• Published 11th Oct 2018
  • 5,320 Views, 301 Comments

A Trail Leading Home - Hades Shadow 92

A father and his little filly find a home in Ponyville. What new adventures await them? And will the past catch up with them?

  • ...

Ch. 13 - Sky Claw

Chapter 13

-- Sky Claw --

“How come we get a homework assignment for the break anyway?” Smoulder asked, clearly annoyed.

“Come on Smoulder, it’s not that bad. We just have to pick a subject for the field trip in two weeks.” Comet said as they all were walking out of the school’s main entrance.

“Yeah yeah, but how am I supposed to pick something? I’ve never been to Foggy Bottom Bog. And Headmare Twilight said we can’t choose the Hydra that lives there.” Smoulder pouted.

“I’m perfectly ok with not choosing the Hydra. They’re scary.” Ocellus said nervously.

“But they’re so cool! They say if it loses a head, it grows back two new ones!” Smoulder exclaimed.

“As cool as that sounds, I think we better take Headmare Twilight’s advice. I’d rather not get eaten.” Sandbar said.

“Yona not scared of Hydra.” Yona said proudly.

“You should be Yona. I’ve seen one up close. They are no joke.” Comet said.

All of her friends turned to her, looks of confusion and disbelief on their faces.

“You’ve seen a Hydra up close?” Gallus said, clearly not believing her.

“Sure have. Dad and I ran into one in the Hayseed Swamp to the east. I wasn’t supposed to have followed him, but I was curious and wanted to draw some of the local flora.” Comet explained.

“You risked getting eaten by a Hydra, so you could draw?” Sandbar said, smirking.

Comet blushed, “Hey, I didn’t know the Hydra was there. And I wasn’t far from Dad.”

Silverstream laughed, “Yeah right. We all know when you get your mind on something, nothing can stop you.”

Comet pouted at her, and that caused the rest of her friends to burst out laughing. Comet couldn’t keep her composure up for long, and eventually joined in on the laughter.

The group of friends had made it to the town square, making small talk between each other as they entered the marketplace. Ponies of all races were moving back and forth between stalls and buildings, buying various things.

“I don’t know how ponies go about like this without running into each other.” Smoulder said.

“Yeah, flying is ten times better.” Gallus said, giving Smoulder a fistbump.

“If yak gets in yak’s way back home, yaks butt heads to see who gets path first.” Yona said, stomping the ground.

“Well we ponies have our ways. And not all of us have wings to make things easier.” Comet said.

“Yeah, although I’ve had my fair share of collisions.” Sandbar said.

Comet and Sandbar looked at each other and laughed about it. The group then found a spot near the fountain at the center of town. They sat down and relaxed, enjoying the nice day. Fall was coming, and the Running of the Leaves along with it.

“Sandbar, you’re from Ponyville. What’s the Running of the Leaves like?” Comet said.

“Oh it’s an old town tradition. Since we were founded by earth ponies, the town didn’t have unicorns to change the seasons like in Canterlot. The running of the leaves is meant to shake the leaves off the trees for the Autumn season.” Sandbar explained.

“So it’s a big race to shake up the leaves? Any kind of prize for winning?” Gallus asked.

“Not really. They give medals for the first five places, but no trophy or bits. It’s meant for fun mostly.” Sandbar said.

“Well I guess that’s ok. A medal sounds cool.” Gallus said, sounding a little disappointed.

“It does sound cool. But remember Gallus, no flying during the race.” Comet smirked.

Gallus groaned, “I know Comet. Don’t remind me.”

“Yeah the whole “no wings” thing is kinda lame. I prefer flying to running.” Smoulder said.

“I prefer swimming! But they don’t have a river through the Whitetail Woods.” Silverstream chimed in.

Ocellus giggled at that, “Yeah I prefer flying too. But maybe it’ll be fun.”

“Yona will win for sure. Yak’s best runners.” Yona said, holding her head high.

“I’ll sure be rooting for you Yona. I know I’m not that fast.” Sandbar said.

“Hey, I got some leftover allowance. You guys want to go to Sugarcube corner?” Silverstream said.

“Yeah!” Everyone shouted.

Making their way back through town, large crowds soon became difficult to navigate through, at least for those without wings. Comet politely made her way through the ponies and found herself in the marketplace once again. Her friends caught up to her as they looked down the street.

“Alright, now it’s a straight shot to Sugar…” Comet started to say before she trailed off.

“Uh Comet, you ok?” Silverstream asked, waving a claw in Comet’s face.

Comet was unmoving as she stared straight ahead. Her friends were confused and looked in the direction she was.

Applejack’s cart was standing near the center of the street, Applejack standing behind it. But that was not the person Comet was focusing on.

Standing next to the cart was a griffin, one that had greyish white feathers on her head, and darker gray along her body. She had marking all along her face down to her neck, and bright blue eyes.

