• Published 23rd Sep 2012
  • 2,958 Views, 281 Comments

Decretum - BlackRoseRaven

Realities, worlds, and good and evil collide, and Luna fights one last struggle to save Equestria.

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Chapter Sixty Two: Condolences

Scrivener and Luna were still in Ponyville the next day: Twilight had brought Antares in, but for now, Celestia had agreed to look after her nephew and his friend, Avalon, while Cowlick called a meeting at her engineering facility. The charcoal stallion was trying to prepare himself for what he knew they were going to undoubtedly bring up the moment they had the chance: the visions he'd had on Beauty's death. And what he thought made it particularly frustrating was not only the lack of sleep, but also the fact he knew that he had no right to keep the story from any of them... and especially not from Rarity and Spike.

All the same, the earth pony grumbled moodily as they approached the building, and Luna gave her husband an amused look before she said mildly: “I do enjoy that at least thou art back to complaining and whining. Although I think 'tis ridiculous that thou art complaining about this of all things instead of... well...”

Luna flinched a bit, shifting awkwardly as Scrivener Blooms gave her a soft look, and then she shook her head quickly, muttering: “Ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous. 'Tis stupid, is what it is. I cannot understand the way thy mind and emotions work, or how thou can be so whiny about things and yet handle.... and yet...”

She grimaced and looked down, and Scrivener gazed at her softly before she glowered a bit as her eyes flicked up, saying moodily: “Our link may still be static-riddled, Scrivy, but I swear to Odin's hideous visage that if thou art feeling pity for me, I shall pummel thee into the ground.”

“Don't worry, Luna, I'm sure it's all just self-pity and vindictiveness.” Scrivener replied softly after a moment, and Luna grumbled at him before she nodded and turned towards him, burying her face against his neck as Scrivener closed his eyes and murmured: “You're my anchor. You're everything that means anything. I have to stay alive for you... I have to stay on my hooves for Twilight... I have to be there to protect our son.”

The sapphire mare nodded against him and mumbled a little as they headed to the doors, and Luna's horn glowed to throw them open and almost knock over a pony standing just inside, Rainbow Dash wincing and staggering out of the way before he glared at them as Scrivener looked at the Pegasus lamely and Luna only huffed. “Well then thou should not have been standing by the door!”

She sniffed and rose her head, then grumbled as she glowered over the others present in the lobby: Soarin', Cowlick, and a secretary who was trying to awkwardly hide behind her desk. Luna ignored the last, her eyes roving instead between the two Pegasi and the earth pony in front of her, before Cowlick said moodily: “Anyway, we talked enough for now, get outta here. I gotta talk to Luna and Scrivy alone... hey, Weaver, take these guys upstairs!”

The secretary looked up awkwardly from her desk, then nodded as Rainbow Dash looked curiously at Cowlick, but she only grunted and waved a hoof grouchily. “Don't you even start. One last piece of advice though, Soarin'. If you want something, just go for it. You can learn a lot about that from these two, actually... then again, pretty sure Scrivener's gayer than you are. Just look what he's married to.”

Luna scowled as Scrivener looked meditatively across at the engineer, and then she paused and asked inquisitively. “Hey, in all seriousness, Scrivy, you ever put your dipstick in-”

“He gets touchy when you ask him about that, Cowlick.” Rainbow interrupted, and then he leaned over and whispered something in Cowlick's ear, and the earth pony engineer stared, then threw her head back and laughed as Luna and Scrivener only looked at her sourly.

“Yeah, I bet! Oh, that is sick and horrible but worth a giggle. Okay, okay, Soarin', Rainbow, get the hell out of here, Weaver will show you the way.” She smiled amusedly over her shoulder, shaking her head slowly. “And stay away from that bastard Sleipnir, don't let him go seducing you now. I admit he almost cajoled me into bed with him but then I thought about how he's probably got every STD known to ponykind and then some.”

“He does not! Sleipnir is very clean.” Luna paused for a moment, then she added with a grumble: “That, and the idiot has never gotten sick in his accursed life. Apparently mother nature coddles him so much he cannot even catch a silly cold.”

“Yeah, well, you can be immune to something and still be a carrier. I like my genitals wart-free, thank you very much.” Cowlick replied dryly, and Soarin' and Rainbow both reared back with winces before the engineer glared over her shoulder at them. “Oh, stop behaving like little boys. Now get.”

The Pegasi both nodded, Rainbow grumbling and Soarin' smiling awkwardly before they both turned to follow the secretary out. Cowlick watched the door swing shut before she glanced back and forth to make sure they were alone, and then she looked ahead and met Scrivener's eyes, saying quietly: “I heard about what was going on, Scrivy. I'm sorry. If there's anything I can do for you...”

“I've got a long time left yet.” Scrivener replied quietly, but Cowlick only gave him a faint smile in return, shaking her head slowly.

“Now don't you start that bull with me, you hear? My daddy... he died of cancer, you know.” Cowlick said quietly, and Scrivener and Luna both glanced up in surprise at this volunteered information: after all, Cowlick talked about her past even less than Scrivener talked about his own. “Right here.”

