• Published 23rd Sep 2012
  • 2,957 Views, 281 Comments

Decretum - BlackRoseRaven

Realities, worlds, and good and evil collide, and Luna fights one last struggle to save Equestria.

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The Relief Of Returning Home

Chapter Twenty Two: The Relief Of Returning Home

The night passed in quiet, and Luna Brynhild was eager to start the new day. There was much she wanted to do, after all, over this last day and night they would spend at Canterlot: harass Nice Celestia, teach Trixie a few more spells, drag off Little Luna for fun and games and meddling, and perhaps poke a little more at Cadence and Shining Armor.

Scarlet Sage had promised to spend the day with Nice Celestia again, since the Blood Seer had been more than forthcoming and pleasant with the Princess of the Sun, and Celestia had taken an interest in learning about her powers and through her, the history of the Equestria she had come from. Pinkamena, meanwhile, went out wandering the halls and Canterlot at large, looking for ponies to harass until she came across Cadence and Shining Armor trying to enjoy a pleasant meal together at an outdoor cafe, and she had barged her way over to their table with a wide grin, making the unicorn wince and Cadence lean awkwardly away as the half-demon said conversationally: “I could have killed your husband yesterday. But I didn't. So I think you owe me lunch.”

Scrivener Blooms and Luna, meanwhile, were surprised to find that Little Luna was already looking for them in the morning, and they were both more than happy to follow her when she told them with a smile that she had a place she wanted to take them to today. Luna was obviously intrigued, and Scrivener had to admit he was more than a little curious, especially when the Princess of the Night began to lead them down into the labyrinthine darkness beneath Canterlot.

It wasn't a long trip, but it would have been difficult for any pony who couldn't fly – or, as in Scrivener's case, didn't have a Luna Brynhild to carry them and half-fling them onto safe plateaus – and didn't know the way already. And then Little Luna had smiled and blushed a bit as she'd led them into a large stone chamber that was outfitted with bedding, a few stacks of books and lanterns already burning with blue flames, and several other comforts as Luna's eyes drew back and forth before she smiled warmly. “Thou hast had a secret hideaway all along!”

“Well, we all have a happy place, a thinking spot, don't we? This is where I come when... things build too high, or I need some privacy, even from my big sister.” Little Luna replied quietly, smiling over her shoulder. “When Chrysalis first attacked a few years ago, she trapped both Twilight and Cadence in these old mines and burrows... I came down here not long after, to explore a little for myself, even though the Guards had already scoured it. But I was curious... and well... perhaps it was that call you were talking about before, Brynhild. The call of adventure, or... well...

“In any event, I felt... familiarity, and comfort here. I don't know why.” Princess Luna quieted, looking hesitantly around the room before she nodded slowly to herself. “But I liked it here. So I took my time, and carefully put this together. This little... safe place for myself.”

She turned towards then, smiling a little as she studied them, and Luna Brynhild nodded slowly before she replied quietly: “It is wonderful, Little Luna. I wish that I had found a sanctuary like this for myself... but as it is, when I returned to the world, I had not even the plush and luxurious quarters that thou had. I had a stone bedroom, with a broken window...” Luna closed her eyes, but she smiled all the same as she added softly: “But I was more fortunate than thee in plenty of respects as well, as we have discussed. For while thine rooms are grand and grandiose, my rooms came with a poet. A frustrating, annoying poet, who gave up living by day to spend each and every night at my side.”

Both winged unicorns gazed towards Scrivener, who smiled a little and shrugged slowly, saying softly: “It wasn't in the job description, but it was common sense, really. That, and.. I suppose I'm the rare pony who isn't the fondest of the day in any event. Too many other ponies out trotting all over. Nights are quiet. Nice.”

“And full of fun.” Luna Brynhild nodded firmly, then she grinned widely over at Little Luna, half-lidding her eyes. “Now, why has thou brought us down here to this secret abode?”

The Princess blushed and glared at the fellow winged unicorn for a moment, and then she turned her attention away, digging quickly through a bookshelf before smiling and pulling out a journal, turning towards them and blushing deeper as her horn glowed and sent this floating over to them. “I wish for you both to take this. It only gathers dust here... but they are my personal thoughts. My aspirations, a glimpse of... me.”

Scrivener slowly took the book, gazing down at it reverently as Luna Brynhild looked up in surprise, saying slowly: “But thou surely cannot mean to part with this... why, let us read it tonight, and we shall give it back to thee in the morning, it must be very valuable to thee-”

“No, I want you to take it.” Little Luna said firmly, and Scrivener and Luna Brynhild both traded a look, emotions and thoughts swirling between them before the winged unicorn blushed a little and gave a small smile, her eyes roving warmly back to the Princess of the Night, who gazed at them quietly “I thought much about what you told me yesterday, all the things we spoke of. I thought about myself, and who I desire to be. And while I do not believe I wish to be a wild warrior like you are, Luna Brynhild... I would like to be stronger. I would like to be known for something apart from being Nightmare Moon, or Princess of the Night, or little sister to Celestia... I want to be known for who I am. Just as we have learned to know you for who you are.”

Luna Brynhild smiled softly at this, nodding slowly before she paused, then asked abruptly: “The barrier spell thou used against Scrivener Blooms yesterday. Will thou teach it to me?”

“What?” Little Luna looked surprised, but then she nodded slowly, looking curious. “Of course, I would be glad to. But really it's only a modification of Shining Armor's force-field spell... you would be better off asking him.”

“Nay, I am asking thee.” the warrior mare said staunchly, and Little Luna smiled after a moment before nodding slowly, and the winged unicorns studied each other thoughtfully before the Princess of the Night shook her head quickly and began to explain the basics of the spell, blushing a little.

It didn't take more than an hour for Luna Brynhild to master it, Scrivener Blooms looking pleased as he sat inside the protective shield while Little Luna tossed a few rocks at him and they simply bounced off the force-field. It was a nice change of pace to be practice for defensive magic instead of his wife's usual offensive techniques... that was, until Luna Brynhild suddenly dropped the shield and a rock thrown by Little Luna bludgeoned him in the face, knocking him over with a shout of pain as his soulmate flinched, then grinned with a stupid giggle even as Little Luna rushed over to Scrivener and leaned apprehensively over him.

He looked dumbly up at her, bleeding a bit from the mouth, and she gazed back down... and then she had blushed as he had smiled awkwardly. They had only spent a little while longer after that together, however, and then the Princess of the Night had led them back up and out of the dark little sanctuary beneath Canterlot before she'd hurried on her way.

The rest of the day had been a blur for Luna Brynhild and Scrivener: a long conversation with Nice Celestia and Scarlet Sage before they had gone to rescue Shining Armor and Cadence from Pinkamena, who kept trying to lure the unicorn into a fight. Luna again tried to explain that was simply the half-demon's socially-awkward way of trying to make friends, but it was a little difficult for Shining Armor to be completely understanding when the half-demon kept hitting every possible nerve she could find between bouts of mocking Cadence.

