• Published 23rd Sep 2012
  • 2,957 Views, 281 Comments

Decretum - BlackRoseRaven

Realities, worlds, and good and evil collide, and Luna fights one last struggle to save Equestria.

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Remembering The Past

Chapter Two: Remembering The Past

On a bright afternoon day made all the more welcoming by the changing season, Luna wheezed as she waddled carefully out to the back deck, and from where they were seated at a varnished table, Scrivener Blooms and two mares looked at her with surprise before the winged unicorn sat down, blushing a bit and saying lamely: “I... spilled something on the bedding, Scrivener Blooms. Go and clean it up.”

“Alright Luna.” Scrivy said softly, smiling supportively as he slipped out of his seat and walked over to her, kissing her cheek gently. She blushed a bit deeper for a moment, but Scrivener didn't say anything else as he headed inside: he didn't have to, and she appreciated both his silence on the subject and the reassuring warmth that came from him before she shot a surly glare at the two mares that were both gazing at her affectionately.

They were both winged unicorns: one was lavender, with dark purple locks streaked with a line of lighter violet and a line of pink through both mane and tail. Her purple irises shone with warmth, and her wings were edged in black. Her cutie mark was a six pointed pinkish star with white sparkles dotting the area around it, and a circle of red runes surrounded this... and in one ear was the thing that always drew Luna's attention first when she looked at this strong and beautiful mare, a polished onyx stud in the shape of the crescent moon.

Twilight Sparkle: confidante, companion, friend and more... and the mare smiled softly as she leaned over the arm of the comfortable chair, saying quietly: “You know, you don't have to be embarrassed about anything with us...”

“I am never embarrassed.” Luna scoffed, even as she blushed a bit deeper before glaring at the other mare that sat at the table: a much-larger, ivory-coated winged unicorn with a glowing rainbow mane and tail that both flowed and swayed slowly of their own accord. “Thou can shut up too, Celestia. Go attend to thy duties as Baroness, thou art not wanted here.”

“Perhaps not, but I am needed.” Celestia replied kindly, bowing her head forwards with a wink of one amethyst eye: a golden peytral plate hung over her breast, engraved with the symbol of Equestria, and she rested calmly, complacently back in her seat as she added easily: “Besides, you should be proud of me, little sister. I'm taking all this time off just to spend it with you, and the council doesn't even entirely approve... yet I did it anyway.”

“I shall be proud of thee when thou can do things without worrying about the approval of the council at all.” Luna replied dryly, and Celestia only gave her sister a mild look as she picked up her teacup and took a sip from it, but then the sapphire winged unicorn gave a small smile and murmured: “But alright, alright, Celestia. Keep thy nagging to a minimum and I shan't revile thy presence overmuch.”

Luna paused, glancing quietly out over the yard behind the cottage: there was a small, varied garden here in which grew fruits and vegetables, tended to by Scarlet Sage and on rare occasion, Scrivener Blooms, and a pretty reflecting pond, near the wall of trees that surrounded their beautiful black ironwood home. Her gaze softened as she looked over these things, then she shook her head slowly and murmured: “I truly am fortunate, after all. My big sister, my beautiful mare, my handsome Scrivener, and a loving daughter... and soon, my son will join this odd family we have all cobbled together.” She paused, then laughed and added after a moment: “And of course Discombobulation! He makes a loyal enough pet, does he not?”

“Oh Luna.” Twilight smiled and shook her head, laughing a little despite herself, and then she and Celestia traded looks before the violet mare added hesitantly: “And listen. Celestia and I were talking a little, and... we think it'd be good if you tried to keep to bed for now...”

Luna gave them both horrible looks, even as she grasped at her heavy belly with both hooves. “Conspirators! I may be fat but I am still healthy and strong! If anything, carrying this loathsomely-large gut has only made my legs all the stronger, and I shall prove by giving thee both a personal experience with my hooves if thou both continue to speak behind my back about how fat and handicapped I am!”

“We didn't say you were either fat or handicapped, Luna, you're carrying a baby, not a disease. “ Celestia replied pointedly, and Luna huffed a bit before she softened when Celestia smiled and said quietly: “For me, Luna, please. I don't know if I'll ever bear a foal myself. I plan to live vicariously through your motherhood.”

“Well, I can get Scrivener Blooms to sleep with thee, then we can find out for sure whether or not thou art capable of bearing a foal.” Luna said flatly, and Celestia slowly closed her eyes as the sapphire equine added cheerfully: “Anything to spread the pain, dear sister. And 'twould be nice for little Antares to have a playmate... Scarlet Sage will be a wonderful older sister but all the same, it will be... odd, not having other foals around for our son to play with.”

“There are always foals around, Luna... but before you go trying to arrange playdates for your child, first there's the issue of reintroducing yourself and Scrivener to Ponyville.” Celestia said gently, and Luna grumbled a bit and stomped her front hooves against the deck, but she nodded grudgingly after a moment. “I know you've been thinking about this a lot, Luna, and I know you really do want to just walk into Ponyville-”

“Actually, I wish to be pushed in a wheelbarrow due to my current condition, but aye, the point is still about the same.” Luna said blandly, and Twilight Sparkle was unable to suppress a few giggles as Celestia gave a smile despite herself. “This is another reason I would not mind find out if thou can become pregnant, Celestia. For me, the joy would be less in expressing my happiness over thy blossoming motherhood and more over the glee I would take in watching as thy body turns traitor on thee.”

Celestia sighed after a moment, but then she glanced up and said casually: “By the way. I happened to mention to Rarity that there was going to be a baby shower for an old, dear friend. I believe she and Spike are going to come by and give congratulations of their own.”

“Thou art evil!” Luna shouted, rearing back and looking shocked, and then she huffed and shoved herself awkwardly up to her hooves, grumbling under her breath as Twilight blushed and Celestia only smiled again, the winged unicorn heading back inside as she muttered grumpily to herself: “Next Scarlet Sage will be bringing home her friends as well, and that shall be a fine mess indeed...”

She huffed as she strode back through the kitchen, and then she smiled embarrassedly at the sight of Scrivener Blooms humming to himself as he cleaned off her bedding before she turned as quickly around as her heavy stomach and unwieldy limbs would allow her to, storming back out onto the deck and declaring: “Very well, I have decided that I shall not make a fuss only because 'tis too late for me to do anything about it and I want more presents.”

“Of course, Luna. Of course.” Celestia replied gently, and Luna nodded firmly once as Twilight Sparkle shook her head, looking both entertained but also a little worried. The ivory winged unicorn clearly picked up on this, however, as her amethyst eyes roved upwards and she said gently: “It's alright, Twilight. We'll be in a safe place, with the comfort of friends. I think we're approaching the point now where we have to tell them, though... tell them, or risk those memories being lost forever.”

Luna nodded slowly, looking down after a moment as she scraped a hoof quietly against the balcony, and then she smiled a bit and murmured: “Perhaps the nation shouldn't remember me, though, Celestia... perhaps 'tis better that I am forgotten, lost in the sands of time...”

