• Published 20th Jun 2021
  • 2,686 Views, 129 Comments

Twilight Scarlet - vincent789

  • ...

Shagotte and Twilight

It's been a year since we last met Twilight. During this time, little changed. Most guild members stayed and in fact some new ones joined. Along side another flying cat, which called itself an Exceed. Twilight however never stopped calling it a cat, much to the exceed's annoyance.

Anyhow, the exceed called itself Shagotte. It was an exceed with one wing. Apparently she didn't mean to join, it just happend that way. Because she drank some alcohol and said yes, one too many times. The guild mark was placed on her back and despite Twilight being extremely annoying sometimes, she chose to follow Twilight around as her partner. Even if Twilight never did any quests.

Afterwards now that she thought about it some more. It made a bit of sense. After all, one wing would be hard to fly with and would make escaping dangerous scenarios rather... unpleasant. Not to mention. She also admitted to having zero combat ability. Which was something Twilight disagreed rather strongly against. During her drunken stupor, she play arm wrestling with other members of Fairy Tail while winning almost all members. Among which even Wakaba and Macao were unable to defeat her at such a simplistic game of strength.

When Twilight explained this to Shagotte, she blushed. And still tried and failed to state that she never trained any combat at all.

"Well in that case. Why don't we make use of our gym and see if you really are as weak as you make yourself as." Twilight offered as compromise.

"Fine!" Shagotte said annoyed.

And after one training test in the gym, it became clear. That either she was lying, or she was born strong. To which Twilight expected it to be the latter. As Twilight doubted that Shagotte was lying.

"Well since you are decently strong, even if you don't want to learn any magic. Why not learn some basic self-defense moves? Just in case of course." Twilight offered to a still blushing but also confused Shagotte.

"Hm. Well I would love to help Carla... Fine. Will you be the one to teach me?" Shagotte asked.

"I will be. Though I am not as good as my sister in hand-to-hand combat. But I can certainly try." Twilight said with a smile.

"You have a sister?" Shagotte asked surprised.

"Yes. And technically a brother, though I do not remember him very well. What little I do remember is that he join some kind of army. So he is probably also relatively good at hand-to-hand, though it's probably hoof-to-hoof." Twilight said as she mumbled the last bit.

"Is that so? That is a big family you have. I only have a daughter. My husband is no more. Nor do I have a sister or a brother. Or parents for that matter." Shagotte admitted. She sounded a little jealous.

"What are you talking about? The moment you joined Fairy Tail, you become a member of our family. And gets treated as such." Twilight said smiling.

"Is that so? Anyways, where do we begin?" Shagotte said as she switched gears. Though it was clear that the fact that she gained a new family, made her very happy. As Twilight could merely sense her happiness. Without having to see it.

"Sure. Well since strength won't be the problem. Perhaps we should work on your form." Twilight explained. She then showed a good beginners form of combat. Shagotte replicated the moves. She was shown the basic punch, double punch and kick move. And then she was told to keep practicing that for now.

"The better you get at the foundation. The easier it becomes to train new skills." Twilight explained.

"Alright. Is there anything else I should try before I go and train those moves?" Shagotte asked.

"Yes. I know you don't want to train magic, but the thing I am about to introduce can do that, but that is not the current purpose. I will teach you on how to meditate. Though it could be used to train your magic capacity. In this case, it's for training your mind. When in combat, you might need to stop all thoughts you had, and focus solely on attacking and defending. If you can train your mind to focus when that happens, you will feel a lot lighter on your head when the inevitable happens." Twilight explained. She then showed the basic form of meditation and what to do exactly when using the form.

Shagotte tried it and loved it. Though she was having a hard time, which surprisingly only made Shagotte want to do it more. So for the rest of the last year, she has trained punch, double punch and kick. And also trained the mind.

However, this year she started her training on something else. She was given a book on hand-to-hand combat and told to pick a few moves to train. She then trained them a bit and her mind as much. It became clear that Shagotte had not only gotten stronger physically, but also mentally. That she finally had the balls to ask Twilight for something.

"Partner?" Shagotte asked Twilight. Twilight instantly perked up, this was the first time Shagotte used that word at the start of a sentence.

"Yes, Shagotte?" Twilight asked surprised, but with a smile.

"Do you want to take a quest with me? I want to see what my current body can do, and I want test myself. Can I?" Shagotte finally asked. Everyone that was talking in the guild stopped or dropped what they were doing when they heard that. Most looked shocked, however everyone had a smile.

