• Published 20th Jun 2021
  • 2,686 Views, 129 Comments

Twilight Scarlet - vincent789

  • ...

Shagotte's request

It's been five years since the seal on Tenrou island has been placed. Twilight had become well known for being the beacon of hope. After forcibly removing the previous guild master of Saber Tooth off his pedestal. And basically making Minerva the new guild master everything turned calm.

New guild members joined, others returned after a while of no longer being a part of it. And Twilight has becoming more and more a guild master of Fairy Tail like Gramps. Accepting children, improving the guild facilities, throwing festivals, expanding Fairy Hills to accommodate more guild members. Continuing to pay rent for the missing guild members. The works.

However one exceed in particular has been brooding. Has been for an entire year. She was still doing quests, alongside the newer generation. But chose more and more solo quests. Until she finally decided that enough is enough. Time to take her first step. A step she had actually been wanting to do for a long time now.

"Master? I want to go back on the request I wanted to make." Shagotte asked as she approached Twilight. Twilight was sitting on the bar, drinking apple juice.

"Finally done enough brooding?" Twilight asked with one eye open at her.

"Yes." Shagotte admitted.

"Okay. So what is the request?" Twilight asked curious.

"Can you teach me Exceed magic? I want to have two wings. But due to magical deformation, I only have one wing. I hope that by learning magic, I could gain a second wing." Shagotte requested.

Twilight smiled, "Of course I could teach you. Just remember, that while you are learning to that goal. You might find out that you are unable to so. Will you keep learning after that point? Or are you just learning to learn its possibility?" She asked.

"No. Though it is an important goal. It's not the main reason." Shagotte admitted.

"Oh?" Twilight said impressed, "Then what is the real reason?" she asked, with a knowing smile.

"I want to fight even better. I want to become better at protecting the guild. And above all else. I want to atleast see you off, during your final adventure. At my best, and in my prime. So that before you depart, we could have a fight, where you don't hold back." Shagotte finally admitted.

Twilight eyes widen, "Those are fighting words." she said impressed at the mention.

"And I know you could go back anytime. I just want to fight you, while I can still call you human. Not a Celestial Spirit or a unicorn." Shagotte said, a sparkle in her eye showed the sheer amount of determination she has.

Twilight's smile widens, "Very well. Come, lets go to my personal training room. That is were I shall teach you and once there. I will give you some permanent rules. Those are my conditions, if you will." she said.

"Actually before I go. There is one more reason. The reason I want to become stronger." Shagotte admitted.

As Twilight jumps off the bar her eyes widen slightly, as she turns to Shagotte. And nodded, "Which is?" she asked.

"After talking with Macao and Wakaba. They told me that anyone that was leaving, even temporarily. Got their own send off ceremony. I want to show my everything, when you leave. After which we can do the ceremony when we are all there to see it. And I want to be the one to state those words. If I am allowed to." Shagotte admitted.

"Of course. Erza might be my sister. But you are the one that grew alongside me. Of course you should do it. I might even prefer it. Now let's go, that adventure is approaching quickly. Only two years remaining until, the final adventure." Twilight said as she and Shagotte walked downstairs towards Twilight's personal training hall.

"So what are the rules going to be?" Shagotte asked Twilight after she was sitting on the floor and Twilight was standing there.

"Okay. So, whatever you learn will and shall be used to protect your family and your daughter. Understood? The is rule number one of three." Twilight stated.

"Of course. What about the other two?" Shagotte asked.

"Rule number two. In order to make you learn magic even after I am gone. You must, regardless of where you are or in which condition you are in. Must meditate after having slept. If you slept twice or thrice. You meditate two times or three times in a single day. Understood?" Twilight requested.

"Understood. I kinda did that anyways already." Shagotte stated.

Twilight smiled at that, "And finally, you mustn't let your love for your daughter get in the way of combat. If you somehow became her enemy, then you shall treat her as such. Even if she is in fact your daughter." she added finally.

"Deal. That one I was going to do anyways." Shagotte said.

"Even after I am gone that is." Twilight added.

"I know." Shagotte also added.

"Good. Magic is actually decently easy to learn if you already contain it. All you need to do, is master control of your magic and learn new spells accordingly. While also improving your magic pool that you contain." Twilight explained.

"That's it?" Shagotte asked surprised.

"No. It also involves pain. A lot of pain. Like painfuller that child's birth. Soul crushingly painful." Twilight simply said.

As Shagotte's eyes widen, she sees a sparkle a mirth in Twilight's eye. "Twilight. What the fuck is wrong with you?" she said annoyed. She sees Twilight laughing. Causing her to no longer feel annoyed. Though she was still a bit grumpy.

