• Published 23rd Sep 2012
  • 2,958 Views, 281 Comments

Decretum - BlackRoseRaven

Realities, worlds, and good and evil collide, and Luna fights one last struggle to save Equestria.

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Learning, Ripening, And Growing

Chapter Nine: Learning, Ripening, And Growing

Antares Mīrus was growing up fast: by the time the foal was eight months old, he was able to string together short sentences, had learned to socialize with other foals – although many other parents in Ponyville were less than fond of Luna's constant crowing about her prodigal son – and was comfortable enough with Scarlet Sage, Fluttershy, and Celestia to spend time with them without Luna and Scrivener around. The last was particularly important, although their son's first sleepover in Ponyville with Twilight and Celestia had been incredibly stressful for Luna, who had spent the entire night worrying about her son. Antares hadn't had the best sleep himself, but he had suffered from much less separation anxiety than Luna had.

Physically, he was a little larger than the other foals his age, but only a little: what was truly remarkable about his development, however, was the fact that he already had a full set of teeth... and moreover, they were large and sharp, not a pony's teeth. They had come in almost all at once, making for a few long weeks of miserable teething for the poor infant, and it had taken a week longer than that for him to learn to be careful not to grind them or bite his tongue.

This development had twisted a sour knife into Luna's stomach, while Nightmare Moon had been subtly, cockily pleased. The only pleasure Luna took from the fact her child had Nightmare Moon's grin was when the toddler would innocently flash a big smile to a pony who wasn't aware of Antares' teeth, and then the winged unicorn would take a vindictive enjoyment in the reactions of shock that usually got. On the other hand, that could also backfire if their reactions scared or upset sensitive Antares in turn.

Antares was coming along well: Luna was halfheartedly hoping that soon, her son would no longer need to wear a diaper, since she found the whole process of changing him horrible... which made Scrivener glower at her, since he was the one who handled almost all of the diaper changes. But neither parent wanted to push him too hard: as it was, Antares was able to bounce around happily on his own, got along well with other foals, and was calm and complacent most of the time. He hated being alone, he could be a little sensitive, and he tended to sleep impulsively instead of ever adhering to any kind of nap schedule... but those were minor flaws in the otherwise wonderful character of their growing son.

The toddler was also already being tutored by Twilight Sparkle and Scrivener Blooms, and Luna had begun a daily workout regimen with the child, guiding him through simple exercises, helping strengthen his little body and prepare him for the eventual training he would receive. Both mind and body were in the process of being developed... but sometimes Luna wondered what was more important, and what filled her with more pride: seeing the way her child was learning and growing with the help of his parents and guardians, or times like now, as they sat at a playground with Rainbow Dash and his pregnant wife, Applejack smiling warmly as she rested back in a bench and gazed out over the playing foals as if already imagining her child there with the other foals and infants.

Rainbow kept nervously rubbing at Applejack's foreleg and poking at her belly, until finally Applejack half-shoved him grouchily away, and Scrivener and Luna both gave the Pegasus an entertained look before he sighed and walked over to them, rubbing at the back of his head and looking awkwardly at the charcoal stallion. “So. Fatherhood. Big stuff.”

“But more worthwhile than I can begin to express.” Scrivener replied softly, giving a small smile over at the Pegasus before he returned his eyes forwards, then reached up and absently squeezed Luna's shoulders when she began to slip towards the chatting mothers a short distance away. “No.”

“I'll be polite!” Luna complained, and Scrivener gave her a flat look, which made Luna grumble before she instead stormed past Scrivener to go and sit with Applejack on the bench, muttering moodily under her breath the whole time.

Scrivener and Rainbow were both quiet as they watched Antares and another foal converse with one another, flailing their hooves and gesturing around them, oddly reminding Scrivener of businessponies for some reason with how intent they were acting as they both bounced in the playground sand next to the jungle gym. Then he laughed to himself and shook his head slowly before turning his eyes to Rainbow, who was a little pale, awkwardly rubbing at his neck and staring blankly out over the playground.

Scrivener frowned a bit behind his glasses, and then Rainbow finally smiled dazedly at him before he said finally, weakly: “Dude, I'm scared. I was less scared of the Tyrant Wyrm than this, seriously. I mean, look at me: do I look like good father material to you? And let's not even mention the whole 'Dashie was a mare' thing before, how the hell am I going to explain that to my kid? What if the other babies make fun of him over that, I know how mean foals can be... what if I... what if I act just like my parents?”

“Alright, alright, calm down before you start hyperventilating, Dash, and listen to me.” Scrivener said softly, raising a hoof, and the Pegasus grumbled a bit before he sat back on his haunches in the grass, and Scrivener sat down beside him, reaching up to grasp his shoulder as he said softly: “First of all, look who you're married to. Applejack is going to be a great mother, you of all ponies know how important family is to her... and furthermore, that means she's not going to let you be anything but a great father. Besides, Rainbow, you're you. Just like I learned... I'm me. And I don't have to repeat the past, I... chose to be a better parent than my own were. You can do the same.”

Rainbow smiled hesitantly, nodding a little before he looked nervously over at Applejack, drawing his eyes along her pregnant frame before Scrivener continued softly: “I know... awakening, finding out... everything about yourself all over again hasn't been fun for you in particular, Dash. And both you and me are... ponies who think... far too much about the past. But what helps me is remembering that who I am now is... who I came from back then.”

