• Published 23rd Sep 2012
  • 2,957 Views, 281 Comments

Decretum - BlackRoseRaven

Realities, worlds, and good and evil collide, and Luna fights one last struggle to save Equestria.

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Parenting Practices

Chapter Twenty Three: Parenting Practices

It was amazing how refreshed and revitalized Scrivener Blooms and Luna both felt in the morning after a night of comfortable rest together at their cottage, knowing that Antares was safe in his room, curled up in his cradle with Gymbr. Twilight Sparkle slept out on the bedding in the living room, and Scarlet Sage had retired to her own room early on in the evening, obviously anxious for a good sleep herself.

Scrivy, as he often was, was the first to get up, as Luna sulkily flailed her hooves at him, half-pushing him off their bedding as she mumbled about coffee, then complaining about needing her 'pretty mare' the moment Scrivener was out of bed. The stallion had simply tossed one of his pillows into her grasping forelegs, and she had hugged this and curled up around it, content for the moment as she buried her face against it with a series of grumbles.

The stallion went out to put on coffee, looking tiredly back and forth in the gray morning light streaming in through the windows. He paused long enough to approach one of these curiously, yawning and gazing out into a thick, pearly mist outside. It veiled everything, and he shook his head slowly, yawning loudly and saying tiredly: “I don't care if it's actually a giant monster, though. Not until... coffee...”

He shook his head blearily, but all the same, he felt good. Very slow and lethargic, but good, as he smiled quietly at the sight of Twilight half-wrapped in a blanket in the living room, a book laying beside her sprawled-out body. He gazed at her for a few long moments, then turned his eyes to the kitchen, flicking on the flights with one hoof... and then staring in surprise at the sight of Gymbr sitting silently with his back to the back door.

“How'd you get out here?” Scrivener asked quietly, and the doll only looked silently up at him with its button eyes before he shook his head slowly, smiling a little as he reached out and touched it almost hesitantly, as if expecting it to come alive. But when nothing happened, he decided that it had probably been stolen and then dropped here by Discombobulation, and he muttered a little under his breath as he sat the doll up on the counter before going about the process of making coffee.

He glanced at the doll as it seemed to stare at him almost accusingly, and he shrugged after a moment, saying finally: “Hey, don't blame me. I'm tired. It's morning. You're... apparently a toy based off of something that's pure evil, or something, I dunno.” He paused, turned on the coffeemaker, then grabbed the doll and easily put it onto his shoulders, saying quietly: “Come on, let's bring you back to Antares. Probably missing you.”

Scrivener strolled down to his son's room, then he frowned at the closed door: they always left it at least a little ajar, after all. He shook this off, however, again deciding to blame the Draconequus... or maybe Twilight had closed it after checking on the baby last night. Either way, easy to explain.

He pushed open the door and smiled at the sight of his son, curled up quietly in his crib. Scrivener approached... but then the toddler's eyes opened, and Antares smiled up at him around the pacifier in his mouth, and the stallion laughed quietly before he looked over his shoulder at the doll, murmuring: “Well, what do you know. Okay kiddo, you wanna get up?”

“Up.” Antares murmured quietly, and Scrivener smiled again after a moment before he nodded and reached down, gently picking the child up and giving him a gentle hug for a moment before turning towards the changing table. Antares shifted and giggled a little, but he was lethargic and agreeable, and it was easy to strip off his white, star-patterned onesie and then quickly change his diaper.

He finished slipping on the baby's padding, then smiled and leaned down, blowing a quiet raspberry on his son's stomach and making him giggle quietly. Then Scrivener swept him gently up and put him down on the floor, saying softly: “Come on, kiddo. Let's go wake up Mom.”

Antares burbled happily in agreement to this, then he quietly scampered after Scrivener as the earth pony smiled a little, before laughing when the colt pointed at him and said excitedly: “Gymbr! Ride!”

“Oh, Gymbr? He's still riding up on Daddy's back, isn't he?” Scrivener Blooms smiled wider after a moment, gazing over his shoulder at his son as Antares nodded almost wildly, and then he laughed and asked softly: “Do you want to ride up with Gymbr, kiddo?”

The toddler grunted and nodded rapidly a few more times in response, and Scrivener couldn't help but laugh before he nodded back and carefully dropped low, laying down and letting the foal scramble forwards and crawl his way up onto the stallion's broad back, giggling quietly as he crawled his way up towards the earth pony stallion's shoulders to hug his doll with one foreleg and cling to his father with the other.

Scrivener walked carefully forwards, but Antares was clinging safely to his back, smiling and happy as the earth pony gently pushed the door open. Luna looked up with a sigh and a soft expression from the bedding, even as she tried to curl herself under the sheets, muttering: “'Tis morning, Scrivener Blooms, and I do not like mornings. They symbolize the end of night, the beginning of day, and worst of all ruin any and all attempts to sleep.”