“Now sister, don't say things like that.” Celestia chastened gently, slipping out of her seat and walking quietly around the table to approach Luna, sitting calmly in front of her and reaching her front hooves up to rest quietly on her little sister's shoulders, and Luna awkwardly looked up after a moment with a small smile, their eyes meeting. “You've done a wonderful thing here. You've worked hard, and while I know you feel pessimistic and worried sometimes, they aren't going to hate you. They aren't going to lash out at you. And I'll be there, beside you... as an equal. No more leaving you in my shadow, or relegated to the dark places of the world. No more forcing you to be anypony but the pony you want to be... no more fighting against you, little sister.” Celestia gently guided her face up, leaning down to kiss her forehead quietly, and Luna laughed a bit as she shook her head quickly out before the two smiled at each other warmly. “But I don't want you left living in this self-imposed exile, either. You don't have to.”

“Well, it suits myself and Scrivener Blooms. We are not... normal ponies. Well, none of us here are, I suppose, but thou knows what I mean.” Luna said after a moment, smiling a little up at her, and Celestia nodded slowly before she slipped back as Twilight carefully slid out of her seat as well. “Besides, Celestia, I... I failed them. And I could not save them all...”

“But you did save many, many more than any pony, than any Valkyrie, could have been fairly asked to save. You and Scrivener Blooms both... and you destroyed a monster that would have continued to slaughter entire worlds for the sake of his own ego, saving countless more.” Celestia soothed, leaning back and looking quietly down into Luna's eyes. “Listen to me... as your big sister, and as who I once was in the long, long ago past, Freya... you have done better than anyone, pony or otherwise, could have ever expected of you. I have wept and mourned for those who have been lost, when I understood... what had happened... but Luna, never once did I hold it against you. Never once.”

Luna nodded uncertainly after a few moments, and then the sisters embraced tightly for a few moments before Celestia drew back and smiled reassuringly, adding quietly: “Anyway, sister. You have a party to get ready for. And presents.”

“And cake!” Luna turned, shouting this through the open door, and Scrivener shouted something back at her from the den before she huffed and looked moodily from one winged unicorn to the other. “Thou had best both brought incredible gifts. Otherwise I shall make thee sleep outside, Celestia.”

“Don't worry, I know.” Celestia said tiredly, and Luna nodded firmly once before she turned and carefully waddled back inside, the older sibling watching this meditatively before calling mildly: “At least some of the weight went to your flank instead of your stomach.”

Luna shot a horrible look over her shoulder at Celestia, who only winked in return, and then the sapphire winged unicorn grumbled as she stormed through the kitchen, then sighed in relief at the sight of Scrivener Blooms laying new sheets over the bedding, a stack of new blankets and pillows already beside this. He smiled across at her supportively as she blushed again, but he only shook his head, saying softly: “Accidents happen, Luna, it's alright and it's not your fault. Anyway, I've been waiting for an excuse to change the sheeting and everything for a while now... you do understand you can't just use the same pillows and blankets forever, right?”

“I use cleansing spells on them when I can concentrate and remember!” Luna retorted grouchily, and then the two smiled a little at each other before she waddled towards him and quietly nuzzled him, murmuring: “Thou hast my thanks, silly beetle. Our home... 'tis now getting bigger by the day, isn't it?”

“Yep.” Scrivener smiled slightly as he looked down the corridor: once, all they had ever needed was their room, the kitchen, and this den: now, Scarlet Sage had her own room – and her own bathroom – next to their master bedroom, and across from the master bedroom was a door Scrivener hadn't gotten around to painting yet, leading into the room that would soon belong to their baby. The earth pony just had a few last touches to go: panels to cover up, beautiful, painted tiles to put into place along the edge of the ceiling, and the furnishings to arrange into place. And, last but not least, next to the baby's room was a second new addition: a laundry room where cleaning supplies were stacked along the shelves with other odds and ends.

The winged unicorn smiled at him after a moment, and then she kissed his cheek quietly before crawling over the bedding and sitting on her haunches in front of the fireplace, gazing at the three slightly-charred logs within: logs more for decoration than anything else, since it would be years before Luna's magical fire burned them away, if ever. She flicked her head firmly... then huffed when nothing happened, grumbling and reaching up to beat her hoof against her horn, and then Scrivener slipped forwards and kissed the side of her neck before she could start complaining, making her fidget and smile a little instead. “Damn thee, Scrivy. And damn my inability to concentrate and... pregnancy and... everything else, too.”

“Alright, alright. Let's light the fireplace.” Scrivener said softly, and Luna smiled a little before the earth pony sat down beside her, and they both closed their eyes and lowered their heads, concentrating quietly on one-another, their breathing falling into rhythm as Scrivener fed his energy, his concentration, and his encouragement into Luna's mind, her horn taking on a steady, sapphire glow.

Then she flicked her horn firmly, and this time the logs burst into blue flames in a mighty whoosh, both Scrivy and Luna wincing and leaning away... before Luna's eyes bulged and she slowly tipped over and landed with a yelp on her back, enormous stomach jiggling a bit as Scrivener looked awkwardly over his shoulder at her. “You uh. Okay there, Luna?”

“Aye, my ego and pride absorbed the worst of the damage, although I feel a little woozy at the moment.” Luna mumbled, and then she slowly tipped onto her side with a wince, grumbling under her breath. “Pregnancy is stupid. I do not like that my magic continues to work on and off with my body so... rebellious. 'Tis like pregnancy is designed to make mares vulnerable. And a laughingstock. I am a vulnerable laughingstock. Cover me with a blanket, Scrivener Blooms.”

Scrivy sighed a little, and then he headed over to the side of the bedding, picking up a few pillows and slipping these gently beneath Luna's head before he picked up a blanket, unfolding this in one easy snap. He settled this carefully over the winged unicorn's body, letting it flutter over her head and leaving only a bit of her haunch and her starry tail exposed, which twisted lightly back and forth as Luna mumbled beneath the covers but otherwise didn't move.

Scrivener gazed at her softly, reaching out and rubbing her belly soothingly through the blanket before he turned and headed to the kitchen to fix her a snack, and he smiled when he saw Celestia striding through the back door, the male gesturing with his head towards the den and saying mildly: “Luna's gone down for a little quiet time. Don't worry, it's nothing serious... I think she's just feeling a little... well...”

“I understand, Scrivener. Well, to a point.” Celestia said softly, glancing towards the den, and then she strode carefully past him as Twilight walked inside, carrying several empty cups in a gentle telekinetic grip.

Scrivy smiled at this, stepping back as the violet mare joined him at the sink, the two standing up as the earth pony ran water in the sink and Twilight dumped the mugs in on top of the pile of dishes already in the basin, and the two shared a soft look before the violet mare glanced towards the door and closed it with an easy telekinetic pull as her horn glowed quietly. Then she turned her eyes back towards the male, smiling back at him and saying softly: “You're a good husband, you know that?”

“Yeah, see? All those years ago you hated me, but now look at me.” Scrivener winked at her, nudging her with his shoulder, and Twilight snorted in amusement and shook her head as she gave him an entertained look. “But don't worry. I didn't like you very much back then either.”

