• Published 23rd Sep 2012
  • 2,956 Views, 281 Comments

Decretum - BlackRoseRaven

Realities, worlds, and good and evil collide, and Luna fights one last struggle to save Equestria.

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Memories And Mischief

Chapter Five: Memories And Mischief

The days that followed passed in a flurry of activity: among other things, Luna, Scrivener, and Scarlet Sage all had to get used to the new schedule set by the new baby in the household. Antares was quickly becoming more active now that the initial few days of sleep had passed, and although he couldn't do much and spent much of his time either in a baby harness, curled on the bedding with Luna, or laying in his crib, he was more vocal, and Luna often found herself feeding him, while Scrivener dealt with the process of changing the baby.

Luna and Scrivy both caught naps where they could: it was made more difficult by the fact their soul link meant that when one of them was napping, the other became dazed and tired, but Scarlet Sage was also glad to look after Antares for them when she was able to, letting her grateful parents retreat to their bedroom to sleep. They would curl up in the enormous futon together at these times, the thick curtains closed over the windows to keep out the unwelcome sun, throw the blankets over themselves, and gladly descend into dreamland, both wondering how a baby could exhaust them so much when they had once traveled across Equestria in less than a week.

At night they would often catch short naps, and Luna would spend the rest of her time exercising, rebuilding her strength and stamina. Bit-by-bit, she was getting back into her old athletic, strong shape. Scrivener would sometimes watch her, sometimes help her with her exercises, and sometimes scold her... but mostly, he was simply glad to let her do as she pleased, knowing by now that no matter what he said she wouldn't do anything different, and that Luna knew her own limits... or at least, she had some vague idea that she wasn't completely invincible, and Scrivener only had to carry her inside twice within the first week.

Luna was feeling strong, feeling good... and most of all, feeling eager to make good on her promise to once more make an appearance in Ponyville come Nightmare Night. She was so determined, in fact, that on the day before the night of the costumed celebration, she fitted the baby harness onto Scrivener and declared: “We are going into town!”

“Oh, I'm coming too!” Discombobulation poked his head out of the kitchen, and Scrivener glowered at the Draconequus, but he only huffed in return and crossed his arms. “Well, excuse me all to Helheim for wanting to be there to support my best friends. Just who do you think I am, some kind of coward?”

“No, I think you just enjoy pain far too much. I thought you fed off confusion, not the tears of others.” Scrivener said flatly, and then he winced when Discombobulation leaned forwards and yanked the earth pony's head to the side before shoving a bottle into place against his cheek, and then Scrivener's eyes bulged when the Draconequus twisted his ear and liquid spilled down from one socket, the earth pony wheezing even as Luna ignored what was going on as she fitted Antares gently into the baby carrier.

Then Discombobulation twisted the pony's ear back, and the stream came to a halt as Scrivener yanked his head away, blinking wildly and flicking his ears back and forth as Discombobulation held the bottle up in one hand as he rose his head primly, saying calmly: “Good quality, very clear. Some carbonation, but who doesn't like bubbles?”

With that, the Draconequus turned to look mildly down at Scrivener as Scrivener glared up at him in return, but then Discombobulation only smiled wryly before he rose the bottle, saying kindly: “To good health, and absent friends.” With that, he sipped deep, then let out a sigh of relief as he drew it away, adding kindly: “The very best things in life are free. For everything else, there's Mastercard.”

Scrivener sighed after a moment, rolling his eyes before he winced when Luna fitted a saddlebag on his bare side, loaded with Antares' baby things. He wheezed a little, glaring at Luna, but she only huffed in response as she stretched, saying dryly: “Thou art an enormous stallion who constantly complains he wishes he could do more. I am currently in a state where thou art fortunate I also do not need to be carried.”

“Can I ride one of you like a churro?” Discombobulation asked curiously, and both Luna and Scrivener glared up at him, the Draconequus looking at them calmly in return before he frowned slightly. “Churro. That's the right word, isn't it? Or burro. I'm fairly certain both are edible but only one of them people recommend you eat. Do burros ride churros or do churros ride burros?”

Luna rose a hoof and pressed it against Scrivener's mouth before the earth pony could say anything, and then she leaned up and said kindly: “Bob. Now listen. Thou art a friend, and my son seems to adore thee. Thou always makes him smile, and this in turn makes me smile and feel glad. But if thou does not shut up I will rip thy insides out and stuff thee like a plush toy.”

“I'll. Take my medication.” Discombobulation cleared his throat, a bottle of pills appearing in his free hand before he quickly unscrewed the cap and knocked several of these back into his mouth, and then he followed up with a long drink of water before staring forwards as his white pupils dilated, both bottles vanishing from his hands as he slowly held them up in front of his face. “Dude, my hands are huge. They can touch anything but themselves...” He paused, bringing his fingers slowly together. “Oh wait... they can do that too.”

Scrivener and Luna stared at the Draconequus... then they both simply turned and headed for the door even as Antares giggled from where he was hanging at Scrivy's side, touching his front hooves together as if in imitation of Discombobulation before the Draconequus winced and slapped the back of his head a few times, knocking two oversized, white contacts out of his eyes before he hurried after them. “I don't actually advocate drug use, you know. Or at least not eating hippies. I imagine that would have some unpleasant side effects after the giggling wears off.”

Both of the ponies ignored him, and Discombobulation huffed a bit as he followed along behind them... but gradually, as they walked through the brisk autumn day, both Scrivener and Luna began to relax. They stopped only once along the path so that Luna could rest a little, feed Antares, and argue with Scrivener about dressing the foal a little better before settling for letting Scrivy slip Antares into his star-patterned onesie, the baby giggling a little as Luna grumbled: “Do not... baby the baby. He is strong and tough and parents are too concerned these days with every little detail. It weakens the child, it does not protect it.”