“But now you get to play with your kid all day. Come on, Luna, coffee's already on and you can cuddle with Twilight, who's being just as lazy as you this morning.” Scrivener replied softly, and Luna mumbled a little as Antares burbled happily on his father's back before the earth pony snorted in amusement and turned to head down the hall, saying mildly over his shoulder to the foal: “Isn't Mommy lazy sometimes for a super-warrior?”

“Lazy.” Antares agreed seriously, then he smiled as they stepped into the living room, pointing at Twilight and declaring quietly: “Why-light.”

“Why-light, indeed.” Scrivener said agreeably, and then he paused as he stepped towards the still asleep violet mare, glancing down at the book she had been reading... and feeling both a moment of tenderness and irritation as he realized it as one of his own old poetry books. He sighed after a moment, then looked meditatively over his shoulder at Antares, who looked seriously back before Scrivener bowed low and said mildly: “Give Why-light a big hug.”

“Hug!” Antares shouted cheerfully, and then he scrambled off Scrivener's shoulders and half-fell face-first into the bedding with a soft thud, and Scrivener winced before the baby giggled stupidly and crawled quickly up to his hooves, dragging Gymbr happily along with him as the earth pony reflected that Antares probably had far too much of both his parents in him for his own good.

He bounced happily over to Twilight and tackled her sleeping face, and the winged unicorn immediately jerked awake, flailing her hooves wildly with a snort as Antares giggled again and rested comfortably over her features. Then she sighed in what sounded like both relief and irritation, looking dryly up past the foal masking her head to say dryly: “At least you didn't throw Luna on top of me this time.”

Scrivener shrugged meditatively, turning and replying mildly: “Don't worry, I think Luna's coming to throw herself on top of you. Do you want something to eat?”

Twilight yawned loudly, then she reached up and gently pulled Antares free, the foal beaming up at her as she gazed softly over at Scrivener Blooms. “Just coffee's good for now. Feels like I haven't slept in days... I mean... well, you know what I mean.”

“It catches up sometimes.” Scrivener said softly, heading to the kitchen as Luna finally stumbled down the hallway, looking grumpy before her eyes settled on the violet mare and her son. For a moment, the sapphire winged unicorn only stood, surveying them meditatively... and then she half-ran, half-staggered forwards and threw herself onto the bedding, almost knocking both child and mare over like bowling pins as Antares giggled and Twilight winced away.

Then Luna settled herself comfortably down, squirming a bit against the bedding before she declared tiredly: “Today I shall not leave this cottage, and nor shall anypony else. Besides, 'tis all gross and foggy outside. I do not like fog. 'Tis like a cloud that is too dumb to remember it belongs in the sky.”

Twilight steadily shook herself out and woke herself up as Luna clung to the few vestiges of sleep she could until Scrivener finally came into the room with coffee for the adults and a baby bottle for Antares. Luna tried to take this from him, and he swatted her and pushed her coffee towards her instead as Twilight smiled despite herself, watching the way Scrivener quietly picked up Antares and easily cradled him in one forelimb, gazing down softly at his son as he fed him his bottle and the baby burbled softly, smiling happily up at his father.

“How well did he eat while we were gone?” Scrivener asked curiously, glancing over at Twilight and surprising her, and she blushed a little, making the stallion smile slightly before he said kindly: “No, Twilight, I will not cuddle you and feed you a bottle later.”

“I will.” Luna grinned widely, winking over at Twilight as she half-lidded her eyes. “As a matter of fact, Twilight, if thou art-”

Twilight flicked her horn to throw a pillow at Luna's face, cutting her off and making her huff before the violet mare replied dryly: “Thanks, both of you, for completely ruining any possible nice thoughts I might have been having. But to answer your question, Scrivener, we stuck to your schedule for the most part. Formula, soft foods, porridge, baby goop... he stomached some crackers and cookies, too.”

Luna and Scrivener both nodded, the male gazing softly down at the foal before Antares pushed lightly at the bottle, and the stallion chuckled quietly as he pulled it away and put it aside, the colt burbling happily up at him. “Okay, okay. Enough breakfast then, kiddo.”

He gently burped the toddler, then set him down, and Antares burbled happily before turning and tackling Gymbr, rolling a few times with the doll over the floor and giggling as Scrivener smiled and gazed affectionately at his child. Twilight looked at him softly, feeling an odd twist through her body, and Luna gave the fellow mare a look before she asked quietly: “Twilight, may I speak to thee aside?”

Twilight looked surprised at this, and Scrivener glanced up curiously before Luna gave him a pointed look and a smile, saying softly: “No peeking, Scrivy. Come, out on the deck, in this damnable fog.”

The violet mare nodded hesitantly, looking almost as if she was worried she had done something wrong and was about to be scolded, and Luna clearly picked up on this with a wry grin, looking with entertainment at the mare before she easily lifted both their mugs with telekinesis. “Oh, fear not, Twilight, I am not going to spank thee. Simply 'tis time for us mares to have a little chat. Scrivener, keep the foal entertained.”