Rainbow gave him a morbid look, and Scrivener shrugged, looking with entertainment at the Pegasus. “Hey, you came to me, you should know only half of what I say is going to be any help... especially since I never went through what you did. But I do know that like you, one day Luna and I are going to have to tell our son some very difficult stories about our past. Because he'll deserve to know about Nightmare Moon... because it wouldn't be safe if he didn't know.”

Now Scrivener fell quiet, looking towards his son as Antares laughed... and those sharp teeth of the foal's gleamed, as Rainbow studied Scrivener before the charcoal earth pony shook his head and said mildly: “And babies are too young to start making fun of each other until they can talk. But Ponyville's a good place, Rainbow, full of good ponies who accept one-another, even the weirdos like you and me.”

“You're... well, I guess you know you're one to talk so... shut up.” Rainbow said finally, but he shook his head with a small smile at the jibe, sighing a little. “Just worries me. I don't want my kid getting... confused or scared, you know? I want him or her or whatever it'll be to... grow up, be happy, and know that... no matter what, I'm going to be there for the little bugger. And I'm never going to let anything ever mess with him. Or her. Or it. I dunno if it's a filly or a colt yet, Applejack insisted that we wait and see.”

Scrivener smiled at this, glancing over and nudging Rainbow gently as he asked curiously: “Do you think it'll be a son or a daughter?”

“Like I care. Kid can be born a dinosaur with boobs and I'll still love him.”Rainbow paused, then he rose a hoof and bit worriedly at it, asking hesitantly: “You don't think he's going to be born all messed up, though, because of me, right?”

“You should really look into getting your anxiety meds from Zecora doubled.” Scrivener said mildly, and Rainbow shot him a sour look before the earth pony smiled and pointed at Antares. “You see my son over there? So far, the worst thing is that he has sharp teeth. He was born from the Valkyrie formerly known as Nightmare Moon, and me, who has a Tyrant Wyrm's corruption shooting around inside him still. You and Applejack are going to have a great kid. And even if it's a dinosaur with boobs, it'll still be a great kid.”

Rainbow smiled after a moment at this, and then he shook his head before punching the other stallion's shoulder gently, saying softly: “Thanks, Scrivy. You're not half-bad most of the time.”

“Glad to hear it.” Scrivener smiled back, his eyes still lingering on his child before Antares' eyes roved towards his father, and then he smiled and clambered up to his hooves, hurrying over to him as Scrivener leaned down with a warm smile. “You ready to go, little guy?”

“Ready!” Antares replied brightly, nodding a few times before he bounced on his hooves, then added excitedly: “Ice cream!”

“Yes, that's right. Off to Sugar Cube Corners for ice cream.” Scrivener said kindly, and then he laughed when Antares bounced again and looked warmly up at his father, burbling a little. “Words, kiddo. What do you want?”

“Up!” Antares declared finally, and Scrivener nodded with a smile before he reached down and easily hefted the foal up over one shoulder, Antares giggling and scrambling onto the stallion's back to complacently cling to the back of his father's head, gazing brightly back and forth.

Scrivener smiled as he glanced towards Luna as she excused herself from Applejack, and Rainbow laughed and shook his head as the winged unicorn strode by. “You two are so weird together, you know that? All... killing everything but so nice and gentle and stuff here and... well, you know. Every relationship's weird though, isn't it?”

“Pretty much. Thanks for coming out with us, Dash.” Scrivener said softly, then he leaned past to throw a wave towards Applejack, who smiled back from the bench and waved in return, then laughed as Antares waved a hoof happily as well. “We'll catch you and AJ later. Sure you don't want to come by?”

“Nah, think AJ wants to sit a little longer, then head on back to the farm and make sure Big Mac's taking his time and not trying to do all the work himself.” Rainbow replied easily, then he winked. “Do me a favor and slap Pinkamena for me. Just don't tell her you're doing it for me.”

Luna nodded cheerfully, and Scrivener sighed and gave her a dryly-amused look before the two ponies turned and headed on their way, walking into town. Ponies smiled at them as they passed, and Antares happily waved to random strangers here and there before he began to bounce excitedly when they reached the candy store, pointing at it and burbling away as Scrivener laughed and Luna grinned widely.

“The child has my tastes.” she remarked easily, then winked at Scrivener. “'Tis a good thing, too, thine own are far too horrid for a foal, after all.”

Scrivener only rolled his eyes in entertainment, not bothering to point out all the flaws in Luna's statement as they made their way inside, and Pinkie Pie glanced up before giggling brightly as she leaned over the counter, calling loudly: “Lemon Drop, company's here!”

“Sissy, be a little goddamn professional.” Pinkamena said moodily as she walked out of the kitchen, and the gray twin shook her head briskly out before sighing as her eyes flicked towards Scrivener, Luna, and Antares, the infant burbling and waving at her excitedly. “Yeah, yeah, I see you, tumor. What do you want?”

Luna and Scrivener traded amused looks, and then the stallion shifted, pulling the child off his shoulders and gently setting Antares down, and the foal happily scrambled across the floor to the glass front of the counter, giggling and shoving himself up against it as Pinkie Pie giggled herself and leaned down to stare through it with an equally rapt attention. Pinkamena looked flatly from one to the other, and then she rolled her eyes and looked at Scrivener and Luna as they approached.