She reached a hoof up, touching her stomach and shaking her head slowly. “My dad was a great stallion and tough as nails, but... god, I wish still some days when I think about it he had just given up. Started here... caught it about stage two... went in cutting and slicing and they missed a single batch of cells. So it spread all through him again in a year, and this time it made its way into his bones and his heart.

“I watched my dad die for seven years. This brilliant and stubborn stallion, I watched him die for seven long years, and back then? The time seemed to just drag on by. But in reality? It was too short. I look back every day and realize those slow seconds were a blessing, even though I had to look at this stallion who... who wouldn't use a wheelchair, who survived more than twice as long as the doctors expected him to but at a cost I can't begin to describe to himself, and whose dying words ended up being 'go ahead and fix the oscillator.' Just like you, Scrivy. Stubborn, focused on everything but himself, and for all his brainpower real goddamn stupid.”

Cowlick closed her eyes and shook her head out fiercely, and then she looked up, forcing a smile. “Yeah. Wasn't exactly the greatest time I had at my apprenticeship with all that crap going on, but... I pushed through anyway. That's what my daddy taught me, and that it doesn't matter what anyone else says or tells you if you got the idea in your head and you know you're right. They said he'd die in a few years, and he'd die faster if he kept refusing to do all the stuff they told him to. But he knew better than they did about his body and his spirit, and he pushed through. But the time was still too goddamn short... he was still hurt, hurt to the core. And he didn't do it for himself.”

Cowlick shook her head slowly. “He did it for Momma. He did it for me. And it kills me to think of that now, to understand that the stupid, stupid jerk could have been out there, fulfilling his literal death wishes, and instead he stayed home and... looked after us. Funny, thinking that: daddy, dying of cancer in the next room, and yet... even on the bad days, when I was there at home, supposed to be taking care of him, I'd get up, go to the kitchen, find my tools polished or food laid out or just that things looked different, and I'd realize daddy had yanked himself out of his bed at some point, dragged himself down the hall, and done this. Horses of Heaven I'd get so mad at him but...”

The earth pony mare halted, then she looked up and across at Scrivener silently. “But I've said enough, enough that even you should get this through your stupid goddamn head. Do stuff for yourself, Scrivener. Do a few things that you want to and you'll enjoy, and Luna, dammit, don't let him continue to do everything everywhere. And you value your goddamn time with him, because... because even if you got ten years, one day it's going to feel like you only had ten minutes between when he was smiling and still able to walk and... and layin' in bed, cold and alone, in a way no pony can heat up or save him from.”

Luna and Scrivener looked across at Cowlick silently, and then she slowly looked up with a faint smile. “It ain't all about you, Scrivener. Some of it's about us. That means you gotta let us take care of you sometimes, you get it? Now don't be a jackass about this or I'm going to kneecap you with my rifle, and then you'll really have something to cry about.”

Scrivener smiled despite himself, glancing away, and Cowlick studied him for a few moments before she grunted and turned, muttering: “Anyway, let's get our flanks in gear. Got no time for tears right now, none of us. Got a lot of crap to cover and the meeting room's only reserved from ten minutes ago to fifty minutes from now.”

Luna and Scrivener both nodded silently, trading a look and a swirl of emotions before Scrivener began to open his mouth, and without looking around, Cowlick threw a rear hoof towards his face, making him wince and hurriedly yank his head back as she shoved the doors leading into the facility open and snapped: “I swear, you offer me your condolences once, Scrivener Blooms, and I will mash your pretty face up so bad even Sleipnir won't call you pretty anymore.”

“I don't think that's possible. I also don't think it's my face he refers to as 'pretty.'” Scrivener muttered, and Cowlick snorted in amusement as she began forwards, shaking herself briskly out as Luna and Scrivener followed before the male added finally: “Funny, though, you know. Rainbow and I always figured you were like me and him. Family issues, instead of... well... you know.”

“Daddy rose me on motor oil and engine parts. Now I'm not saying we never had our disagreements or that me and my Momma were the closest family ever, and I have an estranged little brother somewhere I hope is still alive only so that fire-ants can eat his small intestine from the inside-out, but...” Cowlick smiled a bit over her shoulder at Scrivener. “He wasn't no Bramblethorn.”

“Thankfully I believe there are few Bramblethorns in this world, if only because I would seek out and pummel each and every one of them did I hear of their existence.” Luna muttered, and Cowlick grunted before the engineer turned her attention back ahead as they approached Weaver.

The earth pony secretary was hurriedly shuffling through notes on a clipboard, and Cowlick yanked this away when they drew close, making the secretary wince before she quickly pushed the door to the meeting room open, saying awkwardly: “The transportation commission has the room booked afterwards, along with the Mayor-”

Cowlick grumbled at this as she stormed inside, Scrivener and Luna following, and the secretary coming last as the engineer threw the clipboard onto the table before complaining over her shoulder: “I don't march into city hall going 'hey, you better give me a meeting room' every goddamn day, why the hell are the politicians coming here to go over agendas? Screw the Trans-Po. If they show up early, tell 'em they get the room when we're done with it. Hell, tell 'em that if they show up late and we're still in here, Weaver, I'm the only one around here with the chops to fire you and I'm not gonna do that.”