Scrivener nodded hesitantly after a moment, and he turned his eyes to the foal as the two left. Antares watched the two go quietly, sitting slowly up as if he felt something was different, something had changed... and then he looked quietly over his shoulder and said softly: 'Why-light. Why-light mom?”

“Twilight and Mom?” Scrivener half-asked curiously, and Antares shook his head briefly, making the stallion smile a little as he reached out and quietly ruffled the baby's mane. “Don't get confused now, Antares. But I do think that... yeah, she might wish that. Then again, look at you, kiddo. You're like the perfect little son.”

Antares smiled up at this, then he picked up Gymbr and quietly threw him at Scrivener, the doll landing gently in front of the stallion, and he laughed and reached down to pick it up, gazing down at the strange, winged unicorn toy. He studied it thoughtfully, then Antares reached up and covered his ears with his hooves, saying seriously: “Story.”

“Story? When'd you learn that word, kiddo?” Scrivener looked at him with surprise, and Antares responded only by giving a bright smile in return, making his teeth gleam, and Scrivener laughed and shook his head. “You're like a not-evil Pinkamena.”

“Pink-me-nah!” Antares blurted in agreement, flailing his hooves for a moment before he insistently pressed them back against his ears. “Story!”

“Story, story... does Gymbr have a story to tell me?” Scrivener asked softly, and Antares smiled again at being understood, the earth pony looking thoughtfully at his son before he gazed down at the doll in his own hooves, saying softly” “Alright then. Let's take a listen.”

He quietly rose the doll to his ear, smiling a little... and then his eyes widened in surprise as a voice whispered softly through his mind: You haven't opened your eyes yet.

Scrivener shivered and pulled the doll away hurriedly, looking down at it with shock, and Antares frowned a little before he stepped quietly forwards, touching his father's foreleg nervously and reassuring softly: “No scare. No scare.”

“I...” Scrivener looked down at his son quietly, and then he shook his head briefly before asking finally: “Antares... how often does Gymbr talk to you? How often do you two... speak... to each other?”

Antares only smiled in response, however, sitting back and gazing silently, affectionately up at his father, and Scrivener laughed after a moment before he closed his eyes and shook his head slowly. Then he rose the doll back up to his ear... but there was only silence now, even when he shook it gently. And finally, he sighed a little before handing the toy back to Antares, saying quietly: “I guess for now Gymbr is done speaking to me, kiddo.”

The baby nodded a few times at this, looking up at his father softly, and then he looked down at Gymbr and hugged the doll fiercely, and Scrivener softened a little at this. No matter how much the thought that there was some.. alien, secret force in this strange little toy scared him, Antares absolutely adored it, and trusted in it. And Scrivener thought that if anything went to show that perhaps the toy, however 'evil' it might be, meant no harm to any of them... it was the way the foal adored it so much.

Scrivener looked meditative all the same, however, even as Antares wrestled with his doll a little before falling over on his side. No one, from himself to Odin, could see into the doll... but apparently this toy could see as clearly into them as Antares Mīrus could. And he didn't know if that bothered him or not... then again, Scrivener never felt sure what he should be feeling about anything these days.

He sighed a little, then finally picked up his growing-cold coffee and sipped at it, grimacing a little more at the thoughts running around in his head than the taste. Antares burbled a little as he bounced happily around, tossing Gymbr occasionally into the air and giggling when the doll fell before he grabbed one of his fuzzy books from the pile of toys in the corner and bustled over to his father, burbling and pawing at him.

“Words, kiddo.” Scrivener said gently, and Antares huffed and continued to babble before Scrivener smiled and shook his head, reaching down and ruffling the foal's mane. “Come on, you can do it.”

Antares mumbled a little, then quieted and sat back for a moment before he finally held up the fuzzy, felt-covered book and said firmly: “Book.”

“Alright, alright. Book, please, though, next time.” Scrivener smiled despite himself, knowing he was just as likely to enforce the rule next time as he did this time. He couldn't help himself, though... Antares was adorable, developing fast, and he and Luna had trouble with their own basic manners and etiquette themselves.

The stallion reached down, quietly picking up the book, and Antares happily curled up against his father as Scrivener leaned over the book, reading it in a soft, clear voice. About halfway through, Twilight and Luna came back inside to sit quietly and watch Scrivener with the foal, and the male continued to read even as he shot a curious glance towards his wife, but she only gave a brief shake of her head as Twilight blushed a little.

Scrivener wasn't in any real rush to find out what they were talking about, anyway: he was more than glad to keep his focus and attention for now on his son, finishing the book, and then smiling when Antares burbled happily and ran over to Luna, who picked him up and cuddled him close for a moment before she said firmly: “When this accursed fog lifts, I believe I shall try and train my little boy today. We must be prepared for what is coming... and little Antares does love training with his mother, doesn't he?”

