• Published 11th Oct 2018
  • 5,316 Views, 301 Comments

A Trail Leading Home - Hades Shadow 92

A father and his little filly find a home in Ponyville. What new adventures await them? And will the past catch up with them?

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Ch. 42 - Recovery

Chapter 42

– Recovery –

Trail sat in the hallway of the Ponyville hospital, fumbling with a small crumpled piece of paper. His eyes were low, his face a canvas of worry. How could it all come to this?

After Starlight had been taken by Princess Luna, Trail had immediately grabbed Comet and ran out of the forest, despite protests from Princess Twilight and the others. He didn’t stop running until he reached the hospital, nearly passing out when he walked in the door. He was led to where Starlight had been taken and was instructed to wait in the hall.

He felt a trembling against his leg, looking down at the small filly that clung to him desperately.

Comet’s eyes were red and strained, like she had cried every tear she had, but still she wanted to cry more. Everything was too much, all of it went wrong.

A door then opened, making both ponies jump to their hooves. A midnight blue alicorn emerged from the operating room. She turned to address them.

“Princess, how is she?” Trail asked.

Comet clung tighter to her father in anticipation.

Princess Luna sat down in front of the two, “She is stable, but the doctor must run more tests to determine the severity of the damage. She is lucky. We have seen magical burnouts like this before, it could have ended much worse.”

Her statement did not give much comfort to the pair of ponies. Comet had not let up on her grip, nor had she looked the Princess in the eye.

“We never got the full story on what had transpired in the Everfree. Perhaps you could enlighten us good stallion.” Princess Luna requested.

“Yes your Highness.” Trail said, bowing his head.

Several minutes passed as Trail spun the tail of the insane day he and everypony had experienced. Chrysalis, Starlight, the Fakes, everything down to the last detail he had. Truthfully he did not have the whole story, and Comet was not speaking about her experiences.

Luna nodded, “I see. You have had a trying day. You must be exhausted.”

Trail nodded, hugging his filly close.

“Perhaps it would be best for you to return home and get some rest.” Luna said.

“NO!” Comet shouted.

This made Luna flinch back. Comet soon realized that she had yelled at a Princess. She immediately bowed her head and apologized several dozen times before Luna raised a hoof.

“Peace, little one. Calm thyself.” Luna instructed.

Comet took a few deep breaths, just like Starlight had taught her.

“I want to be here when Miss Starlight wakes up.” Comet said.

Luna raised an eyebrow, “Who are you to Starlight Glimmer?”

“I’m her personal student.” Comet answered.

“Ah, you are the young protege we have been hearing about.” Luna smiled.

“You’ve heard about me?” Comet asked, looking surprised.

“Indeed. Twilight Sparkle sends our sister letters almost everyday. Your name has come out often, speaking of your advancements in your magical studies.” Luna said.

Comet blushed at the words, not expecting a Princess to praise her.

Luna then turned to Trail, “And that would make you Trail Blazer, Starlight’s beloved.”

Trail blushed at the comment, “I don’t know about beloved. I’m her coltfriend, yes.”

“Forgive us, our old way of speaking truly shows when it comes to romance. We have not had any such partners in well over 1200 years.” Luna explained.

“It’s alright Princess. But anyway, I am with Comet. We want to be here when Starlight awakens.” Trail said.

Luna smiled at the two, “Very well then. We will have blankets and refreshments brought to you.”

Luna vanished from their sight in a flash, leaving the two ponies by themselves.

“Princess Celestia, what are you going to do with Chrysalis?” Twilight asked.

“She will be taken to Tartarus for her crimes. Where she will not hurt anypony ever again.” Princess Celestia said sternly.

The two Princesses were leading the rest of the groups out of the Everfree Forest. Chrysalis had two royal guards flanking her, a magical suppressing ring on her crooked horn. She was not getting away this time.

“Sounds like the perfect vacation spot for someone like her. I hear it’s hot this time of year.” Tala sneered at the Queen.

Chrysalis growled at the griffin but could do little else.

“Our prisoner aside, how are the rest of you fairing? Any severe injuries?” Princess Celestia asked.

