• Published 11th Oct 2018
  • 5,313 Views, 301 Comments

A Trail Leading Home - Hades Shadow 92

A father and his little filly find a home in Ponyville. What new adventures await them? And will the past catch up with them?

  • ...

Ch. 11 - Results

Chapter 11

-- Results --

“I can’t do this!” Comet shrieked as she paced back and forth in the courtyard.

Ocellus and Silverstream were there, looking at their friend with smiles. Comet had been like this all morning. But they knew how to calm their friend.

“Comet, you’ll be fine. You’ve been practicing for this test for weeks now. You’re gonna do great.” Ocellus said, her eyes following the pacing filly.

“But what if I mess up Ocellus? This test counts for the majority of our grade until midterms!” Comet said, panic in her voice.

Ocellus shook her head, “Comet come on, you’ve improved so much. You got that transfiguration spell down almost perfectly.”

“Yeah, come on Comet. Cheer up! You’re Counselor Starlight’s pupil! You’ll be fine.” Silverstream said, enthusiasm and cheerfulness in her voice.

Comet froze and figgetted with her braid, “I wouldn’t call myself her pupil. She’s my tutor.”

“What’s the difference?” Silverstream asked.

“Well, I… I don’t think Starlight would want me as a full time student. She’ll probably stop the tutoring sessions once I get better at my tests.” Comet said, her voice dropping.

“And what makes you say that Comet?” Another voice said behind Comet.

Comet eeped and turned to see her tutor standing there, a smile on her face, with a hint of a smirk.

Comet nervously smiled, “I just thought that you were just helping me for my test.”

Starlight laughed, “Oh Comet. You need to give yourself more credit. You’ve been doing so well in our lessons. I know you’ve got great potential. And I want to help you realize that potential.”

“So I can be your pupil?” Comet asked, hoping to Celestia for the answer she wanted.

“I would love to have you as my pupil.” Starlight said.

Comet squealed and began to jump up and down. Running over to Ocellus and Silverstream, she hugged them both, tackling the girls to the ground. They all laughed.

“But I need to know one more thing before we make it official.” Starlight said, getting Comet’s attention.

All three girls looked at their counselor with looks of worry and anticipation.

“Like I said, you’ve shown great potential in our sessions. But think of this test as my entrance exam. I need to know you can put what you learn into practice in your studies. Show Twilight and the other students what you’ve learned.” Starlight explained.

Comet looked nervous for a moment, but then she felt a hoof and a claw on her shoulders. Looking to see Ocellus and Silverstream were giving her encouraging smiles, she nodded and stood up straight.

“I’ll make you proud Ms. Starlight.” Comet said.

“I know you will. And just Starlight will be fine sweetie.” Starlight said, smirking as she nudged Comet playfully.

Comet giggled and hugged Starlight, which was returned.

Suddenly, a bell rang.

“Alright, that’s the bell. You get on to class. I’m afraid I have some paperwork to deal with, so I can’t be there to watch your test. Twilight will let me know how you did. Do your best Comet.” Starlight said, smiling down at the filly.

Comet nodded confidently. Starlight gave her one last smile before her horn glowed and she disappeared in a flash of light.

Comet’s eyes widened at the sight. She turned to her friends, “I am totally learning how to teleport.”

Ocellus and Silverstream laughed at their friend’s statement. Comet joined in the laughter after a while.

Once the laughter had died down, Comet turned to Ocellus, “Well Ocellus, we better get to class.”

Ocellus nodded, then turned to Silverstream, “We’ll catch you later at lunch Silverstream.”

“Totally, good luck on your test you two. I got Professor Applejack’s agriculture this period.” Silverstream said, as excited as she ever was.

Silverstream took to the air and flew out of the courtyard and into the hallway. Comet and Ocellus soon started down the opposite hallway.

As they left the courtyard, they had not noticed a colt watching them with jealousy in his eyes.

“Starlight Glimmer, student of Princess Twilight, taking that peasant as her apprentice? Preposterous!” Tourmaline said, venom in his voice.

