• Published 20th Jun 2021
  • 2,686 Views, 129 Comments

Twilight Scarlet - vincent789

  • ...

A murder mystery

After a long trip, Twilight, Wakaba and Macao arrived at Fiore's capital building, Crocus. Twilight looks at it with glints in her eyes. It was an absolutely massive palace that was situated at the center of an already massive capital city. Nevertheless they had a job to do.

"Follow me Twilight. I know where the job giver is." Macao instructed, he watches as Twilight's tone did a three sixty. From happy-go-lucky to a serious look.

"Let's do this. Surely we will find out who is behind it." Twilight said as her voice sounded like a professional.

Wakaba who looks pleasantly surprised at Twilight's sudden tone shift also nods. He was going to focus more on protecting Twilight from the unknown, while Macao was only there for the ride.

As they walk into the garden they see an serious looking guard and a small girl who was crying in the back.

"Who goes there?" The guard asked.

"Members of Fairy Tail. We received an job offer to find out to truth behind someones murder." Macao explained.

"Why is there a little girl in your party?" The guard asked suspicious.

"Do worry about yourself. I can handle myself fine." Twilight said in a professional tone.

The guard nods, before walking the group towards the crime scene. Wakaba noticed a detective already on the scene. Macao immediately recognized the crying girl, it was the princess.

Ignoring the looks that Twilight was getting she asked, "Who died?"

"A close friend to the princess. She died at the age of six." The guard explained.

"Hm. What is known?" Twilight asked.

"They believe that it was a suicide. But no evidence has yet to point at that. And that is where you come in. Use your understanding of the crime scene to puzzle together what happened here." The guard explained.

"Understood." Twilight, Macao and Wakaba said.

Macao looks around at the room. It was a disaster scene. It looks like something levitated a bunch of objects into the air. But Macao wasn't here to solve it, he would leave Twilight to do that.

Wakaba also only cared about assisting Twilight with her work. "Twilight you take the lead. I will assist whenever possible." he said, Twilight nodded in response.

As Twilight looks around, she could smell fresh blood coming from the walls. This was odd as the body laid at the center of the room. Not to mention she saw a knife with blood on it next to the location of the body. It was then that Twilight realized an oddity and turned to Wakaba for help.

"Why is there a knife pointing down, with the blood at the hilt? Did she die on brute force trauma? But how could that lead to this much blood?" Twilight asked as she points at the knife.

Wakaba inspects Twilight's claim and also saw that as an oddity. He then used his smoke magic to see if it was an illusion. It was not. "I don't know. It doesn't make any sense." he said as he turns to one of the detectives.

"Can you investigate if the blood on the hilt of the knife is of the victim?" Wakaba requested, he sees as the detective nods and carefully picks up the knife, before putting it into a special blood detection system.

After a few moments, the detective returns. "It is not. Which means we have now reason to believe that she was murdered." The detective states. This shocks the other detectives in then room as they start to speculate who did it.

"Before we point fingers. Let us first get all the evidence that we are able. That way we might be able understand the motive behind it." Twilight said serious. Most detectives nods as they await more intel. Macao and Wakaba looks surprised at how easily Twilight is able to control the situation.

Twilight meanwhile looks around for more unusual things in the room. She levitates her Celestial orb in front of her and allowed it to just roam the room in search of more evidence. Until the orb stops moving and falls to the ground. Confused, Twilight approaches the location and sees something damning evidence.

"I found something. Wakaba, please use your smoke magic to remove it from the wall mirror." Twilight instructed.

Wakaba nods as he uses his magic, only to find that it doesn't work. He tried several more times, with it failing every time. Twilight quickly realized that the mirror was the cause, which caused Twilight to smash the mirror. This revealed a hidden passage.

All the detectives look shocked at the now not-so-hidden passage. They also spots a trail of blood leading further down. Everyone thought they got something until Twilight stopped them from entering.

"Wait. Something is wrong here." Twilight said as she uses her orb to stop everyone in their tracks.

