• Published 20th Jun 2021
  • 2,686 Views, 129 Comments

Twilight Scarlet - vincent789

  • ...

A new life.

Gildarts had moved the boat in front of the port and stopped it there. It was miles away from the the port, and yet he stopped it there. Gildarts carefully watched the port in the distance, he saw no sign of hostility. But he was still very careful.

"Wake up, sleepy head! We have arrived." Gildarts shouted into the captain's quarters.

"Huh, wha?" Twilight asked confused.

"Yeah. I am unable to bring you any closer to the port." Gildarts said.

"Is it because of their natural hostility to our guild?" Twilight asked.

"It is. So I am going to use a special stamp to temporarily remove your guild stamp. It will return soon after." Gildarts said.

"I see. Do you have any special gear to give me?" Twilight asked.

"Yes. Please put this dark coat on. It fits better to the general atmosphere of the port." Gildarts said.

"And make it less likely to be mugged." Twilight concluded, Gildarts nodded in responds.

Twilight then put the coat on and used her magic to shrink her orbs to fit between her fingers.

"So where is my safe haven?" Twilight asked.

"Take this backpack. It contains a medic box, a map, a compass. A satchel for water, some food bars and some sun cream. It also contains a mini tent." Gildarts explained further.

"Your safe haven is that inn. You can see it from here. Your quest giver should wait in room 306 and she asked you to knock four times. Password is fairies." Gildarts added, as he points from where he stood.

Twilight could see the inn, it looked like a pleasant inn.

"I will be your life line to the magic council. Just tell me when you cleared at village up enough and are ready to introduce some guilds to the council." Gildarts also explained.

"How am I going to reach the port?" Twilight asked.

"With that rowboat." Gildarts pointed out.

"I see. Any cover stories?" Twilight asked.

"Yes. You used to belong to a powerful guild, but was kicked out for killing someone. You were forced to make due as a mercenary." Gildarts said.

"Ah. Simple yet capable." Twilight said while smiling.

"You might have to explain in gruesome detail on how you killed the person." Gildarts warned.

"I will wing it." Twilight said.

"Alright. As soon as you take the boat and have reached port, I will leave the area." Gildarts said.

"Okay." Twilight said determined.

"Good luck. You are going to need it." Gildarts said.

Twilight then proceeded to grab the boat and row it all the way to the port. Twilight noted the unusually high amount of dead fish as soon as she arrived at the port. And the lack of fish smells was even more unusual for a port of this size. This gave Twilight a bad foreboding.

However Twilight was undeterred. Instead Twilight calmly looks around. She noted that a lot of home owners were afraid to walk on the streets. This wasn't entirely unusual if the description of the kingdom made any difference, however it was worrying. This meant that the grip on the port by the bandits or black guilds were a lot extremer than Twilight had hoped.

Twilight saw some black guild members approach in the distance. So she hid behind some boxes, hoping to overhear them talk instead. As soon as they got closer however, Twilight immediately knew they were bandits. Their clothing set up suggested it anyways.

"Did you hear?" One of the bandits asked.

"What is it?" The other asked.

"The youngest princess is rebelling against our grip." The bandit said.

"What?! And what does the boss thinks?" The other asked surprised.

"He thinks that its a fase. You know as she becomes a teenager." The bandit said.

"Ah. We have all been there." The other said in understanding.

"However the youngest did run away. The knights have yet to find her." The bandit said.

"Is that why we are deployed here?" The other asked.

"Yup. To deter her from leaving the country." The bandit confirmed.

"Ah. Good. Then lets keep walking." The other said. As the duo walked off.

'It's far worse than I imagined.' Twilight thought. As soon as the duo were out of view, Twilight walked over the main street towards the inn.

As soon as Twilight entered, the innkeeper jumped behind the counter in fear.

"A- Are you friend or foe." The innkeeper asked terrified.

"Friend." Twilight calmly answered.

The innkeeper revealed herself as she sighed at ease. "Ah good. How may I help you?" she asked.

"Ah I am just going to visit a friend that is housed in the inn already." Twilight admitted.

"Is that so. Which room?" The innkeeper asked.

