• Published 11th Oct 2018
  • 5,233 Views, 294 Comments

A Trail Leading Home - Hades Shadow 92

A father and his little filly find a home in Ponyville. What new adventures await them? And will the past catch up with them?

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Ch.3 - Welcome

Chapter 3

-- Welcome --

Morning came to Ponyville, Celestia’s warm light shined through the windows of the small cottage. Comet groaned as the light hit her face and she started to wake up, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. She rose out of her sleeping bag to find that her Father was already gone. She looked around to find him, but he was nowhere to be seen.

Figuring that he must have gone out for a bit, Comet grabbed her bag with her bathroom supplies. She then went upstairs to the bathroom that she had claimed as her own, and began to begin her morning routine.

Trail walked in the front door a few minutes later, having taken a walk to wake himself up. He heard the shower upstairs and figured Comet was preparing herself for the day. He knew that she was excited for her school tour with the Princess, so he figured she was going overboard in making herself presentable.

Trail picked up her saddlebags and dusted them off. Comet would be down in a bit, and he wanted to be ready to go as soon as she did. They would go into town and pick up some breakfast, then Trail would drop Comet off at the school for her tour. While she was enjoying her tour, he would furnish their home, and then stock up on groceries. He had a lot of shopping to do, but once it was done, he could just relax until he had to pick up Comet.

Comet finished drying off after her shower and walked down the stairs, ready for the day. She saw her Father had placed her saddlebags near the door. He came out of the kitchen and smiled at her, “Morning Sweetie, ready to start the day?”

Comet jumped in excitement, “Of course I am, I get to tour the school of my dreams, and with the Princess of Friendship herself!”

Trail chuckled and grabbed his saddlebags near his bedroll. He then led Comet outside, making sure she grabbed her saddlebags on the way out. Trail and Comet then walked down the path from the house leading to Ponyville.

First things first, they needed some breakfast.

Trail and Comet arrived in the center of Ponyville, looking around the various shops to find a place to get some breakfast. There were so many shops that it was hard to find a certain type, and the fact that they forgot to bring the map they were given by the Mayor didn’t help their situation.

“Hey, you look lost, need some help?” A mare said from Trail’s right side. He looked to find a white mare with a electric blue mane. She wore purple sunglasses and had a pair of headphones around the back of her neck, no doubt she had removed them in order to talk with him.

“Howdy Miss, yeah we’re kinda lost,” Trail asked, right before his stomach growled.

The mare laughed, as did Comet, much to Trail’s embarrassment. “Hey, it’s cool. New ponies are always a highlight around here. Name’s Vinyl Scratch, welcome to Ponyville.”

Comet smiled and waved at Vinyl, “Hi Miss Vinyl, know any places to get a bite to eat? I’m starved.”

Vinyl laughed again, so much energy from just her laugh, Trail got a feeling she was great at parties, “Sure do kiddo, and just Vinyl is fine. You two should head down to Sugarcube Corner. It’s that building down the road that looks like a pastry.”

Trail looked down the road and there was a shop that indeed looked like a pastry, just as Vinyl said. It was certainly a unique design, and was sure to have plenty of tasty treats to choose from. Trail nearly drooled at the thought of getting a donut. It had been so long since he had one of the those delicious beauties.

Trail quickly got his thoughts back in place and turned back to Vinyl, “Thank you kindly Vinyl, name’s Trail Blazer and this is my daughter, Comet Trail.”

Vinyl smiled, “cool names, anyway I gotta get going. See you two around.”

After Vinyl had left, Trail and Comet made their way to the pastry shop, ponies were walking in and out of it with bright smiles, a good sign. As they entered, they were met with a flurry of colors. The store was filled with ponies enjoying sweets and pastries of all sorts. Trail led Comet up to the front counter, where a blue mare with a pink mane smiled at the two.

“Welcome to Sugarcube Corner, I’m Mrs. Cake, how can I help you?” She said, with a warm smile.

Comet immediately took a closer look at the display case showing all kinds of treats. Trail chuckled at how adorable she was, looking between the different sweets with a critical eye. And soon enough, Comet’s eyes landed on exactly what Trail had predicted would get her attention.

Comet had quite a sweet tooth, but there was one treat that she loved more than all others. Something that she rarely got, due to the fact that most of their previous dwellings were in remote areas that didn’t have many pastry shops.

“Daddy, they have cinnamon rolls! Can I have one, please!?” Comet looked to her father with a look that could melt a heart of stone. She always used it when she really wanted something, and she knew her Dad couldn’t resist it.

Trail chuckled and nuzzled Comet, “no need to bring out the look Sweetheart, of course you can have one.” He looked to the mare and smiled, “Can I have two cinnamon roll and a maple donut?”