Weaver smiled awkwardly, then she hurried out of the room as Scrivener and Luna took their seats between Rainbow Dash and Discombobulation, the Draconequus already looking bored out of his mind. Both ponies gazed up and down the table at the gathering here in this large, velvet room: almost every seat along the sides was taken, with Cowlick currently sitting at the foot and paging through papers besides Greece as he leaned in next to her, the two muttering between themselves. Slowly, Sleipnir rose a hoof near the other end of the table, and the engineer glanced up at this before she said sourly: “Put your stupid hoof back down in your wife's lap and amuse yourself for a few minutes, we gotta get organized.”

“Well, I would, but I fear that she will not allow this, so instead I must whine like a foal and ask how much longer we shall all be stuck waiting here.” Sleipnir replied blandly, and then he paused and frowned back and forth over the table and the ponies and other beings here, asking flatly as he hammered his hoof down against the mahogany surface: “And where is accursed Celestia?”

“Looking after Antares, Avalon, and l'il Rustproof.” Cowlick replied absently, continuing to page through files. “She already saw all the reports ahead of time and talked to Scrivener, too. As a matter of fact, I heard the two were seen this morning walking around Ponyville together. You trying to collect all the pretty and powerful mares, Scrivy? 'Cause you ain't nowhere near as handsome as Ross, so don't count on collecting me.”

“Who would even want you, Cowlick?” Rainbow asked mildly, and Cowlick looked up grumpily from her papers as Ross rose a hoof with a smile. “I. Yeah. I'm just going to stop here because I get the feeling that if I actually say anything mean I'm going to get shot.”

“And this time it won't be rubber bullets.” Cowlick muttered, and then she glanced over at Scrivener and said mildly: “Well, let's make the best use of our time that we can then, at least. Go ahead, fill everyone in on what you saw when you... well... when whatever the hell it was that happened, happened. Tell us about Beauty.”

Scrivener hesitated, but then he sighed a little when Cowlick looked at him pointedly and both Rarity and Spike straightened a bit, their eyes almost pleading as they turned towards the earth pony. He shifted back and forth, then he dropped his head forwards moodily, nodding once before he murmured: “Okay, okay. I guess... I can do that.”

He hesitated for a moment, then looked up, surveying the many faces at the table before his eyes roved to gaze at Rarity and Spike, saying quietly: “Beauty... was just like the others. Tortured, warped, and corrupted. She... she became what she was to save Spike. Number 59133... a serial number instead of a name to hide him among the ranks of soldiers, so no one else would know who he really was. Giving him all her best technology so he would be safe, and always assigning him as her personal bodyguard.

“But Beauty was important to Valthrudnir: more than Hexad and elite, she was a designer, a builder, a creator. There are words I'm not familiar with that come to mind when I think of her... 'geneticist' is one of the few I've deciphered. It means she studied and modified living creatures for Clockwork World...” He closed his eyes and laughed a little. “She was key to keeping Clockwork World running without Valthrudnir around. But that's part of what worries me... Valthrudnir would have protected her, if only because he... he's not stupid enough to believe that he doesn't need lieutenants and officers to keep something as massive as Clockwork World running smoothly. That's why you have all these different types of monster, all doing their job, overseen by the Hexad, who are watched over by the Prophet, who reports to and serves the Clockwork King.”

Scrivener paused to gather his thoughts, and Luna silently rubbed a hoof along his back as Discombobulation frowned and Rarity shivered, then looked up with a wince when Pinkamena said in a wry voice: “Well, look at that, Rarity. I guess there really is a world somewhere where you're top pony after all.”

Rarity only shook her head at this, and Spike closed his eyes as he bowed his head forwards before Scrivener said softly: “But that's part of what has me worried, and although Celestia and I have already gone over it, I want to hear all your ideas, too. Why would the Clockwork King or Valthrudnir or whatever it is take such a risk in sending her in?”

“Thou still does not know whether or not 'tis Valthrudnir, instead of some other entity?” Sleipnir asked curiously, and when Luna nodded and Scrivener glanced over at him, the stallion frowned and shook his head slowly, muttering: “That is far from good. Perhaps that is what we should turn our attention to. Understanding exactly what we are faced against...”

“Although answering that, well. That could be a little difficult.” Scrivener said moodily, dropping back against his chair and sighing quietly as he looked slowly back and forth across the faces lining the table. “I have no idea what we're up against here myself, after all. There's... there's so much evidence that points to it being Valthrudnir, back somehow, no matter how impossible it seems... but there's so much evidence that says it really is impossible, that it must be someone... some thing... else.”

“Then we turn our eyes to what we do know, and go over that.” Cowlick said authoritatively, and all eyes turned down towards her as the engineer continued in a surprisingly-serious voice: “Look. All of you know me as the butch, crazy, skilled-as-hell engineer, right? Well, let's forget about everything except for the last part for a moment. I ain't no prodigy, I worked for my goddamn skills, but that only means I had to learn the textbooks inside and out and then unlearn about half that garbage.

“But one thing you learn when fixing and working on the stuff I have is that sometimes things break for the weirdest reasons, and the only way you figure that out ain't by eliminating every other possibility... it's by keeping an open mind and remembering that some problems we can't just magically solve. We need to approach this head-on, and not dismiss what we find just because we're scared, or we don't understand how the hell it could be going on because C doesn't come after A. We can figure out what we're missing after we figure out what the problem is.” Cowlick finished, tapping a hoof against the table as Greece nodded solemnly beside her.

