• Published 23rd Sep 2012
  • 2,958 Views, 281 Comments

Decretum - BlackRoseRaven

Realities, worlds, and good and evil collide, and Luna fights one last struggle to save Equestria.

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Echoes Of Darkness

Chapter Fourteen: Echoes Of Darkness

Perhaps it was the lack of energy, too much thinking, or simply all the built-up stress and fatigue crashing in at once, but as the day wore on Scrivener found himself becoming restless and frustrated. It got to the point that eventually Luna realized they would have to head back to the cottage, because Scrivener had begun to see 'beneath the masks,' as he and Pinkamena both liked to phrase it.

When Scrivener allowed his mind to wander or became agitated, he began to see the world differently, due to the poisoning of his mind. At first it would be small things, like a shimmer of aura, a flash of a different and alien shape... but that was only the start, and as things grew worse or Scrivener found himself staring longer at ponies, they would take on different, distorted shapes.

He had grown used to it, to a point: as he liked to remark dryly, he was no longer screaming and panicking whenever he looked at a pony and saw something else there instead. And at times, he had to admit it had its usefulness: it let him catch a glimpse, however difficult-to-decipher and metaphorical it was, of the pony's personality, of what hidden secrets were inside them, of their emotions and their deepest thoughts.

But all the same, it was unpleasant: it made his eyes and mind ache, it made his thoughts churn, it awoke strange stirrings of unwelcome emotions through his body. And adding to the discomfort was the fact that any time Scrivener allowed himself to fall into this state, the visions would often continue to haunt him until he was able to lay down and rest... but to rest, meant to risk a nightmare.

That was where Scrivener was now, trapped in the grips of dark dreams, alone. It was night, and he knew that Luna was still awake, talking to Scarlet Sage as she looked after Antares, who was too excited to sleep. She had insisted he try and nap for a little while, to clear his mind and make the visions go dormant again... and Scrivener smiled faintly as he stood, half-wyrm and half-pony in this twisted-up nightmare world, gazing silently up at the pallid ivory moon overhead in which he could vaguely see shapes out of the outside world. “So weird... to be asleep, and yet able to... still feel Luna there. To catch those... echoes.”

“Echoes are dangerous, aren't they, Scrivener Blooms?” asked a calm, charming voice that Scrivener recognized all too well, closing his eyes as he felt a chill run down his spine. Footsteps approached slowly from behind, and he gritted his teeth at the sound of the loafers striding closer through the mire before the charcoal pony turned around and glared at the bipedal dragon that approached, smiling coldly down at him. “Some never completely fade.”

Scrivener was silent, looking slowly over the terrible shape of the Jötnar known as Valthrudnir: dressed in a pristine ivory suit whiter than his polished ivory scales, with his sharp, mocking amber eyes in his handsome, smooth features, he was handsome and cultured and yet child-like for all the way he towered to the sky. Rings glinted on his fingers, his arms crossed, his expression arrogant as he continued calmly: “After all. I may be gone, destroyed, but... you'll never truly be free of me, will you? I've left too much of an impression on you... just as I have on this entire universe. Oh, sure. I'm just a memory now. I'm just a bad dream that wanders in and out of your mind. I can be wished away and even as paranoid and delusional as you are, you can see the flaws, the differences, that show I'm not really here. Just bad memories...”

Valthrudnir smiled slightly, leaning forwards as he asked softly: “But you... long for me in a way, don't you? You miss those good old days... you miss the delights that came with matching your wits against mine, the feeling of superiority... perhaps even the pain I brought you as well as the pleasure. And you miss having a scapegoat to blame for when things went wrong... so you could say, 'it's not my fault, it's the puppetmaster in my head!'”

The Jötnar shook his head slowly, eyes glinting as he grinned cruelly, and Scrivener clenched his eyes shut before he dropped his head forwards and said quietly: “I'm not going to let myself get pulled into this. You're gone. Destroyed. You can't hurt me anymore, you can't hurt Luna anymore, you're gone, and I'm not afraid of you...”

“But that's not the real problem, is it? Oh no, Scrivener Blooms, even when you were afraid of me, that only drove you to fight harder against me.” Valthrudnir replied softly, and then he smiled coldly before he reached calmly upwards, past his long black horns, to grasp the back of his own smooth head as he said quietly: “The reason I continue to be your greatest fear... is because I am also the sum of everything you admire and desire.”

Valthrudnir pulled forwards, his features becoming nothing more than a cheap rubber mask that was easily pulled away from the features of a charcoal equine with a smooth ivory mane, and Scrivener stared in horror at the reflection of himself that lacked scars, that looked confident and arrogant and cold, that had terrible amber eyes... and the vision of the Jötnar smiled calmly, saying softly as he tossed the mask aside: “Don't deny it. Valthrudnir was everything you wish you could be... powerful, intelligent, cunning, ruthless... he was able to do anything he wanted. If only you... I... possessed that power... we could actually protect Luna. We could actually have value...”

“No...” Scrivener clenched his eyes shut, turning his head away as he reached a claw up to grasp at his face, whispering: “No matter how strong Valthrudnir was, there... there was nothing to admire there. Even with all his power, he was nothing more than... than a monster. He was pedantic, and pathetic, and... and weak. He was so weak for how strong he was...”

“Was he? A person's morals, or lack thereof, have no effect on their strength.” argued the reflection, but Scrivener kept his eyes closed, his head turned away, trying to will the nightmare gone before he shivered as the Jötnar leaned in close and whispered: “His power was almost infinite. Foolish enough to let himself be destroyed or not, his plans continued to move long after his death... and for all you know, may even now be continuing to move forwards. Wouldn't we do great things with his powers? Imagine if we were that strong...”

Scrivener only laughed dryly, however, finally turning his head forwards and looking coldly up at the Jötnar version of himself as he whispered: “But that's exactly it, I have imagined it. I have imagined what I would do with all that power... and look at me.” Scrivener silently held up his warped claw, then closed his eyes and silently brushed back his ragged mane as a shiver ran through him. “I would be selfish. I would be... stupid. And maybe the reason I can't get Valthrudnir out of my head is because... I can almost relate to him.”

Scrivener looked silently up at the Jötnar reflection, and then he bowed his head forwards, closing his eyes as the tall, ominous giant leaned back and looked down at him intently. “Nothing excuses what Valthrudnir did. Nothing makes it okay. But all that power, and wanting to use it, chasing after his desires, seeking such an extreme... I... I know I would have been guilty of doing the same. I don't want to admit that... but it's true. It's true... I would have done the same, I might have even... done worse.”