She began to open her mouth, but the half-demon was cut off as the bell by the door jingled, and when Luna glanced curiously over her shoulder her eyes widened as they settled on the sight of Odin, the grizzled, graying god smiling tiredly as he carefully slipped in through the doorway. Pinkie Pie rose her head, staring in amazement, but Pinkamena only sighed, gesturing rudely over her shoulder and snapping: “Corpses come in through the kitchen for the meat pies, old-timer!”

Odin glanced up at the half-demon for a moment, and Pinkie Pie flailed a bit at Pinkamena with a wince before Pinkamena growled and shoved back at her twin sister, and for a few moments the siblings grappled before they fell over as Antares finally looked over his shoulder, then smiled at the sight of Odin and turned around, not in the slightest bit afraid of the grizzled once-god. The falcon headed entity slowly approached, walking stick tapping against the floor as the falcon-headed entity said kindly: “Brynhild, Scrivener, and Antares. It's good to see you all, out and enjoying the kind weather... it has been unseasonably summer-like for early spring, hasn't it?”

“I don't suppose thou had something to do with that as well, did thou?” Luna asked grouchily, but Odin only chuckled and shook his head slowly. “Good. But I hope thou art not here on serious business. I wish to eat ice cream and sugary treats with my family, not be dragged off upon some godforsaken quest for... whatever it is that a once-god longs for.”

“Mostly peace and quiet, and fear not, Brynhild, I know that you are the last person I should send to find me calm comforts.” Odin replied ironically, and Scrivener coughed as Luna glowered a little up at the once-god. “But well, perhaps I shall join you for one of these... so-called 'treats.' I-”

“Coming right up!” Pinkie Pie called cheerfully, bouncing up to her hooves on the other side of the counter, and there was a yell of pain and frustration as the bright pink pony looked dumbly down before wincing a little “Oops, sorry, Lemon Drop.”

Pinkie slipped carefully to the side, and Pinkamena slowly crawled up to her hooves, glaring at her twin sibling before she shook herself out with a mumble, then glowered over the counter as Antares rose a hoof at her and asked curiously: “Pink-me-nah?”

“Mind your own business, tumor.” Pinkamena mumbled, but then she sighed when the baby continued to look at her before flashing her sharp teeth in a wide grin, and Antares bounced a bit before mimicking the gesture, and Luna couldn't help but smile before Pinkamena grumbled: “Retarded little kid. And don't you get any ideas, Nightmare Moon. The only thing I like about babies is baby back ribs.”

“Retarded ribs!” Antares crowed cheerfully, and Pinkamena stared over the counter at this, then traded a look with Luna before they both threw their heads back and laughed, which made Scrivener sigh a little as he headed towards a booth, shaking his head as Pinkie Pie giggled a little herself.

Scrivener looked up in surprise as Odin joined him after a moment at the booth, the once-god slipping carefully into the seat across from him as he put his cane aside, then smiled a little at the earth pony's curious gaze. “I think the others have things under control. I would not know what to ask for, anyway... I am not used to this kind of fare.”

The earth pony smiled back before glancing up as Luna approached and slipped into the booth next to Scrivener, resting her front hooves on the table and peering almost suspiciously across at the once-god. “But I highly doubt somehow thou art here simply to mingle or to taste the fine cuisine offered in Ponyville, old cyclops.”

Odin nodded after a moment, smiling faintly before his eyes flicked to Antares as the baby bounced towards them, then stumbled and flopped over on the floor. He only giggled, though, despite the worried wince Luna tossed him, before Antares scurried back to his hooves and over to his mother, looking brightly at her as he sat back on his haunches and rose his front hooves. “Mommy, up!”

Luna smiled after a moment, then she leaned down and quietly picked the infant up, sitting him quietly in her lap and bouncing him a little as the baby burbled happily and clung up to the winged unicorn's body. As he nestled himself closer, Odin smiled a little despite himself, giving a slow shake of his head before he murmured softly: “Is it a good or bad thing that the child reminds me of some of the warriors of my own hallowed halls? I remember all too well... these grown, strong males, spending themselves in respite more wicked than battle, and ending up lounging and lax upon the bosoms of women like children at mother's teat.”

“Teat!” Antares mimicked, and Luna shot a sour look at Odin despite the fact a small smile spread over her features all the same, before the child added: “Old-win!”

“Yes, that's right, Old-win.” Odin chuckled a little, shaking his head slowly before he rose his single eye to meet Luna's own cyan irises, saying quietly: “I feel guilty and awful about this, Brynhild, but... the time has nearly come for you to journey between layers, as I have asked. I can give you two weeks to prepare, perhaps a month at most before your first task.”

Luna frowned at this, squeezing Antares close as Scrivener looked up in surprise as well, feeling the winged unicorn's usual exaggerated frustration vanishing into honest anxiety as she replied worriedly: “But... but what about my child, Odin? He is so young, so much more vulnerable than I had thought, I... he needs his parents. It has been hard enough leaving him for a single night, and thou expects me to be away for... for weeks at a time now?

“Brynhild, calm down now, alright?” Odin said gently, raising his gloved hands, and Luna grimaced a little before nodding hesitantly as Odin continued quietly: “That is part of why I have come now. To give you time to prepare to leave, both physically and emotionally. And because I would like to offer my help... would it soothe you if perhaps, with Freya's help, I helped to teach Antares over the course of the week or so you'll be gone?”

