• Published 20th Jun 2021
  • 2,686 Views, 129 Comments

Twilight Scarlet - vincent789

  • ...

New friends

After talking with Makarov, Twilight finds herself in a scene she didn't expect. Everyone was fighting with each other, well almost everyone. It seems that Laxus and the girl that Erza was fighting with were sitting this out. Instead that girl approached Twilight.

"So you are Twilight." The girl said in an annoyed tone.

Twilight calmly looks at her, she was unsure as to why she was annoyed. Twilight simply nodded in responds without saying much.

The girl "Tch-ed" at Twilight. Twilight's unwillingness to talk made her even more annoyed. "Fine. Whatever. My name is Mirajane. My sister Lisanna wanted me to introduce myself to you." Mirajane points at her sister Lisanna. Lisanna herself seemed to be fighting with the gray haired boy.

"Nice to meet you." Twilight said shyly.

Mirajane nodded as she walked off to try and pick a fight with Erza. Meanwhile the duo boys finally approached Twilight after Erza separated them. They looked both curious at Twilight and annoyed at each other.

"Who are you?" The gray haired boy said first.

"Twilight." Twilight said.

"My name is Gray Fullbuster and that is Natsu Dragneel." Gray said as he emphasis on the word "That."

Natsu heard that as he kicked Gray away from Twilight. "Natsu is my name. Nice to meet you." Natsu repeated.

"Same." Twilight said as she shook his hand.

"So I heard you went on a job?" Natsu asked Twilight curiously. Meanwhile Twilight saw as Gray immediately froze Natsu's hair.

"I did. Although I went overboard a little." Twilight admitted. She saw as Erza, Mirajane and the two boys look at her in surprise.

"Overboard, How so?" Gray asked faster than the others.

"I accidentally destroyed one third of the capital city." Twilight said. She watched as everyone gasped at the reveal.

"You are strong! Fight me!" Natsu requested.

"I am not comfortable doing that." Twilight said.

"Why not?" Gray asked.

"She suffers from amnesia." Erza injected in the conversation.

Natsu and Gray looks at Erza in surprise. While Mirajane looked at Twilight with a sad smile.

"Is that so. Well why don't we make new memories for you then?" Lisanna offered. Twilight smiled at the idea.

"Sure. I was going to do that anyways." Twilight said happily.

"Let me introduce you to our guild." Natsu offered, "That girl near the bar is Cana. That girl with a book is Levy. I am sure you met Laxus. Oh! And this is my partner, Happy!" Natsu introduced.

"Aye!" Happy said happily.

"Interesting. A flying, talking cat." Twilight simply said. Natsu was surprised at Twilight's lack of shock. Everyone else would always jump when Happy did that.

"Is it not odd?" Cana asked as she approached the group.

"I don't know. Is it? I am not sure what is normal in this place." Twilight said. Which caused everyone to look shocked at her.

"How much do you remember from before your amnesia?" Levy asked worried.

"Nothing. Beside my name and that this is my orb." Twilight said as the orb in question starts to levitate besides Twilight.

Everyone in group looks surprised at Twilight's orb. But they look more empathetic towards Twilight, than the surprise of the orb.

"How do you feel right now?" Erza asked hopeful.

"Confused at worst. Happy at best. Although the fact that I lack memories do add to my uncertainty." Twilight said.

"We understand. Let's not talk about this. I am sure its a bit of a touchy subject. Why don't we explore Magnolia together then? Maybe you will see something new and more interesting that to think about your amnesia." Natsu asked.

"I would love that." Twilight said nodding with a smile on her face.

"Let us all go together." Mirajane said, this surprised everyone as she has quite a temper normally.

"Yeah!" Everyone else shouts. This caused every child in the group to leave alongside Twilight towards Magnolia. The adults meanwhile simply smiles. They were happy to hear that the group was so willing to help Twilight with her amnesia. Although at the same time this saddened many adults.

"Master?" Wakaba and Macao asked at the same time.

"Yes?" Makarov asked surprised.

"We want to do some research into Twilight." Wakaba said.

"We want to do some scouting. Will you let us?" Macao asked.

"Sure. I was going to assign someone anyways. I heard she was found in a forest with a crater to the east of Magnolia." Makarov explained. "Good luck to the both of you."

"Thank you." Wakaba said as the duo walks out of the guild. They wouldn't be seen for a long time.

Twilight and the very large group of children were exploring Magnolia. Even though some have lived here all their lives. It didn't matter, because they were doing this for Twilight, with Twilight. Natsu tends to show Twilight all the food spots, Gray the clothing shops, Cana all the pubs, Levy the book shops, Mirajane likes to show the landmarks. Lisanna showed off her favorite spots in the forest and Erza seems to have found all the wizard related shops around Magnolia.

