• Published 11th Oct 2018
  • 5,233 Views, 294 Comments

A Trail Leading Home - Hades Shadow 92

A father and his little filly find a home in Ponyville. What new adventures await them? And will the past catch up with them?

  • ...

Ch 15 - The Running of the Leaves

Chapter 15

-- The Running of the Leaves --

“Come on you slowpokes! We’re gonna be late for the race!” Comet yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

“Well we would be down already if Zala would get out of the bathroom already. Geez how long are you gonna take sis?” Tala said.

“Excuse me if some of us wish to be presentable for a public event. A mare must look her best.” Zala said.

“Whatever, I always look good.” Tala smirked.

Trail then appeared from his room and went for the stairs, “Zala, if you aren’t downstairs in five minutes, we are leaving without you.”

The family could hear the zebra groan as she soon emerged from her room, looking well groomed and wearing a rather exotic feather behind her ear.

“You all could use a touch of patience. I am here, now we may depart.” Zala huffed.

“Wow, is that a Phoenix feather Auntie Zala? Where did you get that?” Comet asked.

“I found it while traveling through the forest yesterday. It is quite magnificent.” Zala said, showing off the feather.

“And rare. Those usually go for 200 bits each. When you get bored with it, we can totally sell it.” Tala grinned.

“Touch this and I will pluck your feathers and sell them.” Zala said in a dark tone.

Tala paled a little but soon regained her composure, “Right, come on. We’re gonna be late for the race. Comet needs to get to the starting line before 10:00.”

Trail chuckled at the display but nudged Comet, “She’s right. Ready for the race sweetheart?”

“You bet I am! And I’m gonna win!” Comet jumped up in excitement.

“You will be spectacular dear niece, but not if you’re late. Come.” Zala said, moving out the door.

The rest of the family followed suit, heading in the direction of the Whitetail Woods on the other side of Ponyville. Ponies from all around town came out to see the race. Several ponies were sitting in the stands and walking around to buy treats and refreshments from the many stands.

As the family made their way to the starting line, Ocellus and the rest of Comet’s friends caught sight of them and immediately ran to their friend.

“Comet!” Ocellus squealed as the two fillies embraced and giggled.

“It’s about time you got here. Hope you move faster during the race.” Smoulder smirked.

“Ha! You just watch Smoulder. I’m gonna win.” Comet pointed her hoof at her friend.

“Yona will win! Yaks never tire!” Yona said, stomping her hooves.

“I’m not much of a runner, but hey, it’ll be fun for all of us. I’ll try to keep up.” Sandbar said, standing next to Yona.

“I’ve never ran in a race before. I’ve swam, flown, but never ran. This’ll be so cool!” Silverstream said, hovering in the air.

“You children are so lively. I admire your spirits.” Zala said.

The group finally noticed the zebra and gave Comet a confused look. Comet grinned and moved to her aunt’s side.

“Everyone, meet the best zebra who ever lived. My Auntie Zala.” She said proudly.

“Hello children.” Zala said sweetly.

“Oh so this is the zebra aunt. So cool.” Silverstream said gleefully.

“I thought zebras all speak in rhyme?” Ocellus asked.

“Some tribes do young one, but not all. I imagine Zecora has shaped your view of our culture.” Zala said.

They all nodded, making Zala chuckle.

“So, you all racing with Comet?” Tala asked.

“Absolutely! So, are you gonna race too, Miss Sky Claw?” Gallus asked sheepishly.

“Call me Miss again, and I’ll show you my special midair headlock kid.” Tala said, grinning darkly.

Gallus paled a little.

As he went pale, Tala started laughing, “I’m just yanking your chain kid. But seriously, no Miss. Just Tala, or Sky Claw if you want.”

Gallus chuckled nervously, “Gotcha.”

“Anyway, to answer your question, I’m not racing. Too late to enter and I don’t feel like running after the long flight I took to Ponyville over the last few days.” Tala said.

“Is age starting to catch up with you sister?” Zala said, smirking.

“We’re the same age, and I don’t see you entering the race. What, scared to get dirty?” Tala smirked back.

“I beg your pardon!?” Zala yelled back, glaring at the griffin.

“Alright you two. That’s enough. Don’t make me separate you two.” Trail said, pushing them away from each other.

Comet giggled at the exchange, her friends giving off their own chuckles before a loud voice rang out from above.

Attention Ponyville, The Running of the Leaves will begin in 5 minutes. Racers to the starting line!” Pinkie Pie said, a megaphone in her hoof as she floated from her hot air balloon.