“I... do not know. Does thou plan to molest or kill him?” Luna asked waspishly, and when Odin only gave her a dry look, she blushed a little and shrank her head back, grumbling: “I am a concerned mother and thou art less of a beloved uncle and more of a... grumpy old lecher.”

“Grumpy, yes, but we've been over the fact I'm far too old for lechery several times now.” Odin replied tiredly, and Luna grumbled and fidgeted a bit on the spot before the grizzled once-god finally shook his head and said quietly: “I would not train him without Freya being present. Or Twilight Sparkle, the woman you're so fond of.”

“Mare. She is a mare, I am a mare, Scrivener Blooms is a stallion. Can thou not fathom that? Thou art the one who claims to have been so fond of horses.” Luna retorted, and Odin leaned back moodily before he glanced to the side in surprise as Pinkie Pie bounced in and cheerfully tossed several large bowls of multicolored ice cream out onto the table, Antares burbling happily and flailing his hooves around warmly.

A moment later, Pinkamena joined them with a sigh as well, putting out two large bottles of flavored syrup before she jerked her head at the tray of drinks balanced on her back, and Pinkie Pie giggled as she quickly passed the drinks out, not seeming to even need to look to slide the right drink to the right person: cola for Luna and Scrivener, one with ice and one without, a milkshake for Antares with a brightly-colored straw, and a fruit smoothie for Odin. He looked meditatively down at this as it slid in front of him next to the bowl of plainer vanilla ice cream she had also given him, and then Pinkie Pie said brightly: “Anything else you need, just let us know!”

“Yeah, I'm sure we'll both get right on it.” Pinkamena grumbled moodily, and then she winced when Pinkie Pie grabbed her and shook her anxiously, the half-demon sighing and shoving her twin away. “Knock it off, sissy!”

“But that's like, Odin.” Pinkie Pie whispered loudly, the once-god visibly doing his best to ignore the two as he awkwardly picked up his spoon and poked at the ice cream a little. “We gotta be polite, right?”

“Yeah, that's not really my thing.” Pinkamena said grumpily, and then she shoved her twin sister away before the half-demon turned, adding loudly over her shoulder: “If you need anything, just ask the suck-up. I'm going to go take a nap.”

“I'm not a suck-up, and we're not done work yet!” Pinkie Pie complained, bouncing after her sibling, and Odin looked mildly over at Luna as the winged unicorn grinned despite herself, as Antares burbled in her lap and then reached forwards to paw at his bowl of ice cream.

Then Luna sighed a little as her smile toned down, and she looked silently at her foal as her horn glowed, a telekinetic aura surrounding the spoon sticking out of the smaller bowl of ice cream. It carefully scooped up a bit of the frozen treat, then twisted towards Antares, and the foal burbled quietly again before opening his mouth wide to accept the food as Luna murmured: “Very well, Odin. But I wish to know exactly what thou plans to teach my child... and moreover, I wish to be there for the first few sessions, before we leave for... for a week.”

Luna closed her eyes as Scrivener reached up and squeezed her shoulder gently, and then the winged unicorn grumbled and shook her head hurriedly out, clearing it as she looked back up at the falcon-headed once-god. Odin, however, only smiled a little over at her in return, nodding slowly as he said quietly: “That's fine and perfectly fair, Brynhild. I will be returning to Valhalla today, to take care of some business... but then I will be leaving it in the stewardship of Kvasir and Sleipnir and take some time to spend here, in Ponyville. I have already acquired lodgings at the Nibelung barracks...”

“That is ridiculous, thou may stay at our cottage whilst we are not using it.” Luna said grouchily, waving a hoof grumpily, and Odin looked surprised before the winged unicorn glared at him even as she carefully fed another spoonful of ice cream to Antares. “But know this, Odin. If thou roots through my things or damages any of my valuables, I shall know and I shall break thy old bird bones for it.”

“Bird!” Antares said cheerfully, and then he leaned forwards, slurping loudly from the spoon. “Cream!”

Odin looked curiously at Luna, but she quickly shook her head and waved a hoof grumpily, changing subjects as she asked moodily: “How long shall we have between missions, Odin? I do not wish to be there a week, gone a week. 'Twill be too much time lumped too close together away from my sweet child.”

“It is important we act quickly, but not hastily.” Odin replied quietly, and when Luna glowered at him, he sighed and answered in a drier voice: “While you'll have to spend around a week in the layer while the Bifrost regenerates, we can afford a month or more after the anchor is planted before I'll send you on another journey. As more anchors are placed as well, the gaps can be widened, as the threat to the key world will diminish.

“And on that note, regarding the shapeshifting entities you encountered several months ago...” Scrivener and Luna both sat up, and Antares seemed to pick up on this as he looked curiously up from his ice cream. “I believe similar entities were sighted in another layer. I have contacts throughout many of the different worlds, you see... it does not pay to stay uninformed, no matter how much my focus is on... certain worlds, and certain people within those worlds.”

He smiled a little at Luna, but she only grumbled in return before the once-god shook his head and continued in a softer voice: “I wish to avoid causing unnecessary alarm, Brynhild. These entities... they may not be anything more than slivers of chaotic or destructive essence given form and life, from the fluctuation and violent collapse of so many layers, from... all of the tampering Valthrudnir and others have done. New times give rise to new life, good and bad alike: Nightmares did not exist before ponies, after all, but came into being some time after.

