• Published 11th Oct 2018
  • 5,315 Views, 301 Comments

A Trail Leading Home - Hades Shadow 92

A father and his little filly find a home in Ponyville. What new adventures await them? And will the past catch up with them?

  • ...

Ch. 33 - Flashback

Chapter 33

– Flashback –

This chapter contains themes and implications of situations that some people find disturbing or uncomfortable. Nothing in detail, but I do give this warning just in case. Reader discretion is advised.

Seventeen years ago…

Trail Blazer walked up the flight of stairs leading to a large house in the heart of Canterlot. He wore a tailored suit, which made him uncomfortable. But it’s what his boss picked up for him, so he couldn't complain. Reaching the top of the stairs, he made his way to the side door just off the main path.

He opened it and was greeted by a large old stallion walking towards him.

“Good morning Mr. Blazer, I trust your garments fit you well?” The old buck asked.

“Good morning Mr. Climb, they fit just fine. What’s on our to-do list today?” Trail said politely.

“Milady will be entertaining a large party of guests this afternoon. We have much preparation to do, so chop chop. Start with dusting the study and then make your way to the garden.” Climb said.

“Yes sir.” Trail said, making his way further inside the house.

Collecting his cleaning supplies, he made his way to the study, where the lord and lady of the house would sit in peace and quiet. Well, the lord did. The Lady of the house was a bit chatty, though Trail would never say that outloud.

The study was large but not horribly so. Trail entered and began his duty. Today would be a long one, and he had a feeling he wouldn’t enjoy it. But the money here is good and the Lord might give them a bonus if the party goes well.

The door opened again and Trail turned to see who it was. A stallion a few years his senior strolled in, fancy clothes and a monocle on his eye. His coat was black as night and with a well trimmed white mane.

“Good morning Lord Obsidian.” Trail said, giving a polite bow.

He turned to Trail, “Good morning. Are you dusting right now?”

“Yes sir. Will only take a minute or two.” Trail said, continuing his dusting.

“Excited for the party sir?” Trail said, trying to make friendly conversation.

“Oh don’t get me started, Trail. My wife has been talking about this non stop. The nagging never ends.” Obsidian said.

“I’m sure it won’t be that bad sir.” Trail said.

“Have you ever attended a party full of nobles Trail Blazer?” Obsidian asked.

“No sir. I’m not one for parties.” Trail said, finishing the last bit of dusting.

“Then I envy you. Ponies so full of themselves that listening to their banter turns my stomach. Please tell Climb to bring my favorite wine from the cellar for the party. I shall need it.” Obsidian said as he sat down at his desk.

“Roger that sir. I’m done here. I’m off to the garden. Have a good morning sir.” Trail said, leaving out the door.

He made his way through the hallway until somepony turned the corner. He recognized her immediately and moved aside to clear the hallway.

The mare was a few years older than him, a light blue coat with a byzantium mane. She was very particular about ponies using that word to describe her. She was Pampered Pearl, the Lord’s wife and Lady of the House. She was very strict with her servants and staff, always finding some reason to yell at somepony.

“You! Where is my husband?” She yelled at Trail.

“I just saw him in the study, Lady Pearl.” Trail said, plainly.

“Hmph! Figures. Lazy stallions. I have to do everything around here.” Lady Pearl huffed.

“Well, good day to you Milady.” Trail said, wanting to get out of there quickly.

“Stop right there!” Lady Pearl shouted, making Trail halt in place.

She walked right around him to be in front of him, her green eyes glaring into his.

“I want that garden spotless, understand me? Everything must be perfect for tonight. I can’t let some backwater country pony ruin my party.” Lady Pearl stated.

Trail resisted the urge to grit his teeth, “I understand Lady Pearl. I assure you it will meet your standards.”

“I highly doubt that. Now get moving. My rose bushes won’t trim themselves.” She said, moving around and swatting him in the face with her tail, which kind of hurt due to the jewelry she had in it.

Trail rubbed his nose and went on his way. Pampered Pearl, what a spoiled brat.