Scrivener opened his eyes, but when he looked back and forth in surprise, he found that he was alone, the Jötnar reflection gone. The twisted half-wyrm, half-pony looked nervously back and forth, and then he took a slow, shuddering breath before loosening his stance, muttering quietly: “Fear is a sane response. It's too bad I'm obviously crazy and unwell.”

He looked back and forth again apprehensively, then shook his head slowly: nothing but mire and dead trees, and the dark sky above in which a few fetid stars burned around the sallow orb of the moon. There was a strange, grim sense of being watched, but Scrivener disregarded it as he looked back up towards the glowing, pale sphere in the sky, saying softly: “It still amazes me that... with how messed-up Luna and I both are, we could have a son like Antares. Our little miracle... who's growing up so fast. I only hope that he's... he never has to experience what we went through. And that we never... hurt him. Damage him.”

Scrivener shook his head slowly, smiling faintly before he winced a little as a voice muttered: “You were nothing but a shame upon the family...”

The half-wyrm looked in the direction of this voice, one he recognized all too well, and he caught a shadowy profile of a unicorn amongst the rotten trees before it vanished from sight like smoke. For a moment, Scrivener shivered... and then another voice said softly, coldly: “I can only imagine what a disappointment you were to your parents. Almost as great a failure as my daughter was to me...”

He turned around, catching sight of a translucent Pegasus walking by, vanishing behind another tree as he heard the snarl of some voracious, vicious wolf... and then Scrivener gritted his teeth before he said softly: “You and Bramblethorn really would have loved each other, Sol Seraph... but neither of you are welcome in my head. Pretty sure the fact we didn't allow either of you to cross the Bifrost made that clear.”

There was only silence in response, and Scrivener closed his eyes, shaking himself quickly out as he muttered: “That's right. Let's get out of this nightmare. I'm not like either of you... no predator, no monster, hunting her own kind, willing to murder her own daughter just because she didn't turn out the way I wanted... and nothing at all like you, Brambles. But in a way... I should thank you. Because it's because of how you treated me, growing up, that I've decided to put so much effort into being the best damn father I can be. I think about you every day, about what you did... so that I can remind myself to keep doing the opposite. To keep pushing myself towards being... a goddamn good father instead of... instead of you.”

There was silence, but as Scrivener looked back and forth, more stars began to shine in the night sky, and the moonlight became stronger, illuminating the dark forest around him as Scrivener smiled, feeling the nightmare receding as he thought of friends and family. Memories that pushed back and blocked out the bad thoughts, the dark thoughts, as Pinkamena's voice echoed moodily from the trees: “Guess growing up sucked for a lot of us here, huh? Maybe that's why we all get along so well.”

“You ain't a bad guy, Scrivy. And you and Luna are great parents... yeah, I see what you mean. I know myself that... I'm gonna love my kid no matter what.” Rainbow's voice added firmly, and there was a clattering before he added cheerfully: “Also, buying colas doesn't get you out of paying for the next round of drinks. Here's to you, buddy.”

Scrivener smiled a little to himself, shaking his head slowly as the memories filtered out before he began to stride forwards... and as he walked, the world around him warped and distorted, transforming from a dark nightmare forest to a street of black stone, bowing his head forwards he passed dark shapes and strange visions, skeletons and Nightmares and demons. Things that he knew should have scared him... but for some reason, never really had.

Heavy, looming dark stone buildings rested on either side of him, here and there etched with symbols taken from Luna's memories, and as Scrivener walked through this black temple-city, he wondered quietly: “This stage... the good dreams made from bad dreams... used to scare me. Sometimes even now does, because it makes me think, especially when I'm here alone... but I'm never really alone, am I? Luna, even when we're apart, can still hear my whispers in her mind... and if I call out for her, she can come to me, just as I can go to her if I hear her calls in return. And Nightmare Moon... I know you're always there. Listening. Looking for a way in.”

The male paused, glancing to the side, and he thought he saw a flash of dark, dangerous cyan eyes in an archway before they vanished... and then he glanced quietly up, looking towards the enormous, curving staircase at the end of this seemingly-endless street that led upwards towards a black, enormous castle. For a few moments, Scrivener only stood... and then he shook his head slowly, saying quietly: “But we gave most of this world up. This world of dark pleasures, dark desires, dark dreams. I miss it, but... we can't indulge our darkness while trying to set a good example for Antares, too. We're not... monsters. We're parents.”

He quieted and smiled a little... then glanced curiously to his right at the sound of a whispering breeze before Nightmare Moon strode calmly up alongside him, the enormous, dark-coated equine leaning forwards and asking gently: “And cannot monsters be parents too, Scrivener Blooms? Or would you say that I am only one and not the other... are you so coy and teasing to call me a monster, or so compassionate and understanding to say I am as much a parent to Antares as you and Luna are?”

“I think we both already know the answer to that, Nightmare Moon.” Scrivener muttered, looking less-than-thrilled with the appearance of the dark entity as he drew his eyes along her. “You're a troublemaker. A fire-starter. Especially these days.”

“Now, that's not entirely fair, my beloved... I only want to guide you and Luna on the best possible path through the darkness. I only wish to once more help you embrace everything you've turned away from... we were so strong back then, were we not?” Nightmare Moon gazed up towards the dark stone castle framed against the night sky in the distance, a sultry smile on her features, eyes half-lidded as she whispered: “And we all miss those days so badly...”

Scrivener shifted uneasily, grimacing a bit before Nightmare Moon's eyes slowly roved back down to him, studying him as she continued in a soft, coy voice: “Yes, you know it to be true, don't you? It is not that I do not admire your resolve to resist... but all the same, it has left us... simply not quite as strong as we once were. You have lost some of your edge, Luna has lost some of her darkness... and we are left confused and concerned.

“But what truly bothers me is that I still get to so rarely spend time with my son, Antares Mīrus... and he is my son as much as yours or Luna's.” Nightmare Moon continued softly, looking down at Scrivener as her expression became more serious, more measuring. “Do you think we mean to harm our child? Do you think we would do anything to interfere with our handsome foal's development?”

“Interfere, not exactly.” Scrivener replied quietly, looking moodily over at Nightmare Moon. “But you do have a habit of trying to exacerbate or speed-up certain things. Luna... and I... are both concerned that you would try and give Antares a helping hoof he really doesn't need.”

“Why would I? I wish to spend time with him out of maternal instinct, out of a wish to adore my newest and most-precious treasure... but for all that he delights me, he is also not the most important thing in the world to me.” Nightmare Moon said softly, and Scrivener felt a chill run down his spine as the dark-coated winged unicorn smiled affectionately. “You are, and always will be, the most important thing in all the worlds to us...”