There was silence for a few moments, and then Scrivener sighed after a moment, saying finally: “Then we can't rule out the possibility that Valthrudnir's alive somehow, much as I want to. But even if we are dealing with him... something's wrong with him.”

“Well, Scrivy, been a long time since I was stabbed in the eye last, but I'm thinking that something being shoved rudely into his brain might have helped him go crazy. That and dying. Dying ain't fun.” Pinkamena said mildly, leaning forwards and looking pointedly across at Scrivener, and the charcoal stallion smiled despite himself before the demon looked moodily around the table. “Who else here remembers dying? Who wants to argue that it was a pleasant trip down a nice pretty river?”

There were mumbles at this, and Cowlick automatically rubbed at her side and chest, shaking her head after a moment before Rainbow Dash looked up and asked quietly: “So what's the difference if it's Valthrudnir, or if it's the Clockwork King, really? Does it... does it change what we're up against?”

Scrivener and Luna traded looks, and then Luna sighed quietly before murmuring softly: “Unfortunately, Rainbow Dash, this is not a situation where we can simply... push and push and hope for the best. If it is Valthrudnir against whom we are embattled... there is no telling what powers the Jötnar still retains, nor what level of cruelty he is willing to stoop to. But if the Clockwork King is only some... some malformed monarch imitating his fallen lord, or some other childish, wicked force, then our chance for victory is much higher.”

“A lot hinges on whether or not Valthrudnir is back. But we have no true way of knowing... not yet, anyway.” Twilight said softly, looking silently over at Scrivener, studying him with solemn, quiet eyes. Scrivy gazed back at her, and then she sighed softly, lowering her head and adding in a pained voice: “The... the most logical thing is to take down the rest of the Hexad. Remove Valthrudnir's lieutenants from the equation, hopefully weaken Clockwork World's organization, and... give Scrivener their memories, if that's what's happening.”

Discombobulation looked over at the charcoal earth pony and he nodded slowly, and then the Draconequus smiled wryly, saying quietly: “You've a very, very selfish pony, Luna. I applaud it, though... I know I'm far too much of a coward to do the same, after all, now that I've unfortunately lived through the experience once already.”

Scrivener only shrugged a bit as a few others at the table traded uncertain looks, and then Discombobulation glanced up and murmured softly: “There's a few little factoids you ponies aren't considering, however. A few things of particular note and particular interest... which is very understandable, you all have full plates and I rarely have the stomach for liver and onions myself.

“We always know more than we know, it just takes the conscious mind a while to process it. To see every detail, to look beneath the pony brain, beneath the feral brain, all the way down to the lizard brain, the deepest, stupidest brain that acts on just instinct. The brain not even dear Twilight Sparkle can control.” Discombobulation gestured at her kindly, and Twilight looked at him sourly before the Draconequus continued seriously: “Now, as I myself am a stage psychic with acuity talents sharper than any of you believe – although if you blindfold me and put me behind the wheel of a yellow sports car, it's not going to be a cunningly-planned accident that sends me driving it off a cliff – I am very good at reading each level of your minds. And here's what the reactions of each and every one of you tell me: you're all afraid of Luna, because you all smell it, just like I do.”

Scrivener looked up sharply, and Discombobulation looked calmly towards him before he said softly: “Because they're all seeing something that's impossible to deny, and yet they, like I, desire to deny it anyway. We keep calling it corruption that's poisoned you, Scrivener Blooms, but just because it's killing you doesn't mean it's poison: drink enough water, after all, and you'll get drunk. Drink enough of that pure H2O, as a matter of fact, and you will die.

“Am I dancing around the point? Of course, that's what I do.” Discombobulation looked up with a smile, but it didn't reach his eyes as he reached up and slowly squeezed Scrivener's shoulder. “We should have known it before, but we were stupid, it was not something any of us desired to consider. We were fools, but now there's no choice but to face the music, and the music, oh, the music is so full of sorrow and disharmony, it is a cacophony of broken notes...

“Yes, my friends. Here is the strongest possible answer, what our instincts tell us that we want to deny. Here is what the evidence points to, and not just from Clockwork World's behavior, but because of the Tyrant Wyrms and all the other terrors unleashed by Valthrudnir. Here is how Valthrudnir exists, without existing...” Discombobulation fell silent, then he snapped his fingers, and all those around the table lurched backwards as black rot rapidly began to spread through the furnishing, staring in horror as veins of darkness pulsed through the wood. “Clockwork World is a tumor. But tumors are a hotbed from which infection can grow, and mutate, and spread. Clockwork World is playing with us... because piece-by-piece, it's infecting us, and Luna is only the first victim of that infection because he's been exposed to the carriers, exposed to the powers, again and again.

“Clockwork World isn't trying to destroy us. The Hexad aren't afraid to die... they're fulfilling their purpose. They're spreading the disease... they're forcing us to fight, forcing us to grow stronger, forcing us to develop weapons, forcing us to become more powerful before they pour their disease into our world. They're going to keep pressuring us until each and every one of us has nothing but fighting and killing on the mind... and then they'll infect us, only unlike Scrivener Blooms, we won't have the pleasure of dying. Instead, just like what you're all afraid of... we'll become the monsters we have fought for so long against.” Discombobulation closed his eyes, murmuring softly: “Because gazing into the abyss is bad enough... but this abyss doesn't simply gaze back into us. It's reaching up to pull us in.”