Twilight didn't care that she was being guided all over the place. Although it reminded Twilight that she was still unable to read or count. Twilight quickly realized that Jewels is the type of currency and that being a wizard can be expensive. She noticed that as soon as the Jewels count was higher than ten thousand that everyone sweated at the price of an object.

After running around all day. Everyone were slowly returning back to the guild. Leaving Erza and Twilight alone in the park.

"Was it fun today?" Erza asked.

Twilight yawns, as she nodded. There was a big smile on Twilight's face.

"That is good to hear. Say do you remember your surname?" Erza asked.

"No." Twilight said disappointed.

"Then why don't you take my surname? I was an orphan so I do not remember my surname also. I was given the name Scarlet by my friend named Jellal." Erza offered. "I wouldn't mind getting a sister to share it with."

"I don't know what to say. Are you truly certain? If I find my original surname, I might go back on that." Twilight asked surprised. Although mostly honored.

"I am certain." Erza said smiling.

"I will accept it after one condition." Twilight said as her face turns serious.

"And that is?" Erza asked worried.

"Can you tell me the truth? Behind Rob's death and you joining Fairy Tail?" Twilight requested. Her request was met by a sad face.

"I can tell you. For all I can remember, I used to live an happy live in a small village. That was until I was kidnapped by a evil cult. They were making something called 'Tower of heaven' and they needed free labor. So I and many others were enslaved to work on this tower. I was there for a long time, abused, tortured, beaten. Until one day I had enough. Using all my willpower, I successfully escaped. At the cost of my uncle Rob, he died protecting me. He would tell me of the stories at Fairy Tail and its adventure and their lives. It, is what gave me the strength to try and escape." Erza explained, "I was the only escaping survivor."

During the story, Twilight's teeth were grinding in rage. "What happened to Jellal?" Twilight asked.

"He is still stuck." Erza said. Erza looks shocked as she sees Twilight's three orbs floating around Twilight.

Twilight was enraged. How could anyone do such a thing. Twilight's rage was really strong. More over how could anyone just kill her family?! "We need to help them." Twilight said determined.

"I don't know how." Erza admitted unsure. Although her face suggested that it was closer to fear than uncertainty.

Twilight realized that she was scaring Erza. Twilight hugs her sister from the side. To attempt to calm her down. "Sorry. But we need to do something. We can't just leave them there!" Twilight practically shouted.

"I agree. But how?" Erza asked her new sister.

"Master might know of a way." Twilight said, "Let's go back. I am sure he can help us."

Erza and Twilight run back to the guild. As soon as they entered, they noticed that many guild members were gone. It was late in the evening. And many lived at Fairy Hill, which was just around the corner. Master was still seated on the bar however.

"Master!" Twilight shouts at Makarov. He looks up and smiles as he sees the two girls enter.

"What is the matter?" Makarov asked with an smile.

"We need to help Erza's friends!" Twilight said desperate.

"What is wrong?" Makarov asked worried.

"They are held imprisoned and enslaved in something called 'The tower of heaven' and they need help." Twilight said. As soon as the tower's name rolled off Twilight's tong, Makarov looks shocked and surprised at Twilight.

"The R-system. My god, are you from that place, Erza?" Makarov asked shocked.

"I was a slave, so yes." Erza admits.

"Her friends are still on that island, they need to be rescued!" Twilight shouts.

"Don't worry. I will contact the council. They will figure out what to do next." Makarov said in a serious tone. He was down the bar and grabs a piece of paper to write things down.

"Can't we do something?!" Twilight asked desperate.

"Alone we can't. But with the council's assistance and some other guilds. We might be able to help them." Makarov said.

"I see." Twilight droops disappointed.

"Don't worry, my child. Perhaps if you were stronger, you might be able to help." Makarov hinted.

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked.

"Above an ordinary rank in the guild is a rank for the truly elite and is a rank that allows you to do quests that normal guild members aren't able to do." Makarov said.

"You mean S-Rank?" Erza injected.

"Exactly. It is meant for those with the skills to take down even the most hardest of quests. The ones were a single wrong move could kill you. But the rewards are also that much better." Makarov explained.

"Risk versus reward." Erza said.

"I see. How do I become S-rank?" Twilight asked.

"If you are either of the right age and power or if you are simply strong enough. You are the latter. You could take the quest, but that would make you isolated from your fellow guild members at a young age. Wakaba and Macao were against it. They want to grant you a new childhood in the place of your amnesia. You will get a chance later. So what will you do?" Makarov asked.

"How about I will take it at the age of ten? Then I expect to have a proper childhood and I will be ready to fight the bigger fight." Twilight proposed.

