• Published 23rd Sep 2012
  • 2,958 Views, 281 Comments

Decretum - BlackRoseRaven

Realities, worlds, and good and evil collide, and Luna fights one last struggle to save Equestria.

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Particularly Troublesome Influences

Chapter Six: Particularly Troublesome Influences

Antares was growing fast: by the time he was four months old, he was happily scooting around, alternating between stumbling around on his hooves and half-dragging himself back and forth on his diapered rear. He made both Luna and Scrivener laugh, and his mother grin at the stories she would be able to later tell her son about his baby years.

He had a few small teeth already coming in, and he was in the process of slowly being weaned off Luna's milk: something Luna was rather relieved about, with the painful nips she had been getting lately from those small but sharp little teeth. He was also beginning to try and repeat words, as well as attempt to imitate his parents, and he had begun to learn how to entertain himself. The latter was admittedly nice, because it meant Luna or Scrivener could safely set the child down, and he would play with his blocks or just clap his hooves for a little while, letting his parents relax a little.

Antares was also used to the occasional strange visitor: although Luna usually bristled when they got too close, Nightmares always inspected the foal with fascination, and he stared back with curiosity instead of fear, as if he was able to somehow sense these dark things that regularly scared adult ponies into whimpering piles wouldn't hurt him. Likewise, Antares wasn't scared of Phooka, either, despite all the rumors about them stealing and gobbling down foals. Even the few full-blooded demons Antares had seen hadn't scared the child... although on the other hand, strange ponies did sometimes make the foal a little nervous. Not that Scrivener could blame him for that: as the stallion had learned, the supernatural had rules, laws, and a certain dependable order to it... ponies, on the other hoof, were often more unpredictable than Discombobulation.

Currently, the toddler was chewing on one of the Draconequus' horns as he laid moodily on the floor, pointedly attempting to ignore the baby as Scrivener and Luna smiled amusedly at their child from the bedding. Luna was almost back at full strength and proud of her recovery, and she was doing an admirable job of dividing her time between caring for Antares, attending to the little other business she had to deal with, and training with Scrivener, Twilight, and Scarlet Sage. If anything, sometimes Scrivener had to remind her to slow down, and take some days like today: just relaxing peacefully, enjoying their odd little family.

“Alright. Will one of you ponies please explain why it's still chewing on me?” Discombobulation asked finally, and Luna grinned widely as Scrivener shrugged, looking with entertainment at the Draconequus as he huffed and fidgeted a bit. “Babies are disgusting, disturbing things, and I do not enjoy that they seem to feel they have to put everything in their mouths.”

“Mow!” Antares said agreeably as he leaned up, and then the toddler scooted forwards as he stared down at Discombobulation's face, the chimerical creature wincing before grimacing in distaste as Antares Mīrus climbed carefully onto his head and half-fell over the features of the Draconequus, burbling happily and drooling a bit on the long neck of the chaos entity as Luna giggled and Scrivener snorted in amusement.

Then Bob finally reached carefully up, lifting the baby gently between his talon and hand as he sat moodily up, and Antares giggled despite the fact he was being held upside down before Discombobulation wrinkled his nose and leaned his head away from the baby's upturned bottom. “There's something rotten in Denmark. By which I mean your baby just did a boom-boom.”

“Alright, alright, I'll change him.” Scrivener said mildly, walking over and gently taking Antares from the Draconequus to put him back down on the floor, gesturing gently to the baby as he said kindly: “Come with Dad to your room.”

“Da!” Antares babbled, following after his father in his awkward, shuffling half-crawl, and Luna looked warmly after the two: Antares Mīrus, so intelligent, so willing to listen... and Scrivener Blooms, so stubborn, so compassionate, and so absolutely adoring of his son.

Then she shook her head, returning her gaze to Discombobulation as the chimerical creature rested with his legs crossed and his hands in his lap, saying moodily: “You know, it's funny. If I had to rank myself on a scale of one to ten, I'd say that I'm at the very least a frustrating sub-boss, if not worthy of having my own entire level dedicated to me. And yet here I am, babysitting a... baby. Maybe the whole reason I haven't felt like going out and causing chaos recently is because I'm constantly covered in spit-up and foal-drool.”

“Oh, stop. Thou enjoys the child, I see how happy thou art to play with him.” Luna scoffed, waving a hoof irritably, and Discombobulation looked sourly at the winged unicorn before he crawled up to his feet and rubbed moodily at his own body. “Furthermore, it could be worse, could it not? He eats little solid food, much of his diet is still just milk.”