“You are such a judgmental pony.” Scrivener said mildly, and then he winced when Luna smacked him lightly, and Discombobulation snorted in amusement before he flinched when a Phooka stuck its head out of the nearby bushes, glowering at the chaos entity before it looked towards Luna and Scrivener, then snorted and slipped back into the woods.

The rest of the walk was calm and pleasant until they reached the plains outside Ponyville, gazing towards the gates before Luna said thoughtfully, her eyes roving towards Discombobulation: “'Twould be a shame for anypony in town to see me before I am ready. Tell me, Bob, if I wanted to distract an entire town, what would thou recommend?”

“Japanese monster movie, all the way. Nothing says distraction like a nuclear iguana or a giant moth with psychic powers.” Discombobulation paused, rubbing thoughtfully at his muzzle. “Well, maybe an alien invasion. But Gojira wins ninety percent of the time... you just can't mess with that giant asexual lizard. It'll bite your face.”

Luna rolled her eyes, and then Discombobulation rose a hand, saying mildly: “Say no more, I'll do it. Silly ponies, this is why you properly equip your active camouflage before entering the battle zone, then you don't have to rely on hope and tricks and luck.”

The winged unicorn rolled her eyes, and then Discombobulation bowed to them both before he flicked his wrists, and a tuxedo appeared over his body before he vanished from the spot. Luna and Scrivener both awkwardly looked towards Ponyville as Antares burbled and bounced a little in the carrier, and then both ponies decided to hurry forwards and hope for the best.

As they were approaching the gates of Ponyville, the faint sound of rapid piano music reached their ears, distracting even the Nibelung guards at either side of the open gates from seeing them until they were just passing through. They were ecstatic to see the two, however, although Luna shushed them and winked, and the dwarves nodded even as they continued to grin.

Nibelung: squat, heavyset dwarves that were mostly wolf and the rest pig, with thick fur covering their bipedal bodies, strong, dexterous hands, and large, curving tusks sticking out of their muzzles. Once they had been the enemy, but now they were willing allies, offered sanctuary in this world by Odin after they helped build the replica towns and cities that populated it. Their ancestors had been crafters as well as honorable warriors... but after Niflheim had been completely overrun by Helheim's corruption, the Nibelung had lost most of their old crafts and skills and become barbarians and raiders in order to survive.

But now, with a chance at peace, they were glad to no longer serve as thugs and instead work alongside ponies as laborers and soldiers of Equestria. Most of them weren't the brightest, but they were good workers, and Luna was glad to have them as allies instead of enemies.

The music grew louder as they strode into Ponyville, past comfortable-looking cottage-style homes with thatch rooftops, hooves knocking up dust with their passage as they made their way carefully through the town. Then Luna's eyes widened as they stepped into town square, both winged unicorn and Scrivener Blooms stopping to stare at the sight of Discombobulation sitting on top of a raised platform with a grand piano in front of him on the other side of the square, hand and talon a blur over the keys as he played some violently-fast piece of music neither of them could recognize.

Ponies were all gathered, gaping and staring up at this sight, and Luna and Scrivener shook their heads out: there was something in the melody that was almost hypnotic, but it was hard to tell whether or not it was because of the music itself or because of Discombobulation's wild powers. It wasn't strong enough that the two lost track of what was going on, at least, as they both turned towards the enormous tree nearby that had several large balconies standing amidst its branches and a door leading into the huge, hollowed-out trunk.

Luna flicked her horn, and the door flew open, the two passing through and into the interior: the shelves that lined the walls and were filled with papers and books testified to the fact that it was a mix of library and archive. Across the room, a table was covered in neat stacks of books, a binder laying open filled with papers and a second notebook on top of this, two quills resting in different colored ink fountains. Then Luna flicked her horn, and the door closed behind them before she grinned widely, looking delighted as she stomped her hooves against the hardwood floor gleefully. “See, Scrivener Blooms! Oh, I feel more excited than I have in quite some time now!”

Scrivener only smiled wryly at this, but he could feel that it was true: despite the aches he could sense in Luna's body, her overall feeling was exhilaration... and it was an infectious sensation, making him laugh a little before he said mildly: “But Bob was supposed to lead them away...”

“Oh, Discombobulation did fine, thou art just being grouchy.” Luna retorted, nodding a few times before she bounced over to a window and leaned up to peer through it, giving a pleased grin as she watched the Draconequus finish with a flourish before he vanished in a puff of neon smoke, and a moment later the piano burst apart into black and white butterflies. “And I must admit I admire his theatrics.”

“Well, thank you very much, Scrivener Blooms, I do my best.” Discombobulation said mildly, rubbing absently at his chest as he leaned back against the far wall, and Scrivener and Luna both turned and stared in surprise at the Draconequus before he smiled thinly. “What did you expect, that I would spend my time out there being dragged around by the crowd? As any celebrity will tell you, the problem isn't when people love you... it's when people love you too much.”

“Aye, love is a dangerous thing.” Luna said softly, glancing towards Scrivener and Antares, and then she shook her head quickly before smiling as her eyes returned to Discombobulation, asking curiously: “Why did thou choose that of all methods, though? I thought thou preferred monster movies.”

“Oh, I do, don't get me wrong. But you see, the moment I saw they had a stage set up out there, well, my heart went all aflutter and I thought of all the talent shows I'd participated in as a child and never ever won first place at. So instead, I decided to harness all that pent-up frustration and went out and played my damnedest.” He paused, then rubbed meditatively at the underside of his muzzle as he drew his eyes over Scrivener and Luna. “Now. Did I add a little bit of a psychic undercurrent? Maybe a hint of an allure not entirely there? Maybe a taste, an aroma, a feeling in the mind... well, perhaps I did, yes. I've never been as manipulative as Discord was but it's not hard to influence you ponies... you all almost beg for it, after all, and since you love music almost as much as I do, well. It makes it all the easier. Also, it hurts my eyes to make them go all crazy.”