They eventually dragged Pinkamena away and she stormed off, grumbling about going to Ponyville to pick on Pinkie Two. Neither Scrivener Blooms nor Luna doubted for a moment she was serious despite how long a walk it was and that evening had settled in, and the two figured they'd catch up to her the next morning. She was able to take care of herself, after all, in spite of how impulsive and reckless she was.

Trixie caught up to them not long afterwards, and she was cheerful, upbeat, and a little more like the old Trixie: proud, almost to the point of being overzealous, but still keeping the worst of her ego reeled in. It was nice to see... nicer still when Luna got to teach for a few hours, and found herself pleased with how hard Trixie pushed herself to tackle these more-difficult transformations. Not full body: Luna was careful to tactfully say that Trixie didn't possess the natural talent necessary to do large-scale polymorphs. But what she did have was more than enough determination and skill to learn how to cover simpler and middle-range modifications, from concealing her horn to creating temporary wings.

Trixie stayed for a while longer after Luna finished teaching her the little she could share in the short few hours. Tomorrow, after all, they would be leaving, and the pale-blue unicorn felt indebted to them. Luna Brynhild had only grinned in response, however, saying quietly: “Nay, it is us who are indebted to thee, for giving us... a second chance, in ways that perhaps thou may not entirely understand. So nay. Our thanks... go with thee.”

Not long after Trixie left, they received a surprise visit from Princess Celestia, who had walked back with Scarlet Sage so she could talk with them a little, and present them with a few simple tokens of gratitude. She had brought out a simple metal box, and Luna had glared at this, scoffing: “If these are pointless little medals, Celestia, I must warn thee now that I will pummel thee horribly. I have never been fond of such things.”

“Don't worry, Brynhild, I got that feeling very clearly from what Scarlet Sage has told me about you.” Celestia replied gently, and Luna grumbled a little under her breath and nodded moodily before her eyes widened when the levitating case opened and revealed a full set of artist's supplies: six jars of brightly-colored inks, finely-crafted pens and sketching pencils, erasers, paintbrushes of every caliber... “I hope this is suitable.”

“It is gorgeous.” Luna whispered, and then she looked up at Nice Celestia for a moment before smiling warmly as she gently took the art kit with her own telekinesis. “Why can't thou replace my big sister in real life? Thou art far more amiable and pleasant than she is. She insists upon buying me books.”

Celestia only laughed quietly at this, smiling despite herself before her eyes turned to Scrivener Blooms, and she said softly: “As for you, my friend, Twilight Sparkle is putting a gift together in Ponyville. I hear you have plans to pass through there on your way back.”

“We do, aye. I do not wish to draw too much attention to Canterlot by opening the Bifrost here... we shall return from whence we came, a good distance from the anchor and into the Everfree.” She hesitated, then shook her head slowly. “Of course there is the concern that should shapeshifters or Clockwork creatures appear, they will be attracted to Ponyville... but my instincts tell me that it is unlikely. The creatures seek us, after all.”

Scrivener Blooms nodded in slow agreement, and Celestia gazed between the two before Scarlet Sage added softly: “I agree with Mom. More than that, I don't think it was... anything but pure bad luck that the creatures were here. Unless Prophet is looking for someone else in another layer of reality, as well...”

“Nay, I think she is merely... inspecting the field, so to speak.” Luna replied grimly, shaking his head slowly as she looked silently at the closed art kit now sitting at her hooves, and then she muttered: “And I know not whether that gives us more time or less, or speaks to whether she is confident or a coward. I will need to consult with Evil Celestia in our own layer of reality. She knows things.”

Princess Celestia sighed a little at this, and then she hesitated before asking finally: “Would you be adverse to telling me more about her? I'm very curious, admittedly. And I wonder if I can learn from your stories about her how to help my own little sister as much as I hope that she has affected you.”

“Oh well, look at Scrivener's face, she has affected us in plenty of ways that are very simple to replicate.” Luna said blandly, and Scrivener self-consciously reached up and touched the hoof-shaped scar over his features as Nice Celestia looked moodily at Luna, which made the sapphire winged unicorn grin at the unwitting imitation of her older sibling. “There! That right there, 'twas a perfect match for a moment! Oh, how it gave me chills, Scrivy!”

Luna laughed and shook her head, and Scrivener rolled his eyes with a sigh as Scarlet Sage gave her mother a half-imploring look, and the warrior mare grumbled but then settled, nodding after a moment as she returned her eyes to Celestia and began softly: “I can be very hard on my big sister, but she has always been more important to me than I can say...”

They spent almost the entire night with Princess Celestia, until she excused herself quietly to take care of some early morning business before raising the sun, and then Luna smiled before looking mischievously back and forth and walking over to the wall as her horn glowed. And Scrivener and Scarlet Sage could only stare as Luna quickly cut the words 'Luna was here' into the wall before pausing and cursing, carefully drawing a line through her name, and etching above it in even larger, sloppier letters: 'Brynhild.'

Then she turned around, cheerfully picked up the camera to snap a picture of this, and grumbled as the film cartridge clacked, saying irritably: “Damnation. Well, 'tis good timing, anyway, we are about to leave.”

“How the hell did we go through three rolls of film over a week?” Scrivener asked incredulously, and Luna simply favored him with an amused look before the stallion added dryly, pointing at the wall: “Also that? That right there? Bad manners, Luna. Bad manners.”

“They should thank me, 'tis proof that I was here and of my existence.” Luna sniffed disdainfully, turning towards where her armor was neatly stacked as she said easily: “Now come on, my family. To Ponyville, which hopefully has not been massacred by Pinkamena, and then from there back across the Bifrost and to home.”

They only took an hour or so to get ready, by which time Princess Celestia had raised the sun. Scrivener, Luna, and Scarlet Sage were pleasantly surprised to find their wagon had already been moved out to the roads leading back to Ponyville, and an escort that included both Shining Armor and Little Luna was waiting for them, the Princess of the Night smiling a little before she said quietly: “A small step towards... being more who I desire to be. Besides... it would be rude to not see myself off.”

Luna Brynhild had laughed and shaken her head at this, grinning slightly as Scrivener Blooms had smiled slightly before they had begun the march. With the wagon and the escort, it had taken them longer to reach Ponyville than expected... but at the same time, none of them could complain, since it seemed like all too short before they were striding through the village as ponies stared in amazement at the parade.

Pinkamena was waiting for them moodily in front of the library, Pinkie Two bouncing beside her cheerfully, and Luna Brynhild grinned despite herself, wondering mildly if in every reality Pinkie was the same. Then she smiled when Twilight Sparkle approached them with a wrapped gift, saying embarrassedly: “This isn't much, but... it's what we could put together. I'm sorry, again, for... doubting in you both. And it really was amazing to meet you. Thank you, honestly, both of you...”

“'Tis a book, is it not?” Luna said cheerfully, as she'd taken the gift-wrapped object and passed it quickly to Scrivener, and he smiled amusedly as he'd begun to pull of the wrapping, as Twilight blushed deeper red. “Oh, just like our Twilight!”

