• Published 23rd Sep 2012
  • 2,956 Views, 281 Comments

Decretum - BlackRoseRaven

Realities, worlds, and good and evil collide, and Luna fights one last struggle to save Equestria.

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Family Ties

Chapter Forty Nine: Family Ties

Applejack sat quietly at the downstairs table by herself in the early hours of the morning, sipping slowly at a glass of whiskey sitting out on the table in front of her. She hadn't been able to sleep much, all-in-all... but that was understandable, she thought. Not just because she'd gotten used to short nights and long, long days with fussy Avalon, but because of what she had seen.

Valor: it had been her, and she wondered if this was what Pinkamena and Pinkie Pie had felt when they had seen Delight. Not just another pony, not just a pony that resembled her, but a version of her from another layer of reality. A twisted-on-itself 'evil' version... except what scared her was that by now, she knew 'good' and 'evil' were just easy labels they stuck onto friends and enemies as they saw fit.

Slowly, Applejack picked up the bottle and refilled her glass, sighing a little as she looked down at the liquid and grimaced a little. She rubbed her hoof along the rim of it gently, and then she closed her eyes, murmuring: “Too damn early for this on one end, but... ain't too late for it, either.”

She sighed, then picked it up and knocked it back before slamming the glass down and shaking her head out briskly. It made her shiver, just like poking at Antares' scary little doll Gymbr made her shiver... if she had never believed before that something like a toy could be malicious, she sure as hell did now. And worse than that, if she had found it hard to believe – or at least been able to pretend it was hard to believe – that she could never become the monster she had in Discombobulation's strange story, after seeing Valor... she wondered just how little a push it would really take to descend into that deep, dark abyss...

But likewise, she had seen other things she had never expected, too. She had seen a demon rampaging furiously against a Clockwork monstrosity, striving to rip it into pieces, fighting it hoof-to-hoof, the fight that Applejack felt she herself should have fought against it. After all, Pinkamena had already all-but-sacrificed herself in one battle to take down a Clockwork Pony... but then again, Applejack wasn't dumb or arrogant enough to think she would have stood a real chance of doing much more to that monster than she already had. Delight had been horrible, invulnerable and evasive... but Valor had been built for war.

“Enforcer of Rules, ain't that right?” Applejack smiled wryly, looking down as she glanced up at the bottle... then sighed, picking up the cork and shoving it firmly back into place in the bottle's neck. “That makes real sense... good ol' responsible AJ, right?”

She sighed a little, then shook her head grumpily before finally forcing herself to her hooves. She was vaguely aware of what she was doing as she put the bottle away, still consumed with her thoughts, then she headed up to her bedroom to find that Rainbow Dash had swept up most of the blankets while she was gone. She smiled despite herself, though, shaking her head and murmuring: “Y'ain't one of those husbands who wake up and come comfort their wife when she sneaks off for drink or two, but... I still wouldn't trade you for the world.”

Applejack shook her head a bit, then turned and slipped back out of the bedroom to check on Avalon while she was up. She opened the door to the nursery slowly and carefully, peering almost nervously inside... and as expected, the crib was empty and the mesh covering that fitted over it to stop a Pegasus foal from escaping had been knocked out of place. Applejack sighed a bit: her daughter was already more stubborn than both she and Dash had ever been, and always pushed madly towards what she wanted. She'd live a great life... as long as she didn't get herself bitten in the flank too many times.

The earth pony studied the nursery carefully from the doorway: the floors were thickly-matted, and there was padding over all the sharp corners in the room. It looked a little silly, but with Avalon able to force her way up and out of her crib when she wanted, it was also necessary. Just like they were always careful to put everything away in the foal-proof drawers and cabinets.

Finally, Applejack spotted her daughter's tiny form curled up amidst her collection of large stuffed animals with a pacifier in her mouth, and she sighed in relief as she strode into the room. She paused by the crib for a moment, then smiled a little and opened the top screen before sweeping up Avalon's blanket, carrying this over to the toddler and gently tucking her in before she leaned down and kissed her forehead softly.

Avalon mumbled and shifted quietly, and Applejack smiled again before she shook her head and turned, heading back to the door and letting herself carefully, quietly out. She closed it tightly, making sure Avalon wouldn't be able to lever it open if she woke up – the battering she gave the door was bad enough without her zooming around the house, causing mayhem – and then she touched the door quietly with a hoof before murmuring: “I love you, Avalon. I always will.”

Applejack leaned against the door for a moment, then she sighed and turned her eyes back down the hall, heading back to her bedroom. She knew Apple Bloom was out in the barn with Scarlet Sage without needing to check – she had seen the lantern light while helping herself to a drink – and she was pretty sure that Big Mac had taken a bunch of painkillers before bed, meaning he would be out like a light until morning.

But they didn't have much work to do: most of the harvest was done, and with the Nibelung laborers on staff and friends always ready to help out, she and Rainbow Dash could finish up the work without too much trouble. Then it would just be a matter of cleaning everything up to wait out winter, although there would still be a lot of work to do... there was always a lot of work to do.

All the same, Applejack smiled as she slipped into bed: busy hooves were happy hooves. And then she laughed a bit when she felt two strong hooves gently rub up along her back, then slide around her waist and pull her close, Rainbow kissing the back of her neck gently as he murmured: “Can't sleep?”