"Three-oh-six." Twilight said. Twilight noted that the innkeeper's demeanor changed to something more serious.

"How many knocks?" The innkeeper asked.

"Four." Twilight was slowly getting the picture.

"Password?" The innkeeper asked.

"Fairies." Twilight said.

"Good. Follow me, she is in one of our hidden rooms." The innkeeper said.

"I thought so." Twilight said.

Twilight and the innkeeper both walked towards a odd looking wall. The innkeeper presses a button behind one of the bookshelves, which opens the compartment. It shows another hallway, they then walked through that to reveal a door with the number 306 on it.

"Princess? Your friend has arrived." The innkeeper said.

"Come in." The young female voice could be heard on the other side.

"I wish you the best of luck." The innkeeper said as she walked off.

Twilight opens the door to reveal a young girl, dressed as a boy. She had a weird emblem on her clothing. But that didn't matter, she was the one the give the quest. Or so Twilight thought, however as soon as Twilight got closer, she felt mimic magic coming off her.

"Who are you!" Twilight shouted as she took five steps back and lit up one of her magic orbs.

The mimic knew that the jig was up, "Don't worry. I am merely here to test you." the mimic said.

"Enough games. What do you want and where is the princess?" Twilight asked.

The mimic sighed, "Listen. I am one of the princess guards. You can ask the innkeeper to back that up." it said.

Twilight unlit one of her orbs, "Fine. I doubt that you are lying. Where is the princess?" Twilight asked.

"About that, she got found while helping one of the villagers." The mimic said.

"Shit. Are you telling me that the bandits found her?" Twilight questioned.

"She has." The mimic said, "I know where she went. But there were too many."

"Alright. Lets go." Twilight said. As soon as she turned around she felt some evil emotions coming from the mimic. Twilight already presumed that it was a false claim. But the mimic probably does know where the princess went, so she followed it regardless.

"It's through the forest. Follow me." The mimic said as it took the lead.

Twilight gave the innkeeper a glance, the innkeeper silently said, "I am sorry.". Twilight simply shrugged at her.

After a good ten minutes of walking, the village was in the far distance. And there were surrounded by lots of bushes and trees. Perfect for an ambush. After a few more minutes, Twilight saw a bandit camp with in the center the princess on a wooden pole. It screamed like a trap, but instead of back off. Twilight choose to play dumb and approach the princess.

As soon as Twilight got close, the princess whispered something to Twilight.

"It's a trap" The princess whispered.

"I know. If I know who I am up against. I will know how many to remove from existing." Twilight whispered back.

"Princess are you alright?!" Twilight shouted.

"Heh." The mimic said, "Come out boys. We got the mercenary."

Then a massive group of fifty bandits appeared from the bushes, tents and trees. Most were holding some kind of weapon. Primarily axes and wooden blunt weaponry. The mimic was suddenly holding a staff.

"Give it up." The mimic said, "We outnumber you!"

"Since when are number going to matter against a stronger opponent?" Twilight calmly questioned.

The mimic looked a bit annoyed, "Just go home and never come back!" it shouted.

"Nah. I didn't come here to drink tea and play ball." Twilight casually said.

"What?!" The mimic shouted.

Twilight yawns, "Well are you going to just stand there or are you atleast going to be a bit of a challenge?" Twilight asked.

"Enough! Boys attack her!" The mimic commanded.

Everyone immediately attacked without much say in the matter. Twilight then went into a bit more of an aggressive stance, as she lit one of her orbs up. "Fire!" Twilight simply said.

Twilight's orbs then lit up a powerful beam that hit half of the entire group. Disintegrating most of them, others were simply cut in two. Leaving behind either the top or the bottom of their bodies. And erasing their weaponry.

This left the mimic undefended, and stunned. Either the other side of the group didn't understand how to surrender. Or they simply didn't care. But they continued to attack regardless. Twilight then simply erased their equipment instead to try and force them to surrender.

It worked, as most fled terrified. And others were left stunned were they stood. Twilight then looked into the mimic's direction. Only to find two new enemies.

"Who is this, sister?" One of the new enemies asked.

"A very dangerous individual." The mimic responded.

"Should we avenge you?" The other new enemy asked. Her magic ring lit up on her hand.