“Yes, and that only adds to the disgust. Why? Because it's coming out of you going into him coming out of him going onto me, that's why.” Discombobulation hugged himself and shivered in disgust. “That is utterly-”

And then there was a loud bang as the front door was booted open, and the Draconequus stared down the hallway before a loud, cheerful yell rose through the house, and a figure boldly charged down the corridor and headbutted Discombobulation in the crotch, knocking him flat on his back with a gargle. The enormous chestnut-colored earth pony grinned as he pounced immediately on top of the Draconequus, a silvery breastplate gleaming over his body and a mane and tail of living vines writhing backwards, precious gemstones glinting brilliantly inside these as he declared cheerfully: “Why, thou art the most handsome chaos beast upon which I have ever laid my eyes! Tell me, Ginnungagap entity, art thou a friend of my little... oh, sister, there thou art, I must have missed thee with mine attention captured so by this odd creature!”

“Sleipnir!” Luna cried happily, leaping to her hooves and throwing herself at the male, and Sleipnir easily caught her in a tight embrace, squeezing her close with a warm smile as his hazel eyes burned with optimism and good cheer. “Oh, my beloved brother! It had been far too long, and now here thou art!”

“Here I am.” Sleipnir said agreeably, as Luna drew back, and the enormous mane straightened as he beat a hoof firmly against the emblem of the ash tree over his breast: it was the same image as the cutie mark on his flank, and the huge, broad-bodied male laughed heartily as he stepped carefully off Discombobulation, who was still laying prone on his back and staring stupidly up at the ceiling. “Kvasir, see? I was right!”

The only response to this was a grunt... and a moment later, a beetroot-colored unicorn stepped into the room, looking moodily back and forth before Discombobulation's eyes suddenly narrowed, and the chaos spirit vanished from the floor to reappear a short distance away, glaring at the unicorn: his mane and tail were both beautiful gold, and his horn a pearly white, as were his strange eyes. An image of a green bottle with a smoky red cloud above it adorned his flank, and Luna snorted in amusement, clearly sensing that this was no unicorn even before Sleipnir said kindly: “Little sister, this is my ward, Kvasir. I am sure thou knows of him, and that he is no pony, but we thought it best for him to take on this disguise for now. Father asked me to bring him to Ponyville, to have him mingle and meet some of the ponies of this world.”

“I do not see why. I have no need to meet mortals.” Kvasir said distastefully, and then he grimaced a bit as his eyes roved towards Discombobulation, adding moodily: “Especially mortals who so readily accept such... riffraff into their ranks.”

Discombobulation snorted at this, then he crossed his arms and asked moodily: “So are you the new asshole in my life?”

“Discombobulation, please!” Luna scolded, but she was grinning a bit despite herself as Sleipnir looked with amusement towards the Draconequus. “Thou shall have to excuse him. He is not usually so vulgar, but I fear that the presence of certain other supernatural entities tends to aggravate him. Not that I can entirely blame the creature...”

“Aye, aye, fear not. I hold none against any of thee, and neither shall Kvasir.” Sleipnir looked at the fledgling god pointedly, and Kvasir gave a long, despondent sigh, rolling his eyes grouchily before he nodded his head moodily, making the enormous earth pony smile and reach up to slap the beetroot unicorn firmly on the shoulder, causing Kvasir to wince and almost fall over. “Excellent! Now, where is my nephew?”

“He's right over here. Come on, Antares, come and meet your uncle.” Scrivener said softly as he approached with a smile: despite everything, he felt Luna's overwhelming happiness filling his own spirit... and admittedly, there was a bit of a sense of his own awe at Sleipnir, too. Sleipnir, Luna's big brother, who she took after so much... who fulfilled the definition of 'hero' in so many ways and senses that if Scrivener had never met the stallion himself, he would have thought it was all just lies and exaggeration.

Behind him, Antares was carefully stumbling along, looking hesitantly out from behind his father at the noise... and although the foal looked apprehensive at first at the sight of Kvasir, the moment Sleipnir gently pushed the god aside, Antares lifted his head slightly and nervously strode out from behind his father, surveying Sleipnir as Sleipnir dropped down onto his stomach and leaned forwards with a bright, happy look on his face as he whispered: “By my Father's face, look at him! Handsome, strong, aye, perfect!”

“He's just a baby, there's nothing special about him.” Kvasir said irritably... and then Sleipnir rose a rear hoof and irritably booted him into the next room, the god falling on his back with a curse of frustration before he wheezed: “You're supposed to protect me!”

