• Published 11th Oct 2018
  • 5,233 Views, 294 Comments

A Trail Leading Home - Hades Shadow 92

A father and his little filly find a home in Ponyville. What new adventures await them? And will the past catch up with them?

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Ch 12 - Dinner

Chapter 12

-- Dinner --

Trail Blazer sat in his living room, reading the newest book from Daring Doo. He had always enjoyed them, as did Comet. When a new book came out, he always let Comet borrow it first and let her enjoy it, so long as she promised not to spoil it for him.

Suddenly, the door to the house opened with a crash and before he could put the book down and see who it was, he was tackled by a filly missile.

“Daddy, I did it! I passed with top scores!” Comet squeed.

“Did you now? I knew you could sweetheart.” Trail said, hugging his filly tightly.

“As did I. She just needed a little confidence in herself.” Starlight said as she walked into the living room.

“Starlight! What a surprise. I didn’t expect you, or I would have cleaned up the place.” Trail said, smiling to the mare.

Starlight looked around and saw some books and maps sprawled across the coffee table but other than that, she had seen worse. Trixie’s wagon for instance.

“Come on Trail, this isn’t that bad. It’s not like I’m a Princess. No need to go the extra mile.” Starlight said, sitting down on the couch.

Trail chuckled, “Alright then. Since you’re here, would you like to join us for dinner? I was planning to make cottage cheese alfredo tonight.”

Comet’s eyes widened and Starlight could swear she saw a bit of drool on her lip.

“Yes! Daddy’s pasta is the best! Please stay Starlight, please!” Comet said as she bounced between the two adults.

“Well that certainly sounds good. If it’s not too much trouble. I’d hate to impose.” Starlight said.

“Nonsense. With all the help you’ve given Comet, it’s the least I can do.” Trail said, getting up from the couch.

Comet then turned to him, “Oh Daddy, I forgot to tell you! Starlight’s gonna be my full time magic instructor!”

Trail looked at Starlight with a bright smile, “Really?”

Starlight smiled back, “Of course. She has the potential of becoming a great mage. And I want to help her realize that potential.”

“Then this calls for some real celebration!” Trail exclaimed as he entered his kitchen.

Starlight and Comet followed suit, the latter practically bouncing with every step. Starlight couldn’t help but chuckle at the filly’s excitement.

“All right, let’s get started. Comet, could you go get the black peppercorns from the pantry?” Trail asked as he began floating ingredients out of the cupboards.

“On it Daddy.” Comet said, running back out of the kitchen.

“So, is there any way I can help?” Starlight asked.

“Starlight, you’re a guest. You don’t have to.” Trail answered.

“Maybe, but I want to. I’m not that great of a cook, but I’d like to help.” Starlight said.

“Well I’m no gourmet chef myself, but I did learn a few things from my sister Zala.” Trail said.

“You have a sister?” Starlight asked.

“Two actually. Not by blood mind you, but we grew up together. They helped turn me into the pony I am today. Zala taught me how to cook, make talismans for my arrows, survival skills, you name it.” Trail answered as he laid out all the ingredients on the countertop.

“Zala, that’s the zebra from your family picture right? Comet told me a little about her.” Starlight said, levitating some bowls and measuring cups.

“That’s her. She even saved my life back when we were kids.”

“Really? She sounds like quite the mare. And what about the griffin, Tala I believe her name was?” Starlight asked.

“Yep. Tala, or as she is known to the griffons of Griffinstone, Sky Claw Tala.” Trail said as he got out the blender.

“Sky Claw? How’d she get that name?” Starlight asked.

“There is a competition in Griffinstone every year. A test of might and skill in aerial combat. Griffins fight in the sky in large groups, and if you touch the ground even a little, you lose.” Trail answered.

“That sounds interesting. Though I’d imagine griffins fight rough.” Starlight said.

“Oh they do. But they have rules. No killing or fatal blows. No cheap shots to the groin or wings.” Trail said, mixing cottage cheese, milk, cornflour, and garlic granules in the blender.

“That’s good. Killing each other doesn’t seem like a friendly competition. So Tala has won this contest then?” Starlight asked.

