• Published 20th Jun 2021
  • 2,686 Views, 129 Comments

Twilight Scarlet - vincent789

  • ...

Guild renovations

After Twilight returned from Tenrou island she immediately went to her room in the guild. But while walking there she saw some boxes in the room that was going to hold the gym. Taking a small detour, Twilight took a look at the boxes. It had the carpenters guild stamp on it.

Twilight smiled, 'They came through. And earlier than expected!' she thought happily.

Looking at the delivery, she saw a letter from their guild master. It was for Twilight. So Twilight opened the letter and read its content.

'Dear Young child,

As you can see, we delivered our equipment into the room for the gym. But we need you to know, that on each piece of equipment you will see a gem. That gem is an enchantment gem. All you need to do, is to go to the enchantments guild and ask for the scrolls for those enchantments.

That way you can ensure that the enchantments work accordingly. And anti-crush magic enchantment is a very difficult enchantment to make, so please do me a favor and let them enchant it instead.

Another reason is that you will meet even more people. Maybe gain some new memories and learn more about our people. I want you to learn a lot of things, that way you can protect your friends and family better.

Yours truly,

The guild master of the carpenters guild.'

'Thank you.' Twilight thought happily, she had totally forgotten about her previous mental breakdown after reading that letter.

Twilight then went upstairs into her room. At the same time, Makarov entered the guild hall. He saw as Twilight went to her room in a hurry and close the door on herself. He raised an eyebrow and headed towards Twilight's room as well.

But as soon as he entered Twilight's room, he saw that Twilight was fast asleep with a letter on her night stand.

'Wait... Night stand? That wasn't there before.' Makarov thought surprised. Shaking his head, he decided to approached the letter and read it through. He then smiled and left Twilight's room to go to his own.

Twilight slept peacefully through the night. All thanks to that letter. Makarov was pleasantly surprised with the carpenters guild master's letter. Though he was glad that Twilight had no more tears after the letter, granting him a good night sleep for once.

The following morning, Twilight already awake before anyone else. She was unpacking the boxes with equipment into the guild hall, instead of the unfinished room. She hoped that Lisanna and Mirajane was done collecting the resources as she really wanted to get started.

Not a moment too soon, Mirajane and Lisanna entered the guild hall and shouting for Makarov. Luckily Twilight knew that he was awake. Twilight temporarily stopped unpacking and overheard their conversation with Makarov.

"Master!" Mirajane shouts impatient.

"Yes! Yes! I am already here. What is it you two?" Makarov said, while trying to not sound grumpy.

"We are done! Where would you like the resources?" Lisanna said happily.

"Good. But first, the payment." Makarov said, he watched as Twilight got closer.

"Fifty thousand Jewels." Makarov added as he gave them the money.

"Good. So what is that extra thing? A weapon once again?" Mirajane asked.

"No." Twilight said as she approached from behind.

Mirajane and Lisanna turns around. Lisanna gave Twilight a quick friendship hug. Mirajane simply looked confused instead.

"I am the one that place the request. Those material will go towards the gym. Instead take this." Twilight said as she grabs the dragon scale out of her pocket.

"Is that a dragon scale?!" Lisanna asked surprised.

"Yes. That is your extra reward. A single dragon scale. I hope it was worth it." Twilight said hopeful.

"Considering how rare such a find is. It is more than worth it." Mirajane said as she grabbed it from Twilight.

"It's red! What if it's from Natsu's dragon?" Lisanna said as she looked closely at the scale.

"Whatever you do with the scale is little to no concern. I will take those ingredients off your hands. And I can finally get started with the gym." Twilight said as she grabs the mountain of resources with one arm and carries the mountain to her unfinished room. To the shock of both Mirajane and Lisanna.

"Well done, you two. Was there any trouble along the way?" Makarov continued instead.

"How is she able to carry all that with one arm?! It weighs atleast five hundred times her own weight?!" Lisanna shouts in awe.

"No, we had no trouble... Wait! We did. We ran into a dark guild while shopping. They have been taken care off." Mirajane said proudly. She looked at Lisanna, Lisanna stood there in total awe at Twilight's strength.

"I see. Good. Then let me ask you. Did you bring their badge with you?" Makarov asked.

"I did. Here." Mirajane said as she hands over a badge.

Makarov inspects the badge and nods his head, "Good. The bounty on that guild was also fifty thousand. Let me go and collect that money, I will be right back." Makarov said as he walks to the back.

Meanwhile Twilight is using her ability to repair stuff to her advantage. She constructed a gym room out of nothing and placed all the equipment into place. With a door being added, Twilight closed it up for now. She had to get those enchantments.

"Gramps! I am going out to get some enchantment scrolls from the enchanters guild." Twilight shouts.

