• Published 23rd Sep 2012
  • 2,957 Views, 281 Comments

Decretum - BlackRoseRaven

Realities, worlds, and good and evil collide, and Luna fights one last struggle to save Equestria.

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Luna's Incredible Social Skills

Chapter Seventeen: Luna's Incredible Social Skills

Luna grumbled under her breath as she gathered the last of her gear together, her armor polished and gleaming over her body and starry locks twisting indecisively around her. Odin had offered her another week to recover from the attack on their home... but after talking it over with her family, Luna had decided she wanted to push on ahead in spite of what had happened. Besides which, Antares would be safe in Ponyville with Celestia, Twilight Sparkle, and all the others on high alert.

Even with that aside, though, Luna's instincts told her that whatever those monsters had been, they were long gone now, on the way back to whatever ill abode they came from. They clearly emitted the malice and dark power they had learned to associate with the Tyrant Wyrms, after all, and Celestia had scanned all of Equestria with the help of the Artificers and Odin, using the still-standing amplifiers to extend the range of their magic and other scrying methods to ensure they blanketed every inch of Equestria they could. And there was not a single trace of the creatures, apart from the mire that was fermenting slowly around their cottage.

Antares would absolutely not go near the mire: even being carried over it seemed to upset him a little, although he quickly forgot about it once some distance was put between him and the rotted earth. Scrivener Blooms, on the other hand, took a nasty, ironic entertainment in the fact that the mire actually responded to him to a point: it hardened and warmed-up beneath his hooves, and he had even forced splotches of the mire to recede here and there by focusing in on it and drawing on Luna's magic power, although even these small exertions left him winded and cranky.

The cottage, at least, hadn't been terribly damaged: a few things around the doorways and windows had been broken and clawed-up, but nothing of great value had been lost. It seemed like whatever else the monsters were, they had been too large to fit inside, by the cracks around the doorway... but that suited Scrivener and Luna just fine.

Celestia and Odin had both showed up within an hour after Discombobulation had gone to fetch them, both extremely concerned. And their worries had only increased as Scrivener relayed quietly what the Wyrms had said to him... before he had winced when Celestia had stated quietly what should have already been obvious on top of everything else, and yet he hadn't even realized: “They knew you would be able to understand them. And from their behavior, it sounds as if they even knew about Valthrudnir's echo... as if there's still some kind of link between...”

She had trailed off... but it was clear. The corruption in Scrivener's mind meant that even if he was immune to the Wyrms' terrible weapon, even if he could harness the same awful powers of oblivion they did, it left them with other vulnerabilities. Over the last few days, they had discussed many of these possibilities: the most likely of which was that the monsters were at least capable of sensing and locking onto this just as Scrivener had been able to clearly feel them, meaning his presence would be like a glowing beacon to them... and in all likelihood, to this 'Prophet' as well.

That had disturbed both Celestia and Odin most of all: that there was someone out there, capable of using Valthrudnir's vicious servants, and possibly seeking to fulfill the insane visions of the Jötnar. And worse, someone who was looking for them, who called themselves a Prophet, and apparently knew how to travel between the layers of reality.

Luna sighed quietly, then moodily rolled her shoulders as her horn glowed, lifting the satchel bag in front of her and strapping it easily on as her eyes lingered on the dusty, hastily-replaced window. Nibelung workers would be out during the week to finish the repairs, and Odin would be staying here again. He liked it out here... but of course, Luna knew, he also likely wanted to try and lure out any remaining entities that might be lurking in the shadow, spying on them. “Old fool.”

“I heard that.” Odin called tiredly from the den, and Luna rolled her eyes before she grumbled and turned around, striding out into the corridor and heading down the hall to find Odin sitting calmly on Scrivener's cleared-off writing desk. She smiled a little at him after a moment, grunting quietly as she looked over the falcon-headed once-god, and Odin chuckled before he said softly: “Don't hurt yourself, Brynhild. There's no need to thank me, anyway... there's a lot of selfishness in my motive to stay here. The comforts of a nice home, among other things.”

“If my pillow gets old bird smell, I shall pummel thee righteously, Odin. Thou better not go through my things, shoving thy perverted beak into them.” Luna warned, and Odin only shook his head slowly before Luna sighed a little and glanced grouchily out towards the front yard at the sound of a loud bang. “Pinakmena grows restless, methinks. I almost hesitate to bring her and Scarlet Sage along... Scarlet Sage because I fear those monsters may follow us to that layer, Pinkamena because I fear the monsters may attack here.”

“You have a lot of faith in the half-demon. I find that interesting.” Odin said softly, and Luna glanced up at him curiously, his tone so gentle that even she couldn't force herself to take it the wrong way. “It is only that in the past... mortals were considered lowly, demons were looked at with contempt, but half-demons – whether born through fair or foul means – were thought to be the worst dregs of all.”

“Well, she is my friend. Half-demon, aye, but... 'tis part of what makes her special. Although her viciousness is all her own, I think.” Luna smiled a little in response, glancing up and saying quietly: “And Sleipnir likes her. If anything has solidified my faith in her... 'tis that.”

Odin nodded thoughtfully... and then he final bowed his head forwards, his single eye locking quietly with Luna's cyan gaze as he said gently: “Be wary, and be careful, Brynhild. Not I, not Freya, not the Strange Ones know what those monsters were, not even your demon familiars. And they vanished without a trace... they did not head for the Gates of Hell guarded by the Strange Ones. They may not have even left this very forest before they somehow managed to slink their way between the layers. It's worrisome.”

Luna only snorted, however, shaking her head and saying firmly: “And I too can pass between the layers as I so desire upon the Bifrost. I shall not be deterred nor intimidated by a party trick, Odin.”

The once-god sighed and shook his head, but all the same his gaze was a little admiring as he murmured: “I long resigned myself to the fact that one day you'll get yourself killed, Brynhild, likely by biting off far more than you can chew. But you have Antares Mīrus to take care of. Please try to avoid dying for now, will you?”

The winged unicorn grunted, then she shook her head when the falcon-headed entity began to slowly stand, saying quietly: “Nay, Odin, rest thy bones. As to dying, I have no plans to get myself killed quite yet... I still have many dreams to live out first, and more importantly, many things to set right.” Luna smiled a little and added: “Now do not torture me by trying to follow me to town. Rest upon thy weak old haunches here, thou art as endearing as a limping moose otherwise.”

The once-god only sighed a little at this, then he finally nodded slowly, and Luna grunted, nodding firmly in return. “Now, as long as the Bifrost does not betray us again, we shall return within a week, and hopefully with little note. I shall bring more pictures of my journey and let thou know if anything went amiss.”

“Just... please do not try to cause things to go amiss.” Odin cautioned, and Luna shrugged a little, looking thoughtfully up at the falcon-headed entity and making him sigh tiredly, looking moodily at her in return. “Brynhild... please. Especially considering these new, unknown foes that you and Scrivener Blooms both seem so convinced are kin to the Tyrant Wyrms, if not an unknown breed of Wyrm themselves. There is no cowardice in caution.”

“There is sometimes.” Luna grumbled in response to this, shifting a bit before she finally nodded with a grumble when Odin gave her an imploring look. “Oh very well, I shall mouth the words, old and foolish once-god. But I wish for thou to know that I shan't hesitate to play what I must for my advantage.”

“That reassures me, Brynhild. My chief concern is that you go showing off without a reason and earn the unfavorable interest of more enemy eyes, not that you demonstrate your strength or knowledge for your benefit.” Odin replied moodily, and Luna gave him a horrible look before the once god shook his head and smiled a little. “Good luck, Valkyrie. May the Norns favor you.”

“Oh aye, I'm sure I must be just their favorite little creature by all the luck they've thrown my way in the past.” Luna grumbled, and Odin sighed a little as the winged unicorn turned around and added dryly: “The unfortunate are reviled more than cowards, thou knows! 'Tis no wonder I was always disliked in Valhalla, there must have always been the fear that mine accursed luck would spread... perhaps it even did!”