Comet soon grew a big grin on her face and was practically vibrating in place.

“Umm Comet…?” Sandbar tried to ask a question but was cut off as Comet disappeared.

“So Miss, I was hoping you could help me find some ponies here in town?” The griffin asked.

“Just Applejack is fine. So who ya looking for?” Applejack answered.

“Thanks, I’m looking for…” She started to ask.

AUNTIE TALA!!!” A loud high pitched filly’s voice rang out from down the street.

“Huh?” The griffin turned, just in time to be hit by a filly missile.

The griffin fell onto her back, the filly landing on her chest. Just as Tala got her senses back, she saw the smiling face of Comet staring down at her.

Comet proceeded to hug Tala around her neck tightly, nuzzling into her feathers.

“Auntie Tala!” She yelled again.

“Kiddo… Auntie can’t breathe.” Tala managed to squeeze out as she was being choked by a filly hug of death.

Comet let her go and smiled sheepishly. And before she knew it, she was launched into the air. She squealed as Tala held her in her claws and spun around in the air.

Landing back on the ground, Tala sat on her haunches and kept hugging Comet. Comet returned the gesture and nuzzled again into her feathers.

“I missed you so much Auntie.” Comet said, tears starting to form in her eyes.

“I missed you too kiddo.” Tala said.

The two eventually released from their embrace, only to find a large group of ponies staring at them.

“What’re you all looking at!?” Tala screeched at the gawkers.

They all quickly went about their own business, leaving alone Comet’s friends and Applejack to stare at the group in confusion.

“Comet, you know this griffin?” Applejack asked.

“You bet I do. Everyone, meet my Auntie Tala. The best griffin ever!” Comet said enthusiastically.

Tala puffed out her chest in pride, “Yeah, I am pretty awesome.”

“I didn’t know you had an aunt, let alone a griffin. Mighty nice to meet you Miss Tala.” Applejack said, extending a hoof in greeting.

Tala accepted the shake and turned to the others.

“And who are these guys kiddo?” Tala asked.

“These are all my friends from school. There’s Sandbar, Ocellus, Yona, Smoulder, Silverstream, and… Gallus, you ok?” Comet said, pausing a little at the wide eyed look on Gallus’ face.

Gallus hesitated as if the words were caught in his throat, “You’re… Sky Claw Tala.”

Tala raised an eyebrow, “Yeah, what of it?”

Gallus couldn’t hold back anymore, and launched himself in front of her, “THIS IS SO COOL! You’re Sky Claw Tala!”

Tala leaned back from the young griff, “Yeah that’s my name. Don’t wear it out kid.”

“So this is the griffin you told us about Comet?” Smoulder asked.

Gallus immediately snapped his head back to the dragon, “Not just any griffin. Sky Claw Tala, winner of the Sky Talon Battle Royale seven years in a row!”

“I think I’ve heard about that. Rainbow said it’s a big fighting competition held in Griffinstone every year, am I right?” Applejack said.

“Sure is. Only the toughest griffins enter, and only the best comes out on top.” Tala said.

“And that’s you Auntie.” Comet said, staying close to Tala.

“You know it kiddo.” Tala said, leaning down to nuzzle her niece.

“So what’re you and your friends up to? Not playing hooky from school I hope?” Tala said, giving Comet a sharp look.

“No way Auntie. We got the next few days for break. We were going to Sugarcube Corner for a snack. Wanna come?” Comet asked.

“Hey, I never turn down food or time with my favorite niece.” Tala smirked.

“I’m your only niece.” Comet giggled.

Tala gave her a little noogie on the top of her head, “You sassing me kiddo?”

Comet squealed and batted her claw away.

Comet and her friends then led Tala to Sugarcube Corner, finding a table for all of them to sit. Comet of course wanting to sit next to Tala. Everyone ordered a variety of sweets, ranging from cupcakes to cookies. Tala and Comet ordered cinnamon rolls, each taking a bite out of them at the same time.

“So, enjoying school kiddo?” Tala asked.

“Oh yeah. It’s so much fun. All the teachers are really nice, and I’ve made awesome friends.” Comet said, gesturing to all her friends around the table.

“I’m so proud of you Comet. When Trail told me about the move, I admit, I was a little worried.” Tala said.

“Yeah so was I. But things worked out.” Comet said.

“So what’re doing here in Ponyville?” Gallus asked.

“I got done with the big job out west and I wanted to find Comet and her dad.” Tala answered.

“You were gone longer than you promised…” Comet said, her ears drooping a little.

Tala saw this and pulled her close, “I know kiddo. And I’m really sorry about that. Things got complicated. Trust me, I wanted nothing more than to come back. Forgive me?”

Comet nuzzled into her again, “Take me flying tonight and all is forgiven.”