And silence fell around the table as ponies looked nervously, fearfully at one another, Pinkamena's grin frozen on her features and Greece swallowing thickly before the Draconequus said quietly: “Let's just hope this is all just a nightmare, a hallucination, a bad trip. Otherwise... we're playing a game where winning will ultimately make us lose.”

Scrivener and Luna were walking quietly through the forest back to their home: Celestia had already gone ahead to take Antares Mīrus back to their house deep in the Everfree Forest, after Rainbow Dash and Applejack had picked up Avalon and Cowlick had fetched Rustproof with a few last words of advice to Scrivy.

Twilight was trailing behind them, her head bowed, collar tight around her neck as she breathed slowly in and out... before she closed her eyes tightly and asked finally as she halted in the middle of the path: “It's all true, isn't it? It's why Celestia... Celestia barely spoke to me when I saw her this morning. It's why Cowlick was so... not gentle but... helpful, I guess. I... I knew something was wrong, but... Scrivener...”

“We're all dying, Twilight. And I've got... a decade or more. Hell, that's longer than you could have. A lot of ponies could be dead before me.” Scrivener replied over his shoulder with a bit of a smile, but when Twilight looked up, her eyes were filled with tears and worry, trembling quietly as both Luna and Scrivener turned to gaze at her quietly. “Twilight...”

“Don't!” Twilight almost shouted, and then she dropped her head forwards, whispering: “J-Just don't... Scrivener, we... everything we talked about in there, it basically all came down to luring out the rest of the Hexad to kill them so we could find out whether or not we were dealing with Valthrudnir from the powers given to you by Visionary, but even that's not guaranteed... and... but every time we destroy one of those monsters... you get worse. Ever since the Tyrant Wyrm... your lifespan's been cut down from immortal to ten years to... god, it could go down to weeks, and that's if we're lucky and killing the last of the Hexad doesn't kill you, too, and... and then...”

Tears slowly spilled down her cheeks as she shivered hard, her voice hitching, and Scrivener and Luna traded a look before they both silently turned around and strode over to the violet mare. They hugged her tightly from either side, and Twilight stiffened for a moment before she dropped her head against Scrivener's neck, whispering: “You stupid, selfish bastard...”

“I... I'm lucky, Twilight.” Scrivener said finally, and when Twilight laughed shortly against his neck, Scrivener Blooms shook his head slowly. “No, I mean that. I honestly mean that. Think about it... I should never have been able to escape North Neigh, but I did. I made it all the way to Canterlot, I was selected out of... who knows how many candidates to be Court Poet, and then personal aide to Luna...”

Scrivener smiled faintly, glancing up at her and saying quietly: “I... earned the love of the Princess of the Night, because if I say I was really lucky there she'll hit me. And... I was fortunate enough to have... you as a friend. Luckier still to have you as more than a friend-”

“Scrivener... none of that was luck.” Twilight whispered, closing her eyes and laughing weakly, and the charcoal stallion leaned back a bit as he looked at her curiously. “That was... a lot of that was you, being... being who you are. Stubborn, stupid, complaining about every little thing but... never giving up. And Scrivener, it wasn't luck that made me choose... to... open myself up to you and Luna. It was just... what it was.”

She sat back, pulling away from them and looking back and forth quietly before she reached up and rubbed slowly at her eyes, looking across at him quietly. “And... I still believe Pinkamena, what she says about you. That you can overcome this. I don't care what anypony says, and I especially don't care what you say, because I know you well enough to know that everything that comes out of your mouth is a deflection anyway. But I want you to believe in yourself. I want you to believe that you can push through this... I... I don't want you to die.”

Twilight looked at him silently, and Scrivener sighed softly as Luna gazed over at him quietly, murmuring softly: “'Tis not an unreasonable request, Scrivener Blooms. Thou owes her that much, at the least... thou owes myself that as well.”

Scrivener nodded slowly, then he shook his head and asked finally: “Well... can we at least move on from this whole... 'I'm dying' thing, then? I want to... not forget about it, but... not... let it take over my life. Or what's left of my life.”

Luna glared at him as Twilight sighed softly and gave a sour look to the male, and he shrugged after a moment, smiling awkwardly. “Too soon?”

“I just wish... we had figured something out. What we talked about amounted to basically nothing except... it let everyone know you were dying.” Twilight murmured, looking down and shaking her head slowly, and Luna closed her eyes tightly. The violet mare glanced at her, then blushed after a moment and shook her head quickly before returning her eyes to Scrivener, adding quietly: “And you and I are going to sit down and write out a list of everything you've ever wanted to do, of all your... dreams and hopes and aspirations. I don't care how weird or stupid they are.”