“Shows how much you care, Dashie, waiting for me to come back to bed and all.” Applejack smiled despite herself over her shoulder, but then laughed quietly when the Pegasus nuzzled against the side of her neck and pulled her closer back against him, feeling him pressing his head into her mane as she murmured softly: “Thank you.”

Dash only smiled a bit, and the two ponies stayed close as they drifted slowly off into sleep together until the sun began to rise, and they were both awakened, curled up close and pushing tiredly at each other at the sound of Avalon banging loudly on her door to be let out, giving angry little yells now and then.

Finally, Rainbow and Applejack looked at each other, and then Rainbow held up a hoof and said mildly: “I'll do breakfast if you deal with Avalon.”

“Do I look stupid to you? I'm tired as hell, not dumb as hell.” Applejack yawned as she sat up, but then nodded, saying grumpily: “But okay, okay. You make breakfast, you do the dishes, and you spend the rest of the morning helping out the harvesters. And I'll take care of Avalon”

“Deal.” Rainbow said immediately, and he and Applejack punched their hooves together lightly before Rainbow flopped back down in bed, making the earth pony mare glower. “I know, I know. I'll be up in ten minutes or so. Besides, you're gonna have fun getting Avalon.” Rainbow paused, then grinned over at her. “Can you get me first?”

“Not with our daughter about to break down her door.” Applejack replied dryly, and Rainbow huffed, then yawned loudly as Applejack made her way out of the bedroom, adding over her shoulder: “Pancakes would be real nice!”

Rainbow mumbled something in return, and Applejack only smiled as she made her to her daughter's room... then winced when the door shuddered loudly before wild babbling rose up behind it, and Applejack sighed, counted to three, then quickly shoved the door open.

Avalon shot out and rammed into her, and Applejack winced, barely catching the hyperactive little filly in her forelegs as she was knocked sprawling. Avalon immediately stared back and forth in surprise, eyes wide and reminding the mare all too much of a predatory hawk looking for prey as she said mildly: “Morning to you, Ava. Now, what have we said about making such a ruckus and doin' that to your door?”

“No!” Avalon declared, and Applejack didn't know if the filly was arguing with her or actually answering her question. Then the filly looked back and forth grumpily before flapping her wings, then suddenly simply dropped her head against Applejack and curled comfortably up to go back to sleep.

Applejack sighed a little, looking down at her daughter and wondering not for the first time if she was narcoleptic before she shook her head, checking her diaper before carefully slipping the tiny Pegasus up onto her back. She started for the stairs, and was surprised when the door down the hall opened and Big Mac groggily emerged, and she smiled warmly – and with more than a hint of relief – over at him as he gazed at her for a moment, then simply nodded.

“Mornin', Big Mac. How's your head?” Applejack asked softly, and the red stallion hesitated a moment, then he gave her a small smile that told her everything she needed to know, making her chuckle a little. “Well, make sure you take it slow today then, huh? Don't want to go hurting your head or those ribs of yours any more than they already are. Just lucky we're a little ahead of schedule for the season.”

Big Mac nodded after a moment, and then brother and sister fell into step beside each other as they headed for the stairs. They were silent as they strode down them together side-by-side, and then Applejack sighed a little as they made their way towards the kitchen, asking quietly: “So last night...”

The crimson stallion grunted, and Applejack gave him a flat look as they strode to the table. “Well, it has been botherin' me. That thing was me, Macintosh. How could that not bother me? Especially after... well, you know.”

Big Mac gave her a pointed look, but then he leaned up, gently taking Avalon off her back and slipping the foal into her high chair, and Applejack paused to watch this, softening a bit. The gentle giant of a stallion was the only one between herself and everypony else in the family who could successfully maneuver Avalon around while asleep without waking her up. It made Applejack smile a little, softening as the stallion carefully strapped the foal in so she couldn't fly away, and then he glanced mildly over at Applejack as she said softly: “Real talkative this morning, eh?”

The red stallion smiled back after a moment, then he turned towards the fridge, saying softly: “Sorry, AJ. Guess I ain't feeling too good after everything that happened... I let that thing walk right up to me, and next thing I know, Scarlet Sage and Apple Bloom are leaning over me, trying to take care of me and the whole mess is over and done with.”

Applejack nodded, gazing at her brother softly, and Big Mac sighed a little, then added quietly over his shoulder: “And you don't need to be worrying your head over this. You ain't Valor. And you ain't gonna become Valor, either, and nor are you gonna become that Applejack from that story. It was just a story, AJ; now I ain't saying stories can't hurt you... but it's our choice to let 'em hurt us, 'cause they only have the power we give 'em. Don't give it power, AJ. Acknowledge it, but remember who you are, too.”

The goldenrod mare nodded again slowly as Big Mac dug the baby formula out of the fridge, and Applejack couldn't help but smile as she stepped forwards to help him put together Avalon's breakfast, saying softly: “You know that's my daughter there, not yours, right? Still. Amazes me that you do all this stuff so... so well.”

“Well, I had to learn it all a long time ago... and some things are worth remembering.” Big Mac smiled a little at her, and then both he and his younger sister winced when Avalon woke up with a yell of outrage as she surveyed her surroundings. “Don't think Apple Bloom was ever that bad, though.”