Comet and the other students said their goodbyes and raced down to the starting line. All of them were excited for the race.

But in the crowd, another pony was watching them. A tea cup floating in his magic. A tiny grin crept up his muzzle.

Comet took a deep breath and continued her stretching, getting limbered up for the big race. Her friends were all doing their own stretching, even Ocellus, who wasn’t that athletic. The group was hanging out just a little ways from the starting. Too much of a crowd.

“So did you guys hear about Professor Applejack and Professor Rainbow Dash ending up in last place years ago?” Smoulder asked.

Gallus took at her with shock, “What? No way. Those two are the most athletic ponies we know. How did they end up in last place?”

“Sometimes a friendly competition can turn into something more ridiculous when two friends refuse to accept defeat.” A voice came from behind them.

They all turned to see Princess Twilight standing behind them, her smile bright as she looked to her students.

“What does that mean Princess Twilight?” Sandbar asked.

“Applejack and Rainbow Dash were so focused on beating each other, they didn’t realize that everypony had already gotten ahead of them. They all saw each other and only wanted to sabotage the other. And that cost them the race.” Twilight said.

“So, they were their own worst enemies cause they just wanted to beat each other?” Gallus asked.

“That’s right Gallus. It’s a lesson they learned the hard way. But tell me students, do you know the real reason for this race?” Twilight asked.

“Oh oh I know! It’s to help the leaves fall from the trees to signify the beginning of Autumn here in Ponyville. Earth ponies couldn’t change the season magically like pegasi and unicorns, so they found their own ways.” Comet answered.

“Very good Comet. The race has drawn in competition over the years, but the tradition is more important. I hope you all have that in mind.” Twilight said.

“We all love some friendly competition Princess, but we also know it’s not worth fighting about it. We totally understand.” Sandbar said.

All the students nodded and Twilight couldn’t help but smile a bit brighter.

“I’m glad you understand. Now have a great race kids.” Twilight said before turning towards the royal booth.

“It’s kinda cool that this race has been around for a long time.” Smoulder said.

“Yona agrees. Yona likes this tradition. Yona can stomp all she wants and knock all the leaves down from the trees.” Yona said, stomping her hooves, making a little tremor.

Some of the students lost their balance as they were stretching and fell to the ground. They turned to Yona, who looked sheepishly back. Then they all burst out in laughter before the sound of a whistle caught their attention.

“The race is starting!” Silverstream squealed.

The seven friends ran off to join the other racers at the starting line.

Having found some seats, Trail and his sisters made themselves comfortable as Tala munched on some popcorn that she bought.

“So, is there a reward for the winner? Like prize money?” Tala asked.

“No. I believe they get medals, but that’s about it. This is for tradition, not bits.” Trail answered.

“Yeah ok. Even living with ponies, I can’t understand you lot all the time. Racers would work twice as hard if there was a prize at the end.” Tala said.

“Some of us choose to honor tradition above the need for bits. And doesn’t the Sky Talon Competition all about a trophy and bragging rights?” Zala asked.

“Got me there.” Tala said.

“Trail!” A mare’s voice shouted from their right.

Turning towards the voice, Trail was happy to see Starlight Glimmer coming towards them, moving to their row of seats and standing next to him.

“Starlight! I was wondering where you would be during this thing. Not joining your fellow teachers in the royal booth?” Trail asked.

“And watch Rarity get pampered by Aloe and Lotus while Rainbow Dash and Applejack shout at the top of their lungs all race? No thank you. Mind if I join you?” Starlight said.

“Not at all, have a seat.” Trail said.

Starlight took a seat and noticed the other two females sitting with him giving her looks of curiosity. It made her a bit nervous until one of them spoke up.

“So Trail, is she your marefriend you’ve been telling us about?” Tala asked, smirking.

Both Trail and Starlight went bright red from that statement.

“She is not my marefriend Tala! She’s just a very good friend.” Trail yelled.

Starlight’s blush persisted, and something else inside her seemed to change with Trail’s words. But it quickly faded as did most of her blush.

“Yeah sure.” Tala scoffed.

“Oh leave them be sister. I am happy our brother has found such a good friend in this new town.” Zala said.

Turning towards the mare, she gave a respect bow of her head, “Forgive my sister, she is brash and lacking in proper manners. I am Zala, and she is Tala. We are Trail’s sisters.” Zala said.