“That was protection, Kvasir, if I had not hit thee then my sister would have, and she does not have the self-control I do.” Sleipnir retorted as Luna glared balefully towards the sprawled-out god, and Kvasir winced a little before Sleipnir returned his attention to Antares as the foal crept forwards towards him, and the giant earth pony stood slowly back up: as large as Celestia but with a burlier and bulkier build, he made Luna and Scrivener both seem almost small in comparison... and yet all the same, Antares stepped forwards, looking more confident before Sleipnir reached out and swept the foal up with a grin, sitting back and cradling him in his strong forelimbs as he said warmly: “What a handsome child!”

Antares burbled happily and reached up to push a hoof against Sleipnir's muzzle, and the earth pony laughed before he looked warmly at Scrivener Blooms, saying easily: “And he looks just like thou, but with his mother's eyes!”

“Yes, he's a real Harry Potter, alright.” Discombobulation said dryly, and when Sleipnir glanced with confusion over his shoulder, the Draconequus frowned before he nodded wisely. “Oh, that's right! You're new here, aren't you? Well, first you have to enter your name in the dialogue box, and then we'll explain the rules as we go.”

“Do not worry about the Draconequus, he speaks in things stolen from other worlds.” Luna informed, and Sleipnir nodded thoughtfully a few times before the earth pony returned his eyes to the child, Luna smiling warmly as she murmured: “I am so glad he has taken to thee well, and that thou approves, big brother.”

“Approves? What, like I would approve of a sandwich? Nay, I do not simply approve of this handsome babe, I adore my nephew already!' Sleipnir said cheerfully, tossing the foal in the air and making Luna and Scrivener both flinch and stare as Antares sailed up almost to the ceiling with a giggle, then fell back down to be caught securely in Sleipnir's hooves, the enormous stallion looking brightly down at the baby. “Oh, does thou like to fly? Well, come, let us go outside and I shall show thee the skies!”

“No.” Luna said flatly, and Sleipnir huffed and looked at her grouchily before he winced when Luna punched his armored side, saying grouchily: “And do not throw him again or I shall throw thou into the air.”

“Oh, little sister, thou worries too much. The colt is strong!” Sleipnir said cheerfully, and then he smiled warmly down at the baby as Antares reached for one of the hanging vines of Sleipnir's mane. “Aye, strong, handsome, he will grow up to be as powerful as his mother and handsome as his father!”

Sleipnir grinned widely, winking across at Scrivener, and the charcoal earth pony cleared his throat before Kvasir sighed grouchily, leaning moodily in from the kitchen to look at the child as he said grumpily: “Alright, this is all very nice, but can we go now?”

“We have only but arrived, Kvasir, show some patience... fear not, tonight I shall find thee fair lodgings in Ponyville, and thou shan't have to follow me from place-to-place as I visit with my siblings and family.” Sleipnir said kindly, his eyes roving towards the unicorn for a moment before he turned to smile at the Draconequus. “By the way, I believe that we have not been introduced, Ginnungagap entity. I am Sleipnir and thou must be Discombobulation. I have heard stories about thee, creature, that have made me laugh endlessly. Is is true thou wert Discord's apprentice?”

“Not apprentice. Servant. Serf. Slave. Other s-words denoting that he was in charge and I had to listen to pretty much everything he ordered.” the chimerical creature replied dryly, and Sleipnir nodded thoughtfully as Kvasir looked up with mild interest. “I suppose for the sake of pleasantries it's nice to meet you as well. The stories Luna tells about you have also made me laugh. Mostly because I have to wonder if you're legally mentally handicapped or not.”

“Most likely.” Sleipnir agreed cheerfully, and a small smile twitched at Discombobulation's face before the earth pony grinned widely as he shifted Antares easily to one limb, knocking on his own skull with the other. “See, I have taken many a blow to the head over the years, and drank myself drunk quite near a state of death on many other occasions.”

“You sound like a frat boy.” the Draconequus commented wryly, and then he looked over at Kvaisr and extended a hand, leaning forwards with a calm smile and saying kindly: “Perhaps we got off on the wrong foot. My name is Discombobulation, and it is a pleasure to meet you.”

Kvasir looked surprised at this, and then he reached a hoof moodily up to shake, and Discombobulation grasped this with a smile before Kvasir squeaked as his mane puffed out and shocks of electricity ran through his body, the chimerical creature pumping the god's hoof a few times before he drew his hand back and looked meditatively down at the small, circular diode strapped to one finger. “Oh my. I must have forgotten I had that on. Clumsy, silly me.”