Discombobulation accented this by rolling his pupils in opposite directions a few times, and then he blinked rapidly as he shook his head quickly out, slapping lightly at the side of his head. “Twilight Sparkle was out there, but I didn't see Celestia. You didn't kill her, right, Scrivener Blooms?”

“Nay, I have not had either the time or energy, thou should know this.” Luna replied mildly, and Discombobulation nodded seriously after a moment as Scrivener only rolled his eyes as he gently lifted Antares out of the jumper and set him carefully down on the floor. The baby giggled a little, and then he rolled very slowly sideways before continuing to do so, moving in an awkward, gentle circle as Luna and Scrivener both smiled down at their child warmly.

Discombobulation, on the other hand, only stared at this before he rose his head, chewed slowly at his lip, and then said in a drawl: “Uncle Luna, I don't know how to tell you this, so I'm just gonna tell you. I got a rolling baby.”

“Leave him alone, he is fine, look at him smile!” Luna scoffed, as Antares continued to happily continue on his lethargic, awkward roll before he finally halted on his back, and Luna laughed as she leaned down over the child, gazing radiantly into his eyes as Antares babbled and pawed his hooves quietly at her face. “He grows so fast, Scrivy! Already, look at him already learning to move himself about!”

“He rolled. He rolled slower than a turtle crawling uphill. And not one of those damned blue turtles, either, although with them it's mostly the shells you have to worry about, and only when driving a go-kart in a race where inexplicably, weapons are encouraged.” Discombobulation said dryly, raising a finger, and Luna grumbled before she flicked her horn, a heavy book lifting off a nearby shelf and flying out to smack into the side of the Draconequus' head, knocking him staggering before it fell with a loud bang.

Antares was startled by this, spasming before he curled up and whimpered a little, and Luna blushed deeply before scooping Antares up, soothing gently: “'Tis alright, my child, fear not, worry not, thy mother and father are here...”

Antares fidgeted and whimpered a little again, and Scrivener slipped forwards, reaching up to brush the baby's growing mane back as he leaned in and said softly: “It's alright, Antares, we're here for you. Mom and Dad both.”

Slowly, the baby settled as Discombobulation moodily rubbed at the side of his face... and then the door of the library opened and Twilight Sparkle hurried in, glaring at Discombobulation before she simply stared in shock at the sight of Scrivener and Luna, who both looked back at her flatly before the violet mare hurriedly turned and called awkwardly: “Sorry, Mayor, I'll get right on those charms but... I... have a top-secret letter from the Baroness waiting here for me!”

With that, Twilight hurriedly shoved the door closed, and the bang made Antares whimper a bit again before Luna soothingly squeezed the infant close, her starry mane twisting quietly down and half-blanketing her baby's body, and Antares grasped at this as he settled silently in her forelimbs. Both sapphire winged unicorn and Scrivener Blooms glared at the violet mare, and she winced a little, clearing her throat quickly before saying awkwardly: “Sorry. I... what are you two doing here, though? Discombobulation, was that why-”

“What, you think I'm so selfish I need to be given a reason to play a benefit concert? Even if it was just for my benefit, really, since I don't care in the slightest what happens to you ponies.” Discombobulation said mildly, and Twilight sighed and looked flatly at the Draconequus before he leaned forwards and asked awkwardly: “How are the reviews? I can never bring myself to read reviews, I get all. Butterflies in my stomach. Sweaty palms and... did they like me? Please tell me they liked me.”

“Mayor Mare wants me to put some protective charms in place tonight to ensure there isn't a repeat of last year's events.” Twilight replied dryly, and when the chimerical creature looked at her pointedly, she rolled her eyes and said finally: “Well, they think you're some kind of demon, how about that?”

“I have never been so outraged!” Discombobulation declared, holding up a hand and looking frustrated. “There is an enormous difference between a Draconequus and a demon! And I may not be very fond of either but all the same, I would rather them slur my name for the right reasons than the wrong ones... demon, bah. I'll show them what a demon is! I'll... I'll... uh...”

Discombobulation frowned a bit, grabbing at one of his horns in vexation before he huffed and grumbled: “Wonderful. I'm so frustrated I forgot what I was going to say. I hope you're proud of yourself, Twilight Sparkle. If I was a teenage girl I'd be screaming that you ruined my life while running up the stairs to my room right about now.”

Scrivener Blooms gave a mild look towards the Draconequus, and then he shook his head slowly before looking over at Twilight, saying dryly: “Please save me from these two. Luna's intent on causing Nightmare Night mayhem and Bob's been like this all day. I don't think the little sanity I have left can take much more of this.”

Twilight sighed a little, dropping her head forwards before she looked moodily up and asked finally: “Does Scarlet Sage know about this?”

“Somewhat. I told her I was intent upon causing mischief, and I know she is supposed to be taking part in the play tonight... worry not, though, I shall try and restrain myself for Rarity's sake and not set the stage or any of her pretty costumes aflame.” Luna said kindly as she leaned forwards, nodding a few times, and Twilight only shook her head slowly before the sapphire winged unicorn grinned slightly, squeezing Antares gently and looking lovingly down at the baby. “I was hoping that thou would not mind babysitting, though... I cannot ask Discombobulation to do it, after all, as he is... well...”

“For once I won't argue.” Bob said dryly, holding up his hands before he looked mildly towards Luna. “Besides, I want to see what Scrivener Blooms cooks up this year. The mass confusion that should ensue from this event will likely be spectacular, after all. I may even put in an appearance myself. Do a dramatic reading, make some scary faces, steal some candy. I am not the fondest in the world of candy, but the act of stealing it, well, that I may find more enjoyable.”