“Dreams don't come true.” Scrivener said before he could stop himself, and when Twilight and Luna both glared at him horribly, the charcoal stallion cleared his throat loudly and quickly turned around, striding down the path as he said awkwardly: “Well, it's... kind of true. Dreams are dreams because they're ridiculous, impossible things that can never happen. Then you have hopes, aspirations, and desires. Things you know will probably never happen but there's a slim chance of, things you-”

“Oh shut up, Scrivy, thou art insufferable. Measuring out such intangible things... I am ashamed to call thee 'husband.'” Luna scoffed, and Scrivener looked over his shoulder with a grumble, stung, before Luna paused and added meditatively: “Then again, with that in mind, I usually call thee 'wife' in any event, so... perhaps 'tis not so strange after all.”

Scrivener sighed and gave the sapphire winged unicorn a grumpy look over his shoulder, and Luna grinned in return before Twilight said softly: “Well, if I have anything to say about it, Scrivy, I'd like to make at least one of your dreams come true.”

Scrivener only smiled over his shoulder at this, however, and even though he was still gaunt, it lit up his features and his eyes as he said softly: “You already have.”

Twilight blushed and smiled back, swallowing a little, and Luna smiled despite herself, saying wryly: “I hate thee, Scrivy. I hate that every now and then thou knows just what to say, damned... romantic of blood and thorns.”

Scrivener only shrugged, and then he fell quiet as they continued deeper into the forest, closer towards their home. As they began to draw in close, however, Luna frowned at the path ahead before she said slowly: “We... appear to have a visitor.”

The earth pony stallion glanced up... and then frowned in surprise at the sight of Gymbr laying in the road ahead. Twilight looked apprehensive as well as Luna grumbled under her breath, the trio cautiously approaching the doll before Luna lowered her horn and poked at it a few times, muttering: “Accursed thing. Still, though, thou has supreme rule of the kingdom of Antares' bedroom. If he did not adore thee so much I would be all the more eager to shred thee apart.”

She paused, then straightened and sat back, grumpily pawing at the pony toy before Scrivener sighed and nudged her gently, then reached down and carefully picked up the doll himself. He studied it curiously, turning it back and forth in his hooves before leaning his head hesitantly down and bringing it to one ear, closing his eyes... then he flinched as a rush of strange images assaulted him, Luna cursing as her own mind was flooded and the little static left in their link was driven away from the tumult of emotions and visions.

Scrivener dropped the toy, stumbling backwards as he stared at the toy, before flinching as he felt something like an invisible claw stroking slowly over his face, a voice whispering into his mind: Still, you deny who you are... yet it has made us think. Wonder... if things could be different. If... there is hope...

Scrivener frowned at this, looking silently at Gymbr before Twilight swallowed slowly, asking weakly: “Did... did you hear...”

“Gymbr speak?” Scrivener asked quietly, and Twilight nodded silently before the charcoal stallion turned his eyes to Luna.

The sapphire winged unicorn gazed back at him for a few moments, and then she nodded slowly, saying quietly: “The only thing we can do, Scrivener Blooms. We must continue to push forwards: come, pick up Gymbr, and we shall return to the cottage. But it sounds as if...”

“Regrets...” Twilight murmured softly, and then she shook her head slowly before silently looking over at Scrivener and Luna, and they both gazed back at her for a moment before she smiled a little and closed her eyes. “It's funny. I know Gymbr... created Twilight Shadow, so to speak, and then kills... her, me, whatever it is... by mistake. But even when I try and put myself in Twilight Shadow's hooves... I still don't blame Gymbr for what happened.”

“That is because thou art as mentally ill as Scrivener.” Luna muttered, and Twilight laughed despite herself before the earth pony swept up the doll, and the sapphire mare shook her head, starry mane twisting indecisively around her before she grunted. “Come, forwards. Celestia knows everything, we shall get her to answer our questions.”

Scrivener and Twilight both nodded, the three continuing onwards until they reached their home: for a moment, Luna hesitated outside the door, however, then she sighed and dropped her head quietly against it, whispering: “I do not look forwards to this conversation, Scrivy. The moment... the moment Antares sees us...”

“I know. I know.” Scrivener said quietly, looking over his shoulder at Twilight with a faint smile, and the violet mare lowered her own gaze. For a few moments, there was silence... and then, just as Luna was looking up and steeling herself, the door quietly swung open, revealing Antares standing silently in the corridor beyond.

The foal was trembling, staring up at them, and Luna silently strode inside, then hesitated for only a moment before walking past and towards the den room. Celestia was sitting there, with Scarlet Sage and Apple Bloom sitting beside one-another, their hooves locked as Scarlet Sage shook her head in silent disbelief. Twilight strode in a moment later, sitting down between Luna and Celestia and closing her eyes, before she smiled a little when Celestia reached up and squeezed her shoulder gently.

Scrivener stood just inside the doorway, and Antares gazed up at him as tears began to spill down the foal's cheeks. Gymbr watched from his button eyes, seated in silence on the charcoal earth pony's back... and then Scrivener quietly, carefully reached up and over his shoulder before he smiled faintly as he took the toy from his back and held it out to his son, saying quietly: “Nothing is for certain yet. And I'm not going to give up... every kid deserves a father growing up, and... I'm going to be there for you, Antares.”

