• Published 20th Jun 2021
  • 2,686 Views, 129 Comments

Twilight Scarlet - vincent789

  • ...

The final adventure Part 1

In the far away land of Equestria. Celestia was preparing a spell, she never though she would use again. It was a special communication spell to connect her conscious to the god realm. A realm even Celestia can't normally access. However with Discord's help, this should go down much easier.

"You ready Discord?" Celestia asked as she looked at him.

"No. But lets get this over with." Discord admitted. But moved into casting stance regardless.

"Alright. Let us begin the spell of gods." Celestia said.

She breathed deeply, before casting the spell by voice command. "By the bellows of a thousand realms."

Discord also gave a deep breath as he had to go in tune with Celestia's spell. "Form given by the realm of Titans."

"May the queen of light cast forth!" Small particles bound by light itself, shined as it slowly conversed into the spell. As Celestia slowly began hovering.

"May the noble keep grant passage!" Discord too, began floating. Instead of particles, the sky began swirling around him. The particles that came from Celestia fused with the swirling, creating a stormy effect.

"For I stand among the darkest of nights. Lightest of stars. Truest of dimensions." Celestia said as her voice began getting a deeper sound.

"And let the gates of time show their true colors!" Discord shouted.

"Gravity! Light! Darkness! SPACE!" Celestia shouted at the top of her ability. As her eyes open shining with pure magic power and light itself.

"Movement! Acceptance! Reality! TIME!" Discord too shouted at the top of his ability. His eyes also shining brighter than the stars itself.

"SPACE AND TIME COMMUNICATION!!!" Celestia and Discord shout so loudly. You could hear it on the other side of the planet. And see it, as a magic circle bigger than the planet itself appeared. It then also immediately activated.

One moment there was light. Then everything went silent as time itself had been halted. A single beam of light was seen by only Celestia and Discord. They had successfully connected to the in between. The titan communication array was now visible to the naked eye.

"There it is. The only way we can help her. Come Discord. Lets go" Celestia said as she and Discord made her way to it.

Meanwhile in Fiore.

Team Natsu and Twilight are currently preparing for the final adventure. Twilight was actually helping Lucy get a better understanding of the situation. By retelling her the whole story. Or most of it anyways.

"So what you are telling me, is that through the use of this plan. You can both retain your ability to cross dimensions as well as go home?" Lucy asked.

"Basically yes." Twilight replied.

"I am sorry on what I am about to say. But I think that this is stupid plan. Personally I would focus on going home instead of warping across dimensions." Lucy admitted.

Twilight drooped slightly, she, in hindsight, agreed with Lucy. But she had been working so long on this project that backing out now, is devastating. Since it would make things harder in the long run. And potentially removes the whole ability to go home.

However that wasn't the real reason for this plan. No, Twilight was beginning to get desperate. The fact that she was already fading slightly, was a concrete proof that she needed to go home as soon as physically possible. Or face possible erasure.

"I agree Lucy. But I can no longer wait. My body is already fading slightly. I need to go home as soon as possible." Twilight admits.

"Alright. So this is the place." Lucy said as she showed Twilight the place where she reconnected Loke with the Celestial realm. And communicated with the Celestial king.

"Are you ready?" Twilight asked giving Lucy a small smile.

Lucy shook her head, "And I never will be. But we need his help. So lets do this."

Lucy then began lighting up in sheer Celestial magic. As she became a literal beacon of light in the darkness. She then shouted as loud as she could, "Celestial king! Hear my call, I need your help. Heed my Call!!!"

Nothing happened at first. Until suddenly all the waterfalls disappeared leaving behind a starry void. A otherworldly scream could be heard. When the king appeared before them.

"Old friend and unique friend. I take that you are here to ask about that key." The king said deeply.

"Yes. I was hoping you could help us." Lucy asked.

The king then got slightly closer and gave Twilight a small tap on the head. "I know why you came. But I am the bearer of bad news." he said. His voice both knowing and sad.

"Don't tell me..." Twilight said as her eyes widen in horror.

"Yes. The key was already found by a different being. And sadly used as well. The key is no longer blank. And the key disappeared after its one and only usage." The king admitted.

This was devastating news. All the hard work, that let up to this moment. Crushed. By a simple mistake. Twilight had waited too long. "Who used it?" Twilight asked a lot quieter. It became clear that Twilight's only hope was now mostly gone.

"It seems an old friend of mine. During my prime, decided that the fate you gave yourself wasn't worth the effort. So he deleted the key instead." The king explained.

"Then... then what do I do now? I no longer know what I should do to go home." Twilight said saddened.

