• Published 11th Oct 2018
  • 5,316 Views, 301 Comments

A Trail Leading Home - Hades Shadow 92

A father and his little filly find a home in Ponyville. What new adventures await them? And will the past catch up with them?

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Ch. 14 - Two Zebras are better than one

Chapter 14

--Two Zebras are better than one --

Another day in the Everfree Forest, a place Trail had become familiar with since he came to Ponyville. Walking through the underbrush became second nature to him after a while, especially with the help of Zecora.

Today, he had another mission other than the typical research he would do. He had to map out a safe route to Froggy Bottom Bog for the school field trip. Starlight and Princess Twilight had entrusted him with the safety of the students, and he would not let them down.

The path was hard to find at first, but Zecora’s guidance made it easier after sometime. Both explorers eventually reached a path where the bog was visible. Standing on a hill overlooking the swamp.

“There it is my friend. Our journey has reached its end.” Zecora said.

“Indeed. All thanks to you Zecora. Now we just need to carve out a safe route for the students. Can’t imagine they would enjoy going through all those thick shrubs.” Trail said.

“It shall be so, for the young ones to move to and fro.” Zecora said.

Trail had brought a large knife to cut through the underbrush. Normally he did not like to tamper with the environment, but this was a special occasion.

“So Zecora, any predators we will need to watch out for?” Trail asked.

“The Hydra dwells deep in the swamp, though run if you feel a stomp. Other beasts include cragadiles, when angered they can be quite vile.” Zecora answered.

“Cragadiles and Hydras I’ve dealt with. As long as the children stay clear of the water and the deeper parts of the swamp they should be fine.” Trail said.

After spending some time carving through the brush, they took a break, laying down on the hill overlooking the swamp. Trail had brought refreshments in the form of tea, which Zecora gratefully accepted.

“So dear Trail, what does this field trip entail?” Zecora asked.

“Starlight told me the children were to pick a topic about the bog and write an essay about it. Coming here to see it in person is supposed to help them learn.” Trail replied.

“Ah, it will be good for the students to see such a place. For the bog can display a degree of grace.” Zecora said.

“My adventures through the Hayseed Swamp were some of the more difficult times of my career. But one of the most enlightening. Something that seems gross and ugly to most ponies can truly hide some beautiful things about nature.” Trail said, looking down at the bog.

“Well spoken dear Trail, beauty is often missed beyond the veil.” Zecora said.

“Right you are.” Trail said.

Both enjoyed the peace and their tea, not a care in the world. As they finished their refreshment, Trail stood up.

“Well better get back to it then. This path won’t clear itself.”

Zecora stood and was about to reply, but something caught her eye. Trail noticed her change in demeanor and looked around, not hearing anything but the frogs down below. But with his guard up, something is definitely watching them.

Suddenly, a loud squeal comes from behind them in the tree line. A large figure barrels through the trees and brush, heading right for them. Trail and Zecora quickly move out of the way, the figure missing them and hitting the tree they were sitting by instead.

After the initial shock of surprise fades, Trail got a good look at it. It was large, twice their size. It had brown fur and moss covering its hide. As it turned to look at them, he saw large tusks and two deep red eyes.

“A bog boar? I’ve never seen one get this big.” Trail said.

“Nor have I. Nor have I seen such hate in one’s eye.” Zecora said.

The boar squealed again, charging at them again. Both he and Zecora jumped in opposite directions, the boar sliding to a halt confused on who it should go after.

Trail saw his bow and arrow back on the hill where he had set it down. He had to get to it.

Zecora seemed to have read his mind, as she was yelling and throwing rocks at the boar to get its attention. The boar squealed again, going after her. Taking this opportunity, Trail moved quickly to the spot where he left his weapon.

As he picked up the bow in his magic, he turned and launched an arrow at the beast. The arrow landed near the beast and let out a sound spell that disoriented the boar. This gave Zecora the time to join Trail as he readied another arrow.

The beast recovered from the sound attack, launching itself at the pair again. Trail let loose another arrow, this time a tranquilizing draft. But as the arrow flew, it bounced off the beasts hide. In shock, Trail did the first thing that came to mind, push Zecora out of the way.

