• Published 11th Oct 2018
  • 5,315 Views, 301 Comments

A Trail Leading Home - Hades Shadow 92

A father and his little filly find a home in Ponyville. What new adventures await them? And will the past catch up with them?

  • ...

Ch. 8 - Coffee

Chapter 8

-- Coffee --

Another morning in Ponyville, Celestia’s sun shone down on the town as ponies moved back and forth through the streets for their morning routines. Trail Blazer was among those many ponies, moving with pace to his destination. He had an appointment with a friend, and he was running a bit late. A bit of a long night led to him oversleeping, hopefully she wouldn’t mind.

“Running a bit late there Trail?” A feminine voice asked.

Trail halted in his trot to look towards the source of the voice, finding Vinyl Scratch and Octavia giggling at him.

“Vinyl, Octavia, good morning.” Trail said in greeting.

Trail walked up to them and they found a spot out of the traffic of ponies to talk.

“So, where are you off to in a hurry? Late for a date with a certain counselor pony?” Vinyl said teasingly.

Trail blushed and shot her a glare, “It’s not like that. We just have coffee every now and then, and talk about Comet’s schoolwork.”

“Oh come on, you two “just have coffee” almost every week, sometimes twice a week.” Vinyl said, using her hooves to make air quotations.

Trail’s glare intensified, and he turned away. Octavia saw this gesture and moved to put a hoof on Vinyl’s shoulder.

“Now Vinyl, that’s enough. I think he’s had enough teasing.” Octavia said.

Vinyl looked at her and then back to Trail, seeing his discomfort.

“Hey man, you know I was just playing. I mean, you two get along so well, I don’t see why you’re so against it.” Vinyl said, looking a bit worried for her friend.

Trail sighed and looked to them with a somber expression, “I do enjoy Starlight’s company, she’s a great mare, and a good friend. But… I’m just not ready for a relationship like that.”

Vinyl looked like she was about to press the issue, and a look from Octavia shot down her questioning. They both said their farewells to Trail and left him to continue their morning.

Trail sighed again and realized he was still late, making him bolt up and make a full trot towards the cafe. He weaved between the oncoming ponies, making his way through the town. He eventually made it to the cafe. He walked inside, and the waiter immediately recognized him and pointed to a table on the other side of the cafe.

There sat Starlight Glimmer, looking a little impatient as she sat there, looking in Trail’s direction.
She was taping her hoof on the table, and he quickly grew a look of embarrassment as he made his way to the table.

He sat down in the chair across from her and rubbed the back of his head nervously.

“Morning Starlight, great weather we’re having huh?” Trail said with a nervous chuckle at the end.

She raised an eyebrow but her expression quickly changed into a laughing fit, “Sleep in this morning Trail?”

Trail looked down at the table, “Yeah, I was up a bit later than normal. Got stuck in this book Zecora gave me.”

Starlight giggled and levitated their menus, passing Trail one as the waiter came to take their orders. They both ordered just coffee as per usual.

“So Starlight, how has Comet’s classes been going? I’ve been seeing her study a lot at home.” Trail asked her.

“They’ve been going well for the most part. Her teachers always speak highly of her and she seems to enjoy all her classes. But there is a problem that we need to discuss.” Starlight said.

Trail gave her a worried look, “What’s that?”

“She’s been having trouble with Twilight’s magic theory and practice class. She understands the theory better than most the class. But when it comes to performing the spells, she hasn’t gotten the hang of spell casting.” Starlight said.

Trail sighed and lowered his eyes, “I was afraid of this. I’m not the best teacher, or the best spell caster either. I never had any formal magic lessons, so I couldn’t help Comet very well. I wanted to get her a private tutor, but we were always moving and I couldn’t afford it.”

Starlight put a hoof on his shoulder, “It’s ok Trail. You did your best. She’s a wonderful filly with a lot of potential. I think she’ll be great.”

Trail smiled at her, “So, you’ll help her out? I don’t have a lot of bits for a fee.”

Starlight smiled, “I won’t charge you. After seeing how much this means to both of you, I couldn’t possibly take your bits. Besides, having a personal student is something I’ve always thought about.”

