• Published 23rd Sep 2012
  • 2,957 Views, 281 Comments

Decretum - BlackRoseRaven

Realities, worlds, and good and evil collide, and Luna fights one last struggle to save Equestria.

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The King Who Never Was

Chapter Fifteen: The King Who Never Was

The changes to Antares were not reversible... or at least, not by any simple means or method. Nightmare Moon had spoken true: even though Scarlet Sage had shot towards Ponyville like a rocket with the poor, scared baby clinging tightly to his doll in his carrier, crying for most of the fast flight, it still took her almost an hour to reach Ponyville and burst into the library. Seven hours for the transformation, the dark magic, to settle in, seven hours for the foal's physiology to change and make the wings permanent.

All that Celestia was able to do was inspect the child and ensure that Nightmare Moon didn't have some sneaky mental link planted in the foal's mind. Then she and Twilight simply sat with the poor foal, comforting him as he clung to Gymbr and sniffled and whimpered a little, looking up at Scarlet Sage every so often and asking: “Mama? Da?”

It wasn't until a few hours later that Luna and Scrivener came into Ponyville, worried and tired. And Scrivener was all too well aware that Nightmare Moon was already out of her cage and lurking through their tangled subconscious, thought that he had even heard her whispering words of admiration and praise to him for his cunning and mercy, and the very thought of that alone made him shudder.

When the two pushed through the door, Celestia's eyes immediately sharpened and looked towards Luna... but then even the ivory equine relaxed when Antares bolted across the room, his leathery wings flapping awkwardly as he cried: “Mama! Da!”

His parents caught him, hugging him close, Luna trembling a bit as Scrivener lowered his head down against his son's, and Celestia's features became soft and sympathetic as she said quietly: “My friends, my siblings... I am sorry. There is simply nothing I can do. I take it that Nightmare Moon, at least, has... been pushed back?”

“I shall kill her if I can, Celestia. I shall kill her.” Luna muttered, holding her son tighter... and then she glanced up with surprise when the tall, rainbow-maned mare strode over to her and reached a hoof up to gently rest on her shoulder.

“Nightmare Moon... is part of who you are, little sister. I don't like her either, I don't approve of her or think much of her... but at the same time... I know that killing her won't help anything. Will only leave... a hole inside of you. And I don't want that.” Celestia hesitated, then she smiled faintly, saying quietly: “I have faith in you, and your ability to control both yourself and... that darker, deeper part of you.”

Luna looked up, blushing a little, deeply touched before she trembled a bit as Antares shoved his head against her stomach with a whimper, looking down and silently stroking along one of his leathery wings as she murmured: “But look at what that part of me did, Celestia...”

The ivory equine nodded slowly, but this time it was Twilight who stepped forwards, saying quietly: “But she didn't... kill him, or injure him. He's scared and he'll take some adjustment and I know that... Nightmare Moon tried to tamper with him in deeper ways than I probably understand, but what I do know is that... she couldn't. She changed him but she couldn't change who he's going to become, or who he already is. I'm not defending her, but I'm saying she was trying to help, because of the effect you've had on her, Luna: you were the one who helped make her from nothing more than selfish darkness into this... well... thing she is now.”

Twilight fell quiet, blushing a little, and Luna glanced up wryly, smiling faintly as she muttered: “Oh, how I wish thou had the poet's ability to speak without speaking sometimes.”

That only made the violet mare blush deeper and drop her head embarrassedly, and then Scrivener added quietly: “But if it's any consolation, Twilight, you've reassured me, at least. And you know that whenever Luna's being a pain it means she's doing better herself.”

Luna only grunted, then sighed a little as she looked down at Antares, who was calming quietly as she continued to slowly rub along his wings. They fluttered a little now and then, and she surveyed them – draconic, demonic – before shaking her head and murmuring: “My poor child. She tried to turn him into a Centurion, Celestia. And now how his poor wings must ache as those new muscles adjust...”

“I recognized the enchantment, but... all the same, I was unsure. It was....” Celestia hesitated, then she shook her head slowly as Luna and Scrivener both looked up curiously, the rainbow-maned winged unicorn smiling faintly at the matching expressions. “It was like Twilight said. She couldn't change more than his exterior, do more than give him these wings. I suppose as he grows older, any other possible changes will make themselves prevalent, but for now...”

The two nodded slowly, and then Antares finally fidgeted and squirmed away, and Luna and Scrivener both stayed on their haunches, watching quietly as the foal ran towards where Scarlet Sage was laying. He almost plowed into the Pegasus, and she smiled faintly as she caught him and he pressed close against her, mumbling: “Skit.”

“Skit.” Scarlet said softly, rubbing a hoof soothingly along her brother's side before she looked nervously over at Luna and Scrivener, asking finally: “So you and Dad are okay now, right? I... Nightmare Moon isn't...”

