• Published 20th Jun 2021
  • 2,685 Views, 129 Comments

Twilight Scarlet - vincent789

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As Mavis and Twilight took a seat in a nearby tree, Mavis was watching the antics of her sister, Twilight. Although it seemed as though she was more curious about the human form that she had taken. It looked like Mavis, but with darker colors. Another thing that stood out was the orbs that were constantly flying around Twilight.

The orbs had symbols in them. But the one that was currently shining brightly was the orb with the Fairy Tail symbol on it. The other orbs were duller in look, Mavis expected that those orbs wouldn't like her. Ghosts and magic orbs usually didn't mesh. In fact in some cases they were down right dangerous to be around.

"Say, Twilight? What do those orbs think of me?" Mavis asked cryptically. Twilight could tell that she was feeling uncomfortable around the orb, but didn't know quite why.

Shrugging Twilight looks at her orbs and forwarded the question to them. The orbs responded with glowing white for a moment as they understood Twilight's question. Only to turn bright green in responds. Mavis saw as Twilight's face was lit up as she smiled brightly.

"They don't mind you. In fact they wish to protect you. Saying that you being family to me is all they need." Twilight responded while smiling brightly. Twilight looked towards Mavis, but frowned as soon as their eyes met.

Mavis wasn't smiling. The opposite, she looked scared. Despite knowing that they were friendly and not hostile, she didn't release the tension she was feeling around them. Twilight was about to ask questions, when the orbs lit up brightly. It seems the orbs got the message. Twilight looks confused at the orbs as she was listening to what they were talking about.

After a few moments, Twilight frown turns sad. She now knew that her sister was scared because orb magic had a bad relationship with fairy magic and ghosts. However the orbs were still talking and Twilight was still listening with understanding intent.

"The orbs are apologizing for the behavior of their fellow orbs, Mavis. They beg you to not be scared. They mean no harm to you. The others are just scared of you. Orb magic and ghost magic can nullify each other. That is the reason why they are so hostile." Twilight said saddened. Twilight watched as Mavis fear dissolves into curiosity instead.

"Can I try touch them?" Mavis asked hopeful.

Twilight looks at the orbs as the orbs turn green. Smiling, Twilight turns to Mavis with a nod. They didn't mind.

Mavis then proceeds to attempt to pet the orb. The orbs simply allowed it to happen. But as soon as her hand touches the orb, the orb's ability to fly cuts out for a second. Causing it to fall for a few seconds, only for it to regain itself and fly back to Twilight's side.

"I see. I understand. Thank you for that." Mavis said in an understanding nod.

"By the way, this view is amazing." Twilight said as she switched the topic.

"I know. I live here. Anyways, about Equestria. What do you know?" Mavis first said with a small smile as she switched topics once more.

"Nothing. For all I know, I got into an accident and ended up here." Twilight said saddened by the truth. Sometimes the truth hurts more than a lie.

"Alright. Let me begin by saying this. Equestria is not a world with humans. Instead it's ruled by ponies and stallions." Mavis said.

"Ah, girl and boy respectively." Twilight said as she caught on quickly.

Mavis smiled, "Exactly. That world is like this one. Magic is common place. But unlike this world, peace is dominant there." she said.

"I see. Meaning the whole guild concept is something that only works in this world." Twilight deduced.

Mavis nodded, "Instead they have the stereotypical medieval trope going for them. Commoners, nobles, royalty." she explained. Twilight simply nodded in understanding.

"I see. What do you know about my parents? And generally home?" Twilight asked especially curious.

"Night Light and Velvet Sparkle are your parent. You have single brother named Shining Armor." Mavis explained. She watched as Twilight looked in thought. All of this is big news and made her hope that she already remembers. Sadly this was about to be shot down.

"I am sorry. I simply remember nothing from that world. No static images, no voice recognition, absolutely nothing." Twilight said disappointed.

Mavis looked empathetic at Twilight. Even she would never understand, just how lost someone could feel without their memories to bind them. "Is that why you chose, Fairy Tail? Because they are the only memories you have?" she asked.

"Right now, they are all I have. The least I can do, is make the lives of those within the guild feel safe. I only care for S-rank because it is the only way that I can one day protect my new family. I don't care about the Jewels or the rewards. I care for the guild. Nothing more, nothing less." Twilight said determined.

Mavis smiled. She understood Twilight better than most. She is the first master of the guild and has taken in more family members than most. But even she understood, that this was not just to protect her fellow guild members. This was a way for her to cope with the loss of her memories. Going on an adventure lets her temporarily let go of that instinct. But she is different from many guild members in the sense that she is an outsider.

Yet, her desire to protect made her closer to Mavis than Twilight would ever know of. Making Fairy Tail was her way of coping with the loss of her best friend. And Twilight was going through it the same way. Mavis knew that one day, Twilight's involvement with Fairy Tail will grant her a chance to go home. However long that would take, didn't matter to either Mavis or Twilight.

"So. Would you return home as soon as you found a way back?" Mavis asked curious.

"No. My memory has to be returned first. That is first priority." Twilight said smiling, "Besides, something tells me that I will be needed in the survival of a certain dragon."