The garden was perfect, no one leaf out of place. All hedges and bushes trimmed to perfection. Trail was proud of his work. It had taken hours to do all the garden, as it spanned the entire front end of the house and some in the back. He was sweating and had taken his jacket off to help cool him off.

“Mr. Blazer, I see you’ve outdone yourself.” Climb said, coming out of the servant door and admiring Trail’s hard work.

“I aim to please Mr. Climb. What’s next?” Trail asked.

“I believe you have earned a break for all this marvelous work. Go and relax in the servants lounge. I shall fetch you when I need you Mr. Blazer.” Climb said.

Trail nodded and picked up his jacket to move back into the house. As he walked towards the servant’s lounge, he felt a chill run down his spine. He then saw out of the corner of his eye that Lady Pearl was standing down another hallway, and he could swear she was looking at him. But he could not make out her expression.

He sped up his pace and eventually found himself in the servant’s lounge. He took a glass of water from the table and sat down in a nearby chair. He could finally relax. Though that encounter with the Lady of the House was still unnerving him. No clue why.

Time flew by as Trail relaxed in his chair. This job wasn’t as bad as everypony made it sound. Sure Lady Pearl was a bit obnoxious, but Lord Obsidian never let her abuse any of the servants. He even let Trail have a day off to celebrate his mother’s birthday.

His thoughts were interrupted by the door opening, Climb poking his head inside.

“Mr. Blazer. Milady has requested that you accompany her to her fitting.” Climb stated.

“Me? But isn’t that usually Penelope’s job?” Trail said.

“I do not question Milady’s orders, and I advise you to do the same. Make yourself presentable and meet me at the entrance hall.” Climb said.

“Yes sir.” Trail said, sighing.

He was not going to enjoy this, not in the slightest.

“And do not embarrass me while we are in the boutique. You are only to speak when spoken to. Are we clear?” Lady Pearl explained.

She had been lecturing Trail about all the things he should and should not do while he was escorting her. Apparently Penelope quit this morning, so that’s why he was stuck escorting her. Though she could have taken any of the other female servants. Trail wasn’t exactly excited to be stuck in a dress shop with the most obnoxious mare he had ever known.

“Pearl! How are you darling?” The fashionista greeted her as they approached the boutique.

“Oh Crystal, it’s been such an exhausting morning. The party is tonight and my husband is treating the event like it’s some country picnic. He is useless.” Lady Pearl exclaimed.

“Oh you poor dear. Stallions are useless. Come, let us get you looking fabulous.” Crystal said, ushering the mare inside.

Trail’s expression deadpanned as the jab at his gender was well within earshot. He grumbled to himself and went inside the dress shop. When he walked in, he saw Lady Pearl looking at several dresses, so he found himself a chair to sit in until she was done.

It was so boring. Trail had never been one for dressing all fancy. Even his sister Zala would never wear anything like all these expensive dresses. Most of these clothes probably cost more than what he made in a year.

He glanced back over to where Lady Pearl was and found her whispering to Crystal about something. Most likely gossip. But what confused him was the fact that both mares looked back at him with very quick glances. Were they talking about him?

He shook the thought out of his head. They probably were making fun of him. Rich ponies.

“You, Tall Gazer or whatever your name is.” Lady Pearl called out to him.

Trail got up and walked towards them, “Yes Lady Pearl, how could I help you?”

“I have several dresses to try on. You are going to hold them for me outside the changing room while Crystal here gets her cameras ready. And don’t wrinkle any of them, or I’ll have them taken out of your pay.” Pearl snorted.

“As you wish Miss.” Trail said, trying not to sound annoyed.

Trail ended up holding about four dresses in his magic outside the changing room. He really wished she had brought a female servant now. All the mares in the shop were giving him looks, some worse than others. He didn’t want to be here, especially with her.

Lady Pearl emerged from the dressing room in a pure white dress with lots of gemstones embedded in it. Her hair was done up in a stylish bun. She gave him a sideways glance as he stood there, and as she walked towards the stage where the cameras were, he could swear she had a sway in her step.