Twilight eyes widen, only for her to blink and smile. "Sure. Choose any quest. I will give you backup." she said finally.

Shagotte looked incredible relieved. But also excited as she ran towards the bulletin board filled with quests. And after a few minutes, she took a one hundred thousand Jewels quest. That required them to kill some pesky goblins. It was an easy quest normally. But for someone like Shagotte, this is the ultimate challenge. And she knew it.

"Alright let's go. Macao! Please keep an eye on the guild in my absence!" Twilight ordered.

"Yes, Master!" Macao said as he took a seat at the bar.

The rest of the day was Twilight and her partner Shagotte traveling using a familiar pig taxi towards their destination. Their destination was Clover Town, the location that held the guild master convention was in a while. It has been two hours since their travels began, however it wouldn't take very long. Since they took the train for most of the trip. However, due to an incident that involves Natsu's team blowing up Clover town it was now merely a hole that was slowly being converted back into a town.

However during construction, the host of the convention ran into some goblins. Which became an issue. And that is the reason why Shagotte and Twilight were going there now.

Shagotte was going to take care of the goblins, while Twilight was going to use her incredibly strong repair magic to restore the entire valley. Atleast that was going to be the plan Twilight made in her head. Of course she must first get there. Which they did, after waiting an additional one hour.

"Oink!" The pig said.

"We have arrived. Here take the jewels!" Twilight said as she threw him a bag of jewels. Which the pig promptly refused for some reason.

"Wait. Why are you refusing?" Twilight asked the pig confused. Which she got the answer after talking with the pig for a few more moment.

"Fine. Give them the message that Jose has regained his magic and WILL resume his Saint duties." Twilight said as she practically shouted the "Will" into the pigs ears.

"Oink!" The pig saluted as he marched off into the distance.

"Who paid for our ride?" Shagotte asked.

"The magic council." Twilight simply said.

"Ah." Shagotte said pleased.

"Yeah well. It doesn't exactly please me. Unless it is my old friend paying for it, which it wasn't. Since this means the magic council is keeping tabs on me." Twilight said less pleased.

"They must have a reason, no?" Shagotte suggested.

"Oh I know the reason. Not that it matters much. Come on, we are nearly there." Twilight said as she moves on. In both the physical sense, as well as to dismiss the sentiment. Much to Shagotte's sadness.

"Before we go, I need to ask you something." Shagotte said.

"Sure thing. What is it?" Twilight asked as she looked back at Shagotte.

"Why do you want to train me so much? I mean, I have done some... questionable stuff. And I am more of a mother than anything else." Shagotte asked serious.

"You are a mother. Carla is your daughter. Is it wrong for me to want the mother to be strong enough to protect her youngster?" Twilight replied.

"Is it because you have no mother?" Shagotte asked curiously.

"Oh I have a mother alright. Not that I can see her due to circumstances. Carla has an adventurers spirit. And so do I. And its thanks to my spirit that I am now stuck where I am. I do not want Carla to go through the same thing I have." Twilight replied honestly.

"I see. If the mother is stronger, then she wouldn't end up like you. Correct?" Shagotte offered.

"It is certainly a part of it. But also, and don't tell anyone I said this. But in all honesty, it feels as if I am close to my own mother. Yes, you are an exceed and Carla's mother. But I haven't been able to see my own mother for a long time. Being near another mother feels as if I too am getting a bit of motherly love." Twilight admitted blushingly so. Showing Shagotte how lonely she actually is.

Shagotte's eyes widen, until her smile turns motherly. "May I ask your circumstance?" Shagotte honestly asked.

"A wrong warp into a dimension that isn't my own." Twilight admitted.

"So, you aren't supposed to be in the world of Fiore?" Shagotte asked suddenly a lot more serious.

"Yes. I came from a world named Equestria. And as the name states, I am a pony. A unicorn to be precise. But due to my own recklessness, I got wrong warped into this world. And now I am stuck. I can only return once Lucy Heartfillia is back and her team. We then have to go on a grand adventure to regain my memories. Only then, can I go home." Twilight explained.

"I see. I suppose you are similar to us Exceeds then. We also came from another world. Though we cannot go home permanently since the disappearance of magic from that world." Shagotte explained.