“My sister Zala took a hard knock to the head. Other than that, I think everyone is ok.” Tala said.

“Yeah, we’re all doing dandy Princess. Physically at least.” Applejack said.

Fluttershy walked up to Ocellus, who was walking with her head down, “Are you doing ok Ocellus? You must have been so scared, being held captive by Chrysalis.”

“I was. But I’m more worried about Comet and Miss Starlight.” Ocellus said.

“Starlight is in good hooves at Ponyville Hospital. I am glad Luna and I made it in time.” Princess Celestia said.

“What happened to Starlight, Princess?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“She is experiencing severe magical burnout. I’ve seen such extreme cases before. It is highly dangerous for a unicorn, especially one of her power.” Celestia explained.

“Why is that Your Highness?” Rarity asked.

“Magical burnout is dangerous for all unicorns, but the more power the unicorn wields, the more severe the burnout could be. From what Twilight has already told me, and from what I could sense while enroute, she was building up a lot of power with her last spell.” Celestia said.

“Yeah, it was kinda scary. Never knew she had it in her.” Tala said, rubbing the back of her neck.

“It was fortunate that you convinced her to stop.” Celestia said.

“Well that was more Comet and Trail. I get she was mad, so was I. Ponies usually don’t have it in them to be that violent.” Tala said.

“They must be commended. They saved two lives.” Celestia said.

Tala looked at the Princess with confusion, “Two lives?”

“Yes. If Starlight had released the spell she was charging, it would have killed her as well as Chrysalis.” Celestia said.

The whole group gasped. They grew looks of horror on their faces. Starlight could have killed herself? How did things get so out of hoof?

Ocellus moved next to the Princess, “But Miss Starlight is gonna be ok, right?”

Princess Celestia sighed and petted the little filly on the head, “I cannot say little one. Magical burnout is unpredictable. We will see how Starlight fares when we get to the hospital. For now, I must see Chrysalis to Tartarus. Twilight, can you take things from here?”

“Of course, I’ll take everyone to the hospital.” Twilight said, looking at Chrysalis one last time.

The Queen looked defeated, both in body and spirit. She didn’t even fight back against the guards that led her away. Celestia followed behind, never taking her eyes off the Changeling.

“Come on Twi! We gotta get to the hospital!” Rainbow shouted, getting Twilight’s attention.

“Right!” Twilight said, moving swiftly in the direction of the Ponyville Hospital.

Trail was at the vending machines, getting Comet a juice. She was really upset, and she needed to have a distraction. Though he wasn’t doing any better. His heart seemed to be filled with ice, worry gripping him tightly. Starlight was gonna be ok, she had it be. What could he do?

The door to the hospital opened with several voices erupting across the room. Trail turned around to see who had entered, and was shocked to see everyone from the forest coming in.

“You made it!” Trail said, running through the crowds to them.

“Trail! How’s Starlight doing?” Tala asked.

“She’s still with the doctor. We haven’t heard anything yet.” Trail said, his ears lowering against his head.

He noticed some red out of the corner of his eye, and he gasped seeing his sister Zala holding her own head and leaning against Zecora.

“Zala! Sis, are you ok?” Trail said, putting a hoof against her head.

“I have been better, brother. I’m afraid that bug queen got me good.” Zala said, her voice shaky.

Trail nuzzled her gently, helping her alongside Zecora. They made it up to the front desk, getting the nurse’s attention.

“What happened?” The nurse asked, coming around to examine the zebra.

“Got knocked around by a Changeling Queen. Took a nasty blow to the head.” Tala said.

The nurse looked shocked and escorted Zala to an examining room. Trail calmed down a little but the nerves soon returned.

Princess Twilight stepped next to him, “How are you holding up?”

Trail looked at her and looked away, “Honestly, not well Princess. Comet is a mess, and I’m no better.”

Princess Twilight looked worried, “Where is Comet?”

“She refuses to leave the waiting area for the operation room. She wants to be there when Starlight wakes up.” Trail explained.

Tala walked up, “She’s always been a stubborn filly. I’ll go talk to her.”