“She ain't 'bad,' just... needs to learn a little discipline. This is all Dash's fault.” Applejack said finally, and Big Mac gave her an amused look. “That's perfectly fair. Hell, sometimes Dash even agrees with me.”

Avalon was flailing violently around in her high chair, but after a few minutes, tired herself out. And once Applejack approached to begin feeding her some of the mushy baby food, the child calmed down and became complacent. That was another reason why she liked to blame Dash: the one sure way to get Avalon to calm down was to give her something to eat.

When the foal was done, she looked grumpily around, as if trying to decide whether or not she wanted to throw another tantrum, and Applejack winced a bit even as she carefully wiped her filly's face clean. But after another few moments, the Pegasus foal sniffed loudly... then simply dropped forwards in the high-chair and went to sleep again, and Applejack sighed in relief before she smiled amusedly over at Mac. “We really gotta see a doctor about this or something.”

“You see a doctor 'bout problems that need to be fixed, AJ, not blessings.” Big Mac replied mildly, and Applejack laughed despite herself. “Sure, it's a little funny, but... babies do lots of funny things. That, and Avalon spends so much of her time shooting around...”

“Okay, okay. You got a good point. I just wish she wasn't like a switch. Lights on or lights off, never in between, you know what I mean?” Applejack smiled amusedly over at her brother, then looked up with entertainment when Rainbow Dash finally strode in, freshly-showered and whistling cheerfully to himself. “There you are! Took you long enough, me and Mac are starving here, and Avalon's already eaten.”

“Yeah, well, she's always eating. I could make some little pancakes for her too, though.” Rainbow said helpfully, before he looked awkwardly over his shoulder at the two earth ponies. “If. You two help me a little with the recipe again.”

Applejack smiled despite herself, shaking her head before she glanced over at Big Mac. “You mind seeing if the girls are up while I remind Mister Amazing how to pour water in a bowl?”

“Yup.” Big Mac smiled over at her, shaking his head as the Pegasus huffed, and then the crimson stallion turned and made his way out of the kitchen, chuckling a little to himself.

When he came back with bleary Scarlet Sage and Apple Bloom in tow, breakfast was well on its way, and Avalon was glowering around, grumbling in her high chair. After a few particularly-nasty cooking incidents, they knew much better then to allow the foal to come down from her chair or out of her playpen while they were cooking anything. Avalon would shoot right for the food, not yet really understanding just what would happen if she collided with the hot stove, and more than once she had almost badly burned herself.

Really, they were lucky the foal was tiny and tough: they had thought about investing in protective gear of some kind for the baby, but it was difficult enough just getting her in a diaper, and after once trying to fit a helmet on Avalon they had quickly learned that was just begging for trouble when she had promptly rammed into a wall and knocked a hole in it.

It was amazing that Avalon wasn't dead, really, with her habit of charging angrily into things: even more, that she almost never cried, or at least not from hurting herself. She was a little steel-bodied bullet. And it made Rainbow Dash feel incredibly proud of her even in spite of all the damage she did and the bruises she gave him and everyone around her.

The Pegasus smiled as he finished the first batch of pancakes, working alongside Applejack, feeling like the young lovers they had once been in that moment as they bumped their sides together and traded a warm look. Then he gazed over his shoulder, gazing over his family: Big Mac, sipping a coffee and resting his other hoof on Avalon's head as she flailed violently at him, burbling rapidly away, and Apple Bloom with her head resting on Scarlet Sage's shoulder. Small, but important, he knew, as he smiled a little at the girls before shaking his head and turning his eyes back forwards, going back to cooking as Applejack leaned in and kissed his cheek, and he pressed against her for a moment in a gesture of silent thanks.

They were a weird family, but a good family. Applejack was still called the most dependable pony in Ponyville, but she had long pushed past the paranoia and fear and everything related with striving to keep that title and never let anyone down. She had learned to put herself sometimes before others... and understand that her friends and her own opinion of herself were all much more important than what others thought of her in passing.

And Rainbow, he was still treated a little funny by some of the people in Ponyville, but that was okay. He was a little funny sometimes, after all, and he wasn't referring to the whole 'once-a-mare' thing. Being part of this family had taught him a lot, though... Big Mac had shared a lot of wisdom with him, and Applejack helped him feel strong, reminded him there were plenty of reasons to keep his hooves on the ground.

He never thought of himself as a mare who had become a stallion anymore, either. He was a stallion, plain and simple. He always had been, whatever he'd once looked like, and that was that. It was hard to understand unless someone knew just what he was talking about, but... he knew he was lucky that a lot of people in his life weren't exactly normal people. Which made it even funnier how he'd ended up with Miss Dependable... and he smiled over at Applejack, thinking after a moment as she smiled back: Nah. Maybe that's the only part that makes perfect sense, after all.

It didn't take the two too long to finish enough pancakes to go around before they served them out, Avalon babbling loudly: most of her words didn't make sense to anypony, but Applejack and Rainbow both smiled at her before she fell silent and stared the moment Rainbow put a small, cut-up pancake in front of the filly.

A bit of drool fell from the filly's mouth... and then she mashed her face down into the plate, greedily trying to shove the food into her mouth as Apple Bloom giggled and Scarlet Sage smiled amusedly, Applejack grinning over at Rainbow and saying mildly: “That's another point towards her being your kid.”

