• Published 20th Jun 2021
  • 2,678 Views, 129 Comments

Twilight Scarlet - vincent789

  • ...

Twilight and the queen

It's been a year since Shagotte had become Twilight's partner. And she had made a lot of progress. She was quite strong now, she is one of the first non magic users to join Fairy Tail. She is a mage. But she doesn't use her magic. Regardless, she fitted in just fine. She, in fact, took Mirajane's spot over as assistant and mostly worked at the bar.

However once in a while, she would go out along side Ann, James, Elena, Keeper and Thomas to do a quest or two. Though it wasn't the strongest group in Fairy Tail at the moment, it is the most active group. As in some of their good weeks, they would do fourteen quests a week. Which is about two quests a day. Which is a lot more then the average guild member would ever do in a single day. Or week for that matter. 'I am looking at you Nab' Twilight thought.

And thanks to their lack of strength, they would sometimes not make any damage while out questing. Though, more often then not, they would make some damage. It is still less damage then team Natsu could do in a single day. But damage is damage.

Another noticeable thing about Fairy Tail is that despite the lack of some of the more stronger guild members being there, it was as lively as ever. Twilight or Shagotte had to end a few brawls here and there. But it was almost always the same people that would start a fight. It's either Thomas or Romeo that would start a fight. And as a result, the two of them grew extremely close.

It's been three years since Twilight was appointed as Guild master. Although she had settled into the role about a year into it. However after three years she decided to upgrade rooms like she used to while also making friends with other guilds. Prevented people from dying and repairing the occasional city here and there. Life was good, but also mundane.

However today something changed that. Twilight had received a letter from the king of Fiore. From someone named Toma E. Fiore or Mato as nickname. He explained that in order to keep more guilds from fighting one another, he set up a tournament to give guilds a reason to fight in a controlled environment. And he invited Fairy Tail.

Though unsurprisingly, Twilight refused the invitation. Primarily because Fairy Tail isn't at their best at the moment. And also because right now, she has other priorities. However that letter was what she had refused was last week. This is another letter from the same person.

"Dear Twilight Sparkle,

It's me, Mato. So I saw that you had refused my invitation. I am disappointed that you will not participate. So instead I ask you a different favor. My daughter Hisui wants to meet you instead. Since you will not join the tournament, she wants to have an audience with you though she called it a tea party. I hope to hear from you soon.

Toma E. Fiore."

Twilight sighed, She really wanted to refuse that as well. But decided against doing that.

"Shagotte! Tell Macao to temporarily lead Fairy Tail. We need to go to the capital immediately." Twilight shouted.

"Okay." Shagotte said on the other side of the door.

As soon as Twilight exits the door, she walks over to Shagotte and nods. She sees Macao taking a seat at the bar. She and Shagotte then promptly walked out the guild hall and towards the Taxi station. They then took the taxi to the closest train station and took the rest of the ride by train.

"So what is this about?" Shagotte asked now that they are inside the train and about half way to the capital.

"The princess of Fiore wants to meet me. She wants to do it through a tea party. But honestly I couldn't care less. However if I also refuse that, then that will speak bad on Fairy Tail. So I had no choice." Twilight explained.

"Also?" Shagotte asked confused.

"They invited us for a guild vs guild tournament and I refused. Due to the lack of strong guild members in the guild." Twilight admits.

"That makes sense." Shagotte said. Disappointment was clear in her voice.

"I know you want to join that tournament. But it would require atleast five strong members to join the tournament. We have barely two that meet that requirement." Twilight said as she held Shagotte's shoulder.

"I see. Yes. in that case it would be kind of hard. Or down-right impossible for us to even get a chance of a win. Our combat power is simply not ready yet." Shagotte said in agreement.

"Anyways, had I refused the second letter. I would probably piss the king off. But that doesn't mean I like it." Twilight said annoyed.

The rest of the trip was quiet. As they stepped out the train and walked toward the castle.

"Halt! who goes there?" One of the palace guards shouted.

"Twilight Sparkle. I got an invitation from princess Hisui." Twilight said as she showed the letter.

"Ah! You have come much earlier then intended. Please follow me, she might not be ready with the tea party." The guard said as she led Twilight and her companion towards Princess Hisui.