“Canterlot... it seems forever ago now.” Twilight said softly, and then she laughed a bit and glanced at him softly. “Funny, how it has been so long, too... but in my mind, it's only been... six or seven years? I can barely believe that... just like I can barely believe that... we were gone, dead, for a decade. A decade that you and Luna spent gathering souls and... building up this world.”

Scrivener only nodded slowly, glancing down towards the sink as he poured a bit of dish soap into the water, then he shook his head as he murmured softly: “And sometimes I don't want to either, Twilight. Some days... I wish that... we were back at Canterlot. But that just might be selfishness speaking... after all, if Luna and I had gotten involved and gotten married, and Equestria was still in one piece and we had never gone into exile... I'd be a prince, wouldn't I? Then I'd really be able to drive the Royal Court crazy.”

Twilight snorted in amusement as Scrivener turned the water off before he easily grabbed a rag to begin washing the dishes, the violet mare saying dryly: “I love how that's what it always comes back to, Scrivy, how you could have messed with the Royal Court. Didn't you do that enough as it was?”

“True, but all the same, this time I couldn't be punished for it. Blueblood always got away with a lot, after all, and he wasn't even a real prince.” Scrivener pointed out, and Twilight grunted after a moment, nodding as she automatically took one of the dishes from Scrivener with telekinesis, flicking her horn to dry it before she winced when he slapped at her with a wet hoof. “No, no, no, don't use magic for everything, Sparkles, use your damn hooves, or at least stick with your fancy unicorn-a-kinetics.”

“You are as much a pain as Luna sometimes, you know that?” Twilight grumbled, and the two shoved at each other for a few moments before she sighed and rolled her eyes, opening a wing and slapping him lightly with it before she turned and picked up a rag hanging on a hook at the edge of the counter, and Scrivener gave her a triumphant smile as he went back to washing and she patiently waited before taking a mug when she passed it to him, carefully beginning to towel it off. “You know, just because I use my magic to do things doesn't mean I don't appreciate-”

“Totally does.” Scrivener interrupted amiably before she could finish, and Twilight Sparkle shot him a flat look in response. “Hey, you can't blame me entirely. Luna's mood swings are affecting me, too.”

Twilight rolled her eyes as she finished drying the mug and set it aside... and in the other room, Luna smiled a little as she finally wiggled her head out from beneath the blanket to glance up at Celestia as she gazed down from her comfortable seat beside her little sister. “Are you feeling better, Luna?”

“Somewhat.” Luna said after a moment, and then she reached up and pushed the blanket back, testing the fabric with her hooves: soft, gentle, mink-fleece that she looked thoughtfully down at for a few seconds before returning her eyes to Celestia as she asked awkwardly: “Art thou sure this... I mean, thou aren't... well, what I mean to say is...”

“Luna, it's fine. Balancing my priorities is especially important to me these days... and I'm all too glad to take a short vacation from the council to help you out with this process. If anything, I only wish I could stay longer...” Celestia paused for a moment, then she smiled a little and closed her eyes, bowing her head forwards and murmuring softly: “Being away from the Temple of the Sun, and out of reach of all the other Barons and Baronesses... it's more relaxing than I can say. And being able to be here for you, to help you, well... I'm more than glad to be here. And I'll be staying here, as long as I can: the only reason I don't flout the Council's wishes completely is because they could send somepony looking for me, and that could complicate everything.”

Luna smiled warmly, looking up at her softly as Celestia gazed back down silently, and then both siblings glanced towards the kitchen at the sound of a loud splash, Scrivener glaring at Twilight as she stared at him with a look of horror, water slowly dripping off her body before the earth pony said grouchily: “Was too.”

“Was not.” Twilight retorted once her senses came back, and then she grinned and snapped her horn firmly, and the soapy water remaining in the sink swirled upwards and splashed out over Scrivener, knocking him flat on his back with a wince before Twilight leaned forwards with a huff and asked mildly: “You forget about my fancy unicorn-a-kinetics?”

“I didn't think even you'd stoop low enough to use magic against a poor, lowly earth pony like me.” Scrivener said moodily, and when Twilight glowered as she leaned further forwards and lowered her head just a bit more, he snapped his rear legs up around her neck, making her wince before he twisted firmly and dragged her down onto her side with a grin, making her wheeze loudly as Celestia sighed and Luna cackled and clapped her front hooves together as she wiggled herself into a better viewing position, despite the fact the divider blocked her line of sight anyway.

The two glared at each other, one dripping water, the other saturated almost completely and soap bubbles rolling down his features, both laying on their sides as one of Scrivener's legs stayed poised against her chest to shove her backwards in case she tried any magic, even as her horn glowed almost ominously... and then Scrivener wrinkled his muzzle before he sneezed loudly, bubbles flying out of his nose, and both he and Twilight stared as these floated up into the air. Then they looked dumbly back at one another before Scrivener smiled slightly, and Twilight smiled back before the two laughed and climbed to their hooves.

Scrivener cleaned up the water and finished the dishes with a little help from Twilight, and Celestia and Luna shared quiet conversation, the younger sibling blushing awkwardly and allowing the ivory winged unicorn to gently push her hoof against her stomach when the baby kicked a few times, Celestia smiling warmly as she felt the movements and drawing marveling eyes over little sister. Then the four had simply sat together in a comfortable quiet, sharing idle, easy conversation until they had heard the door open, and Scarlet Sage had called brightly: “Mom, Dad! I know I'm early but... some of our friends were real eager to see you!”

“What? Oh, madness!” Luna huffed, quickly tossing the blanket over herself and grumbling even as Celestia climbed to her hooves with a smile and Twilight and Scrivener both glanced up curiously at the sound of hooves striding down the hall... and then they both smiled softly as the young mare stepped out of the corridor and slipped to the side, smiling brightly as a blonde-coated Pegasus and two earth ponies strode forwards.

The sunshine-yellow Pegasus mare smiled shyly from behind the single long bang of pink mane that fell over her features, her sea green eyes gazing radiantly towards the large, blanket-covered lump that was Luna. Her cutie mark on her haunch was that of three pink butterflies, for her talent with animals... although it could just as easily be there for how gentle and compassionate she was with all things. “I hope we're not imposing...”

Luna mumbled a little beneath the blanket, and beside the blonde-coated Pegasus, the brighter-colored of the two earth pony mares giggled and bounced excitedly on her hooves, her bubblegum-pink, messy mane and tail swaying with her movements and her blue eyes warm and happy as she said cheerfully: “How can we be imposing when there's a party to plan, Fluttershy? Oh, this is going to be the most exciting baby shower ever! Isn't that right, Pinkamena?”

“Baby showers aren't supposed to be exciting, sissy, now either stop your damned bouncing or I'll stop you myself, Pinkie Pie.” the drab, gray-tinged pony said irritably, and Pinkie Pie huffed as she came to a halt with a loud thump, looking moodily towards the pony she seemed to share nothing in common with at first glance: from her gray-pink complexion to the straightness of her mane and tail, everything about her seemed the opposite of Pinkie Pie. But on closer inspection, their cutie marks were the same, both three balloons, although in Pinkamena's case the balloons were black and gray instead of blue and yellow... and they both had blue eyes, although Pinkamena's were edged in sallow red.