Trail didn’t argue, just stood there. He was useless, just like in the battle. Starlight put everything into fighting for them, and he could barely put a dent in Chrysalis. Some coltfriend he was…

Comet sat in the hallway outside the operating room, fidgeting with her braid that had split ends and mud all in it. She didn’t care, all she wanted was to know her teacher was going to be ok.

“Hey kiddo.” A gruff voice came from her left.

Comet jumped and looked to see her Aunt Tala moving to sit next to her. Comet scooted closer to lay her head against her aunt’s soft fur.

Tala ran a claw through the filly’s mane, “You doing ok?”

“No…” Comet said quietly.

“She’s gonna be ok. She’s a tough mare.” Tala reassured.

“It’s my fault…” Comet muttered.

Tala looked at her with shock, “Kiddo, what makes you think this is your fault?”

“I got caught by Chrysalis, I led them to the Castle. If I hadn’t gotten caught, Starlight wouldn’t have gotten hurt..” Comet sniffled.

Tala immediately picked up her niece and held her against her chest, “Comet, this wasn’t your fault. Chrysalis is to blame, she hurt Starlight.”

Comet began to cry, “But I couldn’t do anything!”

“You did do something, you saved her.” Tala said softly.

Comet looked up at her aunt, “Huh?”

“Princess Celestia told us that if you and Trail hadn’t stopped Starlight’s spell, she would have been hurt a lot worse. You saved her life by reaching out to her. You cared so much that it reached her through all the rage and hate that clouded her mind.” Tala explained.

Comet’s eye widened, she was having a hard time processing that. She saved Starlight. She remembered begging Starlight to stop, she was going to hurt Chrysalis. Comet hated the Queen for all that she did, but she didn’t want Starlight to hurt others. She was the best teacher ever, she wanted to be just like Starlight.

Then she remembered the time in Maud’s home, when Starlight told them about her past. It didn’t change how Comet felt about her, and this latest event still didn’t change anything.

A bell rang out that pulled Comet away from her thoughts, looking to the operating room where Starlight was being treated. Princess Luna emerged with the doctor, both giving off unreadable expressions.

“Princess, how is she?” Tala asked.

“She will live, but we must discuss her condition. I have been told that Twilight and the others have arrived. Come, let us find them.” Luna said.

Everyone moved down the hallway to the main waiting area.

Trail was sitting against the wall, his thoughts swirling like a hurricane in his head. Zala had been taken to another room to have her head injury examined. Zecora offered to go with her. This left the rest of the group in the main waiting area, the tension growing over time.

Suddenly, Princess Luna emerged from the hallway Starlight’s operation had been taking place, along with Starlight’s doctor, Tala and Comet. Everyone crowded around the Princess of the Night as she stood firm.

“Princess Luna, is Starlight ok?” Trail asked.

“Yes Trail Blazer, the operation was a success. Starlight Glimmer’s condition has stabilized.” Luna said.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, some even cheering for Starlight. Trail felt a large weight lift off his heart. She was going to be ok.

“However, the road to recovery has only just begun for her.” Luna said, interrupting the cheers.

Trail looked at her with worry, “What do you mean?”

Princess Luna took a deep breath, “The strain on Starlight Glimmer’s magic brought about by her battle with Chrysalis has taken a heavy toll. Most unicorns would never recover from such devastating burnout. But as we all know, Starlight is an exceptional unicorn. Her magic will recover, but it will take a substantial amount of time.”

The room grew silent, a chill going down the spine of several ponies.

Trail was the one who broke that silence, “How long?”

Princess Luna sighed, “A year.”

Everyone gasped.

“A year? Starlight won’t be able to use her magic for a year!?” Princess Twilight exclaimed.

“I am afraid so, Twilight Sparkle. It will be difficult for her, and not only will her magic be unavailable to her, her body has also taken substantial strain.” Princess Luna continued.

“What does that mean?” Trail asked.

“She will need constant care. She will be too weak to do much of anything for at least a month. Her body will recover, but her magic will still be lost to her.” Luna explained.

Trail’s expression grew more concerned. Starlight needed care, and he knew she would be devastated at not being able to do anything herself.

“The hospital could provide her care, but we are short staffed. We have too many patients as it is. Plus, I believe she would benefit more being at home. Could any of you take responsibility?” The doctor said.