“Don't be a jerk, Discombobulation. No stealing from foals.” Twilight said firmly, and Bob rolled his eyes before he turned and wandered away, the violet mare looking after him before she smiled a little as her eyes roved towards Antares, saying softly: “And sure. I need to be out at the celebration tonight myself, though... do you mind if...”

“No, nay, not at all. I merely cannot carry the babe myself... Scrivener Blooms and I cannot come crashing down from the skies as monsters if one of us is wearing a newborn in a brightly colored carrier, after all.” Luna said pointedly, reaching over and slapping the baby harness still on Scrivener's side, and the stallion grumbled a bit before he slipped both this and the baby bag off, stretching his back out with a wince. “Our Antares is strong and healthy and doing well... why, thou just missed it, but he was rolling, all by himself!”

“That's... very good Luna.” Twilight said after a moment, smiling a little despite herself, and Luna nodded firmly a few times before the sapphire winged unicorn held her child out, and Twilight Sparkle laughed and shook her head as she strode forwards and quietly took the baby to cradle in her limbs; as she did so, Luna leaned forwards, kissing her cheek gently, and Twilight blushed a bit as she bowed her head forwards and murmured: “Luna...”

“Shush, Twilight. It is alright. It is alright.” Luna soothed quietly, drawing back a bit, and she and Scrivener gazed softly across at the purple winged unicorn as Twilight looked awkwardly up, still blushing a bit: she could still barely believe some of the memories of the past she had of things she'd shared with both Luna and Scrivener, especially after the two years she'd lived without ever pursuing much in the way of romantic – or other – pursuits.

Something had always bothered her, always held her back... and now she understood what that was. But likewise, she wasn't exactly ready to let everything go back to the old ways, especially now that Luna and Scrivener had a child. Yet still, she felt herself... drawn to them. They both knew her so well, they treated her so kindly, so compassionately, and most of all they made her feel safe... and Twilight couldn't help but smile a little as she looked from one to the other before saying finally: “Some things never change, and other things... well...”

“It is alright, Twilight, as I said. I... wish to see thee happy, most of all. Aye, I am greedy, but...” Luna halted, then she shook her head before clearing her throat and gesturing to Scrivener. “'Tis Scrivy's fault anyway.”

“I fail to see how, warrior princess. You're the one from the wild world. I'm the loser you dragged into that world with you.” Scrivener remarked dryly, and Luna huffed at him before headbutting him lightly, making him wince back a bit. “Besides, even you've been too tired for much in the way of-”

“Mature subject matter best left to the imagination.” Discombobulation supplied absently, drawing the attention of the ponies as he stood with his face buried in a book, and he glanced meditatively overtop it after a moment before Twilight winced and hurriedly passed Antares back to Luna, scurrying around the two as they stared as the violet mare she ran towards the chimerical creature, but the Draconequus easily leaned up and read loudly: “'Dear Princess Celestia. Today my friends and I went on a short hike through the Everfree Forest. We found a family of Phooka, but they ran away from us at our approach-'”

“Bob, that's private!” Twilight snapped, her horn glowing... but without looking, Discombobulation only licked his finger and thumb and reached down to firmly squeeze the tip of her horn between them, and the aura around her horn died out in a puff of smoke as Twilight winced and flexed, her eyes bulging before she glared up at him, rearing back and shoving her front hooves against his body as she stretched desperately up for the book. “That's like a diary!”

Bob only looked mildly down at her, and then he returned his eyes to the book as he said complacently: “Well, 'like' is not 'is,' and 'is' is not 'like,' and I would like you to know, Twilight Sparkle, that in all honestly, I would never read your diary: but this, on the other hand, is something I am glad to read. Besides, why are you complaining? These aren't your letters anymore: the moment you sent them off to Celestia, they became her property, so really even though I'm reading your thoughts it's her property that I'm abusing.”

Twilight glared at this, then she flapped her wings and awkwardly flew up in front of him, Discombobulation staring at her before she swiped the book back and dropped back down to her hooves with a huff, putting it back on the table and glaring up at him grouchily. The Draconequus looked back for a few moments, and then he reached down and honked her nose once before vanishing in a burst of smoke, and Twilight Sparkle wrinkled her muzzle before she sighed and closed her eyes, rubbing slowly at her face as Luna looked curiously over at the violet mare. “Thou used to write Celestia letters? But she all-but-lived with thou here in the library, did she not?”

“Well... yes, but...” Twilight hesitated, and then she laughed a little and glanced quietly over at Luna, saying in a softer voice: “We knew that... we knew each other. Just like I instinctively knew all my friends, and I knew that... she was like a mother to me, in a lot of ways. A mentor, and a friend, and somepony who... I cared about, even though I also knew there was a friction there. But until my memories came back, I didn't... remember what that friction was, what caused it. Instead, I just saw the good parts.”

Luna nodded slowly, squeezing Antares quietly against her body, and Twilight blushed a bit as she added quickly: “Not that I'm ungrateful or anything about you coming back into my life and... knowing about everything that happened, I don't mean that at all. Just that... well, you know and... yeah.” She finished lamely, smiling awkwardly. “Sorry.”

“It's alright, Twilight, it's not your fault at all.” Scrivener said softly, and then the male shook his head with a small smile. “Luna and I know that... well... everything has two sides. Good and bad. It was why choosing whether or not to show ourselves in the first place was a difficult choice to begin with...”

“But I'm glad you did. I really am so glad that you did. You two are...” Twilight laughed a little, shaking her head slowly as she smiled a bit. “Now that you're back, I understand why there was such a... hollow feeling to everything. Why it drove me so insane not knowing what had happened, why all those gaps in my memory felt so important...”

“Yeah, because you really don't usually need to know everything about everything.” Scrivener remarked, and Twilight rolled her eyes before she looked at him pointedly, and he rose a hoof with a smile. “Fine, fine, shutting up.”

