• Published 20th Jun 2021
  • 2,685 Views, 129 Comments

Twilight Scarlet - vincent789

  • ...

The final adventure Last part

It's the world of Equestria. Luna just woke up after having met Twilight's human form in the dream world. And although she could reveal her findings to her sister immediately, she chose to wait. With good reason of course. You see, her sister, Celestia, was currently assisting the head of decorating with choosing decorations for the upcoming winter celebration, also known as Christmas.

Another reason to wait, was due to a little thing she saw on her desk. It was a letter send by the Sparkle Family household. And from the writing style, she was able to deduce that it came from Shining Armor's dad, Night Light. Apparently her sister had informed their family of Shining's close call, and actions that were considered close to treason. Not only for lying to the crown, but also to resort to stealing royal property. And finally almost following Twilight Sparkle into the world beyond their own.

It made Luna sad. To see such a prominent stallion fall so deep into grief, that he was almost willing to break his own career for something so avoidable. Nonetheless, after Shining Armor's stunt. Her sister had temporarily removed him from the army, and as such, temporarily returned the captain status back to the previous owner. Shining Armor was so perturbed at the loss of his title, that it took Luna's assistance to prevent him from falling further into his own darkness.

After Shining's parents found out about this stunt, they were more sad than angry. Because of course they were. They nearly lost another child, atleast in their eyes. Shining Armor almost joined Twilight into an adventure with little to no chance of returning from. Only for him to do it on purpose.

In the end, Shining Armor's parents convinced him, that waiting was the only thing left to do. They had little hope that Twilight returned, but they hadn't given up, like he previously thought. Instead they pushed themselves harder in different ways to avoid another incident from happening.

They began a fund. A fund to help fund places that will offer children of all backgrounds a chance to hold an adventure like Twilight. Only in a more safe and healthy environment. From climbing halls, to gyms. The Sparkle family sought out to help grant more children a chances for fun memories but in a controlled manner. As to avoid another Twilight Sparkle incident from happening.

In the end, Shining Armor admitted openly that he was at fault. That he pushed his grief onto others in ways he shouldn't have. He admitted that he failed to sought help for his mental instability. And though he regained his captain status, it wasn't quite the same. No... Having learning from his previous mistakes. He asked the princesses to restrict access to locations that could potentially fuel more incidents like this one. Something that made her sister quite proud.

Also, in order for mistakes like this one from happening again. He requested that the military and by extension, the royal guard, would gain therapists that would keep an eye out on more incidents like this one. Something the her sister gladly did for him.

And the tower Twilight destroyed? Well... they removed it. And placed a lightning rod in its place. Even if that was merely symbolic, and held no actual importance. Since lightning storms were incredibly rare in Equestria. Not uncommon, but rare. Especially in the capital, Canterlot.

All of that happening in the span of a few weeks. And as of stating that, at this moment a few months have passed. It was December, a month that will be surprisingly important. Twilight Sparkle will return this month. There is no doubt about that. Also the Christmas celebration was happening in Canterlot this year. With Celestia instead of Luna hosting it this year.

As she woke up from her daydreaming, Luna looked down again. She saw Shining Armor in his captain outfit, standing next to Celestia. They were casually chatting about something. Whatever it was, Captain Armor had a smile on his face. Clearly he has recovered from whatever his mind had ailed him. Or atleast enough that he can once again smile genuinely. Though Luna knew that he was still suffering from severe nightmares, that would also still require interference from her. But today it seems, he had a good night. Since Luna wasn't interrupted when talking to Twilight.

Seeing that as the perfect moment. Luna opened the window, allowing some snow to blow into her bedroom and into her face. She rubbed off the snow, after which she took to the skies by floating down, using her wings as a glider instead. She also hoped that she would make it before either of the two had left the area, since a lot of planning still had to be done. But then Celestia noticed her sister coming to greet them, she temporarily stopped Shining Armor from leaving.