"The only other way to go home. Is to mimic the spell that was casted on that book. But instead of casting it on an object. You need to cast it on yourself." The king explained.

"Are you asking me to cast a spell that will allow me to literally move across time and space?!" Twilight's eyes bulged out in shock.

"Yes. Because unlike of what you may believe. You do have the power to do so. Atleast since recently anyways." The king said mysteriously.

"What do you mean?" Lucy asked confused.

"Twilight's slowly fading isn't a coincidence. The reason she is fading is due to her origin. Her magic from Equestria is... starting to be lacking. Which is also why she is fading. Her body is made of mostly Equestrian magic. Fiore's Nano-magic is similar but not the same." The king explained.

"Unlike Equestrian magic. Which exists in literally everything. Fiore's magic only exist within those that can both breath it in, and wield it like a catalyst. The keys are a catalyst. But like Natsu, the body can also be one." Twilight answered in the king's stead.

"Yes. The reason you are fading, is because your body's mana-pool is so massive. The Equestrian magic is merely a drop inside a massive ocean. While the Fiore's magic is the waves themselves. Twilight what you lack in knowledge, you make up in sheer overwhelming might. Power and capacity." The king praised.

"But... I know no such spell. How am I meant to cast a spell beyond myself?" Twilight asked confused.

"Begin by following your own plan. Collect those memories. And you will be able to succeed. Just remember, and you will succeed where others might have failed. Show the gods, that you are in fact a god too. Only then will you be able to pass the great beyond." The king said in riddles.

"I understand. There is something in those memories that will grant me passage. And once I gain the knowledge, I need to refine it. After which I need to prepare it. And cast it. Showing powers that no human or pony should have. Correct?" Twilight asked.

The king nodded while smiling before disappearing once more. Leaving Lucy and Twilight with their thoughts. Lucy then looked at Twilight.

"Are you going to be alright?" Lucy asked.

"Honestly? Yes. The burden of weight that I was going to receive has now been lifted. Now we need to focus on getting my memories. Which means, we need to head to Clover Town. The first of three pieces of memories resides there." Twilight said surprisingly chipper.

"I just wish I knew of this earlier. It would have saved literal years." Twilight admitted slightly annoyed. Lucy merely laughed at the mention.

"Anyways. We are done preparing. Is the team ready to depart?" Twilight asked.

"Yes. For a while now. They are waiting at the train station." Lucy said.

"Alright. Lets go." Twilight said.

After that disappointment, Twilight followed Lucy to the train station. There she saw the gang looking around both in awe and dumbstruck. The train station was massive compared to years ago. Regardless, the gang apologized for getting off track as they head into the train towards Clover Town itself.

"How did it go?" Natsu asked curiously. The only reason he isn't throwing up, is because the train has improved the stability of the train cars. Allowing someone with motion sickness to ride without feeling sick. Since you don't actually feel in motion, but you are in motion. As you can look outside and see the scenery pass by.

"Either thankfully or sadly. It was a bust. Someone was faster. And got the key earlier. Instead the king recommended that Twilight teleports among dimensions. Something which she can only perform when she remembers her past and the spell itself." Lucy explained.

"That... actually sounds safer. Since you don't have to bind to an unknown key... Gain unknown powers... And you don't lose your mortality. Thus gaining the right to die." Grey said somewhat wisely.

"Well regardless of the outcome. The quest is still on-going. Until I have regained enough memories to attempt to teleport across dimensions. Which may not sound hard. Until you realize that the dimension could be literal galaxies away." Twilight added.

"Well you do have a lot of magic. Honestly I can see you perform the impossible. Or even miracles like you have already." Erza praised. Causing Twilight to blush slightly.

"And while that is awesome. We still need to finish this quest. So... what do we do, once we get there?" Natsu asked serious.

"Good question. Firstly we need to collect information. Primarily we need to investigate abnormalities. This could be either things that make no sense, people that behave oddly. Or worse, the world literally warping." Twilight explained.

"Do we immediately investigate the scene?" Erza asked.

"No. Merely scout it. Don't interact, just make sure that the claims aren't false." Twilight replied.

"Alright. That seems solid." Erza said satisfied.

"After that, we come together and brainstorm which claims have the most impact. We make a list of them, then we investigate each in order of severity. During these investigations, we could create opportunities for me to regain my memories." Twilight continued to explain.

"I see. That is good. Is there anything we need to bring with us?" Lucy asked.

"Besides the usual?" Twilight asked looking at Lucy, she nodded, "Perhaps something soft to lay on. Since I will faint if my memories come back rapidly."