After the push, he tried to dodge the charge himself, only he was not completely successful as the beast turned its head and hit him with the side of one of its tusks. Trail was sent flying and crashed into the tree the beast had hit before. The wind was knocked out of him as he hit the tree on his side, sliding down to the ground.

His vision was hazy from the impact, and all he could see was the boar grunting at him, looking to be winding up for another charge. He tried to get up but was still dazed. The boar roared as it charged for him again.

Trail closed his eyes for the inevitable impact of the large boar. But the blow never came.

A feminine yell came from his right, and he opened his eyes to find the boar being kicked in the side by a striped figure. At first he thought it was Zecora, but as the boar fell on its side and scrambled to get up, the zebra landed next to him and turned.

The face he saw was not Zecora, but an even more welcomed sight. A zebra mare with bright green eyes, her striped mane done in a braid, and a scar above her right eye.

“Zala!” Trail yelled.

Zala smiled and looked back at the boar, who was getting up. It grunted and snorted at her angrily. Zecora had run over to join us, her eyes locking onto Zala as his sister stared down the boar.

The boar snorted once more and looked to be ready to charge once more, but it did not get the chance this time.

From her side, Zala drew her signature tool. A long staff with bells and chimes at the end. She shook the staff and the chimes rang, confusing the boar. In its confusion, Zala took the opportunity to take out a small glass orb. Inside the orb was a blue light.

She threw the orb at the boar, making it back up closer to the edge of the hill. Trail quickly turned Zecora’s head away as well as his own as the bomb exploded in a glorious flash of light. The boar squealed again, as the light blinded it.

Zecora and Trail looked just in time to watch the boar stumble back and fall over the edge of the hill. All three of them ran to the side, seeing the boar rolling down. The fall was not high enough to hurt the creature significantly, but enough to distance it from them.

After a minute or so, the boar got up and ran away towards the bog. They lost sight of it and breathed a sigh of relief.

“Can we ever reunite without me saving you in some manner brother?” Zala said, smiling at Trail.

Trail just wrapped her in a tight hug, bringing her close, “Zala.”

Zala returned the hug, nuzzling into his neck. The two did not separate for a long while. But eventually they did.

“Sister, it’s so great to see you again.” Trail said.

“It’s wonderful to see you again brother.” Zala said.

“What are you doing out here? I thought you were still in Zebrica?” Trail asked.

“I guess I beat Tala here then. I sent her a message that I was finished with my business there and was heading for Ponyville. I came through here to see what the forest was like.” Zala answered.

“Thank Celestia for that. Wait, Tala is coming here as well?” Trail asked in shock.

“Yes. We said we would be joining you in Ponyville in our letters did we not?” Zala said.

“You did, I guess I lost track of how much time had passed. A lot has been going on here Zala.” Trail said.

“Well then, you and Comet must tell me all about it.” Zala said.

A cough came from their side as both siblings turned to see Zecora looking at them.

“I do not wish to be rude, but mayhaps we leave the area in which we intrude?” Zecora asked.

Both siblings nodded and gathered their things, following Zecora out of the bog.

All three had made it back to Zecora’s hut, and were now sitting at her table, tea set out and steaming.

“So, you are the Zala of whom I have heard. Our meeting under better circumstances I would have preferred.” Zecora said.

“Think nothing of it. It’s an absolute delight to meet you Zecora. I hope my brother has not been a bother.” Zala said.

Trail looked at her with a deadpan expression, to which she just laughed.

“Trail has been a dear friend, one I must commend.” Zecora answered.

“Zecora has been assisting me with my research here in the Everfree. She has lived here for quite some time, and is invaluable when it comes to navigating the woods.” Trail said.

Zecora smiled at the praise.

Zala smiled as well, “I thank you for being so kind to my brother. I hope we too can become good friends as well.”

Zecora nodded, “Of course we can, after you saved us, that was the plan.”

Both zebras laughed as well as Trail.

“I must say your talents do impress, fending off a bog boar no less.” Zecora said.

