• Published 20th Jun 2021
  • 2,686 Views, 129 Comments

Twilight Scarlet - vincent789

  • ...

Control and Restraint.

As soon as Twilight returned from her little adventure with the Blue Pegasus guild. She sees that the gift shop has been complete, stocked and opened. Curiously, Twilight approached the gift shop to take a look.

"Welcome back, Twilight!" Wakaba said. He was the one that was currently stationed behind the counter that the gift shop.

"Ah. I have been gone for a few days. How have the sales been?" Twilight asked curious.

"It has been decent. People are surprised with its addition, but nothing major has happened." Wakaba admits.

"I see. Well I am going to go ahead and build a clinic after I see gramps." Twilight said.

"Sure. He is at the bar. Do be careful. There is a lot of new people joining right now." Wakaba explained.

"Sure. See you later, I guess." Twilight said.

Twilight then proceeded to walk towards the bar, she indeed notices a bunch of unknown people at it. Unsure whether she should approach it or not. Twilight decided to sit at the bar instead. She watched gramps give a bunch of new stamps to people.

After a few minutes, the new faces disperse to meet the other members of the guild. Twilight finally found the opening she needed to talk to gramps.

"Gramps. I have returned." Twilight said. Gramps looks at Twilight and then he gave her a hug.

"Welcome back, my child. How was situation?" Gramps asked.

"A lot more serious than I thought. The council actually asked for assistance from the Blue Pegasus guild. I assisted where I could of course. But our enemies are a lot closer to us, than we thought." Twilight explained.

"Oh? So how where they? The other guild I mean." Gramps asked curious.

"Skilled." Twilight said somewhat excited.

"I see." Gramps smiled at Twilight's reaction.

"Actually, due to the enemies sheer advance. I have decided to take the Saint mantle one year earlier." Twilight explained.

"Who is the enemy?" Gramps asked worried.

"The member of the E.N.D book." Twilight said serious.

Gramps looks shocked at Twilight, "Its worse than we thought." he said.

"Exactly. I fear that our enemies are already on our doorstep." Twilight said somewhat worried.

"Hm. So what are you going to do?" Gramps asked.

"First I am going to complete the guild hall expansions. Then I plan on working as a barmaid for four years to train restrainment and control. And only then will I take the Saint mantle and S rank. And once I do, I am going to disappear from the radar." Twilight explained.

"That is a good idea!" Gramps said.

"Thanks. Yajima said the same thing." Twilight admitted.

"Good. So what will you work on today?" Gramps asked.

"I am going to work on my extra expansions. Both the clinic and the headmaster's office." Twilight said.

"I see. And after that you will complete the workplace for our gear and a canteen." Gramps concluded.

"Exactly." Twilight said.

"After you are done preparing those two room, please come to the bar. I will explain your job." Gramps requested.

"Okay!" Twilight said excited as ran towards the room that will soon turn into a clinic. Twilight then proceeds to make a small checklist of things, Twilight wants in the clinic. She also takes measures of the room and concluded that it already have two windows.

Twilight afterwards moved towards the bar and sees the empty space that will soon house a office. She once again makes a checklist, adds room measures and added the fact that there is one window.

With the two checklists in hand, Twilight ran outside towards the Carpenters guild. As soon as she arrived, she opened the door and walked towards the bar to meet the headmaster.

"Twilight! Did you like the gift stall?" The headmaster asked.

"I did. Which is why I have two new jobs for you." Twilight said happily.

"Ah. Which are?" The headmaster asked curious.

"A clinic and a headmaster's office." Twilight explained.

"Ah. The one besides the stage and the other behind the bar right?" The headmaster concluded.

"That is correct. These are the measurements and requirements." Twilight said as she handed the checklists over to him.

"Very good. I have a few designs. If you would like to take a look at." The headmaster offered.

"Sure." Twilight said as the headmaster placed three pictures for the clinic and three for the office.

The clinic pictures were very professional. The first was very hospital like, the second was like a bedroom with medical cabinets. The last one was very temporary, easily movable objects.

"I want the first one for the clinic." Twilight said.

"Good choice!" The headmaster said.

The three offices had different feels on them. The first was with cherry-red wood and lots of wooden object. The second one contained a lot of metal, it felt modern to Twilight. The third one was made with lighter colors.

"Again the first one seems fitting." Twilight said.

"That one will include the fact that we place the floors and walls ourself." The headmaster explained.