Scrivener glanced awkwardly away, dragging his claw slowly against the dark stone street, and then he shook his head and muttered: “I shouldn't be, Nightmare Moon. I... don't deserve that. And Antares-”

“Yes, we know: most ponies believe that motherhood should bring with it some almost-supernatural, automatic love and attachment above all else. But I do not possess this... and why not?” Nightmare Moon smiled indulgently, as Scrivener looked across at her moodily to try and hide some of the anxiety he felt twisting inside his veins. “It is not because I am heartless or a monster, I did not say I do not feel some love and devotion for the child, after all... but our first dedication is to you. We will always be dedicated to you, first and foremost...”

The dark-coated winged unicorn bowed her head forwards, and Scrivener grimaced a little as he looked silently up towards the black castle, as Nightmare Moon continued gently: “But you were the one who helped quell Luna's fears and worries... the child was not. The child did not dedicate so much time and effort to us... the child did not flee with us into exile. The child was not there beside us for all those years, fighting, living... dying. It was always you, Scrivener Blooms... it is you who we promised ourselves to. And would you not die for us before you died for your son?”

Scrivener looked silently over at Nightmare Moon, and then he closed his eyes, saying quietly: “I love Luna with all my heart and soul, Nightmare Moon... I would give up my own life for her, in a heartbeat. But if I had to choose between an innocent, loving foal, and saving Luna... I would have to pick my son.”

Nightmare Moon looked surprised, rearing back slightly before Scrivener's eyes opened, looking coldly across at the dark entity. “Luna and I are both stained with corruption, as much as darkness. And we have you inside of us, too, who still doesn't seem entirely capable of processing the emotions of others. Still, I would save her if I could, because I love her, because she's my hero, because she means almost everything to me. But my first duty is to save Antares... because I believe in him. More than I ever have in myself, and maybe even more than I do in Luna. Because he has that purity, that we... maybe neither of us ever had. Because I don't know why, but.. I have so much faith that he's going to do something special, be someone special one day... and it's not just because I'm his father. It's because of something... something in his eyes, the way he looks at people, how he has so much potential...”

He fell silent, and Nightmare Moon looked quietly across at Scrivener Blooms before her eyes narrowed slightly, her starry mane and tail whisking backwards. The half-wyrm, half-pony looked up in surprise, feeling the rumble of anger from her before she leaned towards him and said coldly: “So you would let the child come between us?”

And Scrivener's eyes widened as he realized with shock that Nightmare Moon's sudden fury wasn't directed at him... it was directed at the foal. He could only stare in blank surprise, barely able to comprehend the reaction before the dark-coated winged unicorn stepped backwards, rearing her head high and continuing in an icy voice: “Of course. How foolish of me to believe Luna's lies, that a child would only strengthen our bonds... all it has served to do is push me back, towards the depths and darkness where Luna desires to keep me for all eternity, forgetting that I am as necessary a part of her as her horn, her hooves, her heart. This only goes to prove that between us, Scrivener Blooms, I am your true soulmate. I am your true love, because nothing... nothing... is above you, to me. You are our most precious treasure... but the child has made things... difficult.”

She gritted her sharp teeth, for a moment looking venomous, demonic, and Scrivener winced back before her features suddenly calmed and smoothed out, instead becoming almost gentle and beautiful as she looked at him softly. “Why do you fear me? You know that no matter what, I am never angry with you, oh beloved husband. You helped to free us, to bring us... focus and lucidity. You keep us stable, and give us something to fight for, and something to protect. You are the reason we do not need the adoration of any other pony...”

Scrivener grimaced a little, hesitating for a few moments before he finally asked quietly: “Can't Antares be part of that, too, then? Something else to remind you... of the good things you have, the reasons you don't need ponies... revering you?”

For a few moments, Nightmare Moon was silent, then she smiled and said gently: “Tender, loving husband. So generous. So thoughtful. So kind. Perhaps you are right... or perhaps it is only frustration that boils within me, that makes me desire to... lash out, this is also possible. Maybe if we are permitted to spend more time with the child, we will adjust to his presence... remember that he is a blessing, not a curse. Understand better what Luna meant by the child strengthening the bonds that are already tight between us.”

Scrivener was quiet, looking uncertainly at Nightmare Moon before he glanced back and forth in surprise as the world around him lost its stability and structure, becoming dark smoke as Nightmare Moon herself lost her shape and form, only her terrible, cunning eyes remaining amidst the shadows and swirling ash as she said kindly: “Luna calls for you, beloved. Awaken.”

Scrivener grunted... then snorted and bucked, flailing weakly at the air before his eyes fluttered open and he stared dumbly up at the ceiling of their bedroom. Then he grimaced a bit, rubbing slowly at his face as he heard a knock at the bedroom door before Scarlet Sage said awkwardly: “Dad, Mom is. Being Mom. Are you awake?”

“Yes, yes. Just need a minute.” Scrivener replied tiredly, resting his hooves over his eyes and feeling glad as always to find himself back to normal. Then he finally kicked the sheets off and sighed as he crawled up to his hooves, cracking his back with a grimace and walking forwards to headbutt the door lightly before opening it and smiling awkwardly out at Scarlet Sage. “Hey, kiddo. Antares?”

“Kind of, I think.” Scarlet Sage smiled a little, and she fell into step beside her father as they walked quietly down the corridor to find Luna grumpily digging at the bedding with her hooves, Antares snoozing quietly in a pile of pillows next to this. “I'll put on some coffee.”

Scrivener nodded, gazing at the Pegasus as she passed by before he turned his eyes to Luna, who looked grouchily up as she flopped down against the bedding, muttering as her tail whisked dangerously close to the burning blue flames in the fireplace behind her: “Scrivener Blooms, I wish to pummel Nightmare Moon. Possibly to death.”

“That would be killing part of yourself, Luna. And I love all of you. Even the prickly parts that are a little lacking in moral fiber.” Scrivener replied delicately, and Luna mumbled and then glared at him, and the earth pony sighed before striding over and flopping down beside her, letting her bury her face against his neck with a mumble as he gave her a small smile. “Look, warrior princess. I know it's... uncomfortable, there's this part of us – and I say 'us,' because we both know that the way Nightmare Moon acts is partly my fault – that is such a... well...”

“A bitch.” Luna supplied, and Scrivener raised a hoof and tilted it back and forth even as the sapphire winged unicorn mumbled childishly: “Well, she is. And a hussy. She is a hussy. And fat. Let us make Pinkamena eat her.”

“Nightmare Moon is just about the only thing that scares Pinkamena.” Scrivener pointed out, and Luna grumbled a little before she sighed and drew her head moodily back, their eyes locking as the stallion said softly: “I don't think she's going to try and hurt Antares, though, whatever she says. And I know you won't give her that chance. That even if she gained control for a little while, you still wouldn't let her lay a single hoof on him.”