Princess Luna had smiled a little at this, glancing towards Twilight, who had gazed back with curiosity and a hesitant smile of her own... and then Scrivener had whistled slowly as he'd pulled off the gift wrapping to reveal a heavy tome, filled with... letters.

Letters, on friendship: correspondence, between Ponyville and Celestia, as well as other notes, personal entries, factual data and wild prose... and Scrivener and Luna had gazed at this as Twilight had mumbled: “It's just... you know. Just something small...”

“It is nothing small at all.” Luna Brynhild said quietly, glancing up at Twilight, who had smiled a little wider at this. Then the unicorn had been surprised when the armored mare had stepped forwards and hugged her fiercely for a few moments before stepping back and nodding firmly as Scrivener carefully slipped the book into his satchel. “But... we must depart. And know that we depart with gratitude that I cannot begin to express.”

She glanced towards Princess Luna, then turned to her and traded a tight embrace with her twinned self. Then the Princess had slipped to Scrivener, repeating the process as Shining Armor smiled awkwardly at Pinkamena, who looked at him moodily before holding out a hoof.

He sighed in relief... and then, before the stunned eyes of the crowd, the half-demon leapt forwards and seized Shining Armor around the neck before half-yanking him into the air and slamming him savagely down on his back, Twilight gaping at the sight of her brother being taken down so viciously before the half-demon grinned down at him, leaning slowly, threateningly in. He swallowed thickly... then stared dumbly when Pinkamena kissed his forehead gently before leaning back and patting him perhaps a bit too firmly on the chest, saying mildly: “Take care of yourself. You're far from the worst unicorn we've ever met.”

With that, the half-demon loitered onwards, and there was an awkward silence finally broken by Rainbow Dash muttering aside to Pinkie: “Your evil twin is kind of awesome.”

Luna Brynhild had only laughed, then said her last goodbyes with a grin before they'd headed onwards and met Pinkamena on the other side of town, where she had been waiting moodily for them before she grinned widely over at Luna, who had frowned for a moment as they'd headed onwards before she said mildly: “Didn't get her in bed with you, did you? I think you owe me a hundred bits.”

“Oh, I... I... of course I did!” Luna's muzzle wrinkled up, and the half-demon grinned wider before she huffed and glared at her. “Foul fiend of Helheim! I make no deals with devils!”

“Liar liar flank on fire. You make deals with them all the time... 'cept usually they're the ones signing their souls over to you, funny enough. Guess that makes you an archdevil or something, doesn't it?”

Luna huffed again as Scrivener carefully kept his head down as he drew on the wagon and Scarlet Sage sighed and shook her head... before all four halted and glanced back in surprise at a huff to see Princess Luna still following them, glowering with determination at Luna as an object floated in the air beside her. Then she stormed over to her and snapped: “Well, if that is why you slept with me, to win a bet with a demon, then I hope I do not ever see you again!”

Luna and Pinkamena both gaped, staring blankly before the Princess spun on her heel towards Scarlet Sage and said moodily, flicking her horn to thrust the object floating beside her at the Pegasus: “I was going to give this to your parents as a token of affection but I suppose I shall give it to you instead, young one. Here. It is a relic... of a civilization long lost, from when I was just a foal.”

It was a simple silver bracelet, engraved with gorgeous runes, and Scarlet Sage blushed as she hesitantly rose a hoof, letting Princess Luna gently slip this onto her foreleg. She smiled after a moment... then, when Luna stepped towards her, she turned and grumbled: “Fine! If that is what you want, Brynhild, so be it!”

And with that, Princess Luna firmly kissed her, the armored mare's eyes bulging in shock and Pinkamena half-falling forwards before the Princess tore away before Luna Brynhild could even get her mind around what was happening and stormed off. Her body shivered a little as she stormed down the path, as if she was trying to repress tears... but Scrivener had the feeling she was trying to repress laughter, as he stared after her and marveled at how one Luna couldn't tell a lie to save her life and the other was apparently a masterful actor.

Then, slowly, Luna turned a wide grin over her shoulder at Pinkamena, who glowered horribly at her before the half-demon shouted in a strangled voice: “You're lying! You're both liars, you... I'll go and beat the truth out of the damn Princess if I have to!”

“Go right ahead, but do not expect us to be here when thou returns. 'Tis time to summon the Bifrost and go home... and either way, here or not, I shall help myself to the money I have rightly won. I never lose a bet.” Luna replied smugly, and Pinkamena ground her teeth together violently as she stomped her front hooves several times before throwing her head back with a furious, frustrated yell that sent a flock of birds scattering out of the trees.

Then the half-demon slumped before glaring at Luna as she breathed slowly in and out, saying moodily: “You know that we demons of Helheim don't like to be cheated, right?”

“Oh, but thou art only half-demon, and the proof is in the pudding.” Luna licked her lips slowly, then her eyes gleamed. “Blueberry gloss. She is like me if I were...”

“A mare.” Scrivener deadpanned, and Luna slowly glowered at him before the male cleared his throat awkwardly and looked ahead, mumbling: “Well, we're far enough out of town to open the Bifrost.”

“Aye, we are. Very well, Pinkamena, as I am not without compassion I shall only demand fifty bits from thee.” Luna said pompously, and the half-demon grumbled moodily under her breath before the winged unicorn closed her eyes, saying softly: “But first, to home. We have much to report... and I am truly eager to see my son again.”

Scrivener smiled a little at this, and Pinkamena sighed but seemed to soften a little as Scarlet Sage gazed up with a quiet laugh. Slowly, Luna's eyes closed as she concentrated, and both she and Scrivener bowed their heads forwards, feeling their hearts moving in rhythm as their energies mixed into one, energy rumbling and crackling through the air around them before they both arched their backs, eyes glowing as they snapped their heads upwards and poured all the strength they had forwards into summoning the rainbow bridge.

The swirling tornado of flame ripped upwards, tearing through reality, bursting apart and forming the flickering, multicolored burning arch of light... and Scrivener and Luna both staggered into a run for it as Scarlet Sage and Pinkamena both hurriedly followed. They tore through the vortex at the top of the bridge in a burst of light, running down the tunnel in the electrified euphoria that always took over before they tore out the other side and back into their own reality, staggering into daylight before Scrivener winced as the bridge began to shatter almost the moment he began to race down the ramp of light, Luna and Scarlet Sage both wincing and leaping hurriedly off.

The Bifrost shattered beneath the wagon and Scrivener, Pinkamena leaping upwards a moment before the pieces fell away beneath her own hooves and landing on top of the wagon as it fell. It crashed to the ground, and the half-demon winced and rolled off before agilely landing low on her hooves as Scrivener landed heavily on his chest... and then his eyes bulged as something on the wagon snapped loudly before it slowly began to keel over.

Pinkamena leapt out of the way as the wagon crashed down on its side with a tremendous crash, Luna wincing at the sound of the objects contained within rattling and banging violently around before her eyes drew to Scrivener Blooms. He was suspended in the air between the arms of the wagon thanks to the taut harnessing, and he had a horrible, moody expression on his face as he hung limply before Luna threw her head back and laughed, the stallion saying grouchily: “Yes, that's very helpful, dear. Very helpful. Please get me down.”

