• Published 20th Jun 2021
  • 2,685 Views, 129 Comments

Twilight Scarlet - vincent789

  • ...

Canterlot's most dangerous.

Twilight woke up in the bed inside Sparkle hotel. She looked around but saw no sign of the maid that helped her. Grumbling she stands up and walks to the bathroom. She washes her hair and cleans her teeth. After that she grabs the dress she wears all the time and headed for the breakfast restaurant.

As soon as she arrived she noticed a surprisingly lack of guests. But also a lack of staff. Shrugging, Twilight grabs something to eat and drink. And after eating her breakfast, she walks over to her room to grab her orbs. As soon as she got her orbs, she walks outside and back towards the bounty cafe.

After her short walk she arrived at the cafe, opening the door reveals a lot more bounty hunters than yesterday. Taking a seat at the bar, she waits until the bartender noticed her. As soon as he does, Twilight beacon him over.

"You have returned, Miss Death." The bartender said.

"So I have. I see a lot more bounty hunters than yesterday." Twilight commented.

"That underground prison that you saved the princess from, also held a lot of bounty hunters. I thank you for saving them as well." The bartender said grateful.

"No worries. Its part of the job." Twilight calmly said.

"So the two other S tier criminal extermination are ready at any moment." The bartender said as he grabs the two of them from the counter behind him.

"I don't care which. Just give me one." Twilight said dismissive.

"Alright. Here it is. This is a bounty to exterminate this man and his entourage. He is wanted for mass murder, stealing, trespassing and attacking guards for fun. His bounty is 50 billion Jewels. Use a camera to show me his death." The bartender said as he reads what the bounty said, before placing it in front of Twilight.

"Any names?" Twilight asked.

"Well his group is called the Lunar guard. The target's name is unknown." The bartender explains.

"Very well. They are as good as dead." Twilight said as she takes the bounty.

"Good luck, miss death." The bartender said hopeful.

Just as Twilight had left the room. The many bounty hunters started to talk among each other. However there was one individual unlike the others. She was curious of this individual so she walks up to the bar.

"Bartender." ??? asked.

"Hm? Oh, it's you. How can I help you?" The bartender asked, he seemed rather unamused.

"Who is she?" ??? asked.

"I do not know her real identity. But her name is Scarlet Death. She is an S tier criminal exterminator." The bartender, "In fact she has been taking your jobs." he added.

"Ah. She must be working for my little sister. She did say that she hired an very powerful ally." ??? said proudly.

"From what I heard from the other bounty hunters. She is deadly, powerful and capable. She does the job with precision in mind. And does so, very deadly." The bartender praised.

"Hm. But surely you must know her name, no?" ??? asked, with hope in her voice.

"I am afraid not. She keeps to herself." The bartender admits.

"Darn. Thank you. Perhaps she will slip up next time. Here take this for your troubles." ??? said as she gave him a pouch of Jewels.

"Very well. By the way, she is currently taking care of the Lunar Guard. Her final mission is the dark faction." The bartender said.

"What?! You sent her on one of the hardest missions?" ??? said shocked.

"Knowing her, she can succeed. I am certain of it." The bartender said confident.

"Alright." ??? said skeptically. Before she left the cafe.

Meanwhile back with Twilight, she has finally successfully tracked the group down. They were hiding in a abandoned mine. She also heard from the guard that they were very powerful and specialize in death magic. Realizing that entering it loud might not be the best idea, she used a spell she used during Halloween.

"Sombra darkness." Twilight said quietly as the spell activates.

Now invisible, Twilight enters the mine completely undetected. As she walks as quietly as humanly possible she spots many, many enemies. However most were bound to summoner. If Twilight kills the summoners quietly, she could get away with it. She then grabs her S-rank orb, and casted a dark dagger spell with it.

When stabbed, it kills the enemy silently. And also leaves no trace of the cause of death. Allowing her to infiltrate and kill without being spotted. However each stab costs extra high amount of mana. But, seeing the amount of summoned enemies. Twilight calculates that there were about five summoners. So only five stabs need to be made.

