• Published 11th Oct 2018
  • 5,233 Views, 294 Comments

A Trail Leading Home - Hades Shadow 92

A father and his little filly find a home in Ponyville. What new adventures await them? And will the past catch up with them?

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Ch. 28 - Visitors

Chapter 28

– Visitor –

Several days had passed since Tourmaline had wormed his way back into the school. He, of course, was only interested in his magic class. He quickly regained his top status in the class, with Comet and Ocellus coming in at the #4 and #5 spots. Twilight gave him only the basic attention in class, not even giving a real congratulations when he succeeded anymore. Everyone in the school was avoiding him like the plague, and while normally Twilight would hate seeing somepony treated like this, she felt nothing for the colt.

Comet on the other hand had excelled so quickly in her studies thanks to Twilight's class and Starlight’s tutoring. She even started taking lessons in the advanced magic studies section of the library. Starlight was so proud of her protege, seeing her accomplish so much made her smile.

Since the incident with Lord Rhinestone, Starlight had been spending more and more time with not only Comet, but Trail as well. She was now a regular at their home, joining in for dinner nearly twice a week, and having coffee nearly every morning with the stallion. She was truly happy to be accepted into their lives even after her past was revealed to them. In fact, since that talk, nopony had even brought it up.

Starlight walked through the streets of Ponyville, humming a tune in her head as she wore a bright smile on her face. She had just finished another morning of coffee with Trail and was on her way to the marketplace to pick up some parchment for Twilight. A task she had done so many times since she came to live with her teacher.

As the Quill and Sofa came into view, Starlight was still humming her tune, not even bothering to watch where she was going. Suddenly, she collided with something.

She quickly regained awareness of her surroundings and found that she had bumped into somepony in a wheelchair. An older looking unicorn mare with a purple coat and dark pinkish mane.

“Oh my gosh Miss, I’m so sorry.” Starlight said apologetically.

The mare straightened herself back up in her wheelchair, not looking annoyed, just with a warm motherly smile.

“Oh no worries dearie. Accidents happen, and no harm is done.” She said, her voice soft despite her age.

“I don’t think I’ve seen you around here before. Are you new to Ponyville?” Starlight asked.

“In a sense dearie. I’m just here for a visit.” The mare said.

“Oh, who are you visiting?” Starlight asked.

“My family. They told me they moved here and I wanted to surprise them.” She said.

“Oh, well if they are new here, then I’m sure Princess Twilight can help you find them.” Starlight stated.

“The Princess? Oh no, I couldn’t bother her with something like this.” The mare said.

“Nonsense. Twilight would love to help. I’ll take you to her school, after I get her parchments.” Starlight said.

“You know the Princess?” The mare asked.

“Sure I do. I’m her personal student, Starlight Glimmer is the name.” Starlight introduced herself.

“Well it is certainly nice to meet you Miss Starlight. My name is Valley Trail.” Valley said.

As Valley Trail followed her, Starlight had a strange feeling in the back of her mind. Like she had heard that name before.

“Comet, did you finish yesterday's homework? I’m stumped on the last problem.” Ocellus asked.

“I can help you out with it, Ocellus. We’ve still got until this afternoon before it’s due.” Comet said.

“Oh thank you. I’ve been worried about it all night. I barely got any sleep.” Ocellus said.

“What are friends for? Come on, we’ll head for the library.” Comet said, pulling Ocellus along into another hallway of the school.

“So, where’s Silverstream?” Comet asked.

“She wasn’t feeling well this morning, so she took the day off to rest in our dorm. Nurse Redheart wrote a note for her to Princess Twilight.” Ocellus answered.

“Oh no. I need to visit her later. Maybe I can bring her something to make her feel better.” Comet said.

“I’m sure she’d like that.” Ocellus smiled.

As the two young fillies moved around the corner, they saw Starlight Glimmer walking from the other side of the hallway. Comet was excited to see her mentor and was about to call out to her. But something else quickly caught her eye. Something she had not expected to see. An older mare in a wheelchair following behind Starlight. A mare Comet knew all too well.

“Comet, everything ok?” Ocellus asked.