"I am going to be rude. That is why I came here, before she could prepare any tea party. If she wants to meet. Then we shall merely chat. No need for tea or anything else." Twilight said rudely.

The guard hmpf-ed. He wasn't pleased but could atleast understand why she did it. The guard then turned towards a door and knocked three times on the door.

"Who is it?" A female voice inside called out.

"Guild master Twilight Sparkle. She has come on behalf of the invitation." The guard simply said.

"What?! Uh..." The female voice shouted in shock. Twilight and her companion could then hear a bunch of banging and thumps from inside. Which caused Twilight, Shagotte and the guard to sweat drip.

"Let them in." The female voice said slightly worried.

As the door opens, which reveals a young girl with green hair. "You must be Hisui. My name is Twilight Sparkle and this is Shagotte my companion." Twilight introduced.

"Yes. My name is Hisui E. Fiore. Nice to meet you. And you must be the queen of the exceeds, Shagotte. Good to meet you too." Hisui said as she bowed before Shagotte. As soon as she did so, the guard behind Twilight nearly fell over in shock. However Twilight promptly closed door behind her using her magic.

"Anyways. I am sure a princess such as yourself could have atleast probably figured out why I refused the invitation to the tournament, yes?" Twilight swiftly moved on when she noticed Shagotte discomfort.

Shagotte didn't like Hisui's bow. Since she has been learning the environment of Fairy Tail. And bowing was often used as a tease. So she put on a strained smile. Something that Hisui noticed immediately. Though she said nothing about it.

"Yes. Tenrou Island right?" Hisui answered knowingly while lifting up from her bow and while taking a seat on her couch.

"They are alive, but stuck under a seven year long seal. It's been three years. Only four years to go." Twilight replied.

"Is that so? Well that is good news. It does explain why you refused." Hisui said nodding in understanding.

"Anyways. Something tells me, that that is not the reason you wanted to meet me." Twilight said serious.

"I need you to leave Fiore immediately." Hisui said. However Shagotte took that as a threat and instantly went into a combat stance and stood in front of Twilight. Twilight smiled at Shagotte's reaction, but said nothing.

"Please elaborate. Shagotte here doesn't like it when I get threatened. So please do elaborate." Twilight warned.

"I don't mean it like that. Although I kind of do, but not like that. You are being that doesn't belong to this realm. We demand that you leave immediately." Hisui growled.

"Well too bad. She is stuck in this world without Lucy's help." Shagotte growled in return.

"I could de-summon you." Hisui offered.

"Not without my memories I can't." Twilight simply replied.

"What?" Hisui looked shocked.

"Master needs to regain her memories before she could return home. There is literally a barrier preventing her, if she tries without her memories." Shagotte said annoyed.

"And you still haven't been able to? But he said that you already have enough." Hisui said confused.

"Even with that in mind. I will and shall not go home until I have regained my memories. There is nothing you could do to force me." Twilight said annoyed as she also stood up. "It seems we are done here."

"No wait! I can help you! I have this key that is designed to get you out!" Hisui desperately offered.

Twilight simply shook her head, "I am afraid that you cannot help me. Goodbye." she said as she for the first time in her life, teleported from the capital all the way to Magnolia in one full teleport without getting dizzy or exhausted. It made lose her annoyance as she internally smiled at the accomplishment.

"She was mean." Shagotte said annoyed as she ignored the fact that Twilight teleported them all the way home. Since at some point Shagotte cared little about her strength since living at Fairy Tail does those things to you.

"She wants to do her part. In a story where she plays no role." Twilight said cryptically.

"Or warn you to tell you that someone is aware that you shouldn't be here." Shagotte suddenly realized.

Twilight looked at Shagotte and realized that, that was probably the reason. However she shrugged, "Why would that happen now, thirteen years deep? And not at the start?" Twilight questioned.

"You know what. That makes sense. Dully noted. Let's go home." Shagotte said as she realized that herself as well.

As Twilight return along side Shagotte. Weird things started to happen. Like Guild members getting ambushed by individuals called 'Story protectors' and the like. This was fine, for now atleast since it kept Twilight's guild members on their toes. Until it wasn't fine.