Antares giggled a little, burbling happily and pawing at her face gently, and Luna smiled warmly before Twilight glanced pointedly towards Scrivener. Scrivener grumbled a little, but then nodded and followed after the violet mare when she began to turn... except then Antares scrambled up to lean over Luna's shoulder and called: “Why-light!”

Twilight looked amusedly over her shoulder at the foal, and then Antares smiled at her, saying kindly: “Why-light mom.”

“Twilight mom.” the violet mare repeated softly, and then she laughed and nodded, smiling warmly in return. “I can live with that.”

Then she turned, and Scrivener followed her out through the front door before grimacing a bit at the still-thick fog as he closed it quietly behind him, glancing up moodily and disliking even more the way the sun shone into the bank of mist, making the smoky white substance seem to glow eerily. “I'm with Luna on this. I hate this kind of weather... more because I'm always worried about what lurks in-”

“So the next time you guys go to another layer, I'm coming with you.” Twilight interrupted abruptly, and Scrivener looked at her with surprise as she gazed quietly across at him, then leaned forwards and said softly: “I'm... coming with you.”

Scrivener looked back at her for a few moments, and then he smiled a little, saying softly in return: “That makes me happier than I can say, but... I want to... remind you that you don't have to, too, hard as that is for me to admit. You don't have to... come with us.”

“I want to.” Twilight said quietly, meeting his eyes and smiling faintly before she closed her eyes. “Scrivener... thank you.”

“No, Twilight. Thank you.” Scrivener replied quietly, and then he smiled a little as he winked at her, enunciating gently: “For coming with us.”

“Yeah.” Twilight hesitated, then they were quiet for a few moments before she said softly: “You're a really talented writer, you know. I mean, I know you're always pointing out you never did that well, or... well... gloating, pretty much, about the bad reviews you always got... but Scrivener, you are. It's just that you talent is... for darker writing. For dredging up emotions. And I really would... like to see your more recent works, if you'll share them with me.”

“Hell no.” Scrivener replied flatly, and Twilight snorted and gave him a half-amused, half-irritated look. “And all the talent in the world won't get you anywhere, Twilight. Luna has actually held some very cynical but hilarious conversations on that subject with a few of her demons, how many ponies have traded their souls for skill or talent over the years... and then never been recognized for it, or even treated as frauds and charlatans. I mean, with the fact my emblem is pretty obviously 'depressing writing,' it's hard for even me to argue that I'm not a talented writer... unless, you know, I really was meant to sell rare flowers and crow feathers.”

Twilight Sparkle sighed quietly, and then she looked at him moodily before asking quietly and seriously: “May I please read some of your latest work?”

“I... fine.” Scrivener mumbled finally, grumbling and shaking his head briskly before he sighed a little and glowered at her. “I hate it when you do that.”

The purple mare only snorted in amusement, however, opening a wing to slap him lightly with it before they both gazed out into the deep fog, and Twilight said finally: “Weather is strange, though... I don't think I've ever seen such a heavy mist in the Everfree before.”

“Luna and I have before, it's rare but... it happens. The Everfree Forest is... chaotic and wild, even by the standards of this world's nature.” Scrivener shook his head and looked quietly into the fog, saying softly: “But honestly... it does worry me more than a little at times like this. In the past, when there's been a heavy, lingering fog, it meant... something was wandering. In this world, where the ponies died out, without us constantly expanding our borders, settling into places, and pushing back against... the wildness, even with just our presence alone... things have grown. Things have developed, in ways we never expected...”

“It's a wild world. Our enemies are our friends here, and many of our traditional allies enemies.” Twilight smiled a little, glancing over at him. “Did I tell you that Celestia had started talking to the dragons, though? She's trying to appeal to them through reason and practicality, but... it hasn't always been going very well.”

Scrivener nodded meditatively at this. “Well, it probably doesn't help that Luna's never been very good at making friends. I'm sure the fact a good few dragons have been pummeled by her in the past isn't really helping them see ponies overall as 'friendly allies.'”

Twilight laughed a little, and for a moment they were quiet before they turned towards one-another, sharing a firm, fierce embrace as Twilight dropped her face against the side of his neck and she murmured: “Thanks for waiting. Even if Luna got impatient, but... I think she knew I needed a good push. She always knows when to listen and wait... and when to give that shove, doesn't she?”

“Well, she likes to think she does.” Scrivener replied mildly, and Twilight smiled despite herself, nodding after a moment before the two turned towards the door. Then the stallion paused, hesitating for a moment as he rested a hoof against the door before saying quietly: “I don't think you need to worry about anything, Twilight. I know it's weird. I know it's different. But if anything, you've always been the good influence that levels out all the stupidity me and Luna do. You're... Why-light Mom.” Scrivener smiled despite himself, and then he winked at her and said softly: “Kid's lucky to have you helping us look out for him, since we'd probably just screw up otherwise.”

