• Published 20th Jun 2021
  • 2,678 Views, 129 Comments

Twilight Scarlet - vincent789

  • ...

Different time, same Equestria

It's been... a long time since I have last seen my most favorable student. Of course that is not to say that Trixie Lulamoon is not an excellent student as well. But well, I miss her. A lot. And it seems that her family has lost hope. She said that her return was soon... but how soon is soon? It's been three years since I had my last contact with her.

However my attention has been mostly focused on the well being of my sister. She returned and not a moment later, she had to temporarily take my place after my unfortunate encounter with Shining Armor. Or Captain Armor as he hates being called by his name. Also its clear that I lost some respect from him after I destroyed the book.

But atleast my subjects are now safe from an out of control unicorn stallion. So that is good. But that hasn't stopped me from having unfortunate things happening to me. Like I have gotten a track record of the amount of times I faint or collapse during every day operation. Giving me no choice, but to give a lot of my work onto my little sister.

The plus point... or I consider it a plus point is that this made me quite clingy onto my little sister. I give her so much love that she has to constantly push me away.

Celestia giggled as she spoke in the third pony vision. Which was unlike her. She really did love her sister. All she wished was that she wasn't so stuck in the castle. Since she fainted so often or collapsed so often. That she was stuck in the castle. Meanwhile she had no choice but to push her work onto Luna.

But today, she finally had enough. Borrowing some of Twilight's desire for adventure, Celestia disquised herself and was currently actually walking around in Manehattan. Without the knowledge of Luna or her guards. The excitement thrilled her, since it felt as if she was breaking an unspoken rule. And that made it all the more exciting.

Unbeknownst to her, her guards were actually keeping an eye out in secret. Since Luna's dream-walking ability predicted what Celestia was about to do. So she prepared guards inside of Manehattan ahead of time. However! They did not know who Celestia was thanks to her seemingly random disguise. Making it near damn impossible to find her.

It didn't help that she constantly changed her disguise to stay hidden longer. From race to sex to size and look. She was almost as slippery as a changeling. However this spell was something Twilight in her childhood had taught her. The part of the spell was in pieces, but Twilight's natural ability in magic made her able to piece it together easily. It only took a week to teach herself the spell and show it to her.

Celestia was now sitting and drinking a milkshake at one of the many cafes. Her current disguise was a white stallion with wings. The reason for the wings was so that she could run away if need be. For that reason she always had wings on her disguises. However her magical signature stayed.

Which was exactly her downfall. Luna was starting to get tired of this cat and mouse game. So she decided to use an magical echo to detect her magic. Which worked. However Celestia wasn't so willing to give up. If her smirk was anything to come by, she was going to give them quite a bit of trouble.

"Hello, how can I help you?" The waitress asked the quickly approaching knights.

"Oh. We merely have some business with that colt over there." The knights said.

"Oh!" The waitress said. And while they were distracted by the waitress, Celestia placed some bits on the table before quickly fleeing the cafe.

As the waitress turned around to check the location out, nopony was sitting there anymore. Instead there was some bits on the table. However before the waitress could point that out to the knights, the knights made a bee line for the stallion that was now fleeing from the knights.

"Stop right there! You little..." The knight said annoyed as the stallion was surprisingly fast.

Celestia merely stuck out her tong and continued to flee from the knights. She could hear the knights swearing in annoyance. She then turned a corner and into an alleyway. Before quickly hiding in one of the trash cans inside the alleyway.

As the knights turn the corner, Celestia was gone.

"She couldn't have gone far! Search the area." Luna's female captain of the guard shouted.

"Wait. Why are we treating her like a criminal?" One of the confused knights asked.

"I don't know. Princess Luna's orders." The captain admitted before searching the area also.

"Captain. Have you found her yet?" Luna asked confused.

"Sorry madam. But she is one slippery mother...." The captain admitted.

"Yes. I didn't expect the knights to take two full days to atleast get a sense on her rough location. Let alone finding her." Luna admitted.

"Yes. And that changeling like spell is making life hellish. She keeps changing appearance. Making me realize that we aren't prepared for a potential changeling invasion." The captain admitted.

"Hm. That is a good point. Once we find her, I shall discuss it with her." Luna stated.

"Your highness... May I ask you something?" One of the confused knights asked.

