• Published 20th Jun 2021
  • 2,686 Views, 129 Comments

Twilight Scarlet - vincent789

  • ...

Demons and Angels

After a good night sleep at the familiar yet unfamiliar guest room, Twilight woke up in reasonably good mood. Her body has certainly recovered from the amount of fighting she had done the previous day. As she opens the window binds, she looks at the port town.

The port town had woken up far earlier than she had. As she checked the clock, she realized that it was six O'clock in the morning, yet she still saw way more people on and about inside the town than Magnolia ever was. Even if a celebration was on going. It was the difference between a fishing hub and a trading hub.

As Twilight walked into the the bathroom she cleaned herself up, and dressed herself for the next combat occasion. She then proceeded to walk downstairs to the guild hall of Golden Spring Fish and saw the mimic, the card user and the ring user seated next to the princess. They appeared to be waiting for her.

"Ah. There you are. Please, take a seat. I think we need to properly introduce ourselves." The princess said, while sipping on some tea.

"Alright. I already partially revealed who I am, how about you girls start?" Twilight asked.

"Understood. I will go first, My name is Spring Roll and I am a card user." Spring said.

"I am Fall Roll, sister of Spring Roll and a ring user." Fall said.

"I am Princess Sakura Midi. I am a capable summoner and I am heir to the crown." The princess said.

"Hm. I should probably introduce myself also, shouldn't I?" The guild master said as he enters the room.

"I am Fire Roll. I am these two magic user's father and the guild master of the Golden Spring Fish." Fire said.

"Nice to meet you. Let me reintroduce myself. I am Twilight Scarlet, the younger sister of Erza Scarlet. I am from the Fairy Tail guild in Fiore. I currently hold the S rank within my guild and I am ranked Saint by the magic council of Fiore. I am an magic orb user." Twilight introduced.

"Good now that the introductions are out of the way. I have to explain something to you." The princess said.

"Very well. I do need breakfast though, before I go and do anything." Twilight admitted.

"I will bake you some pancakes." Fire offered.

"That would be greatly appreciated." Twilight said smiling. She always had a odd fascination with pancakes. So much so, that she believed that somewhere in her lost memory, she might have loved it as a child. Or filly if she remembered her talk with Mavis.

"It's about Midi's past. When you went to bed, I overheard the guild master's talk with you. And I feel that I have to explain it to you." The princess said, Twilight saw Fire gulping in the background.

"So what he said is both true and false. You see, the darkness that that person brought was only temporary. As he one day simply disappeared. He had black hair and loved to dress in dark colors. And although he brought life to this kingdom, we failed to realize that he was neither life nor good. He was evil. He was dead set on ruling this kingdom. So much so, that he tried to gain the people's favor. And overthrow the king and queen." The princess said drooping slightly.

"What he didn't account for, was that both the king and queen were capable magic users. Angered by this evil man attempts to overthrow them. They banished him to hell. Not realizing that what they just did made things worse. The evil man, now demon, came back. Enraged by the kingdom actions, he cursed the land to darkness for the thousand years. That curse still exists today." The princess explained.

"But! I read in this book about prophecies that there does exist a force that could help us." Spring interrupted.

"I was getting to that." The princess said, while slightly pouting in her direction. Spring scratched the back of her head in embarrassment.

"As Spring just said. This force is extremely rare in this world. But there is always a chance. It's called the elements of Harmony. The magic is called Harmony magic. It's ancient magic, said to be able to cleanse the world of true evil. And undo powerful curses." The princess said hopeful.

As if called upon, Twilight's Friendship orb started to hover besides Twilight a bit. Twilight was immediately able to piece things together. Her friendship orb could potentially perform such a spell.

"Stop dreaming princess. That is just a fairy tail." Fire said somewhat annoyed. He placed Twilight's pancakes in front of her. It already had some butter and some maple syrup on it.

"Not so fast." Twilight said as she inhaled the pancakes. "Seconds?" she asked nicely to Fire. She saw Fire smile as he went back to the kitchen to make even more.

"What do you mean?" The princess said hopeful.

"I might be able to perform it. I do have one problem. I need one more orb for me to use. Otherwise I might not be able to perform it." Twilight said in thought.

"Ah. Right, sir Lahar gave this to me. Apparently Makarov was going to give you this after gaining S rank and he forgot. It is named S rank orb. For some reason." The princess said as she handed the orb over.

Twilight eyes lit up after hearing his name, "Thanks. I will take good care of it." she said somewhat excited.

The princess smiled as she saw Twilight relax and smiling. "He must be important no?" she asked.