Makarov walked back into the guild hall. He first gave the money to Mirajane, he then walked over to Twilight to give her a hug. He then nodded at her. Twilight gave a soft smile before running out of the hall. He also went and hugged the two other children present. Much to both their shocks.

"You don't usually hug us. What gives?" Mirajane asked defensive.

"She has some mental breakdown issues. She needs that parental love from someone." Makarov said.

"Ah. Right. She suffers from amnesia. I forgot." Lisanna said, Mirajane looked shocked at her.

"Really?" Mirajane asked worried.

"Yes. She does." Makarov confirmed.

"But why us?" Mirajane asked confused.

"You looked envious at her." Makarov said with a smirk. Mirajane looked shocked as a small blush forms on her face. She quickly turns away from Makarov and Lisanna. Much to their enjoyment.

Meanwhile Twilight was slowly walking from shop to shop. Mostly she was just checking out their products. Mostly out of curiosity and sometimes out of interest. She then entered a shop with a strong smell.

"Welcome to the Witches Brew. We have potions for adventures. Medication for the sick and strong drinks for guilds." The shopkeeper said. Only to realize that a small child entered the store.

"How may I help you?" The shopkeeper said as she took on a less serious tone.

"Actually do you sell potion recipes?" Twilight asked curiously.

"No. But we do have a potion making workshop. Which is usually designed for witches and students." The shopkeeper dismissed.

"Can I join one of those workshops?" Twilight asked hopeful.

"Hm. I don't know. How old are you?" The shopkeeper asked.

"Six." Twilight said.

"No. That is too young." The shopkeeper refused.

"Please?" Twilight attempted to use puppy eyes on the shopkeeper. It was super effective.

"Sigh. Fine. But let me atleast teach you privately. If my boss found out..." The shopkeeper relented.

"I will pay royally if that happens." Twilight ensured.

"Alright. Let's go to my room then." The shopkeeper said as she grabbed Twilight and moved her to her room.

The room Twilight entered had a different feel to it. There were lots of flowers and herbs everywhere. A massive cauldron in the center and a portal spell on the ground to the north. The smell of medication was overwhelming and most of that smell came from the cauldron. Twilight was curious, but she didn't approach anything, in fear of it being venomous.

As soon as Twilight was placed onto the ground. The shopkeeper revealed a magic stick, and started to cast a spell on the cauldron. As soon as her spell activated, the contents of the cauldron vanished.

"Good. First things first. Anything in this room can be used to make potions or poisons with. Take this book, it hold a wealth of information that might be useful. Do give it a quick read." The shopkeeper instructed.

Twilight did exactly that. However most things in the book was written in a language that she was unable to read. So instead she focus on the diagrams and pictures. And symbols. After looking at all of the book, Twilight nods at the shopkeeper.

"Good. First let me put some water inside it. And heat it up to boil." The shopkeeper did exactly that.

"Now. Point at five herbs or flowers and I will put them in. And whatever the result is, is the potion I will grant you. I cannot teach you anything else. At this age, you should just watch instead of doing." The shopkeeper stated.

Twilight first points at a weed type herb, then a rose, then a leaf from a sakura tree, then a single beer hop and as last a weird carrot with a face on it. The shopkeeper puts the ingredients in that order into the cauldron. And after casting a spell, it turns bright pink.

"It is finished. The color is interesting. And I think that beer hop wasn't meant to be in this room. But who knows what happens when you put that into it. Now let me examine it." The shopkeeper said as she cast some examine type spells at the liquid.

The shopkeepers face contorts many time. Until eventually it settles on surprised interest. "Okay so. This is an healing potion, surprisingly. And it is very potent." The shopkeeper said impressed.

"Yay?" Twilight tried.

"Yeah. That is worth celebrating. I do not think that this has ever been recorded. So let me write that one down." The shopkeeper said, and while writing it down. The boss entered the room.

"What is a child doing here?" The boss asked.

"She is here for the workshop." The shopkeeper said distracted.

"Ah and you gave her the five herbs or flowers challenge." The boss concluded.

"That is correct." Again the shopkeeper didn't pay him much attention.

"Why are you do distracted?" The boss asked confused.

"She managed to find a healing potion. And a new one at that." The shopkeeper said.

The boss looks shocked at her, he then also examined the cauldron. "Wow. That is impressive." he said surprised.

"Did you actually read the book?" The shopkeeper asked Twilight.

"No. It is in a language that I am unable to read." Twilight admitted.

"So you looked at the symbols, pictures and diagrams. Right?" The boss concluded.

"That is correct." Twilight confirmed.

"Well done. Let me pour some of the potion to a special potion canister. You can take that with you. And I will grant you the title of honorary witch in training." The boss said as he hands Twilight a badge.