As she walked around, she also inspects the mine. Despite being abandoned, it was in near perfect condition. It almost looked like a still active mine. This was incredibly suspicious. However that was the least of her issues. She saw that captured people's souls were being kept in torture chambers. And their bodies were being drained of life.

However as soon as Twilight enters the main room, she sees all five summoners sleeping on beds. Quietly, Twilight stabs each of them. Killing them without any fuss. And since they were sleeping, no one will suspect a thing. This was very good, and extra effective. As soon as they were dead, she saw that the summoned creatures disappeared.

However, Twilight's target and his entourage had entered the room. They stood in a circle, and were attempting to summon an evil creature. Twilight casted a single beam and killed the leader, Twilight's target.

"Huh? What happened?!" The others shouted confused. As one approached the body of the leader, he saw that he died instantly.

"Shit. We have an enemy among us." He said alerted.

Another approached the summoners, and checked them out. "Summoners are dead." he shouted.

"And so are you." Twilight said as she appeared and shot a beam of death at them. Killing each instantly. Giving them no chance to recover and attack back.

However despite removing the targets, the summoning circle of the evil entity still continued to exist. Not wanting evil to appear, Twilight destroys the circle. This caused the whole mountain to crumble, as the spell was allowing this mine to continue existing. Realizing the danger she was in, she teleported out. However she did make a picture of her targets before she left.

Twilight now outside of the mine, saw how the entire mountain collapses in on itself. With the spell gone, the mine was now properly destroyed. Leaving behind nothing more than a sign that said danger on it.

Twilight then walks back to the cafe. As soon as she enters, a lot of bounty hunters were gone. Only an unknown individual and some other bounty hunters remained. The bartender saw her, and beacon her over to the bar.

"How was the job?" The bartender asked.

"Easy." Twilight said as she gives him the pictures.

"I expected nothing less. So wanna chat about it, or are you going to do the final mission?" The bartender asked.

"Just give me the final mission." Twilight asked unconcerned.

"Alright. This is the final mission. And the hardest of them all. The dark faction is a large criminal organization. However, they have been supplying the criminal underworld with everything they need. If they are out of the way, then the guard has once again the upper hand." The bartender explains.

"Ah. So this is it. So far it has been quite easy." Twilight said.

"Yes. Our criminals are not very difficult. However the next town over, is a whole different story." The bartender admits.

"Still this faction is probably supporting the entire underworld. With them gone, or partially gone. Will relieve some stress off the guards in the entire nation." Twilight said.

"Exactly. So the reward is one trillion Jewels. However the job requires that you kill the entire faction in this city. I do not need proof. I will receive proof from my own client. So how about it?" The bartender asked.

"Deal. Anything I need to know, before I start?" Twilight asked.

"This faction is filled with specialists and expert combatants. Expect heavy resistance." The bartender said.

"Thanks. I will go and stock up. And then start by destroying their safe houses. Before attacking the HQ in this city." Twilight explains.

"Here take this map, it contains all the safe house locations. The guard knew that you would go and help them with this, so they scoped it out for you." The bartender said as he gives her the map.

"So I take it, that they now know me, huh?" Twilight said with a smile.

"Yes. You have become quite the celebrity." The bartender agrees.

"Good. Thanks for the map." Twilight said before leaving.

"See I told you. She is a powerful friend to have." The Bartender said.

"You are correct. I guess it was the right thing to do." ??? said now convinced.

"Something tells me, is that she will clean the scum up in a single day. Good luck, princess." The bartender said.

"Yeah. I am going to need it." Princess ??? grumbled before she too, left the bar.

Twilight now was walking around in the city. And she immediately noticed a much large quantity of tourists, then yesterday. Twilight's actions had an almost immediate effect on the city. And not just more tourists. She also noticed more shops being open than yesterday.