"Which one?" Mavis asked.

"I don't know. But it will happen. Right here, on Tenrou Island." Twilight said.

"Do you know, when atleast?" Mavis hoped.

Twilight shook her head, "I don't know. But I will be fine. It isn't that difficult of a dragon." she said, not even a hint of worry was heard in her voice.

Mavis wasn't so confident however. Twilight casually talked about beating this dragon wasn't her worry. No her worry came from the fact that there aren't that many dragons left. So only a selective few could do such a thing. Until it suddenly clicked, Acnologia. That was a name she would rather never hear about. But only Acnologia could be such a threat that only Twilight could potentially stop it.

Mavis frowned harder. The fact that Acnologia is going to visit is troublesome, but hearing herself think such a thing is awful. Mavis looks at Twilight, she noticed that Twilight was watching the sun go down instead of looking at her.

"Twilight. Even with that dragon approaching. I want you to return afterwards." Mavis requested.

Twilight's eyebrows rose at that, "Why?" she asked confused.

"Because this island will be fine. I want you to do me a favor instead." Mavis said, her voice suggesting that whatever the request was, it wasn't going to be easy.

"Are you sure? I am predicting that this might happen during a S-rank advancement that will take place on this island." Twilight added for good measure.

"Your family is resilient and strong. When together they might activate one of the grand fairy magic spell." Mavis said hopeful.

"Fairy Sphere?" Twilight offered, Mavis noticed that the Fairy Orb was lit up. Meaning that the orb was aware of it's existence.

"Yes. I want you to do me a favor instead." Mavis asked.

"What is it?" Twilight finally asked.

"Return after they return from their most likely seven year absence. I want you at the ready then." Mavis said.

Twilight looked uncertain at Mavis. Twilight was well aware that Mavis knew more than she let on. Twilight just couldn't decide if that was the right thing. On one hand she wouldn't mind to wait that long, on the other she wanted to be there for her family.

Seeing Twilight's uncertainty, Mavis hugs Twilight. A sisterly hug. "Twilight. Fairy Tail is a wizards guild. They can take care of themself." Mavis said.

"But I want to with them through all the troubles." Twilight said.

"Well, how about going out for a while to collect some money for the guild? You know how much the guild members like to destroy stuff, so go out with the excuse to collect some jewels to ensure the survival of the guild." Mavis suggested. Mavis saw as Twilight stood perfectly still. The gears in her head clearly turning.

"Fine. Although something tells me that after obtaining my S-rank, I might already be sent off to collect something." Twilight said.

"Mercenary work is allowed under Fairy Tail rules." Mavis said knowingly.

"Okay. But I will still talk to Makarov about this, later." Twilight begrudgingly gave in.

Mavis smiled, "Thanks sis!" she said as she hugs Twilight once again. This caused Twilight to return it with a soft smile.

Meanwhile below the tree, Makarov heard everything. Despite trusting the first master, he felt rather protective over Twilight. Twilight sometimes has shown her lack of parental love, through crying at night. This hurt Makarov more than both Mavis and Twilight would ever know. But surprisingly, Laxus also felt uncomfortable by it. He never really showed his familial love, but Twilight seemed to be an exception to this rule. This surprised Makarov more than Laxus would ever find out.

Makarov smiled as Mavis's attempt to keep Twilight from rushing to her death, seemed successful. He knew that Twilight could probably easily take down Acnologia, but better safe than sorry. If Twilight died, Makarov would have felt depressed for years to come. But those in Equestria would see their beloved pony never again, this was something that Mavis couldn't bare with.

"Now. Back on topic. How am I meant to complete my quest again?" Twilight shouted at Gray. Gray was just sitting there looking at Mavis's grave.

"Honestly? I don't know. The quest letter was too vague." Gary shouted back.

Twilight looks down at Makarov and raised an eyebrow. Makarov caught Twilight's confusion. Only to shrug and say, "Tell her that you met Mavis personally. I am willing to vouch for it and so is Gray." Makarov said without much care.

"Good. Mission accompliced!" Twilight shouts at Gray. Gray jumps up with a smile and looked at Makarov with a nod.

"Alright. It was good to see you again, First master. But I think that we have to go back home." Makarov said. He highlighted the word "Home" quite strong there.

Mavis nodded in agreement, "So it would seem. And if Twilight's prediction is correct, it won't be for a fun reason." she said.

"Agreed. But for now, all we can do is to pray. Let's pray that it won't come to that." Makarov said with a smile as he beacons Gray and Twilight over to go back to the guild hall.

"Bye sis! Hopefully you will still be here when I return from that trip." Twilight said while she waved from the ship.

Gray looks at Mavis, only to nod in agreement.

Mavis smiled and nodded in return. As she watched the boat with her sister and Gray on it leave to go to Hargeon. Mavis looks at the tree and slightly frowned. To hear that Acnologia was coming was bad news, indeed. But as she was dead, she was not able to do much about it. However only one word struck Mavis when she thought about Acnologia, Zeref.