And with that, the Draconequus simply vanished from the spot even as Sleipnir and Luna both laughed and Scrivener rolled his eyes, Kvasir cursing under his breath before he scrambled awkwardly up to his hooves and snapped: “Stop it! Infernal chaos entity, how can you let a creature like that simply run around, free to do as it pleases?”

“'Tis very simple, we do not put him on a leash.” Luna replied blandly after a moment, and Sleipnir laughed louder at this, Antares giggling as well in the safe grip of the earth pony before the enormous stallion finally put the foal down, and the toddler happily scooted away towards a pile of his toys. “Besides, Kvasir, can I not apply the same logic to thee? Thou art a god, aye? I have not met many gods I have been very fond of.”

“Oh, shush, little sister, be kind!” Sleipnir said gently, and then he smiled encouragingly to the unicorn as Kvasir muttered, smoothing down his flaxen mane and glaring at the others. “Now come, friend. I have much I wish to discuss with my family, and thou should join us and listen in. Luna is wiser than she acts, and whilst I may tease the poet she married about most things, he is perhaps wiser still than my beloved little sister in his own way. And his merits as a poet, I have been told, are great, but Luna has also warned me that poets are far worse monsters than even fearsome Tyrant Wyrms.”

“How can you even joke about something like that? Valthrudnir's parasites caused mass devastation, were the weapons of the most fearsome Jötnar ever to exist!” Kvasir snapped. Sleipnir, however, only smiled in return, shaking his head slowly and making the frustrations of the god visibly mount. “What? What am I missing?”

“It is not that thou art missing anything, my friend, it is that thou simply are not... understanding.” Sleipnir said delicately, but his gaze was kind as he reached a hoof out and rested it on the god's shoulders, looking at him kindly. “Aye, the Tyrant Wyrms were fierce and savage, and none of us here underestimate what evils they have wrought across realities. But nor do we pointlessly dwell on what has happened and what is past. They are defeated memories now, ghosts-that-were... they can no more harm us now than any other whisper from the past.”

Kvasir looked moody at this, and Luna and Scrivener traded looks before Sleipnir laughed and shook his head, turning a grin back towards his little sister. “Besides. No Tyrant Wyrm was ever a match for us, aye? No matter how big or small, no matter what manner of beast it was!”

Luna gave her brother an amused look in return, replying easily: “Aye, because we always had Celestia to rely upon, big brother... as I recall, thou wert often injured when forced into the fight with the Wyrms and their kindred.”

“Oh, but we were young back then, sister, and we all suffered injury at their claws, did we not?” Sleipnir smiled, and then he turned and strode over to Antares, gazing tenderly down at the foal and reaching out to gently rub a hoof along the child's back, drawing the baby's attention away from his blocks and making him burble and giggle a little. “Aye, we have all known our share of pain and strife. But it has never done much to slow any of us down, either, has it?”

The winged unicorn laughed and shook her head a little as Kvasir grouchily strode into the room, his eyes roving up to study the paintings on the wall as Scrivener slipped towards the kitchens to put on coffee and prepare a few snacks. For a few moments, there was quiet, as Sleipnir's fascination was once more drawn towards the baby and the baby once more stared up at Sleipnir, reaching up to paw a hoof quietly at the mane of vines.

Then, finally, Kvasir said in a moody voice: “These pictures aren't the best in the world, but I've seen worse. Who painted them?”

“I did.” Luna said grouchily, as Scrivener did his best to suppress his laughter in the kitchen as he looked over his shoulder at Kvasir, who was now visibly wincing. “Thou truly must be a generous god to speak so nicely of my painted pictures. Why, I am just so glad thou noticed them.”

Kvasir was quiet... and then, finally, he looked over at Luna and asked slowly: “Why is a Valkyrie painting? Art is a frivolous pursuit... at least, that's what Valthrudnir always said, and from what I have read of the Valkyries, they were programmed to be warriors, not-”

“We were not programmed, like infernal machines or magical devices!” Luna snapped, glaring at the god, and the beetroot unicorn winced and stepped carefully backwards as the winged unicorn looked at him darkly. “We may have been made by the gods but we had free will, and free life! Had we been built like machines we would have all been the same... but each and every one of us forty-and-one Valkyries had our own personality, our own quirks, were ranked based upon our strengths; and Freya was like a goddess herself!”

“Freya, yes. She and her twin brother, Frey...” Kvasir began, and then he winced when Luna glared at him furiously and stomped her front hooves against the ground, making the unicorn skitter backwards with a wince. “What did I say?”