But when they glared at each other, making the same expression, their poses mirrored one another for a brief moment that was all the same more than long enough to make it clear they were twins. Strange twins, but twins all the same, despite their differences... which included the fact that Pinkamena had three silver piercings in each ear, while the obvious good twin of the pair didn't.

Then Pinkie Pie giggled a little, and Pinkamena reached a hoof up and rubbed it slowly against her own forehead as if pained, muttering under her breath before she said flatly: “Anyway. Sparkles, Princess Sunshine, Nightmare Moon and... Scrivener, we-”

“Why does Scrivener not get a nickname? I demand thou gives Scrivener an insulting nickname as well!” Luna declared, flailing the blanket off herself before she wheezed as she began to awkwardly shove herself up to her hooves, and Scrivy shot a sour look over his shoulder at her before wincing when Luna flopped back on her side with a thump, mumbling: “I... I am choosing to lay here completely of my own free will.”

“Yes, dear. I'll go get your antacids of my own free will, then.” Scrivener said tiredly, and then he smiled a little when Scarlet Sage quickly turned and headed into the kitchen. “Thanks, kiddo.”

Fluttershy leaned forwards, looking a little concerned, but Pinkamena only grumbled under her breath before she said flatly: “Hey. Hornless drunken bastard child of unicorns who never loved you, get me a cola.”

Dead silence fell for a moment, even Celestia looking a little shocked and Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie both staring in horror as Luna leaned up with a snarl, flailing her front hooves furiously at the air as she began to sit up... but then Scrivener only grinned slightly and shook his head, saying mildly: “Nice try, Pinkamena, but that's a little too long for a nickname.”

“See? Scrivener's too much of a pain in the ass to piss off, it isn't worth the effort.” Pinkamena said irritably, gesturing at him moodily before Scrivener strode across the room towards where Scarlet Sage was staring at the dull-pink pony's back, the bottle of antacid drink forgotten under one wing, and Scrivener carefully leaned forwards and took this before he shared a smile with Pinkamena before her eyes glinted as she added softly: “Besides, why would I bother? He's in the mental asylum with me. You don't shank the good cellmates, just the bad ones who don't try and help you move into the houses in the sky.”

“Wretched half-demon.” Luna muttered grumpily, and then she sighed and took the large, cylindrical bottle when Scrivener offered it, mumbling under her breath as she bit into the large, cup-like cap and twisted her head wildly back and forth to try and pry it off before Scrivener slapped at her lightly and took the bottle back with a grumble, unscrewing it for her. Luna gave him a half-surly, half-thankful look, then she huffed when he filled up the cap with the antacid drink and held this out to her, making her mumble as she took it between her front hooves.

“Anyway, like I was saying. We're here to help set up for the stupid baby shower.” Pinkamena said, then she sighed and looked moodily back at the horrified looks still on the faces of Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. “Hey, you two might want to catch up to the present. Where everything is fine. Especially you, sissy, you're the one who wanted to do the whole... party thing.”

Pinkie Pie shook her head quickly as Fluttershy blushed, and then the bright pink pony chastised: “You shouldn't try and say things just to upset ponies, though, big twin sister.”

Pinkamena groaned at this, rubbing at her head again and saying moodily: “Twin sister, big sister, settle on one thing, sissy. Furthermore, I say things just to upset ponies all the time, and you know what? It feels good, that's what. Like this, you're fat.” She paused as Pinkie Pie reared back with a pout, and then grinned widely, showing off teeth that were strangely sharp... but then again, as Luna had said, Pinkamena wasn't just a pony, she was a half-demon that had been formed from Pinkie's psyche and dark tampering by otherworldly entities. “I like your pain. Tastes sweet.”

“Like sugar?” Pinkie Pie asked curiously, perking up a bit, and then she licked at her own foreleg experimentally before she brightened. “Hey, I do taste like sugar!”

The half-demon growled in frustration, and then Scrivener quickly cleared his throat as he screwed the cap back on top of the cylinder despite Luna childishly whining at him that her stomach was still bothering her. “We really appreciate you coming to help set up, but really, this was just going to be a small gathering...”

“About that, Dad...” Scarlet Sage began awkwardly, and all eyes turned to her as she grinned and blushed a little. “Well, after Rarity and Spike found out... they apparently told Rainbow Dash and Applejack... who told Apple Bloom... and Red and Scoot and Sweetie all came to me wanting to know who was having a foal, and I kinda said 'my mom' and now they're all really... curious and... well... now they all want to come out together, especially after they heard that Celestia and Twilight are here and after they found out Pinkie Pie was throwing the party and... well... I'm sorry, Mom.”

“Oh. Oh. Wonderful. We do not have the room in the house for all these guests, and... none of them have been reintroduced to me yet!” Luna complained, stomping her hooves and looking frustrated. “Next thou shall tell us that Cowlick and Ross have heard too!”

Scarlet Sage blushed deeper, but Celestia held up a hoof, looking embarrassed as she said awkwardly: “No, sister, this is my fault... I told Rarity and Spike, after all, without thinking of what would obviously happen.”

“No, no, I am the one who is sorry, I apologize, I should not let my raging mood swings take so much the better of me that I raise my voice to even my sweet daughter.” Luna mumbled after a moment, shaking her head before she sighed and looked morbidly over at Pinkie Pie, whose eyes widened when the sapphire winged unicorn asked dryly: “How fast can thou set up a party?”

“Party!” Pinkie Pie giggled and bounced excitedly, her eyes widening gleefully before she grinned widely at Pinkamena, saying excitedly before the half-demon could even open her mouth: “You do snacks, I'll do decorations! Twilight, Fluttershy, can you help me? Scrivener, Luna, what kind of stuff is around here that we can use? And oh, Scarlet Sage, when you go back to Ponyville, there's a big cake you can pick up in Sugar Cube Corners in the kitchen, it should be all ready to go with my food-prep bag next to it, can you get that all?”

All eyes stared for a moment at Pinkie Pie, and then Pinkamena rolled her eyes before she said moodily: “Scrivener, I want your help in the kitchen. You can follow simple directions, right?”

“Uh. Usually.” Scrivener said after a moment, and Pinkamena grunted as she brushed past Scarlet Sage to begin shoving her way through things in the kitchen, Scrivy wincing a bit a she hurried towards her and shared an awkward look with his daughter before calling to the half-demon: “Hey, you know, this is my kitchen-”

“Not right now it ain't.” Pinkamena grumbled as she rooted through cupboards and shelves, and then she called irritably over her shoulder as she heard Pinkie Pie giggling: “Get to work, sissy! Two hours!”

“Two hours!” Pinkie Pie sang gleefully in return, Luna looking lost and Celestia looking just as confused before the bright pink pony winked to Scarlet Sage, saying kindly: “Go on ahead, we'll be ready by the time you get back, and that's a promise.”

Scarlet Sage looked awkwardly back and forth, but when Luna simply shrugged, the young mare excused herself and headed down the hallway to let herself out the front door, as Pinkie Pie glanced thoughtfully around the room before shaking her head quickly and saying musingly: “Way too small, way too small... definitely gotta be an outdoor party. Hey, Luna, can we move the stuff on the back deck out to the front yard? And do you have any other chairs or stuff?”