Odin didn't bother reply, only sighing and dropping his head in one gloved hand as he shook it moodily, and Luna smiled a little to herself as she strode towards the open door leading out of the house. She slipped through, then glanced over her shoulder, softening as she pretended to check the broken frame but instead let her eyes linger for a moment on the frail form of the once-god, and then her eyes turned forwards when Pinkamena asked rudely: “Are we ready to go yet, Nightmare Moon? Because I signed up to go and kill things, not sit on my flank all day while you have 'feelings' and horseapples.”

Scrivener looked at the half-demon from where he was sitting beside the golden-armored cart, but Pinkamena ignored him completely as Luna only measured the dull-gray pony for a few moments with her eyes. She was clad in black scale mail, making her look larger and even more intimidating than she already was. Her head was unprotected, straight waterfall of a mane spilling over one half of her features, and a heavy, crescent-bladed battle axe rested across her back. A weapon usually reserved for the Nibelung warriors, but Pinkamena wielded it – or any of the daggers strapped along her sides, for that matter – with a proficiency that was enough to impress even Luna.

A smile quirked at Luna's mouth, and then she leaned forwards, asking mildly: “What's wrong, art thou thinking of all the love letters thou may miss from mine brother? The very fact thou learned to write in runes just to correspond with him...”

“Okay, I'm going to put my axe through your face if you keep this up.” Pinkamena said disgustedly, and Luna laughed and shook her head despite herself before the half-demon added grouchily: “Furthermore, I didn't have to learn. The runes were just goddamn there in my head, like half the other crazy stuff about me. Must have inherited it or something from the demons that tried to mess with my mind all those years back.”

Luna smiled a bit as her starry mane twisted slowly along her armor before her eyes roved up to the early morning sky. For a moment, she didn't reply as Scrivener looked across at her softly from behind his glasses, and then the charcoal earth pony nodded without needing to be told as he headed around to the front of the wagon and the winged unicorn said quietly: “I am ready.”

“Good. About time.” Pinkamena said moodily, and her eyes flicked slowly over the splatters of mire over the ground, licking her sharp teeth slowly before she asked quietly: “You sure they were Wyrms?”

“Thou... has felt the malice, the darkness of those entities...” Luna smiled faintly, glancing over at Pinkamena. “Thou knows what their awful, insidious presence is like. I do not believe there is anything else in all the layers... that feels as those awful things do.”

Pinkamena nodded slowly... and then she grinned a little after a moment, her red-rimmed eyes almost seeming to glow. “So in that case, do we hope we run into them in this layer we're off to visit, or do we hope that whatever the hell those things are, they're off telling mommy or daddy all about how they found the big scary ponies and want their pat on the flank?” she paused, then snorted in disgust, muttering: “Just like sissy.”

“Only thou would compare thy happy-go-lucky sister to a Tyrant Wyrm.” Luna said dryly, and Pinkamena grunted in response to this, shrugging after a moment as she looked meditatively across at the winged unicorn. Then both mares glanced up as the cart began to rumble slowly forwards, and they both turned to follow the armored wagon as Luna continued quietly: “And I think thou understands when I say 'twould be the for the best that we avoid these monsters for now... but there is no harm in hoping that they are foolish enough to put in an appearance.”

“You two are both so damn bloodthirsty.” Scrivener remarked mildly from the front of the wagon, and Luna grunted at him in response before the stallion shook his head moodily, adding in a mutter: “Not that I don't understand all the same... I think about those things, what they were, what they did... and I kind of want to kill them into pieces myself.”

“Kill them into pieces. Poet, why is it thou does not speak like a poet most of the time?” Luna asked wryly, and Scrivener gave another mutter as Pinkamena snorted, a slight grin cresting her features before the winged unicorn glanced at the half-demon and asked mildly: “And why does thou not simply go out and make friends if thou wants friends? Thou art good company.”

For a moment, Pinkamena only looked at her, then she sighed and said dourly: “And look at you, Nightmare Moon. Stop and consider, just for a second, why you and I get along so well. Go ahead. I'll wait.”

Luna huffed a little at this, then turned her own eyes forwards as Pinkamena added moodily: “Besides, they aren't 'friends,' just pen pals. Pieces of words on pieces of parchment, that's all. It's something to do while I'm up half the night and sissy's snoring in bed, since cooking wakes her up and she whines if I do anything without her.”

The winged unicorn smiled in spite of herself, looking pointedly towards the half-demon, who only snorted and muttered: “Hey, I ain't telling you anything else. Keep your nose in your own business, Nightmare Moon. We got enough to take care of right now as it is, anyway.”

“Oh, very well, wretched creature.” Luna replied after a moment, rolling her eyes, and they continued on with the only sounds coming from the rumbling of the wagon and nature around them. But even now, the Everfree was hushed... like the visit of the three creatures had traumatized the living forest, and it was afraid that too much noise would bring the monstrosities back.

They made good time to Ponyville, and were greeted warmly at the gates by Nibelung and several Pegasi with crossbows: although it was probably unnecessary, the town was still on high alert. But it was good to see them taking things seriously, as the gates were opened and Scrivener Blooms pulled the wagon inside, Luna nodding slowly as she looked over the guards approvingly.

The trio headed to the square in front of the library and found Twilight, Celestia, Scarlet Sage, and Antares already waiting for them, the toddler scampering back and forth and burbling quietly, dressed in a little sweater and a small cap. Luna rolled her eyes at the sight of this even as she smiled when her son turned towards her and happily ran through the square towards his mother, Luna catching him and hefting him easily in one foreleg as she said kindly: “Handsome boy... but who dressed thee up? 'Tis a beautiful, warm summer's day! Thou has no need of this.”

Luna plucked off the cap, and Antares giggled a little before he hugged his mother's features tightly, burying his face against her starry locks as he murmured: “Mommy. Mommy go?”

“Yes, Antares. Mother and Father have to go for a little while.” Luna said softly, and she gently set her son down in front of her as she absently tucked the cap back in her saddlebag, her eyes soft as she looked down at her son. “Be strong for me, my young son. Be strong for both thy parents, but especially for me, for it kills me to leave thee here for another week, even if... it will be in very good company.”

She slowly glanced up, smiling faintly at Twilight and Celestia, and then Antares turned his eyes towards his father as Scrivener said gently: “But we'll be back, Antares. No matter what happens, we'll be back, I can promise you that.”

Antares smiled at his father, and Luna softened, feeling Scrivener's depth of belief as she looked over at him, and he gazed back with a small smile for a few moments before the trio glanced up as Scarlet Sage approached, saying softly: “I'm ready whenever you are.”

Luna drew her eyes over the Pegasus, softening a bit: this would be the first time Scarlet Sage wore her armor into battle. Bracers were locked around her lower limbs, and chain mesh protected most of her body, with an additional ridge of heavier metal plating along her back and neck. Her hair was neatly tied back in a ponytail that spilled out from beneath a simple silver helm etched with the symbol of the crescent moon, and a simple pack rested in the middle of her back, between her nervously-fluttering wings.

She smiled a little, and after a moment, Luna smiled faintly back, nodding to her daughter. For a moment, they looked at each other, and then Scarlet gazed down at Antares before she leaned down and hugged her little brother tightly, and he burbled quietly as he pawed at her and pressed himself up against her, murmuring: “Scarlet.”

“Yeah. I'll be back too. We all will be.” Scarlet said softly, and then she gently pushed Antares back, and he drew his eyes slowly over his family before he half-turned as Celestia and Twilight approached.

Twilight reached down and gently lifted Antares up, placing her into the foal carrier hanging on her side, and Celestia studied the group before she met her sister's eyes, saying quietly: “Remember to be careful, Luna. And if you end up somewhere that isn't Equestria, it is very, very important that you-”

“Aye, I know, I know. Record everything I can.” Luna said tiredly, looking moodily over at Celestia. “I am not completely stupid, big sister. Very close at times, aye, but I have my beloved camera and plenty of film. Scrivener Blooms and I plan to better chronicle this journey in any event.”