"Good morning sister." Luna greeted as she majestically landed on the ground besides Captain Armor.

"Good morning." Celestia replied.

"Good morning, your highness." Captain Armor also replied.

"How are you feeling today, Captain?"

"I am fine. Thank you for asking." Captain Armor smiled softly.

"So, what kept you from waking up sooner, sleepyhead?" Celestia softly teased.

"I... Met someone interesting in the dream world." Luna said carefully.

"Who?" Celestia asked curious.

"A certain someone that was surprised to meet me... so soon."

Captain Armor raised his eyebrow at that, "Isn't... There a lot of ponies like that?"

"Captain what you are referring to, is the death realm. I said dream world." Luna argued.

"Uhm... Let me guess... Twilight Sparkle?" Celestia guess correctly.

"Don't give me false hope!" Captain Armor said annoyed, Celestia sweat dropped at the mention.

"Sorry. Just giving suggestions."

"Actually..." Luna said as she sweat dropped at Captain Armor's response.

"Yes?" Captain Armor asked confused.

"I kinda... Sorta... did meet Twilight in the dream world." Luna stated carefully. She watched as Captain Armor's reaction went from annoyed to shocked.

"Really?!" Celestia nearly shouted.

"Well... Her humanoid form anyways."

"Really?!" Captain Armor did shout shocked, Luna could swear she saw his eyes light up for a moment.

"Yes. It seems that she is returning somewhere next week." Luna explained.

This information stunned Captain Armor and Celestia on the spot. "She is returning on Christmas day?!" They shouted at the same time.

"I said somewhere in that week. Not specifically on Christmas day. But... Maybe?" Luna offered them.

If Captain Armor was happy about the news, he surprisingly did not show it. "I guess we will see." He said somewhat mature.

"YAY!" Celestia shouted with the same sound wave as the Cutie Mark Crusaders. As she did show it, and then some. She did... Twilight's happiness dance right in front of Captain Armor and Luna. Plus whoever stood in the background watching the weird display. Much to their confusion.

"Uh..." Captain Armor said also confused. As he instantly recognized that dance the moment Celestia began.

Luna meanwhile paid it little mind. Her sister can be weird sometimes, she has come to terms with that long ago. "Anyways that was all I came here to explain. If Twilight does return during Christmas day, she will return on the day of the festival. So we will have our hooves full with Twilight Sparkle and the festival. We might want to prepare just in case."

"Mhm. I will atleast ensure a proper security detail like I promised before." Captain Armor said professionally.

"Captain Armor. Please make sure to close off all the area's leading into the deeper sections of that castle. However allow guests to keep their access to the inner castle. Since a part of the festival goes through the castle." Luna ordered.

"Will do. I was... Planning on doing that anyways. Anything else?"

"Yes. I was initially going to keep my lunar garden closed. But I will make an exception this year. Since we had a great blooming this year. I will allow them on a specific route through the garden. Please enforce it."

"Understood. Did you already plan the route?"

"Yes." Luna said as she gave Captain Armor the lay out blueprint. Captain Armor took one good look through it, after which he nodded.

"Understood. I will prepare immediately. Have a good day you two." Captain Armor stated before walking off to prepare.

"Luna... Why are you opening the garden up?" Celestia asked slightly confused as she finished the dance.

"Just in case. To divert the guest towards the furthest point away of Twilight's last known location." Luna offered.

Celestia smiled as she hugged Luna, catching her by surprise. "Thanks sis! I... Need to prepare some more... sensitive things in the meantime."

"Hm?" Luna said as she was stunned at the sudden hug.

"Twilight's grave... I need to remove it." Celestia whispered into Luna's ear.

"Ah! Alright. I guess I will meet you later today to prepare and explain a few more important... things right?" Luna asked.

"Of course." Celestia said while smiling as she hurried into Twilight's last known location and her grave as such.

Luna on the other hoof, calmly walked towards her garden, also wanting to perform some finishing touches.