“I can open up the storage shed for you, there should be another small table in there at least, right Luna?” Twilight glanced quickly towards the winged unicorn, but Luna still looked stupefied by everything, so the violet mare only cleared her throat and nodded, gesturing towards Pinkie Pie and smiling, blushing Fluttershy. “Okay, let's. Head out.”

Pinkie Pie beamed and turned around, bouncing cheerfully down the corridor as the other two ponies followed. Luna remained staring dumbly, surprised by how quickly everything had been taken out of her hooves, and Celestia awkwardly rose a hoof despite the other ponies being gone, asking lamely: “What... about me?”

“No one likes you, Princess Sunshine. Keep Nightmare Moon entertained.” Pinkamena replied loudly from the kitchen without turning around, Scrivener wincing as he tried to keep track of the mad not-order Pinkamena had objects arranged over the counter in before the half-demon shot him a look and said mildly: “Preheat the oven to just under four hundred. Gonna need to mix this stuff up and shove it in fast. Gonna be a little crispy but that ain't my problem, I don't eat this crap.”

“How can you make it but not eat it?” Scrivener asked grouchily as he turned the dial for the oven up, and then he winced at the grin the half-demon gave him even as she yanked a drawer open and pulled out a large cutting knife.

“Same way you can have those bottles of liquor on your shelves but not drink, and I'm not even a drunk.” Pinkamena retorted, and Scrivener glowered at her moodily before she laughed and winked at him. “Don't take it personally, I still think you're fun. Now get me a mixing bowl, you asshat.”

“Hurtful.” Scrivener grumbled, but he was soon surprised by how professional Pinkamena worked... not to mention how spookily fast she was at everything from cutting to mixing, never once needing to stop and measure anything out as she filled both of the muffin trays that were available. Then, once those were in the oven, Pinkamena mentally checked the time before she nodded moodily once.

She yanked down several more mixing bowls before shoving one at Scrivener as she took the smaller for herself, beginning to order him around, tossing in a healthy amount of verbal abuse as she listed out a recipe for cookies. Scrivy winced and scrambled back and forth, and it didn't help that he could feel Luna staring with fascination and could hear her giggling now and then even as she talked with Celestia.

All the same, Pinkamena knew what she was doing, and was good enough at her job to have him finish preparing a sheet of simple chocolate chip cookies just before the half-demon yanked the stove open. Muffin trays went out, cookie sheet went in, and next Scrivener found himself helping spread the icing she had mixed up in the small bowl over all the muffins as Pinkamena muttered: “You guys got jack-all out here but plenty of coffee and chocolate sauce. So I used coffee and chocolate sauce.”

“Pinkamena, I love thee!” Luna called from the den gleefully at this, and Scrivener sighed even as the half-demon snorted, even as an honest smile briefly flickered over her features before it was once more hidden by her shark-like grin.

Food preparation was smooth: outside, setting up everything was also going nicely. With Twilight's help, Pinkie Pie had dragged a large table out of the large, hollow hill that sat next to the cottage, and with the table from the back balcony at the top of this, it would likely leave just enough spots for everypony to squeeze in. They had covered these furnishings with a musty, enormous tablecloth that had also been in the storage mound, and then Pinkie Pie had bounced cheerfully over to a satchel resting against the porch to begin pulling out decorations of all shape and size, Twilight wondering how some of these had even fit into the pack.

The violet mare ran in and out of the house a few times as Fluttershy tacked decorations along the house, Pinkie Pie directing her cheerfully and more often than not changing her mind as the Pegasus winced and hovered nervously back and forth. Still, all things considered, they were doing alright as Twilight counted places, mumbling names as she did so: “Luna, Scrivy, Celestia, me, Pinkie, Pinkamena, Dash, AJ, Big Mac, Rarity, Spike, Fluttershy, Scarlet, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle...”

“What about me?” asked a nonchalant voice, and Twilight winced and flailed for a moment before she glared at Discombobulation as he leaned against the wall of the house, both Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy looking over with surprise, the Pegasus wincing as her wings clapped tightly to her sides before she fell... but with a simple flick of his wrist, a bed of pillows appeared beneath the Pegasus, and she landed with a gentle flump instead of a loud thud as the Draconequus said wryly: “There. Never say I never did anything for you, kid.”

Fluttershy blushed as she sat up, and Pinkie Pie nodded approvingly as she looked up over the banner that the Pegasus had just finished setting up, with 'Congratulations!' written over it in bold red text. “Great job, Fluttershy! And all the streamers and stars are up in the right places too... this is gonna be great! Hey, Bob, you're gonna be there too, right?”

“Yes, yes, I suppose. Luna did invite me a while back. I suppose that makes me special, considering how many ponies just decided to show up of their own accord.” Discombobulation said mildly, polishing his talon absently against his chest before he looked thoughtfully towards Twilight Sparkle as she smiled at him. “Funny, isn't it? I'm chaos, showing up because I was invited, and you ponies are supposed to be representatives of harmony and order and here you are, crashing a poor pregnant pony's baby shower. Shame on you all. You're all doing an awful job of representing your virtues.”

He paused, then glanced towards the pillows as Fluttershy awkwardly floundered her way out of the pile before she sighed in relief as they simply vanished, the Pegasus smiling and mumbling a 'thank you' to the chimerical creature before Discombobulation sniffed absently and looked moodily up at the blue sky overhead, darker now as the afternoon deepened. “Admittedly, though, part of the fun is in the fact I'm very fairly certain none of them will remember me. I plan to jump out and startle them all horribly.”

“Oh, don't be like my big sister, Bob, that's not very nice.” Pinkie said pointedly, and then she paused and added thoughtfully: “It's too bad this can't be a surprise party, though. Those are always fun.”

“Pinkie, no offense, but a surprise baby shower could be a very bad idea for all kinds of reasons, even before considering it's Luna you'd be surprising.” Twilight said awkwardly, and Fluttershy nodded a few times in agreement as Pinkie Pie cocked her head curiously. “Well, you wouldn't want to scare her into giving birth, right?”

“You can scare a pony into giving birth?” Pinkie Pie asked incredulously, and when Twilight and Fluttershy both nodded, the pony turned her eyes quickly to Discombobulation, who shrugged before he nodded in agreement, and the earth pony mare winced a little. “I guess maybe it's a good thing I didn't bring the party cannon.”

“Just a bit.” Twilight smiled despite herself, nodding after a moment before she turned her eyes back to the Draconequus, asking curiously: “So can you help us with things?”

“Absolutely. I could absolutely help you.” Discombobulation replied seriously, striding towards the table and glancing thoughtfully over the places that had been set, and then he easily snapped his fingers, a single large chair appearing at one of the corners of the table. Twilight smiled... then glared when Bob strode over and sat down in this, tenting his fingers and glancing over his shoulder with a kind smile.

They looked at each other... and then Pinkie bounced forwards, putting her hooves against the back of the seat and craning her head up into the male's field of vision, making him rear back a bit with a wince. “If you absolutely can then you absolutely should.”