Trail looked shocked, “Starlight, I couldn’t possibly give you nothing for this. Please, there’s gotta be something I can do to repay your kindness.”

Starlight smiled and then put a hoof to her chin in thought, “Hmmm. How about… I get the first copy of your next book. And, you buy me coffee every Friday. Sound fair?”

Trail was shocked yet again, but reached out his hoof, “Starlight Glimmer, you got yourself a deal.”

They shook hooves and enjoyed their coffee. Trail kept thanking her over and over again, asking if he could be present when she told Comet the good news. Starlight agreed and as they finished their coffee, they headed to the school.

Comet was in the lunchroom, sitting with her friends as they enjoyed their break. Comet had been in higher spirits the last few days, excited by the idea of learning magic under Counselor Starlight. But she still had to wait for her father’s approval. Not that her daddy would ever say no to something like this. He and her counselor had become friends and she was totally trustworthy. She studied under Princess Twilight!

“Comet, you’re spacing out again?” Smoulder said, tapping the filly on the shoulder.

Comet jumped and saw all her friends looking at her with smiles and smirks. She blushed and began to fidget with her mane.

“Come on filly, something’s got you excited. Is it a boy!?” Silverstream asked with her usual glee.

Comet immediately blushed a brighter red and glared at her hippogriff, “NO!”

Everyone at the table burst into laughter, making her grumble in embarrassment.

“Alright, if it’s not a boy, then what is it? Come on tell us” Ocellus asked as she recovered from her laughing fit.

Comet puffed out her cheeks in annoyance. She took a deep breath to calm herself, “I’m excited because Counselor Starlight might be tutoring me in magic, if Daddy says it’s ok.”

“Counselor Starlight is gonna tutor you!? That’s so cool!” Ocellus said. Her wings buzzed a little in her excitement.

All of her friends started to congratulate her and some continued to tease her in good fun. In such a short time Comet felt like she truly had a place in this school. She had wonderful friends, great teachers, and now a personal tutor.

“And what are you so excited for? Finally figured out how your horn works?” A colts voice came from behind Comet.

Comet groaned and turned around to find Tourmaline walking towards their table with a smirk on his face. This wasn’t going to be pleasant.

“Tourmaline, what do you want? We are trying to enjoy our lunch. Now my appetite is spoiled.” Comet said, disapproval and spite in her voice.

“I would expect such a vulgar response from somepony who never learned proper manners. Or a proper education, typical for one who grew up on the road.” Tourmaline said.

Comet glared at him, “How I was raised is no business of yours. And recall I have better grades than you in several subjects, not that it matters. School isn’t a competition.”

“Please, subjects like history and physical education are hardly worth my time. But do recall who has the highest test scores in Magic and Theory. Me of course, as expected of a Rhinestone.” Tourmaline said, his tone menacing and houty.

“Yeah, if you’re so good at magic, why didn’t you make it into Princess Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns?” Sandbar said, smirking back at him.

“I don’t recall talking to you mud pony!” Tourmaline spat at Sandbar.

Yona stomped her hooves, making the table shake. “You no talk to Sandbar like that!”

“Or what Yak? You’ll “smash me”? How brutish.” Tourmaline said, using air quotes with his hooves to mock Yona.

Smoulder blew smoke out of her nostrils and stood up to face him, “Back off jerk. Or there is gonna be trouble.”

Tourmaline and Smoulder glared at each other, his horn glowing in response to her smoking threat. The others at the table stood up to break up what could have been a bad fight.

Suddenly, a whistle blew and everyone looked up to see Rainbow Dash hovering over the group looking rather upset.

“Alright break it up!’ Rainbow shouted, putting herself in between Smoulder and Tourmaline.

“Professor Rainbow Dash, thank Celestia you are here. This dragon just threatened me.” Tourmaline said, pointing at Smoulder with a hoof.

Rainbow turned to glare at the colt, “Yeah, I heard. I also heard all the awful things you said to Comet and her other friends. We do not tolerate racism in this school.”