Meanwhile back in Fiore. Twilight's group currently sat in the train heading towards Magnolia. Twilight herself was still knock out cold. And while she was, Erza explained Twilight's importance to Lucy. Which caused Lucy to gasp a few times in between to stories.

However Erza didn't get very far in her explanation to Lucy. Twilight had already exited the dream world. Which meant that she woke up not much time later. Causing Erza to sigh in relieve.

"Ugh... My head hurts." Twilight groaned.

"Twilight! Are you alright?!" Erza practically shouted.

"Please! Not so loud!" Twilight closed her ears with her hands. "But I am fine. I merely overloaded from the sheer scale of memories regained. And all at once at that."

"That does sound... Unpleasant." Gray grimaced.

"And? How much did you regain then?" Natsu asked. He looked in poor shape from the sheer fact that he is in a train. And because he has motion sickness.

"I would argue, too much. Like even traumatic events and bad memories. Which is less than desirable. But better than having amnesia."

"That I can agree with." Erza said in understanding.

"And a normal person could have gone insane from either the amnesia or the other condition. But then again, you aren't ordinary. Are you?" Lucy asked smiling.

Twilight smiled, "No I am not normal. Anyways, how close to home are we?"

"I can see Magnolia's church from here." Gray said as he looked outside.

"I see. Guys..." Twilight as she stepped off the bench and onto the floor.

"Yes?" Erza said, though she was dreading what Twilight was about to reveal.

"In three days... I will be leaving this world. I am giving you guys three days to prepare. In the meantime. I need to... Prepare myself." Twilight said before teleporting out of the train. Leaving the group to catch their bearings, and Erza would continue to explain about Twilight to Lucy.

Meanwhile Twilight had teleported back, from the train to the guildhall. Specifically her personal office that overlooked Magnolia. As she did so, she saw Gramps sitting in her chair. Working on paperwork once again. However he dropped what he was doing when he saw Twilight. He then walked up to her and hugged her.

"Twilight." Gramps said as he hugged her.

"Dad... I, will be leaving in three days." Twilight said as she hugged him back.

"I take it then, that you regained your memory and as such, you already figured out the way back home. Didn't you?" Gramps asked, his voice quivering slightly.

"I have. Although I must admit. I knew my way back a while now. I just didn't want to go. But as you said, I no longer want to keep my parents waiting. It's time already. But I am stalling. However I can only stall for three days. After that..."

"I know. I know you have. I read the reports." Gramps said, Twilight felt her back becoming wet. Her dad is crying.

"It... Isn't that I do not consider you my dad. Its just, I want to go home. Truly home. This office, this guild is my family. But so is my parents, and they are blood related. I can no longer stall any less." Twilight felt her eyes turning wet.

"I know." Gramps said in between the sobbing.

Twilight also started to cry a little. "I prepared myself... And yet it hurts. To go home. Even if this is my home..."

Gramps merely nodded as the two of them continued to cry in peace. Although Mirajane was listening from outside the office, her eyes also wet is sadness. And after a few minutes of hugging each other, Twilight was first one to let go.

"I... I need to tell the others. They deserve to know. To know everything." Twilight admitted.

"Yeah. That is the least you can do." He said as he looked outside the window. Not wanting to see his daughter leave the office. And his still red face from all the crying.

Twilight then slowly walked towards the guildhall. She touched some parts of the walls as she walked through the hallway. She helped build this building up, so the wood used within the hallway were place and build by her. Just the touch alone granted her some nostalgia. As she finally made her way down the staircase.

"Twilight..." Mirajane said, her face also really sad. And a bit red from crying herself.

"Yes. I need to use the podium. Before the ceremony, I need to tell everyone the full tale that brought me here, in the end."

"I understand. We had nothing planned. Do you need anything?"

"A chair... My favorite one." Twilight said softly.

"Alright. I will get it ready. I will tell you when we are ready." Mirajane softly responded.