“Nothing is absolute, Pinkie Pie. Well. Except for the theoretical and the intangible. Only things you absolutely can't see, see? That in and of itself is a perfect example of an absolute absolute.” Discombobulation replied seriously, nodding calmly once. “So you see, it's all very well that I absolutely can help you, but not at all that I absolutely should.”

“That makes absolutely no sense!” Twilight fumed, glaring at the Draconequus, and her glower became even more sour when Discombobulation looked over his shoulder with another nod and a kind smile.

“Exactly, Twilight Sparkle. Exactly.” The chimerical creature nodded seriously, and Twilight groaned before quickly turning her attention back to the details of the party with a grumble.

They set up a chair at the head of the table for Luna to sit in, and cushions for everypony else: it wasn't the most elegant solution, but with thirteen ponies, one dragon, and one Draconequus expected to be present, Luna definitely did not have enough chairs to go around. Pinkie Pie finished setting up the decorations, and then ran inside, and Twilight had a moment of irritation before both of the Pink Twins came out with several platters covered by freshly-washed plastic bowls, followed a few moments later by Scrivener with another covered tray.

“Fifteen minutes!' the Twins both spoke at the same time, looking up and then nodding quickly to each other, Pinkamena's grin somehow less vicious than usual and Pinkie Pie's eyes sparkling before they both turned and headed quickly back inside as Scrivener took a moment to rest after putting down the tray.

“Pinkamena's crazy.” he muttered when Twilight and Fluttershy both looked at him, and then he reached up and brushed a bit of dough off himself before he winced as there was a loud shout from the house. “Guess that's my cue.”

“We're done out here, we'll lend a hoof too.” Fluttershy said quietly, smiling a little, and Scrivener smiled gratefully in return as he nodded to her, as Bob glanced thoughtfully over the platters. The charcoal stallion's eyes roved to the Draconequus, and then he glared at him as the chimerical creature reached a hand out and easily picked up one of the bowls, revealing a large stack of cookies... but before he could even reach for one, Pinkamena booted the front door back open, leaned past a surprised Twilight, and threw a cutting knife hard towards the Draconequus, Bob squeaking and hiding behind his chair as the knife sank into the back of the soft wood.

“Don't touch it!” Pinkamena barked, and Discombobulation nodded rapidly before the half-demon glared at the trio of staring ponies. “Get inside, come on, we ain't done yet.”

There wasn't much choice but to obey, and they soon found themselves running back and forth, setting out cups, cutlery, all the bottles of cola they had – something that made Luna sulk – and preparing both coffee and a kettle of tea. Just as they were finishing setting up the table, Pinkie Pie bounced cheerfully out and looked up at the sky, her hooves kicking lightly against the ground.

“Time's up, I hope Scarlet Sage got everything okay...” Pinkie began apprehensively, and then she looked over at Scrivener as he gave a slight smile. “What, what is it?”

“Well, Pinkie Pie, two hours is pretty quick. Scarlet Sage can probably make that flight but I don't know if on hoof the rest of the ponies coming here can...” Scrivener began slowly, and Pinkie gave him a flat look. “What?”

“Well, duh. I mean, don't want them seeing the cake and all, right?” Pinkie said pointedly, and Scrivener wasn't sure how to reply to this before she brightened as she looked up, waving a hoof eagerly. “There she is!”

Scrivener glanced up, and Discombobulation turned his own eyes upwards curiously to see Scarlet Sage winging down towards them, satchel bags hanging at her side... and she was flanked on either side by two other Pegasi, one of them a sky blue stallion, the other a reddish-orange young mare.

Scarlet Sage winced as she came down, landing and stumbling forwards a few steps at the front of the yard, and the blue Pegasus touched down with much more grace, grinning slightly as he tossed his rainbow-colored mane and flicked his tail. His strong wings furled against his broad sides, and his magenta eyes gleamed as he looked up... then squeaked at the sight of the Draconequus sitting placidly at the table with his fingers tented, looking across at him mildly. “Here for your quarterly review, Rainbow Dash?”

“Oh holy hell, you know my name?” The stallion leaned back in shock, and Discombobulation smiled wryly even as the young orange-coated mare touched down on Scarlet Sage's other side, flicking her messy purple mane as her deep violet eyes stared in amazement at the Draconequus.

“I know everything about you.” Bob replied seriously, his eyes roving calmly to the emblem on Rainbow's flank: a cloud, releasing a rainbow-colored lightning bolt. “I know what you did last summer, and I know what you did in the sequel, too. I know-”

“Discombobulation, come on, you're scaring them.” Scarlet Sage said tiredly as she walked past, then she winced a bit when Pinkie Pie popped up in front of her before the silver Pegasus smiled awkwardly, glancing at the mismatched saddle bags hanging on either side. “Brought the cake, and your bag of supplies for-”

“Great! Come on inside!” she said cheerfully, then paused and leaned past to wave brightly at Rainbow Dash and the other young mare as they only continued to stare at Discombobulation. “Hi Dash! Hi Scoot!”

“Uh. Hi, Pinkie... wait, Pinkie Pie? I... what's going on?” Rainbow asked finally, but Pinkie only giggled, already hurriedly pushing Scarlet Sage around the table and to the front door as Twilight Sparkle smiled despite herself, looking over the table towards the confused stallion and young mare as they traded looks. “I am so confused.”

“You ain't alone there.” Scootaloo replied after a moment with a wince, and then she looked awkwardly towards the Draconequus as she furled her wings against her sides, stepping forwards nervously. “This isn't your party, is it?”

“No, no, no, it's not a tea party at all, and we're lacking a march hare and a dormouse in any event, so you don't need to be worried, young one... although worrying anyway is not always a bad idea, since there's always something to be worried about. That's the middle road, after all: sages and fools are the only people that don't worry, and most of us are somewhere in the middle.” Discombobulation replied seriously, leaning back in his chair before he snapped his fingers when Scrivener Blooms awkwardly tried to slip towards the house, and then the earth pony winced as there was a blur of light and sound as he vanished before he reappeared a moment later in front of Rainbow Dash. “Don't be rude now, Luna. Say hello to your guests.”

Scrivener smiled dumbly, raising a hoof, and Rainbow stared at him for a few moments before his brow furrowed as Scootaloo only continued to look confused, and a moment later the Pegasus stallion leaned forwards and whispered: “I know you. I know I know you, but I can't place it...”

The earth pony only smiled a little at this, looking awkwardly back at Rainbow as he leaned a little further forwards before Scrivener said softly: “You, me, Big Mac and Spike...”

Rainbow leaned back in surprise, and then he smiled after a moment, saying quietly: “Nights we spent out, but... you brought your wife along, and it amazed me. I acted like it frustrated me but really it impressed me, and maybe I was even a little envious of... I can't remember her name. I can't even remember your name...”

He shook his head, gritting his teeth, and Scootaloo frowned a bit before the mare looked towards him and asked quietly: “So... you're Scarlet Sage's dad, right?”