This happened three more times, each dress more fancy and expensive looking than the last. And everytime, Pearl glanced at Trail, almost as if asking if he approved of the attire. More than ever, he wanted to leave. His skin was crawling underneath his coat, and as the last of the camera flashes occurred, Pearl returned one last time and before entering the changing room for the last time, she gave a longer lasting glance at Trail, with a look that made him very uncomfortable.

Returning from the fitting, Trail was relieved of his duty as Pearl’s escort by Climb and returned to the servant’s lounge. Shockingly, when he arrived he saw Penelope getting a glass of water from the kitchen.

“Penelope? I thought you quit?” Trail asked as he approached her.

The unicorn mare turned to him with a look of confusion, “No. Why would you think that?”

“Lady Pearl said you quit this morning.” Trail said, sounding confused.

“What? She said that she was tired of me escorting her everywhere and wanted a new escort.” Penelope said, raising an eyebrow.

Trail was even more confused than he was before. Why would Lady Pearl lie to him? And why would she abandon her old escort for him?

Something about this whole day was making his stomach turn.

The party was now in full swing, guests were arriving one after the other. Climb was at the door, greeting and announcing the arrival of several honored guests.

Trail was on drink duty for the time being. His magic held a platter, topped with several glasses of wine. Several guests had taken drinks from him, and one noble actually gave him a tip. A rare occurrence, but one he wasn’t going to complain about. As he went to the bar to refill his stocks, the Lord of the House came up to him.

“Trail, my fine stallion. Did Climb bring the special vintage I wanted?” Lord Obsidian asked.

“Yes sir. Right here, all ready for you sir.” Trail said, removing a special bottle from beneath the table.

He opened the bottle and poured his boss a drink, which the stallion took gladly. He smiled as he soon felt the relief of the drink.

“Ah. That is much better. Oh Trail, this night might be the death of me.” Obsidian said.

“It certainly is packed in here sir. How has the night treated you?” Trail asked.

“Both a blessing and a curse my dear fellow. My wife is thankfully leaving me be. But at the same time, that means I’m left to deal with every other noble attending. Entertaining guests have never been my forte.” Obsidian explained.

“If anyone can get through this night with strength and resolve, it’s you sir.” Trail said.

“Thank you Trail. Please grab my bottle and follow me would you? I need somepony like you to give me the push I need. I’ll make sure to give you a big bonus come next payday.” Obsidian said.

Trail smiled at the offer, “Lead the way my Lord.”

Trail followed Lord Obsidian around the party for a good hour or two. And in that time, he had run into the Mayor of Manehatten, The Ambassador for Saddle Arabia, and Prince Blueblood. Thank Luna he had Lord Obsidian with him to deal with Blueblood, wow he was a jerk.

“Obsidian!” A mare’s voice rang out from the crowd.

“Oh no…” Trail and Obsidian said in unison.

Lady Pearl emerged from the crowd, wearing a dress that Trail did not recognize from the boutique. Why in Tartarus did he have to sit through that fitting if she wasn’t going to wear anything from it?

“Here you are. Skulking through the crowd, keeping your country pony around to hold your precious wine?” Lady Pearl snorted.

“I’m entertaining our guests dear, as is my duty. Not all of us can gossip with their lady friends.” Obsidian said plainly.

“Hmph! Excuse me for enjoying my party. As if you care!” Lady Pearl scoffed.

Though Trail couldn’t see it, he could feel Lord Obsidian rolling his eyes.

“Anyway, leave your wine pony and come with me. We are taking photos with the Mayor for Canterlot Noble Magazine.” Lady Pearl said.

“Yes dear. Trail, do keep my wine safe. I shall return for you later my fellow.” Obsidian said.

Trail nodded, “Yes sir.”

As the Lord began to make his way into the crowd, Lady Pearl looked back at him, walking towards him. He leaned back a bit as she got closer. She then took the bottle out of his magic and poured herself a drink. As she finished it, she held her hoof to her lips in a “shushing” gesture before following her husband.

That mare made no sense, at all.