"Yeah. He took me in after..." Twilight said as she stopped talking, "Anyways, what is today on the agenda?" she asked.

The princess rose her eyebrows in confusion, only to shrug it off. "Yeah. That black guild more inwards is blocking off the trade to the local villages in this province. Destroy it, and this province is clean. I will explain what to do next, afterwards." she said.

"Very well." Twilight said as she inhaled the next set of pancakes made by Fire.

"Thanks for the grub. I will be back soon. Need to take that one down really quick." Twilight said excited as she ran outside.

As Twilight made her way through the port, she saw two individuals that she has never seen before. Both of them are winged. One with black wings, the other with white.

"Twilight wait!" The princess pants as she ran from behind her.

"Sorry. What is it?" Twilight asked as she stared at the two odd individuals.

"I forgot to mention that this kingdom houses more than just humans. It also houses demon and angels. Like those two." The princess said as she pointed towards the two.

"Is that so?" Twilight said curious. A part of her wanted to touch those wings, but she felt worried that it might be considered offensive.

"The black one is actually the angel here, and that white one is the demon. They are considered black sheep to their respective races." The princess said.

"I really want to touch those wings. But no, I have a job to do." Twilight said.

Twilight saw how both of the winged individuals looked at her direction.

"That isn't offensive is it?" Twilight whispered into the princess's ear.

"Nah. Usually they let people do that. As long as you are careful, those feathers are fragile." The princess replied.

"Want to touch mine?" The demon with white wings asked.

"I would love to. But not right now. I need to do my job first." Twilight said, "Well princess I will be back." she added before running off.

"Princess?!" The demon shouted.

Twilight was however already out of hearing distance. Twilight ran across the road leading to the final black guild that is blocking trade. She could see it in the distance, and she was about to run towards it, when she heard screaming coming from inside the village next to it.

Worried, Twilight abandons her original intentions and runs into the town to check out what that was. She jumps onto one of its rooftops to scout the area out. Only to see a crowd of scared demon, shaking in fear. And in front of them was a human holding an injured demon's wing. He appeared to be laughing maniacally, and also holding a bloodied sword.

Twilight then looked behind him and felt burst of rage within her heart. She saw the corpse of the demon that had lost its wing. Well it was still alive, but it looked like a corpse. Twilight then automatically hovered all of her orbs besides herself. As she listened in on the conversation.

"You demons are a lot weaker than I thought." The man said while laughing maniacally.

"Monster." The injured demon said weakly.

"No, you!" He said as he was about to stab the demon to death. Twilight had other plans however. She casted a strong cutting spell that sliced both his sword in two as well as de-headed him.

Twilight then jumped off the roof. Besides the now dead man and injured demon. Her eyes as cold as stone.

Twilight then asked a single question, her voice alone send chills into the other demons. "Is this man from that guild?"

"He is." The injured demon said weakly. She appeared to coughing blood, she was extremely weak.

Realizing that the demon was about to die. Twilight casted a single, very powerful healing spell using her friendship orb. Healing the demon entirely and allowing it to grow an new arm and wing. The demon looks shocked into Twilight's direction. The crowd stood there in awe at Twilight's magical ability.

"Good. I will be off. That guild won't be any trouble anymore." Twilight said coldly before jumping into the guild's direction.

The demon meanwhile lifted itself off the ground, while inspected her wing and arm in awe. Not a few moments later, she heard screaming of pain and fear in the background. She also saw massive laser beams coming from the guild. It was getting destroyed and it was on fire.

Twilight then returned, covered in blood of her enemy. But before she could cast a cleaning spell on herself. The demon she rescued, used her own cleaning spell on Twilight. Before waving goodbye as she and the group dispersed into the town.

Satisfied, Twilight decided to return. However before she could do so. She saw one of the demons she rescued approach her. The demon then gave her a emblem. Twilight thanked the demon before putting it into her magic storage. The demon nodded before walking off.

Twilight then ran back towards the port. However as soon as she arrived, she saw the princess overwhelmed from all directions by citizens trying to get to her. The princess mouthed the words "Help me.", Twilight meanwhile simply smiled as she shook her head. Before walking back to the guild.

"Wait!" the demon with the white wings from earlier approached Twilight.

"Hm?" Twilight said curiously.

"On your job, you didn't happen to have met some other demons have you?" The demon asked.

"I did. Why?" Twilight asked.

"May I ask what your job was?" the demon asked.

"Oh! Nothing special. I just needed to destroy a black guild that was blocking the trade more inwards." Twilight said.

"And?" The demon asked.