“Yeah. I am.” Scrivener said softly, smiling over at the young orange Pegasus, and then he glanced back at the table before his eyes roved to the house as he heard what was half mental order, half-plea from Luna. “If you'll excuse me, though, I'm going to go get my wife and bring her outside. She seems to be calling for me.”

Rainbow frowned for a moment at this, but Scrivener only winked to the two before he turned and headed around the table, as Twilight said encouragingly to the Pegasi: “It's okay, really. The memories... they hurt a little at first coming back, but-”

“But memories always do, good or bad, pleasant or bittersweet.” Discombobulation said softly, flicking a wrist absently as he leaned back in his seat and looked meditatively from Scootaloo to Rainbow Dash. “Funny, the things that bring them back... but maybe it's because of the way magic works, intricate and complex and seemingly as insane as I am but with hidden rules running all along the lengths of its mighty strata...”

“I know you too!” Rainbow said suddenly, looking up at the chimerical creature, and Scootaloo looked with surprise at Rainbow Dash before the blue Pegasus grinned slightly, nodding rapidly a few times as he said in a rush that was half-excited, half-frustrated: “We were... traveling together for some reason, and it had something to do with you, too, Twilight, didn't it? Dammit, Twilight, how much do you really know? What's going on, why can I... half-see everything... and why do I think of... Applejack, and our other friends, and even that guy with glasses who just went inside and... a shape I can't quite make out...”

“Oh, don't worry. None of us can quite make out what shape Scrivener Blooms is these days. Oval? Sphere? Rhombus? Or some other geometrical figure altogether?” Discombobulation said blandly, and Twilight gave him a flat look, hitting the arm of his chair lightly. “What? It's only the truth. And the truth is the truth and that's all the truth is.”

“Be nice.” Twilight chastised gently, and then she turned her eyes back towards Rainbow Dash, asking curiously: “Where's Applejack and the others?”

“Well, we were all waiting for like, I dunno, forever, at the edge of the Everfree Forest when Scarlet shot by above our heads, heading into town. I went off after her to see what was going on. Scarlet was supposed to guide us to the place or something, after all, according to Rarity and the kids.” Rainbow shot a smile to Scoot, who huffed but looked warmly back all the same at the stallion she clearly adored. “Anyway, I caught up with her just as she was coming out of Sugar Cube Corners with that stuff. Brought her back to the group, said she was going to show us the path and then she had to fly on ahead.”

Twilight smiled a little at this, nodding and looking amused as she asked: “And I take it that you and Scootaloo decided to follow Scarlet Sage along anyway?”

Rainbow grinned slightly at this, even as his eyes flicked towards the Draconequus as he replied finally: “Well, you know. I like flying. And I was curious. So it just seemed natural to follow and find out what the hell is actually going on around here. Of course, now I'm just getting way more confused by the moment, but...”

“It'll clear up.” Twilight said softly, and when Rainbow gave her a moody look, she laughed a little and shook her head slowly, murmuring: “Believe me. You'll... you'll understand.”

Rainbow sighed a little, nodding after a moment as he looked across the table at her, but before either of them could respond, Scarlet Sage emerged from the cabin and leapt quickly off the porch, wings flapping as she called awkwardly to Twilight: “Pinkamena wants you to figure out places for everyone while I make sure the others aren't lost!”

“Well, of course she's here.” Rainbow muttered moodily, and then the Pegasus stallion strode forwards and sat down across from Discombobulation, Twilight wincing for a moment before she flinched even more visibly when Scootaloo hurriedly bounced to sit at the other side of the male, but both of them were now looking across at Bob as he stared plainly back. “Why do I know you...”

“You look like Discord.” Scootaloo added after a moment, and Discombobulation reared back as if offended, grasping at his own chest as the young, athletic mare winced.

“Well, you look like a sunburned radish.” Discombobulation retorted huffily, and Scootaloo glared at him before the chimerical creature snapped his fingers, sending a hail of the root vegetables falling down on Scootaloo's head and making the Pegasus flail a bit as Rainbow Dash winced away from her. “See? Same complexion. Same bad skin.”

“I already don't like you, whoever you are.” Scootaloo muttered, slapping a few of the radishes away before she and Rainbow Dash both winced as Discombobulation leapt up to stand on his chair.

He rose a finger, and then Twilight Sparkle cleared her throat pointedly from beside him, and the Draconequus sighed and rolled his eyes, carefully sitting back down in his seat as he muttered: “Yes, mommy, behaving like a good pony should, mommy. Very well, watch me be polite and refined.”

With that, Discombobulation flicked his wrists, monocle appearing in his talon and top hat in his hand, and he fitted both of these carefully on before sitting straight and brushing once at himself as he said in a cordial voice: “Good day, fine weather we're having, isn't it, chaps? But pardon my manners and allow me to introduce myself: my name is Discombobulation, and it is a most fine pleasure to renew our acquaintanceship, Sir Rainbow Dash, and to meet this fine young lady, Miss Scootaloo.”

Both Pegasi only stared for a moment, and then Twilight rose a hoof and asked awkwardly: “Would you two mind moving down a few seats? I already have an arrangement in mind and it'd really help if you could just move down two spots...”

“Oh, don't be such a pill, Twilight.” Rainbow scoffed, then he looked up in surprise as another Pegasus shyly made her way out of the cottage, eyes widening in disbelief. “Fluttershy?”

“Oh, Rainbow. It's so nice to see you.” Fluttershy smiled warmly, glancing up as she approached and quietly slipped into another spot at the table, Twilight wincing again and grabbing at her face with a hoof as Discombobulation looked mildly down the table at the new arrival. “I'm sorry none of us told you sooner about this, but... well. When the memories come back... it can be hard. We wanted to tell you, but even Twilight's only known for a few months now... and I admittedly didn't handle it with the best of grace when I found out...”

“You did, Fluttershy. The nightmares aren't your fault.” Twilight said quietly, softening as she looked towards the Pegasus, and Fluttershy smiled a little before glancing up, and the violet winged unicorn laughed quietly as she murmured: “But it's not like it matters either way now, huh? Looks like everypony's here.”

Scarlet Sage was at the head of the group, trotting quickly around the yard and looking both excited and stressed, flanked on either side by a pretty young unicorn with an ivory coat and two-tone purple-and-light-lavender, curly mane and tail, and a smiling earth pony with a rich golden-yellow coat, orange irises, and a red mane held back by a large bow. Both young mares that Scootaloo smiled warmly at and scrambled away to join, once the Cutie Mark Crusaders... now, four good friends, with their emblems all gleaming on their flanks.

And behind them came two earth ponies, a unicorn, and a dragon: the earth ponies were siblings, the larger a stallion with a bulky red frame and short, messy hay-colored hair and a tail of the same hue, an ancient yoke around his neck. His gemstone green eyes were calm, his handsome, dimpled features smiling a little as heavy hooves trod gently through the grasses, and his smaller goldenrod sister grinned from beneath her cowboy hat, her blonde mane and tail both tightly braided back as eyes the same color as her brother's glinted as she looked over the table that had been set up, saying easily: “I don't know about you, Big Macintosh, but seein' a fine spread laid out here at least takes away some of the- what in tarnation is that?”