"Actually it's not that painful. However unlocking your second magic pool, that really is painful. And learning magic theory is painfully boring. Unless you can read quickly and enjoy books." Twilight admitted.

"Luckily I can read fast and enjoy it. So good for me." Shagotte admitted.

"Good. You see that pile over there? That is all the books on exceed magic. Read it, but don't try to mimic any of it. Wait until I tell you to do so. For now however, you see those targets? Use your magic that you have and attack them. Magic Only!" Twilight explained. As she did so, she points at a small pile of twelve books in the corner of the room. And also at three target of varying sizes and distances.

"You used your foresight to prepare them ahead of time. Didn't you?" Shagotte asked.

Twilight smiled and nodded. Before pushing Shagotte to act and use magic.

Shagotte stood before the line and tried to remember any of the spells she remembered. As she remembered some of the few she knew she could use, she got ready.

"Wing Slice!" she said as she summoned her only wing and it cut through the air and hitting the closest dummy. It did nothing besides leaving a scratch.

"Bad. I shall rate your magic. Bad means you either need to stop using it, or improve it drastically." Twilight explained.

"Magic Prowl!" She said as she used her eyes to intimidate her foe. Seeing as the foe were a dummy, nothing happened.

"Fine. Fine means its a fine spell. But again requires more training. Also you could find a way to speed it up, without shouting your cast." Twilight explained.

She then gathered some more Magic Nano and gathered it into her mouth, "Queen's roar!!!" She shouted. As the magic out of her mouth turned into a powerful magic power beam, causing all three dummies to get sliced in two. And the back wall reaching enough damage to create a mini-earthquake.

"Bad. It requires too much magic to cast a single spell. However if you wish to use it anyways, I will give you some pointers." Twilight stated.

She then decided to cast the last spell in her arsenal. "Blind!" she stated, which was enough to flash bang the entire room. And it happened so quickly, that Twilight was unable to prepare herself. Causing her to get blinded.

"Good. Keep practicing that one. I cannot wait to see what you do with that one." Twilight said, still blinded.

After Twilight was no longer blinded, Shagotte spoke up, "Those were all the spells I know. And yes, I wish to keep Queen's roar. My mother when she was alive taught me that one." she admitted.

"I see. Some sentimental value. Is there anymore reasons why?" Twilight asked.

Shagotte actually smiled, "Yes. My mother was a very special exceed. Even more special than normal. She was an queen dragon slayer. She was amazing. However one day, she just disappeared. Leaving me all alone. That was several thousand years ago. Although I never inherited her magic, I did my best to atleast mimic it." she admitted slightly bashful.

Twilight eyes widen at the revelation, both suddenly laughing out of nowhere. Causing Shagotte to get a bit tense. "A dragon slayer? Of course, now I see. You may not have inherited her magic. But you have inherited her willpower and determination. In fact, I think you might be best suited for that magic type. Slayer magic that is, not dragon slayer magic." she said while laughing.

"Wait. The roar spell is universal?" Shagotte asked surprised.

"It is. However it is usually known as laser beam. Or solar beam." Twilight admitted.

"Uh. Perhaps those magic spells are better suited. Not simply exceed magic." Shagotte stated.

"It is. Tell you what. Although you may never reach my level of magic power, I can atleast show you what the best of the best looks like." Twilight suggested.

"Uh, sure?" Shagotte said unsure.

"Perfect. Let me show you, my magic without my orbs." Twilight said pleased.

Twilight then gathered a little bit of magic power around her. Her eyes sparkled, when she suddenly without warning, she silent casted a solar beam. With such power that the three dummies stood no chance and the entire back wall collapsed. The earthquake that followed shook entire Magnolia. Though everyone in Magnolia knew that Twilight made that artificial earthquake. Since everyone was trained to detect the difference.

"That was a silent cast. Something that I will teach you. Besides that, we do have some books on slayer magic. Grab the most basic of spells out of that book and learn it. Then only practice those, until I tell you otherwise." Twilight explained.

"Alright." Shagotte said as she grabs the books on slayer from the bookshelf besides Twilight. Meanwhile Twilight repaired the damage she caused.

"Alright. So let me explain how to silent cast." Twilight said as she proceeded to explain the inns and outs of silent casting. The downsides and upsides to it. And finally a good reason why you should silent cast.

Shagotte listen to it all. Soaking it up like a sponge as she sat on the ground and even writing some of the information down.