“Dad, don't lie, I... I can see it... you're hurting. You're...” Antares trembled as he took Gymbr, looking down at it for a moment before he suddenly threw the toy aside and ran forwards, leaping up to hug his father tightly, and Scrivener closed his eyes as he knelt and returned the embrace fiercely, holding his son tightly as Antares buried his face against his neck and sobbed: “D-D-Don't die, daddy...”

Scrivener rocked his son soothingly, silently, and then Scarlet Sage leapt up and ran down the hall, almost tackling them, and Scrivener wrapped a limb around her as well, pulling her close as she began to cry. He held them both close, and even in the despair and the pain and the sorrow... there was joy. Even as tears spilled down his own cheeks as he cradled his children close, what better proof was there than this, that his family loved him? That he had been the best goddamn father he could be... and he would continue to be that, until... he was taken away. Until he couldn't fight any more, as his children cried for him and his tears leaked down his cheeks, and he wasn't sure if he was crying in sorrow for the pain he was putting them through, or joy for their love, their admiration, and the fact that even if he felt like he'd failed in almost every aspect of his life, he had succeeded where it truly mattered. He had a family, who loved him. He was not Bramblethorn, and never would be.

It took an hour to calm the kids down, and Antares cried so much that by only seven that night, he had cried himself to sleep. Scrivener quietly put him to bed and tucked Gymbr in with him; the foal was so exhausted by his emotions he would likely sleep the whole night through, and the stallion gazed quietly over his son for a moment before he leaned down and quietly kissed his forehead, whispering: “I love you, Antares Mīrus. Be strong... and remember, you'll never be alone.”

When he returned to the den, all eyes looked at him... and Scrivener only smiled awkwardly, rubbing at the back of his head before he said finally: “If I say this is no big deal, I'm going to end up with a broken face, right?”

Luna nodded as Twilight sighed and Scarlet almost glared at him, and the stallion smiled awkwardly before he strode over to sit down on the bedding beside Luna, saying finally: “Then... thank you for... you know. Being here.”

Scarlet Sage only lowered her head as Celestia gazed quietly over at Scrivener, but when the stallion looked at her, she gave the smallest of nods before asking quietly: “Did Antares settle into bed?'

“Yeah, I think... I think he was probably asleep ten minutes ago, just...” Scrivener shook his head after a moment, closing his eyes. “Poor kid. I'm sure he'll feel better tomorrow when he wakes up and sees... I'm healthy and fine.”

“You're not fine, Dad, but...” Scarlet Sage shook her head, looking over at him quietly. “This is scary. I don't know what to say, or how to react. It could be years but... it could be... days, too, because of Clockwork World interfering. I'm... I'm afraid. I'm really afraid right now.”

Scrivener looked over at the Pegasus, then he closed his eyes and simply nodded, and Scarlet Sage bowed her head before she asked weakly: “Couldn't I... use my powers and take it out of your blood...”

But Celestia quickly shook her head, looking towards her niece and saying softly: “I understand that temptation, Scarlet Sage... but the corruption isn't simply a physical poison. It's a spiritual one as well. It could infect and kill you, easily, if you even made contact with it. Scrivener is only still alive because his body has been exposed to it so long it seems to have... built up an immunity. Or that's the only reason I can come up with, at least.”

“Scrivy is a beetle. Beetles are notoriously difficult to kill.” Luna muttered, nudging her husband firmly, and Scrivener nudged her back before the sapphire mare turned her eyes towards the azure flames in the fireplace, asking quietly: “Celestia... what does thou know? And I mean upon anything that is happening, that is pressuring us... thou always knows something. I implore thee to share it with us... to share it with all of our family here.”

Apple Bloom smiled faintly at this, blushing a little as she glanced up as Celestia looked slowly over the group of ponies, and then she nodded slowly before saying softly: “I've been thinking about what Discombobulation suggested, according to Greece and Cowlick at least. His metaphor of infection... and I think we should be on the lookout for ponies who are acting strangely or aggressively.

“Something still isn't adding up in my mind, but I can't quite put my hoof on it. I feel like we're missing something very important... like the answer is right in front of us, but so impossible or so simple that we can't grasp it.” Celestia continued quietly, shaking her head slowly. “And I only hope it isn't that the Prophet is testing us, gathering some kind of data from us, or perhaps the Clockwork King is using us for a sick game before he sends his full forces flooding forwards. No matter how strong we are, after all... if he invaded with a true army or even just Drones...”

“They would be almost unstoppable. And again, leading us to question why he stopped that attack in the first place.” Scrivener said quietly, before Celestia frowned across at him thoughtfully. “What?”

“The Clockwork King supposedly commands the Prophet... but from what I've gathered, it's the Prophet who continues to give orders to the Hexad... just as it's the Prophet who recalled the attacks, isn't it?” Celestia asked slowly, and Scrivener nodded hesitantly before the ivory mare closed her eyes. “Then the Prophet may have a hidden agenda of her own. Perhaps in a way she's working against the Clockwork King... perhaps she no longer desires to be a Prophet, but a Queen.”

“I hope not. It would turn things into a free-for-all at some point that we'd undoubtedly get dragged into, and then things would get really ugly.” Scrivener muttered, and Celestia nodded slowly. “Even if it turned into civil war on Clockwork World... Prophet seems to be the brains right now, while the Clockwork King seems... insane.”