"Understood. Luckily I always bring something snug in my suitcases. I will make sure to bring that along in a suitcase of sorts." Erza said. Twilight merely deadpanned at Erza as she points at the massive carriage of suitcases. Erza meanwhile looks away somewhat embarrassed.

"The... The rest of the suitcases contain armor and weapons for my requip magic." Erza answered after a moment of awkwardness.

"That... Actually makes quite a bit of sense." Lucy admits.

"Yeah... I haven't quite mastered requip magic like Erza has. The longest distance of requip I am capable of, is from my pocket into my hand." Twilight admitted.

"That is still quite impressive. In a bind you could potentially do further of a distance. But only when cornered. Most people can barely requip if that isn't their primary magic type." Erza explained.

"I suppose that is true. My magic is already very diverse as it is. Requip magic isn't that important. Still I should have trained it more. Oh well. It probably won't be as useful as my orbs." Twilight admitted.

"Or your body magic." Natsu added.

"Or that." Twilight agreed.

"Anyways. We are nearly there. Man they rebuild it fast." Natsu said nonchalant.

"Natsu. You were there when I rebuild it." Twilight deadpanned. Natsu rubbed his back embarrassed at the mistake.

"Actually we did destroy it a second time while you were gone." Erza admitted.

"Which I rebuild after you guys were gone." Twilight replied.

"Anyways..." Lucy Deadpanned, "Shall we get started?"

"Yes. Go ahead." Twilight stated as she watched the team to split up and walked around.

Twilight meanwhile went to the closest Mercenary bar to get some information instead. Just like Midi, this bar was quite full. She noticed this, without even entering since they were so loud. However when she entered she found a different reason for the loud sounds.

The barkeeper was being threatened by bandits. And most of the mercenaries around were either too scared or too injured to intervene. Twilight actually came at the perfect time. Instead of immediately going against the bandits, Twilight blended in to the background as she treated the injured mercenaries and listened in at the same time.

"I demand payment for my lost men!" The enraged bandit shouted at the barkeeper he held in his hand.

"I swear! We had nothing to do with it! Our men is far too weak to even deal with a single bandit! Let alone an entire bandit camp." Barkeeper screamed.

The bandit looked around. He indeed saw that most of his men was too weak or too injured to even succeed. He didn't see Twilight due to her camouflage. But regardless, he did cool down a little.

"Sigh. Listen. Your lucky that I can see that you aren't lying. However! You must help me instead then." The bandit said calmed down.

"Of course! I am glad you understand it. How can I help you?" The barkeeper asked, he was scared. But brave enough to take the lead.

"My men has mysteriously disappeared to the north of this town. At the north location sat an abandoned building. My men was placed there. When they mysteriously disappeared." The bandit stated.

"Is that so." Twilight said as she chose that exact moment to approach.

"Who the hell are you?!" The bandit said as he jumped slightly.

"A mercenary. However I just happened to be in the area when I heard your explanation. And I am interested in this potential quest." Twilight said as she added that last sentence as saw a worried face move past the bandit's face.

"Hmpf. Fine. Listen. Are you willing to investigate it?" The bandit calmly asked.

"Yes. But I need more details." Twilight simply stated.

"Alright. But I need to see your badge first." The barkeeper stated.

Twilight pushed her badge across the bar. As the barkeeper picks it up, he takes one look at it. Then does a double take. He looks wide eyed at Twilight. After which he merely nods and threw it back at Twilight.

"And?" The bandit asked.

"You are in luck. You couldn't have asked for a more capable mercenary." The barkeeper admitted.

"Rank?" The bandit asked.

"S." The barkeeper stated.

"What?! I though you had nothing above D?!" The bandit shouted slightly agitated.

"Sir. I am not from this bar. I came from Midi Kingdom." Twilight spoke up.

"Oh. That is quite far away." The bandit admitted as he calmed down.

"Anyways. Detail?" Twilight demanded slightly.

"Of course. So that abandoned building wasn't always there. In fact it appeared roughly eighteen years ago. We wanted to investigate it finally. So I send out half my clan there to investigate. Only to hear nothing from then for atleast two years. It was then, that I took a look. And found the clan's camp, they still had all their supplies. Including their clothing. But the clan members themselves disappeared from the face of the planet." The bandit explained.

"I see. And the building?" Twilight asked worried.

"We checked it out. But saw no traces of entry. Meaning something happened before they could enter. We also checked the perimeter. But also saw no sign of life." The bandit also said worried.

"Alright. I came with a team. I shall explain them the situation. This is what we were here for. Abnormal activity." Twilight stated.

"Wait. Before you go, what do you think this is?" The bandit asked as he stopped Twilight.