“If anyone is going to be a prized pupil in this school, it will most definitely be me. I don’t care if it’s Princess Twilight or her student, I will be the number one student in this school!” Tourmaline said dramatically.

He noticed other ponies had stopped to stare at him, which he returned with a glare, “What are you peasants looking at!?”

Everypony turned their heads and went about their own business after that outburst. Tourmaline scoffed and started walking, his head held high and his nose pointed to the sky.

“Alright class, it’s test day. Now I know you’re all as excited as I am, but try to keep it in check!” Twilight said, her voice dripping with excitement.

Looking around the room, most students had looks of either nervousness or excitement. Comet was amongst the former. She was nervous, as not only did this test determine her grade until midterms, but it also determined her status as Starlight’s pupil. She had to succeed.

Comet felt a nudge at her side, turning to see Ocellus sitting next to her. Ocellus gave her a warm smile and a nod. Comet returned the gesture.

“Alright, so who would like to go first?” Twilight asked, looking out to the crowd of students.

Immediately, Tourmaline stood up, “I shall Princess Twilight.”

“Alright then Tourmaline, come on down and show us how much you’ve improved.” Twilight said, gesturing the colt down to the front of the class.

Tourmaline walked down towards the Headmare’s desk, his head held high and nose pointed up. As he reached the Princess, he bowed in respect and sat down, facing the class. In front of him sat a table with a single stone on it.

“Now class, as you all know, your goal in this test is to transfigure this stone into something else. It can be any object of your choosing. You have two minutes to transfigure the stone.” Twilight explained.

Turning to face Tourmaline, she levitated a pocket watch up in front of her, “You may begin when ready Tourmaline.”

Twilight started the watch and Tourmaline drew in a breath as his horn lit up. The stone glowed along with his horn and in the light began to change shape. As the glow faded, the stone was replaced with a very fancy looking teapot. Tourmaline’s horn stopped glowing as he puffed out his chest in pride.

Twilight stopped the watch and looked at it, “55 seconds. That’s a new school record Tourmaline.”

Everyone stomped their hooves in applause, Tourmaline taking it all in without moving an inch. Comet was amazed at the unique design and intricate markings of the teapot. So much detail went into the spell. Very impressive.

“Very good work Tourmaline. Please return to your seat.” Twilight said.

Tourmaline gave her a respectful bow and strutted back to his seat. His pride and accomplishment radiated off him with a lantern in the dark.

More students went to take their turns, some changing their rocks into teacups, others tried to make theirs into simple things like a pencil or a quill. Some of course could not beat the time limit and were forced to walk back to their seats in shame. Princess Twilight would try to comfort them, but it didn’t always work.

“Ocellus, your turn.” Twilight said.

Ocellus got up, and after a “good luck” from Comet, made her way to the front of the class. Twilight started the watch and began the test. Ocellus concentrated on her rock, her horn glowing in determination. After 90 seconds had passed, her rock began to change, morphing into a metal ball.

Twilight’s eyes widened, “Oh my Ocellus, that’s wonderful. Changing the stone into a different element. Keeping the same basic shape but changing the composition. Excellent.”

Ocellus blushed and kicked at the floor with her hoof, “Thank you Headmare Twilight.”

“Though it did take you longer. That will affect your score. But still, magnificent work.” Twilight said.

Ocellus nodded and walked back to her seat.

Comet looked to her friend, “Ocellus that was amazing! How did you do it?”

“I found a book that showed different elements and what they were composed of. It was so fascinating that I couldn’t put it down. So I put it in my spell practice.” Ocellus explained.

“So cool.” Comet squeed.

“Next up, Comet Trail.” Twilight announced.

Comet’s eyes widened and she gulped. Ocellus put a hoof on her shoulder for assurance. Comet smiled and began to walk to the front of the class.

When she arrived, her stone was placed before her.

“Are you ready Comet?” Twilight asked.