“Well, we had a terrible battle that I obviously won.” Luna's nose twitched as her eyes flicked awkwardly away, a very visible sign that she was lying, and Celestia gave her a mild look as Twilight frowned in concern, but Luna only huffed and flailed her hooves at the looks she received. “Oh fine, I do not desire to speak of it. Only know that Scrivener Blooms shall be toiling for forever and a day to make up for his terrible transgressions against me.”

Scrivener mumbled a bit at this, then he winced when Luna punched him hard in the shoulder, rubbing awkwardly at this even as Luna moodily rolled her own now-aching limb. “You are a bad pony. But yes, Scarlet Sage, to answer your question... and honestly...” Scrivener gave Luna a pointed look for a moment before he returned his eyes to his daughter. “We're okay. A little stressed. A little scared. But overall, we're okay.”

Scarlet Sage smiled a little at this, then she turned her eyes quietly down to her brother, reaching out and rubbing slowly along one of his wings, and it fluttered outwards automatically as he settled a little more, burbling quietly. Then his eyes roved away from his sister, and he looked curiously upwards as a voice asked gently: “So is the drama over?”

All eyes turned towards the back stairs, where Discombobulation was now calmly sitting, Gymbr held quietly in his eagle talon and hand. The Draconequus was looking meditatively out over the room, and Luna smiled wryly as she replied dryly: “The drama is never over, Bob. Hast thou never heard the saying-”

“All the world's a stage, and the stallions and mares are only players, yes, yes. As if I'm going to let you misquote something before I can, Scrivener Blooms.” Discombobulation replied, then he glanced thoughtfully down at the doll in his hands before holding it up to his ear and nodding solemnly. “My new friend tells me that there was an attempted insurrection last night, while I was out partying with some shady characters. Now, little Antares Mīrus may not be my favorite creature in the world, as he slobbers and vomits on me far too often, but I must say I do not approve of this new fashion change to the poor child.”

Luna smiled faintly as she nodded slowly in agreement, and then Discombobulation stood and carefully made his way down the steps before wincing when Antares scuttled away from Scarlet Sage to hop over to him, looking up and raising his hooves towards the doll. “Gymbr!”

“Yes, Gymbr. That's what he told me his name was too. This is a strange toy.” Discombobulation said thoughtfully, looking down at the winged unicorn doll as he shifted it meditatively back and forth. “It seems to come from another time, another place, if you want my honest opinion, and honestly I don't care whether you do or not, because you're honestly going to get it no matter what. Unless I'm lying, of course.”

Scrivener was frowning now, however, as Discombobulation leaned down and gently passed the toy to Antares, who burbled happily as he took it and hugged it tightly against his body... and then Luna frowned as well, looking over at him sharply as Celestia and Twilight's smiles turned to curious looks. “Gymbr... wait. That's what I called the toy last night, isn't it? And Antares asked for it by name this morning, but... there's no way he could have known that...”

“Maybe he... heard it in his sleep?” Twilight suggested after a moment of silence, but this only earned a dry chuckle from Discombobulation, the violet mare wincing and rubbing nervously at her face: “Well, there has to be a rational explanation...”

“Of course there is. The doll told him, that's all. Just like it told me.” Discombobulation said kindly, waving a hand, and Scrivener looked dumbly up at the Draconequus as the chimerical creature smiled kindly across at him. “I'm willing to bet he told you too, didn't he?”

“I...” Scrivener halted, looking awkwardly at the doll that Antares was now happily chewing on the horn of, and then he nervously looked at Luna as he asked slowly: “Should we... burn it?”

Luna grimaced at this, then she shook her head apprehensively as her eyes slowly roved towards the strange toy, saying finally: “Nay, it... I sensed no enchantments on it when I looked over it earlier, as I said, it seemed merely to... to carry residue. Perhaps, Celestia, thou and Twilight should put thine own talents forth, however... suddenly I feel very... very unnerved. I do not want to think there is tampering that has been done here...”

“You ponies worry too much.” Discombobulation said mildly, and all eyes turned to him as he pointed down at the toy, Antares rolling back and forth a bit on his back as he continued to cradle the strange plush doll down against his chest and chew and suckle happily at the horn and its features. “If that living toy wanted to do harm to any of us, it would not sit there and allow your very strange son to drool all over it and chew it up. Your foal reminds me of a dog, by the way. Large teeth and it covers everything in slobber.”

Luna only sighed at this, looking moodily over at the Draconequus as Scrivener glared, then Celestia drew a meditative gaze along the chimerical creature, asking calmly: “So I take it you have some idea what that really is, then?”

“Oh, of course I do. Look at me, badly-glued together from all kinds of different puzzle pieces from a place called Ginnungagap.” Discombobulation replied mildly, poking at himself a few times before he winced a bit and rubbed awkwardly at one rib. “Sensitive spot. In any case, it's very obvious, isn't it? It's a castoff shard from another time, another place. A piece of another story that doesn't quite fit with this one, yet may have a serious bearing all the same on future events. How? Why? Well, I'm not the storyteller here, am I?”