Twilight blushed deeply at this, then she shook her head quickly, laughing as they headed back inside and she murmured: “Now you're just flattering me. Scrivener, you treat that baby boy better than you treat Luna. And I've never seen anypony as patient, understanding, and compassionate as you often are with Luna, no matter how often you two also beat on each other.”

Scrivener grunted at this as he headed into the den, then he smiled amusedly over at the sapphire winged unicorn as she grinned up at him cheerfully. “Well, dearest, that's because if I wasn't so nice to you, you'd pummel me, right?”

“Exactly, Twilight. And why, Scrivener is not always an excellent father: why, not long before we left, he refused the baby a treat of cola.” Luna said seriously, nodding a few times, and Twilight looked flatly at the starry-maned equine as Scrivener sighed a little and headed into the kitchen. “'Twould have been fine, fine! Thou art all so weak-kneed! And do not begin to lecture me upon the state of his teeth, his teeth are like metal, and I know this better than any of thee could.”

“Luna, he's weaned off... you.” Scrivener said awkwardly, as he and Twilight sat on the other side of the room, both of them favoring the winged unicorn with dry looks. “Anyway, it's not just about that. He's a foal, Luna, you don't give foals concentrated amounts of caffeine and sugar. And before you start talking about your mothering instincts or your warrior instincts or your... instinct-instincts, I'd like to point out that you were never a foal, and even as an adult Celestia had to basically babysit both you and Sleipnir pretty much constantly.”

“Not constantly!” Luna complained, and then she beat her hooves firmly against the bedding, and Antares giggled before mimicking her, firmly pounding his own front hooves against the floor before he tripped and spilled forwards onto his face with a loud thunk, and the foal whimpered a little as Scrivener and Twilight both winced, but immediately Luna was at his side, picking him up and hugging him close as she soothed: “There there, child, no harm done, thou art fine...”

Antares snuffled a little, but calmed down after that, and Luna embarrassedly calmed herself as well. They spent the next few hours together in quiet, as the pall of fog eventually dissipated outside and Scarlet Sage came tiredly out of her room, yawning and heading to the shower.

Luna took Antares outside while Scrivener sulkily went through his work and found some of his more recent pieces for Twilight Sparkle to read before going out to help with Luna and Antares. Despite how much she praised, babied, and spoiled the foal, she was also very serious when it came to training him, gently setting Gymbr aside to 'watch' from the patio, and then helping stretch out Antares' limbs and body, get him moving and running around, and working a bit with his wings.

To their surprise, Antares was now able to fully flap his leathery wings: they were still more stiff than pliant, and he plainly grew uncomfortable when trying to use them for too long, but he had learned to half-furl them against his body and he could move them around a little. A lot of Luna's exercises focused around getting his wings in working order, if only because she thought that by strengthening the unnatural appendages, it would minimize the pain and irritation they seemed to otherwise cause their poor child.

Luna also had a tiny set of weights for Antares. They were adjustable and extremely light, and Luna never left them on for very long, but it was a gentle start to strengthening their foal's body. Luna had an entire regimen and plan already in mind for their son that she planned to stick to as much as possible, even with her impulsive nature. She wanted her son strong, but also happy: she wanted him trained well, but even though she cared about him being fit, she cared even more that his mind was disciplined and sharp.

Scrivener's main job was keeping Luna in line and helping encourage Antares when he was out with them: for as cynical as the two were with everything else, with Antares they wanted to be as positive in every way, and present him with a life full of hope and optimism... although Luna noted cheerfully that in part this was because she imagined it would make it horribly frustrating for anypony that ran afoul of their son in the future.

They spent an hour or so exercising together, and Luna managed to get Antares to glide a little. Only a few feet, and it plainly caused him some discomfort afterwards, but it was an excellent start. Then Antares had gone to curl up on the patio with Gymbr and Scarlet Sage, watching quietly as Luna bullied Scrivener into some light sparring.

She grinned, leaping at the earth pony and swinging her horn down, and Scrivener caught the body of the natural weapon against one hoof before cursing when it began to glow, magical energy singeing his hooves as he shoved her head backwards and leapt away at the same time. Luna stumbled but laughed, and then she flicked her horn firmly, and Scrivener blinked in surprise as a barrier sphere flicked into being around him... but then solidified into an almost-crystalline, orb-shaped prison, the stallion pressing his hooves against the inside of this and looking sourly out at Luna as she declared: “Now sing a song for me, pretty birdy, and I shall set thee free from thy bondage!”

Luna paused, giggled stupidly at her word choice, and Scarlet Sage and Scrivener both sighed before the earth pony stallion grumbled and slammed a hoof firmly into the barrier wall, making it shudder and the winged unicorn wince a little. She glared at him, then bit her tongue in concentration, and Scrivener winced as the prison began to slowly shrink around him as her horn glowed brighter. “Careful now, little birdy, 'lest thy egg becomes thy coffin.”