Luna mumbled a little, nodding slowly before she looked silently past Scrivener towards the toddler sprawled out over the pillows, snoozing away with his winged unicorn doll under one hoof. The two softened at the sight, and then Luna grumbled a bit to herself before she added quietly: “But I will have thou know... for some reason, like Celestia, our son's strange toy disturbs me. Yet I do not know why, or how. It makes no sense, does it? 'Tis just some mottled toy Celestia came across. Bah, I blame Celestia for putting the idea into my head in the first place, this is all her fault. Everything is all her fault.”

“Yes, Luna. Everything is.” Scrivener gave her an amused look, then winced when Luna bopped him gently with her horn, making him grunt before he shoved at her lightly. She pushed back grouchily for a few moments, then they both settled before the earth pony's eyes roved slowly back to the toy, studying the odd doll before he murmured: “Still, though... little as I like to admit it... there is something weird about that toy. I... don't call me paranoid, but did you...”

“Check it for enchantments? Scrivener Blooms, this is no wicked fairy tale!” Luna scoffed, then she hesitated before blushing a little when Scrivener looked at her meditatively. “Oh very well, aye, I did shortly after Antares fell asleep. I poked and prodded it, but to no avail. There is... some... lingering traces of something about it that I simply could not define, but... it does not seem to be magical in and of itself. More as if some... residue, of some sort, has clung to the thing from whence it came.”

She quieted, then shook her head slowly as Scrivener thoughtfully slipped away from the bedding to gently reach down and slip the toy free from beneath Antares' hoof, and the foal murmured in his sleep before the stallion reached down and quietly stroked through his mane, the child settling quietly before Scrivener turned his thoughtful eyes on the doll. He looked back and forth over it, then looked down into its button eyes as he sat back on his haunches and shook it moodily, asking curiously: “And what's your name?”

He paused, and the button eyes seemed to gleam out at him almost knowingly before Scrivener smiled slightly and tilted the doll towards one ear, pretending to listen as Luna gave him an entertained look as Scarlet Sage watched with a small smile from the kitchen. Then Scrivy nodded thoughtfully as a name whispered through his mind before he drew the toy back, studying it with entertainment. “Gymbr, huh? Well, Gymbr, are you taking good care of my son?”

Scrivener gently guided the doll to nod, and the stallion smiled slightly before his eyes flicked towards Luna, saying mildly: “Well, I guess he checks out. I mean, he seems kind of like he'd be a jerk to most ponies, maybe like he's glued together from a lot of our bad parts... but if he really was a mix-and-match of us, I can't think of a pony who'd be more dedicated to caring for those important to him. Or her. Depends on how much of your raw masculinity cancels out my pretty-mare-likeness.”

“Oh fear not, Scrivener, with our powers combined we shall always be more mare than stallion.” Luna said kindly, and Scarlet Sage laughed quietly as Scrivener shook his head and smiled amusedly despite himself. “But perhaps thou art right. And honestly... I would rather an evil, wicked guardian willing to do anything to protect our child over some pompous, goody-two-hooves who may show mercy at a crucial juncture. 'Tis why I am so glad that Celestia is helping look after our child.”

The charcoal stallion rolled his eyes in entertainment, and then he reached down and gently slipped the toy back to Antares. Instinctively, the foal grasped it and pulled it closer, burbling a little before Scrivener reached out and quietly stroked between his son's ears, gazing at him softly as he murmured: “Maybe you're right about that, Luna. As long as it would never hurt our son.”

Luna smiled softly at his back, and then Scrivener turned and strode over to lay down beside the winged unicorn. Soon after, Scarlet Sage brought out a tray of coffee, and they sat together in comfortable silence for a little while before the Pegasus glanced up between them and said quietly: “I've been thinking about it since we talked and... well... I do still really want to come with you both on the next... mission you do for Odin.”

The winged unicorn nodded slowly as Scrivener gazed quietly across at Scarlet Sage, and then the silvery, growing-up mare smiled a little and glanced down, rubbing a hoof against a cushion. “Everypony's growing up. Scoot is training for a flight team and saving up money to move to Cloudsdale, Sweetie Belle is thinking about going to spend a year or two in Manehattan, Red spends a lot of her time helping out Big Mac and seems to be... the only other pony content to stay in Ponyville, you know? I hear the rest of them always complaining about it, how they want to leave for the big city or pursue their dreams somewhere else... I know a lot of them never will, though. But still...”

She halted, then shook her head quickly and sat back, smiling a little. “But in a way, it's nice. It reminds me of the old days... it makes me think of how... it's like everypony's really, honestly moving past Ragnarok now. And I mean, I know... across the nation, most ponies don't know about what happened. There are rumors, and whispers, but... no pony really knows, and most of them don't care to know anymore. They just want to move on with their lives, and... that's good, right?

“But it makes me think how... I need to move on with my own life, too.” Scarlet Sage said softly, glancing down and looking into her coffee: black as the night outside, the Pegasus smiling faintly before she looked up slowly. “I love living here. I love being with you. And I love you both. But I do know that... I have to grow up. I can't be the little filly you have to keep rescuing forever.”

“You have rescued us more than once, as I recall, Scarlet Sage.” Luna replied gently, and the Pegasus blushed a little as she shifted a bit before Luna nodded slowly, gazing at her quietly. “And I know that thou must. That sooner or later... thou must grow up, find thine own... place in the world. Only know that I shall be there to support thee every step of the way, that thine father and I both... shall always be there for thou. No matter what happens.”

“I know. I do know that... and I really, truly appreciate it.” Scarlet Sage replied softly, smiling a little as she closed her eyes and bowed her head forwards. The three were quiet for the next few minutes as they sipped at their coffee and Antares fidgeted a little in his sleep on the cushions, and then the Pegasus finally looked up and said quietly: “I don't really know what I want to do with my life, though. I like to... to help people, but my powers...”

“Thy powers themselves play no role in determining who thou art. It is how thou uses thy powers that helps determine that.” Luna said gently, and Scarlet Sage smiled a little as she gazed across at the winged unicorn quietly. “I know it is hard, Scarlet Sage. Terribly, awfully hard. That thou carries a very heavy weight upon thy head, and that... whether thou thinks of them as blessing or curse, these abilities still beg to be used. To be... tapped into. I understand that very well...”

Luna hesitated, then she shook her head slowly, continuing softly: “But just because thy special talent is prophecy and thy dark powers mean thou can manipulate the fabric of fate and life, it does not mean thou art cursed to be either a fortune-telling gypsy or some wicked witch in the wilds. And nor should thou feel that... because thy mother is a Valkyrie and thy father a... Valkyrie impersonator...” She smiled slightly over at Scrivener for a moment before returning soft eyes to Scarlet Sage. “Thou does not need to grow up a warrior, either.”

