• Published 20th Jun 2021
  • 2,685 Views, 129 Comments

Twilight Scarlet - vincent789

  • ...

The unknown forest

Twilight woke up with an incredible headache after her magical explosion. She looks around as her body automatically stands up. She stood in a small black crater with a single orb next to her. The trees look unfamiliar as she tries her best to remember what she can. Realizing that she is unable to remember anything, she atleast picks up the orb in her hands.

Something about her having hands was unfamiliar, but she dismissed that thought. She looks at the orb, something about her told it, that it was hers. It was full of stars and a small sun. She decided to call it the Celestial orb. She did not know why she named it that exactly, but she just did.

After looking around, she remembered one thing.

"My name is Twilight... I think." Twilight said uncertain. Her memory loss was playing a massive role in her confusion.

After she placed her orb in her pocket, she looked around. She knew that forests usually held danger, but she just didn't understand anything. As she decided that moving forward is the probable best course of action, she picks herself up and headed straight. Towards a light on the other side of the forest.

As Twilight walks closer, she hears the sounds of fighting. Something about fighting was unfamiliar to her, but she once more ignored it. As she took a seat in bush to see what is going on, she sees a bunch of older man and a single red haired young child. About the same age as Twilight.

"Re-equip!" The red haired girl shouted, a bright light appeared and a sword was placed in her hand.

"Aw. Did we piss you off?" One of older man taunted as he too re-equipped as well. His sword was so much bigger and sharper than that of the little girl. The girl noticed it and started to back away, spooked.

Twilight didn't know why, but seeing her back away as the older men got closer pissed Twilight off.

'Why are they attacking a little girl?!' Twilight though as she gritted her teeth. She was starting to act as she saw her Celestial orb floating next to her. As she was temporarily confused by it, the older man struck the little girl.

"Ah!" The little girl shouted in pain. Twilight had enough as she and her orb responded by the attack.

Twilight jumps out of the bush as soon as the other older men was going to strike the girl. Twilight then automatically casted a freeze spell using her orb. Twilight didn't understand how she was able to do that, but she didn't care. That little girl was more important than her memory loss.

As the men in shock backed off, they looked at their fallen comrade. He was frozen solid. The men that was related to the frozen guy, charged Twilight. And she responded by freezing him too.

However Twilight was ambushed from her right, by a ice user. He casted an ice bolt at Twilight's direction without a chance for her to escape the attack. Instead the little girl that Twilight saved jumped in and used her blade to deflect the attack. Which caused it to hit one of his allies.

The red haired girl looks at Twilight and nods. Giving Twilight the request to freeze the remainder of the enemies. Twilight did just that. Which left a physically drained girl and Twilight on the spot.

"Thanks for the help." The red haired girl said. Twilight simply nodded in response.

Twilight was still busy looking at the men, to make sure they were out of the fight. They looked frozen solid with no sign of active fighting. This caused Twilight to relax and look at the red haired girl.

"Ah. You were checking if they were still active. They are goners. The local police force will take care of these assholes." The red haired girl said.

Twilight nodded, she wasn't sure what to say. Her amnesia made her a little shy.

The red haired girl noticed that she was waiting for her to speak first.

"So, who are you?" The red haired girl asked.

"Twilight." Twilight stated simply.

"Ah. Nice to meet you. My name is Erza." Erza said with a smile.

"Nice to meet you." Twilight responded. Her eyes were a bit glossy as she was still uncertain.

"So what are you doing here?" Erza asks curious.

"I don't know. I don't remember anything." Twilight said.

"Amnesia? I see. Well I was heading towards a place called Magnolia. Will you join me?" Erza asked.

"Sure. I don't know anything. Perhaps you could teach me." Twilight said.

"Sure. If you assist me in combat, then I will help you in return." Erza offered.

Twilight nodded in agreement. She then smiled a little. This Erza felt like a friend. Whatever a friend is anyways.

So the duo started to walk toward Magnolia. While walking Twilight got a sense as to what this place is like. Twilight saw carriages and horses, lots and lots of people. But also lots of forests. Erza held herself somewhat protective over Twilight. I guess she felt that she needed to return the favor Twilight did. Protection for a cost was something Erza tend to repeat several times.

"So why are we walking to Magnolia?" Twilight asked about halfway towards their destination.