Trail returned to his duties for the night, taking empty wine glasses back to the kitchen to be cleaned and serving more drinks. That bonus would be worth it.

The last of the guests had left over an hour ago and the staff were still picking up the remnants. You would think that nobles were tidy, but the truth was that they would just drop wrappers and other trash right on the floor, knowing full well that the servants would clean it up.

Trail was one of the lucky ones, as he was tasked with cleaning every last wine glass that had been used for the party. And there were a lot of them. This task was given to him by Lady Pearl, after she bumped into him trying to leave. Lord Obsidian had already gone to bed, Climb escorting him as he had one too many drinks.

Trail sighed, “Gonna be here all night. Well at least that bonus will be worth it.”

“A bonus? I always knew he spoiled you.” Lady Pearl said, coming through the kitchen door.

“Evening Milady, I figured you would be heading to bed.” Trail said, not looking away from his work.

“I will do as I please in my house.” She said, coming closer.

“What brings you here Miss?” Trail asked.

“I was bored, so I came to check on your progress. I would have expected you to be done by now. I thought you country bumpkins knew how to work hard.” Lady Pearl said.

Trail wanted to splash soap in her face, but that would most likely get him fired.

“I’ll have it done as soon as I can. Then I’ll be out of your mane Milady.” Trail said.

“Oh do lighten up Trail Blazer. Can’t you even act like you enjoy your job. After all, my husband does enjoy your company here.” Lady Pearl said.

Huh, that’s the first time he had ever heard her say his name right.

“I appreciate Lord Obisidian’s kindness. He is a great stallion.” Trail said.

“Oh I’m sure you do. As long as he keeps giving you those bonuses that keep you clothed and fed I’m sure.” Lady Pearl said.

“I do alright for myself with or without his generosity. I don’t need a lot to be happy.” Trail said.

“Oh, and what do you have, Trail? From what I’ve heard from Penelope, you don’t even have a marefriend.” Pearl laughed.

Trail gritted his teeth, “I haven’t found the right one yet. Besides, I work too much to have a marefriend.”

Pearl laughed more, “Yes, blame your work schedule. I’m sure that’s it. Tell me Trail, have you ever been with a mare? Or even on a date?”

Trail almost broke a glass when his magic surged a little, “No I haven’t. I don’t see how it’s any business of yours Miss.”

“I bet my fortune that you haven’t even really talked to a mare properly. Other than that zebra and griffin that call you brother.” Pearl said.

That is the straw that broke the camel’s back. Trail slammed the glass in the sink, shattering it and dropped all his cleaning supplies.

“Don’t you dare talk about my sisters like that!” Trail yelled at her.

“Oh look, the stallion does have a backbone.” Pearl smirked.

“You know what!? What do you know about dating and relationships!? Half the time all you and Lord Obisidian do is fight and take jabs at each other? The only reason you married him is for his money!” Trail shouted.

“What else is he good for? I fail to see your point. Marriage is just a tool to get luxuries in your life. Only peasants marry for love.” Pearl said.

“What I don’t get is why he chose some spoiled rich brat like you!? I Bet he had an army of mares after him, and yet he somehow chose you?” Trail shot back.

That made Pearl turn to him, “How dare you! I am the cream of the crop when it comes to noble mares! He was lucky I chose him! I had several suitors!”

“Yeah? You know one of the biggest things I respect him for? Being a kind hearted gentlestallion even after dealing with a self entitled nag like you?” Trail said, pushing past her.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Pearl shouted.

“I’m leaving! The Lord will understand after I tell him you were harassing me while I was working.” Trail said, not turning around.

Suddenly, a blast of magic hit him from behind. His body went rigid and he couldn’t move a muscle.

“Oh you think you can insult me and just leave? Oh no no no. You need to be taught a lesson in respecting your superiors.” Pearl said, coming around to his front.

Trail couldn’t say anything, nor could he move.

“Now, I have plans for you. This night has been very stressful for me, not to mention all the horrible things you said to me have made me quite distressed. Come, you are going to pamper me tonight. Do anything I desire. Understand?” Pearl said, rubbing his cheek with a hoof.