"What is wrong?" Wakaba asked worried, he noticed that something had spooked Twilight.

"This blood is too old for it to be relevant. Yet something about this doesn't bode well." Twilight commented. And she wasn't wrong, as one of the detectives got closer he did notice that the blood looked rather old and odd. It also held a bluish tint, something that only monsters have.

Then something clicked in Twilight's brain, and before anyone could respond Twilight and her orb lights up.

"Celestial Beam!" Twilight shouts as a beam gets released from her orb and hitting something invisible above the detectives.

"Ka-boom!" Twilight's attack exploded in mid-air. Something which caused all the detectives to be blown away. Only for the entity that got hit to show itself.

"Very impressive. Nobody else in the room saw me. But the youngest one did, and that hurt!" The evil creature shouted in pain.

"Begone!" Twilight shouted as she charged another attack.

The creature smiled and said "No." and then he charged forward super fast. Luckily for Twilight Macao was fast enough and used his flame to block the attack. Stunning the creature for a moment.

Just enough time for Twilight's spell to be complete. Using both orbs, Twilight summons a spell she has both never heard of, as ever casted before. But at that moment it didn't matter. The spell was powerful enough however.

"Fairy Hyper Beam!" Twilight shouted as Twilight's spell hit the creature head on and as the creature screamed in agony got absolutely destroyed by it. And in common Fairy Tail fashion, she went overboard as the beam continued to strike the city up ahead. Firing a beam that even Deliora could be proud of.

Wakaba saw as Twilight's spell absolutely destroyed one third of the city in one go. He gulped as he knew that master was going to be so mad. But also at Twilight's sheer combat power, which could easily rival an S-ranked combatant. Meanwhile Twilight was continuing to try and figure out the cause of her death. It was then that she realized something.

'The walls smell like blood? Is there a body on the other side of the wall?' Twilight asked herself as she punched the wall with enough force to break it down. What she saw on the other side horrified both Twilight and her team but also the detectives.

Hundreds of children and all of them in the same condition as the original victim. All dead thanks to an unknown source, but with one difference. They all contained thousands of stab wounds, however one of those victims held a bloodied knife and the knife was pointed at the location of the original victim. Twilight brain then clicked once again.

'Knife in hand of victim, pointing at the only victim with a single confirmed stab wound? And she herself dead of blood loss? This sounds like a revenge case.' Twilight thought.

"I think she got murdered by one of these children. Most likely revenge and to prevent another death." Twilight explained.

"I think you are correct." The guard said horrified.

"God. She was this horrible? Perhaps she has more deathly weapons at home as proof." Twilight suggested.

"I agree. This couldn't have been her only weapon." Macao agreed.

"Then let's storm her home!" Wakaba said with almost glee.

"No. This is where our job ends." Twilight said somewhat disappointed, "We did our part. It is time the kingdom took action."

The guard smiles at Twilight, "I agree. You guys have done more than enough. You are lucky that it wasn't going to be in Jewels. Or we would have removed everything." he said somewhat disgruntled.

Twilight simply blushes, while Wakaba and Macao both laughed at Twilight's expense.

"I saw that you are an orb user. We have an orb we want to reward you with." The small girl said.

"Um. Who are you?" Twilight asked. This caused both Wakaba and Macao to also listen intently.

"Ah! I forgot to introduce myself. Where are my manners? My name is Hisui E. Fiore." The princess of Fiore said.

Both Macao and Wakaba mouths went agape. Twilight meanwhile didn't get it.

"I don't get it. Hisui." Twilight said oblivious.

Hisui nearly fell over in shock, but just as she was about to question Twilight, Wakaba was there quicker.

"My apologies, your highness. Twilight is suffering from amnesia and doesn't quite understand what that means." Wakaba explained quickly.

"Ah. I am sorry, Twilight. Let me explain. My father rules Fiore and I am his daughter. Which makes me the daughter to the crown. Thus royalty." Hisui explained. She hoped that was enough. It wasn't.