"I hope I am wrong. But they might have been caught by a dimension rift." Twilight stated.

"Which means?" The bandit asked confused.

"They are probably alive. But stuck in limbo. Frozen in time itself." Twilight explained.

"I see. Please save them. I beg of you." The bandit begged.

"No need to beg. I was going to do that anyways." Twilight stated before walking out.

"Guys meet me at the train station. I got something." Twilight stated through telepathy. Before running towards the train station. As she arrived, the team was waiting for her.

"So what is it?" Erza asked.

"I went to a mercenary bar to get some intel. And found out that half of an entire bandit clan mysteriously disappeared from the north of here. By a house that appeared roughly around the same time as I appeared in this world." Twilight said.

"Then that is where we shall go. What about those bandits?" Natsu asked curious.

"Well I promised to save them. So that is what we shall do." Twilight replied.

"Alright. Let's go!" Natsu said as he took the lead.

Erza blinked as she looked at Twilight. Twilight merely shook her head and pointed at Natsu. She then points north.

"Natsu we need to go north." Erza said annoyed.

"Oh. Alright. North it is." Natsu said as he moved north. Lucy shaked her head.

So north they moved. Along the way, Lucy and the group asked locals about the mysterious house. And they had found some interesting information on it.

"So about that house... What did you find out?" Twilight asked curious.

"Well. The house is odd. It wasn't build for humans since the shape of object around the outside of the house seem too... small for that." Lucy stated.

"Yes. Even the smallest of things stand out. The wallpaper choices, the door size, the window sizes. They all do not fit this world." Grey added.

"And according to the nice flower lady. She had looked at the flower types that the house had planted a plenty. And besides the fact that they chose daisy and sunflowers. They all seem to bloom all year through. Which is impossible. Not to mention, daisies aren't from this region. Meaning there is no dirt it could grow on." Natsu explained.

"Anything else?" Twilight asked.

"Yes. The mages that checked it out before the disappearance of the clan. Stated that the house has a weird magic circle on it. Something that doesn't exist. And the magic itself described itself as, friendship magic. Whatever that is." Erza admitted.

"Then that confirms it. This house is from my world originally. That world runs on magics that seems odd. Friendship magic, light and darkness magic. Chaos magic to a degree. That stuff is from my world." Twilight explains.

"Do you expect a dimensional rift?" Erza asked.

"I sure hope not. But... all the evidence is pointing towards it." Twilight admitted worried.

"Alright." Erza said.

"Look! There it is!" Natsu said as they arrived at the house.

Twilight took one look at the house. And instantly knew, that the house is indeed from her world. In fact she was certain she knew that house from somewhere. Even without the memories returning to her, something about that house was just different from ordinary houses.

"Well Twilight? Is it triggering any memories?" Lucy asked hopeful.

Twilight shook her head, "No. But somewhere deep down, I know that house on a deeper level. Familiarity that isn't ordinary. Not like never having seen it. But rather something crucial about this house."

"What do you mean?" Grey asked curious.

"I... I think... This house isn't a ordinary house. No... I... I think this is a shrine house. Since this house has something special. Right there! In front of the house sits a statue. That is a shrine statue. And in front of that sits a box. A box with coins. An offering box." Twilight explained while gripping her head. A pounding headache was wrecking her mind.

"So. How do we save those clan members?" Erza asked.

"You do not." An unknown voice stated from the statue.

"Who goes there?!" Natsu shouted. Magic flowed over his hands as he turns them to fists.

"Actually I think I know." Twilight said. As her headache finally subsides.

"Oh? Did some of your memories return?" Erza asked curious.

"Not everything. Just enough to understand the situation." Twilight stated. Leaving no room for an answer she spoke up once more.

"That was the spirit that protects this shrine. Most likely... The spirit that represents an adventuring spirit." Twilight stated.

"I am glad that you still somewhat remembers me, child." The spirit stated.

"Yes... Though that is also where my memories end." Twilight admitted.

"I know. You must have adventured so much. That you forgot about little ol' me. How about I re-introduce myself, huh? My name is Ella. I represent the god of spirit itself. However I myself am the spirit of adventuring." Ella stated.

"It is an honor meeting you. Ella. But may I ask why we are unable to help those clan members?" Erza asked carefully.

"Of course. They damaged my god statue beyond repair. Now they are stuck until someone can repair it." Ella admitted saddened.

Twilight then answered by levitating one of her orbs and casted a repair spell on the statue. Returning it to state beyond its previous look. In fact it looked better than ever. Ella and Team Natsu looked at it in awe.