"I want to join a certain guild at certain location." Erza said.

"What is a guild?" Twilight asked confused.

"Ah! It's a place where wizards come together. A place to work at and potentially live at." Erza said, as she remembered that Twilight has amnesia.

"What is a wizard?" Twilight asked once more.

"It is a magic user. A fighter or a healer that has magic. An entity that wishes to earn money from their ability." Erza explained.

"I see." Twilight said curious. Twilight realized that she was very likely a wizard too. But she doesn't understand why they would want to earn money from it.

"Anyways, we are almost there. My cousin told me to go there. It's a safe place that really values itself as one big family." Erza explained.

"I see. What is it's name?" Twilight asked.

"Fairy Tail." Erza said excited.

"Weird. I do have faint recollection of that name. But I do not know why." Twilight said confused.

"Well they are popular." Erza said.

"Hm." Twilight said uncertain.

"So where are we anyways?" Twilight asked after her spell of uncertainty had ended.

"This is Fiore. A place where most guilds are situated." Erza explained.

"I see. And we are heading Magnolia, which is a, city?" Twilight asked.

"Despite its size, it's closer to a village. A fishing village. It has a large church and waterways that pass through the village. Although Fairy Tail is what makes that village popular." Erza explained.

"I see." Twilight said. After that they walked through an unknown forest into Magnolia which was placed just outside the forest.

As they arrived at this good looking village. Twilight saw the guild house from across the village and noticed as they got closer, two young male children were fighting in front of it. One had pink hair, the other had gray hair. Twilight noticed that their attacks were mostly verbal.

Erza meanwhile ignored them and entered the guild house before Twilight could say anything.

"What is young child like yourself doing in here?" A older guy with a cigarette in his mouth asked.

"I want to join." Erza said.

"Aren't you bit young to join a wizards guild? Where are your parents?" A different guy with blue hair asked.

"I don't have any parents. I am an orphan. One of your guild members recommended me to join this guild." Erza said. Twilight felt a pang of pain from what she said.

"Ah. Master! We have two children that wants to join." The blue haired guy shouted.

'Wait I am joining too?' Twilight though suddenly.

An small man appeared in front of Erza and Twilight. "Nice to meet you. I am Makarov Dreyar. The headmaster of Fairy Tail." Makarov said with a big smile.

"Nice to meet you. I am Erza Scarlet. I am the one that wants to join." Erza said excited.

"I see. I heard you got recommended. By who?" Makarov asked curious.

"Rob. He died protecting me." Erza said somewhat sad.

"Rob is dead? Oh my. I will make him a gravestone later." Makarov said disappointed at the news. Makarov then turned his attention to Twilight. "And who are you?" he asked.

"I am Twilight." Twilight simply stated.

And before Makarov can ask anymore questions, Erza cuts it, "She is suffering from Amnesia. I met her on my way here." she said.

"Is that so. Poor child. Are you also interested in joining Fairy Tail?" Makarov asked worried.

Twilight looks at Erza. Erza looks back neutral. She is telling her to do whatever she wants.

"Alright. It might be smart to stay close to this place while also slowly trying to regain my memories." Twilight said nodding.

"Excellent choice!" Makarov said as he grabs his stamper.

"Where would you like the stamp, Erza?" Makarov asks.

"Right here." Erza points at her location of the heart. Makarov nods as he places the stamp right there.

"What about you, Twilight?" Makarov asked.

"What is the stamp for?" Twilight asked.

Makarov smiled, "It is to signify that you belong to our guild. On top of that, you gain a small boost in power from it. And you will get some guild specific perks. On top of that, you can take jobs at our job board with that stamp. Lastly it allows you to team up with others in the guild." he explained.

"Okay. Place it right here." Twilight points at the palm of her hand. Makarov nods as he places the stamp.

As soon as the stamp is placed, Twilight's orb levitates out of her pocket to scan the stamp. After the scan was complete, the orb generates an new orb with a fairy symbol on it. Twilight has now gained the Fairy orb.

"You are an orb user. That is quite rare." Makarov commented.

"I am not sure. When I woke up, this orb was next to me while we both laid in a small crater. I do not have any other memories as to why I was in that crater." Twilight admitted.