Scarlet Sage laughed a little and blushed at this, bowing her head silently forwards before she looked up and asked quietly: “So no matter what, you'll support me?”

“No matter what.” Scrivener said quietly but firmly, nodding slowly, and the Pegasus gazed from one to the other before she smiled faintly and closed her eyes, bowing her head towards them in visible gratitude and relief.

But they didn't talk any further on the subject that night: shortly after finishing her coffee, Scarlet Sage headed off to her room. A few minutes after that, Scrivener picked up Antares to take the foal to his crib, and he and Luna said their soft goodnights to the sleeping baby before turning out the light and leaving the baby bathed only in the glow of the moonlight flooding in through the window.

Scrivener and Luna curled up together quietly on the bedding: Scrivy's mind felt settled enough he thought they could actually manage a pleasant dream together instead of the usual nightmares. But instead, he found himself in dreamless, restless darkness, awakening a few hours later to find that he was alone, the lights out, only embers left in the fireplace... and then a chill ran down his spine as he felt that something was wrong.

He began to climb to his hooves... and then his blood turned to ice as he heard Nightmare Moon's quiet chuckle, the stallion staggering hurriedly to his hooves. He tried to call out mentally to Luna, but he felt their mental link fill with static, as the gentle, chiding voice of the dark creature inside Luna whispered from Antares' room: “Now, now, Scrivener Blooms... there's no need for alarm...”

Scrivener ran down the hall, skidding around the edge of the doorway... and then he glared into the child's room, his body trembling as he stared at Luna. But her expression was crafty, cunning, and her eyes had malevolent, slitted pupils that were looking almost-tenderly towards him before she gestured gently at the crib. “I have done no harm. See? I only wished to see my son...”

The stallion shuddered a little as his eyes roved towards Antares Mīrus, terrified for another moment... but even though the foal was squirming uncomfortably in his sleep, he was safely tucked in beneath his blankets, Gymbr clutched tight in his little forelegs. Scrivener hesitated, then he stepped forwards and reached down, nervously stroking through his son's mane... but when Antares settled at his touch, the male sighed in relief before his eyes slowly turned to Nightmare Moon, saying quietly: “I guess... I owe you an apology. But then why are you blocking Luna...”

“Oh please, Scrivener Blooms. I'm the coy one here, not you...” Nightmare Moon replied kindly through Luna's jaws, leaning forwards and half-lidding her eyes... eyes that still worried him, making him toss another look down at settling, quieting Antares and fear for the foal even in spite of the fact he seemed fine. “You know very well how Luna feels about me... and especially on the sensitive subject of our handsome son. I only desired to look upon him after some... thought on the subject, that is all, without having to fear Luna's violence and reprisals.

“Come, Scrivener Blooms. If it will settle you, let us leave. I have seen what I desired to see.” Nightmare Moon continued kindly, and Scrivener hesitated, feeling a churning inside him, a whisper through the mental link as he looked one last time down at Antares... and then he sighed softly, only reaching down to ensure the foal was neatly tucked in. All the same, he thought he saw a flash of tenseness go through the crafty mare... but he thought it might have just been his imagination as he turned towards her and found her only smiling lovingly. “Such a good father. Such a dedicated stallion. Come, Scrivener Blooms... you deserve a reward for your excellence as a parent and husband.”

Scrivener winced a bit, but followed Nightmare Moon to the den as she left. They laid down together, her still in the guise of Luna's shape as she began to massage along his shoulders and back, telling him to relax, making him comfortable even as he felt like something was wrong, something was off, as Luna's worried whispers passed now and then into his mind and he murmured back to her, while this dark passion piece of Luna continued to occupy and whisper soothing words to them both.

The sun began to rise a few hours later, but Nightmare Moon stayed firmly in control, refusing to relinquish her rare hold on Luna's body. Still, Scrivener couldn't shake his worries there was something else at work here... and then he frowned when Antares gave a quiet, whimpering cry from his bedroom, straightening immediately as Nightmare Moon allowed herself to be pushed away, gazing up at him with half-lidded eyes. “Antares doesn't usually cry...”

“I am sure it is merely a small adjustment. Go and see him.” Nightmare Moon invited, and Scrivener felt a chill at these words as he looked slowly towards her, but the winged unicorn rose her hooves with a smile up at him, saying gently: “I have done no harm to our son. You and Luna were right, after all... he will help us bond closer. He is our foal.”

Scrivener slowly stepped away from the bedding, then turned his attention down the hall as Antares gave another nervous cry, trying to use his words to babble something... and the earth pony shook his head before he hurried down the hallway, gritting his teeth before he pushed the door open and found Antares whimpering in his crib. He hurried forwards, sighing in relief... before his eyes widened in shock as he stumbled to a halt, instead staring down into the crib as he slowly picked himself up and Antares trembled, looking scared as he babbled weakly: “Da, no. No.”

“No...” Scrivener echoed weakly, and then he reached down and slowly picked up Antares, staring in shock at the leathery wings that had sprouted from his back. They had been hidden last night by the blanket, and Antares looked afraid as he kept kicking his legs and brushing at them, the strange appendages flapping a little before Scrivener felt Luna's raw rage roil through his mind, adding to his own... but instead of giving voice to it, he gritted his teeth, then hugged Antares tight up against his body, breathing hard as Antares clung to his father with a whimper, Gymbr clutched tightly in his other foreleg.

Scrivener slowly turned around, then strode down the corridor as Scarlet Sage emerged sleepily from her room... only to stare, first at the sight of her father's cold, tense features, and then at the sight of Antares cradled up against his body. She leaned backwards with a whispering gasp, and then Scrivener looked at Antares and said quietly: “I need you to be brave for me, son. I need you to be brave and strong and go with Scarlet Sage to Ponyville. To Celestia and Twilight, see if they can remove this. Luna and I need to have a chat with Nightmare Moon.”

“I... D-Dad...” Scarlet began, trembling, even as Antares whimpered and clung to his father, and then Scrivener gave his daughter a silent look, and she gritted her teeth before nodding once, hurrying past towards Antares' room.

Scrivener turned his eyes towards the den, stepping forwards into it with Antares cradled close... and Antares whimpered loudly at the sight of his mother, giving what sounded like a denial before he turned his head away and buried it against Scrivener's neck, and the male asked quietly: “How could you do this to him? He's just a foal...”

“And I made him better, that is all. I gave him... another way with which to connect with his mother.” Nightmare Moon replied kindly, raising her head with a calm smile. “It is the Centurion transformation. A gift we gave to help our precious subjects see in the old days of Nightmare Moon, during that short, bitter period of strife between myself and Celestia. You have seen their descendants, our old Centurions... our dark knight Pegasi, far superior to Celestia's forces... it has never been done on one so young, though.”