“Well thank you, I do try. I have a lot of experience with beasts and such. A large boar is nothing new to me.” Zala said proudly.

“Yeah, Zala here taught me how to craft my arrows and enchant them with spells and talismans.” Trail said.

“Yes, though it seems you have much more to learn dear brother.” Zala said, smirking slightly at him from the side.

“Oh ha ha.” Trail said.

All three equines laughed at that, enjoying their tea and their company. But soon the day grew short and the time to depart for home came.

“See you next time Zecora.” Trial said, waving goodbye to his friend.

“Farewell to you friends, until the trip we are to attend.” Zecora said.

Zala and Trail finished their goodbyes and Trail led the way home.

Zala then leaned in closer to Trail, once they were out of earshot of Zecora’s hut, “She is quite the specimen, wouldn’t you agree brother?”

Trial was caught off guard by the comment, causing him to misstep. He righted himself before he tumbled, and looked back to her.

“I would say so. Though knowing you and that look in your eye, I think we are thinking two different things about our zebra friend.” Trail said.

Zala looked away innocently, “I’m just saying she is quite the looker. And with such knowledge if her potion stock was anything to judge by.”

“You two have a lot in common. And I believe she sees that in you as well. When you appeared, she was awestruck.” Trail said, smirking at his sister.

“Oh was she now?” Zala grinned as she looked back slightly over her shoulder back towards the hut.

Both moved on in silence after that.

Having reached the house, Trail opened the door, looking inside before a slight grin fell upon his face. He stepped back and gestured towards Zala, “After you sister.”

“A gentle stallion as always brother.” Zala said.

As Zala walked into the house, she was immediately tackled by a filly projectile.

“Auntie Zala! You’re here!” Comet said before she snuggled into Zala’s neck.

“Comet, my dear niece, love of my life. How are you?” Zala said, hugging her filly niece with affection.

Trail watched the exchange with a smile before he was grabbed from behind, his hat fell off as something gave him a noogie. Or somegriff.

“Gotcha Trail. You’re slipping bro.” Tala said.

Trail fought back lightheartedly against her, eventually getting her to let him go and properly hug.

“Tala, this day is truly blessed.” Trail said, tears forming in his eyes.

The four moved inside the house and were in an intense family hug in the living room. They stayed like that for a while, for what seemed like hours to them.

Eventually they separated and made themselves comfortable on the couch. Comet sitting on Zala’s back as they laid on the couch, Tala and Trail on opposite sides of them.

“Auntie Zala, I got my own personal magic teacher! I’m gonna be a mage!” Comet said.

“Really? Dearest niece, words cannot describe how happy I am for you.” Zala said, nuzzling Comet.

“Yeah, she made a whole bunch of friends too. Ran into them in town. Good bunch of kids.” Tala said.

“Wondrous.” Zala said.

“And how’s things with you bro? The forest too much for ya?” Tala asked.

“Nah, nothing I can’t handle.” Trail said proudly.

“Says the stallion I had to save from a bog boar today.” Zala smirked.

“Hey!” Trail exclaimed.

Tala and Comet both broke out laughing at their exchange. Zala followed not a second later. And after a bit of pouting, Trail joined in as well.

After the laughter died down, Comet asked, “So you two are gonna live with us again, right?”

Zala and Tala both looked at Comet and each gave her a peck on each cheek.

“You bet kiddo.” Tala said.

“Absolutely.” Zala said.

Comet squeed and bounced off Zala, bouncing all around the room in true filly excitement.

After some dinner, both Aunts took Comet to her bedroom.

Comet was tucked into bed and looked at her aunts, “See you in the morning?”

“Of course. Goodnight dear.” Zala said, giving Comet a peck on the forehead.

“Goodnight kiddo.” Tala said.

Both gently closed the door, finding Trail on the other side.

“I’ve truly missed you sisters.” He said.

Both females embraced him in a silent hug. After which Trail showed them to their new rooms and the house went silent for the night.

Author's Note:

Another chapter down.

And Zala has appeared as promised.
Quite the Aunt huh? That poor pig

Welp, see you guys next time!