"What is royalty?" Twilight asked, only to be greeted by a facepalming princess.

"This could take a while." Hisui groaned. But she isn't one to give up. "Come. Let me explain it somewhere, less..." she said looking at the bodies. Twilight immediately caught the hint.

"Ah. Okay. Let's go Hisui." Twilight said as she still just used her name, not rank.

Hisui meanwhile smiled as soon as Twilight couldn't see her face. Nobody ever called her by name. They would always stick with her, because she was the princess. Twilight wasn't one of them and that made her quite happy.

"Before we go take a seat at the tea party room. I have one request." Hisui asked surprisingly shyly.

"Sure. What is it?" Twilight asked curious.

"Will you be my friend? Everyone I know, befriends me because of my rank and status. I just want a friend that doesn't treat me like that." Hisui asked, this surprised Wakaba and Macao.

Twilight meanwhile smiled, only for her smile to fade as a headache settled in. "I would love-" Twilight tried to say, but was cut off by falling unconscious due to extreme headache. As soon as Hisui saw Twilight faint, she immediately called for a medic. Hisui's face was indescribable. She was both shocked and scared.

Wakaba and Macao meanwhile did their best to calm down. This would have failed if it wasn't for Hisui being even more emotional than them. Not to mention, this was their princess. They have to be strong for her. And besides at this point they knew that Twilight was strong. This was only temporary.

Meanwhile in Twilight's mind. A strong wind was blowing. Hisui's desire to be treated as something more than just a princess sparked a memory. But due to Twilight's different shape and the fact that she is in a different dimension prevented her from seeing the memory. She could only listen to it.

"Your highness. Will you drink some tea with me?" Twilight asked, her tone was higher than our current Twilight.

"Twilight. What did I tell you about using my title?" A lovely voice spoke.

"Sorry. Old habits die hard." Twilight said in a childish tone.

"Twilight you are still just a child. That sentence only works for adult." The lovely voice said with a small giggle.

"Sorry. Cad-" Twilight's voice started to blur.

'No! Tell me more!' Our Twilight shouted.

"You will remember me, right?" The lovely voice said.

"What is that type of Question-" Twilight's voice started to slow down and disappear.

"I am your princess after all." The lovely voice ended.

"No!" Twilight shouted awake. This caused Hisui to jump. She stood besides Twilight.

"Twilight! You woke up!" Hisui shouted in happiness as she hugs Twilight.

"Ugh. My head hurts." Twilight said as she grabs her head with her hands.

"Are you alright?" A pink haired girl asked Twilight.

"Just and headache." Twilight dismisses.

"A headache that caused to sleep for three days." Wakaba added knowingly.

Twilight's eyes widen as she gasped. That dream felt like one minute. Twilight then turned to Hisui and hugged her. This surprised her.

"Of course! I do not mind being friends with you." Twilight finally finished. This caused Hisui to return the hug.

"Great!" She simply said happily.

"I know you want to explain more about royalties and stuff. But we really have to return. Master should be getting a bit worried, right about now." Twilight said.

"I understand. I will send you a letter at a different date." Hisui said in an understanding voice.

"Thanks. Perhaps you can teach me how to read then too." Twilight said.

Wakaba and Macao got closer and set something to the princess. She nodded and allowed Twilight to leave to go back home. With Twilight's new orb in tow. Twilight would get to see that orb later on. For now, Twilight has to report the damages she has caused to Makarov. Something Twilight wasn't looking forward to.

On the way back, Wakaba and Macao had a few questions.

"So Twilight. That power, did you know you had that?" Macao asked.

"I have amnesia, so no." Twilight simply answered

"Okay. So what did you dream about? You seemed rather disappointed when it ended." Wakaba asked worried.

"A old memory. Hisui must have triggered it somehow." Twilight said.

"But it was incomplete, right?" Macao asked.

"Sort of. I only remembered the talk, not the actual interaction with whoever that was." Twilight said saddened.