"Yes. But we both know that, that was under different circumstances than mine. Had I never touched that stupid book and tried to teleport using a not yet mastered spell. This wouldn't have happened. In your case it was life or death. In mine it was mere stupidity." Twilight said frustrated, but also sniffed. It has been awhile since she last had cried.

"Twilight. Listen. You made mistakes, any mortal creature does that. It makes you human or unicorn. Regardless, you never gave up hope, did you? Despite everything you are still searching for a way back home. Even if you remember very little about that time, you cling on to the last of your memories. That is very impressive. Most would have already given up." Shagotte explained in a motherly tone.

"I am different. Not merely due to my race, but my innate ability for magic. A unicorn is born with magic, a human is not. I am a cheat." Twilight admitted frustrated.

Shagotte stopped talked and merely hugged Twilight, giving her a bit of her love. Causing Twilight to collapse in her warm fur. "I am sorry." she merely said, realizing that she was only making the situation more complicated then it had to be.

And Twilight responded with some soft sobs inside of the hug. And after a bit of time, Twilight finally released the hug. "Thank you, I needed that. Now why don't we go and get rid of those Goblins. I will for now stand back and watch. I will help you if I think you need it." Twilight said with a smile.

Shagotte also released the hug, revealing that she too had shed some tears that she didn't know she had. She then nodded at Twilight as she and her body automatically went into a combat stance like a real fighter. And then they ran into the forest in search of those goblins. Twilight was smiling at Shagotte for the mere fact that she was now able to switch from being kind to being serious in mere moment. All thanks to her meditation and training.

As Twilight looked ahead, she sealed her magic in a way that prevents monsters from detecting her. That way, no monster would run away from her. After doing that, she spots some goblins ahead, however Shagotte was faster and instantly jump kicked the goblins. Crushing the face of the goblin into the ground, but not enough to kill it. But it was enough to atleast stun it. As Twilight got closer, she saw a rare sight.

A goblin king was sitting there at the base of the massive crater. However despite him being far stronger that Shagotte, Twilight still did nothing but watch from a distance. And also Shagotte was outmanned and outgunned, but Shagotte cared little about that as she slaughtered one goblin after another. She had quality over quantity. Which kept her still slightly stronger then her foe, but not faster or better. After she killed about a hundred goblins or so, the goblin king finally had enough and pounced on Shagotte.

Since his move was sudden, Shagotte was hit by the attack, but she merely backed off from the king and continued to pressure his guards instead. However she was now fully aware of the king's presence. And wasn't likely to get hit again, which she showed by dodging seemingly impossible attacks from the king. As the king overextended however, Shagotte took that chance to give the king a very powerful punch in the belly.

The punch was powerful enough to sent the king flying into the trees. Right at the location of Twilight. However Twilight merely moved from her position, letting the king to fly through several trees before he recovered. Twilight could tell that the king was surprised at Shagotte's strength, but this only made the king that much more aware of Shagotte. And also it made him smile.

Twilight knew that smile, it's the smile of a strong individual meeting a capable but beatable foe. Not confidence, but respect. Even if Shagotte couldn't beat him, the king knew he found his match. Even Twilight gave the king a smile, since the king was also aware of her presence. But Twilight didn't make a move, even when the king threw a tree at Twilight. Which she simply dodged and moved further away from the king.

It was then that the king made an unusual move, instead of focusing on Twilight. He kept his whole attention on Shagotte. Which made Twilight realize that this king was extreme intelligent. But also not what it appeared to be. Causing Twilight to scan the king from a distance. Which confirmed Twilight's suspicion.

The king and his goblins are summoned beings. The magical signature suggested that the Rune knights summoned these beings. Someone tried to test Twilight, and failed since she wasn't going to fight. Instead they fought her partner. Which made her realize something.

Someone at the magic council realized Twilight had gained a partner. And probably decided to test said partner. But whoever it was, paid close attention. Since they knew her strength to a certain degree. Summoning only goblins the level of Shagotte. And Twilight had a pretty good idea who it was.

'Lahar.' Twilight thought as she smiled. She then scanned the valley and detected two rune knights. Lahar and probably someone named Doranbolt.

Twilight then smiled at the direction of the orb that was recording the fight. She knew Lahar was watching. And made a piece sign and stuck her tong out at him.

"Twilight Sparkle." Lahar said now smiling at the orb.

"Who is she?" Doranbolt asked confused.

"Current guild master of Fairy Tail and a Saint." Lahar stated.

"She is a Saint?!" Doranbolt asked shocked. His eye bulged at the fact.