"That is fine. I am sure you know how to decorate the walls on the clinic, right?" Twilight asked.

"We do. Would you like us to do that?" The headmaster asked.

"If you could. I would really appreciate it." Twilight said.

"It will cost extra. Seeing the size of the clinic and the office. Including the furniture, the walls and floors. It will make it two million jewels. Because its you." The headmaster said.

"Alright. I will pay ahead of time." Twilight said as she hands over the money to him.

"Thanks. The job is finished in one week. What are you going to do in the meantime?" The headmaster asked.

"Learn some control and restrainment by working as a barmaid for some years." Twilight said.

"That is an excellent choice. Is there any other jobs in the future?" The headmaster asked.

"Yeah. A gear blacksmith and a canteen." Twilight said.

"I see. I will prepare some blueprints and pictures for them." The headmaster said.

"Thanks. I will see you once the projects are complete." Twilight said.

"Yeah. Have fun working as a barmaid." The headmaster said.

Twilight walked out of the Carpenters guild and towards the guild hall. While walking, Twilight noticed that the town was a lot more lively than the passed few weeks. Almost as if something was happening. Curious, Twilight approached her favorite bakery for some fresh goods.

The bell that hangs on the door rang as Twilight entered into the bakery.

"Welcome!" One of the people behind the counter said, "Oh! It's you. Welcome back, how may I help you?"

"Before I order my favorite snack, I got to ask. Why is the town so much more lively?" Twilight asked.

"Ah. So you noticed as well. I don't know. The next festival is in a few months. Perhaps all the expansions on the guildhall brought new people to the guild. And thus more shopping gets done. And thus the trade wakes up. And this goes on and on in a domino effect." The baker explained.

"Is that so. I am almost done with the expansions. Two rooms are going to get placed, and two are still coming. Anyways, my favorite tart please. I will take a seat near the window like always." Twilight said.

"Okay. One pinkie tart coming up." The baker said smiling.

"How do you come up with these names?" Twilight asked confused.

"I have a friend that can break the fourth wall. She helps sometimes." The baker said.

"Is that so." Twilight said intrigued.

"Yup. Anyways, here it is." The baker said as she placed down in front of Twilight.

"Thanks." Twilight said as took a bite. It was sickly sweet, just the way Twilight like it. It was that one thing that made Erza and Twilight close sisters. Their love for sweets. And the like.

"But anyways, I did buy something at the gift stall. I bought a Twilight plushie." The baker said happily.

Twilight simply smiled as she continued to eat the cake. "Is that a popular plushie?" She asked.

"Actually I would think so. I bought the last one." The baker admitted.

"Huh. I guess Wakaba lied about the decent sales." Twilight said annoyed.

"Yeah. At one point the entire stall was sold out." The baker said.

"Then that must be it. We are suddenly receiving tourists." Twilight said as a light bulb went off above Twilight's head.

"Ah! That does sound like it." The baker said as she too, saw the connection.

"Huh. I guess we can do that then." Twilight cryptically said.

"Do what?" The baker asked confused.

"A market designed to bring in more tourists. Like around the church, you and others bring out their best goods and sell it on the street. Maybe do it like once every season. Like one in Fall and one in Winter." Twilight suggested.

The baker's eyes lit up, "That is a good idea. I will talk to my boss about it. Surely we can work out." She said.

"Good. Then I will go and pay up. I am going to start working as a barmaid to learn how to control myself." Twilight said.

"Ah! Perhaps I will buy a pint at your guild hall one day." The baker said as she taps on the cash register.

"That will be fifteen jewels." The baker said.

"Here, have twenty. The remainder is a tip." Twilight said as she gave her the money.

"Thanks. Good luck with work!" The baker said.

"You too." Twilight said as she left the bakery. Twilight then proceeded to walk all the way home.

As soon as Twilight had returned, she approached Wakaba. "Wakaba!" Twilight shouted.

"What is it?" He asked concerned.

"You Fucking lied. You sold out!" Twilight yelled.

"Right I was indeed sold out at one point. But I had plenty of stock in the back." Wakaba said defensively.

"I ask if anything interesting happened, and you fucking glanced over the fact that you sold out?!" Twilight said angrily.

"Uh." Wakaba said scared.

"But I forgive you. You are selling Twilight plushies. So for that, I forgive you." Twilight said calmed down.

Wakaba sighed in relieve, "Yeah. At one point I was overwhelmed with tourists. But listen, I didn't expect it either. How the fuck was I supposed to know that, that was going to happen?" he said.