Twilight drew an amused gaze over him, and then she said softly: “When you two came back into my life it... it was a major adjustment. Not just because so many memories came back all at once, not just because of the story you told, or because Luna was pregnant... but because... it felt like... it rendered so much of everything else in my life almost meaningless. Even now I'm still adjusting to it, trying to balance my responsibilities and everything else, and... I know I'm not doing a very good job of it.”

Twilight Sparkle quieted, looking down and brushing a hoof slowly against the floor before she murmured softly: “And on top of that, I have two years I spent... working here in Ponyville, being... Twilight Sparkle, but a different Twilight Sparkle, this... Looking Glass World Twilight... and now I want to go back to being the old Twilight. The Twilight who... well...”

She shook her head, then laughed a bit as Antares fidgeted and burbled quietly in Luna's limbs, and Luna's eyes drew downwards before she smiled faintly as a small hoof quietly brushed against her muzzle. “Aye, but... there is no rush, my beautiful mare. Even Celestia is adjusting after all, is she not?”

“It...” Twilight hesitated, then smiled warmly after a moment. “Seeing Celestia, that first time she actually cut a trip to the Royal Council short so she could come back here and spend time with you... I don't think I can exactly describe how amazed I was. I mean, on top of that, I know it was something she never would have done as Queen in old Equestria... but she's so... I mean, even knowing that she was once a Valkyrie named Freya, even remembering Celestia the Dragon Slayer and... Celestia the Radiant... I still feel more comfortable with her these days than I remember feeling with her until the last... the final journey we took together.”

“What does that mean, 'a Valkyrie named Freya?' I was a Valkyrie named Brynhild, is this some fancy-talk way of saying thou art uncomfortable with me?” Luna asked huffily, but Twilight didn't take the bait, and this only served to make Luna look grouchier for a moment before she shook her head quickly as she softened, murmuring: “But aye. All mischief aside... my big sister is finally on the true road to being... whom I think she has always wanted to be.”

Twilight nodded slowly, her eyes roving over the two ponies and their baby again before she shook her head briskly, saying quietly: “Anyway. Can I get either of you anything? You must be pretty sore, Luna, I can't imagine the trip was the easiest for you...”

“Oh, do not doubt in me, Twilight Sparkle.” Luna replied grumpily, and then she gently passed Antares to Scrivener Blooms, shaking her head slowly as the baby burbled and Scrivy gazed down at his son tenderly, cradling him up against his chest. “But... 'twould be good if thou could drag out some bedding, or least some soft cushions and blankets, for Antares to rest on. Admittedly I would enjoy laying down as well, to conserve my energies and plan for tonight.”

“Alright. No, no it's fine, Scrivy, I got it.” Twilight added quickly, when Scrivener began to pass Antares back to Luna, and the violet mare smiled a little as she brushed past, giving a soft look to the male before she shook her head quickly and turned her eyes ahead with a quiet laugh. “You make... a really good dad.”

Scrivener only smiled at this, almost blushing a little... and when Twilight came back with the bedding and several cushions, Scrivener and Luna laid down with Antares safely between them, and Twilight sat across from the trio, gazing softly, silently over them until Luna looked up with a smile, meeting the violet mare's eyes and seeming to read into her thoughts as she said softly: “Thou art our family as well, Twilight Sparkle. Do not ever doubt in that, whatever else thou may be feeling, whatever else thou may believe. Thou shall always be family, and welcome with us.”

Twilight blushed a little at this, shifting awkwardly before she nodded as strange but not entirely-unwelcome feelings rose through her system. For the rest of the afternoon, soft conversation was interspersed with comfortable periods of silence, as the ponies simply studied each other... and little Antares slept, was fed, and laid quietly as he burbled and moved his limbs around, smiling every now and then when his mother or father leaned in over him.

As evening began to descend, Twilight fitted the baby carrier on, looking a little grumpy as Luna went over how to take care of Antares several times over until the violet mare finally pointed out that she had babysat for them before. Safe in his onesie and with a large, puffy cap on his head, Antares Mīrus would be having quite an exciting evening... but Luna was confident that if anything, it would be good for her son. As she loved to reiterate... “He is the child of a Valkyrie and a poet who grew up in the icy wastes. He is strong.”

But when Twilight left to help finish preparations for the play that was taking place out in the orchard of Sweet Apple Acres, Luna proceeded to quickly grow anxious until Scrivener forced her to lay down, massaging her back and along her wings, sharing soothing reassurances with her despite his own worries.

They waited two hours, as dusk descended into darkness, and then Luna peered out through the library window before grunting and nodding, saying over her shoulder moodily: “Alright. It looks like it is time, Scrivy.”

“We don't have to do this, you know.” Scrivener said softly, and Luna only favored him with a dryly-amused look, making the male smile slightly despite himself. “Alright, alright, forget I said anything then, Luna.”

“Good.” Luna said kindly, and then she flicked her horn firmly as it glowed brightly, and Scrivener winced as his body flexed and glowed with a sapphire aura before his coat darkened, taking on a rubbery texture as leathery wings pushed their way up from his back, spreading slowly and flapping once before the draconic, strong appendages furled at his sides. Then Luna stepped forwards, kissing him gently as her mane swept upwards, and Scrivener returned the kiss for a tender moment before she drew back as her starry locks brushed quietly over the male's features, leaving strands of sapphire, star-studded fire that spread gradually along the earth pony's face.

He shook his head firmly out as Luna drew back with a grin, half-lidding her eyes: in moments, Scrivener was left with a mask and mane of dark starlight that made his eyes glow strangely, the male smiling a little as he reached up and carefully removed his glasses to put them aside near the bedding so they wouldn't get lost or crushed, shaking his head briefly out as he felt the same glowing star-fire spread along his tail as well. “How do I look?”