It was an ordinary sunny day. And Shagotte returned with her crew... on her back. They all looked severely injured and required immediate medical attention. Shagotte herself fainted as soon as she made her way back into the guild hall. And Twilight was absolutely furious. She had send them on a mission that required no combat, and yet they looked like they were attacked by Acnologia himself and survived somehow.

As Twilight and Porlyusica sat next to Shagotte analyzing her injuries. Ann woke up behind them and gave a bloody cough. Porlyusica immediately assisted her as she tried to sit up, only to be lectured by Porlyusica. Forcing her to lay back down, she looked at Twilight scared.

"Master..." Ann said as she coughed, "Those people behind the ambush are after you." she said scared.

"Did they mention why?" Twilight asked worried while holding her hand.

"They..." Ann coughed again, "They are trying to get rid of you. "To protect the integrity of the book" Or so they said." Ann admitted.

If Twilight was angry before, now she was downright enraged. Ambushing is bad. But attack her family is where she would draw the line. Especially children like Ann. However she hid her anger from Ann as she stayed worried next to her.

"Is that so. Please rest Ann. There is no use worrying about that now." Twilight said softly.

"Please! You must stop them! They said that they will try to get rid of our first master using spectral magic. In an attempt to force you to go back home!" Ann shouted despite herself.

"What is their last known location?" Twilight asked calmly.

"Their base according to them is to the east of Magnolia. They said they got orders from someone called 'The queen of stories.'" Ann explained.

"Thank you dear. I am going to show them why messing with a saint is bad. But messing with a guild is worse." Twilight said, "Time to bring out my true strength." she added softly. Ann heard that and gave Twilight a soft nod with a small smile. While mumbling about wanting to have seen it herself after which she fainted once more.

"Twilight. I know those people." Porlyusica admits as she stops Twilight from leaving the 'Clinic' which was more like a mini hospital but that is besides the point.

"Okay. Lets talk in the hallway. No need to give these kids more stress." Twilight said nodding as they moved to the hallway.

As soon as they entered the hallway, Porlyusica spoke up first. "They are a dark guild named, "The dark Library." And are known usually for being rather mellow for a dark guild." she stated.

"I see. The person that warned Hisui and this guild are probably getting warned by the same individual." Twilight simply said.

"It is likely. I could think of one person that might want to get rid of you. He calls himself Discord, Lord of Chaos. Though normally he is in the world Equestria. I don't understand why he out of all people would act now." Porlyusica admitted.

"Then the elements of Harmony have probably reformed him, huh?" Twilight suggested mysteriously.

"How do you...?" Porlyusica asked slightly shocked.

"I read the book about my universe. It seems my role would have been quite a bit important. A pony called Trixie Lulamoon took my place according to the book." Twilight admitted.

"I see. You read the book about the connection which made you realized how to go home, correct?" Porlyusica asked.

"That is correct. And since they were willing to send the younger sister of the element of Generosity to my guild in order to try to get me out. It speaks volumes about what lengths they are willing to go to take me out of this world. Which is why, I have been slowly but surely, been using magic to seal the dimension permanently. In order for my escape to be more stable. And to prevent things like this from happening again." Twilight explained knowingly.

"That is a smart move. But Discord is like a god. He does not care about some puny magic barrier." Porlyusica admitted concerned.

"Then you don't know what magic I used to seal the dimension. I used a combination of Space and Chaos magic to seal the dimension. Since Celestia and Luna are bound to Space, Discord is bound by Chaos. And although the barrier is almost complete, there is still some things that take time. For example, I first need to make sure I am the only one in this world. Then I will destroy the only connection from their world to this world. And that is to destroy the book from a distance." Twilight explained.

"Then making yourself into a Celestial being is a way to protect yourself and the only way home. Wow. That is very smart. Since the Celestial realm and the Celestial realm in Equestria are the same dimension. Allowing easy access, and from which you will prevent yourself from death, in case of emergency." Porlyusica said finishing the explanation.

Twilight then smiled, but also frowned. "Now I just need to return Discord by force and kill his minions if necessary." she added.