“Now, Luna, calm down.” Sleipnir said gently, and Luna tossed her starry mane as electricity sparked through it, continuing to glare but sitting firmly down on her haunches as Sleipnir's eyes roved towards Kvasir, saying in the same quiet but serious voice: “We do not speak of the ill-fated twin, does thou understand? For what happened to him is why sister has always been so driven to look after us... after, of course, she first tried to reject me from her life.” Sleipnir paused, then grinned. “Although perhaps that had to do with more than simply emotions of the past rising up in what then was the present.”

Luna relaxed a little as she looked towards her brother, softening, and then Sleipnir laughed and shook his head slowly, murmuring: “Oh, little sister. How clearly I recall the past, and the past-long-passed! I know not whether I am blessed or cursed, my beloved sibling... well, with these infernal memories, anyway. In every other aspect of life I am quite fortunate, after all. I have lovely sisters, a handsome nephew, walk once more upon the ground with nature singing her songs to me, and I am a very large and handsome stallion with a very large and handsome-”

“Sleipnir.” Luna gave him an amused look as Scrivener strode calmly out of the kitchen, carrying a large tray loaded with coffee, sugar and cream in small jars, and a small variety of baked goods.

Sleipnir only looked offended, however, then Scrivy winced as the enormous, vine-maned earth pony threw a foreleg around him, Luna hurriedly leaning forwards as her horn glowed and catching the tray with telekinesis before it could fall. “Sister, thou has a dirty mind! I was speaking of little brother here, of course!”

With that, Sleipnir loudly kissed Scrivener's cheek, and the charcoal earth pony winced before the larger stallion laughed and slapped him firmly on the shoulder, knocking him flat to the ground before Sleipnir looked thoughtfully down at him, then grinned brightly and stomped a hoof. “Oh, that's it! Brother, thou art not wearing thy pretty collar today!”

“See, Scrivy?” Luna said triumphantly, as she put the tray down, and then she grinned as her horn glowed and a mug of coffee floated upwards, taking a short sip before she said with relish: “It does fit him, doesn't it?”

“Aye, it does, it accents his pretty eyes. Thy husband is a very handsome mare.” Sleipnir replied seriously, and Scrivener grumbled a little as he climbed back to his hooves, then winced when Sleipnir firmly slapped his flank with a lecherous grin. “By-the-by, sister, how much would I have to pay, theoretically, to buy him off thee for an evening?”

“Sleipnir! My husband is neither prostitute nor slave to be bought!” Luna said in an outraged voice, and then she grinned widely, leaning forwards as Scrivener gave her the most horrible look he could from behind his glasses. “But as he is my property I shall loan him to thee for a night.”

Scrivener sighed a little, and Kvasir snorted in amusement before he frowned when Scrivener closed his eyes and bowed his head forwards when Luna began to sip her coffee again... and instead of the mug floating up to her mouth, as Scrivener concentrated, the mug instead toppled forwards and spilled its contents over Luna's muzzle and splashed out over her body, making her yell in shock as she fell on her back and flailed her hooves wildly, starry mane and tail spasming as Sleipnir threw his head back and laughed loudly and Antares looked hurriedly around at the noises, but then only giggled at the sight of Luna rolling back and forth before the baby let out a loud, squealing laugh and flopped over himself to try and imitate his mother.

Then Luna flicked her horn, and a blue pulse emanated over her body before she leapt up to her hooves, glaring at Scrivener as he smiled complacently and picked up his own mug of coffee, toasting her before sipping slowly at it. Luna began to open her mouth, but Scrivener only needed to tilt his head slightly to the side... and a moment later, the winged unicorn's jaws slowly closed and her teeth clenched as her eyes settled on the sight of Antares, the baby still giggling and flopping around on the floor.

Kvasir, meanwhile, looked with renewed interest back and forth between the two before his eyes roved to Scrivener Blooms, asking finally: “How did you do that, mortal? You're only a simple earth pony, aren't you?”

“Simple earth pony? Thou art only a simple god!” Sleipnir snorted in amusement, wrapping a friendly foreleg around Scrivener's shoulders, something which made him wince a little even as he sipped slowly at his coffee again, the enormous, vine-maned stallion grinning widely. “Nay, he and my sister are soul-bound, Kvasir. What happens to one affects the other... 'tis something I am rather envious of, if thou must know. I can only hope that one day I find a mare half as pretty and dedicated as Scrivener is to my little sister.”