“Monstrous.” Luna said kindly, and then she winked before leaning forwards as her horn glowed, her body flexing as a sapphire aura surrounded her frame before her body expanded with a ripple, transforming in the glow before it flickered out... and left Nightmare Moon standing calmly across from Scrivener, her eyes closed, her starry mane and tail swirling slowly before she opened her eyes and gazed calmly at the male, the cyan irises still clearly Luna's. “There. Much as I dislike the creature at this point and time... she has some wicked thought in mind I do not quite dare try and understand. But all the same, it is only fitting I wear her form for tonight of all nights... now come, Scrivener Blooms. To the skies.”

Scrivener grunted after a moment as Luna turned and flicked her horn, opening the door before she ducked carefully through it, and the male followed her quickly out before the tall winged unicorn leapt upwards and flapped her wings, easily taking to the air. Scrivener smiled despite himself as he watched her rise into the night sky, ethereal sapphire mane and tail leaving a comet-like streak behind her before the earth pony ran forwards, flapping his own wings and grimacing at how stiff they felt before he leapt into the air.

It felt less strange when Luna polymorphed him these days: he didn't know whether that was a good thing or a bad thing, as he looked down with a wince at the ground even as he sailed up into the night sky, feeling his wings and muscles slowly loosening up as he flew upwards after her. His clumsy flight slowly evened out into something a little smoother, but he had never been the greatest flier, despite how often Luna liked to make him soar through the air with her.

Slowly, he drew up beside her, and Luna grinned slightly at him through the guise of Nightmare Moon before she gazed downwards as they rose a little higher, staying out of sight against the night sky as they sailed high above Ponyville towards the glowing beacon of light emanating from Sweet Apple Acres. One orchard was lit up almost entirely, and it looked like most of the town had gathered for the play that was going on, the faint sounds of music reaching their ears as they drew closer.

As they sailed carefully closer, Luna's grin spread wider as her eyes began to pick up on the details: the stage was large and rectangular, divided into two sections lengthwise by a huge curtain held up by a skeleton of wooden girders. Behind this was a thin wall that likely supported a simple sliding backdrop, and behind that, ponies were hurrying back and forth, keeping the sound system running and toggling the lights as other ponies changed costumes and attended to makeup and other effects. Twilight was in the back too, Antares hanging from her side, and Luna's expression softened as they circled slowly before she hurriedly shook her head as their flight curled a little lower and curved around so she could look at the front of the lit stage.

With the purple and black curtains drawn along the back of the stage, it imitated deep night, as a figure strode calmly over the stage, dark as night, an emblem of the crescent moon against a swatch of bluish-tinged sky pasted over her flank, the mare tall and proud and beautiful. She was dressed in a dark costume and her coat had been tinted black, her mane glittering and sparkling as Luna grinned widely to herself as the mare monologued in a clear, strong voice, made all the more powerful by the echo effect created by the enormous speakers set up at either side of the stage.

Then Luna winked over to Scrivener, and the male sighed before he nodded, feeling a swirl of thoughts and images and excitement pass between them before Luna suddenly, quickly dove as Scrivener turned quickly, shooting through the air on a different flight path. And ponies stared in shock as Luna crashed down to the stage with enough force to crack the wood, landing in front of the much-smaller unicorn dressed as her with wings spread, turning her eyes and grin towards this mare first. “Boo.”

The unicorn squeaked and scrambled backwards in shock, and Luna threw her head back with a loud, clear laugh as the crowd of ponies stared... and then yells rose up from the group as Scrivener shot low over their heads, sending a ripple of amazement and fear through the crowd before he landed on the stage and skidded around in a circle with a wince that was made into a snarl by the mask of blue fire hiding his features and mane, as Luna stepped forwards and shouted: “Citizens of Ponyville! Do all of thee truly dare to mock me upon this night, this dark night named for me? Do all of thee not remember me, who I am, who we are? Foolish ponies! Oh, how quickly all of thee forget who brings the night! Who brings darkness!”

She grinned wider as she leaned over the edge of the stage, ponies staring up at her as Scrivener Blooms strode forwards, glad he didn't have to do anything but growl and look intimidating as Luna continued teasingly: “And how anger makes me hunger... tell me, my little ponies, how will all of thee appease me? How many of thee shall I gobble up tonight? Are there many delicious foals here for myself and the lord of darkness who stands beside me?”

Luna reared back, sharp teeth grinning, eyes glowing as Scrivener leaned forwards... and then something flew up out of the crowd and landed at her hooves, and she looked down in surprise to see a large, multicolored lollipop. For a moment, she only stared at this, stepping hesitantly backwards... and then other candies were flung forwards out of the crowd, landing up on the stage in front of her.

Luna was struck dumb as a hail of candy was flung from the crowd, thrown by both foals and adults, and Scrivener could only gape before several Pegasi shot forwards, each carrying a large bag they both dumped out over the heads of Luna and Scrivener as they passed, and the two disguised ponies dropped on their haunches in stupefaction as laughter and yells and cheers rang up from the crowd before hooves began to stomp wildly, applauding them loudly as the ponies gazed up with warm eyes.

The two had no idea what was going on... and then Twilight Sparkle leaned out from behind the curtains, Antares looking amazed at all the sound and color before the violet mare called loudly as the applause died down: “Is this enough to appease your hunger, Nightmare Moon?”

Luna looked over her shoulder, seeing Twilight grinning, Rarity and Spike laughing behind her as Rainbow Dash shot by overhead to pour another bag of candy out over the two, and this time Scrivy and Luna laughed beneath the hail before they looked up to see the Pegasus grinning widely, dressed in a patched-together costume of a Nightmare, wrinkled-up dark cloth mimicking smoky body and mane, his head sticking out of the open jaws of the mask. Even Fluttershy was there, smiling warmly up at them from beside Scarlet Sage as the younger mare waved happily to her parents, and Luna laughed before she flicked her horn upwards as it glowed brightly.