Celestia only sighed a little at this, saying pointedly: “Just keep in mind that being told to record what happens is not an open invitation to go around disrupting the lives of the ponies of that world, little sister. Nor should you make your presence known to them, assuming you do end up in Equestria, unless completely necessary...”

“Thou art a stick in the mud.” Luna huffed, and then she grumbled under her breath before huffing a little when Celestia fixed her with an almost-pleading look. “Alright, alright, enough, big sister. I shall be wary, worry not. Besides, Scarlet Sage and Pinkamena shall both be journeying with us, they are not often as fun as I am.”

The half-demon grunted at this, looking impatient as the Pegasus gave her mother a flat look, and Celestia studied them all for a moment before she began to raise a hoof. Luna, however, immediately shook her head vehemently, and Celestia sighed, rolling her eyes. “Alright, alright. No formal blessing. I'll just... wish you good luck then, sister. And please allow Twilight and myself to send you on your way...”

“Nay, Celestia. 'Tis my duty, and opening the Bifrost is part of my job.” Luna smiled a little after a moment, even as she closed her eyes and lowered her head as Scrivener did the same, the starry-maned mare murmuring after a moment: “But thou and Twilight may help all the same, if thou both wish to.”

Celestia smiled at this as Luna's horn began to glow, and the ivory winged unicorn dropped her own head slowly forwards. Her rainbow mane swirled backwards as her own horn glowed with golden light, and Twilight smiled as she mimicked the others, murmuring quietly: “Thank you, Luna.”

Luna didn't reply, but her smile stretched wider as she felt the energy in the air growing, growing, mixing and twisting together before the winged unicorns and Scrivener Blooms all slowly rose their heads at the same time as a rumble passed through the early morning air before the golden funnel of flames ripped upwards and shattered through reality, bursting apart into the rainbow bridge a moment later. And again, without hesitation, Luna and Scrivener ran immediately for the Bifrost, and Pinkamena grinned as she followed close behind, Scarlet Sage hesitating only a moment longer before bringing up the rear.

There was no looking back, as much as Luna wanted to get one last glimpse of Ponyville, of her family, of Antares... there was only looking forwards, as she raced side-by-side with her husband, the loaded transport rumbling behind them and Pinkamena and Scarlet Sage following in their hoof-steps as they passed through the unnatural hole and into the vortex-hall between realities. Scarlet Sage's eyes filled with amazement, almost glowing as Pinkamena laughed, dark shocks sparking along her body as she raced eagerly over the burning rainbow bridge and through the shifting tunnel of sound and light.

They burst out the other side... and Luna's eyes widened in surprise as they emerged into the deep darkness of the night, charging down the rainbow bridge and onto what looked like a dirt road walled in by trees on either side. Scrivener winced at the steepness of the incline, leaping forwards off the base of the bridge as the wagon jounced and rattled, half-falling as Luna skidded to a halt not far off the Bifrost. Pinkamena leapt down to land beside her in a low crouch, grinning widely as her eyes glowed unnaturally for a few moments, dark energy still sparking around her body as Scarlet Sage leapt into the air and let herself glide off the bridge to drop in an easy landing by her father.

Behind them, the tunnel of shattered reality sealed closed as the bridge vanished into shards of fading light, and Luna laughed as she looked up and grinned widely, eyes almost glowing as she said excitedly, still burning with the adrenaline rush brought on by passing between layers: “Yes! This is Equestria, and not just Equestria... look, look there!”

The ponies looked forwards, through a natural archway formed by the trees... and not far beyond the forest, they could see a village where lights were still shining in many of the homes, a village that wasn't protected by walls, which looked peaceful and happy beneath the starlight and the shining moon...

Luna laughed in delight, stomping her hooves as she ran forwards up beside Scrivener Blooms, grinning widely. “Ponyville! 'Tis Ponyville, and as I recall it in the days before the world began to collapse, before we needed to take caution against the wilds... oh, what a wonderful sight! Scrivener Blooms, and look, 'tis not so late that they were yet laying down to sleep... oh Scrivener, we must go, we must, we must, we must!”

“Mom, I. Do you really think that's a good idea?” Scarlet Sage asked hesitantly, and Luna huffed a little, giving her daughter a pointed look. “I'm just saying that Celestia literally just was giving you that lecture on being cautious...”

“Lectures make me want to break rules, Celestia knows this. Particularly when I am lectured before I am given the chance to make my usual assortment of mistakes.” Luna replied after a moment with a firm nod, and then she smiled a little, glancing over her shoulder thoughtfully at Pinkamena, who was only grumbling and kicking at the dirt road irritably. “But perhaps my daughter is right... Lemon Drop, thou and Scarlet Sage can set up camp here for the night. Scrivener Blooms and I will investigate Ponyville... and if it is safe, in the morning we shall fetch thee. And if it is not safe, in the morning thou can charge in recklessly and kill everyone to save us, how does that sound?”

“I get to avoid social contact and then kill things and make you two owe me a favor. I guess that works out nicely for me, all-in-all.” Pinkamena said moodily, nodding after a moment as Scarlet Sage looked flatly at her mother. Then the half-demon strode easily forwards and yanked Scrivener out of the way as he finished pulling the harness off, saying moodily: “You're so damn slow. Come on, kid, let's go set up camp. If you do a real good job I'll let you cut me a little and help yourself to some blood.”

“I'm not a vampire.” Scarlet Sage said irritably, grimacing a bit at the half-demon, but Pinkamena only grinned widely even as Luna and Scrivener both scowled at her. But a moment later, the Pegasus sighed and shook her head, not letting the dull-gray pony's comments get to her as she turned her eyes back towards her parents. “Just... be careful, okay?”

“Of course. Oh, wait a moment!” Luna said quickly, then she almost pranced to the back of the wagon, flicking her horn to unlock and open the rear door before she scrounged hurriedly through the back... then grinned widely, tossing a heavy leather satchel over her shoulder and slamming the door back closed as she said cheerfully: “I cannot forget the camera now!”

“Oh great.” Scrivener muttered, and Scarlet Sage looked moodily at her mother as Pinkamena only snorted in amusement, the half-demon rolling her eyes as she finished strapping the harness on.

Luna, however, was undeterred, smiling warmly over at Scrivener before she softened and looked quietly to Pinkamena and Scarlet Sage, saying quietly: “Remember. We shall come for thee in the morning. If we do not, there is trouble. Scarlet Sage, trust in Pinkamena... Pinkamena, take care of my daughter.”

The half-demon only grunted and nodded, and Scarlet Sage nodded firmly, smiling a little before she traded a quick hug with her parents, Scrivener adding quietly: “Good luck to you both. Take care of yourselves and each other.”

“Yeah, yeah.” Pinkamena said dismissively, and then she grunted and looked moodily over them, muttering finally: “Don't go dying or anything. Don't want to go down to Helheim looking for you two, it would waste way too much of my time.”

Luna and Scrivener both only smiled wryly, then they nodded and turned, heading down the road towards Ponyville, and the half-demon grinned a little at their backs before she dragged the wagon slowly around in a wide turn, saying mildly: “Come on, kid. Let's go find a nice spot to park this thing and set up camp. Then we can look for some fresh meat and see if we're the hunters or the hunted in this world.”

Scarlet Sage grimaced, but nodded and followed, only looking back once over her shoulder towards Scrivener and Luna as they headed down the road. They were already a good distance away, however... and by the time Luna finally couldn't resist looking back over her own shoulder, the forest was already behind them and daughter and friend had long vanished from sight.