“Yeah, yeah, I stopped eating like that a long time ago.” Rainbow retorted, but he was smiling all the same as he gazed around at his family, feeling again how lucky he was... and determined to do anything and everything he could to make sure they were kept safe from the machinations of Clockwork World.

Later in the afternoon, the Apple Family received a letter inviting them over to the library to talk about what had happened. Surprisingly, Apple Bloom and Scarlet Sage volunteered to stay at the farm and keep an eye on Avalon, and Rainbow was relieved to let them take his daughter. As always, he hurriedly went over things with them even as Applejack only smiled amusedly at the pale-blue Pegasus, while the young mares nodded along with him and reassured him they would be fine until Applejack called mildly: “Sugarcube, we're gonna be late if you don't remind yourself you're a stallion soon.”

Rainbow had sighed and slumped, then grumbled and nodded, hopping into the air and easily zooming around in a circle. Avalon had immediately tried to buzz out of Apple Bloom's legs to go over to him, but she had held on firmly, wincing a bit and saying gently: “Now settle down there, your dad will be back as soon as he can. Don't you wanna have some fun with me and Scarlet Sage?”

“No!” Avalon shouted in an outraged voice, loud enough for Rainbow Dash to hear from the road, and the Pegasus paused as he glanced over his shoulder before he returned his eyes to Applejack with a half-amused, half-sympathetic expression.

“I always feel bad when we leave our daughter with somepony. I mean, don't get me wrong, I adore her. But she kind of requires a lot of patience and stuff.” Rainbow smiled after moment all the same, looking ahead with a bit of a grin. “Still, Apple Bloom and Scarlet Sage can handle it, right?”

Applejack only gave the Pegasus an amused look, before Big Mac said mildly: “Hope so. You ever consider getting some more help with her, though?”

“What? Why?” Rainbow looked honestly curious, and when both siblings gave him a pointed look, he huffed a bit and crossed his forelegs as he continued to fly easily forwards, saying flatly: “Hey. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that beautiful little filly. Okay, so she can be a hoof-full at times, but... she's just a teeny tiny little baby. She'll grow out of it. And you guys know what happens when we try and give her time-outs or take her stuff away.”

“Yeah, and she is in that... defiant stage.” Applejack smiled a little, then she shook her head thoughtfully. “Still, though, the way she conks out and then bounces right into that... high-energy, angry little mode of hers. Maybe Big Mac's right, and we should at least talk to some other ponies about it. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with her, just that... our daughter does have a kink or two that might need a little ironing out.”

“Ha, kink.” Rainbow grinned over at her, and Applejack sighed, rolling her eyes before the Pegasus stallion sighed a little when both siblings looked at him pointedly, becoming serious again. “Alright, I... I guess we can talk about it, at least. But it's not like she aims to misbehave or anything, is what I mean. She's just... loud and loves to fly. Let's let her fly.”

Rainbow Dash's grin toned down to a faint smile, and Big Mac and Applejack both nodded slowly as they continued towards Ponyville in quiet. On the way, they caught up to Fluttershy, the Pegasus talking warmly with Nirvana, and Rainbow flew up behind her and grabbed her shoulders, making her squeak in surprise before she dropped low as Nirvana glared at the stallion, but Rainbow Dash only laughed before winking down at Fluttershy when she looked up in relief before he offered a hoof to help her up.

It didn't take them too long to reach the library: Antares was in front, playing with Meadowlark, watched over by Celestia. Meadowlark's parents, Ameliorate and Engelhart, were both trying to make a good impression on the Baroness, but most of her attention was visibly focused on the foals.

Ameliorate was a tall, pretty earth pony with an eggshell coat, her mane and tail vibrant orange, a stethoscope as her cutie mark. She was a doctor at the hospital: Engelhart, on the other hand, was a large, strong Pegasus with a tan body, dark mane cut into a short mohawk and tail cropped down. His emblem was a star with a single white wing extending from beside it, and he was a Royal Guard... although Rainbow didn't think he'd ever seen Engelhart in his armor even once.

They were good ponies, with a good daughter, but Ameliorate was chatting away and Engelhart was trying a little too hard to make a good impression on Celestia. The other ponies smiled a bit at this, and Rainbow couldn't help but boldly fly up to Celestia, asking cheerfully: “What's shaking?”

Engelhart and Ameliorate both stared at the forwardness, but if anything Celestia seemed to appreciate it, smiling up at Rainbow Dash and nodding to him as she replied: “Quite a bit.” She paused, then turned and bowed her head politely to Meadowlark's parents. “If you'll excuse me, my friends and I have to head inside. Antares, are you going to be all right out here or should I ask Luna to have one of her... friends... keep an eye on you?”

“No, it's okay. There's nothing bad around today, I don't think.” Antares smiled brightly, looking up and adding: “Meadowlark said I could come with her to the park anyway, right?”

Meadowlark nodded rapidly, and Ameliorate sighed but smiled a little after a moment, saying finally: “Well, I suppose that's okay...”