“You're trying to turn him into a slave to your will.” Scrivener whispered, hugging the child closer and looking horrified, but Nightmare Moon only smiled calmly as she half-lidded her eyes.

“No. I am merely giving us... another method to connect by. I have given him a wonderful gift, have I not? Wings that will one day carry him through the skies. The ability to sense me and my thoughts... and you cannot blame me for the fact he was born with his mother's smile, and his mother's eyes.” Nightmare Moon answered almost tenderly, her cyan irises glinting as her reptilian pupils locked on Scrivener's own. “What I have done is to ensure these bonds between us all... are never damaged, never broken. What I have done is for the benefit of all of us. What I have done is shown... love... for my son.”

Scrivener remained silent, then he glanced to the side as Scarlet Sage strode silently down the hall, a baby carrier on one side and the toddler's baby bag on the other, and Antares whimpered a little before Scrivy carefully turned and slipped him into the carrier. The doll fell from the baby's forelegs, and the foal trembled, reaching for this automatically as his wings fluttered weakly and made him fidget in obvious pain before he blurted: “Gymbr!”

Scrivener reached down for the toy, picking it up silently and passing it back to the foal as he murmured: “Gymbr, that's right. I... I'm sorry, Antares. Scarlet Sage, please let Celestia know what's happened.”

“I will Daddy. I...” Scarlet Sage hesitated, then she stepped slowly, nervously backwards, keeping her eyes towards Nightmare Moon as the dark entity clad in Luna's shape smiled calmly after her, before the Pegasus hurriedly turned and ran to the door.

Scrivener kept his eyes locked on Nightmare Moon, who gave another sultry smile before she arched her back, saying softly: “It's too late, you know. The magic's permanency settles over time... and it has been more than long enough to ensure that our blessing is etched into his very bones. I do not understand the anger you and Luna have for me.”

“Then why don't you let us explain in detail?” Scrivener asked shortly, locking eyes with Nightmare Moon before he concentrated on the mental link between them, and Nightmare Moon's features twitched before her eyes widened as she felt Luna's presence ambush her, making her grit her sharp teeth as her mane and tail sparked-

Nightmare Moon briskly shook her head out as her mane and tail pulsed with starlight, and then she looked coldly, calmly up as her collar of metallic roses gleamed beneath the canopy of the night sky above. Her hooves rested against solid black stone, and a half-entertained, half-mocking smile spread across her face as she looked across at Luna and Scrivener Blooms, saying softly: “Blame me all you like for your weakness, Luna... I am merely the shadow on your soul. My flaws are your failings.”

Luna snarled at this, electricity sizzling through her mane and tail before she leaned forwards and shouted furiously: “Wretched monster, I would never seek to enslave other ponies to do my bidding, let alone my own child! Even when we created the Centurions during our madness, we regretted it immediately, we used them not as soldiers but as provocation, and never did we force their obedience!”

“And I will not force Antares to listen now any more than I forced those ponies we convinced to accept our night and our dark gifts in the past.” Nightmare Moon replied easily, then added kindly: “I have only forged... a connection. I have given my son a gift of strength, and a gift of my eternal presence. This is love, is it not?”

“No. No, that is not love.” Luna snapped, leaning forwards as her eyes blazed. “Listen to me, wretched freak of Helheim! Get thee hence from my spirit and my soul! Hide thyself away in the darkness thou so craves until I have need of thy fetid presence, accursed selfish monster!”

Slowly, Nightmare Moon's eyes narrowed before she suddenly smiled again, saying quietly as she strode forwards and let her eyes rove towards the silent stallion: “So you're saying that instead, I should take up my abode in our loving husband?”

“I love Luna.” Scrivener said quietly but firmly, and Nightmare Moon looked hurt at this response, gazing towards him as if confused. “Antares was wonderful and flawless the way he was. He wasn't perfect, no. But he never needed to be... and now, you sneak into his room at night, poison him with your darkness, and expect us to be... to be grateful? What is wrong with you, Nightmare Moon? You know better than this. Even as sub-moral as you are, you know the difference between right and wrong, if not good and evil.”

“And I fail to see how what I did was wrong.” Nightmare Moon countered, leaning forwards and looking at Scrivener with that same strangely-injured expression on her features. “I made him better. How can making something better make it worse?”

“Thou tried to make him into a thrall, a monster!” Luna stepped forwards aggressively, glaring furiously up at her alter ego as her eyes blazed. “Thou art a coward. Waiting for the lure of sleep to sneak in and claim my body like thine own, then slip into Antares whilst we rest in dreams, unaware... thou hurt him, and I trusted thee enough to not fight for my body the moment I felt Scrivener Blooms awake!”

“And I trusted you enough to not check beneath the blankets... you betrayed us both.” Scrivener said quietly, and Nightmare Moon shook her head slowly as she hesitantly stepped back a pace. “And before you even say it, it doesn't matter if you hurt him physically or not... you saw how unhappy he was this morning. How scared he was, with your own eyes... not understanding what these new things growing out of him were. Take it back, Nightmare Moon... tell us how to fix your mistake.”

“It cannot be undone. The permanency has settled by now. Unless you wish to cut them from his back or twist his shape with another transfiguration... but oh, such magic is dangerous, especially on one so young.” Nightmare Moon said softly, her tone almost contemptible as her eyes flicked towards Luna. “Not that I ever let fear stop me, little Luna, but I know that you, on the other hoof, all too often-”

Luna didn't let Nightmare Moon finish, swinging a hoof violently forwards instead to crash into the dark creature's face, and Nightmare Moon was sent rolling backwards head over hooves, her eyes bulging in shock before she flopped to the ground a short distance away, and Luna snarled as she stepped forwards, saying disgustedly: “I have wanted to do that for a longer time than thou can imagine, creature. Thou hast finally gone and pushed me too far... and even if destroying thee means I must kill a part of myself, by all the forces of Heaven and Hell I shall be more than willing to do so for what has transpired here.”

Nightmare Moon snarled at this, her features becoming savage and animal for a moment as she shoved herself up to her hooves... but a moment later, they smoothed out, cold and vain and beautifully-cruel as she said softly: “Don't be a fool now, Luna. You may be strong... but it is my darkness, my cunning, and my powers that have won the day for you many times over. You may think you have some skill thanks to the way you and Scrivener have successfully dragged me out of control and into our dark mental world for this conversation... but fighting me is foolish.