Scrivener and Luna both traded looks that were all at once compassionate, worried, proud, and still tinged with excitement: both because of the Bifrost, because of where they were, and because of what lay ahead. And as the two walked side-by-side and Ponyville drew nearer, Luna couldn't help but grin a little as her eyes drew over the village, marveling: “'Tis just like our Ponyville, Scrivener. Our old Ponyville, our old sanctuary... nay, 'tis somehow... 'tis somehow even more like Ponyville than Ponyville was, if that makes sense!”

“This layer must be closer to the core world... I wonder where Corvette's layer sat.” Scrivener muttered, and Luna grunted and nodded thoughtfully before the male smiled a little. “But then again, every country has secrets, every society has things they turn away from, hide under the rug, refuse to acknowledge... or that simply lurk in such deep shadow...”

“Oh, stop.” Luna said crossly, and Scrivener laughed despite himself, shaking his head before they both almost-hesitantly began to stride into the village, looking back and forth at the homes, lit all up with lights, windows glowing and ponies visible inside their homes finishing up dinner and tending to foals. Luna glanced up at the moon in the sky, gazing over the stars and constellations before she whispered: “'Tis beautiful, Scrivy. 'Tis so beautiful... look how the stars glow and glimmer! They are so bright, and the moon so large and round and perfect... I wonder, handsome stallion, is this a world where I am loved? Where I was never exiled, and the ponies adored my presence?”

She laughed and shook her head slowly as they continued forwards, Scrivener replying quietly: “You are loved, Luna. You always have been... and across Equestria, you've always had admirers and friends. You don't need to doubt that.”

Luna, however, only smiled wryly as they continued forwards... then she looked ahead with a wide grin at the sight of the library: it was housed in the same enormous black tree as in their own world, but with larger windows around the front and seemed somehow friendlier, somehow more-open before Luna's eyes widened as a familiar violet unicorn paced past one of the windows, followed by a short purple dragon who was still the size of a toddler, only his headfins and innocent, child-like features visible as Luna brightened. “Scrivy look, look! And she is without wings in this world, too, without... oh delightful!”

And with that, Luna pranced forwards before Scrivener could stop her, the winged unicorn plowing into the library door and slamming it open, making both Twilight Sparkle and Spike leap backwards in surprise and sending a flurry of papers in every direction as Luna called gleefully: “Twilight Sparkle! Spike! Do thee recognize me?”

“P-Princess Luna?” Twilight Sparkle – or rather, this layer's version of her – looked stupidly across at the winged unicorn, and Luna laughed as she strode easily into the library and surveyed the purple mare eagerly. Same coat, same mane, same beautiful eyes... but she was smaller, without wings, and looked... somehow younger, somehow more innocent. Just as beside her, Spike stood only up to her shoulder with his tall fins included, a little chubby and baby-faced as he stood slackly on the spot.

Twilight looked flabbergasted... and she spluttered as Scrivener Blooms strode calmly in after Luna, gently shutting the door as the winged unicorn laughed and bounced giddily, looking back and forth in awe: the books in the shelves, the floor, the ceiling, every detail fascinated her... it was like she had stepped into her own old memories, before Twilight finally said stupidly: “I t-thought you... were in Canterlot, there's... I mean... you... what... and who... who is...”

“Does thou not recognize Scrivener Blooms? Scrivener Blooms, she does not recognize thee!” Luna looked surprised, stepping quickly to the side as the male strode forwards, feeling as strangely-excited as Luna in his own way as she smiled beneath his glasses before turning towards Twilight as Luna muttered thoughtfully: “Well, thou could be... different, aye, especially if I am still Princess of the Night...”

Twilight looked more confused as she stared at Luna, and then the winged unicorn hurriedly cleared her throat before straightening and saying imperiously: “Twilight Sparkle, this is Scrivener Blooms, my... uh...” She looked for a moment at the male as she realized she couldn't say 'husband' and expect Twilight not to become suspicious, so instead she declared the first thing that came to mind: “Stud.”

Twilight turned beet-red as her jaw dropped, and Spike looked confused before he rubbed at the back of his head, saying finally: “He doesn't look like he goes in a wall.”

“Uh. Spike, could you please give us a minute? Go and put on some snacks or something, okay?” Twilight said in a strangled voice, and Spike winced a little at the expression on Twilight's face before he hurried off. The violet mare watched him leave... then she turned her incredulous eyes back towards Luna, saying in a harried voice: “Your stud? Princess Luna, with all due respect, what would Princess Celestia think?”

“Oh, Celestia is stuffy.” Luna said crossly, and then she cleared her throat at the horrified look on Twilight's face before Luna added hurriedly: “I am sorry, Twilight, it is only uh... my... sister and I had a fight recently over... uh... this very subject! And I suppose that uh... thou... thou were the first to come to mind for me to... oh, Scrivener Blooms, help me!”

“Technically I was hired as Luna's bodyguard.” Scrivener said calmly, smiling over at Twilight before he bowed his head to her politely. “It's very nice to meet you, Twilight Sparkle. Luna's told me all kinds of things about you.”

Now Twilight began to look relieved as Luna half-glared, half-grinned at the stallion: while Luna couldn't tell a lie to save her life without her nose twitching or some other tell, Scrivener could usually get away with making up any kind of story... but as the poet always says, all writers are merely liars and thieves. “Oh! I see, okay, Princess Luna... you know it's not Nightmare Night for a month or so, though, you don't have to start practicing pranks yet.”

Luna only smiled and winked, however, replying easily: “But there is always a time for pranks and fun, dear Twilight! But it is truly wonderful to see thou... oh, I know! Scrivy, take a picture!”

Scrivener sighed a little, but then he nodded, slipping up beside Luna as Twilight studied the two awkwardly for a few moments, looking over their armor and frowning nervously before she asked slowly: “So uh... why are you talking like that, Princess Luna?”

“Talking like what?” Luna asked curiously, as Scrivener pulled the camera out, and then she grinned brightly as the earth pony pulled the cap off, the winged unicorn bouncing up beside Twilight and yanking her close to her side, making the violet mare blush. “There, stay still now! 'Tis cheese!”

“Luna, I... oh, nevermind.” Scrivener rolled his eyes and raised the camera, and Twilight gave an embarrassed smile as Luna grinned cheerfully beside her. The camera flashed... but before Scrivener could even lower the camera, Spike scurried quickly in front of the ponies with a wide grin, posing with the ponies. “Oh, fine.”

He snapped a second picture, and Luna laughed before affectionately rubbing a hoof through Spike's fins, making him blush a little as she said cheerfully: “Precocious, but I like that quality in thee, Spike! And... oh, delightful, thou has brought us food, I see!”

Luna's eyes roved greedily over to the snacks sitting on the nearby table, and she bounced over as Scrivener fiddled with the camera, then rose it with a smile, taking a picture of the library interior. For a few moments, Twilight only looked at him... and then she winced at the sight of Luna gobbling down treats greedily. “Are... are you sure you're feeling alright, Princess?”

“Wow, you sure got an appetite tonight.” Spike added, and then the dragon winced a little at the pointed look Twilight gave him. “Okay, okay. But... hey, so you're named Scrivener Blooms, right? You've gotta be just about the biggest earth pony I ever saw, even bigger than Big Mac!”

Scrivy glanced over the camera at Spike, then he nodded with a slight smile before Twilight looked over at Scrivener, drawing her eyes over him before she asked curiously: “So if you're Luna's bodyguard, you know the Royal Guards, right?”

Scrivener hesitantly nodded as Luna looked curiously over her shoulder, and Twilight smiled, seeming to grow more confident. “So that means you must know Shining Armor, right?”

“Uh, yeah, good guy.” Scrivener smiled after a moment in return, before he added after a moment on a wild hunch: “I think he's mentioned you before.”

“Oh yeah?” Twilight lit up at this, looking both relieved and gladdened at once. “Nothing bad, I hope. He's always been my BBBFF but all the same he knows a lot of pretty embarrassing stories about me.”

Scrivener only looked blank at this, and Twilight laughed before she explained easily: “Big-Brother-Best-Friend-Forever.”