Pinkamena snorted at this, yanking her axe off her back as she approached, and Scrivener's eyes bulged before he ducked to the side as the half-demon lashed the weapon out, slicing through the tethers holding him in the air and sending him spilling painfully to the ground. “You're welcome.”

“I actually was going to thank you. If only for not cutting off any part of my body.” Scrivener muttered, slowly picking himself up so he could remove the harness and the remaining tethering, looking grouchy as Luna only continued to laugh before he sighed and checked over the saddlebags at his sides to ensure they hadn't been damaged at all. “So are we going to lever this up, or...”

“No, no, let us leave that for the Nibelung.” Luna looked back and forth through the fields, smiling slightly. “I am eager to see my son. More eager, I think, than to even inform Odin of what has happened... besides, what could swoop down and steal away this tipped-over wagon in the time it will take for Greece and Cowlick to send out a team of mechanics?”

Scrivener grunted at this as Scarlet Sage smiled as well, gazing silently towards the village before she said softly: “It feels like it's been forever since we've been back here... and even if we've got good news and bad news and a lot of scary things to report, I... I can't help but be happy all the same. We're home now, after all, and it feels... it feels good to be home.”

“Home...” Luna said softly... and then she smiled quietly and nodded in slow agreement, murmuring: “Aye, it truly does. Come then, friends. Into Ponyville. Let us find our friends, and my handsome son.”

In the early evening, Luna laid quietly on comfortable bedding in the library, half-dozing with Antares Mīrus curled up against her body, the toddler deep asleep. A pacifier was in his mouth and Gymbr was clutched tightly up against his chest, the baby's wings fluttering every so often as he dreamed while Scrivener sat quietly side-by-side with Twilight Sparkle on the other side of the wide room, the two going over the enormous scrapbook of letters and information they had obtained from the other layer.

So far, only Twilight knew the details of their trip: Celestia was at the Temple of the Sun in central Equestria, and Odin was... not in Ponyville, and not out at their cottage. In all likelihood, the once-god was back in Valhalla, but it was impossible to know. He came and went as he pleased, after all, and very few ponies had the courage or thought it was within their rights to question the once King of the Aesir about where he planned to go and what he planned to do when he left the little village or its surroundings.

Scarlet Sage had already headed back home, and Pinkamena had vanished at some point, likely to head home herself. She had obviously missed her twin, however little she wanted to admit it. She had stayed with them until they had reached the library, however, and Twilight had come running out to greet them all with Antares, who had been beaming happily... until he looked at his father, skidded to a halt, and pointed at him with a hoof, shouting in a scared voice: “Hurt! Hurt!”

Confusing at first, and somehow scary for Scrivener, who thought wildly at first that his presence was hurting his son somehow before Antares had run up to him and hugged his leg, babbling away before he'd deciphered the phrase: “Daddy hurt!” among the rambles. And Scrivener had quietly picked the child up, nuzzled him and hugged him close, then rocked him slowly in his forelegs, soothing him until Antares settled worriedly, even though he plainly didn't believe when Scrivener tried to tell him that he wasn't hurt at all.

And now, here they were, a few hours later: after telling a good part of the story, Luna had curled up with her son to rest a little while Scrivy and Luna spent a little time together. Spike was over at Rarity's, and with Celestia gone for at least a few days, it meant they had the library to themselves... well, and the sleeping toddlers.

Scrivener smiled a little despite himself at this thought, even as Luna grouchily opened an eye and stuck out her tongue at him, only reinforcing the notion that she was a foal in an adult's body. Then she sniffed and buried her face against the pillows, ephemeral mane spilling over her features and curling down over Antares, who shifted quietly in his rest and curled closer to his mother with a quiet murmur.

Twilight glanced up at this, then she smiled faintly, shaking her head slowly and murmuring: “It really is amazing, you know. Antares is a better behaved foal than most, but without his Mom and Dad around, he sure can be hard to cheer up. But... he did better this time, I think you'll be happy to know.”

“Thanks.” Scrivener said softly, and then he glanced quietly towards Twilight as she studied him softly, before he smiled a little, drawing his eyes along her quietly: “Funny. After only a few days... I got so used to seeing the old you. You, as a unicorn. Also much smaller than me.”

“I wasn't that short.” Twilight said grouchily, and Scrivener laughed a little before she smiled and elbowed him firmly, saying quietly: “And you really saw Trixie, huh?”

“And meddled with her, yes.” Scrivener smiled a little, glancing quietly over at Luna before he shook his head slowly and murmured softly: “Scares me, though. These Clockwork Ponies... what if amongst them, we have to see these... distorted versions of... and what if the Prophet...”

He broke off, leaving all his questions unfinished, but it only added to the tenseness that rippled through the air for a few moments before Twilight Sparkle shook her head slowly, saying quietly: “But they aren't us. From what you described from Visionary... they're like... puppets. Homunculi... both the shapeshifters, and even the other ponies that he...”

Scrivener closed his eyes and nodded slowly, and Twilight added almost hurriedly: “But not... not her. And... not you, Scrivener. I already know what you're thinking... but you're not a toy of Valthrudnir's. Not anymore than you're a monster.”

The male smiled wryly at this, however, looking over at her quietly as he said softly, raising a hoof: “And in my mind, most often I see myself as nothing but a mishmashed, mangled amalgamation of Tyrant Wyrm and earth pony. What does that say about me, Twilight Sparkle? It doesn't take a genius to figure it out.”

“And yet you were you when you spoke to Visionary, weren't you? You described it so vividly, Scrivener, and you never once said claws... you said hooves.” Twilight replied pointedly, and Scrivener frowned thoughtfully at this, looking down as Twilight looked hesitantly over at him, then she shook her head and smiled a little, changing the subject awkwardly: “So I... really had a big brother friend?”

“I think it was big brother best friend for life or something.” Scrivener replied after a moment, and Luna mumbled something, Scrivy glancing over at her and catching the wisp of memory before he corrected: “Forever. Not for life, forever. But yeah... you two seemed close, and he was married to a winged unicorn named Cadence.”

Twilight Sparkle smiled a little at this, looking silently over her shoulder at her own wings and flapping them slowly once. “And Little Luna and Nice Celestia.” She laughed despite herself, shaking her head slowly. “It's amazing. All the research we've started doing on the layers, how they parallel and reflect, how events are tilted so that in some way, they must all resemble one another at some point, even if only through a fun-house mirror... but I never had a big brother best friend forever. The closest thing I had to that...” She halted, then smiled again over at Scrivener Blooms. “Was you.”

“Yeah, except Shining Armor was handsome, big, polite, friendly, and related to you. Also you liked him. Back then I was... well, I wasn't handsome but I wasn't as ugly as I am now, either. I can say with certainty that I was rude, unfriendly, and definitely not related to you.” Scrivener paused thoughtfully, then he glanced up moodily at the ceiling. “Unless you're pure-blood, like I am. Isn't that funny? I'm technically a pure-blooded unicorn, just... hornless.”