There was a single powerful pulse... and a moment later, Luna and Scrivener were left standing with wide grins amidst the pile of candies in their own natural bodies, Luna's black pearl swinging gently in front of her as Scrivener reached up and brushed back his white mane before he and Luna traded a look, a swirl of thought passing between them, and then they both glared over their shoulders at Twilight Sparkle.

Twilight only winked at them as the crowd cheered, however, and Luna looked forwards over the audience, at their happy faces, at their smiles as a few more pieces of candy flew up through the air... and Luna grinned as she swept up a lollipop from the pile in front of her before tearing off the wrapper and sticking it into her mouth, marveling at the way they all cheered for her as her eyes all-but-glowed with joy.

“Oh, most wonderful of nights.” Luna whispered, as the applause finally began to die down... and then she leaned forwards, shouting warmly in a voice that echoed through the clear night air: “Citizens of Ponyville... I thank each and every one of thee!”

There were cheers at this again, and then Luna smiled brightly as she leaned back and shook her head in dreamlike amazement, barely able to believe that all these ponies were here, knew her, recognized her... were cheering for her. And finally, she blushed a little as she began to turn... then cleared her throat and quickly flicked her horn, surrounding the pile of candy with a telekinetic aura before hefting it into the air and leaning forwards, Scrivener sighing but bowing his own head forwards to add to her concentration, his eyes closing before he and Luna rose their heads in time as a swirl of blue mist rose up and surrounded the floating hoard of candy before the mist burst apart and the treats vanished from sight.

Luna wheezed a little, shaking her head briskly out as Scrivener felt an ache pulse through his own body, giving her a faintly amused look: while it wasn't much of an exertion, Luna was still pushing her body far harder than was recommended for any post-pregnancy mare, and the male stepped over towards her before she huffed and straightened, fueled by both the warmth from the cheering ponies and her own stubbornness as she strode towards Twilight Sparkle and half-bulled her back behind the curtain, sucking slowly back on the lollipop in her mouth.

Scrivener and Luna both looked at her, and Twilight only smiled back, blushing a little, before all three ponies glanced to the side as Discombobulation said mildly: “Scrivener Blooms, how does it feel to make the foals sacrifice all their candy to you?”

“Most excellent.” Luna replied mildly, her eyes roving over the Draconequus as he sat calmly back on top of a large speaker with a plastic bucket in the shape of a jack-o-lantern in his lap, several ponies staring at him before the sapphire winged unicorn added dryly: “Besides, it looks as if thou hast gone and stolen some foal's candy thyself.”

“Nonsense. I went out on the candy hunt myself. Everypony thought I was in the most delightful costume.” Discombobulation retorted, and then he snapped his fingers, fake zippers and stitching appearing here and there over his body. “See? Ingenious, isn't it? All the foals adored me, they thought I was either several ponies in one costume or some very inventive child. They kept asking me to show them my cutie mark, which is a very rude thing indeed to ask a Draconequus, I have to say.”

Then he absently brushed at himself, sending the zippers and stitching tumbling free from his form before he dug in the candy bucket in his lap, pulling out a chocolate bar and slowly, daintily unwrapping it as he added mildly: “I must also say, though, Twilight, very impressive ploy you went with. You must have learned your military tactics from Celestia: ambushing the ambush, deceiving the deceiver. And more importantly, you did the job well.”

Discombobulation bit into the chocolate bar, chewing slowly as Twilight blushed a little, turning her eyes back to Luna as the sapphire winged unicorn began to open her mouth, but instead of frustration, or grouchiness, or even a sarcastic remark, instead she asked in a voice that was almost anxious: “But... how do they know? How did thou tell them? How...”

“It wasn't very hard, Luna... all I needed to do was show them an image, give them... a small reminder. And with that, the effect... it rippled through the whole town.” Twilight said softly, shaking her head and laughing quietly as she looked at Luna with a faint smile. “They've known... for a few days now. After you reintroduced yourself to everypony, Rarity and I... decided to take this in a different direction, we got as many ponies from town as we could in on the whole thing... because... we all wanted to thank you. We all... I think we all wanted to remember you, and Scrivener, and everything that happened... we just couldn't do it without the right cues.”

She fell quiet, blushing deeply, and Luna smiled faintly before she blushed as well as she turned and buried her face against the side of Scrivener's neck, and the stallion smiled as well as he gazed up and said quietly, honestly: “Thank you. This... means more to us than either of us can say, Twilight. I... we really don't deserve a friend as good as you.”

“I'll say. You damn idjits invited all them out to your cottage and left me and Ross in the dust, what the hell kind of friend does that?” called an irritable voice, and Luna looked up with a wide grin as Scrivener smiled despite himself as a reddish-brown mare strode across the stage towards them, her own expression playful and her sapphire eyes warm. Her messy, short-cut blonde mane spilled in all directions over the scarlet bandanna tied around her head, and silver piercings glinted in both her ears and through one nostril, even more distinct than her cutie mark of interlocking silver gears upon her flank.

Kilby Kwolek, better known as Cowlick: a loud but dependable and talented engineer with a penchant for all things mechanical. She approached them easily, then stepped forwards and traded a firm hug with Luna, the sapphire winged unicorn laughing before the earth pony mare stepped back and held up a hoof, Scrivener smiling as he punched his own lightly against hers and she winked at him. “Congrats on the kid, you two. Damn handsome little fella. Twilight was getting all jealous, too, was real damn cute. You're a lucky guy, Scrivy.”

“Shut up, Cowlick.” Twilight blushed deeply, and Cowlick only laughed, then shook her head and grinned widely as the violet winged unicorn added hurriedly, when Luna gave an entertained look to Twilight and Scrivener tossed her an amused glance: “I. Cowlick and Ross were both putting things together from the old days already...”