Luna coughed violently at this, choking on a piece of muffin that lodged in her throat as Scrivener winced, his surprise thankfully covered up by Luna's violet reaction as Twilight looked over her shoulder before the winged unicorn seized a cup and drained its contents, swallowing hurriedly back before wheezing and sitting back, looking stupidly over her shoulder at Twilight. “B-Brother? Thou has a brother?”

“Yeah...” And now Twilight was frowning again, whatever worries had been settled visibly flaring back up as she said slowly: “You were there when he was married to Cadence... heck, as Captain of the Guard I thought he was pretty well-known by both you and Princess Celestia, how could you forget that?”

“I... uh...” Luna's nose twitched, and then she grinned lamely and said finally: “Cadence, aye, 'twas... a beautiful wedding, was it not? What fortune, a marriage in Canterlot to a Captain of the Guard...”

“Yeah... lucky.” Twilight said slowly, and then she shook her head, drawing her eyes over Luna. “Do you remember how the wedding went, Princess?”

Luna cleared her throat, looking over at Scrivener pointedly, and the earth pony only shrugged with a wince before the winged unicorn said finally: “It was... very beautiful, and Cadence and Shining Armor were... very... pretty together?”

Twilight's expression didn't change, and Luna grinned lamely before Scrivener looked up and said finally: “You'll have to excuse Luna, I think she's just... tired. The long journey and everything, her fight with her sister, and everything else... we should all probably rest. And we don't want to impose, so...”

“No, no, why don't you stay here for the night?” Twilight said slowly, but she still looked suspicious as Luna fidgeted a bit and Scrivener fiddled with the camera, the violet mare looking nervously over at him. “Were you in Canterlot when the wedding occurred?”

“Nope.” Scrivener smiled a little, shaking his head and answering honestly: “I've been outside of Equestria for quite a while...” He paused, then took another wild stab: “I used to be in the Royal Guards, though, and as I recall... your brother rose through the ranks pretty quick, didn't he? He still takes his job as seriously as ever... and cares as much about his family as I recall, too.”

Twilight blushed a little at this, looking oddly reassured, and Luna gave Scrivener a horrible and half-pleading look before the earth pony smiled and passed the camera down to Spike. “Why don't I come and help you get the bedding out or set up the guest room?”

Twilight nodded slowly after a moment at this, and then she turned and gestured for Scrivener to follow, and the two headed towards the corridor, leaving Luna grumbling to herself and Spike looking at her nervously. The unicorn looked apprehensively towards the earth pony as they strode past what Scrivener suspected was the supply closet and instead entered the crowded little kitchen, and the violet mare looked worriedly at the earth pony as she asked: “What's wrong with Princess Luna? I know she's not a Changeling, she would have known about the wedding...”

“Like Chrysalis?” Scrivener looked surprised, but blurting this out actually seemed to reassure Twilight, the violet mare looking relieved as she leaned up and nodded to him with a faint smile. Then the earth pony sighed a little, paging through his mind as he looked up apprehensively before saying quietly: “Alright, alright. How do I put this...

“When Luna gets too upset, pieces of Nightmare Moon come to the surface. She gets... confused.” Scrivener said calmly and seriously, and Twilight let out a soft 'oh,' and stepped worriedly backwards, looking concerned and almost a little ashamed of herself. “It's been getting worse lately. I think that's what the fight with Celestia was about. Celestia is trying to help her but... Luna has never been very good at accepting help. It's why I'm here now, to help her.”

Twilight nodded slowly, then she frowned a bit and stepped towards him, studying him quietly before she said finally: “I feel almost like I should know you, somehow... I feel like...”

“Well, I take it you know plenty of the guards at Canterlot, right? Before I left, maybe you saw me around.” Scrivener smiled, and Twilight smiled back, looking further reassured before the earth pony said gently: “Just try and cut Luna a little slack if she acts a bit funny. She doesn't mean any harm, and she's got herself under control... at least as much as possible.”

“Alright, I'm sorry I doubted in either of you. I was just... a little worried.” Twilight said softly, smiling up at him naively, but Scrivener only shook his head and smiled in return to her, feeling a little awkward inside. He also felt Luna's frustration, but that was almost rewarding: it was nice being able to do at least one or two things that the winged unicorn had trouble with, after all. “So can I get you two anything else?”

“Coffee, maybe. But don't let us keep you up, either.” Scrivener said softly, and Twilight only smiled in return before the earth pony turned, saying easily: “Do you mind if I set up some bedding in the main room?”

“No, go right ahead!” Twilight called back with a smile. For a few moments, the unicorn turned her attention to putting on coffee, but then she shook her head quickly and turned towards the archway, beginning: “Oh, wait, the bedding is...”

But Scrivener was already pulling bedding and pillows out of the storage closet, and Twilight Sparkle felt another odd chill before she instead drew slowly back into the kitchen. She couldn't shake a bad feeling growing in her stomach... and of course there was the way the earth pony looked so calm, so steady, even though the things he said... didn't entirely make sense...

When Twilight rejoined the group, she found Luna and Scrivener sitting perhaps a little too close, but she rationalized it away by thinking of how they were both large ponies and it was a small bed. They had both discarded their armor, at least... but that only made it clear that Luna wasn't wearing either her tiara or her peytral plate, but instead had a rope of vine around her neck, inset with a black pearl engraved with what looked like a rose blossom. Likewise, Scrivener had a silver collar around his neck, inset with gemstones forming the crescent moon; and for some reason, it made her feel apprehensive.

“So your special talent is writing?” Spike said incredulously, and Scrivener laughed and nodded, drawing Twilight's interest. “But then how'd you end up a Royal Guard?”

“You mean apart from the fact I'm bigger than most ponies and have obviously been in a fight or two over my lifetime?” Scrivener asked mildly, gesturing to himself, and Twilight couldn't help but take in the scars over his body... and then note his cutie mark as her eyes widened. A quill, and more prominently, a black rose... just like was inscribed on the black pearl around Luna's neck. “Our cutie marks are our special talent, but... they don't mean that we are solely limited to that one thing, and one thing alone. Applejack's cutie mark is apples, for example, but isn't she one of the best athletes in Ponyville?”

“I... how'd you know about Applejack?” Twilight asked with a frown, and Scrivener looked up and winked across at her even as she thought she caught a gleam of unease in his eye, and Luna tossed him a plainly-nervous look.

“I saw her rodeo more than once. Kind of a fan.” Scrivener said finally, and Twilight tried to let this settle her, nodding and smiling a little: it wasn't the worst explanation, after all.

All the same, things quieted gradually as they shared their coffee, until Spike eventually headed up to bed... and Twilight followed shortly after. She sat up quietly in the darkness for a little while, listening to the sounds from below... and finally, she couldn't help but creep slowly to the edge of the second floor, leaning over the railing and looking down into the room before her eyes widened in shock at what she saw.

Scrivener Blooms was sharing a slow kiss with the Princess as they laid side-by-side, the black pearl necklace gleaming strangely in the light... and slowly, Twilight swallowed before she hurriedly drew back and headed to her room. Despite it being late, she couldn't stop herself from quickly picking up a quill and slip of parchment, scrawling a nervous note to Celestia before sending the letter on its way with a short spell.

She was surprised when, ten minutes later, Spike rolled over in his sleep, writhing a bit before belching green fire without waking up and spitting out a letter. Twilight caught it with telekinesis, drawing it over to her and wondering if she had caught the Princess on a sleepless night... before her eyes widened in shock as she whispered: “ 'Twilight Sparkle, that is an imposter. Hold them there until morning if you can. Stay safe above all else. Signed, Princess... Luna.'”

It was a long night for Twilight Sparkle... a sleepless night she spent afraid of the imposter and the large, powerful earth pony downstairs. Afraid of what they might do... afraid of what they might really be. Changelings were unlikely with how 'Luna' hadn't known anything about the royal wedding a few years ago, and as she picked apart their dialogue, she realized how much of what they said might have been guesses or outright lies.