Meanwhile back on the boat. Twilight watched as Gray fell asleep due to the late nature of it all. She knew that it was late, but she was someone that would only truly fall asleep once she felt safe. She didn't feel safe on the boat due to it rocking from left to right as the waves hit the hull of the ship. Nonetheless Twilight picked Gray up and placed him on one of the beds on the boat.

Walking back, she saw as Makarov looked at her in surprise. "Not going to sleep?" He asked.

"Nah. I don't feel safe yet. I will wait when we return." Twilight said with a soft smile.

"Because of the potential-" Makarov tried as Twilight beat him to the punch with a simple nod.

"I understand. Laxus is probably worried as well." Makarov said with a sigh.

Twilight simply returned it with sad smile, as watched the stars above.

"Has he always been a worrywart?" Twilight asked curious.

"No. In fact he never showed such emotion until now. I guess he cares about you." Makarov simply said.

"Perhaps it is a mix between respect and honest worry." Twilight offered.

Makarov smiled as he connected the dots, "That would make sense. Right now you are a lot younger than him. But you are a lot stronger than him, regardless." he said.

"Does that bother anyone? I mean being strong has a lot of benefits, but also a lot of negative side-effects." Twilight asked, as worry laced her voice.

"To be honest? Only Erza feels some pressure. Perhaps because she is trying to walk in your footsteps." Makarov admits honestly.

"What about the older people? Like Gildarts?" Twilight asked.

"While it's true that he might feels some jealousy. He is by no mean annoyed at it. He knows what it's like to live your life being too strong. His crush magic was always quite strong. Even as baby." Makarov explained.

"I see. All I can use this power for, is to protect those I call family. Those that bare the Fairy Tail symbol on their body. As I simply have nothing else to either love or hate. I simply do not have the memories for it." Twilight said as her serious mask slightly cracked and accidentally released a tear. Twilight quickly covered it up.

Makarov realized that Twilight was holding back her emotion, this caused him to stand up and give Twilight a fatherly hug.

'So warm.' Twilight thought.

"I understand that you hold back your true feelings on a job. But you do not need to hold back your emotions with me. I am here for you." Makarov reassured. This seemed to have the desired effect, as Twilight's mask broke and a quiet sobs was released from Twilight.

Makarov noticed that Gray was awake and immediately understood that Twilight was on a constant emotional strain. Giving Makarov a sad smile, he willingly went back to bed. Something that he hasn't done, since that day that he saw Erza cry on the beach. Makarov smiled at the sight, he realized that Gray was a lot smarter than he let on. Something he can't say about Natsu.

"I am sorry. But my lack of memories and lack of guild hall is making me feel extremely homesick once I am on a job. This is why I cry a lot. And mostly in secret." Twilight explained between sobs.

"Have you been crying without me being there?" Makarov asked.

"Yes. Mostly without you being around." Twilight admits, her sobbing has receded somewhat.

"Do me a favor and only have a mental breakdown with me around. I feel hopeless if you don't." Makarov requested.

"But what if you are busy?" Twilight asked as she removed the tears from her face using her arm.

"Then approach me and say, "Emote" to me. I will understand everything else." Makarov instructed. His smile was soft and kind. Almost fatherly.

"Okay. I think that was all. The rest I can release once we return." Twilight said.

"Are you sure? Gray is still asleep and-" Makarov tried asking, when he saw Twilight shook her head.

"Besides, we are nearly at Hargeon. I still have to carry Gray back to Fairy hills." Twilight said with a smile. She hoped that he understood.

Makarov did understand. Begrudgingly so. But he did see Hargeon coming closer. The trip back to Hargeon to like three hours. But it felt longer. Regardless they had arrived.

"Don't worry. Gray can walk. You just go to your room and prepare for the mental breakdown. I will ensure that Gray will return on his own." Makarov instructed. His eyes said that was the end of that discussion.

"Fine. I will await you in my room. See you soon, Gramps." Twilight said for the first time.

Makarov smiled at the nickname and nodded. Twilight left the boat as she ran full speed back to the guild hall. Besides the mental breakdown, she still had to prepare the gym. Which is what she planned to do, while Makarov was busy.

Makarov simply approached Gray. As he sat on the bed instead of asleep. Makarov noticed that Gray had a tear himself.

"What is wrong, my boy?" Makarov asked confused.

"I can somewhat relate to Twilight, I don't have any memories from before the demon attacked my hometown." Gray admitted.

"I see. You will be fine. You already know that." Makarov simply said as he watched Gray jump out of bed and walk towards Fairy hills. Only for him to turn around, saddened.

" I agree if it wasn't for my late teacher." Gray admitted as he ran off.

"It would seem that a lot of my children are suffering. But Twilight is still suffering the most. Surely Gray will be fine, I just don't know if Twilight is going to be." Makarov said as he slowly made his way back to the guild. His face held a smile as he was grateful for Twilight willingness to admit the truth. And saddened at the same time for realizing that she was suffering this much.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the slow update. I finally ran out of steam. As most of my inspiration has hit rock bottom. It will take a while for the next chapter but it will happen.

Next up, Guild renovations