Discombobulation leaned forwards, nodding seriously before Scrivener Blooms winced back awkwardly when Luna turned suspicious eyes on him. “You. You can't possibly blame me for this.”

“Thou wert the one who spoke to the doll in the first place!” Luna said grouchily, poking at him with a hoof, and Scrivener winced a bit before Luna grumbled under her breath. “I swear, Scrivener Blooms, if thou awoke some... sleeping entity or... somehow made the doll evil, I shall pummel thee as fiercely as I pummeled Nightmare Moon.”

“Guess I'll be safe in that case.” Scrivener muttered, and Luna glowered at him before he winced when she poked at him with her horn, skittering hurriedly away before he groaned when she shot him a glare and a mental order. “Alright, alright, going to go and... put on coffee.”

“Coffee!” Antares parroted brightly, and then he rolled over and suddenly scrambled to his hooves, stumbling after his father as Scrivener smiled despite himself and Luna softened visibly, gazing affectionately at her child as she felt her heart lift. It was amazing, how the simplest things could send such joy through her sometimes... how her son never failed to make her smile with all the love and adoration she felt for him.

Then she shook her head out awkwardly as she looked from Celestia to Twilight, as Discombobulation strode over to pick up the doll again and hold it up beside his head before he informed mildly: “Gymbr says that he – or is it she? – likes coffee too.” He paused, then held the toy up over his head, saying seriously: “It's nice not being the only so-called 'patchwork doll' anymore. Is it racist if I say that about myself?”

Then he simply shrugged before making a sound like an engine, solemnly marching around through the library and pretending to make the winged unicorn plush fly as Luna stared and Celestia sighed and lowered her head, rubbing slowly at her features with one hoof as she muttered: “This is why I have never been fond of chaos entities.”

“Because they hog all the foal's toys? Discombobulation, when do I get a turn? The damnable toy also still hasn't spoken to me, yet!” Luna complained loudly, stomping her hooves, and Scarlet Sage rolled her eyes even as she smiled and climbed to her hooves, heading towards the kitchen to help out her father. Luna huffed a little at this, then glowered when Twilight turned to head towards her desk, the sapphire winged unicorn announcing in a surly voice: “None of thee are any fun. Thou art all stuffy.”

“Yes, little sister. Yes.” Celestia said tiredly, and then she shook her head slowly before leaning forwards and studying her younger sibling, Luna looking moodily up at her before the rainbow-maned mare asked quietly: “Are you sure that Nightmare Moon is in check for now? I know she can be... subtle. And it sounds as if... things didn't go entirely to plan.”

Twilight stepped forwards as well, looking nervous, and Luna opened her mouth... but then closed her eyes and smiled a little, the childishness draining away from her features as she replied in a quiet voice: “She was stronger than me, Celestia. She was superior to me... and had Scrivener Blooms not interfered with his nefarious scheming, she likely would have bested me. I fear that... what Nightmare Moon said is true. Without her, I am nothing. She is my battle-lust, my passion, my calculation, all given form... she is everything that makes a warrior. She is the true Valkyrie, not I...”

“No, she is not.” Celestia shook her head slowly, looking quietly down at Luna as the winged unicorn looked moodily up. “She has no honor, and she has no morals. She has no mercy, and no ability to work with others beyond those she needs at the time. Those are the things that make a Valkyrie, little sister... not just strength and skill. When something is nothing but power and selfishness, we do not call it a warrior, after all... we call it a monster.”

“I... I've been wondering, ever since you brought it up...” Twilight began awkwardly, and when both siblings looked at her, she hesitated for a few long moments before asking finally: “What would happen if Nightmare Moon and you... really turned on each other? How is that even possible?”

Luna only smiled faintly at this, however, trading looks with Celestia before the starry-maned mare turned her cyan eyes to the violet winged unicorn, saying softly: “I do not entirely know... but what I do recall was in the past, more than a thousand years ago now, when I... was engulfed completely, I was locked away. In a place deep and dark and foul, semi-conscious. Everything was blurred and distorted...”

She halted, then shook her head slowly, continuing quietly: “It was a state of half-being, half... not. As thou recalls, I am sure, Ignominious is the one who claims to have sent out the force, the demon, that possessed me and exacerbated my frustrations, my dormant darkness, my... envy and hate.” She softened, looking towards Celestia. “It was a powerful force that slipped its way easily into my mind. At first I fought, but... it did not take long for it to find the wellspring it was looking for. The darkness inside me. The negative, raw emotions I felt, with my brother's death still aching, my older sister receiving all the glory and attention, the way the world was turning and how I was left, unimportant in the shadows, ignored by even the elder sibling I idolized at the time... feeling... betrayed.”

“I did betray you.” Celestia said softly, and then she smiled faintly when Luna rose a hoof, shaking her head briskly. “Alright. I won't interrupt.”