When the sun began to rise, Twilight took a few long breaths and forced herself to leave her bed. She looked nervously at Spike, but knew that the best thing she could do was not tell him: with luck, he'd sleep through whatever was going to happen, and if not, she could send him out to pick up parchment or over to one of her friends' places with a note. She grimaced a little as she apprehensively made her way downstairs... and found Scrivener and Luna both already fitting on the last pieces of their armor, the winged unicorn looking over her shoulder with a warm smile. “Twilight Sparkle! Did thou sleep well?”

“I...” Twilight hesitated, then she smiled a little, saying finally: “Okay. What about yourselves... Princess Luna, Scrivener?”

“We had good rest.” Luna said with relish, and it made Twilight shudder a little before the winged unicorn grinned widely as she picked up her helm. “Come, Twilight. Let us take a walk, perhaps to the Everfree Forest. 'Tis the perfect time for a-”

She was interrupted as there was a knock at the door, and Twilight hurried over to it before flicking her horn and opening it. And Luna's grin faltered a little as Twilight stepped quickly backwards... and both the Princess Celestia and Princess Luna of this world strode quickly in, standing side-by-side and glaring across at them before a third figure in purple, ornate plate armor ran in and let out a sigh of relief, turning immediately to Twilight and hugging her fiercely. “Little sister, thank heaven you're okay!”

“Who are you, and why are you impersonating my sister? If this is some twisted joke, Chrysalis, don't think you'll get away unpunished this time.” Celestia said sharply, and Luna whistled a little, a wide grin spreading over her features as she looked with fascination from Celestia – complete with golden tiara and matching peytral, both inlaid with a beautiful amethyst as bright as her currently-furious eyes – to this world's Luna... a Luna who seemed a little younger, a little smaller than the proud Luna Brynhild that stood beside Scrivener Blooms, as the earth pony winced.

Then Shining Armor stepped quickly up beside Celestia as well: a unicorn with a gleaming white coat beneath his ornate armor, his eyes sharp blue, his mane and tail both streaked with lighter and darker shades of azure amidst lapis lazuli hairs. He glared across at them, then his horn glowed, and Luna and Scrivener both scowled as a faint aura shimmered around them, feeling it tickling against their bodies before he said curtly: “They're not Changelings, Princess Celestia.”

“Then what are they? Why does she look exactly like me, who... who are you?” this world's Luna asked sharply, but there was fear in her voice as well... and Luna laughed, feeling oddly delighted, gazing radiantly towards this version of herself. It was like she was looking into the past, at the pony she had once been... at something like the child she could have been, had there been no Valthrudnir...

“Wonderful.” Luna murmured... and then she rose her head proudly as Twilight nervously paced behind the two Princesses and her big brother. “Thou shan't like the answer, but I shall tell thee the truth anyway. My name... is Luna Brynhild. I am thee, Luna... I think... I think I shall call thee Little Luna. What does thou think, Scrivener, does she not seem like Little Luna to thee?”

“A little. Uh. No pun intended.” Scrivener said awkwardly, but Luna Brynhild only laughed as Little Luna glared at them and Celestia stepped forwards protectively, Shining Armor readying himself as well. “Hey, beat her up, not me. This was all her idea.”

“Oh shut up, Scrivy.” the armored mare said grouchily, and then she glanced thoughtfully out the window and grinned brightly, eyes widening in something like delight at the sight of the armored guards who had taken over the square in front of the library. “Scrivy, Scrivy, look, my husband! There must be at least a dozen, how quaint!”

“Luna, don't be a jerk.” Scrivener said mildly, and then he winced when Little Luna glared at him. “I wasn't talking to you, don't worry.”

“Enough games. Explain yourselves, immediately.” Celestia said curtly, and Luna Brynhild and Scrivener Blooms traded looks, arguing mentally before the ivory winged unicorn shook her head quickly, saying quietly: “Or perhaps for now we should escort you both back to Canterlot for questioning there.”

“Thou shall have to catch me first!” Luna Brynhild grinned widely, eyes flashing with mischief and delight before she flicked her horn firmly to the side and the window shattered in a boom of sound that surprised the others present, the armored mare laughing as she dove through this and out into the square, and Scrivener winced and immediately followed if only to try and delay the beating he suspected they were shortly going to receive from the Princesses of this world and Shining Armor. “What fun!”

Several Royal Guards ran towards her, strong-bodied Pegasi that leapt into the air... and the armored mare only grinned widely, her eyes flashing as she leapt forwards to meet them: she smashed both hooves down on the helm-covered head of one, driving him straight down into the ground and using him like an axis as she twisted her rear hooves around to slam a wicked kick into the chest of the other guard. It was strong enough to send him flying backwards with a yell of shock and pain, but it was a far-kinder blow than it seemed: it would have been much easier for Luna to just smash in his face, after all.

Then the winged unicorn leapt backwards as a unicorn flicked his horn and shot a bolt of white light towards her, easily evading the spell before she laughed and flicked her own horn upwards in response, shouting cheerfully: “No, like this!”

Blasts of lightning hammered the ground around her and around the Royal Guards, making them yell and dance back and forth as the ground was ripped up from the force of the bolts, but Scrivener only sighed: they were sent panicking, but she had missed them all on purpose. Then he winced when Shining Armor burst out of the library and charged towards him, shouting: “In the name of Equestria, stop!”

“Pummel him, Scrivener!” Luna encouraged with a wide grin, and Scrivener winced before he cursed when Shining Armor flicked his horn down, sending a blast of magical energy at him. The charcoal stallion winced when it slammed full into his chest, sending him skidding backwards as the starry-maned mare flinched slightly as well... then her eyes glowed as she grinned widely. “They have much to learn about combat in this world... teach them, Scrivener!”

Shining Armor leapt towards him, and Scrivener easily reared back and met the attack, the two ponies grappling. The unicorn looked surprised for a moment, his eyes widening as they pushed against each other before Scrivener suddenly turned and threw him down hard to the ground.

Shining Armor rolled hurriedly to the side when Scrivener dropped a heavy hoof down, crunching in the road where Shining Armor had been a moment before, and then the unicorn cursed as he leapt forwards, slashing his horn outwards... but Scrivener easily rose a hoof, catching the attack against it before he threw his other hoof forwards in a hard, straight thrust punch that smashed into Shining Armor's face and knocked him sprawling backwards with a gargle of shock as Twilight let out a shout of horror.

“Oh, shush, Scrivener did not break anything.” Luna said crossly, looking grumpily over her shoulder as Twilight and the Princesses emerged... and then the armored mare's eyes widened as both of the horns of this world's Princesses glowed, the two beginning to lean forwards before Luna Brynhild shot quickly to her husband's side, kicking both rear legs out almost absently to slam them into Shining Armor's chest as he began to get up and sending the Captain of the Guard flying away with a curse of surprise. “Scrivy!”

Scrivener dropped low, closing his eyes and bowing his head forwards as the armored mare's own horn glowed, gathering her energies before Princess Celestia and Little Luna both released concentrated beams of sapphire and golden radiance. And Luna Brynhild snarled as she swung her own horn hard down into this, a shockwave of raw energy ripping through the air around her before she leaned forwards and cursed, pushing viciously back against the beams with her glowing horn alone.

Scrivener poured his concentration and energy into his soulmate... and then he winced when Twilight Sparkle stepped up beside the Princesses, a beam of purple light firing into the mix, and Luna Brynhild hissed as she felt herself being pushed backwards as the Royal Guards and Shining Armor all stared in amazement... and then, suddenly, the armored mare looked up with a grin, her eyes glowing ivory as a grin spread over Scrivener's own features, and then both she and the charcoal stallion lashed their heads back at the same time, releasing a tremendous pulse of raw magical force.