“I would like to say that in the beginning there were only the gods, but that would be a lie, fair Brynhild: before the gods came the Jötnar. Their existence alone was enough to influence the creation of new beings... as did their death. Valthrudnir was a powerful Jötnar: powerful enough he nearly conquered his own destruction, as you are both well aware.” Odin was quiet for a moment, Scrivener Blooms glancing away as Luna frowned a little. “It is not impossible that his echoing will influenced reality enough to... create these slivers, these... these mindless drones. Drones that now seek to carry out the one thing he always strove to do: destroy everything he deemed 'imperfect.'”

Luna and Scrivener regarded Odin silently, and then the charcoal earth pony smiled faintly before he spoke up, asking quietly: “Then what about the fact that one of them seemed to be specifically hunting certain ponies at the Northedge Strait?”

“Thankfully, that question is easier to answer than it may seem at first.” Odin replied, smiling a little in return. “Valthrudnir himself always took especial interest in certain beings... among them, yourself and Brynhild. It's possible that these were ponies who, in other world, their reflections carried a significant weight or strength... or maybe they even just bore a passing resemblance to yourself, or Brynhild. Something that drew the drone's attention. That awoke whatever vestiges of Valthrudnir's will that may have existed inside it.

“But my advice on this subject is to avoid letting it consume your thoughts. I am not saying they are not dangerous, but that they are not so great a threat we need to concern ourselves with them, not unless they begin to appear in great number. They may only be the last shattered pieces of a defeated Jötnar's final desires: if, however, you encounter more of them in other layers you visit – and judging by how they were drawn to you in this layer of reality just by your presence alone, the energies emitted from the Bifrost should draw them like moths to a flame if they are there – then let me know, and we will consider our other options and actions.” Odin said calmly, nodding once, and Scrivener and Luna both nodded hesitantly back.

They fell silent as Odin carefully swirled his ice cream, and then he hesitantly scooped up some of the slightly-melted food and tasted it. For a few moments, he looked undecided, then he winced a little and rubbed at his face, muttering: “It's like frozen sugar.”

“'Tis why it's so wonderful.” Luna nodded firmly, and Odin rolled his eye before he picked up the smoothie, sipping moodily at this, then looking a little pacified as he clicked his beak lightly before the winged unicorn added mildly: “Strange to see thou eating our fare, though. I thought thou wert all masculine and mighty?”

Odin didn't reply, only sipping slowly at his smoothie as he swirled his ice cream in front of him, and Luna smiled before she went back to feeding Antares, the baby bouncing a bit as she patiently fed him, wiping up a bit of drool and dribbling ice cream every so often from his face. Scrivener ate his own slowly... and then he smiled when Luna nudged him gently, slipping Antares to him so he could continue to feed the foal and she could eat some of her own melting ice cream after drowning it in chocolate and strawberry syrup.

After some ten minutes had passed, Odin finally dug in his jacket and removed a handful of coins, picking through them and saying mildly: “I share Kvasir's contempt and confusion over the form of currency ponies use. Especially because I'm not quite sure why economics are so important to your society.”

“Economics are important to any society, Odin... at least, any society that has developed minds.” Luna replied dryly, then she leaned back and added contritely: “Celestia was a mercenary before she was a princess, I shall have thee know.”

“She was confused. And she did not work for money, she sought information, as I recall. I have kept my eye on you and many other events for many years, Brynhild.” Odin replied dryly, and then he glanced down at the coins in his hand, jingling them slowly before finally putting them all down and muttering: “A tip for the perky pink pony, perhaps. Or the half-demon, mouthy as she is. Reminds me of Goll. She was always loud.”

Luna snorted in amusement at this, leaning back in her bench seat and grinning widely as Scrivener looked up curiously. “It says something about thee, Odin, that so few of the Valkyries actually liked thee. Oh, respected what thou could do, sure. But as a person, leader, or anything else? Not so much, as I recall.”

“Thank you for that reminder, Brynhild.” Odin said tiredly, and then he slipped carefully out of his seat and picked up his cane, grimacing a little as he rubbed at one shoulder. “I'll see you in two weeks' time. Architect Greece already has the transport you'll be using readied, and the Enchanters are putting the finishing touches on the anchor as we speak. I've asked him to help you with any supplies you might need... remember, you'll need to survive for a week in places that will not... always be hospitable to your presence.”

He looked at them for a few moments, then paused before leaning forwards over the table, adding pointedly: “And I must also remind you to keep your presence as quiet as possible. Other ponies may not react well to you, Brynhild, especially if the pony known as Luna already exists in that particular layer.”

“Yes, yes, yes.” Luna said grouchily, waving a hoof at him, and Antares babbled as he mimicked the gesture as Scrivener tried to feed him, the stallion wincing a bit. “Begone, cyclops.”

“Gone, clops... Old-win!” Antares agreed, and Odin sighed a little, but smiled wryly before he reached past Luna to ruffle the foal's mane, making him giggle as Luna shot a scathing look up at the once-god.

Odin ignored this, however, nodding courteously to Scrivener Blooms before he turned and calmly made his way towards the exit, and Luna leaned out of the booth to watch him leave before she sighed and grumbled under her breath, turning her attention back towards Scrivener and complaining: “'Tis unfair, Scrivy. We have done so much for this world, have we not? For all the layers, in fact. And now I am going to miss weeks of my child's life... and that is no short time when he is not even a year old!”

