “Yeah, she’s been losing sleep over it. Her dad is starting to get suspicious.”

Comet sat down on her rump and just held her head low. She felt like the worst unicorn in existence.

Silverstream and Ocellus quickly moved to hug their friend, trying to cheer her up. Comet grabbed onto Silverstream and rested her head on her chest, looking for comfort. She felt like such a loser.

“Comet, whatever is the matter darling?” A mare’s voice came from their side.

All three looked up to see Rarity walking over to them with a worried look.

Comet sniffled again and looked to Rarity, “Hi Miss Rarity.”

Rarity stood next to them, “Darling you look awful. What’s the matter?”

Ocellus spoke up, “Comet’s been struggling with her magic homework. She studied all the material but can’t seem to get the spell working.”

Rarity nodded, “I see. Darling, there is no shame in having a bit of trouble. All unicorns have difficulty with new spells.”

Comet pulled away from Silverstream to retrieve the spellbook she had been studying and showed Rarity.

“Headmare Twilight said we should practice this transfiguration spell for next week’s lesson. I understand the spell, but I can’t seem to get the right feel for it. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.” Comet said, looking down at the page.

Rarity looked at the page and nodded, “Yes, transfiguration can be tricky. I’m not much of a spell caster myself.”

Rarity then pulled out a handkerchief and gave it to Comet to dry her eyes. Comet took it and smiled up at the mare.

“Thank you Miss Rarity.” Comet said before drying her eyes. She returned the handkerchief and Rarity poofed it away.

“No trouble darling. Now come with me, I think I know just the pony you need to talk to.” Rarity said, getting up and gesturing Comet to follow her.

Comet nodded and turned to her friends, “I’ll see you girls at lunch?”

Ocellus smiled, “Absolutely. We’ll make sure to save your seat.”

Silverstream smiled as well and flew away with Ocellus.

Rarity led Comet inside the school, past the classrooms and into one of the main halls. Both mares eventually made it to their destination.

“Counselor Starlight?” Comet asked as they both stood outside the door.

Rarity nodded, “Darling, you have been under a lot of stress. Starlight will listen to your problems and help in anyway she can.”

Comet looked nervous for a second, but nodded.

Rarity knocked on the door, “Starlight, are you in darling?”

The door opened shortly after, and the purple counselor pony emerged with a smile.
“Hey Rarity, what do you need?” Starlight said, standing in the doorway.

Rarity gestured for Comet to step forward, which she did hesitantly.

“Comet here needs somepony to talk to. I told her there was no pony better for the job than you darling.” Rarity said.

Starlight looked to Comet, and smiled. “Absolutely, I’m free to talk right now if you want Comet.”

Comet nodded and walked inside after giving Rarity a nod of thanks. She walked into Starlight’s office, seeing it for the first time. Her desk was on the opposite side of the room from the door, shelves lining the walls filled with all kinds of books and artifacts. She looked up to see kites all across the ceiling as well. A couch laid just in front of her desk, so students could be comfortable.

She sat down on the couch in front of Starlight’s desk, and waited for Starlight to sit down. As Starlight sat in her office chair, she smiled to Comet.

“Alright, what seems to be the problem Comet?” She said, giving a comforting smile.

Comet fidgeted with her braid, something that Starlight had learned was her method of calming herself when she was nervous about something. She waited patiently in her chair for the filly to talk.

“Ok, I’ve been at this school for a couple of weeks now, and I’ve loved every second. But I’ve been having problems with Twilight’s magic class. It used to be my favorite class, when we were going over magical theory.” Comet said, pausing afterword for a second.

“Used to be? What changed?” Starlight asked, looking at the filly with concern.

“It’s the practice part of the class. I keep struggling with the spells every week, and I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong. I know all the mechanics of the spells, I study every day and night. But I still can’t get them to work right.” Comet said, her voice giving off a clear tone of frustration and sadness.

“I see. So you study enough, but struggle with the casting portion of your assignments.” Starlight said, her hooves pressed together in front of her in thought.

Comet just nodded and played with her mane again. She was so embarrassed, especially since this was a personal student of Princess Twilight she was speaking to.

“Comet, sweetie, there’s nothing to be ashamed of. Some unicorns struggle with practice more than theory.” Starlight said, giving the filly a comforting smile.

Comet looked away, “You’re just saying that to make me feel better…”

Starlight moved from behind her desk to sit on the couch with her.

“Nope, it’s true. Let me tell you about my friend Sunburst.” Starlight said, getting Comet’s attention.

“Sunburst is an old fillyhood friend of mine. He lives in the Crystal Empire as Princess Flurry Heart’s Crystaler. And let me tell you, he’s almost as big a bookworm as Twilight.” Starlight said, chuckling a little at her words.

She had Comet’s attention now. She had never been to the Crystal Empire, as it was too far north and the frozen tundra was unforgiving to everypony. Even her daddy wouldn’t try and explore there.

“Sunburst left for magic school right after he got his cutie mark. He went to Princess Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns.” Starlight said, levitating a tea kettle and some cups from a nearby shelf.

“I thought about going there once, but Daddy doesn’t like Canterlot.” Comet said, leaning back into the back of the couch.

Starlight raised an eyebrow at that, but decided she could ask Trail personally about it later.

“Well, Sunburst did pretty well in his classes at first, but soon he learned that he was better at theory than practice. Sound familiar?” Starlight said, winking at Comet.

Comet blushed a little, but nodded.

Starlight giggled and continued, “So Sunburst ended up dropping out of school and moved to the Crystal Empire. He eventually learned that some unicorns just have different talents when it comes to magic.”