A shockwave ripped through the air, shattering the beams of light like they were brittle shale, and the ponies of the square were knocked rolling backwards from the force of the shockwave as every window in the library shattered away into dust. An echo reverberated through the town square as the ponies that had gathered to stare at the spectacle all looked on in horror as Scrivener and Luna Brynhild were the only two left standing, both breathing hard, but grinning widely as the starry locks of the Valkyrie sizzled and twisted around her, shouting challengingly: “What's wrong, friends? Hast thou grown soft in all the peace and prosperity of this world?”

“Hey!” shouted a voice... and a moment later, a rainbow-maned mare shot down out of the skies, landing in front of the sprawled, stunned Princesses and Twilight. Her teeth were grit, magenta eyes glowing... but within seconds, she was joined by four other ponies that Luna Brynhild and Scrivener Blooms recognized all-too-well. “You can't do... that...”

Rainbow Dash reared back, staring in shock as Luna Brynhild grinned widely, looking amusedly over at Scrivener Blooms as she said cheerfully: “Well, look what we have here, beetle! It seems in this world, at least, Rainbow was satisfied with her lot... but then again, there are certain advantages to being a pretty mare, as thou knows well.”

“Shut up, Luna.” Scrivener said mildly, and then he groaned when Princess Luna glared at him from where she was climbing up to her hooves. “I didn't mean you, obviously!”

“She wishes thou meant her.” Luna Brynhild said pompously, as she drew her eyes over the five amazed, dumbfounded ponies as the others in the square carefully picked themselves up and tried to ready themselves. “So shall we continue to play the game now?”

“We need the Elements of Harmony... but...” Celestia gritted her teeth, looking towards Canterlot in the distance even as Scrivener Blooms and Luna Brynhild both looked up sharply. “How long can you hold them off?”

“I shall stay, sister. The creature wears my form and shape, I... I have to stay.” Princess Luna said quietly, stepping forwards as Twilight hurried up beside her gathered friends... Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy, all so clearly recognizable... “You go and get the Elements, we won't let them escape!”

“We'll hold them here!” Shining Armor agreed, leaning forwards as the Royal Guards hurriedly moved to flank Scrivener and Luna Brynhild from a safe distance, as if to cut off the routes of escape... but the armored mare only grinned widely.

She began to open her mouth... and then frowned when a strange buzzing filled the air, looking slowly up as Celestia's eyes narrowed slightly as well. Then Luna Brynhild winced a little, looking back and forth as she felt a distinct chill run down her spine and tingle pass through her horn, Celestia demanding sharply: “What are you doing?”

“It... it is not I...” Luna Brynhild muttered, looking back and forth before she turned suddenly towards the library, feeling a mental pressure increasing, a distinct static growing in her mind as other unicorns already began to look dizzy, confused, pained. “It is... oh no.”

Luna's eyes widened in horror as a silvery, alien creature yanked its way out of the alley on long, gangly limbs, soulless eyes of the shapeshifter glaring at Luna as the ponies of this layer stared in horror before the shapeshifter lunged suddenly forwards on its long legs, drawing an arm back that became a nest of spikes and blades... and immediately, Luna leapt forwards and slammed her horn through its chest before ripping downwards as she unleashed a telekinetic blast of force at the same time, blowing the monstrosity's upper chest to pieces and sending the rest of bursting apart into shards of light and silvery goo, ponies yelling in horror and shock as the armored mare roared over her shoulder: “Evacuate the area, fools, playtime ends! This is not for the likes of thee to handle!”

More shapeshifters swarmed forwards, some of them crawling along the wall of the tree like enormous centipedes and spiders, others skittering along the ground as ponies stared in shock. Thankfully, most of them were focused on Luna Brynhild and Scrivener Blooms, but a few were heading towards the ponies of this layer, as well.

Princess Celestia was the first to regain her senses, her golden horn glowing as she flicked it forwards, sending a blast of golden light into another of the monstrosities and knocking it backwards with a hiss, and Twilight and her friends staggered away before Celestia shouted to them: “Run, hurry!”

“Rainbow Dash, thou does not know me but listen to me!” Luna Brynhild shouted, even as she flicked her horn and sent a blast of lightning rocketing into another shapeshifter, blasting it backwards... yet the effects of the spell seemed distorted, weakened, as if something was interfering with her magic. “Make it rain! Gather as many Pegasi as possible and make it rain!”

“I...” Rainbow staggered backwards, looking hurriedly towards Celestia... and when the Princess nodded sharply, the Pegasus gritted her teeth before leaping to the air, shouting as she shot into the sky: “You better not be lying about this, whatever you are!”

The armored mare only grimaced, then she cursed when Shining Armor ran towards her and Scrivener, half-preparing herself to counter a stupid attack... but a moment later, he plowed past and slammed into another shapeshifter on the approach, knocking the creature sprawling before dodging backwards to avoid limbs that turned into blades and snapped back and forth at him, the unicorn asking sharply: “What are these things? And why are they after you?”

Before Luna Brynhild could answer, however, something else emerged from past the library: not a shapeshifter, but what looked instead like a metallic pony of horrific design. Its body was composed of warped and bent, sharpened metal plating, and instead of a a mane or tail it had heavy chains, at the end of which dangled conical spikes of crystal glowing with inner light. Its rear legs shuddered, spiked hooves tearing against the ground as it pushed itself forwards by them, and it had no front limbs but instead a single enormous, ugly gear that clanked and acted like a massive wheel.

Its eyes were as soulless as the shapeshifters, lacking ears but instead possessing large, curling horns on either side of its vaguely equine, metal features, and its jaw fell open as its gaze locked on Luna Brynhild, continuing to push itself forwards as it unleashed a horrible, aching, endless wail. The sound intensified the awful pressure in the air, and Luna cursed in shock, her eyes bulging as Rarity and Twilight both screamed, Shining Armor staggered backwards with a gargle, and even the Princesses grit their teeth and bowed their heads forwards as electricity burst up and down along their horns.

It was agonizing, and worse, distorted Luna's vision into a swirling, malevolent storm of reds and blacks, blinding her. And the static ripping through her mind impaired her other senses, handicapped her instincts and even retarded her link with Scrivener, as she stumbled backwards and shouted: “Gain distance from the monstrosity, it is emitting some kind of... anti-magic! Scrivener Blooms, silence it!”

Scrivener snarled: the bug-like shapeshifters were still swarming forwards, but the Royal Guards who were Pegasi, Applejack, and even Pinkie Pie were all moving in despite their fear to protect their stunned unicorn allies. The new monstrosity had to be taken down, Luna was right... and Scrivener charged towards it, ignoring the shapeshifters that he passed and trusting in the others to keep them off his back before he leapt forwards and slammed a hoof up into the wailing, horse-like monster's jaw.

Its mouth was slammed shut and the wailing halted, and immediately the effects of the creature were weakened: still, it was painful for Scrivener to stand even this close to the hideous beast, as if it was still emitting some spiritually-toxic field, and the earth pony snarled as he began to slam his hooves viciously back and forth into it, ignoring the pain it sent through his own body as its brittle metal body began to quickly crunch inwards, features snapping back and forth as it tried to drag itself away from Scrivener's vicious flurry of attacks.

A shapeshifter lunged at Scrivener's back as it rose a limb that became a scythe... but Shining Armor slammed into it, burying his horn through the side of its chest before he unleashed an unfocused blast of telekinesis, as he'd seen Luna do. The shapeshifter was only knocked sprawling by the attack, however, the unicorn's powers weakened severely by the horse-monster... but it was more than enough to make the drone turn its attention towards the unicorn, as Shining Armor hurriedly hauled himself away from the metallic equine Scrivener was still pounding on, feeling the effects of the anti-magic beginning to lighten immediately.

Shining Armor didn't notice the shapeshifter on his flank until too late with his senses dulled by the anti-magic effects, however, and his eyes widened in horror at the sight of the shapeshifter rearing back as one of its limbs became a vicious, sickle-like hook... but a moment later, a black axe blade tore the creature almost in half from head to waist, the shapeshifter spasming for a moment before it exploded into silvery goo and fragments of light as Shining Armor gaped at the grinning creature behind it, a sharp-fanged pony like no pony he had ever seen before before the half-demon laughed and called almost mockingly: “Nightmare Moon, you trying to have a party without me?”