Trail looked at her with a smirk, “Yeah, for the last 7 years.”

“Seven years straight!?” Starlight yelled.

“Darn right. Tala is the toughest griffin you’ll ever meet. She taught me how to use my bow, as well as some hoof to hoof combat. Or claw to claw in her case.” Trail said, laughing at the end.

“Wow. Your sisters all sound impressive. I hope I get to meet them one day.” Starlight said.

“My aunts are the best!” Comet said, having returned with the peppercorns.

“Ah there you are Comet. Starlight, would you two mind grinding up those peppercorns? We need about half a teaspoon.” Trail said.

“No problem. Come on Comet, we can make it a little magic lesson.” Starlight said, taking the peppercorns along with two small bowls.

Comet squeed and followed her teacher. Both sat down near the dining table, Starlight taking one of the bowls and pouring some peppercorns in.

“Alright Comet, now this spell is simply in idea, but requires delicate control and precision. The idea is to make a simple construct, in this case, a pestle to grind up the corns.” Starlight said.

Her horn lit up, revealing a light blue pestle made of magic. She started to grind up the corn, using careful motions. Then after a minute, it disappeared along with the glow of her horn.

“Alright Comet, now you try.” She instructed.

Comet nodded and lit up her horn, focusing on shaping her magic into the shape of a pestle. After about a minute of focus, the object looked more like a dented pipe. Comet’s face scrunched up in concentration, and the object slowly began to take the correct shape.

After about a minute, the pestle took shape and Comet’s expression changed to a wide smile. She turned to Starlight and in doing so lost concentration on her construct. It dug into the grounded peppercorn and slipped, sending a small cloud onto Comet’s nose.

Comet flinched back and gave out a loud sneeze, nearly dropping the bowl if Starlight had not caught it in her own magic. After a small round of sneezing, Comet looked up at her teacher with a sheepish smile.

Starlight just laughed and shook her head slightly.

“A good try Comet, but looks like we need to work on your focus.” Starlight said, taking a napkin and wiping the dust off Comet’s nose.

Comet blushed in embarrassment, and soon heard a chuckle from behind them. Turning to see her father looking at them with an amused smirk.

Comet spat him a raspberry, making all three ponies burst out in laughter. Soon the peppercorn was grounded and ready, as was the rest of the ingredients. Comet and Starlight then moved to the living room as Trail began to cook the pasta. The smell was amazing, Starlight couldn’t help but be excited.

After around 20 minutes of waiting, Trail Blazer soon came out with a large bowl of pasta, and three plates floating in his magic. All three ponies moved to the dining table as the food was placed on hot plates.

Soon the pasta was laid out and dinner was ready. Starlight took the first bite and was amazed at the taste.

“Trail this is amazing. It tastes like food you’d buy at some fancy restaurant.” Starlight complimented.

“You’re too kind Starlight. You should try my mother’s pasta. She is the true master.” Trail said.

“Yeah, Grandma is the best! Auntie Zala too.” Comet said, before going back to stuffing her face.

“Comet slow down. That pasta isn’t going anywhere.” Starlight laughed.

Comet thought for a moment but eventually shook her head in disagreement, mouth still full of pasta. Trail and Starlight laughed and went back to their meals.

Soon most of the pasta was gone, and all three were full. They moved to the couch and enjoyed each other's company.

“So Starlight, you’ve asked about us, but we know so little about you. Why don’t you share a bit?” Trail asked.

“Well there’s not much to tell. I was born in Sire’s Hollow, raised by my dad mostly.” Starlight answered.

“No mom?” Comet asked.

Starlight’s ears dropped a little, “No. Dad said she died when I was very little.”

“I’m sorry Starlight. That must have been hard.” Trail said.

“It was. But Dad always gave me enough love for two parents. Sometimes a bit too much. Even today he sometimes treats me like a little filly.” Starlight said, her face getting a slight bit of annoyance.

“Yeah my dad was like that too. Always so careful with me, not liking me and Zala going out into the woods alone.” Trail said.

Starlight got a look of interest, “I saw your mom in that picture and Comet has told me about her. This is the first time you’ve mentioned your dad. What happened to him?”