“Thou hast my thanks.” Luna replied quietly, and then she smiled a little, gathering her thoughts again as her eyes roved towards Twilight as the violet mare looked at her with curiosity and compassion. “It is... difficult to describe. On one hoof, I was aware of what I was doing, even... enjoying it, perhaps. I was twisted. On the other, there was a part of me that was sometimes... trapped, in this deep, dark place, shouting to be freed, begging, pleading, fighting...”

Luna closed her eyes, then she shook her head briefly before looking back towards Twilight. “The Elements of Harmony, as thou knows, did not... work properly upon me when wielded by Celestia alone. Oh, aye, the blast wounded the demon and sapped Nightmare Moon's strength, and Celestia and I had bludgeoned each other by that point quite viciously...”

“I will be the first to admit the fight was not entirely fair, little sister. You had to fight your way through the castle to get to me... and I had many traps laid around the throne room to ensure you wouldn't be able to force me into a melee, where you would have the advantage. Nightmare Moon was not lucid back then, she did not think... she only sought to destroy.” Celestia replied quietly, smiling a little. “Ignominious, I think, wanted me to kill you so you would end up in Helheim alongside him. Most of Helheim, on the other hand, likely wanted you to kill me so that they could begin attempting a resurgence into this world... or rather, the old world.”

“I thought thou had just promised not to interrupt.” Luna said crossly, and Celestia laughed a little before the sapphire winged unicorn grunted and nodded, smiling in spite of herself. “But aye, thy analysis – as always – 'tis most likely true. Where was I, though?”

“The part where you got sent on the really long vacation.” Discombobulation said mildly from where he was sitting on the table, and Luna glowered past Twilight at the Draconequus as he calmly brushed Gymbr's mane and tail out with a small comb. “Oh, don't be so sour, Scrivener Blooms. I am such a fan of stories, after all. And your story is a little different from the stories of so many others across the layers and worlds and reflections. So all things considered, you should be honored.”

Luna only looked flatly at the chimerical creature for a few moments, then she sighed and rolled her eyes before continuing in a moodier voice: “Aye, my long vacation. Celestia knew that I could not be chained down in the dungeons, and that even a magical prison I would wear my way out of... and... I think there were other reasons compelling her at the time to see me... gone.”

She quieted, and the siblings shared a silent look for a few moments before Luna smiled a little, shaking her head slowly. “But I do not dwell on this, and all is in the past and forgiven. Well, for the mean part, in any event...

“I was exiled in the coldness, the blankness, of the moon. Sister has always had a sense of irony.” Luna said dryly, her eyes flicking moodily towards Celestia, who blushed a little. “The good part is that it was difficult to tell the passage of time. Good, because it meant that days and weeks and even years blurred together, so I was not always aware of... how much time had passed. But on the other hoof... for all that time, 'twas merely myself and Nightmare Moon. And the demon, but... the misused Elements of Harmony had charred the creature's spirit, in a sense... melted it. Its own consciousness was rapidly dwindling... and greedily, Nightmare Moon absorbed that essence, that sentience, to further make herself... distinct. A personality given life, not entirely dissimilar to our friend Pinkamena.”

Twilight nodded slowly, and then Luna pawed her hooves against the floor awkwardly before she said finally: “Until Nightmare Moon was freed from the moon by... forces that to this day I do not entirely comprehend... Nightmare Moon and I had only each other for company. It was not... pleasant. And, insane as she was, Nightmare Moon spent much of her time raving and promising revenge. And thou knows the rest of the story from there... how after the door out of exile was opened, Nightmare Moon raced through it, and attempted to bring down eternal night, to take her vengeance upon Celestia's head and make the ponies all adore her To make them hers instead of my big sister's.” She smiled a little, glancing over at Twilight softly. “But thou and thy friends were pure-hearted enough that the Elements of Harmony were able to blast Nightmare Moon back into dormancy. To drive away the corrupting influence of the demon.”

Luna paused, then shook her head and pushed past the two ponies, Celestia and Twilight looking after her as the sapphire winged unicorn said meditatively: “Although, 'twould have been fun to be the insane ruler of a kingdom where all is darkness, I imagine.”

Twilight Sparkle smiled a little despite herself, shaking her head slowly as Celestia rolled her eyes, and Discombobulation glanced up as he said mildly: “Gymbr told me you were. Or you could be, I'm not quite sure how it works... he makes it sound like it was all a horrible mistake, though. Or well, like things worked out for him but pretty much no one else.”

“So Gymbr is an usurper, is that it? Then why does he adore my son so much?” Luna asked mildly, leaning forwards seriously and grinning in spite of herself at the Draconequus. “Is he a secret admirer? Is he the second son I have yet to bear? And why does the damnable doll not whisper to me?”

Discombobulation shrugged at this, then he held the toy up beside his ear, rolling his eyes up in his head thoughtfully before he nodded firmly once, then said kindly: “He is exactly what you and Luna think he is. And he hasn't spoken to you yet, Scrivener Blooms, because you haven't yet stopped to listen.”