While Mirajane got things ready, Twilight looked around the hall. Besides the decorations for Twilight's departure celebration, there were a few Christmas related decorations as well. Like a few already decorated pine trees and the lights on the walls. Everywhere else however, had Twilight related decorations.

"We are ready whenever you are." Mirajane said. Twilight watched every guild member sit in front of the podium. Waiting to get the full tale from Twilight.

"Okay. I will get on stage immediately." Twilight said nodding to Mirajane. Mirajane nodded back, after which she also took a seat in front of the podium.

Twilight took a seat, she levitated her orbs near her. As she opened the curtain with her magic. As it does so, the crowd clapped their hands. And Twilight looked around the crowd for a moment. She noticed that her team still hadn't returned home. But she knew that whatever they were doing, they didn't need to know her full tale.

"It started out in a world... A world filled with ponies and-" Twilight began explaining her tale to the crowd. But we, the readers, already know this part. So instead, why don't we check up on the original characters of this story.

Back with the group consisting of Lucy, Natsu, Gray and Erza. Not to forget also Happy. They were currently being stopped by one of the celestial beings belonging to Lucy.

"What is the matter Virgo?" Lucy asked confused.

"I bring a message on behalf of the Celestial king." Virgo explained.

"What does the old man wants from us?" Natsu asked carefree.

"Nothing trouble worthy. Hime, the king wants you to give Twilight Scarlet this letter. Since he won't be seeing Twilight ever again." Virgo explained as she handed Lucy the letter.

"I see. Thank you Hime. And normally I would ask for punishment. But our king is currently preparing for a celebration on behalf of Fairy Tail regarding Twilight's departure. Which is running us ragged. So have a nice day." Virgo said before closing her own gate.

"Wait!" Lucy shouted but it was too late. Virgo's gate had been closed.

"Well. This is an interesting development. People from all over Fiore and Midi including the Celestial Realm are participating with the farewell ceremony." Gray commented.

"What do you mean all over?" Natsu asked confused.

"Well people from Midi are going to Magnolia to assist and be a part of the ceremony. And if the information is correct, then the capital of Fiore, Crocus, is also launching a festival on Twilight's behalf." Gray explained.

"As I said before. Twilight's actions had major impact on this world. The real question that stand, is whether or not the gods keep their side of the deal. Or just simply revert all the damage done. Honestly? I think the gods are not listening. I think they will revert it. The damage is simply too great." Erza admitted.

"I have a feeling that Twilight knows that." Lucy admitted.

"Oh I am certain she does. Twilight... is smart. She knows when the gods will listen. Not this time around. However..." Gray stated.

"However?" Lucy asked.

"Twilight did put a fail-safe on this dimension. Not that I know what that means." Gray stated.

"I think I do." Erza stated, "I think she is going to put a lock on memories of great importance upon people all over Fiore. People that mean a great deal to Twilight. Memories that WILL NOT revert. No matter what the gods do."

"I agree on that matter." Natsu admitted, "Twilight finds memories far more important than anything else. Especially after losing her memories herself."

"That makes sense. Now then, shall we head back to Magnolia? I think tomorrow starts the ceremony. Twilight might hold a speech before she leaves. I... Want to inspect the proceedings of the event." Erza suggested.

"Alright. Lets go!" Natsu said as he takes the lead.

As the group enters Magnolia, the sheer amount of decorations was almost overwhelming the group. Every street had some kind of decoration and stall with goodies on it, that they were selling. The goods being a mixture of Twilight Sparkle memorabilia and Christmas decorations. With Twilight Sparkle memorabilia selling like hot cookies.

It was insane. The amount of Twilight inspirited objects that people was walking around with was amazing. But there was an overall ambiance which was a mixture of happiness and sadness. People knew an important person was leaving forever, and there was nothing they could do, than to prepare for the day she would no longer be with them.