This included a potion, blacksmith and magic shops. Perfect for Twilight. As she needed some potions for the next few actions. Twilight then casually walked towards the potion shop, until she saw someone familiar to her right. It was Erza Scarlet.

Spooked, Twilight jumps into a nearby alleyway and overheard her conversation with some unknown man.

"So my job is to exterminate a monster?" Erza said.

"Exactly. A bunch of mutant rats have been infesting a neighborhood. And the bounty hunters are already busy. So you guys seemed to be perfect for the job." The man said.

'Guys?' Twilight thought, as she looked past Erza. She saw an unknown girl with some Celestial keys on her. Natsu and Gray.

"Ugh. I hate rats." The blonde girl said annoyed.

"Meh. So it is just some rats. And here I hoped for a real challenge." Natsu said also annoyed.

"Hm. Anything special about these rats?" Gray asked.

"Besides the fact that they are about as big as humans? Not really." The man said.

"How many are there?" Erza asked.

"Atleast fifty." The man said.

"Very well. Show us the way." Gray said.

Twilight saw as her friends passed the alleyway towards the infested neighborhood. They did not notice Twilight at all. And as soon as they passed and were out of visual distance. Twilight once again calmly attempts to enter the potion shop.

Once inside, Twilight simply bought some mana and stamina pots*. She did skip on the other shops. Since she wanted to complete this mission as fast as possible. As soon as she left the area, she looked at her map.

The map showed a total of six safe houses around the city, with an additional three being hidden. The guard marked their rough location, but was unable to locate them. On top of that, the guard marked a safe house inside of the infested area.

'Ugh. Just great.' Twilight thought annoyed.

Realizing that the infested area might be cleaned out later in the day, Twilight started to hunt the first three safe houses. The first one, was using a fake front. The second one was hiding in an alleyway and the third one was the only red building on the block.

Twilight found the first one within minutes. She first attempted to enter it from the front, but quickly realized that there was no entrance at the fake front, so she circled the building to the back and saw some criminals load a wagon with weapons. Twilight calmly approached them, causing them to spot her quite early. The criminal on the left attempted small talk, but Twilight had no such patients.

Instead she blasted his head off. Before incinerating his buddy, that was stunned by her sudden action. Causing him to die before he could scream. Despite her loud entrance, Twilight was still undetected. As she entered, she looked around. She saw the whole safe house filled with weaponry, but she saw no one else. That was for both the upstairs as downstairs. It was empty, so she lit the whole building on fire. After it was almost burned to the ground, she informed the guard of the destruction of the fake front safe house.

They were surprisingly pleased with Twilight, as they praised her quite a bit. Twilight also noticed an increased amount of guards around, probably as response. Shrugging it off, she marched on to the second one.

As soon as the second one was in sight, it was clear that they were on high alert. With their first safe house on fire in the background and an increased amount of guards. It was clear they weren't leaving without a fight. Twilight counted five guards. All of them are mages, with one being a necromancer. Twilight looked closely, but saw no one else around. So she shot a powerful blast towards the necromancer.

However it saw it and was able to dodge it at the last second. But it left itself open, so Twilight simply shot a second one. This one hit it one the chest, destroying his heart and killing him. The rest of his crew did detect Twilight, so they shot a barrage of shots towards her. Twilight didn't bother blocking, instead she hid behind one of the many corners. She then proceeded to pick each guard off, one by one. The last one didn't bother fighting her and ran away. Allowing him to warn the others.

Twilight meanwhile didn't care, she wanted him to do that. That way she would be able to wipe them all off the table. The safe house, now guard-less, was filled with contraband. So Twilight lit it on fire once again. And again after it burned to the ground, she went to inform the guards.

As soon as she informed them, they requested Twilight to clear the guards. But not to destroy the actual building. They might be able to set a trap against the main force. Twilight agreed and explained that from the three she was going to do, the red one still remained. They were fine with that one. So Twilight was going to go and destroy some guards.