“It's alright, Luna. Remember, we talked about this... we knew it was going to happen, that's why we even started getting Antares used to not having us around.” Scrivener soothed gently, and then he looked down as Antares shoved away the spoon, smiling a little as the foal reached for his milkshake and babbled. “Hey, kiddo, words. Use your words, remember?”

Antares burbled in response, looking a little frustrated, likely from the combination of sugar and not napping, before he finally managed to blurt: “Drink!”

“Drink please, kiddo. Manners are what separate from the beasts like Luna and Pinkamena.” Scrivener said kindly, and then he winced when Luna punched him in the shoulder with a huff before the stallion reached down and gently cradled the milkshake, sliding it close as Antares settled his jaws around the straw and suckled back greedily. Scrivener smiled despite himself, tipping the cup a little so the child would avoid inhaling too much air before he turned his eyes to Luna, continuing as if he'd never left off: “Think of it this way. There aren't too many anchors we'll have to place, and we can space out the placement over what sounds like... maybe a year, maybe longer. Yeah, this first trip is going to be especially hard, but... by doing it now, we're making sure the layers are safer, that everypony in them – including our son – will be safer... and that we won't have to do all this all over again. Maybe we'll even get a few years to rest afterwards, before something new goes horribly wrong.”

“Aye, that would be nice.” Luna said meditatively, looking down before she sighed and nodded, murmuring: “Still. At times like these I wish almost that I was normally. Or just a little more self-centered... but more than Odin, my conscience nags at me, Scrivy. We... how much of this is our fault? If what Odin suggested is true, then are not the creation of these splinters upon our heads as well as-”

“Let's not go down that road, Luna.” Scrivener said gently, looking at her compassionately, and Luna smiled faintly at him as she shifted awkwardly before the stallion carefully pulled the mostly-empty milkshake away from the foal, Antares burbling and flailing a bit before Scrivener carefully raised the baby to burp him. “I know... I know it's frustrating and upsetting, but I just think of what Valthrudnir would have done if he'd survived somehow or another... and well, we'd be dead, and by now he might have been able to work his way through the layers towards the core world.”

Luna nodded slowly at this, and then she sighed a little as she dropped her head against his shoulder, muttering: “Aye, that is sadly true.” She paused, then smiled a bit as Antares burped quietly before the foal burbled as Scrivy carefully put the child down between them, but immediately he began to wriggle forwards, slipping his way down to the ground and giggling beneath the table before he scurried off into the interior of Sugar Cube Corners, both gazing quietly after him.

Pinkie Pie laughed and happily bounced around the counter, and Antares giggled and bounced cheerfully along with her before Luna called quietly: “Not too fast now, the child just finished eating.”

Scrivener smiled a little at Luna, leaning over to kiss her cheek quietly, and Luna fidgeted a bit before she gazed radiantly at the male, nodding slowly once and saying softly: “Nay, thou thinks too greatly of me. I am only... doing what little I can, and hoping for the best. I only feel fortunate that Antares Mīrus is so... so wonderfully-tempered, such a good child. 'Tis amazing, Scrivener. He is a perfect little foal and we are two awful, awful ponies.”

“Yeah, I think Rainbow said that already, though.” Scrivener said mildly, and then he glanced up curiously as Pinkamena slid into the other side of the booth, brushing the half-eaten bowl of ice cream and empty smoothie glass aside. “I thought you were having a nap.”

“I did.” Pinkamena said shortly, and then she asked mildly: “So you two are leaving and stuff, huh? Some mission for old one-eye?”

Luna nodded after a moment, replying quietly: “Aye. I do not look forwards to it... it will be a long, miserable week without my child in easy reach. It will be made more-frustrating still by the fact I doubt it will be a simple task to summon the Bifrost from the layers we visit... 'tis not a fun task to summon a giant rainbow bridge.”

“But you've been in other layers before, yeah? What's it like?” Pinkamena asked curiously, leaning forwards before a slight grin spread over her face. “Do copies of us really exist in other layers? Because if you could find me a quieter version of sissy I'll kill this one and you can bring me the replacement.”

“Hey!” Pinkie Pie looked up with a huff, but Pinkamena only blew her a raspberry, and the bright pink pony pouted for a moment before she returned her eyes to Antares and giggled as Antares flopped onto his back and pawed his hooves at the air.

A moment later, Pinkie Pie did the same, laughing, and Pinkamena looked sourly at this sight before she sighed and drew her eyes to Luna and Scrivener as the two smiled. “You know, I never pictured you as baby people. Or being good with kids. Don't get me wrong, you did fine with that adopted daughter of yours, but... that was different. She's weird, like us. Kid over there is kinda weird too, but... not the way we are. Well, except for his teeth and all.”

She paused thoughtfully at this, then propped a hoof under her muzzle before she asked almost offhandedly: “Can I come with you two?”

Luna and Scrivener both looked surprised at this, glancing curiously towards Pinkamena, and Pinkamena looked moodily back before she said irritably: “You're doing that thing where you two get the same stupid look on your stupid faces.”

Scrivener sighed and dropped his face against a hoof as Luna glared at the half-demon, then she said irritably: “Yes, this makes me eager to permit thee to come with us.” She paused, hesitating for a few long moments before adding in a softer voice: “But the answer, for this time, is no. I... I need thou here, Pinkamena. Twilight is too uncomfortable with my darker allies to hold palaver with them, but they respect and will listen to thee. I... I fear greatly that while I am away from home, Antares could be endangered. Thou... art one of the few ponies I would entrust my son's life to.”