"Yes. That would be required. But what are you planning?" Porlyusica asked.

"I am going to release my binds for a change. Then repair my own damage later." Twilight said as she give Porlyusica a creepy smile. It didn't help that Twilight's form was that of a small child. It was horror material at its finest. This caused Porlyusica to get stunned for a moment.

"Even so. Do you really think Discord is going to let you do that?" Porlyusica asked after a moment of silence.

"In order to fight for the light, one needs to strike a balance between light and darkness. However, where there is balance, there can also be Chaos. Only once both sides have been mastered, is one truly in control." Twilight wisely repeated, "In other words. Porlyusica please do not worry. I have already mastered chaos and balance. Light and darkness. Or else Magnolia might not be existing in the first place. As my own power would have gone berserk and erased this world." she added.

"No... Are you seriously saying..." Porlyusica said slightly stunned.

"Yes. My powers easily rival the gods themselves. If I hadn't trained my powers to be controlled, then I am not sure if this world still existed." Twilight admitted.

"But. I have seen your powers. It can't be that strong!" Porlyusica said in denial.

"True. If one can control its strength. Then one can seem normal. Even if its a demon in human clothing. Or a dragon in human clothing." Twilight said as she looked closer at a picture of Natsu in the hallway. Causing Porlyusica to gulp and look away slightly. Twilight softly giggled in response.

"Anyways. Please do not worry about me. I shall not go that far out of control. All I will do, is teach this god a lesson. A lesson of why you shouldn't mess with family." Twilight added only for her to walk off and the sound of shattering glass can be heard from her.

"Macao. I need to teach those rascals a lesson. Please watch over the guild and let nobody take any quests until my return." Twilight shouted.

"Understood. Protocol family is in effect." Macao said while nodding as he flips the bulletin board to make it seem empty.

Protocols were something Twilight, Wakaba and Macao had invented in case of certain events. Dangerous events or happy events like festivals. That way everyone knows what to do when it happens. Without creating mass panic. Even the mayor of Magnolia were in on it. And the same could be said about every citizen and guild within Magnolia.

Instead of pushing all the attention and importance of an event onto Fairy Tail. Instead it was shared with everyone living in Magnolia. That way no panic would occur. Nobody could get injured. And everyone did their part. From tsunamis to earthquakes. Everyone was ready at all times. Of course certain protocols were guild only protocols. Like the Family Protocol, which made it far more important to keep everyone together, instead of letting everyone spread out. Or something like Gajeel ambushing Levy could happen again.

After Twilight left the building, Macao shut the doors of Fairy Tail to the outside. And send a message over communication orbs to the mayor of Magnolia. That way everyone was in the loop. With the doors locked, the mayor prevented any tourists or visitors from reaching Fairy Tail. The mayor also explained the situation to every home owner.

While on the topic about home owners. Twilight is a very generous master. She would personally chat with every home owner that houses a home which contains guild members. And made it a matter of importance that the mayor of Magnolia wouldn't allow anyone from touching Natsu's home. Going even as far as to buy the land and make it official Fairy Tail property.

From paying rent to keeping the communications up. Twilight would sent each and every year around the same date a group of scouts to ensure that Tenrou Island really hasn't appeared yet. This information is then send to Twilight, who then spreads the information by word of mouth to each home owner. She even pays the rent for anyone living in Fairy Hills.

With Twilight's new guild members keeping the guild alive and preventing any dips of popularity using the power of advertisement. She also actively searched for dangerous artifacts to destroy before the dark guilds could get their hands on it. With an active communication with the magic council, Twilight and Fairy Tail never seemed to disappear. The only thing that Fairy Tail doesn't actively participate in, is the Guild Tournament in Crocus, the capital of Fiore.

However for the first time in over three years. Twilight made a move alone. Without any partners or guild members. Without permission of the magic council. A move that once again enforces the idea, that Twilight truly is a Saint. And her move was descending fast upon a dark guild and an unknown individual also known as "Discord."

As Twilight ran out of Magnolia and fast upon the dark guild "The dark library." She could see many signs of the use of Chaos magic as entire forests have been warped. But then she saw it, the base of the dark guild that had been attacking her children. A massive wooden treehouse with, what seemed to be, a library inside. It looked oddly familiar. But Twilight couldn't care less. Anyone messing with her family, will be answering to her.