Starlight’s face immediately lit up, “So you’re the sisters he told me about. When did you arrive?”

“Yesterday. Are you the magic teacher that took Comet up as her student?” Tala asked.

Starlight smiled, “Yes I am. She is a wonderful student and a great young filly.”

Tala smiled, “Good answer. She always loved magic, just never found the means to really learn.”

“Yes, it was a great passion of hers. I brought her books, but it never was enough for her. She’d read through them overnight.” Zala chuckled.

“Well I promise, I’ll turn her into the best mage in Equestria.” Starlight proclaimed with pride.

“I’m sure you will, with how talented you are in magic.” Trail said.

Starlight blushed and hit him on the shoulder, causing both of them to laugh. While they were, Tala and Zala looked at each other and then back to Trail, and both got a mischievous grin.

“So, you see Comet and her friends down there” Starlight asked after their fit of laughter ended.

“Yep, right there.” Trail said, pointing down at the starting line where the group of friends were gathered.

“She’s gonna kick tail in this race. I know it.” Tala said.

All four of them nodded and looked on as the race was ready to begin any minute.

“Racers, on your marks!” The referee pony said.

Comet and the rest of her friends took their positions.

“Get set! GO!” The referee pony shouted as he blew the air horn in his hoof.

The race was off and so was Comet, her friends keeping up with her as they barrelled down the path towards the Whitetail woods. The feeling of the wind rushing through her mane and her heart pumping in her chest was amazing.

As they made it to the first curve leading into the woods, Comet was so entranced by her excitement, she did not notice something in the road. She soon found herself tumbling over and landing on her side.

“Comet!” Smoulder yelled as she helped her friend up.

“Thanks Smoulder, that really hurt. What happened?” Comet asked, looking back at what tripped her.

It was a large tree root, sticking out of the ground just high enough to make a curve, which Comet had caught her hoof in.

“What the? I thought they cleared out the path so things like this won’t happen?” Smoulder asked, eyeing the root suspiciously.

“They do, Princess Twilight told us. And why didn’t the others get tripped?” Comet asked.

“I didn’t see it when I was ahead of you.” Smoulder said.

Comet looked at the root and thought for a moment before realization hit her, “Forget it Smoulder! We gotta catch up with the others.”

Smoulder nodded after burning the root with her fire breath and the two continued, picking up the pace to catch up with the others. It didn’t take them too long as the other five friends came into view.

“What happened back there?” Gallus asked as they caught up.

“A root tripped Comet, and I don’t think it was there by accident.” Smoulder said.

Ocellus gasped, “You think a unicorn might have conjured it?”

“It’s possible. It’s not a hard spell to learn. But someone would have noticed a racer with a glowing horn.” Comet said.

“Maybe somepony not in the race is trying to make sure a friend wins?” Sandbar asked.

“That is so not cool.” Silverstream said.

“Yona says let them try! Yona and her friends will win!” Yona said.

They all nodded and continued. For the next ten minutes of running, nothing seemed out of place. They had passed some racers who had worn themselves out and some that were just trotting.

As they made their way through the Whitetail Woods, something rustled in the trees and the next thing they all knew was that Ocellus had disappeared.

“Help!” Ocellus yelled from behind them.

They all skidded to a halt and turned towards the source of the yell, in the treeline by the race track. Just inside the treeline, they saw Ocellus trapped in a sticky web. And above her was a large spider, chattering as it drew close to the changeling.

“Oh no you don’t!” Smoulder yelled as she flew over to fire a hot wave of flames at the arachnid.

It hissed in pain and scurried into the tree. Silverstream and Gallus flew over to get Ocellus out of the web.

“What happened? How did you get up there?” Silverstream asked.

“I don’t know. There was this bright flash of light, and when I could see again, I was stuck in the web.” Ocellus said.

“Ok, whoever is doing this is going too far. That spider could have eaten you.” Comet said.

“When Yona finds mean unicorn pony, Yona smash!” Yona said, stomping her powerful hooves.

“We’ll tell Princess Twilight about this when we get done with the race. Let’s go!” Sandbar said.

And it was back to the race, they had lost some ground but they powered through to try and get some momentum back. It was strange though. Nopony else seemed to be getting attacked by this mysterious saboteur.

Smoulder was constantly on the lookout for something suspicious, but even with her keen eye, she didn’t see it coming. A bag was thrown in front of her from the treeline and it exploded into a cloud of dust. It hit Smoulder right in the face, causing her to shield her eyes.