Comet felt a little better, knowing it wasn’t just a problem she had. Though curiosity got the better of her, and she turned to the mare.

“What about you Miss Starlight?” Comet asked.

Starlight thought for a moment, “Well, I’m a special case according to Twilight. I never had any formal training as a filly. All my knowledge of magic came from my own studies. Twilight said I apparently have a talent for magic. I never thought about it, even after I got my cutie mark.” Starlight said, turning to look at her cutie mark.

Comet’s ears folded as she looked at her own flank, her fur showing no mark as it always had. She sighed and laid her down on the back of the couch.

Starlight looked at her curiously, “That is something I’ve been wondering for a while. Comet, you are the same age as Sandbar and the others, if maybe a bit younger. How do you not have your cutie mark yet?”

Comet looked at the councilor pony with a depressed look, “I don’t know honestly. Dad says I’m just a late bloomer, but lately I feel like I still haven’t found my special talent. And I have this feeling I will find it here at this school.”

Starlight smiled at her words and scooted closer to the filly, “I hope you find what you’ve been looking for.”

Comet smiled ever so slightly, but quickly went back to being depressed. Starlight hated seeing her like this, imagining Sunburst being the same way after a while during his school years. It reminded her of how much she wanted to be there to help her friend all those years ago. And just then, an idea popped into her head.

“Comet, I think I have the perfect solution to your problem.” Starlight said, grinning at the filly.

Comet jerked her head to look at the older mare, “Really? What?”

“Simple, I’m going to be your tutor.” Starlight said, smiling gently down at the filly.

Comet’s eyes widened and she did not move for a good minute. Starlight waved a hoof in front of her, yet no response came. She was getting a little worried that she said something wrong, but before she could get another word out, Comet had ensnared her in a tight hug around her neck.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Comet squealed with delight as she hugged her new magic tutor. She was so happy, finally someone who could really teach her magic. And she used to be Twilight’s student. This was going to be awesome!

“Comet… sweetie… can’t breathe.” Starlight gasped as the filly was hugging her a bit too tight.

Comet quickly let go and gave her a sheepish smile. Starlight rubbed her throat, but smiled down at the filly nonetheless.

“Alright Comet, I’ll need to talk with your dad about this before we get started. He and I are getting coffee tomorrow morning, so I’ll go over it with him then. Sound good?” Starlight asked.

Comet was bouncing around the room like a filly who had too much sugar.

What the two ponies failed to notice was a certain purple alicorn standing just outside the door, listening in on the conversation. She was smiling brightly as she watched her pupil make the filly’s day. She then walked off, leaving the two on their own.

Trail had finished moving a large crate over to Fluttershy’s chicken coop, sweat pouring down his brow. He sat down next to the crate and took a breather. Fluttershy came over soon after with a glass of lemonade.

“Thanks for your help Trail, I’m not very strong and that crate is a lot heavier than I’m used to.” She said, offering him the lemonade.

Trail accepted the glass, and tipped his hat to the mare.

“No trouble at all Fluttershy, it was the neighborly thing to do.” Trail said, drinking the lemonade quickly.

Fluttershy had gotten a delivery for her animal sanctuary, something Trail had not yet seen. The way she talked about it, it was a wonder how she taught her class and took care of all the animals at her sanctuary.

“So tell me Fluttershy, how is Comet doing in school? She’s told me a lot, but I’d like to get an inside opinion.” Trail asked.

Fluttershy sat down near him, “Oh she’s been doing wonderful in my class. She’s so gentle with all the small creatures that I bring in. Plus, she’s so familiar with all kinds of animals. I was honestly surprised when I brought in a vampire fruit bat and she could tell right away what type of bat it was.”

Trail chuckled at that, “That's my girl. She’s been all over Equestria and beyond with me, and she’s seen all kinds of wildlife.”

Fluttershy nodded, “That’s true. I actually borrowed a few of your books from Twilight. You must have put a lot of time in them.”

Trail nodded, “Sure did. Been exploring even since I was a colt. Drove my parents insane when I would sneak out of the house and explore the mountains.”

Fluttershy giggled, “Sounds like you were quite the trouble maker.”

Trail shrugged, “Eh, I had my moments. But I always did my chores and helped them around the house. Though Mother says Comet inherited my mischievous side. No idea what’s she talking about.”

Fluttershy and Trail burst out laughing at that, both holding their stomachs.

Trail then looked to her again after they calmed down, “On another note, I’ve been noticing that Comet has been a little stressed with her homework lately. I try to offer some help, but she tells me it’s nothing. Any idea what she could be having trouble with?”

Fluttershy thought for a moment, tapping her hoof on her chin.

“Not really. I don’t see her as often as the others do. When I’m not in class, I’m at my sanctuary taking care of the animals. You should ask Starlight or Twilight.”

Trail nodded, “Alright. Starlight and I are getting coffee tomorrow morning anyway. I’ll ask her about it.”

Fluttershy smiled, “That’s nice. Well I have to get to my sanctuary and start my chores. Thank you again for your help Trail.”

Fluttershy flew off in the direction of the forest and out of sight.

Trail made his way home and as he opened the door to their home he looked off in the direction of the school.

“What’s troubling you sweetheart?”

Author's Note:

Hey guys, Hades here with another chapter. Enjoy

Also bit of an edit, earlier I mentioned in the comments that Comet was the age of the crusaders. I have changed my mind about that and have changed her age to be around the same as Sandbar and the others. Her lack of a cutiemark at this age is rare but not impossible. Plus I felt this would help her connect with the student six better.