“Let us negotiate instead. I shall recede... and you can once more regain your pathetic semblance of control, like the captain of a sailboat who dares the mighty ocean.” Nightmare Moon smiled mockingly, making Luna glare balefully. “But do not forget... that it is the ocean who ultimately chooses the destination... the ocean, and perhaps the king of the sea, if he so desires to ask...”

Nightmare Moon half-lidded her eyes towards Scrivener, who grimaced in distaste even as he began to raise a hoof... but Luna only shook her head quickly before she rose a front hoof, saying coldly: “No. This has gone too far, and thou hast become too arrogant, and too stupid, thinking that thou art anything but repressed memory, broken shards of passion and weakness... and the vile tampering left over from a viler creature still long-washed out of us. Permit me to show thee why I am the one in control, Nightmare Moon... and thou art the one who is rightly caged inside me.”

“Oh Luna, so pathetic. Clinging to the notion that somehow, you're the one in charge, you keep me imprisoned... when I stay here of my own free will, satisfied and resplendent in that black and decadent castle you have long abandoned in your nightmares... but that I have found more than adequate lodgings in.” Nightmare Moon said softly, smiling derisively as her eyes flicked towards Scrivener Blooms. “Because unlike Luna... I know with confidence that I can provide for all my husband's wants and desires at the end of the day.”

Luna snarled and broke into a charge, giving an incoherent battle cry at the provocation and leaping into the air as her wings flapped powerfully, propelling her in a sharp lunge towards Nightmare Moon, but the dark entity only smiled and flicked her starry locks as her horn gave a sharp pulse, Luna smashing with a wince into a barrier of blue light that formed in front of her before the sapphire winged unicorn cursed and shoved herself quickly off the glowing wall a moment before it rippled, short and vicious barbs of energy ripping out along its length before the glowing wall vanished. “Pathetic, Luna. I know you better than you know me.”

Luna leapt forwards again, and this time Nightmare Moon slapped a hoof out, striking the smaller mare across the face and knocking her staggering as the dark creature said coldly: “Your anger weakens you further. Leaves a thousand gaping vulnerabilities in your defense. You would be nothing without me.”

The sapphire winged unicorn trembled, her starry mane sizzling as she seemed to freeze up, her head lowered... and then she snapped her horn suddenly to the side as it gave a bright pulse, and Nightmare Moon had a moment of surprise before the ground beneath her erupted upwards in a blast of rock and shards of ice, pelting across her body and knocking her sprawling as Luna snapped: “Then I guess I shall simply have to be more conniving and wretched, like thou art!”

Nightmare Moon snarled as she rolled to her hooves, her own horn glowing darkly as she flicked it forwards, and the hail of broken chunks of rock and ice still pattering around her froze in midair before Luna's eyes widened, and the daggers of stone and frost shot at her in a flurry of daggers and shrapnel, Luna cursing as she leapt back and forth through the rain of sharp shale. Too late, she looked up as she realized Nightmare Moon was charging towards her, and Luna cursed under her breath before leaping forwards to meet the dark entity despite the wave of fear that ran through her, slashing her horn viciously forwards.

Nightmare Moon met her with her own, their horns sparking violently as they struck together before the two fought aggressively forwards, parrying and smashing together as Nightmare Moon snarled and Luna gritted her own teeth, glaring furiously at one another and neither daring to look away even as electricity and bursts of sapphire iridescence sparked through the air around their faces.

Then Nightmare Moon swept both her hooves up, slamming them down on Luna's shoulders as she brought her horn down in a savage, rending blow, and Luna stumbled, then howled in pain as she caught the larger winged unicorn's horn against her own, feeling it grinding down towards her skull as it burned with unnatural energies, Nightmare Moon's hooves making her collarbone bend and forcing her lower towards the ground as the creature hissed: “You're making it very tempting to kill you and see what happens, Luna!”

Luna only snarled in response... then she spread her wings and suddenly threw herself backwards, letting herself fall flat at the same time so her haunch stuck awkwardly up in the air and her front legs splayed over the ground, but Nightmare Moon's own hooves dropped forwards and her head almost banged into the stone as she cursed in surprise. She had just enough time to look up before Luna flapped her wings and threw herself forwards at the same time, stabbing her horn into a vicious rising slice that tore across Nightmare Moon's scalp and knocked her staggering backwards with a howl of pain.

She stumbled hurriedly backwards, her starry locks sparking and lashing out around around her like writhing tendrils, Luna wincing and leaping out of the way as one of these lightning-charged tentacles snapped narrowly past before she leapt forwards, attempting to press her advantage... but Nightmare Moon only snarled, her body steaming for a moment before it burst apart into blue mist that twisted in a savage storm past Luna. The sapphire winged unicorn hissed in pain as electricity ripped against her body and she felt blades of blue light tearing thin cuts over her coat, and then she spun around and leapt backwards as Nightmare Moon reformed in mid-lunge towards her, snarling and slamming both hooves down against the ground in the place where Luna had been only a moment before.

The dark entity's eyes blazed as she snapped her horn upwards, and Luna leapt back and forth as blades of rock jutted cruelly from the ground around her, the sapphire winged unicorn cursing before her eyes widened as the dark entity snapped her horn upwards, ripping the blades of stone free from the ground to throw them viciously at Luna like cruel javelins. The sapphire winged unicorn deflected the first with a hard upwards snap of her horn and leapt out of the way of the next, but then cried out in agony as the last caught her in the shoulder as Nightmare Moon shouted furiously: “You are nothing without me!”

The black-coated winged unicorn charged as Luna looked up, cursing bitterly before she snapped her horn downwards as she leapt back, a blast of lightning hammering down from the skies... but Nightmare Moon only staggered slightly from the force of the blow, snarling and furious as Luna's eyes widened in surprise before the vicious creature lunged towards her and lashed her horn downwards.

It struck hard across Luna's face, knocking her crashing backwards with a curse, flinching as she rolled violently several times before Nightmare Moon smiled callously as the sapphire winged unicorn laid prone, saying coldly: “Do you surrender? Do you understand now?”

Luna cursed again under her breath, trembling and beginning to force herself to her hooves despite the agony wrenching through her system... and then she looked up in horror as Scrivener Blooms said quietly: “I understand, Nightmare Moon.”

Nightmare Moon cocked her head curiously at this, turning her attention slowly towards him, and Scrivener slowly strode up to her side: in this mental world, he could still feel Luna's pain, but his body didn't share her injuries. He looked almost disappointed as he stood beside the dark, enormous equine, and Luna trembled violently before Scrivener turned his eyes back towards Nightmare Moon and said softly: “You're right. You're the more powerful one... you're the one who... who can handle things, who could have easily been in control if you wanted to... but you gave us our time together. I appreciate you did that, that you let me... see for myself, instead of fighting to convince me. That you stayed confident that I would eventually understand of my own free will that maybe... you are the one who... I was meant to be with. That maybe... you're the one who can handle the real me. That I can do things with you... I could never do with Luna.”