Pinkamena's eyes softened at this even as she maintained her sharp grin, but before the half-demon could speak, Luna added quietly: “But, if all goes well... then perhaps on the next journey thou can come with us. And should Odin complain I shall merely pummel him.”

“Good.” Pinkamena grunted, sitting back and nodding firmly once. “Getting bored around here. Sissy keeps complaining about our new inventory, anyway.”

“Well, yeah. Your treats were great for Nightmare Night and all, but uh. 'Pony Pies,' 'Coffin Cakes' and all those other horrible things you made look really awkward sitting next to the cupcakes and the cookies and all the normal stuff we sell.” Pinkie Pie said delicately from where she was still laying on her back, and Pinkamena scowled at her, crossing her forelegs before Pinkie winced and bounced upside-down in a half-circle to face her sister, Antares giggling and trying to mimic this impossible motion. “No, no, no, I don't mean they're bad, they're really good, but they're... a little... scary?”

“Then let me set up my own section of the shop, and we'll see who outsells who, sissy.” Pinkamena argued, and then she huffed before sliding out of the booth, storming over to the counter and yanking a box out as she muttered: “Scary... I'll show you scary... just wait until you see my next idea... if I have to run a goddamn candy store I'm going to make goddamn treats that I goddamn like, goddammit...”

“Ga-damn!” Antares said cheerfully, and Luna coughed violently as Scrivener glared towards Pinkamena, but the half-demon only snorted even as Pinkie Pie winced and tipped over onto her side. “Ga-damn Pink-me-nah!”

“That's right, kid, goddamn Pinkamena. You ain't got no clue how true that is.” Pinkamena muttered as she shoved treats into the box, and then she looked up and added loudly: “I'm making the cake for his birthday party in a few months.”

Pinkie Pie looked up at this in shock, then she rolled to her hooves and popped up onto them, glaring across at Pinkamena. “Now you're just being greedy! You got to make the cake for Applejack's baby shower, too!”

The half-demon snorted at this, nodding as she closed the box of treats and said flatly: “Because somepony decided she had to be little miss party popper, right? So I had to make the cake, and about a dozen of the other treats there. I do my job. Do you even have a job?”

Pinkie Pie grumbled a little at this, sniffling once, and Pinkamena sighed before she rolled her eyes, saying moodily: “Alright, alright. Fine. We'll split the work. I'll design the cake, we can bake it together, you can decorate it however you want. Deal?”

“Deal.” Pinkie Pie brightened, looking warmly up at Pinkamena, and the half-demon grumbled before Luna and Scrivener slipped out of their seat, the bright pony's eyes looking towards them with a smile. “We'll make it real good, you'll see!”

“Of course. I have absolute faith in both of thee, however crazy thou and thy sister may be at times.” Luna said kindly, and Pinkie Pie giggled before the winged unicorn gazed down at Antares, who was still pawing at the air but looked as if he was having trouble staying awake. “But it seems as if this is our cue to leave. Our child requires a nap, and Scrivener Blooms and I must attend to the first preparations for our coming trip.”

The Pink Twins nodded, and then Pinkamena shoved the box across the counter, saying mildly: “Here, on the house as always. Since you two at least seem to appreciate my treats.”

“Who doesn't like eating body parts made out of sugar?” Scrivener asked blandly, and Pinkamena grunted and nodded as Pinkie Pie smiled and shook her head. The charcoal stallion traded a glance with Luna, and then he smiled and nodded when the winged unicorn made her way over to take the box, Scrivener reaching down and gently lifting Antares up onto his back before Luna flicked her horn, and a glowing rope of ivy twisted gently around father and son, holding the child gingerly in place as Antares shifted and burbled as he naturally clung to the back of the stallion's neck. “Thanks, you two. We appreciate it.”

“Anytime. Come back soon, huh?” Pinkie Pie called warmly as the two turned to go, and Pinkamena grunted as she waved at their backs, giving a small smile from behind the curtain of her mane.

Luna and Scrivener strode calmly out into daylit Ponyville, and the two traded a look as Antares shifted a bit on Scrivy's back before Luna grunted and nodded, saying finally: “Aye, thou has a point. Much as I do wish to visit Twilight Sparkle, poor Antares needs his rest. And besides, I am sure Celestia is keeping our poor mare busy. For all her improvements, big sister still works far too hard. We should burn down the Temple of the Sun to give her a vacation.”

Scrivener sighed, rolling his eyes before his eyes flicked towards the distance, and Luna followed his gaze after a moment before she smiled a little, the two looking at the faintly-visible ivory towers of Canterlot. The castle and city had been nothing but ruins before when they had first entered this layer... but now, much of the foundation of the ancient and beautiful area had been rebuilt, and the buildings were steadily being repaired and fortified, restored to the glory they had perhaps once known in that brief time in this layer when the tribes had attempted to unite.

When Canterlot was finally repaired, it would once more be the capitol of Equestria: sure, few ponies still knew the truth of what had happened, of the struggles that had led to Ragnarok... but they all remembered Canterlot, and the shining beacon it had once been. For a few moments, the two were quiet... and then Luna finally laughed and shook her head, turning away as she said softly: “But it is strange, Scrivy. I do not think that big sister has... any intent to honestly move back there. As it is, I never expected her to stay in Ponyville, but... she has found a new dedication. She is truly mending her old ways, closing the circle. I am so proud of her...”