Regardless, Erza and the team was impressed with the scope of the the market. In fact they clearly remembered the market to only be around the Magnolia church, however it seems the scope got increased to entire Magnolia. Not that the group minded it, it was just rather shocking.

Regardless the group continued towards the guildhall, and as they approached it they saw a bunch of guild members leave it to go eat a snack at one of the stalls. From the looks of it, they had been focused. And as the group entered the guild hall, they saw Twilight leave the stage, taking her favorite chairs with her.

As the group finally dispersed, Erza approached Twilight.

"Did you reveal everyone the truth?"

Twilight looks up and nod. A smile on her face, "Yes. Also tomorrow its time. I will give a speech."

"Can we talk about... that deal with the gods?" Erza asked hopeful.

Twilight's face hardens. "Honestly there isn't much to say. The gods have denied it like I thought. My fail-safe will ensure that my most beloved friends will not forget about me. Besides that? My time here is up."

"Which means?" Erza asked saddened.

"I am going to stuff, my stuff into my pocket dimension so that I shall not forget about this world. I will empty my room entirely. That includes furniture. And make my presence in this world scarce. Honestly this was not unexpected." Twilight admitted.

"Atleast you won't be forgotten, right?" Erza offered.

Twilight smiled, "Yes. I will not be forgotten. Now... I have to move quickly." she said as she moves away from her sister and quickly runs up the stairs to collect her stuff.

As she enters her own room, which sat directly next to her office, Twilight used her orbs to cast a dimensional Pocket spell. Which some also called Inventory. But that mattered little, since in the end, it basically meant the same thing. Regardless, Twilight then used levitation magic to slowly levitate her furniture into the pocket dimension.

While doing so, she looks at each furniture carefully. Each piece was made to fit her size even when she inevitably turned back into a filly. Yes, she is aware that she will turn into one. Since her current size was still one of a child, despite her mind being significantly older. This meant little to Twilight, however it did make her wonder, how her magic was going to translate back into her unicorn self.

No matter, besides the size, she was also looking at each furniture to remember the memory that is attached to each of them. When suddenly and without warning, the door of her bedroom closed behind her. As she turns around, she was about to raise her eyebrow, when she sensed a specific magical signature.

"So... You must be the god of this world, correct?" Twilight asked towards the still invisible being.

As the being became more physical, Twilight noted that it looked a lot like Lucy. But it wasn't, "God? More like writer of it." Anna Heartfillia replied.

"Ha! In the end, you dictate how this book will end. So whether or not you consider yourself a god, is of no excuse. And you you know it." Twilight stated as she continued to levitate her furniture into her pocket dimension.

"Hmpf. Then you must know, I will erase your presence from my book." Anna coldly responded.

"As predicted. So it shall be. However... I am afraid not everything can be removed. The damage is simply too wide spread."

"I know." Anna said as she crossed her arms, "And yet, I am going to do everything in my power to remove your existence from my book."

"I am aware. And yet, your power will only be able to go so far. You might be its creator, you are not its babysitter. You cannot change the story that has already been written. Especially since yours is written with ink and paper. Its permanent. However you can change its future." Twilight said smiling.

"Why? Since yours isn't written with ink and paper?" Anna asked confused.

"No. The original cannon isn't written by me. The original story has already ended. This story however isn't written using ink and paper, its written with digital data. Making changes is still possible. However I doubt that my creator will change anything. Since this story is already close to the end." Twilight stated knowingly.

"Ignoring the amount of fourth wall breaking that sentence was. I don't care! I will rip apart its pages to get the result I want." Anna threatened.

"You do you Anna. I wish you the best of luck. Just know, I will not simply let you do whatever you want." Twilight warned.

"Oh? What will you do then?" Anna said raising her eyebrow.

Twilight smile turns creepy. "This." She said as her orbs light up around Anna.

"What are you doing?!" Anna screamed at Twilight.

"I am making you part of your own world. Sooner than intended." Twilight said smiling.