"Thank you." Twilight said.

"Here is the potion. Now can I ask you to go on with your business? We need to cross examine this recipe, several times over to make sure that this wasn't a fluke." The boss asked.

"Sure. Have fun. Can you maybe send me a letter with the result? I live inside of the guild hall of Fairy Tail." Twilight requested.

"Will do." The boss said as he waved at Twilight as she was leaving.

Now on the street, Twilight continues to make her way to the enchanting guild. She looked at many shops in between until she eventually reached the enchanting guild.

"Young girl. You need to be a witch to enter and leave a request." The door stated.

"Does this work?" Twilight asked as she showed the badge she got a few moments ago.

"It does. Welcome honorary witch. To the enchanting guild." The door said as it opens up.

'Wow. That was lucky.' Twilight thought.

Twilight approached a young girl that was sitting behind the guild bar.

"Welcome to our humble guild, witch. How can I help you?" She asked.

"I want to leave a request." Twilight said.

"I understand. What do you need?" The young girl asked.

"Some enchantment scrolls. Six weight change enchantments. eighteen scrolls of self-repair and finally atleast a dozen anti-crush magic enchantment scrolls." Twilight said.

"I see. Six easy scrolls, eighteen medium scrolls and finally atleast twenty five hard scrolls. That is reasonable. What is it for?" The girl asked.

"A training gym inside the Fairy Tail guild hall." Twilight explained.

"Ah Gildarts. I understand. The total for that comes at 25 million Jewels." The girl said.

"What a rip off. 10 million Jewels." Twilight said annoyed.

"20 million." The girl attempted.

"15 million." Twilight repeated.

"Fine. We can do it for that little." The girl sighed.

Twilight smiled, "So you are the guild master, right?" Twilight deduced.

"How do you know?" The girl asked surprised.

"I can sense a age retaining spell on you. Or enchantment or curse. I can't tell the difference." Twilight said.

"Actually this is a morph. You were close though." The girl said smiling.

"I will work on my spacial magical awareness regarding things like this." Twilight said also smiling.

"Good. Now then. Please pay ahead of your request." The girl requested.

"Sure. Send the finished end-product to my guild Fairy Tail. I live in the guild hall." Twilight said as she hands over the money.

"Very well. And before you leave. What is your name?" The girl asked.

"Twilight Scarlet." Twilight said.

"What a cute name." The girl said.

"Your current form only make it sound creepy." Twilight said with a blank stare.

The girl laughs, "Right, sorry. Anyways, don't worry. You will obtain your scrolls." she said.

"Good. Then I am going home. Perhaps next time you will show me your real form." Twilight said as was walking away.

"Perhaps." The girl said before vanishing.

Twilight left the guild and walked back home. This time without any distractions. As soon as she entered the guild hall. She noticed that it was unusually busy. Makarov was drinking lots and the others were busy going out for quests. It was then that it clicked. 'S-rank tournament is inbound.' Twilight thought.

"I have returned Gramps." Twilight said to Makarov.

Makarov nods at Twilight. He then noticed that she was carrying a potion on her hip.

"What is with the potion?" Makarov asked, it was pink colored.

"This is a health potion. I got it from a shopkeeper after I successfully discovered it." Twilight said.

"Ah from the Witches Brew. I see. I did hear that they indeed discovered a new potion. But I didn't know that you assisted them with it." Makarov said pleasantly surprised.

"I also received this badge." Twilight shows the badge off to Makarov.

"A witch in training badge, huh?" Makarov said, "Well done my child. That will be very useful in the future."

"Anyways. I will start making requests for the two other rooms inside the guild hall. One will be a classroom, the other will be a gift shop." Twilight explained.

"Ah, a gift shop is a good idea." Mirajane injected, "It will be a good source of additional money."

"I like the classroom. I have been wanting to teach Natsu about plants. That will be the perfect place to do it." Lisanna said happily.

"When is the gym opening?" Gray asked Twilight.

"When all the equipment and walls have received their enchantments." Twilight explains.

"Okay. I can't wait." Gray said excited.

"What about the rooms on the same floor as your room?" Makarov asked.

"A canteen and maybe a gear workshop." Twilight said.

"And the other two?" Natsu injected.

"What other two?" Twilight said confused.

"There is two others. One besides the bar and the other besides the podium." Natsu explained.

Twilight looked at Makarov for answers. Makarov nodded, "Those two you don't have to renovate. But if you want to, you can." he said.

"Uh. Perhaps a master's office and a clinic." Twilight suggests.

"I like the office idea. It would grant me place to do my paperwork." Makarov said.

"A clinic is a good idea, if any adventurer comes back injured." Gildarts injected.