As soon as the question was asked, Comet was racing down the hallway like a blur. She ran past several students, bobbing and weaving between them. Rainbow Dash even called out to her for running in the hallway, but she again did not stop in her mission.

As she came into earshot of them, she could hear them speaking.

“Oh my, this school is amazing. I have to say Miss Starlight, I’m so excited to be here.” Valley said.

“Thank you. Twilight and our friends worked really hard on this school.” Starlight said.

“Oh I wonder how my baby filly is enjoying it.” Valley said.

Starlight turned to the mare and was about to ask about that comment when she saw Comet running down the hallway directly for them. Starlight was about to tell her to slow down, but she didn’t get the chance before Comet leaped into the air screaming “Nana!”

Valley Trail turned around just in time for a little filly to land in her lap and look up at her with eyes so bright they shined in the light.

“Is that my Comet!? My baby girl!” Valley said, grabbing the filly and peppering her face with kisses.

Comet giggled and didn’t pull away from the affection. She instead leaned into it and hugged her grandmare softly, as she knew about her condition.

“I was coming here to help look for you sweetie and you found me! Oh my goodness!” Valley Trail laughed as she hugged her filly.

Starlight looked at the scene, and the memories of her time with Comet looking at her old family photo came back to her. This was Valley Trail, Comet’s grandmare, and Trail’s mother.

“Starlight! Starlight, come meet my grandmare.” Comet said, pulling Starlight out of her memories.

Starlight approached the two, “So you’re Comet’s grandmother?”

“Yes. Now that I think about it, Trail did mention a Starlight Glimmer in his letters. I’m terribly sorry for not remembering dearie.” Valley said.

“Oh it’s no worry at all. Comet showed me her family picture a while back and I didn’t recognize you.” Starlight said.

“Well, it all worked out in the end. I have my precious little filly.” Valley said, kissing Comet’s forehead again and again.

Comet giggled and noticed that Ocellus had caught up and was looking confused.

Comet quickly jumped off her grandmare and moved to her friend’s side.

“Nana, this is Ocellus. One of the best friends I’ve made since I came to this school. Ocellus, this is my grandmare, Valley Trail.” Comet said.

Ocellus gave a shy wave, “Hi.”

“You’ve made friends! Sweetheart, that's wonderful. She looks so precious. The first time I’ve seen a reformed changeling. I love your colors dearie.” Valley said, looking Ocellus over.

Ocellus blushed and hid her face with a hoof.

“So Comet, where are you off to right now?” Starlight asked.

“Ocellus and I were going to the library. I was going to help Ocellus with a problem she was having trouble with.” Comet said.

“That’s my Comet. Always willing to help others. Even when she was a filly. Oh, the memories.” Valley said, closing her eyes.

“Well, why don’t we all see if we can help out? Then afterwards you can give your grandmare a tour of the school.” Starlight said.

Comet jumped, “That’s a great idea.”

All four mares went off to the library, Valley silently watching as her granddaughter seemed so much happier than last she saw her. She wasn’t lonely anymore, and Valley would be sure to thank everyone in the school.

“And finally, here are the dorm rooms. My friends all stay here, and I get to stay over sometimes.” Comet said.

The tour had gone on for about an hour, showing Valley Trail all the sights of the school. The great hall and the library were among Valley’s favorite spots as she admired the architecture of the school and the amount of knowledge held in the library. Some of the teachers passed them by but were so busy they didn’t even get a chance to learn who they were talking to. So many students passed through the halls with them, all with bright smiling faces.

“This school is truly remarkable. I’m so glad Trail brought you here.” Valley said.

She then turned to Comet, “Where is your father anyway? Not at home being lazy I hope.”

Comet giggled, “No. He’s probably out in the Everfree Forest.”

“I think Trail said he was going to start on the first chapter of his new survival guide.” Starlight said.

“Oh, then he’s at home probably banging his head against the wall.” Comet laughed.

“Why’s that?” Starlight asked.

“Because Trail always struggled with starting a book. Once he got going, he wouldn’t stop until somepony pointed out that it was dinner time.” Valley said, chuckling a little.