"Its gone. Your demon friends are safe." Twilight said. She saw as the demon sighed in relieve.

"Thank you. Sorry for me asking." The demon said relieved.

"No worries. You want to ensure the safety and pride of them. Right?" Twilight said while smiling.

"Yeah. I thank you for your help. Here take this emblem." The demon said as she tried to give Twilight the emblem that she received earlier.

"What is it for?" Twilight asked.

"To get access to the demon kingdom in hell." The demon said.

"Oh! I already received one from the village I liberated." Twilight said.

This caused the demon to perk up, "Oh? Not many demons can do that. Can I see it?" Demon requested.

"Sure!" Twilight said as she showed the emblem to the demon.

"Oh! But this is..." The demon said while surprised.

"What is it?" Twilight asked.

"Its the emblem given to heroes. It grants you access to all areas of the demon kingdom." The demon said curiously.

"Ah. I did have to kill a man inside the village that was about to kill a demon. And heal your friend as she was about to die of other causes, like losing an arm and a wing." Twilight admitted.

"Is that so?" The demon said while slightly drooping.

"Of course she lives. I simply healed her lost arm and wing back to normal." Twilight said casually, this caused the demon to jump.

"You WHAT?!" The demon shouted. This caused the crowd surrounding the princess to jump and looked at the source of the shout.

"I healed a lost limb?" Twilight offered confused.

The demon and the crowd stood in awe towards Twilight, the princess was also stunned at the action.

"Uh... Is that not normally possible?" Twilight asked. She saw Lahar in the background nod at the question.

Twilight gulped, "Well. I guess she got lucky then." she said.

"But how?!" The demon shouted.

"I-" Twilight was about to answer, only for her to be interrupted by Lahar.

"This person is a Saint within the magic council. This is the level of healing she is able to offer." Lahar explained.

The demon, the angel, the princess and the crowd all look into Twilight's direction in awe.

"Well I am glad that she met you. Let me introduce myself. My name is Satani Hell. I am the princess of the demon kingdom. And I formally thank you for saving the life of one of my own." Satani said.

"No worries. Your highness. I simply did what anyone would want to do." Twilight said smugly. She heard Satani giggle at the mention.

The angel beside her, sighed. "I guess I should introduce myself as well. I am Princes Amalia Lightning. From the angel kingdom. I am best friends with Satani." Amalia said.

"Nice to meet you two. I am Twilight Scarlet. I am from Fairy Tail in Fiore. I am currently holding the Saint rank inside the magic council. And S rank within my own guild." Twilight introduced.

"Oh! A double S ranked mercenary." Amalia said excited.

"Don't mind Amalia. She is loves fighting, despite being born in a family filled with economists. She is also abnormally strong from any angel, even warrior angels wouldn't hold a candle to her." Satani admitted.

"Says the demon that loves saving lives. Which is born in a family of grim reapers." Amalia rebuked while pouting.

"Touché." Satani said shrugging.

The two friends continue to bicker between the two of each other, eventually they drag both Twilight and Sakura into the bickering. Which ended with Sakura attempting to pull out her sword on Amalia after she said that she was weak.

"I don't ask this so soon after meeting people. But I must ask you three this question. Will you three be my friends?" Twilight genuinely asked.

Amalia and Satani smiled, "Sure." They said at the same time.

"Of course. I wouldn't want any better." Sakura said, as she was still holding the holster of her sword. Which she was about to pull again after Amalia stuck her tong out at her.

"Come here!" Sakura shouted as she pulled her sword out entirely. And ran top speed at Amalia. Amalia quickly ran off, with Sakura hot on her heals.

"That is a training sword." Twilight said as she looked at the weapon Sakura was holding.

"Yeah. I doubt that she is strong enough to hold a proper sword." Satani said.

"Something tells me that those two are going to become best friends." Twilight said while smiling softly.

"Yeah." Satani said while also smiling.

"Well Satani. It was good meeting you. But I think I will return back to the guild to plan our next move." Twilight said.

"Yeah it was nice meeting you. I am sure we will meet again." Satani said as she shook her hand with Twilight's hand.

"Yeah. After Sakura is done running after Amalia. Can you send her to the guild hall?" Twilight requested.

"Of course. Leave her to me." Satani saluted only to walk off afterwards. She waved at Twilight before taking flight.

"Darn. I forgot to touch her wing. Oh well." Twilight said out loud, only to walk back alone.

Author's Note:

That was a bit shorter of a chapter. But It was a lot of fun to make this one. I hope you don't mind that it was only 2.5k words long.