Princess Twilight looked down, as did all her friend.

“We have the school to run, plus we all have other responsibilities as well. But maybe we can…” Twilight began to say.

“I’ll take care of her!” Trail said, loud enough to be heard over everyone.

Everyone in the room looked at him, shocked at his sudden outburst.

“She’s my marefriend, and I can’t let her go through this alone. She needs me, and I want to be there for her. She can stay with me in my home. I’ll do whatever it takes to help her recover.” Trail said, standing firm.

Princess Twilight and all her friends looked at Trail, smiling with some tears in their eyes at how touched they all were.

“It shall be so then. Come, we will release her in your care Trail Blazer.” Princess Luna said, pointing to the reception’s desk.

Trail followed her, his expression determined.

Starlight’s vision was so hazy that she couldn’t tell if her eyes were open at all. Everything around her seemed fuzzy, and when she tried to lift her head, nothing happened.

“You’re awake.” A voice said.

Starlight couldn’t turn her head to see, but she knew that voice anywhere.

“Trail.” Starlight said, her voice weak and raspy.

Trail Blazer levitated her a glass of water, helping her take a sip. It felt so soothing for her.

She then felt something rub against her side, and then a face came into her vision. It was still blurry, but the strands of white and pink told her all she needed to know.

“Comet.” Starlight said, a small smile making its way onto her face.

“We’re so glad you’re awake.” Trail said.

“Where am I?” Starlight asked.

“Ponyville Hospital.” Trail answered.

“What happened?” Starlight asked.

“You fought Chrysalis and won. She’s on her way to Tartarus now. You passed out.” Trail said.

Starlight tried once again to move, but her body wouldn’t allow it.

“Why can’t I move?” Starlight asked.

Trail took a deep breath and gave her answer. Starlight listened intently as Trail explained her situation carefully. The more she heard, the more dread she felt creeped into her heart.

Starlight’s face grew pale, “I… can’t use magic… for a whole year.”

“I’m sorry Starlight, but it’s true.” Trail said, holding her hoof.

“And I’ll be a burden for at least a month?” Starlight said, tears forming now.

“You are not a burden!” Trail said loudly.

Starlight would have jumped at that, if she was able. Trail brought his forehead to hers, staring into her eyes. His eyes made Starlight feel so safe and warm, and the dread of her situation seemed to fade away.

“You will never be a burden. You saved us, and probably all of Equestria. But most importantly, you’re gonna be ok. Don’t worry about anything, I’ll take care of you.” Trail said.

“What do you mean?” Starlight asked.

“I talked with Princess Twilight, and we both agreed that you need a comfortable home environment to truly help you recover. So, you’ll be moving into my home. If that’s ok with you of course.” Trail said, giving her a comforting smile.

Starlight’s heart almost burst right then and there. Her cheeks were flushed red. Live with Trail? Could she really do that?

She then felt somepony latch onto her foreleg.

“And I’ll help take care of you too Miss Starlight. I’ll make you breakfast in bed, make you that tea you love so much. I’ll even ask Aunt Zala to teach me how to make cookies!” Comet said excitedly.

Starlight’s eyes filled with tears in a matter of seconds before the soft sobs came. Trail and Comet both laid against her, letting the emotions flow.

When the sobs stopped, she called out, “Trail.”

Trail leaned up to face her, “Yes Starlight?”

Starlight’s tears did not stop, but her smile made his heart melt.

“I love you.” Starlight said softly.

Trail’s cheek flushed red and he leaned in to give her a kiss. The kiss lasted for about half a minute. When he pulled away to breath, Starlight’s eyes were still closed. It was like she was in another world.

Comet giggled, making Trail blush. He had forgotten his daughter was right there.

But he turned and smiled at his marefriend, “I love you too Starlight Glimmer.”

Author's Note:

Hey guys, Hades here.

So yeah, I didn't make my goal. But honestly, going through everything has given me a new look on writing. If I try and force it, it won't work.

But please don't worry, I will finish this story. I can't say when, but hopefully this cursed writers block will release its hold on me.

Please enjoy and look forward to more of Trails and more stories in the future,