“They don't seem to coordinate well. A point that there might be conflict between them, but also something that plays in our favor...” Twilight picked up easily, looking over at Scrivener thoughtfully. “It's like the Clockwork King is saying 'attack, attack, attack,' and Prophet is trying to minimize the damage...”

“But to what side?” asked Luna thoughtfully, and all eyes turned to her before the sapphire mare frowned and glowered around at them all. “What? Am I not allowed to make an intelligent but meaningless comment like all the rest of thou art?”

Celestia sighed quietly, recognizing her sister's tone, and she held up a hoof when Twilight began to open her mouth. “Don't bother. Little sister is... thinking, I suppose, is the best word for it. But while she is she tends to be... abrasive.”

Luna huffed, then she grumbled and pawed at the bedding, muttering: “Abrasive. I have plenty of reason to be that and worse, Celestia, so damn thou to Helheim and back.”

Celestia sighed, then she looked meditatively over at Scrivener as an awkward quiet fell before she asked curiously: “While I already know you're adverse to the idea... would you allow some medical tests at one of the facilities in Canterlot?”

“If I was in Canterlot, I probably couldn't find a way to argue with you, but... since we're not in Canterlot...” Scrivener shrugged, smiling awkwardly over at Celestia even as Twilight, Scarlet Sage, and Apple Bloom looked at him sourly, but Luna only shrugged agreeably.

The ivory mare, however, was still smiling, and Scrivener looked at her with a strange feeling of oncoming doom before she leaned forwards and said courteously: “And that brings me to my second question, Scrivener Blooms. It may be a bit odd for me to ask, especially now of all times... but since the winter term will be beginning shortly, I was wondering whether or not you would agree to teach a class on writing at Canterlot University.”

Scrivener stared at Celestia as Luna's jaw fell open, and the stallion spluttered for a response before he said finally in a shocked voice: “You... you can't do that!”

“Being the Baroness has a few slight advantages, Scrivener Blooms. That and the fact you are a very good writer and it's only a few classes a week for a few months.” Celestia replied with a slight smile, and Twilight stared incredulously. “Please accept. I already have rooms prepared at Canterlot for you and your family, even Scarlet Sage and Apple Bloom if they want to come... but I figure they'd rather enjoy having this whole house to themselves as a weekend getaway.”

“I... I...” Scrivener stared at her, slack-jawed still, and when Celestia smiled slightly, the earth pony leaned back and asked dumbly: “What if I refuse? People scare me and I have no teaching qualifications whatsoever.”

“What? Ridiculous, thou art a fine teacher!” Luna argued sharply, and Scrivener glared at her before he paled when she announced: “Scrivener shall accept thy offer, Celestia!”

“Luna, you idiot.” Scrivener groaned and grabbed at his face, and Luna glared at him before Celestia rose a hoof to half-hide a smile, and the sapphire mare blinked slowly as she realized what she had just agreed to before groaning and dropping flat, burying her face against the bedding. “See? See?”

“Shut up, Scrivener Blooms. My pride and need to show off my pretty wife overwhelmed me for a moment.” Luna mumbled, but the other ponies were all smiling at her, which only made Luna glare when she rose her head. “I do not desire to go back to stuffy Canterlot, Celestia. 'Tis stuffy. And stupid.”

“It will be good for everypony concerned. You, Antares, Scrivener and Twilight can all benefit from this, and with Scrivener employed at the university, his health costs will be covered. Besides, Scrivener has a lot to teach, and I'm sure interacting with the students will be good for him.” Celestia paused, then smiled a little, adding quietly: “Tell me you honestly have a better way to spend the next few months, anyway... and don't say training, because you know that Canterlot is equipped with the best training facilities in Equestria.”

“What about our friends and family? Art thou going to pay to have Ponyville shipped to Canterlot?” Luna complained loudly, and when Celestia pretended to look thoughtful, Luna gave her a horrible look. “I am warning thou, big sister...”

Before Celestia could respond, Scarlet Sage leaned forwards, urging quietly: “Mom, Dad... you should do this. It really would be good for you both, and... Apple Bloom and I can come and visit you, so can everyone else. And Dad can get checked out and Mom can train better out there, and Antares can live for a little while in the lap of luxury, it'd be like one big, long vacation for him. And... and you'd be looking into what's wrong, too. Maybe you might find something and either way, I know that... I'd feel better and Antares would feel better, knowing that at least...”

Luna sighed after a moment, nodding grumpily as Scrivener looked moodily over at his daughter before he said finally: “I'm supposed to be the one guilt-tripping everyone, not the other way around. I... well... Twilight?”

Twilight only smiled, however, nodding after a moment and replying quietly: “I'll let everypony know what's going on so we can leave as soon as possible... and I'll have to sit down and help you with your lesson plan, too.”

Scrivener grumbled at this, but Celestia only smiled, saying softly: “Then since we're all agreed... or as close to agreeing as we're going to get... I'll send a letter to the university to let them know, and we'll see about getting you in to begin testing as soon as possible.”

Scrivener only groaned and dropped his head, not knowing whether he was complaining more about the hospital or what would apparently be his new job, but either way, he all the same did admittedly feel gratitude and warmth... even if it was mixed with frustration that Celestia had learned to be both compassionate and mischievous at the same time.

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