Luna looked meditative at this response, nodding back after a moment before she leaned forwards and declared loudly: “Doll. I demand thou reveals thy secrets to me.”

Awkward silence followed this... and then Luna grumbled and dropped back on her haunches as Discombobulation went back to combing out the pony toy's mane, saying mildly: “This is surprisingly soothing, you know. It's very zen. Zen and the art of pony mane maintenance. I never thought of myself as a hairdresser until now.”

The sapphire winged unicorn rolled her eyes at this, then smiled when Scrivener and Scarlet emerged from the corridor, carrying coffee and treats on trays. They headed towards the table as Discombobulation looked over his shoulder at them meditatively, and then Antares half-ran out of the corridor, burbling before he stared at the sight of the doll in Discombobulation's hands, and the foal huffed a little as he strode over and pawed at the chimerical creature's leg. “Mine.”

“Oh, you can share with me.” Discombobulation said dryly, and then he paused meditatively before snapping his fingers, and his features suddenly became that of Pinkie Pie's, singing in her cheerful voice: “You gotta share! You gotta care!”

Pinkie-headed Discombobulation grinned cheerfully, then a puff of smoke went up around his features and they returned to the calm, serious facade of the Draconequus. He looked down at the foal as the toddler stared back up at him, and then Antares poked him firmly in the shin. “Gymbr.”

“Oh, fine.” Discombobulation huffed, then he finally passed the doll down to the child, who burbled happily and promptly rolled onto his back to snuggle Gymbr against him with a bright smile. The Draconequus looked moodily down at this, and then he shook his head slowly before sighing as he looked irritably across at Luna, who was grinning up at him widely. “No. Whatever you're going to say, the answer is no. I am now going to leave before someone else asks me to do an impression.”

With that, the chimerical creature spun on his heel towards the wall, strode calmly towards it, and then put his hands behind his back as he walked moodily straight up the shelves in plain defiance of gravity until he reached the ceiling and simply vanished from sight. Antares giggled on the ground at this sight, flailing his hooves a little before his wings flapped, and he winced and mumbled before saying quietly: “Hurt.”

Luna softened at this as Scrivener turned his gaze quietly to his son, and the mood in the room gradually toned down into almost-solemn silence. There was little conversation, and most of it focused around how they could ease this unnatural transition for Antares and help him through learning to adjust to his wings, but everypony present agreed it would likely prove much more difficult than even adjusting to his teeth had been.

Eventually, Luna decided that she needed some cheering up and that this would best be done by interfering in another family's life. Scrivener had reluctantly gone along with her plan, although Twilight had hurriedly written ahead to Applejack to let her know that she would be getting a visitor shortly. That had killed some of Luna's fun, but then the winged unicorn had grumpily agreed it was probably for the best anyway as she helped settle Antares into the carrier on Scrivener's side and Scarlet Sage slipped on the baby bag.

Luna thanked Celestia and Twilight honestly, though, trading hugs with them both, and Scrivener had done the same, lingering for a moment with Twilight. Then Luna had led them out into Ponyville... and as always, the walk, the feeling of the open air, and the sensation of home that always came with being in this little town eventually made Luna loosen up, the winged unicorn smiling a bit as she glanced back and forth before nodding to herself and murmuring: “Not... everything is bad. There is always good to be found... that was a favorite saying of my brother's. He was always frustratingly-optimistic, though...”

She smiled slightly at this, shaking her head slowly as they continued down the dirt road towards the gates, and Antares burbled a little as Scrivener Blooms gave an entertained look towards the sapphire winged unicorn. “There are a lot of things about your brother that are frustrating though, Luna.”

Scarlet Sage laughed and nodded in agreement, and Luna snorted, grinning over her shoulder at them. “Oh, neither of thee even know him that well! Not that I am disagreeing, only that I am saying there is no way either of thee can fully comprehend just what frustrations he can bring should the desire so take him. And no, Scrivener Blooms, thou may not cheat and look through my memories. Foul brain-beetle.”

“That's actually how they clean out bones in some places, you know. They drop them in big containers filled with flesh-eating beetles.” Scrivener remarked mildly, and Scarlet Sage stared at him as Luna rolled her eyes.

“Oh, ignore thy father, he is talking out of his buttocks.” Luna said flatly, and Scrivener gave her an entertained look before the starry-maned mare sniffed disdainfully. “Do not make me summon a horde of flesh-eating beetles to test the theory upon thee, Scrivener. Just upon one of thy sides, worry not. But thou could stand to lose some weight from thy hefty stomach.”

Scrivener huffed a little at this, and Scarlet Sage shook her head, looking from her mother to father before Antares babbled: “Eff-fie um-mac!”

“He really is learning so damned fast.” Scrivener murmured, laughing a little before he nodded easily to the Nibelung guards as they passed out through the gates and began to make their way easily down the road towards Sweet Apple Acres. “You know, my earliest memories... are all... forcing myself to learn things. Staring at the words on paper until they made sense... but I had to have been a lot older than Antares. Sometimes I swear by the way he looks at things, he's already starting to understand stuff, you know?”