Mrs. Cake smiled, “absolutely, can I have a name please?” She had a pencil and a notepad ready for his answer.

“Trail Blazer, and this bundle of adorableness is my daughter, Comet Trail,” Trail said, earning a pout from Comet, which he chuckled at.

“Nice to meet you both, we’ll have your orders soon. Also would you like a drink with your breakfast?” Mrs. Cake said, writing down their order.

“Apple juice please,” Comet said, smiling at the mare while hugging her father’s leg.

“I’ll have the same,” Trail said, paying the bits for the meal.

Mrs. Cake nodded and took the bits. Then Trail led Comet to a table that was free, not too far from the front counter. Ponies were walking all around them, and it made Comet a bit uncomfortable. She wasn’t used to so many ponies being in one place. Sure, she had been to big cities like Manehatten and Fillydelphia, but only for short amount of times. She still wasn’t use to this many ponies, but she knew that school would probably be worse. She needed to get used to it.

After awhile, a pink blur appeared between them, balancing their food and drinks on her back, without spilling a drop, despite the speed she was going.

“Hi, I’m Pinkie Pie, you’re the new ponies I saw yesterday. I love meeting new ponies. What are your names?” The mare said, not stopping for a breath.

“Uh…” Trail said before the mare cut him off again.

“Gasp, I forgot that the thing. How could I forget about the thing? I need to go do the thing, gotta go, here’s your order, bye!” Pinkie Pie said, their order landing on the table with no trouble, and then she disappeared in a blur of pink.

“Um… Daddy, what just happened?” Comet asked, ignoring her food for a second.

“I’m… not sure Sweetheart,” Trail said, still staring in the direction the crazy mare went.

After a minute went by, Comet suddenly remembered the delicious treat in front of her, and immediately dug in. Trail chuckled at her stuffing her face, and decided to let her enjoy it. He went to enjoy his own breakfast.

After finishing their breakfast, they moved out to their next destination, The School of Friendship.

“Come on Daddy, hurry up!” Comet said, jumping in front of the door to the school.

“I’m coming Sweetheart, no need to rush,” Trail said, finally catching up with the filly.

“But I’m so excited, I can’t sit still!” Comet said, moving forward once again.

“Is that your excitement talking, or that cinnamon roll from earlier?” Trail said, chuckling as Comet gave him a pouty look.

“Well let’s see if we can’t work out some of that energy?” Starlight Glimmer said, as she walked up to meet the two ponies.

Comet met her halfway, “Hi Miss Starlight, am I late? Oh goodness I hope I’m not late. If I am, I’m really sor…”

“Comet, it’s alright. You’re not late, a bit early to be honest. Twilight is waiting in her office and sent me to meet you at the door,” Starlight said, cutting Comet off.

“Well then I guess that’s my cue to make myself scarce. Good luck today Sweetheart, and remember to listen to your teachers and be respectful,” Trail said, nuzzling his filly.

Comet hugged his neck and nuzzled him closely, “Thank you Daddy, I will.”

Trail looked to the mare, “I leave her in your capable hooves Miss Starlight. I’ll be in town if you need me.”

Starlight smiled at the stallion, “We’ll take good care of her Mr. Blazer, no need to worry. We will have somepony find you in town when her tour is done.”

“Alrighty then. And please, just Trail is fine,” Trail said, beginning to walk back to the door.

“Then you can just call me Starlight. Have a nice day Trail,” Starlight said as he left the school with a wave to the two mares.

“Well then Comet, shall me get this show on the road?” Starlight said, looking to the excited filly.

“Yeah!” Comet said, walking alongside Starlight.

They made it to Twilight’s office and when the door opened, they were greeted by a stack of papers on a desk.

“Twilight, Comet Trail is here for her tour,” Starlight said, as Comet sat next to her patiently waiting for the Princess.

“Already? Wow, I’m impressed. Arriving early to school is always a great habit to have,” Twilight said, walking around the large stack of papers.

Comet was so excited that her body was shaking all over, but a small part of her was nervous and Starlight saw a glimmer of it in her eyes.

Comet felt a hoof on her shoulder, “Comet, there’s no need to be nervous.”

She looked to the owner of the hoof and saw Starlight giving her a warm smile that seemed to melt away her nervousness. Comet smiled back in gratitude.

Twilight walked up to the filly and smiled as well, “You’ll love it here Comet, I promise. Now your ready to see your new school?”

“Absolutely!” Comet said, regaining her excitement from before.

“Alright, then I’ll leave her with you Twilight. See you two later,” Starlight said, walking towards the door.

“Bye Miss Starlight!” Comet said, getting the mare’s attention. Starlight looked back and waved at the excited filly and walked out the door.