"Alright. But on the condition that you won't team up, when you go on a job." Makarov said.

"Deal. My guess is that is your only way to prevent me from destroying an entire city, yes?" Twilight said perceptive.

"That is correct." Makarov said.

"Okay. So my name is Twilight Scarlet. The adoptive sister of Erza Scarlet. I have three orbs, the Celestial orb, the Fairy orb and the Friendship orb. My current goal is to train to become a proper S-rank at the age of ten. I am unable to team up due to my already overwhelming strength." Twilight repeats for herself.

"That sounds about right." Erza said.

"So now that is out of the way. Where do I go and sleep? I have nowhere to go." Twilight said.

"I have a guest room in the guild. It is room 1 upstairs." Makarov said as he hands over the key.

"Thanks. I will search for a place to live tomorrow." Twilight said as she continues to yawn.

"I will see you later, sis. You can find me in Fairy Hills. Room 36." Erza said as she walks out of the guild hall.

"Before I go. Can you make sure that the quests I obtain has the least chance of me destroying stuff?" Twilight asked Makarov.

"Sure thing. Go and have a nice night sleep. I live on the floor also. I will come running if there is some sort of problem." Makarov reassures.

"Thanks." Twilight said as she went upstairs and into her room. She falls on the bed and falls into a deep sleep. Makarov closed the door behind her, as he sees that she has fallen asleep. A smile had spread over his face.

While Twilight was sleeping upstairs, Makarov was approached by Laxus.

"Grandfather. Who is that girl really? My dragon slaying sensors are telling me that she is not from around here." Laxus asked.

"I don't know. All I know is that something happened. Something bad. She explained that when she woke up, she found herself laying in a small crater. Alongside her orb." Makarov said unsure.

"And those orbs have weird names. Celestial, Fairy, Friendship. Celestial makes no sense unless we are talking about those keys, Fairy must be a responds of her joining our guild. But Friendship? Why Friendship?" Laxus said confused.

"Wakaba and Macao are out there looking for answers. I am sure that they will find more information about her. For now, all we can do is wait." Makarov said.

"Also I got a letter from the council to you. Something about a raid on the R-system." Laxus said as he hands the letter over.

Makarov reads the letter. He sees that the council is going to create a raid of some very high ranking council members to go raid the place. It will be a find and rescue, after that a search and destroy type mission. Makarov can only pray that they will find these young children that are held hostage. He also noticed that their guild wasn't allowed to participate, due to some conflicting demands from the council members.

As soon as he stops reading. He hears some moaning from above. It seems that Twilight was having a nightmare. Makarov sees Laxus looking worried at him. Sighing, he walks upstairs to see Twilight already awake. She was crying and had rolled into a ball. Makarov approached Twilight, she looked terrified.

"Twilight dear. What happened?" Makarov asked concerned.

"My dream was a small memory. I don't remember the details, but something went horribly wrong. I saw a flash and an explosion as my world went black. I am scared." Twilight said as she started to cry once more. Twilight was absolutely terrified.

"You are alright. You are safe now. Please don't cry." Makarov said as he tried to calm her down. It was working. Makarov was Twilight's only source of fatherly love. Meanwhile Laxus was standing in the doorway. He looks worried and sad. But that look quickly passed as he sees Twilight calm down.

"I am sorry. I am sorry. I am sorry." This was being repeated by Twilight over and over. Despite the fact that she felt safe. It didn't remove the fact that someone or something made her lose her memories. This terrified Twilight, the fact that someone can just do that was scaring her to death.

Eventually Twilight cried herself to sleep. Makarov placed her in her bed and left the room. Makarov was happy and angry at the same time. He was happy that Twilight considered this place a safe place. But angry that someone did this to her. He looks at Laxus, Laxus looked worried at Makarov.

"Perhaps the fact that she made her S-rank promotion wait, was in responds of her strong desire of family and friendship." Laxus suggests.

"Whatever the case. It was the right thing to do. I am sure that she is going to be mentally better in four years. And when that arrived, perhaps I can give her that quest." Makarov said.

"You mean the quest that takes ten years? The one that makes her search for a book across the world?" Laxus asked surprised.

"Yes. If she truly is from a different world, then some things from our world shouldn't effect her." Makarov suggested.

"That is a good point." Laxus said in thought.

"Besides, she loves adventures. It will allow her think about other things than her amnesia and past." Makarov said.

"I agree." Laxus said as he and Makarov both enter their room and drink a glass of red wine. Before going to bed.

Author's Note:

Perhaps this timeline is going to be different. Or perhaps they were going to attack the wrong R-system. Whatever is going to happen doesn't matter. It will only matter 11 years in the future.

Next up, A new home.