Scrivener smiled at Luna, and Luna smiled back after a moment before she turned her gaze ahead, walking quietly onwards to the city gates. As always, the Nibelung saluted and greeted them warmly, and they both nodded back before one of the dwarves pointed out into the field, and Luna cocked her head curiously before she stepped outside... and laughed at the sight of Fluttershy, Scarlet Sage, and a few other familiar ponies feeding a small herd of Phooka.

Luna grinned, unable to help herself from approaching as Scrivener followed, and the strange, dark entities glanced up from where they were eating berries and milk from the large tubs. Scarlet Sage blushed a bit at the sight of her parents, but it was a warm look as Fluttershy gazed almost shyly at them. “Oh, hello. It's nice to see you both, Luna, Scrivener...”

“And 'tis nice and admittedly rather curious to see thee out here, Fluttershy, feeding the Phooka like so.” Luna said kindly, tilting her head curiously before she glanced towards her helpers with a grin: Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle. “Didst thou not all earn thine emblems a long time ago now? Or do thee fancy on trying to change them to matching symbols of Phooka? Then again, I cannot complain against the idea of having a black horse upon one's flank...”

“Mom!” Scarlet turned beet-red as the other mares blushed, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom both giggling as Fluttershy looked half-imploringly at Luna.

Luna only grinned in return, however, then she drew her eyes over the Phooka, smiling at them: there were at least seven, sharing two tubs. They looked both animal and civilized all at once... and the winged unicorn couldn't help but laugh quietly before she murmured: “Silly beasts. One day thou shalt forget thou once lived in the deepest, darkest parts of the forest... but thy kind has had much more time and freedom to multiply here, have thee not?”

“They're very friendly. I know some ponies are still a little scared of them, though, but that's why I'm trying to introduce them a little more, make it clear they're not a threat. Oh, sure, they like to be a little mischievous sometimes, but... not in a bad way. It's all very different from how it was in old Equestria.” Fluttershy said softly, gazing over them before one of the Phooka slipped back from the tub to walk over to her and drop beside her, closing its green-fire eyes. The blonde Pegasus smiled down at this, then reached down and silently stroked through its smoky mane, murmuring: “It's funny what we become given the right or wrong influences, isn't it?”

“Aye. Fluttershy... I cannot thank thee enough for this kindness.” Luna said gently, and the Pegasus looked up in surprise before the winged unicorn smiled faintly, leaning forwards and saying softly: “Without thou... pushing so hard to be so good to the Phooka, to show other ponies that these creatures are not to be feared, mean no harm... I do not wish to think of what would have happened if there were not a pony like thee encouraging them to treat these dark, once-feared beings with respect.”

Fluttershy smiled faintly at this, shaking her head slowly before she looked softly down at the Phooka beside her, stroking quietly along the back of its neck before she said gently: “But it's selfish, really... because they make me feel safe, and... they remind me of me.” She smiled more at this, glancing up as the others looked surprised, Scrivener and Luna both tilting their heads curiously. “The way they acted... was because they were being influenced by darkness. But now they're free of that, and they can be themselves. It makes me think of how I was, trapped by the past, by my mother... but now I'm free. Now I can feel more confident, and know that... my friends are always beside me, there to help me. And that no matter what happens... she can't hurt me anymore, because she's... at peace.”

“Yeah.” Scrivener said quietly, trading a look with Luna before their eyes returned to Fluttershy, but the Pegasus only smiled at them again before she bowed her head forwards, and the male hesitated for a few long moments before he smiled a little, glancing towards Scarlet Sage. “Well... I'm glad you're both here. Luna and I have been asked by Odin to prepare for that journey to the other layers. We have a few weeks to prepare, but... obviously we won't be taking Antares with us, so...”

“I'd be glad to help look after him.” Fluttershy gave a soft laugh, bowing her head to the two, and Scrivener and Luna both looked gratefully at her before the Pegasus glanced over her shoulder at the group of young mares. “After all, I've got these young friends to help me with the few chores around Ponyville I take care of.”

The Crusaders nodded with warm smiles, and Scarlet Sage smiled before she said: “I'll come and help you get ready, then. You don't mind if I cut a little early, right guys?”

“Nah, we finished all the work, anyway. Maybe I'll walk with you, though.” Apple Bloom smiled a bit, and Scarlet Sage gazed warmly at her friend as Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo traded looks that were both exasperated and amused. Apple Bloom caught this at the edge of her vision, and then she huffed at the two, saying flatly: “I'll just be gone for a little while, I ain't abandoning you two.”

“Yeah, yeah.” Scootaloo grinned, though, the athletic mare shaking her head before she winked at Sweetie Belle, asking mildly: “You think she's ever going to catch on?”

Sweetie Belle just laughed and shook her head as Apple Bloom and Scarlet Sage both looked confused, and Fluttershy sighed a bit as Luna grinned widely. But surprisingly, the sapphire mare managed to keep her mouth shut on the subject, instead saying courteously: “Then come, let's move along home. 'Twas good to see thee, Fluttershy, Crusaders.”

The ponies traded goodbyes as they broke off into two groups, and Scrivener and Luna traded a smile between themselves as they started down the path towards the Everfree Forest and their home within, Scarlet Sage and Apple Bloom trailing behind them and already chatting animatedly away between themselves. And on Scrivener's back, Antares burbled quietly, snuggling his head deeper into his father's mane and seeming to smile wider as if soothed by the comfort of the warm emotions around him.

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