"Uh. I think she is too strong." The mimic said.

"I don't care, avenge or run?" They asked the mimic.

The mimic sighed, "Avenge." she said smiling.

"Alright!" The ring user smiled.

"Yay!" The card user said.

The two new enemies attacked Twilight in harmony. Twilight simply stood there as their attack hit Twilight.

"Did we get her?" The ring user asked.

"Did you?" Twilight asked as she hadn't moved an inch.

The card user looked wide-eyed at Twilight, "Shit. She might be too strong." she said.

"Uh. But we can't run. Our boss will kill us." The card user admitted.

"Who is your boss?" Twilight asked.

"It's the guild master of the red bandits. He runs the port. He is really strong." The card user admits.

"And intimidating. He nearly killed our last boss. Our father that ran the golden spring fish. We were a light guild." The ring user said.

"Is that so? Tell you boss that I can eat him for breakfast." Twilight said.

"Uh. Alright." The mimic said, "He said that he is coming."

Twilight could hear and feel a new enemy coming. The enemy didn't wait however, he attacked immediately. Twilight casually dodged it.

"My name is Dry Skull. And I am the head master. Now Die!" Dry said.

Twilight simply answered by killing him instead. Twilight's fighter orb generated a magic sword, which pierced the heart of the head master with a single stab. Killing him instantly. However he had death magic on him.

"Die!" Dry said in his spirit form. As his magic attacked Twilight.

"Nah." Twilight said as her magic orb nullified the death magic.

"What!" Dry said enraged.

"Now. Begone!" Twilight shouted as she used some kind of magic fire to erase dry's spirit from the mortal realm.

"No!" Dry screamed as his voice disappeared into the void.

Twilight then looked at the three magic users. They looked in awe at Twilight, and fear.

"Now what? Dry is dead, our father is still ill in bed. What do we do?" The mimic asked uncertain.

"Appoint a new guild member and request light guild status from the magic council." Twilight said.

"But how to we contact the magic council?" The mimic asked.

"Leave that to me. However, first lets get the princess out of here." Twilight said as she unbound the now fainted princess from the pole.

Twilight and the three now friendly magic users walked back to the port. The tension was all but forgotten, as the three walked with the princess in tow. Then the bandits appeared.

"Hand the princess over to us!" One of the bandits demanded.

"No." The mimic said.

"Fine. Where is Dry?" The other bandit asked.

"Dead." Twilight responded firmly.

The bandits looked terrified at Twilight, before running off. A group of fifteen bandits just ran off with their tails between their legs.

"That was easy." The card user said.

"I doubt that they came here for a fight." Twilight said.

"Well with Dry dead. This port will belong to the light once more." The mimic said.

"Yeah. I will assist you for a bit, before receiving the quest from the princess and moving on to remove more bandits from the kingdom." Twilight said.

"Okay!" The ring user said.

Twilight and the group arrived at a decently good-looking building and entered it. Everyone was on high alert for a minute, but when they saw the princess, and heard that Dry was dead. They calmed down and the guild returned to their former self.

"So you can get us stamped as a light guild by the magic council of Fiore?" The mimic asked.

"Yeah. I will contact a friend that will get someone to the guild. But that can only happen if the port belongs to the guild once more." Twilight explained.

"Don't worry. We will clear the port up in four days. Until then, will you stay with us?" The mimic asked.

"Until the princess wakes up, then yes." Twilight said.

"Actually, we will be staying longer." The princess said with a groan.

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked surprised.

"We need to from town to town and restore old guilds to restore peace to the kingdom. However this town hasn't been totally freed yet. There are still two Black guilds nearby that needs destroying and a few bandit camps that needs to be cleared. On top of that, we have an issue that prevents the fisherman from doing their job. Something is killing the fish, we need to fine out what." The princess explained.

"Ah. So instead of rushing it, we will slowly destroy any black guild and bandit camps along the way." Twilight surmised.

"That too. But we also need to make sure that village doesn't collapse. Which means finding problems and fixing them." The princess explains.

"Which gains us followers and makes it more likely that the black guild loses favor." Twilight said.

"Exactly." The princess said, smiling.