Twilight sighed a little, then she shook her head and smiled a bit over at Scrivener. “Would you believe that I've never really known my own genealogy? For all I know I could be descended from Starswirl the Bearded or his apprentice... or maybe my ancestors were potato farmers, I don't know.”

“Potato farmers. You'd make a lame farmer. You'd try to schedule everything and then get angry at your crops when they didn't keep to your agendas and dig them all up to try and start all over again.” Scrivener said mildly, and Twilight rolled her eyes before she shouldered him firmly, then closed her eyes and dropped her head against his shoulder.

Scrivener looked at her softly, reaching up and brushing her mane quietly out of her eyes, and Twilight smiled a little before blushing and closing her eyes, but not pulling away. A small tremble ran through her body, and Scrivener studied her quietly before she sighed a little, shaking her head and reaching down to quietly flick the tome closed, saying softly: “I want to blame you and Luna for never letting me go... but somehow, I know that really... this is my fault more than it is yours. I can't let go of you two, even though I should... you have a son with Luna. Doesn't that change things?”

“Does it?” Scrivener asked softly, and Twilight grimaced a little, looking up at him hesitantly before she closed her eyes, and that was enough of an answer for the earth pony as he looked up at the ceiling and said quietly: “I am sorry, Twilight. Luna and I both are, really... because... we don't want to let you go, no. We don't want things to change, either, even though everything has changed...”

He quieted, looking away and scraping a hoof against the floor slowly as Twilight looked up at him silently. “It comes down to what you're comfortable with, though. Either way, I'm going to be your friend, and I'm always going to care for you, deeply. Deeper than I should, probably.” He smiled a little over at her, locking eyes with her silently. “You're family. You'll always have a place with me and Luna.”

Twilight nodded slowly, looking down and murmuring softly: “I just feel... displaced and... a little jealous, maybe. I mean, I want to say the stupidest things: things like 'it was fun, but now it's over,' and stuff like that. Because it wasn't about the fun, being with you two like... we once were. It was about being safe, and cared for, and having a sanctuary. But I worry... not about myself, but about messing up Antares. I worry about being normal. I worry about the difference between the Twilight Sparkle who was, the Twilight Sparkle who lived for two years without you, and the Twilight Sparkle who I am, who is now, who... I don't even know who she is, really.”

She quieted and smiled a little, looking up at him before she reached up and touched his chest silently. “I'm very grateful to you and Luna. For being my friends, for showing how much you care about me. For quieting all those fears I was ever just... meat... to you two. And for... waiting. I want you both to know that... I won't... I only need a little more time. Just a little more time, to figure everything out...”

She closed her eyes, and Scrivener nodded slowly as he gazed down at her silently, then leaned over and kissed her forehead gently. “Alright, Twilight Sparkle.”

“Alright, Scrivener Blooms.” Twilight smiled a little, and she let herself settle against him more comfortable. He wrapped a foreleg around her, and she listened silently to the beat of his heart, curled securely and comfortably against him, letting the comfort of it drive away all her worries, fears and anxieties for now before she sighed a little and said softly: “Drama and monsters and Clockwork and... Valthrudnir. It's all piling on at once, isn't it?”

“Life does that.” Scrivener shrugged and smiled a little, then he looked moodily down and rubbed slowly at his face, murmuring quietly: “To be honest, though, my two biggest concerns at the moment are setting up the anchors to ensure the Clockwork World can't get through to the core reality, just in case Prophet is trying to bring everything crashing down... and... figuring out what Visionary did to me. Why it was so important to her to pass it on... so important that she was willing to die to do it.”

Twilight nodded slowly, looking up at him quietly before she said hesitantly: “Well, we could... explore your mind, yeah? Luna and I could both tether into your memories and emotions...”

“Hell no. Stay out of my head.” Scrivener retorted, and Twilight rolled her eyes and gave him a flat look before the male smiled a little and glanced down. “No... it had something to do with when... Visionary died. I saw her memories, I saw her story... but when she died, that's when it really hit me hard, whatever she did. And I'm worried that it's not until Clockwork World attacks that this ability is finally going to show what it's meant to do...”

Twilight nodded again, then she sighed a little and murmured: “Alright, but... the offer always stands, Scrivener. I'm glad to delve into your mind and try and experience and decipher things for myself like that, too. You... you don't have to be afraid of showing me who you really are. I know who you are. I know as much about you as you do about me.”

Scrivener gave her a wry look, but Twilight only looked back up with a quiet laugh, saying softly: “It's true, you know, you big idiot. I pay attention to all my friends but... I've always paid special attention to you and Luna. Always. Besides, you... you get uncomfortable when talking about yourself, so I don't like to bring it up.”

Scrivener Blooms shifted a little at this, nodding after a moment with a grunt as he said finally: “Alright, you might... have a small point there. But okay, fine, Twilight. What was the first book I published?”

“Your first book was Rose Thorns, but you were first published in a magazine. Then anthologies after that.” Twilight smiled slightly, looking up at him with amusement. “Asking me questions about books as if I wouldn't know the answer, seriously. What's wrong with you?”

“What's wrong with your face?” Scrivener retorted crankily, and Luna giggled sleepily as Twilight rolled her eyes, slapping at him even as she continued to comfortably rest against him, and Scrivener hesitated for a moment before looking up and asking quietly: “Do you remember why I survived the Tyrant Wyrm's corruption?”

“You said you were evil.” Twilight said softly, and Scrivener smiled a little before she continued in a quiet voice: “But I don't believe that. Just because even in... the worst of darkness, you can find beauty and pleasure... I don't think it makes you evil, Scrivener. You're... you can be a little scary at times, yeah. Especially when you snap, and all that bottled-up anger comes out. But you're not evil.”

Scrivener looked down quietly, then he nodded slowly and muttered: “Still. It makes me wonder, you know, the fact that I seem to be made of the perfect materials for Valthrudnir's machinations to take advantage of. Maybe I'm some piece of his ridiculous puzzle, too.”

“Do not even joke about that, Scrivener Blooms.” Luna said quietly from across the room, sitting slowly up, and Scrivener smiled awkwardly at her as she looked at him for a few moments silently, and then sighed and shook her head, giving a faint laugh. “I... I apologize, my family. Perhaps it is just Scrivy's emotions wearing on me and everything else in the world turning so abysmally, but... even with my beloved little colt here, I still feel...”

She quieted, then shook her head and glowered over at Scrivener and Twilight. “Now, thou art both being whiny dramatic school-fillies and doomsayers, so I command thee both to shut up. I am very tired, but... I think home is also beginning to call to me, Twilight Sparkle. As a matter of fact, I think it calls to us all. Therefore, I demand thou to put together Antares' baby bag, and we shall all leave shortly for our little cottage, and thou shall spend the night with us.”