As Twilight got closer, she noticed the lack of guards. Instead she found whole heap of traps. Twilight quickly disabled each trap, only for her to be stopped by her orb. The fighter orb blocked her from entering.

"What is wrong?" Twilight asked.

The orb blinked a few times, and hummed some other times. It was actually saying, to not enter due to poisonous gas inside.

"I see. Then I will use you to clear it out, is that okay?" Twilight asked the orb, the orb colored green to signify it's permission.

"Alright. Let's do this." Twilight said as she opened the door, placed the orb and close it once more.

"Cleanse!" Twilight shouted as the orb inside cleaned the poison out of the building.

Twilight inspected her handy work and concluded that this safe house was no safe house. It was a trap. Twilight then returned to the guards and give them the bad news. They were glad that Twilight realized it, and decided to not place a trap there. Instead they hoped that she would find one of the secret safe house in this area.

Twilight agreed with them about the choice, but she had no way of knowing its location. The guards were however certain that she would fine it. So they pointed her towards the most certain location of the safe house. Uncertain Twilight walked towards the area.

Twilight then performed a scan spell on the area, and found a single location with an unusual amount of well armed individuals. Not to mention she saw it also contained contraband AND drugs. It was hidden in the side of a house, with the entrance camouflaged. Twilight did see the mechanism, so she used levitation to unlock the door from the outside.

The door opened itself, and Twilight quietly walked inside. Once inside, she sees more guards and trained mages than she has ever seen. This was the secret safe house, without a doubt.

So Twilight decide to do this secretly, she assassinate guards one by one. In total secrecy, Twilight was not detected for a good hour, until atleast most guards and half of the trained mages were left. They knew something was up, but without really knowing who was behind it.

Sadly for Twilight, she had been detected. Which resulted in her sending powerful beams of magic at the mages and the guards. The mages held out decently well, but the guards did not. They failed to dodge resulting in their deaths. The mages held out for another hour, until also succumbing to their injuries.

Twilight was not uninjured either, she had been hit a few times. But she got away with only some scratch marks. When she returned to the guards. They panicked. They had not seen her injured before, so they went a little too far. Going as far as calling the royal doctor to assist them. Even though her injuries were minor.

Never the less, the doctor arrives. He performs some powerful magic to heal her minor wounds before going back. Twilight was impressed with his healing skill, but not so impressed with the reaction of the guards. Instead Twilight tells them of the secret safe house and that it is the perfect place for a trap. They were pleased to hear it.

Twilight then announced that it was all for today. She was going to finish up the tomorrow. The guards were fine with this, it gave the guards time to prepare for the next assault. Twilight calmly walks back to the hotel, she eats dinner. Before going to bed.

Unbeknownst to Twilight, the princess was watching her every move. Including her going to bed.

"Your highness. Why are you so interested in her?" The guard that stood next to her asked.

"Simple. Her magical profile is unique. Not like forbidden magic, but rather as if she is from another world." The princess said.

"Oh? And why is that important?" The guard asked confused.

"Normally it isn't. But her magic reminds me of..." The princess said as she ended her sentence rather open.

"You mean she is from That world?!" The guard asked shocked.

"Yes. Very likely. But I do not understand why she is here." The princess said worried.

"You mean she might had an accident?" The guard asked.

"Hm. I am not sure. However I heard my other self from another realm say that someone from her realm is currently residing in ours." The princess said.

"Oh?! Was she..." The guard was about to ask, only for the princess to shut him up.

"Yes. I am afraid I mustn't talk more however. We are being watched." The princess said.

"Uh. From where?" The guard asked suddenly on high alert.

"They know that they are watching us..." The princess said before walking off.

"Uh... Alright." The guard said confused as he looks all directions to see where these unknown individuals were.

Author's Note:

This whole chapter reminds me of D&D. Even though I never played it. Or know anyone that plays it. Also this chapter was really difficult to make, primarily because I ran out of inspiration many times. However here it is.

*Pots = Potions