"Alright. What do you want me to do first?" Twilight asked.

"Please start by clearing the bandits out." The princess requested.

"I understand. It will be done." Twilight said as she was about to leave. Only for the mimic to stop her.

"Wait! I got this orb from a friend that can't use it. Please take it as an apology." The mimic said as she gave Twilight, the Magical orb.

"Ah! A new friend." Twilight said, as soon as she touched it. Which caused it to hum in responds.

"Thank you. I will gladly take it." Twilight said gratefully.

"Sorry about before by the way. We were being oppressed to do it." The card user admitted.

"Dry nearly killed our master in front of us." The ring user said.

"I know. I know. Its alright. In the end he died instead." Twilight said dismissive.

"By the way, I know that the princess asked you to get rid of the bandits first. But could you solve the fish problem first?" The mimic asked.

"Why?" Twilight asked. The princess also looked surprised in their direction.

"Because it is causing starvation in the port." The mimic said as her belly growled hungry.

Twilight eyes widen, "Alright. I will take down that black guild on the hill first then. I saw it pumping weird liquid into the sea. Which is probably the cause." she said serious.

"Yeah. That will take priority. I won't have anyone die of starvation on my watch." The princess said shocked.

"Then I will be off. The fish problem will disappear like the wind." Twilight encouraged.

Twilight then left the guild as she ran towards the black guild with deathly intent. She looked at the river while she ran towards it, she saw a fish took one gulp of contaminated water and die instantly. This enraged Twilight, and that was not only because it was starving the port. But also for causing so much unnecessary environmental damage for no reason.

The fish didn't deserve this fate. Nor did the port or its people. The whole fish problem is also causing trade to be halted in the port. Due to contaminated water also causing some serious health concern to its people. Causing the healthy to fall ill and the elderly to potentially die from it. It enraged Twilight, just thinking about it.

In one great strive, Twilight had arrived in front of the guild. She let her other orbs hover, while leaving the magical orb out of it for now. Twilight then bashed the door in, causing it to bang into the wall on the other side of the room. Killing two guards instantly. And as soon as Twilight entered the room, she got attacked from all directions.

But with a single snap of her fingers, her Celestial orb levitated the guild members high into the sky, only to die of fall damage. Twilight then casually opened the next set of doors, only to find a bunch of guild members making the poison inside the guild hall itself. Angered by the sight, she used the fighter orb to blast a laser throughout the guild, killing everyone inside. And most importantly, killed the poison.

After doing the same thing inside the entire guild, she had finally reached the guild master. As soon as Twilight entered his office, he used some kind of forbidden magic to try and seal her magic. Undaunted by the action, Twilight used a single punch to his face to crush it to bits, causing the blood and brain of his skull to be revealed. Only for Twilight's celestial orb to finish the deed by burning him to death.

Twilight then saw as her new Magical orb lit up and erased the entire guild by using crush magic on it. Twilight then looked at her handy work. The guild was gone, but the damage was done. However Twilight wasn't finished. Using her friendship orb, she used purify on the river and sea that took all the damage. Cleaning up all the environmental damage and preventing more animals from becoming contaminated.

Twilight then walked back to the port. Until she realized that she was covered in blood, so she cleaned it up by using the friendship orb's cleaning ability. Now that she knew that the problem has been resolved, Twilight rushed back to the guild in the port.

"Ah! Twilight. There you are. How was it?" The princess asked as she was seated by the bar in the guild.

"They are done for. You can rest easy. None will die from starvation anymore." Twilight said smiling.

"Good I will sent out the message. Will you now take care of those bandits?" The princess asked.

"Of course. I will be right back." Twilight said as she once again headed out.

Twilight walked down the port and saw that many were cleaning up the dead fish in the river. As she walked passed, Twilight was approached by a young girl in merchant clothing.

"Big sister?" The young girl asked.

Twilight turned to look in her direction and smiled, "Yes? How can I help you?" she said.

"Are you the one that is removing the presence of evil in our port?" The young girl asked.

"I am. What is the matter?" Twilight asked worried.

"Yes. Those bandits have taken a lot of people. Including my parents. If you can find them, I would greatly appreciate it." The young girl pleaded.