"Huh?!" Twilight said peeved towards Wakaba. Wakaba shrunk down in fear.

Everyone currently present in the room laughed at Wakaba's expense. Wakaba scratched the back of his head, while Gramps shook his head. Twilight simply walked off towards Gramps with some expectations.

"Anyways." Twilight said annoyed, "What will my work be like?" she asked.

"First. Good job for not punching Wakaba. Second I understand, but I expect you earlier today, did something happen?" Gramps said somewhat concerned.

"Sorry. I needed a small break at my favorite bakery." Twilight said apologetic.

"I see. Take your time. No need to rush anything. Anyways, let me explain your job." Gramps said.

"First you need to get familiar to the menu, primarily the drinks. But some food dishes might also be useful." Gramps instructed.

"Then I will teach you on how to properly carry a tray. And how to use the bar, like how to make coffee, tea, beer. Things like that. And as last I will teach you on the art of cleaning." Gramps explained.

"Understood. Do I need some special clothing for it?" Twilight asked.

"No. You don't. Because this is also your home." Gramps said.

"Okay. Well, where do I start?" Twilight asked.

"As homework, I will give you the menu. But for right now, please start balancing the tray in your off-hand." Gramps explained.

"Okay. So how do I hold it?" Twilight asked.

"If you look below at your hands, you must stretch your fingers over the bottom of the tray. That way it is the most flexible. And stable." Gramps said.

Twilight proceeded to do as she was told. Gramps proceeded to make her fingers not stretch too far. He then instructed her to walk circles in the halls. After Twilight successfully did that, he placed some rubber glasses on the tray as a start. These glasses were weighted. Which means Twilight was slowly feeling some cramps in her fingers.

"Ouch." Twilight said as the cramps in her fingers got too much. Which caused her to drop the weighted cups all over Wakaba, as he was seated on one of the tables.

Wakaba looks annoyed at Twilight for it, but he said nothing. Meanwhile Gramps ran towards Twilight to check her up. He also asked Wakaba if he was alright. Wakaba shook the worry off, as he was fine.

"Next time, just place the plate on a table to stretch your fingers." Gramps instructed.

"Alright." Twilight said with a small tear in her eye. The pain finally subsided.

Gramps did catch that tear, but he didn't say anything about it. Instead he started to talk to Twilight about other things like ways to approach the guest and stuff like that. He hoped that by talking about something else, Twilight might forget about the pain.

Twilight was aware of Gramps tactics. So she too didn't say anything. But it did hurt a bit. She could feel and see her finger tingle from it. One of Twilight's orbs levitated itself into her hand to try and hide the shaking a little. It was ineffective as now, others could also see that her hands were shaking a little.

"Are you sure you are alright? I can see your hands shake a little." Laxus asked worried.

"I will be fine. I just need to keep my mind off it a little." Twilight tried to reassure. Laxus wasn't buying it however. So he did the only thing he knew to try and calm her down. He hugged Twilight.

Which helped as she was shocked at the sudden hug from Laxus. Gramps also stopped talking when he saw the scene before him. It was a rather cute scene, almost like brother and sister. Even if they aren't a bit related.

Twilight could hear others "Aw." at the scene. Embarrassed, Twilight pushes Laxus away. Although she did whisper a thank you at him. He smiled and nodded.

"Twilight?" Gramps asked concerned.

"I am fine. The shaking has stopped. Lets continue." Twilight hammered out.

"Alright." Gramps said in an understanding tone.

Gramps continued to talk about what each cup was, and what they were used for. He also showed Twilight the kitchen. Despite the guild hall being rather small, the kitchen was huge. It had everything you could expect from a kitchen to the point that Twilight was stunned at the sight.

"So, who works in this kitchen?" Twilight asked.

"We have a summoner chef. He summons helpers to help him, but otherwise he is the only chef of this kitchen." Gramps explained.

"I see. And he is currently on break?" Twilight asked.

"He isn't in this kitchen unless an order comes through." Gramps explained.

"Can I taste his skill as chef?" Twilight requested.

"Sure." The chef said as he suddenly appeared. He quickly whipped a small meat dish. And gave it to Twilight.

"Hm. It is good. Alright, I expect that he can also handle some, unusual requests." Twilight said. As she ate the dish carefully as it was hot.

"Of course. I can make whatever the guest wants. Within reason of course." The chef said confidently.