“Aye, I do.” Luna nodded back, looking with a smile towards Scrivener Blooms before she shook her head with a quiet laugh. “I think the child has the same mind as thee, Scrivy... and I know not whether this makes me feel sorry for him or gladdened. 'Tis a better mind than mine, after all.”

“Not so much.” Scrivener replied with entertainment, shaking his head with a laugh of his own before he looked ahead down the road, silent for a few moments before he finally said softly: “I wish I could remember more sometimes, though. Raising Antares now... being with him, taking care of him like this... it makes me wonder how things were with Tia Belle and Bramblethorn before I could be put to work in the shop.” Scrivener halted, looking thoughtfully down. “I think... I think a lot about it these days. I think a lot about how I wasn't left in the wilds to die, how I wasn't given away, how I wasn't designated a servant. I think about how my... my mother treated me with contempt and coldness, but then I think about how she... her Pale lingered for all those years. How she apologized and hugged me. I wonder...”

Scrivener fell quiet... and yet despite the sadness, as the mares gazed at him silently and Antares fell quiet on his side, the male was smiling faintly, closing his eyes. “Maybe I was luckier than I ever really knew or appreciated. I don't mean... that I was lucky-lucky, no one could call that old life a 'good' life, but... maybe Tia Belle...”

He shook his head slowly, then cleared his throat as he looked up, and Luna quietly stepped up to the male's side and buried her face against his neck, Antares between them and burbling softly as he leaned forwards to rub a hoof against Luna's side, and Scrivener smiled when Scarlet Sage walked up to his other side and pressed herself against him for a few moments.

The rest of the walk was quiet but not entirely sad: it was like the sorrows added a strange and alluring flavor to the thoughts whispering back and forth through the minds of Luna and Scrivener, and even Scarlet Sage seemed to feel the same bittersweet sensations. But as they neared Sweet Apple Acres, that lingering sadness vanished as they stared out into the orchard at the sight of the droves of ponies gathered and working together.

They made their way through the open gates to start towards the house, and then the front door flew open and Apple Bloom ran out with a wince, chased by a small herd of foals that were all clamoring for her attention, many of them young enough they still didn't have cutie marks. Then she gave a wheeze as she saw Luna and her approaching family, calling in a harried voice: “Oh thank the Horses of Heaven! Scarlet Sage, uh, can you lend me a hoof looking after these foals? I got like seven of my little cousins here and... oh, no, where's Keepsake gone now?”

Scarlet Sage laughed and shook her head, then she smiled when Luna's horn glowed and easily lifted the baby bag free to drop across her own back. “There is no need to even ask, Scarlet Sage. Just ensure thou stops in at some point to see Avalon.”

“Alright Mom.” the Pegasus nodded with a smile, then she trotted quickly forwards before wincing as the foals giggled and scattered towards the field, Apple Bloom groaning and chasing after them. Luna and Scrivener watched with entertainment as Scarlet hurried after her friend, then the winged unicorn looked meditatively towards Antares as he burbled and flailed his limbs happily, Gymbr seeming to bounce with him from where he was safely tucked into the carrier.

“I do not know if I hope or fear that one day our foal will be so energetic.” Luna remarked, and Scrivener grunted in agreement before the two turned, heading towards the open door of the house. Without slowing down, Luna cheerfully walked inside, and Scrivener winced before he awkwardly followed, pulling the door closed behind him as the winged unicorn called loudly over the sounds of conversation and music: “Applejack! Rainbow Dash! I am here to inspect this baby!”

There was a loud rumble from upstairs, followed a few moments later by a clattering... and then Rainbow Dash raced down the stairs into the front hall, grinning exuberantly at them, somehow both flushed and pale all at once as he danced on his hooves and said eagerly: “Guys, guys, oh wow, guys, hey! I... come on, come on up, great timing and-”

Luna flicked her horn, and Rainbow squeaked as a light telekinetic push knocked him back into a sitting position, blinking stupidly at her before the winged unicorn leaned forwards and said gently: “Rainbow Dash, thou reeks of coffee and sweat. I am guessing thou have not yet slept since the baby's been born, am I right?”

“I... I've had a nap or two.” Rainbow said finally, holding up a hoof before he winced a little and added hurriedly: “And I mean, I gotta be there for AJ, right? And the baby! Avalon is just... the best little girl ever and I really don't want to leave her and AJ stranded while-”

Luna and Scrivener traded an amused look, and then Scrivener said finally, turning his eyes back towards the Pegasus stallion: “Come on. Let's talk for a minute. You go on ahead, Luna, I know you're eager to see Avalon.”

“Oh, husbands. Such whiny little fillies we mares must work so hard to take care of.” Luna said with relish, and Scrivener and Rainbow both shot her a sour look as she winked at them, then headed towards the stairs, adding mildly over her shoulder: “Fear not, Scrivener. I included thou as a mare.”