“Hell, I think Ross never forgot, but... you know how he is. Still addled, but I love him the way he is.” Cowlick said cheerfully, nodding and smiling warmly as she absently rubbed hoof against the front of the denim vest she was wearing. “After all, if his messed-up wiring means he remembered when everypony else forgot, and he can still do those genius-level math calculations of his, I wish I was more like him and less like me.”

“Don't worry, I'm sure many ponies wish you were more like someone else and less like you.” Discombobulation said calmly, and Cowlick gave him a flat look over her shoulder before the Draconequus tilted his head towards her, asking kindly: “Did you win Miss Gender Confusion yet? And do you get a sash for that, or a belt buckle?”

“I dunno, Bob, what did you win last year?” Cowlick retorted, and Discombobulation's jaw dropped as he rose a hand, then made a face as if he'd bitten into a lemon as Cowlick smiled at him sweetly before she turned around, adding dryly: “Besides, no confusion here. I'm all mare and I'd be glad to prove it.”

“I hate you ponies. You're all gross and... anatomical.” Discombobulation muttered in a surly voice, and then he took another bite of his chocolate bar and chewed moodily as he leaned back a bit. “Mares should be obscene and not heard.”

That earned another set of glares, and then Luna and Scrivener traded looks and they both giggled stupidly, Discombobulation promptly raising a hand when Twilight began to turn towards him. “Scrivener Blooms laughed! You can't hit me if I made Scrivener Blooms laugh, even if she strains the definition of 'mare...' but thankfully, Luna strains the definition of 'stallion,' so I think I'm safe either way.”

Now Scrivener and Luna glared as Cowlick snorted in amusement, and Twilight Sparkle sighed before she turned her eyes back to Luna and Scrivener, saying softly: “Look. Before we get too off-topic, I... all of Ponyville knows about things again. They remember the past, and they remember you, and they were all glad to help out with this because... they don't blame you.”

Luna shifted a bit, and then Cowlick smiled a little, adding softly: “Hell. You did way better than any of us ever did, after all... and if you don't mind me saying...” Cowlick paused, her eyes roving to Scrivener, drawing slowly over the earth pony's scarred body. “It doesn't look like all the years have treated you too kindly yourselves.”

Scrivener smiled a little, rubbing self-consciously at the large scar at the side of his neck, and Luna smiled a bit over at her husband before she returned her eyes to Cowlick as the engineer continued embarrassedly: “Anyway, a lot of us former Starlit Knights know that... we got a big share of the pie and the blame, too, with everything that happened. I mean, I know that I'm responsible in a lot of ways for some of the crap that went down... wasn't you that told everyone to attack that Tyrant Wyrm. Wasn't you that decided it would be a good idea to shoot the demigod in the face, either.”

“Cowlick, it is all in the past. Yes, thou made mistakes, but thou wert trying to rally our forces, to give support to me... and as I recall, it was thou who suffered from attracting the attention of the demigod.” Luna said gently, and Cowlick gave a small, wry smile at that even as she gave a small shudder and automatically touched her chest, and for a moment Scrivener thought he could almost hear the insane laughter of the destruction demigod Fafnir ringing through his mind. “But let us not focus on these things. Let us think instead on other, more-pleasant circumstances... on the fact that we are all here, together now. That... an entire town... remembers me.”

She looked quietly towards the backdrop, able to hear ponies preparing to continue the theater production, and Luna shook her head a bit before Twilight smiled a little and said softly: “Listen, we planned a kind of... interlude for when you showed up. Why don't we go around, watch the rest of the show? Then you can maybe... mingle a little with the ponies. No one here holds a grudge against you, Luna...”

Luna only laughed and shifted awkwardly, blushing a little... and then she glanced up at the sound of Rarity striding towards them from the other side of backstage with Spike in tow and carrying a clipboard for her, the purple-maned unicorn smiling and saying warmly: “I don't have more than a moment but I did want to see you, Luna and Scrivener, and I couldn't help but overhear what you were talking about... and it would really mean ever so much to me if you would both stay and watch even just a little... I tried to mix together the old legends of Nightmare Moon with some new material and so your opinion on things would really mean a lot to me. I know without Twilight's help, after all, this would have all been nothing but a dreadful mess of sloppy dialogue, but I'm actually quite proud of how things turned out after she rewrote most of the script for me...”

“I didn't do that much, Rarity, I just fixed a few lines here and there...” Twilight replied awkwardly, but now Luna was smiling warmly and Scrivener was looking with interest at the violet mare, who blushed deeper at this before Antares burbled loudly. “Oh, did you want me to keep an eye on him, or...”

“Nay, I can take my baby back, fear not.” Luna said kindly, nodding as her horn glowed and gently lifted both baby carrier and baby saddlebag free from Twilight to settle them gently on Scrivener, and for a moment Twilight seemed almost disappointed before she looked up as Luna added softly: “But come then, Twilight. It looks as if there are already many ponies attending to the details here... I would dearly enjoy it if thou would join myself and Scrivener and... it would make me feel... more comfortable, as well.”

Twilight shifted a bit, beginning to argue, but Rarity smiled and nodded, urging gently: “Go on, dear. I can attend to the last half of the play, fear not.”

“Yes, Twilight Sparkle, don't be so boring. This isn't a movie about how you got your groove back, after all.” Discombobulation added mildly, hopping down off the speaker. “I'll watch too. I expect it'll be a kid's movie, but sometimes it's good to get away from the violence and mayhem. After all, even if you hate everything, nobody hates hula-hoops.”

Luna only rolled her eyes, but Twilight smiled a little at this odd remark before she finally nodded, her eyes roving towards the winged unicorn as she said finally: “Alright, then, I guess I can relax a little, and just take some time to be with you...” She paused, smiling a bit at Scrivener and Luna and burbling, once-more-awake Antares as her expression softened. “Together.”

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