Scrivener winced, forced to curl up as the sphere dragged in tighter around himself, pushing out against it with his hooves and back as he wheezed in pain. Then both he and Luna looked up in surprise as Twilight stepped out onto the back porch, saying awkwardly: “I hate to interrupt, but... Greece is here to see you, Luna, he has a message from Odin, he says...”

“Well, bring him through the house or send him around back, I am not yet done playing with this beetle I have trapped.” Luna replied crossly, before she cursed and flinched when Scrivener kicked both rear hooves firmly out, part of the spherical prison shattering like glass before it simply blinked out of existence and allowed the charcoal earth pony to sprawl to the ground with a wheeze of relief. “Oh damnation!”

“Damnation!” Antares agreed, shaking his head violently back and forth, and Luna stared at her son before giggling, which only encouraged Antares to laugh and repeat cheerfully as he flung his head around: “Damnation! Damnation!”

Then he fell over and sprawled against Scarlet Sage, who sighed and looked imploringly at her mother even as a small smile twitched at her own mouth, and Scrivener sighed as he threw a hoof into the air and muttered: “Wonderful. Well, at least I have witnesses to prove it wasn't me.”

Luna huffed at this as Twilight shook her head and headed back inside for a moment, then returned only a few seconds later with Greece in tow, the Architect smiling and raising a hand to them as Antares burbled and cheerfully smiled up at the dwarf. “Hello, fancy-corn and family... it's a pleasure to see you back safe and sound. You'll be glad to know the wagon is already being repaired and your equipment has all been offloaded... you can pick it up any time at the engineering building.”

Luna grunted at this, then tilted her head pointedly towards the dwarf as Scrivener finally sat up, and the Architect smiled despite himself, leaning on the railing around the deck. “Okay, okay. So I'm not here on the most pleasant of circumstances, even though I wish I was... Odin, currently, is away on business in Valhalla, but he was able to send me a message all the same, concerned for your well-being.”

“Oh, does the cyclops spy on us even in the other realms?” Luna asked disgustedly, throwing her head back with a long groan before she sighed and looked moodily at Greece, who shrugged a little. “What exactly were the contents of the message, Greece?”

The Nibelung smiled reassuringly, holding up his hands and saying quietly: “Nothing bad, let me say that first. Apparently he's been keeping track of the anchors, and the layer you were in... well, something that happened created a very powerful resonance with it. Twice, as a matter of fact: something interfered with the anchor's functions, and something else sent out a pulse that the anchor clearly reverberated with, like... a sound wave striking a glass. Odin was concerned you had encountered... further difficulties.”

Scrivener and Luna traded frowns, and then the male said slowly: “Well, that probe sends out a pulse, that could explain one of them, at least... and when we got in that fight...”

Luna grunted moodily at this, shaking her head as she muttered: “Aye, possibly. But what truly matters is that the old lecher is not actually spying upon us after all. All the same, though...” She looked moodily up. “We have difficulties in one layer and Odin installs a... a baby monitor upon all the other anchors?”

“Can you truly blame him, fancy-corn? His concern isn't that you'll fail, after all, his concern is that someone or something else will move in to tamper with those anchors, and he simply wants a clear way to know whether or not they're functioning properly.” Greece replied gently, and Luna sighed grouchily, but nodded after a moment as Scrivener smiled a little, then looked thoughtfully at Greece, the dwarf cocking his head after a moment and looking curiously at Scrivener. “Yes? Is there something I should know?”

“We actually ran into a few problems on the other layer... a few of which were admittedly our own fault.” Scrivener looked pointedly at Luna, who huffed a bit, but then became serious as well when Scrivener returned his eyes to Greece. “But Luna and I have some photos of... something... you should look at with Cowlick. We'll need both of you... you, for your expertise with artifacts and magical design and influence, and Cowlick because of her talent with mechanical objects and moving parts.”

Greece frowned as he put the pieces together in his mind, leaning forwards and asking quietly: “Were you attacked by more of the shapeshifters?”

“More than that, unfortunately.” Scrivener replied quietly, shaking his head slowly before he smiled a little, looking apprehensively up at Greece. “I think... I think that... I can explain them a little better to you both now, too, and maybe we can work out how to better combat the Drones. I mean, right now our best defense is... having a lot of Pegasi around to shove some clouds into place and make it rain, but...”

“But in a world where the weather runs itself, there's no guarantee there will always be clouds around, nor that they will shed rain.” Greece nodded slowly back, looking thoughtful at this idea. “Rain is enough to kill them, though?”

“And not even a lot of rain at that, yeah.” Scrivener replied quietly, smiling a little before he looked over at Luna, and the winged unicorn met his eyes, the two trading thoughts and memories and desires before the mare smiled and Scrivener rolled his eyes as the contact broke. “But apparently Luna and I are not going to be... in a rush to explain things. We'll wait until both Celestia and Odin are back to sit down to a discussion.”