“Yes Lady Pearl.” Trail said, but not of his choice.

His lips were moving on their own. And as Pearl walked away, he followed her without telling his body to do so. It was like he was a passenger in his own body. As they walked along the hallway, no pony was around. He just kept following the mare. And when they reached their final destination, his heart grew cold.

They stood in front of Lady Pearl’s bedchambers.

“Come my new pet. We have a long night ahead of us.” Pearl said, brushing her tail underneath his chin.

Trail was screaming in his head, the feeling of his body moving on it’s own as it followed her commands terrified him.

The door to the bedchambers closed, and silence filled the halls of the manor.

Trail groaned as he awoke, his head felt like a stampede of cows ran him over. He looked to his surroundings and found himself in a bed. But not his own. He looked again to see the servants' barracks. How did he get here?

Just then, that memory of the night before came to the front of his mind. He felt nauseous and ran to the bathroom, throwing up in the toilet.

“Mister Trail, I see you are awake.” Climb said, poking his head into the bathroom.

“Climb, how did I get here?” Trail asked.

“Lady Pearl brought you in. She said that you were sampling the wine a little too much and you passed out. I say Trail, it was a bit reckless of you. Drinking on the job. I thought you knew better.” Climb said.

Trail never drank wine in his life! He hated the taste of alcohol.

“Climb, I didn’t…” Trail said.

“Now now. There is no need for apologies. We all have our first drink. I myself didn’t fare much better than you with my first drink. Oh those were the days.” Climb said.

Trail couldn’t believe what was happening. All those memories about last night. If he was drinking, could it have been a fever dream? No! He didn’t drink on his own. She forced him to.

“Climb, is Lord Obsidian awake yet?” Trail asked.

“Why yes he is. He’s in his study now Trail.” Climb said.

Trail got to his hooves and ran past Climb, ignoring the older stallions' shouts for him to slow down. Trail had to get to Lord Obsidian. He had to tell him what had happened to him.

As Trail ran through the hallway, he almost ran into somepony. Penelope dodged him just barely.

“Trail! Watch it!” Penelope shouted.

“I’m sorry!” Trail shouted back as he kept running.

As he came up to the door of the study, he tried to take a breath. His heart was racing. He was terrified.

He opened the door to look inside, seeing the Lord sitting in his chair.

“Ah Trail. Good morning. I wasn’t expecting you for another hour. Are you alright my good stallion? You look awful.” Obsidian said.

“No! No I’m not! My Lord, I need your help!” Trail said frantically.

“Easy Trail, calm yourself. Sit down. Tell me what troubles you.” Obsidian said, pulling over a chair for Trail to sit in.

Trail sat down and tried to calm down.

“Now, tell me what is wrong.” Obsidian said calmly.

Trail took a deep breath, “Please sir. You’ve known me for months, and I have never given you any reason not to trust me. Haven’t I?”

Obsidian nodded, “Of course. I trust you almost as much as I trust Climb.”

“Then please believe me sir. I know this will sound horrible.” Trail said.

“Come my friend, spit it out.” Obsidian said.

Trail took another deep breath, “Your wife forced herself on me last night.”

A silence rang out across the room, time seemed to stop as the words left his lips. Obsidian looked at him, his expression unreadable for several moments.

“Trail. This is a serious accusation. I want you to be sure of your words.” Obsidian said.

“Please sir! I’m not lying!” Trail said.

Suddenly, the door to the study opened, Pearl and Penelope walking inside towards the two stallions.

“Ah Obsidian, there you are. We need to discuss the dealings with the trade company.” Pearl said.

She then noticed Trail sitting next to her husband, “Oh good morning Mr. Blazer. How are you this fine morning?”

Her voice made Trail’s heart grow cold, his eyes grew wide with fear.

Obsidian noticed the distress in his face but looked back to his wife, “Pearl. You are quite cheerful this morning. How unlike you. A good night I take it?”

“Oh I slept wonderfully thank you dear. Now, Trail, don’t you have work to do?” Pearl asked.