“Alright then Comet, let’s start this tour,” Twilight said, guiding the filly into the hallway.

The school itself let Comet speechless, with the size and the design of the building. Not to mention the fact that Twilight and her friends had designed and built the school themselves. There was so much to see, it nearly overwhelmed her.

“And down this hallway is the student’s quarters, for students who stay on campus. We have several students that come from all Equestria, and some beyond our borders,” Twilight said, as Comet followed close behind her.

“Wow, so I’ll meet students from outside Equestria too?” Comet asked, sounding excited.

As Twilight turned to answer her question, a blur of purplish pink collided into Comet, sending her onto the floor in a daze.

“Silverstream! What have I told you about flying fast in the hallway!? Twilight scolded.

Comet regained her senses and noticed that someone was sitting over her, and they were not a pony. The beak and feathers made that clear.

“Headmare Twilight! We are so sorry, we were in a hurry to get to study group in the library,” another voice said, coming from the hallway.

Comet looked to see a brightly colored insect like pony land in between her and Princess Twilight. She had a worried look on her as her ears were folded behind her head.

“It’s alright Ocellus. But I’m not the one you two should be apologizing to. Silverstream, can you please get off our new student?” Twilight said, rubbing her temples with a hoof.

Silverstream blushed and quickly got off of Comet, helping her to her hooves. Comet then looked between the two with curiosity.

Twilight came over to her, “Comet, you ok?”

“I’m ok Headmare Twilight. It just surprised me,” Comet said, dusting herself off and checking her braid.

“I’m really sorry about crashing into you. I was just so excited for study group I thought me and Ocellus could race there. I should have been more careful,” Silverstream said, giving Comet a sad look.

Comet just smiled, “it’s ok, no harm done, I’m Comet Trail, and your names are Silverstream and Ocellus right?” Comet said, looking to both creatures.

“That’s right. Sorry again for the trouble. We aren’t making a good impression for your first day,” Ocellus said, scruffing her hoof on the ground nervously.

“Don’t worry about it. Hmm, judging by the looks of you two, I’d say you’re a changeling and a hippogriff, am I right?” Comet said, rubbing her chin in thought.

“Yep you’re totally right,” Silverstream said, hovering in the air with a smile now.

“I knew it! I’ve heard stories about Mount Aris and the Hive, but Daddy and I never got a chance to see them,” Comet said, her excitement clear in her voice.

“You sound like you and your dad travel a lot,” Ocellus said, sitting across from the new filly.

“Oh yeah, Daddy and I have been a lot of places, I’ve even been to Zebrica!” Comet said, remembering the fun times she’d had in their travels.

“That is so cool, I’ve always wanted to see other lands. You know besides Equestria of course,” Ocellus said, with a sheepish smile at the end.

“I’ve never seen a zebra, but I bet they’re awesome!” Silverstream nearly shouted in excitement as she sat next to Ocellus.

Twilight couldn’t help but smile at the scene, “alright girls, don’t you have study group to get to?”
Silverstream and Ocellus immediately got to their hooves/claws, “oh gosh, the others are probably waiting for us. Sorry Comet, but we gotta go,” Silverstream said, giving Comet an apologetic look.

Comet smiled, “it’s ok, your friends are probably wondering where you are.”

Ocellus noticed a change in Comet’s mood despite the smile. She felt that Comet was finding something.

“Well guess we better go. Maybe we’ll see you around the school,” Ocellus said, smiling to Comet.

“I’m sure you will. Have a nice study group you two,” Twilight said as the two girls went off down the hallway.

Comet let out the smallest of sighs, hoping the Princess wouldn’t notice. But Twilight was good at noticing things.

“Come on Comet, let’s finish up that tour,” Twilight said, nudging Comet with a hoof to get her attention.

“Ok Headmare Twilight,” Comet said, regaining her excited nature. But Twilight still felt that she was hiding something.

Trail walked out of the Quill and Sofa, “thank you for your help. When can I expect the delivery?”

The store owner smiled, “No worries Trail, my stallions will have your furnishings at your home by the days end.”

“Excellent, thank you again for your help,” Trail said, offering the stallion a hoof shake, which he gladly accepted.

With that exchange, Trail left the store entrance and made his way to the center of town. So many ponies walked the streets, but not as many as Manehatten, thank the princesses.

“Hey there, fancy running into you again,” A familiar mare’s voice said from behind Trail.
“Greeting once again Vinyl, how has your day been?” Trail said, turning to face the blue maned unicorn, noticing that she also had a friend with her. A gray coated earth pony mare with a long black mane, and Trail could swear she looked familiar.

“Ah it’s been good, and hey let me introduce you to my roommate. Octi this is Trail Blazer, I met him and his daughter this morning, they’re new to Ponyville. Trail, this is Octavia Philharmonica,” Vinyl said, smiling to the mare next to her.