"Atleast you two met. Twilight here, will be a barmaid for the coming four years." Gramps introduced.

"I see. We will be seeing each other for a while it seems." The chef said.

"Likewise." Twilight said while nodding, the chef than disappeared once more.

"As you can see. He is a capable man. All you need to worry about it guest interactions and serving stuff. Let me explain how the bar works and show to you ways to get beer, tea and coffee." Gramps said. Gramps and Twilight both walked toward the staff area of the bar.

As soon as they had arrived, Gramps explains the way on how to make a good cup of tea and coffee. He also showcases on how to tap beer. They then walk towards the back to showcases the larder and how to grab some colder drinks in case people ask about it.

After a good hour passed, Twilight finally started to train walking with a tray again. A lot carefuller than last time. However Twilight was fast learner and her body could quickly adapt to changes around her. So this time went a lot smoother.

Twilight then asked Gramps if she can go to her room to study the menu so that she could start with bar work the following morning. He was fine with it, in fact he encourages that she took a break. A lot has happened these past few days, and that she should take a small break.

Twilight walked towards the staircase and climbed it. She then walked to her room and entered it. She threw the menu on her bed and started to read and repeat everything by saying it out loud. She used the mirror to ask herself questions and answered it to herself.

Until eventually she got it, which took like four hours. Due to her training for so long, she went to the kitchen and asked if the chef could make her dinner. Twilight did have to explain to him that she both worked and lived in the guild hall. However when Gramps backed Twilight's claims up, he was gladly willing to make some dinner.

Twilight then ate dinner in the guild hall. She watched as some of the older members entered, grab a snack, then a quest and leave. She quickly learned that this is how most visits usually goes. But she also saw how some tourists would enter, buy a toy at the gift stall, then order something to drink and eat. They would pay and leave. It was surprisingly busy this late in the evening.

Twilight wanted to keep and watch how they currently keep the bar, only for her body to betray her. While watching her eyelids kept closing on her, realizing that staying awake wasn't possible. Twilight walked back upstairs to her room, she then climbed onto her bed and closed her eyes. She fell asleep immediately.

After a good night rest, Twilight woke up extra early. So early in fact that Twilight could hear that Gramps and her big brother were still sleeping. Realizing that she could go ahead and get something special to wear as server. Twilight carefully and speedy, walked outside towards the nearest clothing shop that was already open.

"Welcome!" The clothing shop assistant said, "How can I help you this early morning?"

"I need clothes to wear as server. I am going to work as barmaid at Fairy tail. So I need it right away." Twilight explained.

"Hm. What about this?" The assistant asked. She showed Twilight a cute dress that had the Fairy Tail logo printed on the front. It was rather basic but it had some frills. It was colored purple and orange. The purple matched her hair and the orange matched the Fairy Tail logo.

"Perfect. Can you make it in my size? I need atleast six of them." Twilight asked.

"Would you like some kind of boots with it?" The assistant asked.

"Nah. I like going with just bare feet." Twilight said.

"Understood. Hold on, let me get measures. How fast do you want them?" The assistant asked.

"Right now, if that is possible." Twilight said.

"Sure. Hold on. Let me get them made really quick." The assistant said as he went to the back.

After 5 minutes of waiting, the assistant came back with six of the dresses in Twilight's measure. Twilight then paid in full and the assistant put them in a large bag. Twilight quickly carries the bag back.

As soon as she was back, Gramps was still not awake. Twilight put the clothing on the clothing rack inside of Twilight's room. She was going to put them on after breakfast. So after she finished putting it all on the clothing rack, Twilight casually walked into Gramps room and got herself a slice of bread with jam and butter.

While Twilight ate it with milk, Gramps finally woke up and saw Twilight sitting in the dinner room.

"Good morning." Gramps said while yawning.

"Good morning." Twilight replied as she drank some of her milk.

"Are you ready for today?" Gramps asked.

"As ready as I can ever be." Twilight said somewhat excited.

"Good. I will go to the bar. You get yourself ready in your room. Like wash up and stuff." Gramps said sleepily.

"Okay." Twilight said as she finished her breakfast. Twilight walks to her room and first washes up, then put her new work clothes on. As she headed to the bar.

"Okay. Are you ready-" Gramps was about to finish when he saw the clothing Twilight was wearing.

"Do you like my new work clothing?" Twilight asked.

Gramps blinks a bit, "Yeah. When did you get that?" he asked.