“I hate you both.” Scrivener muttered, and Sleipnir nodded amiably before the poet looked up and shrugged a bit at the frown on Kvasir's face. “Luna and I feel each other's pain, and each other's emotions. I can also add my concentration and energies to her magic... or, as it so happens, interfere with her powers if the urge takes me.”

“Aye, frustrating beetle.” Luna grumbled grouchily, and then she sighed a little as Antares finally slowed down, the baby quietly putting one of his hooves into his mouth and chewing slowly at it. “Scrivy, where is Antares' sucker?”

“I think it's in his crib. I'll go get it.” Scrivener carefully slipped away from Sleipnir, then put his coffee down and headed down the corridor. Luna watched him go moodily, then she quickly leaned forwards and picked up his mug of coffee, guzzling it greedily down before dropping it on the tray with a grunt.

Kvasir looked moodily down at the mugs as Sleipnir picked up one himself, chuckling a little before he smiled at the unicorn when the god nervously took one of the cups of coffee, gazing down at the contents grumpily as he muttered: “A Valkyrie who paints and bound her soul to a mortal earth pony... why Odin speaks so highly of you, I'll never know.”

Luna only smiled dryly in response, but Sleipnir cut her off before she could say anything, raising a hoof and saying easily: “Perhaps, little sister, we should give a demonstration of what thou and Scrivener Blooms are capable of... I mean, it must be a record as it is, we've been sitting here having pleasant conversation and none of us have yet been pummeled! Why, it feels completely unnatural!”

The winged unicorn snorted in amusement, and then she leaned backwards, calling easily: “Fetch Antares' throne! We are going to play a game with my big brother outside.”

Scrivener gave a loud groan at this, but Sleipnir looked delighted, hurriedly drinking down his coffee before he winked over at Kvasir, who didn't seem quite as thrilled. “Excellent! Why does such a sour look adorn thy handsome features? This is most excellent indeed, after all, it has been months since this opportunity last presented itself, and countless years since I have had the pleasure of battling upon the soil of beloved Midgard!”

“I fail to see how this is a cause for celebration.” Kvasir replied moodily, and Sleipnir rolled his eyes with a grin before the unicorn added sourly: “You are supposed to be protecting me, and you are supposed to listen to me.”

“I am protecting thee!” Sleipnir replied reasonably, nodding his head a few times. “This way, Luna may work out her frustrations upon my head, and thus she shall not stab thee the moment thy foolish mouth begins to flap again and thou insults her or her husband or her handsome little baby boy. As to the listening part... well, I have simply never been very good of that. Just ask my sister Celestia, we used to drive her mad, did we not?”

“Aye, we did.” Luna smiled warmly, looking nostalgic for a moment before she winked at the earth pony. “And worry not, Sleipnir, I still continue to frustrate Celestia to this day. That shall never change.”

“Excellent.” Sleipnir said comfortably, and then he turned and easily scooped up Antares, making the baby giggle before he slipped the toddler over his shoulders, Luna wincing a bit even as Antares happily clung to his uncle's broad back before the male bounced cheerfully down the hall. “Enough talk, 'tis time for play!”

“Sleipnir, if thou drops my child, I cannot begin to express the pummeling thou shalt receive!” Luna shouted in a frustrated voice, and she hurried forwards down the corridor, grumbling under her breath as Kvasir grimaced in distaste.

Scrivener was already out on the front deck, setting up a small, circular chair, and he winced when Sleipnir bounded out before bucking forwards and sending Antares flying over his head, the baby giggling before Sleipnir easily caught him in his front hooves with a grin... but Scrivener pointedly reached out and took the baby away from the larger stallion, looking moody. Sleipnir looked almost hurt... and then Luna plowed into his back and knocked him flying forwards to crash and roll several times through the yard, as the winged unicorn snapped: “What did I say about tossing my baby?”

“I did not throw him! At least, not with my hooves!” Sleipnir complained in return, then he huffed and quickly scrambled back up to a standing position, irritably brushing his breastplate off. “So many rules. Bah. Thou art becoming another Celestia.”

Luna glowered at this, then she looked grumpily at Scrivener as the earth pony calmly went about the process of carefully fitting Antares into the comfortable, low baby seat, the toddler giggling and bouncing firmly in place in the doughnut-shaped chair before Scrivener smiled as he carefully fitted a knitted cap over the baby's head, Antares looking up at him happily as Luna said dryly: “The baby is fine, Scrivy. He is not soft like thou art.”