“Thanks, Luna.” Scrivener called drolly back up to her, and Luna laughed as she headed up to the second floor before Scrivy turned his eyes to Rainbow, smiled, and said quietly: “Taking some time to sleep while Applejack and Avalon are resting or being tended to by the bajillion family members I saw out there doesn't make you a bad father, Rainbow. I'm pretty sure you know that, too, but you're just letting your anxieties get the better of you again... worrying that something bad is going to happen. Something that might even be out of your control anyway, even if you were awake when it occurred.”

Rainbow winced and fidgeted a bit, and then Scrivener shook his head and smiled a little, saying quietly: “Take a look at Antares.”

“What, are we playing the foal comparison game already?” Rainbow grinned a little despite himself, flicking his messy mane out of his eyes as he puffed up visibly, beginning easily: “Because not only do I bet my little girl going to be the best athlete Ponyville's ever seen one day, she's also kind of got... g-got... wings?”

Antares fidgeted a bit, looking over at Rainbow as the Pegasus stared back, and then Scrivener stepped forwards and reached up to grasp the fellow stallion's shoulders, saying quietly: “You can't be there to stop every little mistake. You're going to mess up, and things are going to happen now and then even in spite of your best efforts to protect her. You could keep her in a bubble... and things can and would still happen, and even worse, the kid would be unhappy.

“I know how it feels these first few days. You look at this fragile little bundle, dependent on you and your wife... who's still recovering from the stress of everything. Happy, warm, but you want to do everything you can to keep her comfortable because you know that she just went through hell to bring this wonderful gift into the world, this wonderful little amalgamation of you and her, and all you can think about is trying to thank her, to keep her comfortable, to be there for her.” Scrivener smiled a bit, leaning forwards as he said gently: “But taking care of yourself, too, isn't selfishness. Because if you don't take care of yourself, then soon enough, you're going to be the one making the mistake, or falling down at the wrong time, or leaving your sorry flank to be cared for by the wife and kid who have already done so much for you just by living. So get some sleep tonight, Dash. Besides, you got Big Mac and Apple Bloom and everypony else around here to cover for you. And no, none of them are going to think badly of you for not spending the entire night...”

Scrivener paused, looked thoughtfully over Rainbow, then stepped back with a grin, saying questioningly: “Baby-proofing the house?”

“Nah, did that already. I spent the night trying to read a bunch of way too complicated and even way more gross books on foals.” Rainbow muttered, rubbing slowly at his face. “I was in the basement with all the tools and stuff and fell asleep in the sawdust. And to be honest, Big Mac does all that stuff, not me. I may be a dude but I am the furthest thing from the handiest stallion around... I am seriously only just now beginning to appreciate how much effort goes into being like. A stereotypical dad, let alone a good one. Furthermore I really hate you because I don't understand how you can read, write, fight, be married to Luna, and yet you also built that stupid cottage.”

Scrivener shrugged, and then Rainbow looked quietly towards Antares, asking finally: “What happened to the little guy, though? He didn't have those last time I saw him, and that was just a few days ago... I think. I dunno, time's all messed up, I just know that... I'm not going crazy enough yet to have missed something like that.”

The charcoal earth pony smiled a little, then he shook his head slowly and said quietly: “Nightmare Moon. While Luna and I were sleeping, she took over and tried to... give him a 'present.'” Scrivener grimaced a little, looking moodily at the floor. “We... drove her back, but it was a little late.”

Rainbow grimaced at this, leaning to the side and looking at Antares again as the baby burbled quietly and clung to Gymbr, and then the Pegasus smiled a little before he said finally: “Well, at least... you know, he can fly now. Tell you what, when he's old enough, I'll teach him and Avalon to fly. I got a feeling my daughter's going to be a great flier, you know.”

“Thanks, Rainbow. Luna and I... really appreciate that.” Scrivener said softly, and then he smiled a little. “But alright, alright. Let's go see your daughter.”

“Yeah!” The Pegasus stallion brightened, grinning a little now as he nodded a few times and headed hurriedly to the stairs, almost stumbling over the first few steps but then quickly climbing them at a lope as Scrivener smiled despite himself and followed amusedly after the Pegasus. “C'mon, right up here, ever since Twilight sent us that letter we've been excited to see you two especially, we're like... parent twins now!”

“Parent twins.” Scrivener remarked mildly, but Rainbow either ignored him or didn't hear him as he hurried down the hall at the top of the steps, Scrivener following leisurely behind as the impatient Pegasus scurried a little back and forth.

The earth pony stepped into the room that Rainbow was gesturing at, and he smiled softly as he saw Applejack laying back in a wide, comfortable bed, propped up on some pillows and with her hat hanging from the headboard, her mane left loose and streaming down around her shoulders as she said softly: “Well, hey there, Scrivy, and hello to you too little Antares... I'm real glad to see you here. You just missed Fluttershy, you know.”