“S-Scrivener, no, stop it, st-stop...” Luna whispered, trembling violently before she snarled as she forced herself to her hooves, even as she felt herself weakening, paling. “'Tis nothing but flesh wounds, the real fight has yet to begin and Nightmare Moon and I-”

“Enough, Luna. It's okay. I still love you, I just... remember. Sometimes it's better to have an evil protector... than a good one.” Scrivener said quietly, looking across at her pointedly for a moment before his eyes roved to Nightmare Moon, smiling faintly up at her as she gazed down at him warmly, all her attention focused greedily on him, on his compliments, his fawning over her. “But still... this is marvelous but... still... Luna and I shared so much. Just because you've beaten her here... I don't know if that means you can handle what you tried to make me become before. What I think I may be ready to give into again, because... with you beside me, my true love, my true wife... I know that I should... listen to your advice. That if you were right about this, maybe you were right all along, but I'm afraid and I need your guidance, your help...”

“Of course, husband, of course!” Nightmare Moon replied easily, looking warmly down at him before she bowed her head towards him, half-lidding her eyes. “I am yours, always. And I am so glad you see the wisdom and truth in my words, finally... let me demonstrate what I will do to you. Let us return to the real world...”

“No, not yet.” Scrivener replied quietly, glancing away embarrassedly, and Nightmare Moon tilted her head curiously before the male slowly turned his eyes towards Luna, saying quietly: “I'm sorry, but... Nightmare Moon offers too much. Simply... is... too much. I think... we should first visit that dark castle and throw those doors wide open, Nightmare Moon. I think I'm ready to become... more. I'd like... I mean...”

Scrivener closed his eyes, bowing his head forwards... and Nightmare Moon licked her lips eagerly, leaning towards him before she whispered hurriedly: “Anything. Anything for you, my husband, my soulmate... name your desire, and I shall eagerly oblige.”

“There is something... I could never do with Luna. Never do to Luna. Let me... make you mine.” Scrivener slowly licked his lips as well as he drew his eyes towards her, whispering: “Let me show you my darkest self, my deepest dungeons... where Luna witnessed, but was never strong enough to participate... will you wait for me there, while I say my goodbyes to Luna?”

“Of course...” Nightmare Moon stepped slowly backwards, excited and overeager as black fire began to burn around her hooves, her eyes agleam with joy even as barbed chains began to slowly rise up out of the black vortex that formed in the earth. They seized slowly, almost lovingly around her, ensnaring her, drawing blood here and there, but in desire and adoration she barely seemed to notice as she whispered: “I'll wait for you, my beloved... thank you for choosing me, to be yours... to be what Luna could never be.”

“Yes, you are... what Luna could never be.” Scrivener murmured softly, watching as the chains tightened, as the fires burned higher out of the vortex as Nightmare Moon was dragged slowly, happily, down into the maelstrom, before he muttered as she vanished: “A victim.”

Then the stallion wheezed in relief as the sensation of the creature's presence faded before he turned an awkward grin to Luna, the sapphire winged unicorn staring up at him with disbelief. For a few moments, they only looked at each other... and then Luna leapt up and slammed both front hooves down across Scrivener's skull, knocking him sprawling as she shouted furiously: “What in Mimir's name was that? Scrivener Blooms, wretched bastard!”

Scrivener yelped, then covered his head as Luna pummeled on him savagely, wincing at the painful, sharp blows even as he yelled: “Dammit, Luna! I needed to stop you two from fighting somehow, didn't I? You would have killed each other and-”

“And so what? Fool! Ninny! Damn thee to Helheim and back!” Luna snapped, continuing to pummel him even as the dreamworld around them sparked violently... and then Luna staggered and cursed, shaking her head as she found herself standing groggily back in reality, Scrivener Blooms sprawled on the floor across from her. For a moment, they looked at each other... and then Scrivener scrambled hurriedly to his hooves and tore down the corridor as Luna shot after him.

He yanked open the front door and just made the front yard before Luna plowed into him like a freight train, the two rolling violently several times as her hooves struck wildly at him and he shoved hurriedly back against her before she tackled him to the ground, pinning him on his back as she glared furiously down at him and he winced, staring up and saying hurriedly as she drew a hoof back: “You'll feel it too!”

“I don't care!” Luna snapped, then she punched him hard across the face, wincing even as her own head twisted slightly to the side, pretending the tears pricking at her eyes came from the pain of the blow as Scrivener wheezed in pain. “Do not ever do that again! Do not ever interfere between myself and Nightmare Moon! Do not ever do such foul trickery! D-Do not ever s-say...”

“Luna...” Scrivener softened even through the pain and bruises, looking up at her silently as her hooves fell limp, pressing down against his shoulders as he gazed up at her and she looked down, and then she closed her eyes and simply dropped down against his body, and he silently embraced her against his chest as her starry mane sparked and sizzled, settling slowly over their bodies like a blanket.

They were silent as they laid together in the grasses beneath the early morning sun, Scrivener looking up at the clouds as Luna buried her face against the junction of his shoulder and neck, trembling a little before she whispered: “I would have bested her, Scrivy. I would have beaten her roundly. I was only... letting her win. Making her cocky.”

“I know, Luna. I know. But... killing part of yourself won't solve anything, if... you and Nightmare Moon even can kill each other, that is.” Scrivener replied quietly, reaching up and stroking silently over her face. “I'm sorry I upset you and hurt you. I only told her what she was desperate to hear, though, so I could send her away into a new prison. And I don't know how long or how short she'll wait there for me to come and...” He grimaced a little, looking moodily away. “Well, you know. And after what she did to Antares...”

“I swear to all of Asgard, that if our child is blighted in any way by the monster's tampering, no matter what it means for me I shall have her excised like the tumor she is.” Luna grumbled moodily, and Scrivener nodded slowly with a grimace as he rubbed at his own features, looking away quietly.

Then Luna sighed and settled silently against Scrivener's body, closing her eyes and bowing her head against his chest as he fidgeted a little before she mumbled: “No. Thou has to make what thou did up to me now. Thou art not permitted to move until I say so. And when I do permit this, it shall be only to fetch me coffee and candy and perhaps to carry me to Ponyville so we may ensure my son is alright. Understood, Scrivener Blooms?”

“Yes, Luna. That sounds fair.” Scrivener smiled faintly despite himself, reaching up and stroking quietly through her ephemeral locks as he murmured: “I love you.”

Luna grumbled in response, burying her face deeper into the safety of her husband as worries for Antares and fears of Nightmare Moon flitted anxiously through her mind.

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