She then stopped running, causing her slowly walked into their territory to prevent to be detected. She instantly noticed a being that contained an immeasurable amount of Chaos. Or... immeasurable to the ordinary magician. He had a lot, but nothing compared to Acnologia. He was without a single doubt, Discord. And he stood before a lot of minions. As she got closer, she overheard a conversation.

"You did WHAT to those children?!" Discord screamed at one of them.

"Injured them enough to be sent to the hospital. But one, and she was too strong anyways, took the children with her." One of the minions said.

"Fuck! Fluttershy is going to kill me. I told you to give them a scare! Not to kill them." Discord swore.

"Well whats been done, has been done. Now what do we do?" One of the minions dismissed.

Discord sighed, "Listen up. If you touch one more hair on their heads them I shall personally remove you from existence. Are we clear?!" he shouted angrily.

"Yes sir!" They shouted shocked in fear.

"Too bad. Your action caused you to atleast summon my presence." Twilight said revealing herself in front of the minions and Discord.

The minions instantly attempted to run away. Only to be grabbed by Twilight's powerful magic. One even attempted to teleport away. Only for Twilight forcibly grab the minion out of the arcane space it was in. Causing the minion to scream in pain.

"Anyone else has such bright idea?" Twilight warned, seeing lots of shakes. She calmly looks over to Discord and smiled.

"Nice to meet you. You must be Discord. My name is Twilight Sparkle. Guild master of Fairy Tail. I assumed that you wished to meet me?" Twilight asked while smiling. In the background Discord saw how Twilight slowly crushed the minions into fine paste of blood and flesh.

"Uh. Yes. I never intended those children to get injured the way they did." Discord admitted while frowning, he secretly attempted to remove Twilight's magic only for nothing to occur.

"I know. So how can I help you?" Twilight asked as the minions have been killed by being crushed and got released onto the ground.

Discord sighed, "Miss Trixie is certain she could get you out." he admitted.

"Yes. And I am certain I could as well. If they have more patience." Twilight said annoyed.

"But your brother is starting to get desperate. And will soon start doing crazy things to get you out." Discord warned.

Twilight sighed, "Well I suppose I can teach him a lesson then. I am going to arcane smite him from a distance. Want to watch?" She asked with a eager smile.

"Uh. Sure." Discord said hesitant.

"Have you forgotten about me?" The queen of stories said as she revealed herself.

"Nope." Twilight said as her Celestial orb laser beamed the queen of stories head right off, killing her instantly without giving her any chances to defend herself or monologue.

"Uh..." Discord said a lot more scared suddenly.

"Don't worry. The lightning won't kill my brother. It will only warn him. I am going strike besides him." Twilight said dismissive.

Discord looked relieved until he was stunned in fear for what Twilight said next.

"The power of which, can erase an entire house." Twilight added.

"Uh..." Discord said again, he was sweating a lot more suddenly as he pales at the implications.

He then watches at Twilight gathers a ton of magic around herself and shouts "SMITE!" as a absolutely massive lightning beam, the size of an entire mountain struck out of the spell that the shout created. Striking far into space as it has to travel through several dimensions to get to Shining Armor.

"Welp. That spell will be a lot smaller as soon as it has arrived at my brother's destination. Atleast the size of an entire house if not less." Twilight said relieved. "Okay then, Discord. Shall I personally teleport you to Equestria or will you do it yourself?" she asked.

"Uh. Myself." The moment Discord said that, he was gone and only his after-image said those words.

"Well that was fun. I will need to reseal my magic power and need to go back home." Twilight said to herself as she resealed her magic power and walked back home.

Practically everyone in Fiore saw the absolutely massive smite beam into the sky, as everyone in Magnolia heard Twilight's shout. Before looking in sheer awe and fear at the massive power beam that followed. Porlyusica was standing next to the window as she saw the power beam, she was also a bit pale at the sheer magic power. But Ann in the background looked in awe and hope.