That all happened about six months ago. Back then she was mostly learning the basics and a small amount of advanced stuff. But nothing game breaking, yet. No right now, Shagotte was wandering Magnolia. Doing her usual rounds.

During these rounds she inspects security and talks with some mages to probe them. However that was not the reason she was out and about right now. No, she had a meeting with the mayor of Magnolia. Something she has been keeping a secret from Twilight.

"Miss Shagotte. So, you wished to speak to me?" The mayor asked.

Right now Shagotte was sitting with him at one of the cafes. In an attempt to seem natural.

"Yes. It's about Twilight." Shagotte said in a hushed tone.

"Right. The departure celebration. You want to give her a proper send off. Correct?" Mayor asked leaning in slightly.

"That is correct. However I have done all I can. Will you assist me?" Shagotte asked.

"Of course. Leave it to me." Mayor said after which he stood up and walked off like nothing ever happened.

The project that Shagotte and the mayor was referring to, was the send off party. Instead of simply a few members shooting fireworks, it would be a town wide event. Using as many things as possible to make it a grand celebration instead of a one off thing. However the only thing that Shagotte was unsure about. Was the actual location of Twilight's leave.

So as she entered the guild hall she looked around for Twilight. She noticed that Twilight and Macao were having a serious conversation. So instead of interrupting it, she overheard the conversation.

"I see. So big brother decided to value strength over family. I can certainly see why. But... hm." Twilight said slightly worried.

"Yes. And gramps then for the first time ever, kicked someone out of the guild for it." Macao explained.

"I understand his reasoning. In fact, I expect Gramps to be secretly crying about it. No, big brother mustn't leave this guild. His banishment has been revoked. He can return anytime." Twilight said serious.

"Is there a reason?" Macao asked curious.

"Yes. He will basically be needed if we ever want to participate with that tournament in Crocus. Of course his strength is desired. On top of that, I can't bear losing a brother over a small family feud." Twilight explained.

"But the lightning would have destroyed Magnolia. Are you certain about that decision?" Macao asked worried.

"Oh don't worry. As much as he did so, Natsu already taught him a lesson. No need to keep rubbing salt in his wounds." Twilight stated.

"Who is your big brother?" Shagotte asked suddenly.

Twilight then gave Shagotte a genuine smile, "Laxus Dreyar. Gramps's grand son." she said.

"And gramps is your pops?" Shagotte asked using street language instead.

"Sort of." Macao said faster, "To begin with, Twilight didn't really have family in this world. The only family that is directly related in blood with Twilight is the first master. Mavis Vermillion." he explained.

"More like adopted. But yes. I had no family to begin with. It is that reason exactly why I treasure you as mom and gramps as dad. While Laxus is my big bro. Though to begin with, it was just a way for me to cope without actually having parents. Since I was brought here by accident. With no memories and as a child. And I needed some form of parental love, so I just clung onto whoever gave me the love I needed early on." Twilight explained matter-of-factly.

"And later you asked for my assistance as well, right?" Shagotte asked curious.

"Yes. Despite the fact that I have been here for fifteen years. My actual age hasn't actually gone up. This is due to the butterfly effect. Since I got wrong warped into this world, my magic has been all over the place. And in order to adapt, my magic and this world's magic fused. Resulting in an time abnormality." Twilight explained.

"And a space one. Since her mere presence is actually changing time to a certain degree. Like the early encounter with Acnologia." Macao said.

"Or the fact that I became a guild master instead of Macao. And that we still live in this castle. The fact that you joined, and the mere fact that the newer generation besides Romeo have joined." Twilight added.

"And on top of me becoming a fighter... that does make me wonder. If you leave, will time reset itself to make up for the changes?" Shagotte asked.

Macao shook his head, "Unlikely. Time is flexible. If something changes, everything changes with it." he said. Though Twilight looked slightly worried.

"True. It's unlikely. But... the book I entered already had the future laid out in it. So potentially, yes." Twilight said worried.

"Really? And it isn't a grimoire? Since those can change with time?" Macao asked shocked.

"No. Then again, the book is destroyed. So perhaps time will change. Though I will never know." Twilight admitted.

"Which means, if you leave, it might be the last time we see you?" Shagotte asked horrified.

"Potentially. Yes." Twilight said saddened.

"And remember if that's the case. Shit man." Macao said annoyed.

It was then that Twilight used her telepathy to ask a certain disembodied voice for the answer.

"Well book guardian? What will it be? Erased or adapted?" Twilight asked through telepathy.

"Honestly? Much more likely erased. Since time likes to revert back to normal if possible. Your mere presence is changing time, but once the abnormality is gone..." The guardian stated through telepathy.