Comet nodded, and Twilight started the timer. Comet took in a deep breath, lighting her horn and focused on the magic. Remembering what Starlight had taught her about magic flow made the spell less strenuous.

After a minute, the rock began to glow and change shape. The glow lessened for a moment, but more magic from Comet got it back on track. Comet was struggling to keep up the magic, the ticking of the pocket watch made her panic a little. But Starlight’s words broke through and calmed her nerves.

As the glow faded, Comet opened her eyes to see her stone, only it wasn’t a stone anymore. Standing on the table was a figurine made of wood. But it had color, showing everyone who the pony was. Purple mane and light pink coat, a horn on her head and a star with wisps of magic on her flank.

Twilight was silent for a second, “Oh wow Comet. It looks exactly like Starlight. With such detail and color. Dear Celestia, that is fantastic. What an improvement!”

Comet could not believe what she was seeing, or hearing for that matter. When Starlight and her had practiced the spell, Comet had used her father and aunts for inspiration. But this time, the statute was Starlight.

“I am very happy with your progress Comet. While you may have taken almost the entire two minutes, this level of detail is astonishing.” Twilight proclaimed, barely able to contain her joy.

Comet was taken aback, but remembered who was talking to her, “Thank you Headmare Twilight.”

Comet began to make her way back to the stairs, leading to her seat. She was so happy with herself, she had done it. She achieved what she practiced so hard for. Starlight and her dad would be so proud of her.

Suddenly, Comet felt her leg twitch to the side, as if pushed by something. This caused her to trip on the stairs and her chin ended up hitting the next step. Luckily she didn’t tumble down the stairs, but it still hurt.

As she groaned, she could hear some of the ponies around her laughing. Her face went red and she got back up and tried to hide her face. The laughter was filling her ears and she felt tears begin to form.

“Enough!” Twilight shouted as she landed next to Comet.

“How dare you all laugh at something like this! Comet could have hurt herself! Is that how friends treat each other!?” The Princess yelled.

Everyone immediately stopped laughing and hung their heads in shame. Twilight gave them all stern looks before looking to Comet.

“Are you ok sweetie?” She asked.

“I’m ok. Just bumped my chin.” Comet said, her voice low.

“Alright. If you’re sure.” Twilight said before flying back down to the front of the class.

More students took their tests as the day went on, but what no pony noticed was a certain colt with a tiny grin on his face.

“You did it!” Starlight exclaimed.

Comet had immediately gone to Starlight’s office after the test. The initial embarrassment from her trip was soon replaced with excitement to tell her tutor the good news.

After the test, Twilight posted the grades for the students outside. Tourmaline had of course gotten the highest score. But Comet and Ocellus had gotten top tier scores as well, among the top ten of the class.

Comet smiled brightly, “I know! I was so nervous, I didn’t think I did that good.”

“Nonsense! Twilight wouldn’t have given you that score unless you deserved it. You did great Comet.” Starlight said, excitement in her voice.

Comet then asked, “So, does this mean I pass your test too?”

Starlight grinned, “Absolutely Comet. From now on, you will be my personal protege.”

Comet’s eyes widened and then she began to bounce around the room screaming “YES YES YES YES YES!”

Starlight cleared her throat, getting Comet to stop and pay attention.

“As your new personal magic instructor, I won’t be going easy on you anymore Comet. You’ll be working your tail off. Last chance to back out.” Starlight said, grinning as she knew the answer she would get.

Comet stood her ground, “Not a chance. I’m gonna be an arch mage one day. I’ll never quit.”

“That’s what I like to hear. Now come on, we can meet up with your friends in the lunchroom.” Starlight said, gesturing to the door.

Comet squeed again, shooting out the door like a cannonball. Starlight smiled and followed her.

Not too far away, somepony peaked around the corner.

“Enjoy it while you can, peasant.” A voice said.

Author's Note:

Hey guys, Hades here. Sorry for the long wait, writers block was kicking my butt.

Comet passed and is now a full time pupil of Starlight Glimmer. How cool is that