“Shush, Luna.” Scrivener said gently, and then he plucked up a brightly-colored pacifier before gently slipping this into Antares' mouth, and the baby smiled around it, bouncing contentedly with the pacifier in his jaws before the poet straightened and glanced over at Luna, who softened visibly. “Alright, let's... get this over with.”

Sleipnir snorted in amusement as Luna and Scrivener strode out into the yard, and the enormous vine-maned stallion grinned widely as he danced backwards, surprisingly-light on his hooves for such a large equine as he said easily: “Excellent! So are we ready to begin?”

“Art thou truly so eager to be pummeled, Sleipnir?” Luna asked in an entertained voice, and she and Scrivener traded a look and a smile... and as their eyes locked, Scrivener felt his mind flooded with images, a gentle warning among them to not underestimate her big brother, and a reminder that this was a spar... but the last seemed more for Luna's own sake than anything else. Then their gaze broke, and Luna returned her eyes to Sleipnir, saying calmly: “Aye, we are ready if thou art, brother.”

“Good.” Sleipnir nodded firmly, glancing towards the deck as Kvasir moodily sat at the edge of it, looking morbidly out into the yard. “Pay attention now! Thou may learn something yet!”

“I have no interest in barbarian games.” Kvasir replied grouchily, and then he grimaced when Antares burbled a little beside him and looked up at the strange unicorn, studying him with the intentness that only a baby could manage as the god leaned slowly away. “Just make this quick, I do not desire to continue wasting my time here.”

Sleipnir huffed at this, then he looked towards Luna and Scrivener, bowing his head deeply before raising it with a wide grin, setting himself as he shouted cheerfully: “Fear not, I shan't injure thee too badly!”

And with that, Sleipnir charged forwards, but Luna and Scrivener were both ready, Luna feeling excitement pulsing through her being, and Scrivener a sense of both anxiety... and a strange, deep desire to do as well as he possibly could, even faced with a legend he couldn't help but feel both respect and a sense of idolization for. Which made him feel stranger still with these warrior instincts passed on from Luna telling him that if he truly did want to show how much he thought of this behemoth, the best way to do so would be by helping Luna pummel her big brother into the ground.

Sleipnir lunged towards Luna, who grinned widely as she leapt forwards, meeting both his front hooves with her own and allowing him to shove her back, gritting her teeth as she was slammed down on her back even as they grappled... and then Scrivener Blooms leapt forwards, landing on Sleipnir's back and making him wince before he stomped both rear hooves firmly down as Luna slammed her own back legs up in a vicious kick that hit just below the edge of his breastplate, Sleipnir wheezing as his eyes bulged before he bucked hard backwards in an attempt to dislodge Scrivener, but the smaller earth pony only winced, scrabbling for balance before he slammed several firm blows into the back of Sleipnir's head, making the vine-maned stallion curse before another kick rammed into his stomach from below.

The enormous stallion threw himself sideways, and Scrivener half-jumped, half-fell off Sleipnir's back, landing heavily on his side with a wheeze before he rolled once and crawled hurriedly up to his hooves, gritting his teeth. Sleipnir was already on his own, however, his attention now turning to Scrivener even as Luna leapt at his back... but without even looking, Sleipnir slammed both rear hooves backwards, sending them crashing into Luna's face and knocking her flying away as Scrivener's own head snapped to the side and his glasses flew off his muzzle from the violence of the whiplash, cursing as blood spurted from his nostrils before Sleipnir leapt forwards and shouted cheerfully: “Far too easy, I fear!”

He brought a hoof back... and then Scrivener slammed his head into Sleipnir's face, stunning the vine-maned pony before the poet leapt backwards, and Sleipnir briskly shook his skull before he blinked a few times, saying in a surprised voice: “Thy skull must be thicker than a mountain! By the gods, Scrivener Blooms, I have been headbutted by dragons with less strength!”

Scrivener grinned awkwardly, even as stars flickered in front of his vision for a moment before he looked past Sleipnir as Luna shot towards his back again... and once more, Sleipnir threw a hard kick backwards: this time, however, Luna immediately dropped low, skidding beneath him before she swung her horn viciously upwards, and Sleipnir squeaked at the sound of metal being torn asunder before he reared back and rose his front hooves... but with only a flick of her horn firmly upwards, Luna released a pulse of raw force that sent the enormous stallion flying high into the air with a yell of frustration, flailing his limbs wildly before Luna rolled onto her back as Scrivener dropped his head forwards, pouring his own concentration into Luna before she snapped her horn forwards and sent a blue fireball rocketing upwards.