"I can try. But I cannot make any promises." Twilight said determined.

"I know. My brother says that they are most likely already dead. But I won't give up any hope, until I have seen their bodies." The young girl said hopeful.

Twilight smile turns a bit sad, she was sad to see a young girl like herself think of death that easily. "I will do my best." she said.

"Thanks, big sister!" The young girl said as she waves good bye and then she ran off to her stall on the market place.

'So the bandits are doing slavery and the black guilds just kill people?! This is far worse than I could have imagined.' Twilight thought as she ran towards the nearest bandit camp.

While Twilight ran down the path, she realized something unusual. The paths weren't lit for one, or have any kind of guards to stop more bandits from appearing. Twilight quickly realized that, that might cause problems in the future. As Twilight saw the bandit camp in the distance, she heard a scream coming from the forest to her right.

On high alert, Twilight dashes into the forest. To find the source of the scream, only to find a massive mine filled with slaves. One such slave looked a lot like the young girl in the port. But as Twilight looked at the source of the scream, she quickly saw why the slave screamed. He was being beaten by a whip, and very hard at that.

It was then that a small memory appeared in the back of Twilight's mind.


As Twilight and her new sister, Erza. Walked down the road towards Fairy Tail, Twilight noticed these weird cuts on Erza's back. Unsure of what to make of it, Twilight kept walking without asking.'

Going back to what Twilight saw in front of her, right now. She saw as the man had received cuts that reminded her of Erza. Realizing that Erza probably experienced it as a child, but now these adults were being done in the same. As Twilight looked on, she got quite sad and angry.

'I need to free them. And most importantly. Kill the guards, they don't deserve a second chance.' Twilight thought.

Twilight then made a bow and arrow motion as the Celestial orb made a bow and arrow made of pure magic. She then aimed the bow at the head of the guard that was whipping the slave, and release the arrow. In a single strike, Twilight killed the guard. Leaving the slave in confusion. And the other guards on high alert.

"Who goes there-" One of the guards that had spotted Twilight, tried to shout. But was instead shot down instantly.

"There an intruder!" The captain of the guard shouted as he pointed at Twilight.

Twilight simply proceeded to shoot the guards from afar. Causing her to shoot nearly all the guards down, before they have the chance the scramble. Leaving only two guards and the captain of the guard left to defend the slave mine. Twilight simply walked up to them instead.

The two guards immediately attacked Twilight, Twilight simply cut them down with a single punch to the head, blowing the heads up from the impact. Leaving the captain of guard to stand there alone, Twilight was about to kill him too. When suddenly from behind him, one of the slaves picked up one of the guard's weapons and cut the captain down from behind.

"Nice kill." Twilight simply said, "Now get out of here. You will find refuge at the port."

"Alright." The slave said, as he first released the others.

"I will take care of the bandit camp, they are the ones behind this mine right?" Twilight asked.

"They are. We can't leave without them gone though." The slave said.

"Just run. You will be fine. I am going to quickly get rid of both camps." Twilight said.

"Very well." One of the female slaves said as they ran into the direction of the port.

Twilight then with the hatred of Hades, she ran into the camp and burned it to the ground. With bandits and all. Leaving them no chance of recovery. Twilight then ran passed it, and into the second one. They saw the smoke and were on high alert, however they stood no chance. Twilight simply shot each and every bandit down with a single arrow. That included the boss. He did however receive extra treatment.

He was shot in belly, but the arrow was tipped with poison that slowly killed him. The most painful way to go. And that while he watched as his bandit group was slaughtered, one by one. Right in front of him. Without a lick of mercy.

"Monster." The bandit boss said right before he died.

After that, Twilight ran back to the port. As soon as she got through the port, Twilight saw as the young girl and boy hugged both their parents. Smiles and tears ran down each face. In fact a lot of people were crying happy tears as they saw their beloved show themselves after being taken for a long time.

Twilight smiled at the sight, until she saw something unexpected in the port. Two fisherman boats had appeared. Along side a boat from the magic council and the boat that Twilight arrived on. Rising her eyebrow, Twilight walked towards the guild.