Tala chuckled, “Deal.”

“So if you don’t mind me asking, how did you become Comet’s aunt?” Smoulder asked.

“Eh I don’t mind at all. I grew up alongside Trail and our sister Zala. When Comet was born, me and Zala helped raise her. And let me tell you, this little filly was really fussy when she was little.” Tala laughed.

“Auntie!” Comet said, blushing in embarrassment.

Everyone at the table laughed, except Comet who pouted.

Tala then turned to Comet, “So how’s those sketchbooks I sent ya? Fill 'em up yet?”

Comet grinned and levitated her bag onto the table, pulling out her sketchbooks and showing them to Tala. There were several sketches, all of various things. Some of Trail Blazer, others were things around the school. She had a sketch of all her teachers, Starlight having several pages dedicated to her.

“Not bad kiddo. Not bad at all.” Tala said, looking through the books.

“I learned from the best.” Comet said.

“Wait, who taught you how to draw Comet?” Ocellus asked.

“You’re looking at her kid.” Tala said, looking up at Ocellus before going back to the sketchbooks.

“Wait, Sky Claw Tala taught you how to draw?” Gallus asked.

Tala gave him a hard look, “Got a problem with that kid?”

Gallus quickly shook his head, “No no. Of course not. I just didn’t expect it is all.”

“Eh, most griffins try to give me crap about it. But I don’t care. It’s been a hobby of mine since I was a kid. Ask Trail.” Tala said, closing the books and handing them to Comet.

“Auntie Tala taught me when I was little. Daddy even took some of my drawings for his books.” Comet said proudly.

“That sounds so cool. I wish I could draw like that.” Sandbar said.

“Well Ms. Rarity has that assignment due at the end of the month. Bet we all know who is gonna win first price.” Smoulder smirked at Comet.

Comet blushed and fidgeted with her braid.

Silverstream raised her claw, “So has she always done that when she gets embarrassed?”

“Silverstream!” Comet exclaimed.

Tala laughed, “Yep. Ever since Zala showed her how to braid her mane. Honestly, it’s adorable.”

Comet buried her head in her hooves with a groan, “You guys are the worst.”

“But you wouldn’t have us any other way right?” Smoulder asked smugly.

Comet thought a moment, “Nah. I wouldn’t. You guys are the best.”

All the friends laughed together, making Tala smile. She was so happy that Comet had found such a great group of friends.

“So kiddo, where’s your old man?” Tala asked.

“Daddy is out in the Everfree doing research.” Comet answered.

“That so huh? Well I’ll wait to catch him at home then. Speaking of which, how’s the new house?” Tala asked.

“It’s great. We’ve got spare rooms too. You’re gonna stay with us aren’t you?” Comet asked.

“I’m not going anywhere for quite a while kiddo. You’re stuck with me.” Tala said, giving Comet another hug.

Comet giggled, “So Auntie Tala, have you heard from Auntie Zala?”

“Actually I have kiddo. She said she was done with her work in Zebrica and was heading here soon.” Tala answered.

“Really!?” Comet said, bouncing in her seat.

“It’s true. No clue when she’ll show up, but you know she loves to make an entrance.” Tala said.

“So your other Aunt is coming too? What’s she like?” Ocellus asked.

“Auntie Zala is the best zebra alchemist in the world. When it comes to potions, talismans, and any kind of zebra magic, she’s number one!” Comet exclaimed.

“She’s a zebra? Like Zecora?” Silverstream asked.

Tala looked confused, “Zecora? Who’s that?”

“Oh she’s a local zebra who lives in the Everfree. Daddy and her have been working together in the forest.” Comet explained.

“Really? I bet she and Zala will get along great.” Tala said.

“I bet so. I hope she gets here soon. I wanna see her again so bad.” Comet said.

“Eh don’t worry kiddo. She’ll be here before you know it. Now how about you kids show me around Ponyville. Never been here before, and I’d like to see the town.” Tala said.

“Sure thing Auntie!” Comet said, getting out her bit pouch.

Tala put a claw over it as she put it on the table, “Ah ah ah. I’ll take care of the bill kiddo.”

“But I can handle it Auntie.” Comet said.

“No buts.” Tala said, placing the bits from her bag on the table.

Comet didn’t argue and stood up with a smile on her face, gesturing for them to follow her.

Her friends followed suit, Tala taking up the rear. She stopped at the door, feeling eyes on her. Turning to the source of the feeling, she saw a unicorn colt giving her a dirty look as he munched on a croissant. She ignored him and went to catch up with the kids.

Author's Note:

And another chapter done. Got out of my writers block. Writing this story is a lot easier than my Fallout story, I'll tell ya.

So Sky Claw Tala has appeared. She's pretty cool huh?

See you guys next time for Ch. 14. "Two Zebras are better than one"