“Maybe we'll pay her a visit afterwards, then.” Scrivener said softly, looking over at the side of the bed and smiling at the sight of Luna cradling a beautiful, sleeping Pegasus foal in her front legs, gazing down at it radiantly as her mane swirled slowly backwards behind her. “So... Avalon, huh?'

“Seemed right.” Applejack laughed and nodded, gazing warmly over at Luna as the winged unicorn surveyed the baby with wondering eyes: she was a bright, sunny yellow, her coat almost seeming to glow, and mane and tail were a bright red streaked with the same gold that covered her body, puffing out in every direction. Her eyes opened and closed slowly as she looked curiously up at the winged unicorn cradling her, crimson eyes fearless, and Luna looked back down tenderly at the child as Applejack continued softly: “We had all kinds of choices, you know. But then, when she was born, and when the doctor asked me what we were naming her... Avalon just kinda popped out. And it just seemed perfect.”

“I know exactly what thou means.” Luna said softly, gazing warmly over at Applejack with a firm nod, and then she smiled when Scrivener walked around the bed, passing the newborn gently to him, and Scrivy gazed down softly at the Pegasus before Luna grinned slightly and winked over at Applejack. “But I shall have thee know that my son was already interested in the world around him by this point.”

“Oh, and my daughter ain't? She's fearless, Luna, she ain't afraid of nothing and no pony.” Applejack replied with a laugh and a grin in return, sitting up a little in bed as Rainbow smiled and sat down on the other side of the comfortable, broad furnishing. “You just wait, Luna. A few months from now, I bet she'll already be flyin' around, just look at how she's moving around already.”

“Aye, Applejack, but so will Antares.” Luna smiled a little in spite of the twist that went through her mind and heart, and then she shook her head and added firmly: “And he will be unmatched on the ground, no matter how spectacular thy daughter proves to be in the air.”

“Oh, we'll see about that. Don't forget who her mother is.” Applejack replied easily, winking over at Luna, and the winged unicorn huffed and looked pointedly at the goldenrod mare. “Luna, believe me, I got all kinds of respect for you. You're a great warrior and a damn hero. But I think I could take you on at a rodeo any day of the week, mostly because you don't kill anything.”

“There used to be killing involved.” Luna said in a surly voice, and Applejack rolled her eyes as Scrivener snorted in amusement, then leaned forwards with a smile and passed the foal gently back to her mother, the earth pony mare gazing lovingly down at this as Rainbow gazed warmly towards his wife and child. “But I hope that our children grow up with a healthy spirit of competition, then. And I hope, honestly, that this new generation of children... will far outshine all of us.”

Applejack looked up at this with surprise, but then a soft smile, nodding slowly as she returned her eyes to Avalon and said softly: “You know what, Luna? I hope you're right. In fact... I'm sure y'are. It might not be time for us to step aside quite yet, but... when we do, I know we'll be leaving everything in good hooves. I already look down at Avalon and think of how... much of a blessing it is just that she's here. And I got faith in her. Unshakeable faith, like I ain't ever felt in anything... well, 'cept maybe Big Mac.”

“Hey, what about me?” Rainbow asked flatly, and Applejack gave him a wink in response, making the Pegasus huff. “You really know how to make me feel special, you know that?”

“Well, y'are special, Dashie. You're my husband and you're a damn good father.” Applejack replied, and the Pegasus grinned widely at this, brightening immediately before the earth pony mare winked and reached out to squeeze one of his hooves lightly. “But you're also the kind of pony I send out to the store to get me a bottle of milk and you come back with a case of beer.”

“You like beer, though.” Rainbow said finally, and Applejack gave him an amused look before he grunted and nodded. “Alright, alright. Not pushing it, just because... you know. I'm modest, too.”

Applejack snorted in entertainment, then she turned her eyes towards Scrivener and Luna as the winged unicorn gently lifted her son free and set him quietly down on the bed, and Antares burbled curiously, clinging to Gymbr with one hoof as he studied Applejack curiously, then looked towards where Avalon was resting quietly at her side. His leathery wings flapped, and Applejack softened at the sight of these, glancing towards Luna, but the sapphire mare only smiled faintly and shook her head a bit, saying quietly: “We will make the best of it. And we will do everything in our power to take care of poor Antares whilst his body adjusts.”

Antares strode carefully forwards, then dropped quietly down a foot or so away from Avalon, burbling quietly before he reached out and pawed at her gently with a hoof, and Applejack looked awkwardly at the infant. Luna smiled a little, though, instructing quietly: “Now be gentle, Antares, she is but a baby. This is thy new friend, Avalon... she shall be like a sister to thee, and thou shall take care of her as she grows up... and thou shall also allow her to take care of thee when thou needs it, is this understood, my son?”

“Ava-won. Baby.” Antares nodded a few times firmly, and then he smiled as he dropped on his side next to the Pegasus newborn, gazing affectionately at her. And the parents smiled warmly in approval at this first meeting of the new generation to come.

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