"I see. Well I am sure you will gain the insight of your memories over time. Well then, why don't you two introduce ourself to those meat heads outside?" Makarov asked.

"Sure." Erza said excited.

"I would rather collect myself and look around the guild a bit." Twilight said as denied Makarov's offer.

"I understand. Having amnesia must be very disorientating." Makarov said as they both notice Erza walking out to meet both of them.

Twilight took a look around the guild house. It had a large bar with lots of tables. The ceiling was tall and the structure itself was made of wood. There were also lots of large banners with Fairy Tail's symbol on it. Twilight saw, what looks like, a job board.

Curious about the job board, Twilight took a closer look. Many jobs had some kind of cool drawing and a "J" symbol. Besides the "J" symbol was a lot of numbers. After taking a look at most of them, one stood out from the others. Besides the fact that it would give a non-monetary reward, it lacked any numbers besides the "J".

Meanwhile Makarov looked at how Twilight looked curiously at the job board. His smile was sad, he could tell that Twilight remembered close to nothing. He could also tell that Twilight can't read, but she did have an incredible understanding of how to read drawings. Makarov followed Twilight's look and saw that she looked especially curious about a very certain job.

Makarov read:

A murderer is on the loose!

Help solve this case and get greatly rewarded!
Your payment will be done through non-monetary value.
Jewels: 0
Physical rewards depends on the ability of who solved it.

Twilight was about to try and grab that one when Makarov stopped her.

"You are too young. Either get a guild member to join you or leave it be." Makarov said while he shook his head. He watched as Twilight deflates and slowly made her way to one of the seats, most furthest from everyone else.

Makarov sighed, he realized that he might have been too hard. Looking around he sees Macao Conbolt and Wakaba Mine sitting there all bored. He approached the duo.

"Interested in taking a job?" Makarov asked the duo.

Macao was the first to say something, "What is up?" he asked.

"Twilight wanted to do an interesting looking job. But she is too young to do it alone. Are you interested in taking her for a spin?" Makarov asked.

Macao and Wakaba look at each other before smiling. "Sure thing. Which job?" Wakaba asked.

"The only job on the board that doesn't give any Jewels." Makarov said as he showed it to the duo.

"It does seem somewhat safe. And I am quite sure in our ability. Alright we will approach her about it." Macao said with a curious smile.

"Thank you." Makarov points at Twilight's location before he walks off to do some guild business.

"Hey." The blue haired man said to Twilight.

Twilight looks up confused and asked, "Who are you?"

"My name is Macao and that is Wakaba." Macao said as he points at his partner.

"Nice to meet you. I am Twilight." Twilight with a small smile.

"So master told us that you wanted to do this job. Why don't you join us instead?" Macao asked.

"Can I?" Twilight asked for extra confirmation.

"Of course. Just know that when taking a job as a six year old, it requires an older person with you." Wakaba points out.

"I will remember that. So what is the job?" Twilight asked.

"It seems that we are going to solve a murder mystery." Macao said while looking at the job paper.

"Sounds interesting." Wakaba said intrigued.

"Where is it?" Twilight asks.

"The job place is at the capital of Fiore. Crocus." Macao said, this caused Wakaba to look shocked at him.

"In the palace?! Who commissioned it?" Wakaba asked shocked.

"It doesn't say." Macao said, "But there is only one way to find out."

"Let's go!" Twilight said without missing a beat. Her face was smiling.

"Are you ready, Twilight? Is there any preparations you still have to make?" Wakaba asked.

"Nope!" Twilight said excited. For some reason she felt an incredible will to explore the unknown, although she herself doesn't understand why.

"Alright. Off to the capital we go. Maybe we will meet some royalty there!" Macao hoped.

The three adventures immediately departed, leaving Erza alone with two constantly fighting boys in their wake. They used the carriage system to reach it as fast as possible, while also using the train system where ever possible. No matter what they used, to two old timers could see Twilight's eyes sparkle at every kilometers walked. They would smile when that happened as they knew that was the only way Twilight could forget that she had amnesia.

Author's Note:

Okay so. I leave this chapter here. I hope you like it. I have had this book planned for a LONG time. I was just not certain when I should post it.

I also write because I get frustrated that others don't finish their work so expect this to be finished eventually.

Next up, A murder mystery.