“Okay.” Twilight said softly, smiling, and Luna stared stupidly as Scrivener looked down at her with dumb surprise before the violet winged unicorn shrugged and slipped away from the stallion, looking amusedly over at Luna. “You can't have honestly expected me to not expect you to have that request, right? Because I've been waiting since you got here for you to basically order me to come back home with you, and well, with Spike gone for the night and Celestia out as well, there's... not really anything for me to do here.”

She paused at the stairs, smiling a little before she shook her head and said softly: “Everyone's finding their families, their... special places, you know? Where they really belong in this world... but it's not as if we're drifting apart, either. Even with Avalon, AJ and Rainbow are both always still glad to lend a hoof to anypony in need and especially their friends, and Pinkie Pie's always bouncing around, sharing smiles and joy and everything with everypony, and Fluttershy has the Phooka and helps look after the foals...”

She quieted, looking down and smiling a little. “And Rarity and Spike of course. I'm glad they have each other, even if it means it gets... a little lonely around here without Spike around as often. But that's okay... we still all see each other. We haven't... gone on different paths. We're still always there for each other when we need to be. We just all have our own jobs, our own duties, and we're all finding... where we really belong. But... we are all doing it, too.”

Twilight quieted... then she laughed a little and shook her head slowly, blushing a bit. “Anyway, I'll be right back. Sorry, it's... been a long week without you two around.”

“Aye.” Luna said softly, gazing thoughtfully up after Twilight with a soft smile... and then she shook her head and looked meditatively over at Scrivener Blooms before asking grumpily: “Why does thou get to cuddle and open up with Twilight Sparkle and I get a snatched and desperate kiss from Little Luna that was more a prank than anything else? And why did the damnable Princess wait until that moment in time to be fun?”

“Purely to frustrate you, Luna. The entire universe is against you and it was all a big joke by the Norns.” Scrivener replied mildly, and Luna nodded violently a few times, huffing and stomping her hooves as Scrivener sighed and shook his head, muttering: “Megalomaniac.”

“I would much rather pummel the world than rule it.” Luna retorted moodily, sitting back grumpily on her haunches before softening as she gazed down at Antares Mīrus, murmuring quietly: “Besides, look, Scrivy. We have a son, who is like the entire world to me as it is now.”

Scrivener smiled a little at this, nodding slowly before he turned his attention towards his discarded armor, and Luna sighed tiredly before she turned her own eyes grumpily to her piled-up gear. They dressed back in their equipment, repacked their things, and Luna complained but took one of the saddlebags so Scrivener could put the baby carrier on his other side, and the sapphire winged unicorn quieted as she carefully fitted her son into this as he continued to sleep.

She inspected his snoozing body, ensuring he was snug and comfortable, before he burbled quietly in his dreams... and Luna smiled faintly as he rose his empty hooves, turning her eyes to Gymbr and lifting the doll gently. She passed it over to the baby, and Scrivener gazed softly over his shoulder as his son clung quietly up against the toy with a mumble, before Luna glanced hesitantly towards Scrivener and asked: “Thou... does not see anything wrong with the toy? I had thought that since thou had been given some... gift of sight...”

“Yeah, but I doubt Gymbr has anything to do with Clockwork World or Valthrudnir, even if what Zecora suggested was true... hell, especially if. Good or evil, I'm pretty sure we'd be eager to bring down Valthrudnir.” He paused, then grimaced a little, looking moodily over at Luna. “But I just realized something. If-”

“Do not even suggest that.” Luna said firmly, raising a hoof and looking disgusted. “I do not believe the accursed Jötnar could be anything but what he was... not good, not evil, simply a self-obsessed, unforgivable and murderous child.”

Scrivener grunted in agreement, even as he looked moodily down, thinking thoughts he didn't entirely want to think before he hurriedly shook his head out when Luna glowered at him moodily. “Thy name should have been... Stupid.”

“And your name should have been...” Scrivener winced when Luna's horn glowed as she leaned towards him threateningly. “Uh... pretty. Lady.”

“Pretty Lady. That is even more insulting than if thou had insulted me!” Luna said grumpily, then she leaned over and poked him firmly in the flank with her horn, making him wince and stagger to the side as she muttered: “Damnable Scrivener Blooms. Thou art damnable. And stupid. Beetle.”

“I know. I know.” Scrivener said tiredly, and Luna nodded a few times before they both looked up as Twilight came down the back stairs, Antares' baby bag hanging on her side as she smiled a little at them, and a simple, smaller satchel on her other side. “Oh, good. Luna was about to start pummeling me, baby or not.”

Luna sniffed disdainfully at this, tilting her head back before she grinned when Twilight said mildly: “I can always go back upstairs for a few minutes...”

Scrivener glared at her, and the sapphire winged unicorn laughed before she shook her head and replied easily: “That is a generous offer, Twilight Sparkle, but nay, thou does not much to quell my rage. Come now, let us head home. Scarlet Sage is likely wondering what we are doing by now, after all.”

Twilight nodded with a smile, and she paused only a moment in the doorway, glancing over her shoulder to tilt her horn and turn off the lights in the building. She closed the door silently behind her as she slipped into the dark night air, breathing slowly and then glancing up at the star-littered sky above, watching as clouds silently floated past like thin wisps of ghosts as Luna murmured softly: “Oh, beautiful night... yes, I am home.”

They turned quietly, heading to the gates of Ponyville, and Nibelung and pony guards both saluted them as they pushed the doors slowly open, Luna pausing a moment to ask curiously: “How goes duty here? Have there been any sightings of hostile forces?”

“Nope nope, fancy-corn.” one of the Nibelung spoke up, saluting and nodding with a smile, and then it winced when one of the ponies nudged it firmly, the dwarf glowering before it added grouchily: “Well. Silly-pony think he see big black drake. But we no see big black drake.”

Luna frowned at this, leaning forwards apprehensively, but she was relieved when the Pegasus pony in question glared and snapped at the dwarf: “I did! It was the size of a damn carriage, chasing after some kind of wild animal... how the hell did you all miss it?”

“Oh, I no know, flying-pony. Maybe because gates was closed?” The Nibelung leaned over, seizing the Pegasus by the wings and lifting it into the air by these, making it squawk and flail furiously. “You spend all day with head in clouds, cloudy-pony. No wonder you see funny things.”

Luna sighed and rolled her eyes as the Pegasus shook free and glared at the dwarf, who grumbled back before the sapphire winged unicorn turned her eyes to the Pegasus: “The size of a carriage and chasing a wild animal. Is there anything else thou can recall?”

“Yeah, it moved really funny. It was skittering all.. really fast.” the Pegasus replied after a moment, then he dropped low to the ground, stretching his limbs out as far as they would go before making a crab like movement, and the Nibelung laughed at him as one of the other ponies slapped his forehead, but the Pegasus continued to look completely serious. “But fast!”

Luna grunted, then she looked at the guards and said moodily: “It may be a marsh drake, lured out of its usual hunting grounds by the promise of fresh food. Be careful, if it is such a creature, then that wall will mean as much to it as a short hedge.”

The Nibelung stopped laughing at this, but Luna only smiled at them politely before she turned and headed onwards, Twilight wincing a bit as Scrivener followed on her other side, before the violet mare asked awkwardly as the gates were hurriedly closed behind them: “Should we... maybe not walk through the forest if...”