"Yes. She is easily stronger than Acnologia. And might even rival Zeref in sheer magic power." Lahar explained.

"But she is tiny!" Doranbolt shouted in denial.

"You mustn't judge a book by its cover." Twilight said as she teleported behind Lahar and Doranbolt.

"Yes. It could get you killed." Lahar agreed as he simply closed his eyes and smiled. It had been a while since he last saw Twilight.

"How do I not know you?" Doranbolt asked surprised.

Twilight merely raised her eyebrow at the mention. "Unlike you who can manipulate memories. I simply did not exist when you were last in the Fairy Tail guild." she simply stated.

"How do you..." Doranbolt shouted agitated as he automatically grabbed his magic stick.

"Are you sure you want to do that?" Twilight said as she slow turned her head, as a small smile was forming.

"Doranbolt. Yield! She is not a foe you can beat!" Lahar shouted agitated at him.

"I sense no magic power from her!" Doranbolt shouted as he disregarded Lahar's warning and charged Twilight anyways.

Twilight shook her head and smiled, "Well alright then. Boop!" Twilight calmly said as she boops Doranbolt's nose mid charge, causing him to get literally blasted off the cliff as the sheer knockback force of the boop forced him off the cliff.

Lahar sighed at Doranbolt's foolishness. Then subsequently ignored his pleas of help as he falls down off the cliff while he turns to talk with Twilight, "So... hiding your magic, huh?" he said.

"If I don't, all creatures will run away from me." Twilight simply shrugged.

"Then this quest. Did you accept it or..." Lahar asked as he turns to his orb.

"No. My partner, Carla's mother, Shagotte. She has recently been training hand-to-hand combat and has shown quite a bit of promise. She wanted to test her skills on some goblins." Twilight explained.

"Ah. So it would seem. She isn't as strong as anyone else in your guild. But she has some good determination and willpower. I expect that after this quest she will be a lot stronger. And a lot more capable of being your partner." Lahar said smiling.

"She is like a mother I never had. Even if I don't really need her strength. I do need her motherly love. Since Gramps or dad is currently unable to give me any." Twilight admitted.

"I understand. About gramps..." Lahar suggested.

"Got saved by Fairy Sphere. It just takes time to recharge. And show itself. The seal alone can take up to seven years to break itself. My sister Mavis is doing all she can. But it takes time." Twilight said dismissive.

"Fairy Sphere?" Lahar asked confused.

"One of Fairy magic's grand spells. Able to block any magical attack. Even from Acnologia." Twilight stated.

"Is that so? Well that is amazing news! So you are merely keeping your guild clean of debts and maintain their home, huh?" Lahar asked.

"Exactly." Right as Twilight stated that, her senses told her that Shagotte needed help.

"Welp. I think my partner needs my help. I am sure we can another time later." Twilight suddenly said.

"I agree. She just took massive damage." Lahar simply stated, "Good luck! You won't probably need it though!"

Twilight simply smiled before teleporting back. As soon as she is back, she scans there area for Shagotte's magical signature and sees her laying on the floor injured.

"How goes the fight?" Twilight simply asked.

"He is too strong..." Shagotte coughed injured.

Normally at this point, Twilight might have intervened. Yet something told her, that if she does so now. Shagotte won't learn from it. So instead she was going to have to act unconcerned at the situation.

"It looks like to me, that you are simply giving up." Twilight teased.

Shagotte looks up at Twilight shocked, "I thought you are my back up!" she shouted.

"I am. And yet I feel that you are giving up hope too soon. After all you accepted this quest. Are you telling me, that I made an mistake training you?" Twilight asked. She was using tough love to try and push her to try harder.

As Shagotte's eyes widen at the statement. And also realized why Twilight was doing this. She looked back at the king that was giving her a victorious smirk. She then lowered her eyelids and said, "No you have not."

"Well I think I have. Is this really all you are capable of? Is this really all you can do?" Twilight taunted.

"No..." Shagotte said slowly, "No." she repeated as a small fire started to burn in her mind.

"So that king took your child and all you can do is lay here in shock. You have trained and worked hard to get here and all you do is expect another to succeed where you should?!" Twilight shouted, though internally she was smiling. She could tell that Shagotte wasn't done. All she was doing is push her to try harder.

"No... No!" Shagotte repeated faster this time, her determination was slowly but surely burning brighter and brighter. While the king merely smirked harder at her 'False' attempts to fight back.