The earth pony mare winced, her eyes locking with surprise on the sight of the Draconequus, but Discombobulation only sniffed disdainfully even as the young mares flanking Scarlet Sage both stared and leaned forwards. The older sibling, however, only continued to smile calmly as his eyes studied the chimerical creature as the Draconequus flicked a hand over his features and the top hat and monocle melted away, saying seriously: “Don't worry. I'm not the Penguin. I don't have any dangerous umbrellas. Well. Not with me, anyway.”

“Yup.” Big Mac paused for a moment, then he gently nudged his sister, their emblems – his of a large, green half-apple, hers three smaller red apples – out of her surprise before he returned his eyes to Discombobulation and said slowly: “I know you.”

“Everypony knows me. But knowledge is worthless unless you know how to use it... and as I just said, knowledge is worthless. So even knowing how to use knowledge, doesn't that continue to deride its own value?” Bob asked kindly, gesturing easily with one hand before he smiled slightly at the large earth pony, saying kindly: “But I always did like you. Quiet. Smart. A nice offset to me, not so quiet, not so smart. We could do a great comedy tour together, or a spinoff.”

“Yeah, I remember you too.” spoke up the dragon after a moment, his emerald eyes widening, and he glanced at the ivory unicorn mare beside him as she looked up at him with surprised blue irises, her corkscrewed purple mane half-covering one of these as the violet-scaled dragon nodded rapidly, his light green ear-fins flicking as he reached up and rubbed a hand quickly over the larger, darker green fins standing out of his skull in an anxious gesture. “Don't you remember, Rarity? He traveled with us... those dreams, remember?”

“Of... carriages, and a long journey, and all those things we did...” Rarity murmured softly, and she laughed faintly as she drew her eyes up the smooth, lime-green scales of the dragon's chest to meet his eyes, the lanky male smiling at her warmly as he nodded rapidly, only a little taller than she was. “Spike, then... that means...”

“It means...” Spike fell quiet as his eyes roved upwards, reaching up to touch the single adornment the dragon wore: a beautiful golden band that encircled one arm, inset with shining, diamond-shaped blue gemstones like the cutie mark of three gleaming gems on Rarity's flank. Rarity frowned a bit, but then she followed Spike's gaze as the others did the same, everyone present looking towards the cottage, not simply because Celestia strode out... but because when she stepped aside, she was followed by another figure being helped along by her husband.

A sapphire winged unicorn, who had been in so many of their dreams, and more than one nightmare, accompanied by an earth pony they remembered just as well... but it was Luna their eyes were drawn to. Luna who they gazed at in silence and amazement, pregnant, heavy Luna as she waddled her way forwards, wheezing a little before she rose her head, looking almost shy even as her cyan eyes gazed radiantly over those who had gathered here.

“Friends... it has been... such a long time since I have had the pleasure of seeing all thee. Of being with all thee...” Luna closed her eyes, smiling faintly as her ephemeral locks swayed slowly forwards in the windless air, almost hiding her from view as she whispered: “And I am so sorry. I cannot apologize to any of thee enough for what happened, for my failure in... protecting thee, or protecting the world, or any of its inhabitants. I have done what I could, but... I know it is not enough, and I seek not to defend myself or justify my actions. I am so sorry, my friends... and I do not ask forgiveness. Only... to share the truth.”

“The truth shall set you free.” Discombobulation said softly, and then he gently pushed his chair back as he climbed to his feet, turning around and striding calmly towards Luna as he smiled down at her before he reached down and patted her firmly on the head, making her glare for a moment before he slipped easily past Scrivener Blooms and gestured to them, saying calmly towards the staring ponies past the table: “Ponies – and dragon – I am sure that for at least most of you, the curtains of memory have been brushed back, and flickering lights are going on and off in your minds, however unbelievable some of your memories must seem. Allow me to finish the job, if you will, with a few key points of fact: yes, you died. Yes, you were ghosts. Yes, the Starlit Knights were real, and most of those here were part of it. And yes, I did in fact have the honor and pleasure of getting myself blown into kibble fighting a destruction demigod who happened to be much, much stronger than me. And yes, we are all here now... because of Scrivener Blooms and Luna Brynhild.”

The winged unicorn and the earth pony both glanced up with surprise, and the Draconequus smiled at them before he reached out and pinched Scrivy's cheek, making him wince. “Look how cute they are when they're all embarrassed. But it's true. None of us would be here without these two, and I don't mean that in the way you say 'I wouldn't be here without the help of my roadies backstage' unless they're actually really good roadies and not just the guys who get you drugs and chicks... although, granted, sometimes those things are more important to a rock band than music is.”

There was silence, and Discombobulation cleared his throat before he walked quickly across the yard, then turned and awkwardly hurried back in the other direction before veering towards his chair, sitting himself quickly down in it and complacently knitting his fingers together before Celestia glanced up and said softly: “Discombobulation is right. I am not your hero... they are your heroes.”

“Now I remember...” Rainbow Dash murmured, dropping his head forwards with a faint smile as he closed his eyes, and then a faint grin spread over his face as he looked up and muttered: “Wow, life just got awkward. Here I've been running around telling everypony what a mischievous little colt I was... and I was a mischievous little filly, wasn't I?”

“Yup.” Big Mac said gently, and Rainbow shot him a sour look over his shoulder before he did a double take at the way Mac shrugged, by now long used to reading the earth pony's expressions and body language, before the red stallion said softly: “Yeah, I knew. But why tell you? You are who you are, that's all... besides. Dreams, nightmares, memories... was all mixed up in my head. No point in spoutin' off nonsense before I knew what was true and what was just...”

“What was just... nightmares.” Applejack murmured quietly, looking up and nodding slowly as she gave a faint smile, whispering: “I'll be damned, though... I even remember... flashes of... it can't be memory, can it? Because I got this horrible feeling that I was... I was dead. Yet I see things after that... I see the Nibelung, and you two, and other things, things that don't always make sense...”

Rarity laughed quietly, shaking her own head slowly and murmuring: “Except all the same, it has that sense of 'being' to it, doesn't it? Of reality, not the surreality that the... the wild imaginings have. Like the falcon-headed figure...”

“And you all went away... you were Starlit Knights.” murmured the young yellow mare, before her eyes turned quickly towards Scarlet Sage, smiling at her faintly. “Even you. Well, you weren't really a knight, because we were just kids back then, but you were... special, they were takin' you to see Celestia...”

Scarlet Sage nodded with a faint smile, and then Twilight looked up and said softly: “Come on, everypony. Let's sit down... Luna, you and Scrivener can sit at the head of the table, and I'll take the other side and... well... everypony else can figure out where to sit themselves, I'm sure. We've all got a lot of catching up to do but... Luna, I think I speak for everypony when I say that none of us blame you.”

“Not a single damn bit.” Applejack said firmly, and Rainbow Dash nodded, standing up as Big Mac grunted in agreement with a nod of his own.

All eyes looked to Luna, supporting, compassionate, kind... and the winged unicorn could only smile in return, swallowing thickly as she stared out at the mass of ponies, grasping her belly for a moment with one hoof as warmth and tenderness and joy spread through her, before she whispered quietly: “Thank you.”

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