"My child. I see that you have obtained something far more powerful than you let on. Those orbs aren't mere orb magic. But rather, each orb represents a god and a spirit. The orb being the god. And the magic it uses the spirit. You have an extremely rare combination of magic. Also known as God Orb Magic and Spirit Orb Magic. However in your case it isn't separate like normally. No, yours is a hybrid. Meaning you have something even powerfully." Ella explained in awe.

"What do you mean? Our world has no such magic." Erza asked.

"No. That does exist. Those two magics I just mentioned are like Fairy Magic. Which are on the same level of power. However Twilight has something even greater than those two." Ella admitted.

"Yes. She has Yggdrasil Magic. Which is akin to the most powerful magic of all. True Creation magic." Mavis said as she appeared before Twilight and the group. Team Natsu was taken aback for a moment, only to regain composure as soon as Twilight suddenly spoke up.

"True. But something tells me. That, that isn't entirely true." Twilight stated suddenly.

"Yes. In the original timeline. You were destined to become a alicorn and thus a princess. Alicorns are basically gods. In many forms, however when you became lost among dimensions. Destiny warped your destiny to become similar yet different. Instead, destiny chose to make you gods among dimensions. Which is that much more powerful." Ella explained.

"The god of destiny chose to allow me to become as great as her? Why?" Twilight asked confused.

"Because she made a terrible error when she created your destiny." The god of Spirits stated as it appeared translucent.

Team Natsu, Mavis, Ella. Looked up in sheer astonishment. A being never meant to visit this realm appeared. Lucy was slightly less astonished because of the spirit king also being a god, had appeared before her. Twilight meanwhile took it all in calmly, since the information was getting a bit much.

"Your greatness." Ella stated.

The god nodded, "Twilight Sparkle Vermillion Scarlet. The god of destiny gave you a chance to meet me early. Far before you were meant to meet me. At first this wasn't a problem. Until it was. She had irreversibly granted you a trait you weren't meant to have. The adventure spirit. Thus sealing you a fate even she hadn't expected. However you were never meant to enter this realm."

"An action that brought me an even worse fate. Correct?" Twilight asked.

"Correct. If we left you to the elements. Then you would never leave this world. However you aren't supposed to be here. So we slowly pushed you away from this dimension. That fading you are currently experiencing was our way of forcing you back home. Don't get me wrong, Twilight. We never wanted to do this either, but if we don't do this. Then we know you will stay here and-" The god explained only to be cut off by a shake of Twilight's head.

"I understand. I was planning on going home anyways. No need for the excuses your highness. As a member of Fairy Tail, I promised Gramps to go home as soon as I am able to. Besides, I already had to interfere with Equestria several times. Just to stop things from going even worse. However if you truly wish for me to leave without feeling ripped off by the gods. Then I have all but one request." Twilight explained.

"Out with it, Twilight. I do not mind giving your wish granted. Since I am partly to blame. Your wish will push more work on to the destiny god, but she does deserve it." The god said smiling.

"I do not wish to be forgotten." Twilight simply stated.

The god smiled, "Consider it done. And before I go. How will you go home?"

"Now that I know the name of my magic. I know of a few ways. But I still need to remember the not-yet-mastered teleportation spell that caused this wrong warp to begin with." Twilight explained.

"I see. Let me give you a hint then. To remember your spell you need to head to two locations. The place where Erza was born and a single touch to the crown of Crocus itself." The god explained before disappearing.

"Alright. Well Crocus is closer. Lets go there first." Natsu suggested.

"Yeah. But we will still go to the place I appeared in. Since that might still trigger a few memories. Even bad ones can help." Twilight stated.

"Alright." Natsu stated, not minding that at all.

"Before I go. Ella can you please release those clan members? On my behalf?" Twilight requested.

Ella sighed, "Fine." A single click with her fingers made them appear back into existence. After which she warped the shrine back into Equestria.

"Ugh. What happened?" One of the reappeared clan members groaned.

"You touched something you shouldn't have. Now run back home. Your boss is very worried." Twilight stated.

"Alright. Thanks from saving us, from whatever that was." The clan member stated before heading back home.

"Lets just go to Crocus. I do not care for the reward." Twilight stated impatient.

"Alright." Lucy stated after which the team headed back to the train station. And took the next train for Crocus.

Author's Note:

Man I would love to the see the "Space and time communication" in an animation. Just thinking about makes it sound so awesome. Also Twilight's preparation was all for naught in the end... Which might be a good thing.

Also sorry for the lack of chapters. The summer heat is making things really difficult. As writing chapters take quite a bit of brainpower, the heat makes overheating really easy. Thus I avoid writing when the temperature gets to certain point to save energy and to allow my body to maintain heat.