Scrivener roared as he slammed both hooves down into the monstrosity's skull, and the horse-shaped creature's head was almost torn off its brittle, damaged neck a moment before the monster exploded in a blast of fire and anti-magic, Scrivener releasing a howl of agony as he was knocked crashing backwards. The effect was enough to knock Luna Brynhild rearing as cuts and bloody tears appeared over her own body to the shocked eyes of the nearby ponies, the armored mare staggering senselessly for a moment... but the shapeshifters in the radius of the blast of energy released from the self-destructing horse-monster were almost immediately turned to silvery light and liquid themselves from the potency of the pulse that ripped through their bodies.

Scrivener skidded senselessly on his back, cursing weakly as he looked up at the dreary sky overhead... and then a single droplet fell through the air, landing on his cheek like a tear and rolling slowly down it. He blinked a few times, breathing hard and staring up at the cloud-marred sky overhead... and while the air wasn't thick with fluffy clouds, there was more than enough to cover the area being swarmed in by the shapeshifters as Pegasi began to leap onto the clouds, knocking the water hidden within them out and spilling down in a short, harsh rain.

The droplets of water tore into the soulless shapeshifters like acid, melting through their silvery bodies and causing them to twitch and shiver violently, even as those that remained mindlessly continued to try and push forwards into the rainfall. Steam hissed up from their forms as they pursued their quarry even as they melted until all cohesion was lost and they fell apart like burning wax, becoming nothing more than bubbling puddles that quickly sank into the soil.

Ponies looked up in relief at this, staring into the short, saving rain as Scrivener breathed hard, armor charred and damaged, his body aching before he winced a little when Shining Armor leaned in overhead... but after a moment, the unicorn smiled dryly down at him and offered a hoof, and Scrivener sighed as he reached up and took it, letting the Captain of the Guard haul him up. They regarded one another for a moment... and then the unicorn smiled, saying dryly: “You pack a pretty good punch.”

“Well, you've caught a glimpse of who I live with.” Scrivener replied mildly, glancing over at Luna Brynhild as the armored winged unicorn grinned up at the skies, then turned her eyes to them, cyan irises warm and relieved as the sensation of malice slowly faded from the air beneath the weakening rainfall. “Thank you... Shining Armor, right?”

“Scrivener Blooms, go fetch the camera, take a picture of this handsome male so we may show our Twilight Sparkle the big brother the cruel Norns denied her in our world!” Luna Brynhild said cheerfully, and Scrivener looked mildly over at her before the starry-maned mare licked her lips slowly, stepping in towards the unicorn with a lecherous look as he winced. “Handsome indeed...”

“I'm married.” Shining Armor said awkwardly, and then he quickly turned away and saluted the Princesses as they approached, sitting back and smiling a little up at them as Celestia and Luna both frowned across at Scrivener and Luna Brynhild, the charcoal earth pony wincing but the armored mare only continuing to grin even as she turned her eyes towards them. And a moment later, they were joined by two other ponies: Scarlet Sage, smiling and nervous, fluttering down from where she had been helping bring the rain, and grinning Pinkamena, her axe secured over her back once more as she flicked her straight mane to the side.

Other ponies came in as well: Twilight Sparkle and her friends, staring in amazement and shock at the four as Rainbow Dash flew down though the air and hovered uncertainly overhead with the other Pegasi she had found to help her, and for a long few moments there was silence as the rains ended... before finally, Celestia said quietly: “I think that you better explain to me what's going on here. And I think we should do it at Canterlot.”

Luna Brynhild only leaned forwards and winked mischievously in response, however, asking kindly even as Scarlet Sage looked at her mother with something like horror: “And what is the magic word, big sister?”

Celestia looked surprised at this more than anything else, as Princess Luna gave a grouchy look at the grinning Luna Brynhild. But after a moment, Celestia smiled a little, shaking her head slowly as her rainbow mane swayed around her before asked in a courteous voice: “Would you and your friends please do me the honor of accompanying me to Canterlot, to stay as guests?”

Scrivener and Luna traded amused looks as Pinkamena snorted in entertainment, and then Luna nodded firmly after a moment, saying cheerfully: “I like thee far more than the Celestia in my world. What about thou, Twilight Sparkle and friends? I am sure thou art all very curious, after all.”

Princess Celestia sighed a little at this even as Twilight blushed and looked up hopefully... and then Spike awkwardly poked his head out of the window, asking nervously: “Did I miss something? And... why are there two Princess Lunas?”

“I suppose that answers the question. Very well, everypony who wants to come: pack up your things, and we'll meet back here in half an hour for the trip to Canterlot.” Celestia said finally, and Princess Luna smiled awkwardly as Luna Brynhild nodded firmly. For a moment, the other ponies lingered... but it was only a moment before most of the ponies went almost uncertainly on their way, likely eager to know what was going on but at the same time scared of what revelations could come.

Pinkie Pie lingered, however, looking quietly at Pinkamena... and Pinkamena smiled slightly as she studied the bright pink pony. Twilight Sparkle was standing near her almost protectively, her own eyes almost afraid as they looked at Pinkamena... but then again, Twilight had always been privy to the secrets of her friends, and it looked as if that was true in this world, too. Luna Brynhild and Scrivener Blooms both found it strangely reassuring, before they both cocked their heads as Pinkie Pie asked quietly: “You're not really me, are you? I mean you are me, but... you're not.”

“Nah.” Pinkamena shook her head, grinning as her red-rimmed eyes gazed back at Pinkie Pie, and then she said in a surprisingly-gentle voice: “You don't have to worry about me, Pinkie Pie. Just don't annoy me like sissy does, and I won't bite too hard.”

“Sissy?” Pinkie asked curiously, brightening a little, and all it took was a nod from Pinkamena before the bright pink pony whispered: “You're my... I mean her... I mean my-her-there twin!”

“Oh wonderful, you make as much sense as sissy does. Catch on a little faster than her, though, at least there is that.” Pinkamena muttered, and then she sniffed disdainfully and flicked her waterfall of a mane to the side. “I'm a half-demon. We come from a world that was never quite the best off. Scrivener's a monster and Nightmare Moon's a Valkyrie. Oh, and the Pegasus kid is a Blood Seer. End of story.”

“You sound like you all have quite a story to tell.” Celestia said softly, and Princess Luna shifted a little before her big sister reached up and touched her shoulder reassuringly, as Twilight leaned forwards even as Pinkie Pie marveled over the ponies from a different layer of reality. “It's okay, little sister. They're not here to hurt us... even if it is a little confusing that you attacked us like you did.”

“Bah, that is how we shake hooves in the world I come from.” Luna Brynhild replied cheerfully, grinning slightly. “Besides, I thought it was abundantly clear that had I wanted to actually hurt all of thee, I could have done far, far more damage. Is this not true, beetle?”

“Yes, Luna, all hail Luna.” Scrivener replied wryly, and his wife snorted and shoved at him before the male smiled and glanced towards his daughter, gesturing to her and saying quietly: “This is Scarlet Sage, our daughter. Mine and Luna's, I mean.”

Princess Luna's eyes widened slightly at this as Celestia smiled and nodded politely, looking curiously at Scarlet Sage as she blushed and bowed her head forwards, saying awkwardly: “It's... really nice to meet you. Sorry if Mom came on a little strong, she... she does that.”

Some of the suspicion remaining in Celestia's eyes visibly dropped at this, and the ivory winged unicorn smiled softly as Princess Luna looked with growing curiosity over the odd family in front of her. Then, after a moment, Princess Celestia finally replied quietly: “Well, I am sure all our questions will be answered in time. Shining Armor, please assemble the Royal Guard and make our preparations to leave... I do not think we will have to wait much longer before everypony is ready to leave.”

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