“Great, then! I'll give you a flying lesson later today too, how about that?” Rainbow Dash winked over at Antares, and the unicorn smiled brightly before the blue Pegasus dropped easily to the ground and reached out to ruffle the colt's mane, laughing and shaking his head. “Look at you growing. Gotta say I'm glad Avalon isn't growing up as fast as you are, Antares, we'd never be able to keep up with her.”

Antares only blushed a little, even as he smiled up at Dash, and then Celestia turned and opened the door for them. Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Nirvana and Big Mac all headed inside as Celestia smiled courteously to Engelhart and Ameliorate. “Thank you for both helping take care of my nephew. I'm glad he has such a good friend in your daughter.”

With that, Celestia turned and headed inside as well, gently closing the door behind her and feeling a little pleased with herself despite everything. She paused for a moment to gaze over the gathered people at the large round table, and then shook her head slowly before striding forwards to join the group: everyone from last night and more, as Odin looked up from the top of the table and said softly: “Maybe it's strange, Freya, but I find the fact that you are no longer always first to the strategy table... reassuring, in its own way.”

Celestia smiled at this, glancing over Odin: he looked a little tired from his trip down from Asgard, but he had put his walking stick aside for now, which was a good sign despite how every time they met, he seemed... older. Sleipnir was gazing up at the once-god with soft concern in his eyes, a foreleg wrapped around his wife and keeping her close, and even Discombobulation seemed to be studying the old falcon-headed entity with empathy, if not sympathy.

Then the Draconequus said finally, as he rubbed at his wooden arm slowly: “You must think the saying 'you're only as young as you feel' often, and find yourself feeling very old indeed, Odin. But aren't we a great setup for a cosmic joke? There's all the ingredients here. The handicapped, the ancient, the nasty, the... well, everything else, too, let's leave it at that. But we're not in a bar. And all good jokes involve someone walking into a bar.”

“I can smash a bar into thy face.” Luna grumbled from where she was sitting with Scrivener and Twilight on the opposite side of the table from the chimerical creature, who huffed at her before the winged unicorn added in a whinier voice: “Odin, thou art... something important still, although I know quite not what. Order the Draconequus to take his medicine, so I do not have to wrestle him every night to do so.”

“Yes, I'm quite sure he'll listen to me.” Odin said dryly as he rested back in his chair, looking meditatively towards Discombobulation. “As much as I like him, he's admittedly almost as consistent as you when it comes to not listening to anything anyone says.”

Luna huffed at this, and then Discombobulation said seriously: “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines.”

“So thou art admitting thou art stupid?” Luna asked flatly, and Scrivener gave her an amused look from overtop his glasses, making her grumble and slap at the charcoal earth pony lightly. “I hear thy wicked thoughts, sinful poet! Do not be so cruel to me or the poor Draconequus, or I shall bludgeon thee roundly!”

Scrivener sighed a little, and Rainbow watched with a small smile as Twilight reached up and reassured Luna with just a touch, just a gesture. The three of them could communicate as easily and readily as he and Applejack or any other couple that knew itself well did, with gesture and look, not just voice. They were a little weird, sure, but that had long ceased to bother him... particularly once he'd made sure that both Scrivener and Luna really did care about Twilight.

Sure, he worried for her sometimes. Even wondered every now and then if she'd break away from the two at some point, find her own perfect somepony to be with. But at the same time... it was weird and crazy and made no sense, but she seemed happy with Luna and Scrivener, and it wasn't like he was anypony to judge what was right or wrong for any other pony after learning all too well himself what it felt like to have everypony telling you that what you wanted was wrong... when it was all your heart and mind and blood and soul begged and pleaded for.

He shook his head out, then looked up as Odin said calmly, glancing slowly around at the gathering and cutting off any further tangents: “I am sure you are all aware of exactly why I have called you all here today. From the reports made to me by the Nibelung present, I've already understood much about how the battle went... and that we owe both Kilby Kwolek and my son's wife, Pinkamena, quite a bit of thanks.”

“And I!” Luna waved a hoof, and Odin sighed and rubbed slowly at the scarred side of his face even as there were a few laughs, and Cowlick looked relieved to have the attention off her as Ross fidgeted beside her nervously. “Well, 'tis true.”

“Yes, Brynhild, but you seem to be involved in every fight that happens these days.” Odin said mildly, and then he looked over at Sleipnir and smiled a little as the vine-maned stallion grumbled. “It seems to be making my son a little jealous. And I imagine that you can't help but feel perhaps a little envious yourself, Freya.”

“Perhaps.” Celestia gazed softly over at her sibling, then she smiled after a moment, saying quietly: “But of course, most of what I feel is worry for my little sister. And again, regret that I wasn't there to take part in the battle.”

Odin nodded, studying the ponies slowly before he glanced towards Applejack, stating more than questioning: “Its appearance bothered you, didn't it?”

“Yeah.” Applejack looked a little awkward at being put on the spot, but then she sighed and shook herself out, gathering her thoughts quickly and continuing quietly: “I mean... it... it was me, but not me. It just... kind of freaked me out to see, I think. It got in my head a little, even though I should have known better than to let it start digging into my thoughts and all. But... that story, I still haven't been able to put that story Bob told us out of my mind, and after seeing Delight...” She halted, smiling faintly at Pinkie Pie as the bright Pink Twin gazed softly back. “And now Valor and... thinking there's four more out there, made of... us, turned upside down...”