"Really? Then why are you still laying there... All weak. Unable to do anything. If you can beat that king. Then show me!" Twilight taunted and shouted.

It was then that she finally stood up, her paws clenched in sheer rage and determination. She then released her fist and took a deep breath. All her training came back to her and she looked at the king. Anger and rage was present, but not dominant. Her desire to succeed at this test overpowered everything else.

She then stared at the king and give him a smug smirk. The king flinched at the sheer determination. He then smiled and charged Shagotte once more. With a roar similar to a lion, Shagotte charged back at him. As she uses everything she had to beat the king. To overcome an insurmountable challenge.

And the fight was on, once more. Twilight then hid among the trees with an massive smile and a proud stance. Shagotte was taking a lot of hits, but neither flinched nor cared. She was too busy beating the shit out of the king goblin. While king goblin was slowly but surely overwhelmed with each and every punch, Shagotte became stronger and stronger.

Her rage fueled her strength. Her anger, the determination. Her willpower, the sheer ability to take hits. And then she does something unexpected. Like her instincts told her, she does a half moon kick. Smashing the king into the ground and proceeded to drop kick his ass over and over.

Twilight in the background blinked, 'Huh. I didn't teach her that. Perhaps you are a lot more of a warrior then you let on.' She though proudly.

At this point the fight became one sided as Shagotte overwhelmed and over-powered the goblin king. Then she finished him off, giving the king an extremely powerful punch that had been supercharged by her anger and rage. As the punch made contact with the king, the king gets smashed through thousands of trees and rocks until hitting the cliff where Lahar and Doranbolt had stood. Smashing him through the mountain, overdoing it by a massive margin. Killing the king in the process.

Shagotte then roared and fainted out of sheer exhaustion. Before she could hit the ground, Twilight caught her. The forest or what is left of the forest finally became quiet as the fight was finally over. Twilight then healed the wounds Shagotte had received and jumped up on the cliff where Lahar was standing.

"Wow. She overpowered and overwhelmed a being I never though she would be able to defeat." Lahar said proud and stunned at sheer amount of destruction the Shagotte had left behind.

Twilight nodded, "Alright. My turn." she said as she released her magic seals. Allowing her orbs to fly besides her.

"Restoration." Twilight said in a deep voice as absolutely massive spell appeared over the entirety of the valley. As her magic started to restore the entire valley in one go. The crater turned into Clover town. And the trees that were destroyed by Shagotte restored to their former glory. That also included the hole made by the goblin king through the mountain.

"Your magic is unbelievable as always." Lahar said as he looks at the spell in awe.

"As much as my magic is awesome. I am honestly more impressed by Shagotte. She did something that is incredibly awesome." Twilight admitted honestly.

"Yes. Shagotte did an amazing job. However..." Lahar turned serious.

"Yes. She has to choose. Does she stay with Fairy Tail or will she go back to her town that they made." Twilight said in agreement.

"What are you saying." Shagotte said grumpily. She was still very tired, but apparently not too weak to stand up straight.

"I am staying of course. I will just appoint someone else to lead the exceeds. I want more adventures and fights!" Shagotte said as she highlight her desire to fight more.

Twilight gave Shagotte a toothy grin, "Welp, the queen has spoke." she teased.

"Do you want me to do that? Or are you going to visit on your own?" Lahar asked more seriously.

"I will go back myself. In fact, I want to show Twilight the town which houses the exceeds. If she doesn't mind that is." Shagotte said with shaking her head at Lahar.

"Sure thing. Are we close?" Twilight asked curiously.

"Actually yes. There are just on the other side of that mountain." Shagotte admitted as she points at the mountain to the north east of Clover Town.

"Huh. Are you sure they aren't terrified then? You let out some primal screams I must say." Twilight asked with a raised eyebrow.

"How would they from this distance?" Shagotte questioned.

"Echo." Lahar deadpanned. Which caused Shagotte to sputter as she was unsure what to say next.

"Eh. If I can explain that the situation was desperate. I am sure they would understand." Twilight dismissed as she noticed Shagotte's nervousness.

"Anyways. We got what we came here for. I thank you for the wonderful display of strength Miss Shagotte. Here is the one hundred thousand Jewels plus a small bonus of another one hundred thousand for defeating the king. And Twilight I will send you the money for restoring Clover town to your account." Lahar said as he gives Shagotte the extra large bag of jewels over to her. And nodding pleased towards Twilight.