"Hm. But it is a start. I am sure you will eventually remember." Macao said hopeful.

"You're right. I shouldn't rush it. Perhaps more adventures could spark my memory." Twilight said curiously.

"Perhaps. But right not, you must give that report to master." Wakaba said with a somewhat cruel smile.

"Sigh. You are right. Perhaps he will forgive me, as it was my first job and I am still just a six year old girl." Twilight said hopeful.

"He will forgive you. But you will have to pay it off." Macao said.

"Impossible." Twilight said. She saw the amount, but Macao and Wakaba haven't.

"How much is it." Macao asked worried.

"A number with fifty zeros." Twilight with dead eyes.

Wakaba eyes widen and Macao nearly faints. This was the most that they have ever seen.

"They did pardon ninety five percentage as thank you for saving the princess from a demon." Twilight said with an smirk.

"Don't scare me like that!" Macao shouted. Only for his comment to be met with a wide smirk from Twilight.

"Sigh. Whatever. We have arrived." Wakaba said and just on cue, Twilight saw the guild house.

Gulping Twilight entered the guild house with the report in her hands. She looks around, she sees the pink haired boy fight with the boy with gray hair, he was actually stripping himself for some reason. Twilight couldn't care less. On Twilight's right, she saw Erza fighting with a girl with white hair. Their fight was surprisingly similar to that of those two boys.

"Is master in?" Twilight asked Laxus.

Laxus looks down and sees Twilight. "Who is asking?" he said.

"I am Twilight. I just returned from a job alongside Macao and Wakaba." Twilight said,

"I see. He is in his office. Don't forget to knock." Laxus points at the door behind the bar.

"Thanks." Twilight said as she gulped, while walking towards his office and knocks on door as soon as she arrived.

"Come in!" Makarov shouts. He watches the door open and revealing a nervous looking Twilight.

"Ah Twilight! Welcome back. How was the job?" Makarov asked.

"A lot more dark than we expected." Twilight said, "But that is not why I am here."

"Oh?" Makarov said curious.

"I have a damage report to hand in to you." Twilight said.

"Sigh. Did Macao and Wakaba go overboard?" Makarov asked disappointed.

"No. I did." Twilight admitted.

Makarov looks at Twilight with confused. He wants Twilight to continue. Twilight noticed it and gulped.

"I may have demolished one third of the capital." Twilight said. This shocked Makarov.

"How?" Makarov asked in disbelieve.

"I had to destroy a demon, so I used one of my orbs to destroy him. My beam was too strong, because after it destroyed him, it hit the city behind him." Twilight admitted.

"Destroying one third." Wakaba and Macao finished behind her.

"Sigh. Well it is Fairy Tail tradition to destroy stuff after a mission." Makarov said exhausted.

"Luckily I managed to lower the bill by ninety five per cent" Twilight said with a smile.

"From?" Makarov asked curious.

"A number that contains fifty zeros." Twilight said.

"Well done. That was too close. Now what was the non-monetary reward?" Makarov asked.

"An orb for me to use in combat." Twilight said happily.

"Great! Why don't you introduce yourself to those meat heads this time around? I have to chat with Macao and Wakaba alone." Makarov said.

"Sure!" Twilight said.

As soon as Twilight left, Makarov looked at the duo. "How strong was she?" He asked.

"S-rank quality." Wakaba said without missing a beat.

"I agree. She used only two orbs and already destroyed one third of the capital city. Who knows what more than one could do." Macao said worried.

"Impressive. I will talk to Gildarts about that. Maybe he can grant Twilight and separate S-rank exam if she really is that good." Makarov said.

"No. Don't. She will become alienated if that happens. I want her to enjoy her time as a child with amnesia for as long as possible." Macao said.

"Why?" Makarov asked curious.

"Because something tells me, that she is not from this world." Wakaba said.

Author's Note:

It seems that those around her already noticed too many oddities about Twilight.
Meanwhile Twilight will get a proper 'Childhood' in this world.

Next up, New Friends.