She shivered a little, then looked over at Scrivener... and the male sighed a little before he closed his eyes and nodded as he leaned his head forwards, taking a moment to gather his wits before he said quietly: “Valthrudnir promised Valor that she could be 'part of her family forever.' He... he meant it literally, though. Those forelimbs, those eyes... they...”

“Oh God...” Applejack shivered, and Rainbow Dash leaned over, wrapping a limb around her as he felt a shiver of repulsion run through his body; the thought that anyone, any thing, could be that cruel... “That's... that's why...”

She shook herself out, and Scrivener nodded slowly, looking down and murmuring: “Just like Delight, Valor was tricked and corrupted. I think... Valthrudnir needed to trick them for some reason. Needed to make them give in, or at least half-willing to work with him. I can't think of why, but I also know that if he really wanted to, he could have easily just brainwashed them and ordered them around... or hell, he could have made copies of them, or entirely different creatures.

“But I think the Hexad, at least, and maybe any other Clockwork Ponies he...” Scrivener paused for a moment, then murmured slowly: “Let's use the word... 'built...' needed more than brainwashing. Maybe that's why everything went 'wrong,' so to speak, with Visionary. Not because she was different, but rather because... he tried to just push her around, tormented her, then instead of tricking or confusing or driving her insane, just put his minions to work on her. He tried to control her, and he couldn't.”

Odin nodded slowly as silence fell, and then the falcon-headed entity shook his head when Celestia looked at him questioningly. “It's hard to say, Freya. It could be because of any number of reasons, after all. But it does also serve to demonstrate that Valthrudnir's powers were terrible, but not without flaw. And that no matter what they look like, what evil ends they serve, these foes are reflections of you six friends, who have become so important in these various worlds.”

“Great.” Rainbow Dash murmured, and then he looked down for a moment before smiling a little, glancing up and saying finally: “I guess at least... we should be able to know our enemies before they hit then, right?”

“There's no enemy harder to know than yourself.” Discombobulation said gently, and Scrivener grunted before the Draconequus added mildly: “Well, you and Scrivener Blooms don't count, Luna. You've both had a lot of time to get to know your inner enemies. And both of you are also a little... shall we say... lacking in self-esteem. When you actually like yourself it becomes much harder to believe certain things about yourself.”

There were grumbles around the table, and then Odin looked over towards Scrivener, asking quietly: “Have you learned anything further about Clockwork World from... what I understand happened again, following the demise of Valor?”

“I only know their names, still... Courage, Beauty, Prudence and Wisdom.” Scrivener said softly, looking slowly around the table as he spoke: at Rainbow Dash, at Rarity, at Fluttershy, and finally, to Twilight Sparkle, before he closed his eyes and smiled a little. “But other bits and pieces are... are starting to fall into place. Things like their titles... maybe the smallest hint of their plans, why the Prophet is determined to move against us.”

The others nodded slowly, and then Scrivener looked up and said finally: “The other Clockwork Ponies are going to attack us, one-by-one. Even though we've killed two of them... from what I'm seeing, this is like a game to them. And worse, it feels like... it's like this isn't the first world where they died, but then... came back somehow. I don't know how. I don't want to imagine how, because it's not pleasant to think of for far too many reasons...”

He shivered a little, looking down, and Celestia nodded with a grimace as she looked across at Odin, saying quietly: “It would explain their behavior. Why they're only attacking one at a time when they clearly have the power and potential to easily overwhelm us if they wanted.”

“It reflects Valthrudnir's arrogance... but also his cunning.” Odin replied thoughtfully, looking down, and several ponies looked up with frowns before the once-god shook his head slowly, murmuring: “Treating it like a game, weakening a world bit-by-bit with short attacks from replaceable troops... then, after his Hexad have all taken their turn toying with the realm they've targeted, flooding it with his forces and destroying it.

“But I do not believe Valthrudnir is alive... and I do not know if I believe these Clockwork Ponies are capable of rebirth or revival. That may simply be the poison in your mind, playing tricks on you, Scrivener Blooms.” Odin said softly, and Scrivener grunted and nodded after a moment in both agreement and hope. “If Valthrudnir was still alive, I would be less doubtful: he would never hesitate to defy any order, natural or otherwise, in order to have his way.”

“The Prophet's motives still confuse me, though... and if the Clockwork Ponies are incapable of revival, then again, these tactics make no sense. As they've demonstrated clearly, even one Clockwork Pony is a force to be reckoned with... I am not entirely sure we could survive an attack from a group.” Celestia said quietly, and Luna and Odin both frowned at this. “It worries me. I'm concerned that Prophet is buying time, or baiting a trap. Or there are worse things than the Hexad laying in wait.”

There were silent nods around the table, and Odin sighed softly as he crossed his arms, leaning back in his chair and bowing his head in thought. As the silence spiraled out, Rainbow quietly reached over, taking one of Applejack's hooves gently... and the goldenrod mare smiled faintly at him, before she sighed and looked up over the table as she realized the thought that came to mind could apply easily to this whole discussion: “I guess our only choice either way is to move forwards, huh?”