Tourmaline’s eyes widened for a moment before he scowled and looked away.

Rainbow turned to Smoulder, “Smoulder, I’m proud of you for sticking up for your friends, but we can’t have threats of violence. Considering the circumstances, I’ll let you off with a warning. But don’t let it happen again, alright?”

Smoulder crossed her arms and looked away, “Yeah, sorry Professor Dash.”

Rainbow nodded and turned back to glare at Tourmaline, “As for you, I think we should have a talk with Headmare Twilight about this incident. Her office, now.”

Tourmaline grit his teeth and started to move to the door that lead out of the lunchroom. He grumbled until he was out of earshot.

Rainbow turned back to the group, “If he ever pulls anything like that again, tell a teacher. We do not tolerate behavior like that. Lucky I caught him and not Applejack, boy would his ears be ringing.”

“Why is he like that? Are all nobles in Canterlot like that? Because they sure aren’t like that at Mount Aris.” Silverstream asked the older pegasus.

“Not all are that bad, but yeah a lot of them can be pretty stuck up. Not all, but a lot. Anyway, I gotta go make sure he gets to Twilight’s office.” Rainbow Dash said, taking to the air.

She was about to dash away, but turned back at the last second, “Oh right, Comet, Starlight wants you in her office. She sent me to find you.”

Comet’s mood immediately brightened at those words. She quickly said her goodbyes to her friends and went straight for Starlight’s office.

Arriving outside of the School Counselor’s office, Comet was really nervous. Did it go well with her dad? He wouldn’t say no would he?

Finding her courage, she knocked on the door.

“Come in.” Starlight’s voice chimed from the other side of the door.

Comet opened the door, and to her surprise, her father was standing next to Counselor Starlight. Starlight sat at her desk while Trail stood to her right, both smiling brightly as Comet made her way to the couch.

“Comet, good to see you. I knew Rainbow would find you pretty quickly. How has your day been?” Starlight asked.

“It’s been pretty good so far, aside from what happened in the cafeteria a while ago.” Comet said, her face sporting a tiny frown at the end.

Starlight and Trail’s eyebrows raised at her statement.

“What happened in the cafeteria?” Starlight asked.

“Tourmaline Rhinestone, that’s what. He started blabbing about how he’s the number one student in Magic and Theory, and how his family is so superior to everyone. Then he starts insulting all my friends. Calling Sandbar a mud pony, and being a racist to Yona.” Comet said, disgust in her voice.

Both adults grew worried looks on their faces. Trail went to sit next to his daughter, “Honey, you want to talk about it?”

Comet sighed and rested her head on her dad’s shoulder, “Not now, maybe later.”

Starlight cleared her throat, “Well on a brighter note, I have news that will definitely cheer you up Comet. Trail and I have come to an agreement. So from this day on, I will be your magic tutor.”

Comet’s eyes widened in surprise, and then she immediately sprang up off the couch and bounced around the room.

“Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!” Comet squealed as she bounced.

Starlight and Trail laughed at her response, both glad that she was happy again. Though Starlight had a feeling that Tourmaline would come up in the next staff meeting. She wasn’t looking forward to that subject.

Trail finally stopped laughing long enough to speak, “Alright Comet, now remember. You need to give Starlight 100% effort.”

Comet stopped and gave a mock salute, “You got it. I’ll be the best student ever.”

Starlight giggled from behind her desk, “You already are a wonderful student Comet. How about we start the lesson this Saturday after lunch?”

“Sounds like a plan. I’ll be leaving for the Everfree around that time, so I’ll be out of your manes.” Trail said.

“This is gonna be so cool! I'm gonna learn from the protege of a princess.” Comet said gleefully.

Starlight blushed a little, “I’d say more of a student than a protege.”

All three ponies laughed at that, the feeling in the room was nothing but joyful. Comet would soon learn magic from one of the most talented magic users in Equestria. And only time will tell if she will join them.

Author's Note:

Hi guys, Hades here.

Boy it's been a while since I worked on this fic. Sorry for the short length, but I promise the next chapter will have more to it.

Next time: Comet's first lesson