To her and everyone in Fairy Tail, that was the power of hope. The beacon that pushes everyone to follow her, the reason she is feared by beings like Acnologia. The driving force behind Fairy Tail's newer generation. Twilight Scarlet!*


In some place, far, far... Oh you get it. In the world of Equestria.

Shining Armor indeed looked desperate. Until suddenly a massive power beam of lightning struck the empty watch tower besides him. Erasing the building itself instantly. Causing him to jump two hooves high. As he looks up high. Whatever that lightning strike was, it came from the heavens and beyond.

The beam clearly came from space, for Shining Armor could see the stars. Before the blue sky and clouds once again cover the sky up.

"Shiny boy. My friend..." Discord said as he appeared besides Shining Armor. He also said the word friend with some venom and fear.

"Was that you?!" Shining Armor shouted as he took his spear with his magic and pointed it at Discord.

"Oh pe-lease. Atleast mine would have hit you." Discord said slightly annoyed.

"Hmpf. I suppose that makes sense. So... who did that?" Shining asked a little bit more calmed down.

Discord then came closer to Shining's ear and said, "Some girl you DO NOT want to piss off." he said slightly scared himself.

"Then who was it?" Shining asked as he gulped. The fact that Discord was scared of this individual made him second guess himself.

"Someone that is telling you to stay put and wait. She is getting awfully tired of people interrupting her adventure. Especially since, and this is in her words, she can escape whenever she is ready to do so. No need for anyone to interfere again." Discord warned.

"Stop talking in riddles! Who was it!" Shining shouted angry.

"Do you really want to know who can summon a lightning strike that can literally erase a tower that in of itself is magical resistant?!" Discord shouted worried back.

"Now hold on! What is going on here?!" Princess Celestia arrived on the scene rather confused.

"Someone attempted to Smite Shining Armor for flying too close to the sun!" Discord shouted annoyed. "But instead erased a magical resistant tower next to him. As warning might I add." He added.

"You saw who did it?!" Shining Armor shouted annoyed.

"Yes! She casted the arcane spell across dimensions and galaxies just to smite you!" Discord shouted finally.

"Who?!!" Shining Armor shouted peeved.

"ENOUGH!" Princess Celestia shouted at both of them using the Royal Canterlot voice. This instantly shut Discord up and caused Shining to cower slightly.

"If a being is indeed willing to go such lengths then stop. Shining Armor, using the full force and power of a royalty to the Equestrian Crown. You will stop immediately!" Princess Celestia shouted angry.

"Yes, your highness." Shining Armor drooped.

"And Discord. Who is it? I do not care if a being is that angry. Who is it?" Princess Celestia asked calmly.

"It was her, Princess Celestia. The one on the other side of the book. She casted that spell. When she casted it, it was the size of a mountain. But when it arrived, just like she said, it shrunk down to the size of a house." Discord explained.

Shining Armor looked confused, but when she looked at Princess Celestia. He cowered. Princess Celestia's eyes went to the size of dots as her mask broke and wash of fear, shock and awe washed over her face. She then looked beyond angry at Shining Armor.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't banish you to the moon?!" Princess Celestia screamed enraged. Around the corner stood Princess Luna and Trixie. They were listening in, and the fact that Princess Celestia said such a thing, stunned them both.

"Uh..." Shining Armor cowered in fear.

"Where is the book?" Princess Celestia said as she slowly descended upon Shining Armor.

"Uh..." Shining Armor repeated. He was practically shell shocked. He never could have expected Princess Celestia out of all ponies to lose her cool.

"Where. Is. The. Book?" Princess Celestia now shouted in his face.

"I gave it to Trixie!" Shining Armor shouted, as his sanity was breaking from sheer fear.

"What did I tell you about this incident? DO NOT INTERFERE! Why the Fuck did you disregard that order?!" Princess Celestia shouted enraged. This was the first time in a long time, that Princess Celestia had used a swear word.

This alone caused both Discord, Trixie and Luna to get stunned.

"Because I miss my sister!" Shining Armor shouted, as his sanity finally broke. "Just because you got fucking reckless and left a book that dangerous out in the open. While knowing the nature of my sister, you did nothing to fix this mess!" He shouted back.