The Nibelung chewed apprehensively at his lip, and then Scarlet Sage looked up and said softly: “We're all just... pretty tired still, Greece, is what Dad is getting at. Don't worry, now that we're back here, safe and sound... there's no big rush. And Dad and Mom need... to gather their thoughts.”

Luna smiled at this, nodding slowly in agreement with her daughter as the dwarf nodded again, then the Pegasus gazed up and offered: “But I'd be glad to let you and Cowlick know what happened, too, if you wanted. Or as much as I can tell, anyway... I'm pretty sure that some of the story... isn't mine to tell.”

She smiled a little, looking over at Scrivener, who laughed quietly and then nodded awkwardly as he rubbed slowly at his forehead, murmuring: “Believe me. I wish it was, Scarlet Sage... I get the feeling that you'd be a whole lot better at this storytelling thing than I am. Especially since I always descend into self-pity.”

“Well, thou art very pitiable. Fortunate and pitiable all at once, in fact.” Luna replied kindly, and Scrivener sighed and looked at her mildly, but she only smiled cheerfully in return before turning her eyes back to Greece and asking kindly: “And how have things been here, Artificer?”

“Good, but busy. Yet it's very nice to be working on strange projects for strange ponies rather than weapons and armor and such.” Greece laughed and nodded, straightening a little as he rubbed absently at the nub of one shorn tusk. “I've been working a lot with Ten and Cowlick at that new gathering hall for ponies being built... the one with all the flashy lights, run by the unicorn with the big sunglasses.”

Scrivener cleared his throat as Luna looked surly at this, but Greece only smiled and shook his head, saying gently: “It's a good thing, Luna Brynhild. It shows they're settling into the world, and that they feel comfortable here, now that they're asking us to make them these things for play and sport rather than defense and assault. Besides, it is very interesting to learn how all these electrical systems work. It's not so different from learning to produce golems or magical systems, as a matter of fact, although I fail to see what is so enticing about flashing lights and loud music. Still, it is fascinating.”

“Then go off with thee and be fascinated, sick dwarf.” Luna said grumpily, but the Nibelung only chuckled and shook his head, straightening a bit before the winged unicorn asked finally: “No other news?”

“You were only gone a week, fancy-corn, and we're not a nation torn by strife... things are peaceful in this Equestria. Wild, but peaceful. Dependable.” Greece smiled a little, then he shook his head slowly as he said softly: “I think that's what makes these things... feel so worrisome. The appearance of these shapeshifters... and Odin has concerns, too. He hides it well, but the other Nibelung Architects and I have noticed it, and have all been asked to help with projects that sometimes border on the strange, such as these anchors, and strengthening defensive enchantments here and there throughout Equestria...”

“What?” Luna frowned at this, leaning forwards before she traded a moody look with Scrivener Blooms, as Twilight frowned quietly as well, leaning forwards a bit and looking apprehensive herself. “Oh wonderful. Perhaps the cyclops is keeping secrets again, Scrivener Blooms... foul, wicked old lecher. Perhaps we shall pummel him when he returns from wherever he snuck off to, leaving poor Discombobulation alone and our cottage unguarded.”

“You are just a ball of complaining.” Scrivener said mildly, and Luna huffed at him grumpily before the stallion shook his head slowly, adding quietly: “I don't think he's been hiding anything from us, Luna, or at least... not maliciously. He's been very up-front about the layers, after all, and he didn't even scold us despite how much we messed up with the first anchor. I think it's more like... he didn't want us panicking over what could be nothing.”

“But 'tis definitely something, oh, 'tis most certainly, definitely something, and if it is connected in any way to Clockwork World I shall punch Odin so firmly in the beak that it will blast the feathers off the once-god's body.” Luna grumbled, and Scrivener sighed a little, looking dryly at Luna, but she only huffed in response and leaned towards him, replying dryly: “'Twill be helpful. 'Twill be something he should thank me for, as a matter of fact, helping him with fixing that awful failed polymorph.”

Scrivener only sighed a little at this, looking meditatively at Luna as Luna looked seriously back, and then he shook his head grouchily and looked back at Greece, who was frowning nervously at them again. “Just please let him know, if you speak to him at some point, that it's important he gets down here when he can. But the anchor is hidden securely, and we're... we're okay for the most part.”

Scrivener smiled a little, glancing down as Scarlet Sage and Luna both looked at him softly, then Antares looked up and said quietly: “Daddy hurt.”

“Daddy's fine.” Scrivener soothed gently, stepping forwards and smiling down at Antares before he poked him gently in the stomach, and the baby smiled a little back up at him, although his eyes had once more filled with concern. “Now don't you go tattling on me to everyone. Especially when I really am perfectly okay.”