“Actually, I just gave Trail the day off. He’s not feeling well today. Trail, do get your things and go home. Get some rest.” Obsidian said.

“Y…Yes sir.” Trail said, moving to leave the room.

“And what about my garden? Who will tend to my roses? Trail, get out there and clean my garden this instant.” Pearl said.

Trail jumped at her words, “Yes Lady Pearl.”

Obsidian stood, “He is not well Pearl. He is going home.”

“He will do no such thing if he wants to keep his job here.” Pearl fought back.

“I do not recall giving you the authority to fire my servants. You forget, this is my house!” Obsidian shouted.

The Lord turned to look at Trail, “Trail, go home.”

Trail tried to escape again, only to have his legs buckle along the way.

“He is staying!” Pearl shouted.

Trail’s legs buckled again, this time sending him sprawling to the floor.

“Trail!” Penelope said, running to his side.

Trail didn’t respond, it’s like his mind and body were fighting over control. Just like last night…

“What is wrong with you Trail?” Obsidian said, coming over to him.

“He passed out drunk last night. I had to carry him to the servant’s barracks.” Pearl said.

Obsidian turned to her, “You carried a drunken servant to the barracks?”

“Yes, what of it?” Pearl asked.

“And why would you do something like that? And what were you doing out of bed? As I recall you retired for the night at the same time I did.” Obsidian said.

“I couldn’t sleep and went for a stroll in the hallway. Not my fault he was passed out by my room.” Pearl said.

“Your room? Which is on the far side of the manor, nowhere near the wine cellar or the kitchen? Why would Trail be passed out there? For that matter, I’ve never seen him drink.” Obsidian asked.

“What are you getting at Obsidian?” Pearl said, frustrated.

“Pearl, what did you do to him?” Obsidian asked slowly.

“Are you accusing me of something?” Pearl said darkly.

“Trail told me something this morning. Something I did not believe you were capable of. Now the pieces are starting to come together.” Obsidian explained.

“Did he now? And what is this country pony accusing me of?” Pearl said, smirking.

“Why don’t we hear it from him? Trail, what did you tell my husband this morning?” Pearl asked, still smirking.

Trail tried to speak out, but all that came out was, “Nothing Lady Pearl.”

Obsidian looked to Trail, seeing his eyes start to daze over, “Trail, what is wrong with you?”

“She cursed him.” Penelope said.

“Shut your mouth you filly!” Pearl said.

“No! You can’t scare me anymore! She cursed Trail with a charm spell!” Penelope shouted.

“You did what!?” Obsidian asked harshly.

“I did nothing of the sort!” Pearl shouted.

“I saw you leading Trail in your room last night! I thought it was strange, I didn’t want to get involved! Not until I saw she hadn’t fully dispelled it.” Penelope shouted.

Obsidian looked to his wife, “Undo the spell completely.”

Pearl looked away.


Pearl’s face grew pale and she relented. She walked over and lit up her horn, removing the last remnants of the spell. Trail could finally breathe easy, and stood on his hooves again. He moved as far away from Pearl as he could.

“Go home Trail. I will deal with this.” Obsidian said darkly.

Trail didn’t need to be told twice. He ran out of the manor and never looked back.

Three days later…

Trail was a mess. He couldn’t sleep, and barely ate. He was having horrible nightmares about that night. His sisters were all on business trips, and he couldn’t bear to tell his mother about this. Not yet.

Then the doorbell rang out, making Trail jump.

He walked to the door and opened it, revealing Climb.

“Climb, what are you doing here?” Trail asked.

“Trail. I am afraid tragedy has struck.” Climb said, his voice shaky.

“What happened?” Trail asked.

“Lord Obsidian has passed away.” Climb said, tears falling down his face now.

Trail looked at him in shock. This couldn’t be happening…

The funeral was long and hard for Trail, he sat with several of the servants, right next to Climb as the service went on. Trail wasn’t told how he died, only that it was in his sleep. He felt no pain. As the casket was dropped into the ground, Trail felt a chill run down his spine.

Lady Pearl was there, looking at Trail everytime he looked her way. And what frightened Trail the most, was that she was the only pony there who was smiling.