"Thank you sir. I will take more quests like this one in the future." Shagotte admitted happily.

"Though I will assign a team to assist Shagotte, since I will not stand watch and let my family kill itself." Twilight added after seeing Lahar's concerned look.

"But why?" Shagotte asked disappointed.

"I want you to gain more experience before we attempt such a stunt." Twilight explained.

"Fine." Shagotte pouted.

Twilight and Shagotte then waved Lahar goodbye as they continue their adventure toward the town full of exceeds to the north east of Clover Town. This time they slowly walked towards it, instead of taking a pig taxi. Shagotte was tired, but her determination prevented her from fainting again. Instead she sucked it up and kept walking.

After two hours of constant walking later, Shagotte and Twilight had arrived at the town called "Earth Land" which apparently was a throw back at the name of the previous world where they came from. As soon as they enter, Twilight and Shagotte sweat dropped. Everyone was panicking and it was quickly revealed that they did in fact hear the roar.

"Your highness! You must hide! A terrible beast just screamed in the distant." Martam said in a panic. He was someone from the four elders that stood besides Shagotte, the queen.

"About that..." Shagotte sweat dropped as she admit that it was her.

"What do you mean?! Were you fighting a great beast or something?!" Martam asked annoyed.

"Actually she was. She was fighting a Goblin King." Twilight said faster then Shagotte.

"A what?!" Martam stood there stunned.

"And yes, I won." Shagotte said suddenly a lot more proudly.

"That calls for a celebration!" Martam suddenly shouted, "Everyone! Our queen just defeated a Goblin King! We need to celebrate!" He shouted extra loud over the panic.

And instantly, the panic disappears and makes way for respect and awe. As the whole town turns into a massive festival. Twilight was impressed with own sudden everyone was willing to change gears. As she and Shagotte entered the town hall. She puts her paw on the four elders.

"We need to talk." Shagotte said a bit more serious.

As Twilight, Shagotte and the four elders got comfy around a big conference table. Shagotte decided to speak up.

"That Goblin King was a test for my abilities. As I have been training my paw-to-paw combat with Twilight here for the past year." Shagotte admitted serious.

"Wow. You have gotten a lot stronger." Majeer admitted pleasantly surprised.

"However..." Twilight spoke up, "It has created a new... conundrum. You see, at this point it's about, whether or not she stays with Fairy Tail or not. Since she got herself a Guild Mark in her drunken stupor." she stated

"Is that so. Well I can't talk for everyone here. But I will support which ever decision our queen makes." Mysdroy said smiling.

"I agree." Majeer said also smiling.

"I also agree." Muganto admitted.

"Your highness, we will support whatever decision you make. After all this is your life. You have lead us, but you deserve the same freedom as anyone else. Whatever you do, we will always await your return. Because you deserve to be with your child." Martam simply explained also smiling.

As those words caused Shagotte to tear up, she shakes the tears off her face and looks hardened at Twilight and nods. "Then I am going to stay with Fairy Tail. I want to learn more about the world. Fight more difficult fights. And stay as Twilight's partner." she admitted serious.

The four elders smiled, "Then we will assign someone to take your place. Do not worry. Go have fun. Just know, we will always be here for you. You will always have a home to return to. If we need help, we will send Fairy Tail a quest." Martam explained.

The four elders then stood up and gave Shagotte a hug, "And Twilight. Do take good care of our queen. She is of royal blood. And one of the last of its kind. I trust that you will succeed in your own journey. And Shagotte? Do return yes? We will be waiting for you." Muganto requested while giving them both a proud smile.

"Of course. As guild master of Fairy Tail. I promise to take good care of Shagotte." Twilight said with a bow.

"Of course I will return. Perhaps next time with Carla and Happy." Shagotte said happily.

Twilight and Shagotte proceeded to enjoy the rest of the festival only to return a few hours later by train. Shagotte was sleeping, while Twilight was staring out the window. She was going to have to take care of a lot more paperwork.

Author's Note:

(2/7 chapters until end of Guild master of Fairy Tail Arc)

I always thought that Shagotte was an underused character in the Canon. So I decided to make use of her as Twilight's partner. She is the first non-dragon slayer to gain an exceed as partner. (Though apparently she has a role in the 100 years quest arc, but this is my interpretation of her)

(Look I already ate my words. This was fun to make. As I don't really need to make any new OCs)