“But we're all in this together.” All eyes turned with surprise to Fluttershy as she glanced up from where she was sitting beside Nirvana, stroking slowly down through the Phooka's smoky mane as she looked down and took a slow breath, then nodded firmly. “I know we all have a lot of reasons to be afraid, and... I am afraid, really afraid... but there's so much to protect, too. Friends and family, both old and new...”

She silently embraced Nirvana around the neck, burying her face against him for a moment with a bit of a blush as the Phooka rumbled softly, and then, to the surprise of the ponies, he murmured quietly: “We leave none behind.”

“Nature knows best.” Sleipnir said softly, and then he looked up and pounded a hoof firmly against the table with a smile to Nirvana and Fluttershy even as the blonde Pegasus blushed a little. “Aye, Nirvana, thou art more civilized than most of the ponies I knew whilst traveling Midgard with my beloved sisters! As a matter of fact, thou art even more civilized than Luna, is he not?”

“Oh, shut up, Sleipnir. Besides, I am still more civilized than thou art, too.” Luna said flatly, and the enormous, vine-maned stallion shrugged cheerfully before the sapphire mare turned her eyes to Nirvana and Fluttershy, as Rarity reached out and gently rubbed a hoof down the blonde Pegasus' back with a soft smile to her. “But... aye. Aye, friends. We are all in this together, no matter what differences lay between us. Our bonds are stronger than our differences, for we are all Equestrians, are we not? We are all people, and friends and family... it matters not whether we are dragon, or Phooka, or pony, or... whatever in Helheim's name the rest of us are... none of us shall leave any of the others behind.”

“Hear, hear!” Sleipnir shouted, then he banged his hoof down against the table again before Pinkamena smacked him, making him wince. “Harpy!”

The demon glowered at him, and then she snorted and shook her head, saying moodily: “Hey, don't get me wrong. I agree, it's better that we fight together... if only because, you know, I'd rather you die with me instead of using me as a meat-shield.”

Discombobulation snorted at this, saying dryly: “The mark of the true FPS player. Makes her untalented friends play so she can use them as decoys while she snipes.”

“Screw you.” Pinkamena retorted, and then she looked moodily over at Cowlick, adding dryly: “You better have more weapons and armor in stock, or we're all going to die. We'll die together, sure... but if even I couldn't rip my way through Valor, we're going to need more than skill and luck.”

“It's the carpenter, not the tools, that ultimately decides the value of something... but good equipment will help, yes.” Odin smiled a bit as he pushed his chair back and stood, and the gathering looked up at him curiously before the once-god turned around, bending down to pick up something with a grimace.

He turned back and tossed blanket-wrapped object onto the table with a grunt: it was at least seven feet long, whatever it was, and Celestia frowned a bit before Odin said quietly: “Just a small gift, taken out of Valhalla's halls for you, Freya. Your blades of light are dangerous and fast, but this... this has a little more heft to it.”

Celestia frowned as she reached forwards, pulling the gray blanket away... and then stared in amazement at the enormous sword that was revealed. Its heavy, long handle was beautiful, radiant gold, and the wide blade brilliant ivory, gleaming in the light like white fire and fanged with curling claws at intervals over the length of the blade and there to add pain to every rip and rend and catch weapons that clashed against it. The weapon was ornamented with beautiful illustrations of the Nine Worlds along the flat of the six-foot blade, etched in bright red and seeming to flow like the blood the sword had undoubtedly spilled over its lifetime.

“Tyrfing, Svafrlami's cursed sword. Any man who raises this weapon is killed... but you are not a man in any sense of the word, are you, Freya?” Odin smiled a little at her, reaching out and silently drawing a finger along the red symbols that decorated the white, gleaming blade. “It will cut through stone and iron as easily as it will slice apart cloth. Forged by dwarves for a poor, young fool, to never rust, and to kill that which it strikes. I trust in you to put it to good use.”

Celestia stood silently, closing her eyes and bowing her head forwards as she swallowed a bit, and then she took a breath before striding calmly around the table. She looked up as Odin gazed across at her silently, smiling at her a little... and then she leaned forwards and pulled him into a firm, tight embrace, and the once god laughed quietly as he returned it, closing his eyes as she murmured: “Odin... Þakka fyrir, vinr.

Odin gazed down at her tenderly, reaching up and stroking her face silently before he simply nodded, and then the two slid quietly apart before the once god smiled a little and gestured towards the table, saying softly: “It's inappropriate for me to ask, but I can't help ask anyway. Such a sword as that, a warrior would swing once at his enemy, then likely drop if his foe wasn't cleft in half by it and switch to something lighter and easier to bear. But with the way you wield your weapons, Freya...”

“You're asking for a show?” Celestia looked at him with entertainment, and her amethyst eyes flicked almost longingly towards the weapon, hesitating for a moment even as Sleipnir and Luna both leaned eagerly forwards, and then the ivory equine shook her head embarrassedly as she circled back around the table, saying finally: “No, no, I... there are all these other ponies around and... it is a beautiful, wonderful gift, but I haven't yet tested its weight or gained a feel for it.”

She stepped almost nervously away, striding towards the library door as Odin said kindly: “It's perfectly fine, Freya.” He paused, and then smiled over at Luna, gesturing to her... and a wide, bright grin spread over Luna's face as her horn began to glow. “I would certainly never force your hand in such a matter.”