Trail was brought into the manor by new servants he didn’t recognize. He had come hours after the funeral to give his letter of resignation. But as soon as he stepped on the grounds, he was grabbed and dragged by two large stallions.

As they reached the study, he was thrown inside and the door shut behind him.

“So nice of you to join me Trail.” Pearl said, with that same voice that made Trail sick.

“What do you want?” Trail said, standing his ground.

“Oh do relax Trail. This is just a simple chat between an employer and her employee.” Pearl said, pouring a cup of tea.

“Well too bad for you. I quit. Here’s my letter.” Trail said, throwing the paper at her hooves.

She looked down at the paper and then to him, “Now we can’t have that Trail.”

“And why not?” Trail asked.

“Because you owe me!” Pearl shouted.

“I owe you? What kind of tea are you drinking? I owe you nothing!” Trail shouted.

“Oh you do. I assure you.” Pearl said.

She moved around to sit at her chair, “You have cost me quite a lot these past few days Trail Blazer. My husband, the respect of my servants, my reputation.”

Trail glared at her, “Like you care that the Lord is gone.”

“Oh but now I have every eye in Canterlot looking at me like I’m a Black Widow! Everypony always points to the wife. He died in his sleep from who knows what!” Pearl said.

She took a breath to calm herself, “But if anything good has come out of this tragedy, it’s that your little accusation will no longer see the light of day.”

“You charmed me! Made me…” Trail said, the words stopping as his stomach began to turn.

“Oh shut up. I’m tired of hearing about it. Anyway, that leads me to the true reason I can’t let you leave.” Pearl said.

“And what’s that?” Trail asked, glaring at her.

Pearl turned to him with a glare of her own, “I’m pregnant you country filth.”

Trail’s eyes widened, that couldn’t be true. Could it?

“Is… Is it?” Trail asked, not able to finish the sentence.

“Yes you buffoon, it’s yours. Honestly, do catch up.” Pearl said, sipping her tea.

Trail didn’t know what to say, or feel, or think. Pearl was pregnant, with his foal? He was going to have a foal? With this mare?

Trail looked at her again, his glare still there, “So what now?”

“Now, we talk.” Pearl said, gesturing over to the Lord’s chair.

Trail hesitantly took the chair and looked at her with hate.

“Talk then.” Trail said.

“Nothing would make me happier than aborting this little mistake and never seeing you again. But a noble such as myself cannot be seen in a clinic, or risk losing all of my business associates that frown upon that practice. Then it struck me.” Pearl said, smiling at the end.

“What struck you?” Trail asked.

“The perfect revenge against you, for smearing my good name. You will stay here, and heed to my every whim.” Pearl said.

“What!?” Trail said.

“Oh I know you Trail. Always wanting a child, but never finding the right mare. Well, here is your chance. A foal to raise all on your own. All you have to do to get it, is stay with me through the pregnancy. Every desire I wish, you will grant.” Pearl said.

“You are using an unborn foal to blackmail? Here I thought you couldn’t get any more disgusting.” Trail said.

She glared at him, “I would watch what you say. If you refuse this offer, or continue to insult me in such a manner, I will force myself to miscarriage and scream to the police that you forced yourself on me and tried to force me to marry you for my fortune.”

Trail’s expression went pale, “You… you wouldn’t?”

“Don’t underestimate me Trail Blazer.” Pearl smirked.

“You’d kill a child just to get me arrested? For revenge?” Trail asked.

“You ruined me. So it’s only fair that I ruin you. Do we have a deal, Trail?” Pearl said, offering her hoof.

He grimaced, his stomach churning as the thoughts went through his head.

“I’ll do it.” Trail said, defeated.

“Good, now you can start by cleaning my hooves. We will see where the day takes us afterwards.” Pearl said, leaning back in her chair.

Trail had no choice as he got down on the ground. He felt like puking again.

Eleven months. Eleven months of pure Taratus and torture. Pearl stopped at nothing to humiliate and use Trail for anything she desired. And when the day finally came for his foal to be born, he found himself in a private hospital in Canterlot.