"This morning. I woke up really early." Twilight admitted.

"Well. You do look like you work here. It is cute." Gramps complemented.

"Thanks." Twilight said with a small blush.

"Good. So I have a checklist right here. Go over it and start the bar up. And when you are done with that, just clean some cups while waiting for the first few guests." Gramps instructed.

"Okay!" Twilight said.

Twilight proceeded to do as she was told and she then served her first few guests. Those first guests being Wakaba and Macao.

"Welcome back!" Twilight said towards them as soon as they took a seat.

"Oh? You look cute." Macao said.

"Right, today you were going to start as barmaid." Wakaba said with a smirk.

"Right. How can I help you two?" Twilight said as she restrained herself from wanting to punch Wakaba.

"Two beers, please." Macao said. He was faster than Wakaba, as Wakaba wanted to say something to test Twilight's patience.

"Okay. I will be right back." Twilight said in a cute but professional tone.

Twilight approached the bar and proceeds to put the beer mugs below it. Only for it to incorrectly pour. Gramps saw it and approached Twilight.

"Twilight stop." Gramps said. Twilight immediately stopped pouring.

"First. Allow some of the white to pour out first, then tilt the mug below it about seventy degrees tilted. Then pour it in and tilt the mug almost strait as it reached the top. Then stop pouring. Let me show you." Gramps explained, he then showed Twilight one of them.

"You do it." Gramps instructed Twilight.

"Okay." Twilight said as she opened the tap, she allowed the white to disappear and pour the beer into the mug as Gramps instructed. And then remove some of the white that is over the mug.

"Well done. That is how you tap beer." Gramps said. "Now deliver it to those two fellas."

"Okay." Twilight said as she carried the tray over to them and placed it carefully onto the table.

"Cheers!" Macao said.

"Hmpf." Wakaba simply said.

"If you need anything else, just ask." Twilight said as she walked back to the bar.

"Well done. You are doing just fine for your first day. By the way, the others are returning from training camp." Gramps said.

"Is that so. It has been a good while." Twilight said happily.

"Yeah. They have made good strides. Especially Erza, Natsu and Gray." Gramps said.

"It's good to hear that my sister is doing great." Twilight said.

"Yeah. She is very likely going to gain S-rank alongside Mirajane." Gramps said.

"Ah. Isn't that classified information?" Twilight asked worried.

"Seeing as you are guaranteed to be a Saint and S-rank. You are allowed to know about it." Gramps said.

Twilight was about to ask another question, but she interrupted herself to approach some tourist as they took a seat. They too only wanted some beer. But also some food. Twilight took the beer order and gave them the menu. Twilight then tapped another beer, this time perfectly. And placed it on their table.

They also wanted some steak. So Twilight took their orders and the menu. Twilight first placed the menu back onto the bar, and then walked to the kitchen and told the chef about the steak order. Two steak deluxe.

After that she went back to Gramps.

"Actually I had a question. I am I also supposed to give quests to the adventurers?" Twilight asked.

"Only once you passed one year of barmaid experience." Gramps said.

"Okay. I will ask again after a year." Twilight said.

Ding! The bell of the kitchen went off. Twilight proceeded to grab the two steaks and take it to the guests. She placed them down with some wooden cutlery.

"Thank you." The tourists said.

"Do call if you need anything, yes?" Twilight said as did a small bow. Then went back to the bar.

"They are here." Gramps said.

"Yeah. I can sense Erza a mile away." Twilight said.

"Aren't you happy?" Gramps asked confused.

"Of course. But I am currently working. Having fun can come later." Twilight said serious.

"Twilight! No need to be so stiff! The council isn't watching you!" Macao said.

Twilight then realized that her posture wasn't very friendly. "Right." Twilight replied uncertain.

"Take your time, Twilight. You will get the hang of it, eventually." Gramps said reassuring.

Twilight nodded as she relaxed a little.

"That is a lot more like it. Why don't you get us another beer?" Macao said.

"Sure." Twilight said a lot more relaxed. She then proceeded to fill another two mugs of beer. And deliver them to Macao and Wakaba.

"We're home!" Natsu shouted through the now wide-open door.

"Welcome back." Twilight shouted back.

Natsu, Gray and Erza walk inside. After a few moments the rest also fill the guild hall. Lisanna immediately approached Twilight.

"You are working here now?" Lisanna asked curious.

"Yup. It's my form of training camp. In order to train self-control and restrainment." Twilight explained.