“A pleasure to meet you Mr. Blazer, I do hope you are enjoying Ponyville,” Octavia said, bowing her head in respect.

“The pleasure is all mine Ms. Harmonica, and yes it has been a wonderful experience so far,” Trail said, tipping his hat to the mare.

“A gentlestallion, now there’s a rarity nowadays. Octavia will do quite fine sir, but I thank you for your manner,” Octavia said, smiling at the stallion.

“As you wish. But if may say Octavia, you look familiar. I feel like I’ve seen you before but can’t quite put my hoof on it,” Trail said, giving Octavia a quizzical look.

“Oh, perhaps you’ve seen me in concert with my ensemble. We travel all across Equestria,” Octavia said, smiling brighter at the recognition.

“Of course. The concert in Manehatten two years ago, it was an amazing performance. My daughter and I were mesmerized by the music,” Trail said, as the memory finally came to the surface.

“Oh thank you Trail, that is very kind of you. I always love to hear that our audience enjoys our music,” Octavia said, holding her head high in pride.

“Yeah, Tavi puts on a great show, you know if you like that old stuff,” Vinyl said, rolling her eyes, or at least it looked like she was, hard to tell under the shades.

“What was that, Vinyl?” Octavia said with a sharp sideways glance over at the unicorn.

“Oh nothing Tavi, Vinyl said with a innocent tone and smile.

Trail chuckled at the two mares. They seemed really close, and the playfulness was a nice change to other cities where ponies fought all the time.

“I take it you’re more into the new generation of music Vinyl?” Trail asked with a smirk.

“Heck yeah, I’m pretty good with a turntable. Maybe you’ve heard of my stage name, DJ-Pon3?” Vinyl asked, her chest puffing out in pride.

“DJ-PON3! I’ve definitely heard that name in my travels. My daughter and I would always arrive a bit too late to a town where you were performing. Comet has some of your albums, but I guess we just didn’t recognize you, sorry,” Trail asked, rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment.

“Nah dude it's cool, most fans see me with bright lights everywhere and my turntable. Plus the photos on the posters aren’t very good, need to talk to my agent about that,” Vinyl said, rubbing her chin in thought.

“You don’t have an agent dear, you just never put a photo on the posters, just a big DJ-PON3” Octavia said, with a deadpan expression towards the mare.

“Hey, it was an awesome poster, I just didn’t have time to put an actual photo,” Vinyl said, turning to her friend.

Octavia and her then burst into laughter at their own antics, Trail joining in as their laughter was so contagious. Octavia then looked to the clock in the square. Her eyes widened and she turned back to Vinyl.

“Vinyl! We’re going to late for the thing,” Octavia said with a hint of panic.

Vinyl looked to the clock as well, “Oh crap, we gotta go.”

Vinyl and Octavia gave a quick goodbye to Trail and ran off into town, leaving Trail very confused. He decided to just keep walking around, eventually he came to the edge of town where the Everfree forest was visible in the distance. He sat there for a while, looking at what might be his greatest challenge yet.

“So Everfree, what secrets do you hide?” Trail said to no one in particular. The forest had such a terrible reputation, but so had many of the other areas he had been to. There was some really crazy stuff in the Hayseed Swamps…

“Trail! Hey Trail!” A mare shouted at him. He couldn’t see who was yelling at him until he looked up to see a rainbow maned pegasus.
“Rainbow Dash! What’s going on?” Trail asked, raising his voice, as she was above him on cloud.

“We need you at Twilight’s castle pronto!” Rainbow said, lifting off the cloud and pointing towards the castle.

Trail immediately got up and tried to question her further, but the mare was off like a bolt of lightning. Trail had to run to even keep her in sight, but lost her as she went in through a window of the castle. As he got closer to the door, he saw Comet walking towards the door as well coming from the school.

“Comet, are you ok? What’s going on?” Trail asked as he made to the door with his daughter.

“I don’t know, Headmare Twilight said the last part of the tour would be here, and she just teleported away,” Comet said, looking confused.

Trail and Comet both looked to the door, then each other for a bit, confusion visible on both their faces. Finally they decided to just go for it and open the doors to the castle.

SURPRISE!!!” shouted the ponies that were filling the main hall of the castle. Trail and Comet were blasted with confetti and streamers. Both too stunned to register what had happened, they saw the pink pony from this morning.

“Welcome to your “Welcome to Ponyville” surprise party!” Pinkie Pie said, with the most excited voice Trail had ever heard.

Author's Note:

Hey guys, Hades here.
I want to apologize for the lack of updates with this story. School and a new job really took up my time. But I'm back, and I promise to have another chapter out before Christmas.

See you guys next time,