Greece looked over at Scrivener for a few moments, and then the dwarf finally shook his head before saying softly: “Well, I should head back. Scarlet Sage, if you want to join me, you're more than welcome to... but I do have a detour I wish to take through the Everfree Forest, to collect a few materials. This place is rife with a natural abundance of resources just waiting to be tapped into, after all... it's not at all like Niflheim, where we had to make everything out of rocks, ice, and bones. And, well... hide.”

Greece tugged absently at his vest, and Luna looked thoughtfully at the Nibelung before she asked curiously: “So art thou saying thy clothes are made out of other dwarves?”

“Thankfully, no, fancy-corn.” Greece smiled despite himself at her, looking both amused and a little exasperated. “We are Architects, after all, it's written into our code that we have to maintain certain... etiquette, even when dealing with those of our kind who have sadly tumbled all the way down into becoming nothing but killers.”

The Nibelung nodded after a moment, and then he glanced down at Antares as the baby smiled up at him, saying kindly: “Reese.”

“Yes, close enough. Reese.” Greece winked down at the foal, then nodded to Scarlet Sage when she stood up and headed inside to get ready. Then the Nibelung turned his eyes towards Luna, saying softly: “I know, fancy-corn, that sometimes even these days it's hard for you to trust in Odin, or believe what he has to say. But try to keep in mind the positives; I know that in the past he was a warmonger but we have all changed, have we not?”

“Well, not thou. I remember thou wert the same when I first met thee as thou art now.” Luna replied mildly, raising her head slightly, and Greece sighed and rubbed at his face even as he grinned a little. “Too friendly, too kind, too nice for my tastes, and yet I cannot help but like thee. It is very frustrating. Thou art almost... too nice. Too likeable Too good. It makes me suspicious.”

“You have my deepest apologies, fancy-corn. In the future I'll try and imitate friend Illyria just a little bit more.” Greece replied with a slight smile, and Luna grunted and nodded before the Nibelung bowed his head politely. “If you'll excuse me, I had best get going. It was a pleasure as always to see you all, doing so well.”

He lingered for a moment, looking hesitantly towards Scrivener, but the stallion smiled reassuringly before the Nibelung turned around, then rose a hand and smiled to Twilight Sparkle. “Oh, by the way. Your friend Spike was by earlier, and I helped put together a little something he wants to give you. He cares about you very much.”

Twilight smiled at this, and Luna huffed, saying grouchily: “Sodding dwarf, stop being so nice and get thee hence!”

“I'm going, I'm going!” Greece laughed and waved over his shoulder as he headed back through the house, and Luna huffed even as Twilight gave her a look of entertainment.

“Damnable meddlers. I cannot stand all the damnable meddlers.” Luna muttered, and Scrivener couldn't help but smile a little as he traded an entertained look with Twilight Sparkle.

“Damnation.” Antares agreed firmly, and Scrivener sighed as he plucked the unicorn foal up and gave him a mild look, and the foal looked back up at him sheepishly. “No damn?”

“No damn.” Scrivener said gently, and then he patted his son on the head before looking dryly over at Luna. “So I'm not adverse to continuing to have a nice pleasant, quiet day, but can you at least maybe try and avoid teaching Antares any swears today? We already had to train him out of quite a few nasty words that come out of your mouth, warrior princess.”

Luna huffed at this, and then Antares crowed: “Pin-sis!” A long pause before he frowned over at his mother, confused. “No pin-sis?”

“That's exactly right, Antares! I am not a princess, how dare thou insinuate such nastiness about me, Scrivener Blooms? Now come, back to sparring.” Luna grinned slightly, shaking herself quickly off as Antares burbled and flailed his hooves as Twilight sighed, but sat down to watch curiously as Scrivener resignedly dragged himself out into the field. “Now I shall truly have to pummel thee, beetle!”

“Beadle.” Antares agreed, nodding a few times before he picked Gymbr up and tossed him down into the field with a giggle, and both Scrivener and Luna looked at this before the baby leapt suddenly off the patio and tackled the doll, sending up a puff of grasses and rolling heedlessly into the small space beneath the patio before whimpering loudly. “Hurt.”

Luna sighed softly as Scrivener winced and hurried over to drop on his stomach, carefully reaching under the deck and extracting Antares as Twilight leaned nervously forwards, but the sapphire winged unicorn only smiled faintly as she walked forwards, looking carefully over her son and reaching up to gently touch a large cut on one wing: for the most part just a scratch, but it looked as if it had hooked and caught at the end, likely on an exposed nail. “The babe is as good a magnet for trouble as thou art, Scrivener. Alright, forget the sparring. Let us take Antares inside and mend his wounds and give him a bath.”

Scrivener smiled a little over at his wife, nodding slowly in return before he gazed softly at his son, hoping that Luna's words weren't entirely true: if there was one thing he didn't want Antares to inherit, after all, it was his father's knack for getting himself hurt.

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