“Oh, 'tis probably nothing, Twilight, and even if it is, the creature will grab its prey and then either get lost in the forest or hurry back to its own territory. They are nasty creatures but nothing any of us could not handle, anyway.” Luna said dismissively, shaking her head briefly as they continued down the path into the Everfree Forest, the winged unicorn looking thoughtful. “Still, for such a creature to wander so far out of its preferred hunting grounds... it must have been a very enticing animal or a very hungry predator.”

Twilight didn't look exactly pleased or reassured by this, and she was quiet for a while as they headed into the forest. Her apprehension only grew as the darkness around them seemed to sway and whisper, before she jumped when a pair of eyes opened in the shadows... but the Nightmare they belonged to only laughed quietly before soothing gently: “Oh, fear not, it is only us... we heard the mistress had returned, and we were eager to see her and speak to her... to ensure that she was alright...”

“How nice.” Luna said wryly, but she smiled all the same as she glanced back and forth at the Nightmares on either side of them: at least three, pacing silently around them through the shadows on the side of the bath, sinuously twisting around trees as their eyes glowed eerily. “Normally thou art not so helpful, nor so polite, though, so I cannot help but suspect an ulterior motive...”

“We know, mistress, but fear not. We merely wish to escort you home. And believe us when we say we are relieved to see you back...” one of the other Nightmares said kindly, flatteringly. “You are what keeps us safe, after all. Keeps us strong, and comfortable in this world. Why, without you, beloved mistress, without the help of the alliances you have forged and the legions of darkness you command, we would have all been nothing but a few weak, scattered creatures in a world not our own, easily preyed-upon by the beasts of this realm...”

Luna visibly enjoyed the heavy compliments, but her eyes were still suspicious even as she didn't reply before Scrivener winced a little when one of the Nightmares leaned in towards Antares, saying softly: “And look at the young foal. So handsome, so strong, blessed by night...”

Luna's eyes narrowed at this, and then she said curtly: “He was cursed by Nightmare Moon. Do not mistake me, I recognize that aye, to be able to fly will be good. But she tried to turn my own son into a thrall, and that is no blessing. Those wings do not come from a place of help, but of hindrance.”

“We mean no disrespect, sister.” one of the Nightmares said softly, and they bowed their heads respectfully as Luna grumbled a little under her breath, and Scrivener glanced moodily back and forth as well. “We would never wish harm nor insult upon your child, after all. We must serve all your family, as we serve you. And we look forwards to watching him grow up... to observing beloved Antares Mīrus, and what glory he brings to the night...”

The ponies were silent as Antares shifted quietly in his sleep, murmuring and shivering a little, and then Scrivener looked up and asked finally: “Has anything unusual been going on around the forest, or anywhere around Ponyville or Canterlot?”

“Not at all, brother.” one of the Nightmares replied smoothly, the others smiling and nodding in agreement. “There are of course strange things going on in the country, but they are no stranger than usual, and far and wide... the forest has been quiet, and peaceful. Canterlot is being steadily rebuilt, and higher and higher grow the marble walls and towers as we slip and slide through the endless catacombs below. They make a wonderful home.”

Twilight frowned at this, looking towards the Nightmares and unable to stop herself from asking: “What do you mean, home?”

The Nightmares laughed quietly, and then one of them said softly: “They are deep, and dark, and safe. Nothing has lived there for centuries, and nothing has died there for even longer than that. And our sustenance... vital force and emotional energy... they will be in such great supply that it will be as if we are... plants, growing comfortably in a greenhouse.”

“As long as our numbers do not grow too great, your kind will not even know our kind exists beneath you.” added another Nightmare, smiling softly, and then it added softly: “And our duty is to protect the ponies. Our oaths are sworn to you and your kind... we cannot break such a bond, not without great penance and punishment.”

Twilight still looked apprehensive, but Luna only shook her head slowly, muttering over her shoulder: “Fear not, Twilight Sparkle, 'twill be a long time in the future before the creatures settle into their cozy new home. And while they tend to speak with serpents' tongues, they cannot lie to us, especially about the promises they have made to me.” Luna paused meditatively, adding wryly: “Besides. They will be like rats living beneath the dragon's aerie, feeding off its scraps... Celestia, after all, will be sitting in Canterlot right above their heads, and they have no worse foe.”

“But she is not our foe, sister.” one of the Nightmares said softly, bowing its head politely and earning a curious frown from Luna. “As we are your allies, she is our ally, and we would consider her a sibling as well. She is the Dawn Bringer, but although we cannot exist in her ardent day... we all the same are the necessary reflection, part of the deep darkness that gives her meaning. We cycle. We are necessary to one-another, especially in this world.”

Luna looked moody for a few moments, and then she nodded thoughtfully and smiled slightly despite herself, saying finally: “I suppose... this is true, aye, although thou may be overplaying thy necessity. Even without thee there would still be a night.”

“We know, sister, but we make the night safer: we have value to you, do we not?” one of the other Nightmares pointed out eloquently, and it smiled after a moment, adding quietly: “And of course we cannot declare ourselves worthless and unnecessary, especially to you, mistress and sister.”

Luna only nodded slowly, and Twilight lowered her head musingly as they continued quietly onwards, Scrivener Blooms feeling Antares seeming to settle a little more at his side. The Nightmares vanished one by one into the darkness as they neared their cottage, however, leaving with only smiles and without goodbyes, and as they slowly approached the front door, Twilight said quietly: “I can see now more about why you saved them, Luna. It's... very strange seeing it from this angle, but it's like when I first saw Fluttershy with the Phooka. It was weird at first but... the more she told me about it, the more she explained it to me and let me see her with them...”

“Aye, exactly.” Luna smiled slightly over her shoulder, halting in front of the door before she said quietly: “Thou hast my thanks, Twilight Sparkle. I have been waiting for far too long for someone apart from Scrivener to tell me that my idea to bring the Nightmares and demons across reality was not a stupid and selfish one.”

“As if you need more reassurance about your bad ideas.” Scrivener said softly, and Luna rolled her eyes and shoved the door open with a grumble, Scrivener and Twilight both smiling as they followed the winged unicorn into the house.

Scarlet Sage glanced up from where she was sitting in the living room, and Discombobulation slowly peered his head around the corner before he said mildly: “Oh look. Luna's gone crazy again. But it seems that this time he recovered a little faster than usual, that's very nice to see.”

Scrivener sighed a little, and Luna firmly bopped Discombobulation on the nose with her horn as she passed, the Draconequus wincing and grabbing this as he sat back and glowered grumpily at her. Then she turned a smile to Scarlet Sage, asking softly: “How art thou feeling, now that this is all said and done, Scarlet Sage?”

“Good, I think... good.” Scarlet answered softly, and the Pegasus smiled a little glancing down and shaking her head slowly. “I mean... I know it wasn't anything like what any of us expected, but it really... I mean... I wish I could have done more. Is that... normal?”