"WHAT?!" Anna screamed over the echo of magic that the orbs released.

"True magic. "Godly Imprisonment!"" Twilight shouted as a powerful magic spell surrounded Anna.

"True magic. "Cancel!"" Anna shouted back, attempting to cancel it. Only for it to fail, Anna simply isn't strong enough to cancel the magic Twilight casted.

"Why isn't it working! Why isn't it working?! !⸮ǫᴎiʞɿow ƚi ƚ'ᴎꙅi ʏʜW. ฬђץ เรภ'Շ เՇ ฬ๏гкเภﻮ?!" Anna kept shouting as her voice became more and more distorted. Her body was starting to vanish and distortions appearing all around Anna.

And right before Anna fully disappeared, "NO!!!" her voice being clear for a moment, only to vanish alongside her body. Into the book of her own creation. Her book appearing at the location of Twilight's cast for a moment, only to disappear alongside Anna.

"Serves you right for that." Twilight growled as she continued to put all her furniture into her pocket dimension.

"Was that shouting I heard?!" Gramps from next door said as he slammed Twilight's door open.

"Yes. But don't worry. The being that shouted it, is now stuck in this world... Forever." Twilight stated care-free.

"Uh... Do I need to know?" Gramps asked as he sweat dripped.

"Not really. You guys would meet her anyways. Not today, nor tomorrow. But in the near future."

Gramps sweat dripped at Twilight's nonchalant statement. He shook his head as he approached Twilight.

"So when are you going to... leave?" Gramps finally asked.

"Tomorrow. I will overnight one last time in your room. Next to you. Then early in the morning its time." Twilight explained.

"Alright." Gramps said as he gave Twilight a quick hug, before leaving her to continue the clean up.


While Twilight cleaned up her room and takes a well deserved final night in Fiore. Another being in another plane watched Twilight banish Anna into her own story of her own creation. She too, sweat dropped at Twilight's nonchalant explanation of what happened mere moments before.

Eve than sighed at the event, something Eve warned Anna about. Only for Anna to completely disregard the warning. And to get herself into that pickle. Well, not that it mattered. Anna wasn't supposed to be outside her own dimension anyways, Twilight basically cleaned it up for her. Regardless, this also put Eve into a pickle. As she would soon find out.

"Eve..." The communicator stated behind her.

"Yes boss?"

"Did you finally get rid of Anna?"

"No, sir. It seems I didn't have to. Twilight did it for me." Eve said, gulping when the boss sighed disappointed at the first part of her sentence.

"Oh?" The boss sounded impressed. "Is that so?"

"Yes sir. Twilight's power is exactly as you told me as. She used True magic as if its her main form of magic. Even I, would be unable to undo that spell, mid-cast." Eve said impressed.

"That is impressive indeed. To be able to use your magic, to such high level that even its creator would be unable to undo." The boss stated.

"So it would seem. However I do have some bad news."

The boss's eyebrow raised up at that, "Are you referring to that... odd spell that is attached to her?"

"Two spells actually. One that is not from this world. The other that... shouldn't exist. Regardless the other one, seems to be cracking."

"Hm..." The boss sounded worried. "That spell isn't an ordinary spell, is it?"

"Yeah. Its a creation spell. Which is seemingly attached to her, as if she was a puppet of sorts."


"But the spell... looks so incredibly old. Like ancient, even to me." Eve said worried.

"Older than you? Older than literally thousands of generations of decades?" The boss asked, he sounded surprised.

"Yeah. It looks like a spell of true creation. A being that only existed in pre-Equestria. But... it should be impossible. She vanished all those years ago... Unless!" Eve said as he voice turned grim.


"She isn't the only one. If she has this spell, then what is to say, that others from this creator aren't carrying this spell as well?" Eve suggested worried.

"Oh no..." The boss said worried, "For now, watch them closely. All of them."

"Which ones?"

"Twilight Scarlet, The chef and the holiday pony." The boss instructed.