Everyone chuckled at the joke, imagining Trail crumbling up papers into a trash can.

“Hey Comet, can we check on Silverstream before we continue?” Ocellus chimed in.

“Oh sure. No worries.” Comet said.

“Silverstream, what’s wrong with her?” Starlight said.

“She wasn’t feeling well this morning, so Headmare Twilight let her stay in bed.” Ocellus answered.

“Oh no. I hope she feels better soon.” Starlight said.

Everyone soon moved in the direction of Ocellus’ dorm room. Once they opened the door, Silverstream was lying in bed, looking very unwell. Despite her illness, she still tried to give her trademark smile.

“Hi Comet, Hi Ocellus, and everyone else. Wow, I get lots of visitors.” Silverstream said weakly.

Comet and Ocellus immediately went to their friend’s bedside and gave her comforting smiles. Starlight and Valley Trail were right behind them, the latter looking at Silverstream with a motherly glance.

“Oh Silverstream, this is my grandmare. Valley Trail.” Comet said, motioning to the older mare.

Silverstream gave a little wave as the older mare just kept looking at her. Then Valley came closer and put a hoof on Silverstream’s forehead. She held it there and nopony said anything for a few seconds.

“100. Not terrible but not good either.” Valley said.

She then turned to Starlight, “Miss Glimmer, do you have a kitchen here?”

“Uh, yeah. Why do you ask?” Starlight asked, sounding confused.

“I know a special soup that will help break her fever. My own recipe.” Valley said, smiling.

“Oh, you don’t have to Miss Trail.” Silverstream said, shaking her head.

Valley Trail turned to the young hippogriff and booped her on the beak with her hoof.

“Hush now. I can’t leave a friend of Comet’s in bed feeling ill, now can I?” Valley said, a motherly tone in her voice.

Silverstream smiled brightly.

Starlight smiled as well, turning to point the way back to the hallway.

“This way Miss Trail.” Starlight said.

“Dearie, please. Call me Valley.” The older mare said before moving to follow her.

An hour in the castle kitchen later, Valley Trail and the group returned to the dorm area with a bowl of hot soup. Comet offered to help carry the bowl to allow her grandmother to rest and focus her magic on her wheelchair.

As they were coming around the corner, something bumped into Comet and made her lose focus on the bowl. But she caught herself and kept her magic stable. Looking to who she bumped into, she grimaced.

“Again, do you not know how to watch where you’re going?” Tourmaline said, looking irritated.

Starlight immediately got next to Comet, “Tourmaline, it was an accident. Now move along.”

He looked up at Starlight, “I don’t think you should be telling me what to do, Counselor.”

The dark tone in his voice made Comet look up at Starlight with worry, but the mare did not even flinch.

“I am still a teacher here, Tourmaline. Do not take that tone with me. Now, go about your business.” Starlight said sternly.

Tourmaline huffed and moved past them, but not before bumping Comet with magic to make her lose focus on the bowl. The bowl was just about to spill its contents all over the floor.

But before that could happen, a pink magical glow caught every last bit of the soup and the bowl, returning the contents into the bowl, good as new.

Tourmaline’s eyes widened before he looked to the one who’s horn was glowing pink. Valley Trail was glaring at me with a disapproving eye. This made the colt more agitated as he left the area without another word.

“Who was that colt?” Valley asked.

“Tourmaline. He’s the one who almost got me and my friends eaten by a basilisk.” Comet said.

“Ah, so he’s the rich brat. Well, no need to waste our time with him. Come, Silverstream needs us.” Valley said, rolling her wheelchair around.

The group went inside the room where Silverstream laid in bed. The soup did the trick and Silverstream was starting to feel a little better. Valley Trail was so good with the children that Starlight couldn’t help but be inspired.

What the group didn’t realize was that there was another presence just outside the door, listening in with magic. Looking questionly at the older mare in the wheelchair.

“Who are you, and how did you do that?” Tourmaline said quietly to himself.

Author's Note:

Hey guys, Hades here.

Have another chapter of cuteness. Valley Trail is here, and Trail will be the next to be surprised. Make sure to give me your thoughts on the chapter and Valley Trail.

See you guys next time