“It never changes for me, anyway.” Luna replied quietly, looking down moodily, then she shook her head briefly before asking finally: “What did thou do with the film canisters?”

“Oh, I dropped them off already to be developed.” Scarlet Sage smiled a little, nodding, and Luna smiled approvingly back with a grunt. “I made sure to give the usual order, too. Private batch, you or I will pick them up and pay for it then, he can look at them but not copy them or anything.”

“Aye, good. I trust young Featherweight, but I shall still pummel him horribly if he tries to keep any of the photos again. He may be tall as a oak but he's as gangly as a reed.” Luna grumbled, and Scrivener snorted in amusement as Scarlet Sage sighed and shook her head. “I know, I know, but I am a very nice pony! It is not my fault that silly ponies try and do silly things. Besides, I saved his life after he snapped a picture of that demon. He should be thanking me for the opportunity to do him a favor.”

She nodded firmly, and Discombobulation snorted, sitting back and saying moodily: “Do you know why I do all the references around here? Because yours are either way too obvious and clearly based on over-stretched assumptions, or worse, they're far too obscure for anyone but a few other people to get.”

Scrivener and Luna both simply looked at him for a moment, and then Twilight turned around and headed towards Antares' room, calling mildly: “I'll put the baby's stuff away and then put on coffee. You two should probably change out of your armor.”

“Yes, mother Twilight.” Scrivener and Luna muttered at the same time, and Antares giggled sleepily in his carrier as Discombobulation snorted in amusement. The violet mare only ignored them, however, and Scrivener grumbled under his breath as Luna gently lifted Antares free before passing him gently to Scarlet Sage, who smiled softly and hugged her baby brother tight up against her body.

The two armor-clad ponies headed towards their room, and the Draconequus sniffed before he looked mildly over at the Blood Seer, saying dryly: “So. Sucked any blood lately, Marceline?”

“What?” Scarlet Sage frowned, then she glowered at him. “Wait, is that a vampire or something? Because I'm not a vampire and I don't even like the taste of blood, thank you.”

Discombobulation only huffed in response to this, saying seriously: “Maybe you just haven't found any blood that likes you, did you ever think of that? You don't know something until you've tried it, and even if you try it once, twice, thrice, trying it again may be what makes you like it, because of some subtle difference, some tiny flaw, some perfect twist or tick or tat. For instance, I bet you've never stuffed potato chips up your nose: you may tell me you wouldn't like it. You may think you wouldn't like it. You may be almost absolutely sure that it would be painful and unpleasant. But until you go and stuff those potato chips up your nostrils, you don't know, with absolute proof, that you don't like stuffing potato chips up your nose.”

The chimerical creature paused, then he held out a hand, and a bag labeled 'Potato Chips' appeared in a puff of smoke. “So I have this bag here...”

“Why don't you try it first?” Scarlet Sage asked mildly, and Discombobulation frowned before the Blood Seer said pointedly: “I bet you've never done it before yourself, after all. For all you know, maybe it'll be the most fun thing in the world. And you can tell me it wouldn't be. You can say it would be uncomfortable and crazy. But I thought that's what you were all about... confusing, crazy, chaotic experiences?”

“You are so much more wily than Dilbert.” Discombobulation said with relish, and then he popped open the bag and reached in, slowly pulling out a chip. He inspected this for a few long moments, then rose his head slightly, guiding the chip in close... and tossing it easily into his mouth, chewing reflectively before he said mildly: “You really thought I was going to do it, didn't you?”

Scarlet Sage only smiled wryly, as Twilight Sparkle strode past, and Discombobulation waved the bag of chips at her. The violet mare only smiled, however, shaking her head as she headed into the kitchen. “Thanks, but I'm going to put on coffee.”

“You could have both. And since apparently nostrils are out of the question, what about ears?” Discombobulation asked mildly, and then he huffed when Scarlet Sage only sighed tiredly. “Go sing a sad song about your french fries. Although Luna would probably look quite fetching in a suit and cowboy boots.”

Scrivener cocked his head at this as he walked back into the room with Luna, and the sapphire winged unicorn snorted as she headed across the room to flop down in her usual spot on the bedding. Then she grumbled and wiggled around in a circle as Scrivener Blooms rested back against the kitchen divider, and Discombobulation looked thoughtfully back and forth between them before he said moodily: “My references are getting all mixed up. All I know is that Scrivener Blooms doesn't noodle her forelegs enough, but she could very well be a shape-changing dog. But she has the attitude and attractiveness of a certain Princess from Space that happens to be... Lumpy.”

The chimerical creature nodded firmly as they simply looked at him, and then he sighed and rolled his eyes, raising his eagle talon and saying flatly: “Look, it's stuck in my head, okay? What, chaos entities aren't allowed to like certain things? Here. Watch this, I'll even show it to you.”

The Draconequus snapped his fingers, and there was a swirl of light before it formed into the distinct, cartoonish shape of a figure wearing a blue shirt and shorts over gangly limbs. His features were oddly flat, staring through a white, face-hugging hat with two ears. For a moment, the ponies could only stare, and then the figure suddenly turned and punched the Draconequus across the face, knocking him flat on his side as he snapped: “Hey! Stop referencing me everywhere. It's creepy, and you're a stalker. Don't be a stalker dude. Stalking is not cool. Not. Cool.”

Discombobulation only laid prone with his limbs half-raised in the air, drooling a little, and then the odd figure puffed out of existence. And a moment later, Luna burst into laughter, chortling: “Oh, I liked that very much! Do it again, Discombobulation, do so do it again!”

The Draconequus only mumbled weakly from the ground before grabbing with a wince at his bruised cheek, sitting slowly up as he grumbled under his breath: “Well, perhaps I have been... overusing it a little lately. Some hero. More like. A jerk. Big. Jerk. I don't like that cartoon anymore.”

With that, Discombobulation huffed and crossed his arms, glaring grouchily at Luna as she continued to laugh before he snapped his fingers, and a roll of duct tape appeared in midair and wrapped violently around her muzzle several times, clamping her jaws shut and making her wheeze in surprise through her nostrils as Scrivener coughed and tried to hide a grin. “You're much prettier this way, Scrivener Blooms. Much less obnoxious, too.”

Luna glared at him, and the Draconequus cleared his throat before he carefully stood up and saluted, saying mildly: “Sorry, but the mission ends here. Celebrity boxing tonight stars Captain Picard and Darth Vader, and I have front row tickets aboard the Enterprise. Scotty, beam me up.”

And with that, a shining cylinder of light surrounded the Draconequus as he stood still for a moment, then suddenly posed with a bright grin, holding up his hands and waving them back and forth before he puffed out of existence.

Luna huffed, grumbling and promising revenge as she scrabbled at the duct tape wrapped around her muzzle, and Scrivener decided to simply enjoy this moment of calm as he glanced over his shoulder at Twilight Sparkle as Scarlet Sage sighed and smiled. Antares burbled softly in her lap, and for a few moments, everything felt strangely at peace as the odd little family rested together in the gentle chaos following the turbulent week.

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