As her friends came to her aid, the dragon suddenly let out a sneeze, a puff of flame coming out of her mouth. And then another, and another.

“Crap, it’s sneezing powder. Keep her away from the trees.” Gallus said, trying to hold Smoulder away from the treeline.

She accidentally let out a sneeze in his direction, singeing his chest feather a little and causing him to fall backwards towards the treeline. As he fell to his rump, he felt a strange sticky sensation.

Sure enough, when he tried to stand, he looked down to see that he had fallen on a flat boulder, covered in glue.

“Ah come on!” Gallus yelled.

As Silverstream tried to move over to help Gallus, a snapping noise rang out and a net came out of nowhere and scooped up the Hippogriff. She tried to struggle out of it, but it got tangled in her wings and hair.

“Ok this is getting stupid, who is out there!?” Sandbar yelled out.

“Don’t worry Sandbar, this pony won’t get Yon…” Yona started to say before she suddenly looked drowsy.

She tumbled right into Sandbar, landing on top of the earth pony and crushing him with her weight. She then started to snore and would not budge, even as Sandbar tried to push.

Comet looked at all her friends and didn’t know what to do. Somepony was targeting them, and only them. However it was, they were not being fair.

“Comet, go finish the race and tell Princess Twilight!” Silverstream yelled from her net.

“Yeah, forget about us. We’ll get out of this. Make sure Princess Twilight hears about this. Don’t let whatever jerk is doing this get away with it.” Ocellus said as she tried to help out Silverstream.

Comet didn’t want to leave her friends, but they were right. Princess Twilight needed to hear about this.

So she ran, ran as fast as she could. She passed ponies without even realizing as the finish line came into view. Her heart was pounding, her breath was ragged, but she couldn’t stop. And as she crossed the finish line, she didn’t feel the accomplishment that she had thought she would this morning.

“Comet!” Princess Twilight called out to her.

Comet then got back up and moved in front of the Princess.

“Where are the rest of your friends? I thought you all would finish together?” Twilight asked.

“Princess! You need to come with me! Somepony was attacking me and my friends with all kinds of spells and traps!” Comet shouted as she looked up to the alicorn.

“What!? Show me!” Twilight demanded, picking up Comet as flying off down the race track.

Trail, Zala, Tala and Starlight had arrived to congratulate Comet on her finish, but as they approached, they saw Comet being carried by the Princess back onto the track.

They all followed Comet’s direction until they found the group of friends. Gallus was free from the rock, but with a noticeable amount of fur gone from his rump. Silverstream was still tangled up in the net, Smoulder had stopped sneezing but her eyes were puffy. Yona still hadn’t woken up but they had managed to free Sandbar from under her.

“What happened here?” Twilight asked as she set Comet down.

“Somepony was messing with us. And only us Princess Twilight.” Ocellus said.

Tala came up and cut Silverstream loose from the net, “Is that so? You get a look at them?”

Zala went to Yona and took out some smelling salts, placing it to her nose. After a few seconds, Yona woke up with a jolt. Looking around, very confused.

“No. Never saw them. Things just kept coming out of nowhere.” Gallus said.

“A unicorn I bet. And one that is quite the spellcaster if they can cast without anyone noticing.” Twilight said.

“Any ideas who?” Trail asked.

“Maybe, but I’ll have to investigate the area.” She answered.

“I can help with that. This was unacceptable and whoever is responsible needs to be held accountable.” Starlight said.

“Alright. Trail, can I leave the children with you and your sisters?” Twilight asked.

“Of course Princess Twilight. We’ll take them back to my house and treat whatever injuries they have. Zala knows a thing or two about medicine.” Trail answered.

“Very good. I’ll see you there.” Twilight said, moving to look around the area.

Starlight gave him a comforting look before turning to Comet, whose ears were drooped and her eyes low. She walked up to her student.

“We just wanted a fun race. We didn’t do anything wrong.” Comet said quietly.

“Oh sweetie, you did nothing wrong. Princess Twilight and I will find out who did this, and they’ll be sorry. Ok?” Starlight comforted her, hugging her gently.

Comet returned the hug and moved to Trail as Starlight left to join the Princess. Zala and Tala had rounded up the rest of the students and they all left towards Trail’s home.

Author's Note:

And a new chapter done.

Poor Comet. Somepony didn't want them to have a nice race. And were going a little too far with it, don't you think?

So, one chapter done. I'll try and give you two more before Christmas. That is my goal.