"Of course. What is it Paul?" Luna asked.

"It's just. Why are we so harsh on her? All she wants is a little freedom. Why are we refusing her that?" Paul the knight asked.

"Due to the excessive amount of fainting and collapsing." Luna said.

"But since the first day she has gone missing. I haven't seen any sign of her fainting. Are you sure it isn't because she has been too holed up in that castle?" Paul asked.

Luna's eyes widen at the information, "Is Paul correct?" She asked the captain.

"Yes. We asked around and nopony has collapsed or fainted in the last two days." The captain admitted.

This got Luna thinking, "If that is the case... then perhaps next time we can just invite her when we want some fun." she offered. However both the captain and Paul instantly shot that down.

"No way. There is no way she like to spar to release stress like you." The captain said dismissive. Paul merely nodded in agreement.

"It is always a suggestion. She will have to decide on the matter. Isn't that right sis?" Luna said smiling towards one of the trash cans.

This caused Celestia to jump out, but her smirk was still there. Instead of accepting her loss, she changed her disguise into a white pony with a horn. And jumped back significantly.

"Uh sis?" Luna asked. She was about to approach, but Paul stopped her.

Instead of being nice, Celestia pulls a piece of earth out of the ground and threw it over at Luna. The captain instantly cut it in two. But as the dust clears, they noticed that Celestia ran off once more.

"Son of a bitch!" The captain shouted annoyed. She went into the left alleyway with Paul. While Luna ran into the right alleyway. She quickly found Celestia standing on top of one of the buildings. Taking to the sky with her wings, she flew on top of the building.

"Please sis. I don't want to fight you again!" Luna shouted, trying to use her memories to stop Celestia in her tracks.

Instead Celestia gave her a cute side move of her head. As her smirk turns more evil. She then used something particular. She used Lunar magic against Luna.

"Lunar Strike!" Celestia shouted. As a strike of pure black shot out of her horn. Luna had mere seconds to avoid the impact as she dodged it. Causing the strike to hit the building in the background.

However Luna was more surprised at Celestia's use of Lunar magic. As she looks Celestia in the eye, it was clear that this was merely done in a friendly kind of way. Not one to hurt Luna with.

"Lunarium!" Celestia shouted as she caused the whole city of Manehattan to descend into darkness.

"Galaxium.!" Luna stated as she fills the entire void with stars that lit up entire Manehattan. As she looks at Celestia she sees a knowing smile. It was then that she realized her mistake.

"A realm of thousand kings. May thee shine down on thy. For thy and thee. Aries!" Celestia shouts at the top of her voice. As the stars form a Aries constellation and shined brightly down upon Equestria.

"Shit." Luna said as she teleported out all the citizens of Manehattan.

A powerful circle spell forms and with one bright pink beam that descended from the fake stars. It struck Luna's last known position. The explosion that followed erased the building Celestia was standing on. Causing a minor crater around Celestia. And a lot of broken windows around Manehattan.

Celestia was about to cast a second spell, when Luna had enough. "Lunarium Constrictum." Luna stated.

This caused all the darkness around Celestia to freeze up and paralyze Celestia. And during her paralyze Luna knocked her out cold. Bringing a dramatic end to Celestia's wild alicorn chase. Or atleast Celestia played as if she was out cold. Since the spell that Twilight deciphered adds also special things like, the inability to get poisoned and inability to get knocked out cold.

Regardless, Celestia was satisfied. So when she was moved into the carriage. She 'woke up' and transformed back into her alicorn self. As she looked at an annoyed looking Luna, she sighed.

"Fine. Next time I will warn you." Celestia finally admits. Causing Luna to nod smiling.

"So why did you seem weaker with that spell?" Luna asked.

"I merely chose to hold my magic back. Like dungeons and dragons. Only the dragons are the knights and the dungeon is Equestria. Think of it as role playing." Celestia admits.

"Hm. So is it true? You didn't faint a single time?" Luna asked curious.

"That is true. On top of that, it felt as if I had renewed energy. If Twilight hadn't asked me to destroy the book, I might have gone there myself." Celestia finally admits as well.

"Is that the reason you kept it around?" Luna asked.

"Yes." Celestia admits.

Luna sighed disappointed, "Well you have had played around plenty. Do you think you can take your tasks back then?" she asked serious.