"Oh?" Lisanna said curious. Twilight simply nodded.

"Hey Twilight!" Natsu shouted, "Can I fight you now?"

Twilight rolled her eyes, "Fine." she said.

Natsu then without warning threw a punch at Twilight. Twilight calmly side-stepped, which caused Natsu to hit the bar with his head. Natsu shook his head a bit confused, but as soon as he regains himself. Twilight punches him casually through the roof.

Everyone laughs at Natsu for even trying. However Gramps was smiling. He was smiling because Twilight did a good job holding back.

Twilight also looked at herself surprised. She didn't expect herself to be able to hold back like this.

"Anyways. Anyone interested in something to drink?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah. Give everyone some lemonade." Gramps requested.

"Okay. Be right back." Twilight said as went to the back to get some lemonade.

"Hey. Gramps, how have you been?" Erza asked.

"I have been fine. How was training camp?" Gramps asked.

"At some point a bit too easy." Erza admitted.

"I can actually agree with that." Mirajane admitted.

"I see. Perhaps going on quests might be the only way for you two to gain more experience." Gramps suggested.

"Hm. Perhaps we will have no choice." Erza said.

"What?! You want me to team up with you?" Mirajane asked surprised.

"Honestly? Yes, even if it for just this once." Erza said honestly.

"I see. I think I know of a perfect quest for you two." Gramps said. Gramps grabbed a quest. It was a scouting quest.

"No. Somehow I feel that is the wrong choice." Mirajane said.

"Yeah. Perhaps your new assistant could help us." Erza said as she hinted at Twilight's direction.

Mirajane actually smiled at the suggestion as she nodded in agreement.

Gramps sighed, "Twilight what is taking so long?" he asked.

"The chef forgot to prepare lemonade. He is going to have to make it on the fly." Twilight said.

"I see. Tell him to bring it to the bar himself. In the meantime, come here." Gramps instructed.

"Okay." Twilight tells the chef the news. The chef grumbled but agreed. Twilight then walked back towards Gramps.

"What is the matter?" Twilight asked.

"Erza and Mirajane are going to team up for once. They want you to choose a quest for them." Gramps said.

"I see. One moment, let me take a look in the book." Twilight said. Twilight opens the book and took one good look into it.

"How about this one?" Twilight said, she grabs a extermination quest. Kill the evil dogs that is preventing access from the mine.

"Hm...?" Gramps said as he took a look at the quest.

Erza and Mirajane smiled, "We like it." they said.

"Alright. Go ahead and take that one." Gramps said sighing.

"Yay!" Mirajane and Erza said as they both leave the guild hall together.

"Did my sis just team up with Twilight's sis?" Lisanna asked surprised.

"They did." Gramps said nodding his head.

"Perhaps Twilight can give me a quest as well." Lisanna tried.

"I don't know..." Gramps said uncertain.

"How about this, I choose a quest and first show it to you, gramps. If you think she can handle it, then you will allow her to go on her first solo quest." Twilight offered.

"Alright. That sounds good." Gramps said smiling.

Twilight then looked into the book and turned several pages until. "How about this one?" Twilight said as she grabs the one.

It was a heal the injured animals, quest. The reward was quite small and there was practically no danger. But it was prefect for an animal lover and a good solo beginner quest.

"That is a good choice. Alright this one is allowed. If you do well. I will allow you to choose yourself next time." Gramps said as he hands the quest over to Lisanna.

Lisanna looked at the quest and was proud. "I do know some healing skills. I can do this. I will be back soon." she said as she too ran off.

"Perhaps I am pretty skilled in finding good quests to adventurer." Twilight suggested.

"Can you give us a quest too?" Macao asked.

"After you paid. Then yes." Twilight said.

"Darn." Macao said.

Twilight smiled smugly at Macao, "Nice try." she said.

Macao scratched the back of his head, Twilight then saw that Wakaba was also trying to do the same thing.

"Wakaba! If you don't pay, then I am going to show you what an unrestrained punch is like!" Twilight warned.

"Darn." Wakaba said as he walked back.

Gramps smiled as the duo paid up.

"It seems that these four years will pass quite quickly." Gramps said. Twilight simply nodded in response.

Author's Note:

By the way, Laxus and Twilight's relationship is a brother and sister relationship. No romance here. Otherwise I would have given it the Romance tag.

Also yes, I accidentally pressed the publish button, you are not crazy.

Next up, Four years later.