"Okay. First priority a classroom. This a list of ingredients that I need for that. I will go and ask the carpenters guild for the furniture and the witches guild for some books regarding magic and plants." Twilight said.

"Very well. What is the extra reward this time?" Makarov asked.

"This pink health potion." Twilight said.

"Oh! Can I do that one then? I have been using potions none-stop." Cana injected.

"Hm. How about Cana teams up with Lisanna's big brother Elfman. It would be a good source of experience for both." Makarov said.

"That is fine. The ingredients mostly consists of planks, white paint, some clay and bricks and some molten glass." Twilight said.

"And the money reward?" Makarov asked.

"Fifty thousand Jewels." Twilight said.

"Fine. Fifty thousand jewels and a potion reward." Makarov said as he wrote it down. He then gave the quest to Cana and Elfman.

"Good. I will send a letter to the carpenters guild." Makarov said.

"No. I want to go there personally." Twilight said.

"Are you sure?" Makarov asked.

"Please. I do not mind making some new friends." Twilight said smiling.

"Can I atleast send a letter to the witches guild?" Makarov asked.

"Sure, go ahead." Twilight said happily.

"Alright. Have fun at the carpenters guild." Makarov said as he watched Twilight leave willingly.

"Atleast she seems to have fun going to the that guild as well." Gray said.

"Yeah. I hope she likes them. And if she does. We might have to make a supply line between them and us." Makarov said.

"Don't you think that is a bit much?" Mirajane asked skeptical.

"Perhaps. But with the rate you guys destroy furniture. It might be a good investment for the future." Makarov said.

"That is a fair point." Gildarts said.

Meanwhile Twilight was once again in front of the Carpenters guild. As soon as she enters, the guild master immediately noticed her.

"Any complaints with our work?" He asked worried.

"Nope. I have a new request. I need to have furniture that is fitting in a classroom." Twilight said.

"Immediately going to the next project. Aren't we?" The guild master said smiling.

"Considering I have six projects lined up. Yeah." Twilight said.

"Alright. What do you think you need?" He asked.

"I am not sure. Perhaps you have some settings that you think will fit in a classroom." Twilight said.

"I have some pictures. Choose the one you like most." He said.

Twilight then got shown three version. One was called Magnolian classroom, it had a bunch of desks and chars. A few bookshelves and some kind of black board on the wall.

The other had small tables with cushions as seating, again some bookshelves and a black board.

The last one had no tables or chairs but a weird floor surface and a white board with some bookshelves.

"The first one. Please." Twilight chose.

"Good choice. I will prepare the furniture. This won't take long. This will cost you 150 thousand Jewels." The guild master said.

"Okay. Here is the money." Twilight said as she simply gave him the money. Twilight noticed that her money is starting to run out. She has 250 thousand Jewels left.

"Thank you. I will deliver the products in a few days." He said.

"Alright. I have to go home then." Twilight said.

"Sure. See you next time." The guild master said.

Twilight waves before going back home. While walking back home, she sees some people around the Witches Brew. They appear to be witches. And although she was curious. Twilight decided that going back home was the best choice.

As soon as Twilight got back home, she saw Makarov waving at her.

"What is the matter Gramps?" Twilight asked.

"The guild said that the price for those books is 200 Thousand Jewels." Makarov said.

"Alright. Send them the money." Twilight said as she hands over the amount of money.

"Good. Now is there anything else you need?" Makarov asked.

"Yes. I need a job. My money is running low." Twilight said.

"Alright. I have another job from the Magic Council. Apparently one of the other guild destroyed a national monument. They need you to repair it. Will you do it?" Makarov asked.

"How much is the reward?" Twilight asked.

"Besides earning favor points. You will earn 5 million if the job was a success. But if you repair that and the surrounding area. You will get a bonus." Makarov explained.

"Deal. I will be on my way, tomorrow." Twilight said.

"Okay. It is getting late. Do you need me this evening?" Makarov asked.

"No. I think I am fine. I have had a lot of fun today. I should be fine." Twilight said smiling.

"Okay. Have a good night sleep." Makarov said.

"Yeah. See you tomorrow." Twilight said.

Author's Note:

Let me be honest. I overestimated my abilities.
I cannot work on two projects at once. I take great care into each chapter and focus.
I do not wish for that to be ruined because I decided to work on this book as well.

Sorry for the late time of my last chapter but this book is on the back burner for a while. Until I complete The Chef's adventure first. Luckily, that project which has run many months has finally reached their third book in the series and is halfway there.

Again sorry for the lack of updates. See you either at that book series or until this book gets worked on once again. Of course if I have inspiration, then I will work on it regardless. Don't expect me to work on it actively though.