Then Luna flicked her horn firmly, and ponies leaned back in shock as Tyrfing shot off the table like a rocket: immediately, Celestia's head whipped around, eyes widening in surprise, but her horn was already glowing as she tilted her head to the side, and the massive sword gleamed like fire as it went into a vicious spin, circling rapidly around her before halting suddenly in front of her, burning with an aura of golden flame just above her head. The ivory equine gazed up at the flat of the blade, staring into it wondrously before Sleipnir suddenly laughed and leapt forwards, running across the table and pouncing gleefully towards Celestia.

He swung a hoof in towards her face, and Celestia easily blocked it with the flat of the blade, not even needing to tilt her horn, not even seeming to think even as Sleipnir threw his hooves forwards in a succession of violent blows, but each one only smashed against the flat of the sword before Pinkamena joined in as well, dashing forwards and then running up and across Sleipnir's back to kick both rear hooves savagely towards Celestia's face, but the enormous sword snapped upwards, an almost-liquid blur through the air as it spun around Pinkamena and parried her body like she was a spear before flicking her painfully with the flat towards the ceiling, and then Celestia leaned forwards, grinning widely as the sword half-spun with the counterattack and the pommel of the blade rammed itself in a short, violent flurry of stabs against Sleipnir's breast and head.

The vine-maned stallion staggered backwards in surprise, cursing and warding off the last of the blows with his hooves before Pinkamena dropped like a rock towards Celestia, but the ivory, rainbow-maned mare only smiled calmly, closing her eyes and tilting her head away as Tyrfing slipped between her and the demon at the last moment, Pinkamena's hooves striking only the flat as she winced before the sword shoved more than slapped her backwards, knocking her into Sleipnir and sending them both staggering before Celestia flicked her horn back and forth as she calmly strode forwards, eyes half-lidding as Tyrfing followed her movements effortlessly, lashing and spinning violently back and forth and driving both Pinkamena and and Sleipnir back side-by-side before it swept quickly down. The flat slammed painfully across their front legs, knocking both demon and earth pony to the ground in awkward bows, and before either could react, Tyrfing's edge was across both their necks, Celestia's head bowed forwards and eyes once more closed, the smile on her face almost tender as she breathed slowly, faintly flushed as she said softly: “Yes. Yes, I believe this should more than suffice.”

Then she paused before straightening, and Tyrfing rose into the air before Celestia studied the sword as Sleipnir looked over at Pinkamena, then grinned at her and winked, saying kindly: “Having thee here to almost be beheaded with me, why, it brings me as much joy as seeing my sister's Valkyrie nature awakened!”

The ponies – and Spike – were all staring in amazement, Luna and Scrivener wearing matching grins and Twilight looking incredulous. Odin, meanwhile was simply clapping, and Discombobulation paused before hurriedly mimicking this. Then Sleipnir laughed and cheered as he stood up, stomping his hooves delightedly, and that finally got the rest of the table to break into applause as well, as Celestia blushed and dropped her head forwards, Tyrfing quickly floating back to drop down onto the blanket on the table.

“That was so awesome!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, and Celestia only smiled awkwardly as she shrugged a bit before the Pegasus shook his head with a whistle. “I mean, we all knew you were good, but... that was... that was awesome!”

“My beloved big sister is very awesome indeed.” Sleipnir said agreeably, slapping Celestia on the shoulder, and the rainbow-maned mare gave him a flat, half-embarrassed look. “Oh, cease hiding thy skills! Thou art not some complaining, political Baroness, thou art a Valkyrie and thou must be proud of that!”

“And what are you, Sleipnir?” Celestia asked in response to this, leaning towards him even as she smiled, still looking a bit embarrassed as the ponies continued to stare at her with awe and amazement. “What do you consider yourself?”

“The same as I have always been, of course.” Sleipnir grinned cheerfully over at Pinkamena, winking to her. “A handsome, bold, and talented warrior, on the two battlefields that matter most in life, as my sweet phoenix can attest to.”

“You were pretty disappointing last night.” Pinkamena said mildly, and Sleipnir stared at her with horror as Pinkie Pie cleared her throat loudly and Luna threw her head back and laughed.

Odin shook his head, then said clearly, before Sleipnir could say anything: “As I hoped, Celestia, you wield Tyrfing as if the sword was made for you. But it's been waiting for an owner for a long time who could handle its power and was immune to the curse it carries. I think it is eager to do its duty.”

Celestia looked up at this and nodded slowly, and then the falcon-headed once-god sat carefully back in his seat, resting against the back of his chair as he gazed around the group slowly. As Celestia, Sleipnir, and Pinkamena all once more returned to their own chairs, the falcon-headed once-god smiled wryly, then shook his head slowly as he murmured: “Look at this. Once upon a time I sat at the head of a table of gods, goddesses, and entities that neither you nor I have a name for. And now, here I sit at a table of ponies, demons, and an entity of chaos.”

“Aye, but I would not change a thing for the world myself.” Luna said softly, then she smiled a bit as she looked up at the once-god, bowing her head towards him and saying quietly: “And I am glad that thou art here with us.”

“Oddly enough... so am I.” Odin said softly, looking around the table before once more beginning a discussion... and finding himself more confident in the abilities of these ponies to get their tasks done than he had been in his fellow gods and peers, so long ago.

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