Pearl sat on the doctor’s table, belly bloated with the foal. Her lawyer, a unicorn stallion named Immoral Justice, stood next to her with a stack of paperwork.

“Mr. Blazer, you have kept your end of the agreement for the length of the pregnancy. Therefore, I have the legal document here, granting you full custody of the child after its birth. Do you accept custody of this foal?” Justice asked.

“I do.” Trail said with hesitation.

The lawyer had him sign one of the documents.

“Next, by Equestrian law, you are allowed to make conditions for the rights of the mother, as she has forfeited her rights to the child.” Justice stated.

“Good. Then I want it written that Pampered Pearl and anyone under her employ or association will be restricted from coming within 500 ft of myself, my child, or anyone in my family.” Trail stated, with great detail.

“Very well. It shall be done.” Justice said, writing that into the contract.

“Next point of order, my client’s name will be stricken from the birth certificate.” Justice said.

“Fine by me.” Trail said, glaring daggers at Pearl.

“Next point, you shall be reminded that after the child is born, you will not set a hoof in Canterlot again.” Justice said.

“Never planned to come back here anyway.” Trail scoffed.

“Then if both parties are satisfied with this arrangement, I believe we will get this over with.” Justice said, rolling out the document.

Trail read it over one last time, making sure there were no loop holes or foul play hidden inside. When he was satisfied, he signed it. Pearl signed just after and then was hit with contractions.

She was wheeled inside the operating room, leaving Trail and the lawyer outside the room. Trail had no intention of helping her through the labor. Consider it payback for the eleven months of degradation.

“You are doing the right thing Mr. Blazer.” Justice said.

“Yes. Though I doubt you know what it truly means to do the right thing, Immoral Justice.” Trail spat at him.

“Such hostility. And here I am, delivering your baby to you without any fuss.” He said.

“Out of the kindness of your heart right? Assuming you even have one.” Trail said, venom dripping.

“Hearts don’t pay the bills.” Justice said.

“Trail!” Several voices called out from the hallway of the hospital.

Trail and Justice turned to see Tala, Zala and Valley Trail coming towards them. They stopped and hugged Trail. Tala then took to glaring at the lawyer, who simply didn’t pay her any mind.

Then the door to the operating room opened, the nurse coming out with a bundle in her magic. She walked over to Trail and held her out.

“Congratulations. It’s a filly.” She said, smiling.

Trail took her in his hooves, surrounded by his family. He uncovered her face and saw that she was light blue, with a mane of white. Streaks of byzantium were also visible in her mane through the blanket. When she opened her eyes, Trail saw the most beautiful green eyes.

“Trail, she’s beautiful.” Valley Trail said, looking at the filly.

“Gorgeous brother.” Zala said.

Tala wiped a tear from her eye before the door to the room opened again, revealing Pampered Pearl.

Tala immediately growled and stood in front of Trail. Zala also took a defensive stance.

“There. We have no further business with each other. Take it and go.” Pearl spat.

“Now now Pearl. Let’s keep this civil. We need to get you to a recovery room, out of the eyes of the public.” Justice said.

But before Pearl could be carted off, she spoke again, “What are you calling the brat anyway?”

Trail pushed in front of his sisters and covered the foal to where Pearl couldn’t see her, “You don’t need to know. Cause you’ll never see her or be near her again.”

Pearl glared at him but was blocked by her lawyer and carted off by the doctors.

When she was fully gone, another doctor came up to them, “I know this is a rather delicate situation for everyone involved, but we will need a name for the birth certificate.”

Trail uncovered the filly again, she was sleeping peacefully now, “Her name is… Comet Trail.”

Author's Note:

Hey guys, Hades here again

So here's the chapter you've been waiting for. I am sorry its a bit rough to get through, a lot of emotions and disturbing indications.

Trail has been through some real shit huh?

So yeah, this is why the mother is not mentioned, and why Trail doesn't go to Canterlot.

Now we get to see how everypony takes the story and what they do next.

See you guys next time, thank you for reading.