"Yes. I think I finally recovered. Can you perhaps give me two days to finish my paperwork before returning to the audience room?" Celestia asked.

"I can do that much. I will get you the paperwork required. However after two days I shall forcible give you those tasks and all stresses accompanied with it." Luna warned.

"Deal." Celestia said with a soft smile at Luna.

This caused Luna to sigh in relieve, "I must say, daytime work is ten times harder than night time work." she admitted.

"Of course. And I had to deal with that plus sudden collapses and fainting for atleast ten years." Celestia stated.

Luna's eyes widen, "Don't tell me...?" she asked.

"Yup that was some of the worst times of my life. Luckily during that time, Prince Blueblood became somewhat bearable." Celestia admitted.

"Hm." Luna said as she looked out the window.

Canterlot was already below them, they were only seconds away from coming to a complete stop. Before it does so, Luna leaned closer to Celestia.

"I understand the feeling." Luna whispered into Celestia's ear.

This caused Celestia to get some cold sweat. But she dismissed it as the carriage slowed to a halt as it has reached the destination. And Luna left the carriage first. Celestia trailed behind her, but then she saw Trixie approach her.

"Your highness?" Trixie asked.

"Yes, my little pony?" Celestia asked curious.

"I did some research on the potential causes of all the fainting and collapses. And found something interesting out. I had permission from Luna to the secret archive and found some kind of diary from someone amply named Time Sparkle Vermillion." Trixie admitted. Celestia's eyes widen.

"Alright. Lets discuss that in my bedroom." Celestia suggested.

"No. Let's go to my place. As much as I agree with the secrecy of it. There are some important things that makes your bedroom the least comfortable place to talk." Trixie dismissed.

"And my bedroom? I am also kinda curious." Luna asked.

"That works. But you need to place a anti-time barrier around it. Since it is rather close to Celestia's bedroom." Trixie stated.

"I can do that. Lets go." Luna said as Luna, Celestia and Trixie proceeded to walk towards Luna's personal bedroom. While walking in that direction, Trixie kept giving Celestia worried glances. Almost as if she was expecting more fainting. This potential reason worried Celestia greatly.

"Here we are. The barrier is up. So what does the book entails?" Luna asked.

"To put it simply. It explained potential side-effects in case of a wrong warp using the Fairy Tail book. One of the major concerning reasons was an abnormal amount of fainting from the pony closest to the wrong warp. This is made worse thanks to continued stay, near the location of the wrong warp. End quote." Trixie explained.

"What did the diary state was the most likeliest cause?" Luna asked.

"The wrong warp came from a simple space wrong warp to a time AND space wrong warp. Due to this change, time is literally being warped by the lack of the individual. Thus causing the space around the, now time wrong warp, to warp unnaturally. An ordinary pony might experience effects that are close to lethal. But an immortal being should experience extreme amounts of fainting and collapses. This is due to the warping of the space around the incident. This warping is causing both time and space malfunctions. Which can kill, but more often than not. Merely makes the individual sick." Trixie explained.

"So the barrier is to reduce the effects upon my sister, correct?" Luna asked.

"That too. But also merely mentioning Twilight is causing the timeline to warp. Since she technically doesn't exist." Trixie stated.

Celestia went pale, "You mean, due to the way the butterfly effect works. Twilight's wrong warp which she performed at a young age, caused her to remove herself from out our current time. Due to this, she in turn doesn't exist anymore in our realm. Since her time in this world has stopped at the age of four. Correct?" she asked.

"That is correct. On top of that, if she were to return from her time hiatus. She will return with memories of both sides, magic of both sides. But the age of our world. She left at the age of four. Meaning her time stopped at that age. So when she inevitably returns, she will still be a filly. At the age of four. But with magic worth of seventeen years of disappearance. And memories to add with it." Trixie explained.

This caused Luna to pale, "Meaning, although her mind is atleast that of a young adult. Her body isn't. However her magic is? This is incredible. And confusion as heck." she admitted.

"So she is unable to grow up in age in the world she is currently in, correct?" Celestia asked.

"That would be correct." Trixie stated.

"So... wait a minute. After she teleports back, how would time itself recover?" Luna asked.

"Good that you ask!" Discord said as he suddenly pops in existence.

Celestia took one polite step back as Discord was standing rather close to her. "Has Discord assisted you, Trixie?" She asked.