"What about a change to the timeline permanently?" Twilight asked.

"Plausible. But unlikely. Since I detected that time isn't willing to adapt to your existence." The guardian admitted.

"But wait a minute. If I go to the celestial realm. My presence turns immortal. Meaning I am permanently a celestial spirit. How will that work?" Twilight asked.

Twilight could feel the guardian was shocked at this new piece of information, "You plan on turning into a celestial spirit to leave this world?! If that is the case, then I do not know. There has been previous Twilight Sparkles that entered and left this world. But they would always simply teleport out. Meaning that your action is one of a kind. And thus unique." The guardian said shocked.

"Do you think that my action will break time?" Twilight asked worried.

Twilight could sense the guardian smiling, "Far from it, Twilight Sparkle. I think you are about to create an entirely new timeline. One in which Twilight will return but can also go back to Fiore. I can't wait. Its been such a long time since a new timeline got created." The guardian said excited.

Twilight smiled mentally and physically. "I think we will be just fine." she said.

"Really?" Macao and Shagotte asked surprised.

"It seems that my choices have made a new timeline. Or atleast my choice to become a celestial being is going to." Twilight explained.

"Awesome! Meaning?" Macao asked faster.

"You probably will remember me, and I will be able to return one day." Twilight admitted.

Shagotte smiled, and she was about to say something. When suddenly Romeo came back early.

"Welcome back Romeo. How was the quest?" Twilight calmly asked.

"Fun. Also I got some good news from Bob." Romeo admitted.

He had been helping Blue Pegasus with some clean up, they recently had a festival which he helped at. And was cleaning the festival up along side some members of that guild.

"What is it?" Macao asked.

"According to Bob, Ichiya has been detecting some abnormalities at the location of Tenrou Island. But nothing concrete enough to report yet." Romeo explained.

"That would make sense. The seal is gone. However it will take some time for it to return to our current time. As the seal is double layered. Once on the shield and the second time on the time." Twilight explained.

"Do you know when they should return?" Romeo asked excited

"Two more years." Twilight stated.

"I see." Romeo drooped slightly.

"Come on. It's fine. Considering we have managed to wait this long. Two years is nothing." Shagotte hyped up.

This caused Romeo to softly smiled, "Yeah. I will go back now. We were only half way done." he said as he runs back.

"As Romeo showcased," Wakaba said, "We haven't given up. We might never give up. Until the bitter end." he stated.

"And we won't ever." Droy stated.

"Yeah. Because we are Fairy Tail." Jet stated.

Twilight smiled as all the older generation people agreed, 'Jet, Droy, Romeo, Bisca, Alzack, Max, Nab, Reedus, Warren. And the others I managed to return. It's clear. This guild will survive even without me.' she thought.

"Twilight I need to ask you an honest question. Were you expecting to leave Fiore and never return?" Shagotte suddenly asked. Causing everyone to shut up and listen closely.

Twilight's smile turned into a frown, "Honestly? Yes. I was totally expecting to. In fact I thought I might die before I could return home. That of course didn't happen." she stated.

Wakaba suddenly smiled, and shouted, "Group Hug!" Causing all the older and newer generations to hug Twilight in one big pile up.

Twilight smiled and laughed at the action. "Thanks guys. But in all seriousness, even if I could return. I might never. Point is, as soon as I get home. My time resumes. As such, my life becomes more complicated. There might never be a chance I get to go back to Fiore. Not to mention, Lucy will have to summon me. But I can only be summoned once a year due to my constrictions." she explained.

"That is a shame. But I suppose you done enough time warping. Haven't you?" Wakaba said teasingly.

Twilight smiled, "I have. And its time I change my own future for the better." she agreed for once.

"Then perhaps you should teach all of us, your ways with combat." Shagotte suggested.

Twilight thought about, "Yes. That is a good idea. But how about next year. This year we have been busy with other things. Right Shagotte?" she said giving Shagotte a knowing smiled. Causing her to pout cutely.

Author's Note:

(5/7 until arc is completed)

Yes. This one is going to be mostly in Shagotte's POV. And also yes. We are quickly approaching the end of the current arc.

Am I rushing to the end of the current arc? No... who gave you that idea? (I totally am.) *Cough* Anyways after the final adventure. The story isn't going to have ended yet. After this book, another gets created. Book 2. Will follow filly Twilight Sparkle in the world of Equestria. With the magic power of both sides. Meaning that its still going to be crossover of sorts.

Also a short chapter. Since I ran out of ideas. (Not that 3.5k words is short)