It was the next day, Twilight's orbs were buzzing. Twilight knew that today was the end of her adventure in this world. Twilight put her original clothing on, the same ones that she came this world into. And made her way outside, it was still early so she expected not a lot of people.

Ooh boy. She was wrong. Gramps, the guild members, Laxus. And a lot of outsiders as well, were waiting for her. All of them standing around the plaza. Near the fountain. Her orbs buzzing with excitement and worry. Twilight simply nodded at her orbs, as they got in position.

Her sister and best friend, Erza Scarlet requiped into her special Fairy Armor. Specifically for letting people leave the guild. Everyone else had their trusty weapons or armor on them. As they prepared the firework show that would follow. Gramps nodded at Twilight.

✴Recommended to listen to this song while reading this part.✴

"Before I let this ceremony begin. There is a few things I wish to say. I want to say thank you, to everyone in this world that accepted me as a part of it, without a single heartbeat. I want thank my sisters, Mavis Vermillion and Erza Scarlet in particular for being my closet relatives in this world. I want to thank my adoptive father, Makarov Dreyar and my adoptive brother, Laxus Dreyar for being my closet family I would have in this world." Twilight said, small tears appearing in her eyes.

"And finally, I want to thank the citizens of Midi and Magnolia for giving me such a grand adventure." Twilight said, wiping off her tears as she beamed in happiness. Twilight then nodded at Erza.

"Alright. First of all, you mustn't reveal any sensitive information regarding Fairy Tail guild for as long as you live. Second! You mustn't use any previous met clients for your own personal gain. And lastly though paths may diverge, you must continue to live your lives to the fullest. You must never consider your life insignificant. And you must never forget the friends you made for as long as you live!" Erza shouted, tears appearing as raised her special spear.

The moment she slammed it into the ground, everyone in the area begins to launch fireworks. Everyone that wasn't a mage used physical fireworks to imitate the same effect. Causing the sky above Magnolia to be filled with fireworks. In fact, the capital city of Fiore and Midi also launched their fireworks at the same time. The Celestial realm wasn't far behind either.

Twilight smiled at all the fireworks in the sky, as she began to mutter some ancient magic words. Slowly she began lifting into the sky as she closed her eyes. The orbs above her slowly began spinning rapidly as they slowly transformed into a magic spell. Each orb casting a spell the size of Magnolia itself. Become a total of six circles in total.

The first orb, the closest to Twilight, was the fighter orb. The circle held Erza's face with a spear and sword crossing it out. The second orb was the magical orb. The circle held Lucy's face with two keys crossing it out. The third orb was the S-rank orb, which had an letter S among other letters within the spell. The fourth orb was the Friendship orb, which was a weird star shaped gem in it. The fifth orb was the Fairy Orb, which was a Fairy Tail symbol in it. And Finally the Celestial orb, which held the sun in it.

As the orbs and in turn the circles began spinning more rapid, a small beam appeared between them and around Twilight herself. Twilight continued to mutter as five lines of text appeared around Twilight. She then opened her eyes, showing that they were pure white of magic power.

"True Magic!" Twilight voice trembled with power, "Fighter, Magic, Rank, Friendship, Fairy, Celestial and finally,"


Instantly after Twilight shouted the last part, the beam around Twilight became pure white as it beaconed far into the space. Twilight smiled at Erza, before also becoming a part of the beam. As it struck among the stars, the beam beaconed throughout the dimension as Twilight disappeared in a flash.

Leaving the world of Fairy Tail and in turn the world of Fiore behind. Once and for all.

Author's Note:

Oh no. A spell... is cracking. A spell attached to... 01000001 01101110 01101111 01110100 01101000 01100101 01110010 00100000 01110111 01101111 01110010 01101100 01100100 00100000 01110000 01100101 01110010 01101000 01100001 01110000 01110011 00111111. Regardless that can't be good. Oh well, that probably has no consequences, right? Right?