"Yes. He just happened to know the language this diary was written in." Trixie admitted.

"Yes. I did help." Discord said sarcastic, however right after he turned serious. "To put it simply. Time itself in our world is robust. It will simply bounce back as if she was never gone. However!" he said.

"However her time has been forever warped." Trixie finished.

"What do you mean?" Luna asked.

"Twilight Sparkle was destined to be the bearer of the element of magic. However her time warp prevented her from become such. Due to this, her future in our world is uncertain." Celestia finished.

"Exactly. However with her magic prowess, she could easily become an arch mage." Discord admitted.

"No." Celestia simply stated.

"What?" Discord, Luna and Trixie said surprised.

"I said no. She is not becoming an arch mage. I do not wish for her to be stuck in a library filled with magical artifacts after her last encounter with one." Celestia said definitive.

"I suppose that makes sense." Luna stated slightly confused.

"No. She won't become your assistant." Celestia added.

"Darn." Trixie said, slightly playfully.

"How about someone that goes on expeditions?" Discord offers.

Celestia smiled, "Better. I am going to offer her a chance to rule her own village." she admitted.

Luna and Trixie looked confused at her, but Discord's eyes widen in surprise. "I suppose that makes sense... But are you sure?" He asked.

"Yes. I will grant her a village to the east of Manehattan. On a lonely island." Celestia's smiled widens as she spoke. Discord's eyes widen as big as dinner plates.

"Banishment?" Luna asked.

"No. That island belongs to her great great great grandmother. Tenroujima Island." Celestia said as her smile widens into scary territory.

"You wish for her to create another Fairy Tail in our world?!" Discord shouted, before he suddenly laughed loudly afterwards.

"Amazing! Such chaos! I didn't think you had it in you. I'm in. Is there anything I could assist with?" He asked.

"Yes. I am aware of it's rough location. However my magic sensor is unable to find its exact location. Can you find it for me?" Celestia requested.

"Sure thing." Discord said while smiling. Before popping out of existence.

"Are you sure about that?" Luna asked worried.

"Actually I think it's perfect." Celestia admitted, however suddenly turned somber.

Although Trixie was worried about the plan, she was more worried about her sudden somber expression.

"What is the matter?" Trixie asked.

"I only wished, it was done while she was still mortal." Celestia mysteriously stated.

"Are you telling me that Twilight is about to do something really foolish?" Luna asked.

"No. She is merely securing a way for her to travel back and forth without accidentally breaking time and space. However the cost is her mortality. What she is about to do, is to permanently change into a spirit of the celestial realm. The only realm that connects both worlds together." Celestia explained.

"What is her constellation going to be like?" Trixie asked curiously.

"Constellation Monoceros. The constellation of the unicorn." Celestia stated.

Luna suddenly laughed, "How appropriate. That constellation is based on the worlds most powerful unicorn. And I think Twilight fits that bill perfectly." she said smiling.

"Yes. For that reason I shall not stop her. This is perfect. But Trixie, I need you to investigate that break in time and space. Find me a way to interfere. I shall not let my student face whoever is on the other side alone!" Celestia stated determined.

Trixie smiled at this, "Understood. I shall even ask the time specialist in Ponyville for help. He might know stuff that even you don't." she stated.

"And Luna. Scratch the whole wait two days thing. I will take up my work immediately. However the castle has to be isolated. Put the castle in lockdown. I shall move it to my temporary estate on the north end of the noble district." Celestia requested.

"Understood. I shall put lockdown into immediate effect. I shall also warn your personal personnel to move your work to your estate. I shall personally temporarily move to Ponyville to assist Trixie in finding a way to help Twilight." Luna said while giving a playful salute.

Celestia nodded before teleporting far away from the castle. Luna proceeded to lock the castle down, under the pretense that the castle has been breached by a ultra powerful spell that needs investigation before removal could begin. After which she followed Trixie to Ponyville.

"Mark my words, Twilight Scarlet Sparkle Vermillion. I shall assist you to the bitter end!" Celestia said before going back to work.

Author's Note:

This chapter is filled with spoilers... But its too late for me to admit that, is there? *insert evil laughter here*

Tenroujima means Tenrou Island in Japanese. So the fact that she said Tenroujima Island, she basically stated, Tenrou Island Island. :)