"Did nothing...?" If Discord had a sanity, he would have lost it by now. As Celestia's face contorted into a face filled with pain for one moment, depression was next. But it finally settled by a look of an enraged entity. Close to Daybreak, oh may the heavens be so kind, she was so close to becoming Daybreak. But just barely, she kept herself from falling that deep.

"Do you understand what pain a teacher feels when losing its most cherished student. By an incident it could have avoided itself? DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT PAIN?! IT WAS AKIN TO LOSING ANOTHER SISTER!! I LOVED HER NATURE, I TRIED NURTURING IT. And all I did was make things worse... All I did was make things worse..." Princess Celestia shouted but settling on repeating the last sentence over and over again as she lost her cool and finally broke down into a sobbing mess.

For the first time in Discord's career. This almost broke Discord also. Since he also understood that pain. Instead he hugged Princess Celestia, seeing as talking would make things worse. He gave Shining Armor a deadly glare when he too attempted to hug Princess Celestia. Instead he took Shining Armor's horn and spear away as he puts him in a concrete jail.

Realizing that all her was doing was making things worse, Shining Armor didn't resist as she went into a fetal position and said nothing. Meanwhile Trixie almost dropped the book, instead Luna took the book and teleported it back into Celestia's personal vault. Trixie meanwhile was unsure of what to do next. She was about to say that she found a way to force her to go home. Only for her to find out, that Celestia wanted ponies to stop making things worse.

And Luna meanwhile shouted at the guards to put Shining Armor into an isolated jail cell. She then proceeded to levitate both Celestia and Discord into Celestia's personal bedroom. After finally getting Discord to stop hugging Celestia, Luna finally released Celestia from that spell.

"Luna..." Celestia's voice sounded so broken, it broke both Luna and Discord's heart. "Do you understand the pain? Atleast with you I was atleast able to confirm your return, even if it took a thousand years. But Twilight? I cannot guarantee it. And that hopelessness and powerlessness broke me. More times then I would have liked to admit. Every time Twilight's birthday rolls around, I would send a present to her home. And place one next to this shrine." she said as she removes a curtain to beautiful looking shrine with Twilight's picture.

"Even if I knew, that she wasn't home. And that she might never return, because of a mistake I made. A mistake I could have avoided. And if I'm not careful, my memory would sometimes relapses. Though it has happened rarely nowadays. Since I use that present and a prayer before her shrine as an attempt to prevent such behavior." Celestia admitted. "My secretary has done everything in her power to cover it up, but ponies know why I do it. They sometimes give me Pity or Empathy looks." she added.

"But I need some time to recover from that encounter. Please release Shining Armor. He doesn't deserve such a fate as he has every right to be angry. Atleast warn him, away from such behavior. And tell Princess Cadence to put Shining Armor on a serious watch. Tell her that Shining Armor is hereby banned from the library. And give Trixie a warning that such behavior isn't tolerated. However if she wish to continue, atleast make her warn me first." Celestia requested before falling into a deep troubled dream.

"I usually don't ask, but I am going to anyways. Will you let me use my chaos magic to atleast soften her dream? I doubt Trixie or Cadence will listen to me." Discord asked, giving Luna the biggest Puppy eyes he could manage.

"For the first time ever, yes go ahead. I need to temporarily dismiss both court due to some... issues. And give Trixie and Cadence that message. And also release Shining Armor." Luna said allowing Discord to do so.

"Thank you... Princess Luna. I will need to do some thinking after that myself. And I need to have a deep chat with Fluttershy. About something I never though I was going to talk about." Discord admitted as he started to use magic on Celestia.

Luna nodded before walking into the hallway. 'This was not how I envisioned my day going.' she thought as she continued on.

Author's Note:

(3/7 until end of this current arc)
* Roll credits.

You might have noticed that Twilight now uses the "Sparkle" surname. Well that is because she has regained enough memories for that. Especially after her meeting with Sweetie Belle.

Did I forget to mention that Twilight angry during her encounter with Discord. No? Well alrighty then. *author gives an evil smile*

Also the closer we are getting to Twilight's return to Equestria, the more times we will see the Equestrian side of things. As the dimensions are getting closer and closer. (Not literally but figuratively.)