Trail’s ears drooped and he turned away slightly, “It’s not a happy topic. I won’t give the full details, but there was an accident when I was young. Dad died in a hospital and Mom ended up in her wheelchair.”

Starlight’s hoof went to her mouth with a gasp, “By Celestia, that sounds horrible.”

Trail sniffled a little, “Yes it was. Sorry for bringing down the mood. I haven’t thought about Dad in a while.”

“No no, I shouldn't have pried.” Starlight said.

“Grandma told me the story a couple years ago. I cried too. I would have loved to meet Grandpa.” Comet said, moving to her father’s side.

Trail teared up a little and wrapped her in a hug, “And he would have loved to have met you sweetheart.”

Starlight couldn’t help but shed a little tear. The three then got back to talking about all sorts of topics. Ranging from magic, to Trail’s adventures throughout the world, etc.

Soon it got late, and Comet fell asleep next to Trail.

Trail carried Comet to bed, tucking her in for the night before heading back downstairs. Starlight had waited patiently by the door for him.

“I should really be getting back before Twilight starts to worry. Time sure flew by.” Starlight said.

“It certainly did. Thank you again for all your doing for Comet. Magic has always been something she’s been passionate about. That and her art. I’m now convinced her cutiemark is connected to both.” Trail said.

“I agree. She’s shown me her sketchbooks. She really has talent. Even Rarity was singing her praises in class.” Starlight said.

“And speaking of class, there was one more thing I wanted to ask you Trail.”

“Sure thing. What is it?” Trail asked.

“Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash have been planning a field trip for their classes. They want to show the students Froggy Bottom Bog, in the Everfree Forest.” Starlight said.

“Froggy Bottom Bog, yeah I know it. Zecora has shown it to me a few times. Why that particular place?” Trail asked.

“Fluttershy wants the students to observe the creatures that live there, and Rainbow wants to run a survival course.” Starlight answered.

“That sounds like a fun field trip. But I have a feeling there is a “but” coming.” Trail said.

“You are correct. The issue is that they need a guide, somepony who can keep the students safe. Parents will want reassurance that their kids aren’t going to be eaten by a hydra or get Swamp fever.” Straight said.

“Ah, so you want a guide/protector?” Trail asked.

“Yep. I recommended you to the staff and everypony agreed you would be the best choice. Zecora was brought up, but after her bout with Swamp Fever, Fluttershy was hesitant to ask.” Starlight said.

“Yeah she seemed a little nervous about being there when she showed me. But I would be happy to accept the role of chaperone for this trip.” Trail said, bowing dramatically.

Starlight giggled at his antics, “Thanks Trail. Twilight is willing to pay you for your services. The trip is in two weeks, after the Running of the Leaves.”

Trail lifted an eyebrow in confusion, “Running of the Leaves?”

“Oh right, you probably haven’t heard of it. Next Saturday, Ponyville will host a race through the Whitetail Woods. A tradition in Ponyville to help the autumn leaves fall.” Starlight answered.

“That sounds like fun. Comet would love that.” Trail said excitingly.

“I bet she would too. All the students are encouraged to join the race. I even thought about running. No to win of course, just for fun.” Starlight said.

Trail chuckled, “I’ll run with you. I may be an outdoor pony, but winning isn’t really my thing.”

“Sounds great. I look forward to it.” Starlight said, opening the door to leave Trail’s home.

“Good night Trail.” Starlight said, before walking out.

“Good night Starlight. See you Monday morning for coffee.” Trail said as he waved her off.

Starlight waved back and disappeared in a flash of blue light.

Trail walked back into the house, a smile still on his muzzle. This was one of the best nights he and Comet had experienced since coming to Ponyville. There was something about Starlight that just made their days so much brighter. Trail couldn’t put his hoof on it, but shook it off.

He had two new things to look forward to now. The Running of the Leaves, and this field trip. What could go wrong?

Author's Note:

And another chapter down. Some cooking fun and a nice dinner. Aren't they all cute?

So the Running of the Leaves and Froggy Bottom Bog. Sounds like fun huh guys?

Until next time,