As soon as she saw the guild in the distance, she noticed a lot of activity in front of it. Gildarts and Lahar were both talking to the guild master. The guild master was standing with crutches in both his hands. As Twilight got closer, she overheard their conversation.

"So do you wish to become a part of the magic council? You will have to abide to our rules, of course." Lahar said serious.

"Yes. I will join." The guild master said.

"Alright. I will sent over the paperwork by boat soon." Lahar said, as he turns around he sees Twilight. He then approached her.

"Yes, I haven't forgotten." Lahar said, "My friend was unable to erase mine and Yajima's."

"Is that so. Well that does make my job much easier." Twilight said while smiling.

"That it does. So how is Midi?" Lahar asked.

"Worse than I expected." Twilight said, "And I expected a lot!"

"You can say that again. So you took care of two black guilds, two bandit camps and one slave mine in one day." Lahar said somewhat impressed.

"And a port." Twilight added.

"And a port." Lahar said while nodding.

"Perhaps it might be best to start a magic council of Midi in Midi. After I liberate more of the country." Twilight suggested.

"We will. That boat in the port will be staying permanently. It will be the temporary magic council of Midi." Lahar explained.

"Are you in charge of it?" Twilight asked.

"I am. Along side some other members." Lahar said.

"Understood. Then I better get going and give the princess the good news." Twilight said.

"Very well. Gildarts and I have a lot to talk about." Lahar said as he looks at Gildarts.

"Yeah. We have to set up a new questing system in Midi." Gildarts explained.

"Ah! Right, good luck with that." Twilight said as she entered the guild.

"Twilight! Good, you mostly liberated this port. The final guild is the one preventing trade from happening inwards. We can wait until tomorrow to start with that one. First we need to stick here for a bit and watch the port town improve in life." The princess requested.

"And will you introduce yourself tomorrow?" Twilight asked.

"Oops. I forgot to do that, didn't I?" The princess said surprised.

"Lets do the introductions tomorrow." The mimic, the card and the ring user all said at the same time.

"Alright. Did you leave me a place to sleep by the way?" Twilight asked.

"You can take the guest room in our guild." The guild master said.

"Are you sure?" Twilight asked.

"Of course. I can't let a saint live on streets, now can I?" The guild master said knowingly.

Twilight smiled, "Alright. Show me the way." she said.

"Wait. She is a saint?!" The princess said surprised.

Twilight simply nodded as she brought out the Saint badge. And the S rank badge. Causing both the princess and the other guild members to practically jump in surprise. Twilight then proceeds to hide them once more and follow the head master to the guest room.

As soon as the head master opened the room, Twilight was somewhat surprised that the room was almost exactly like the one in Fairy Tail. Before Twilight could enter the room, the head master stopped her.

"Actually, before you enter. I had a single question. Why are you helping us?" The guild master asked.

"It wasn't clear? The princess requested me." Twilight answered.

"Hm. Someone tried to do so as well. Before you, he was able to succeed. Only for everything to fall to darkness once more. Who is to say, that that doesn't happen again?" The guild master asked.

"Did that person belong to an guild before? Did he have any connection to the magic council? Did anyone know his back story?" Twilight questioned in return.

"He said no. No and also no." The guild master answered respectively.

"Okay. Then let me be transparent. My name is Twilight Scarlet. I am from the Fairy Tail guild in Fiore. I own the Saint rank at the magic council and S rank at my guild. As for my back story, I will tell you another time." Twilight introduced.

"Fairy Tail, éh?" The guild master said somewhat surprised.

"Anyways, I will tell you more tomorrow. As for what happened in the past. Well that is of no concern to me." Twilight dismissed.

"I see. So you aren't a bit interested?" The guild master asked.

"I am. But sitting around won't get me the answers. For now, I will do what I am familiar with. I will collect those answers over time." Twilight said.

"Alright. Good night." The guild master said satisfied.

"Yeah. Good night." Twilight said simply.

Author's Note:

As far as I am aware off, the kingdom of Midi hasn't been touched much by the original writer, so I am making this story up as I go. I hope you will enjoy it.

Also the whole liberating existing villages has been taken from the Far Cry series. And no, she won't scale any radio towers.

Next up, Demons and Angels