Sleipnir winced at this, but then he quickly spun his body in midair, regaining his balance before he slammed a hoof out and punched the fireball as if it was a physical object, sending it flying back towards Luna as Scrivener gaped in shock... but Luna only grinned widely, flicking her horn upwards and slashing viciously into the sapphire flames, knocking them shooting back up towards her brother as he continued to fall. The stallion's eyes widened before the fireball impacted with his chest and exploded in a brilliant blast of blue flame that knocked him sailing backwards, sending him crashing down onto his back in a hail of pieces of armor as Kvasir stared in shock and Antares gaped, the baby's pacifier falling from his mouth as his eyes went wide.

Luna rolled to her hooves as Sleipnir crashed to the ground like a meteor, Scrivener hurrying beside her... and then Sleipnir laughed loudly from where he was laying on his back, brushing burnt pieces of broken metal off his body as a few gemstones and charred vines fell from his mane, shaking himself briskly as he grinned in entertainment. He was singed, but otherwise seemed mostly-unharmed, Scrivener scarcely able to believe how resistant to magic the enormous stallion had to be before Sleipnir declared cheerfully: “Excellent! Excellent indeed, sister!”

He rolled his head on his shoulders, now-bare body flexing: it made the tattooing of vines and ivy intertwined amidst all variety of celestial symbols over his breast and down his strong right limb seem to writhe as if alive, and then he leaned forwards, grinning wider and winking as he said easily: “But if thou really wanted to see me with my armor off, sister, all thou had to do was ask...”

“Sleipnir, focus.” Luna said flatly, and Sleipnir huffed at her before shaking himself briskly out. Then the winged unicorn smiled slightly, her eyes narrowing as she leaned forwards and said calmly: “Thou wins if thou succeeds in knocking one of us out. Scrivener Blooms and I win if we pin or land a mortal blow. Understood?”

“Well, as long as the blow is not really mortal, then aye. I do not wish to die again, sister, I am not entirely sure if I shall go to Valhalla or simply cease to exist.” Sleipnir said blandly, and Luna sighed and rolled her eyes, looking frustrated... before Sleipnir grinned and immediately took this moment of distraction, charging forwards and seizing both Scrivener Blooms and Luna by the throats with his front hooves before they could react, their eyes widening for a moment before he slammed them both firmly down on their backs, pinning the two ponies easily as they both grunted in shock. “Did I win?”

Luna glared up at Sleipnir, and then both she and Scrivener Blooms angled a rear leg beneath the enormous stallion and kicked savagely upwards, knocking him backwards with a squeak as he went bowlegged and stumbled hurriedly backwards. Both ponies leapt up to their hooves, and Scrivener Blooms charged forwards first, slamming a hoof across Sleipnir's muzzle before ducking low and letting Luna lash a hoof across his face, then bow into a slice of her horn into Sleipnir's chest even as the enormous stallion tried to back-step, before cursing and swinging a front hoof out when Scrivener rushed forwards.

The charcoal earth pony winced, barely bringing his forelegs up in time before Sleipnir's own limb crashed against them and knocked him flopping onto his back, skidding through the grasses, but it gave Luna the opportunity to leap forwards, seizing Sleipnir around the neck before her wings flapped hard as she twisted her whole body to the side, and the stallion cursed as he was flung to the ground towards Scrivener. Immediately, Sleipnir began to scramble upwards, but before he could, both of Scrivener's rear hooves slammed into the back of his head, and the enormous vine-maned stallion saw stars as his eyes bulged and a bit of drool fell from his agape jaws.

He flailed wildly at the air, half-rolling onto his back instead of his hooves as he'd planned... and then he squeaked when Luna ducked and stabbed downwards, feeling the tip of her horn bury into his chest before the winged unicorn grinned widely, beginning to declare: “It seems that I-”

Still a little stunned and running on instinct more than anything else, one of Sleipnir's hooves lashed out and smashed Luna across the face, knocking her stumbling to the side as her vision went blurry, feeling her thoughts grind to a halt as her body went numb instead of agonized... and then she keeled slowly over into the grasses as Scrivener stared blankly before he collapsed to the ground as well, the two ponies knocked unconscious as Sleipnir sat dumbly up... then winced and grabbed at his head, looking horrified. “Oh by Mimir's head what have I done?”

“What you set out to do?” Kvasir asked disinterestedly, looking grumpy at most before he sighed and looked up at the sky, complaining: “We've spent what feels like hours here, indulging your boring-”

“Oh, fear not, Kvasir, when my sister awakens things will cease to be boring.” Sleipnir muttered, and then he brightened a bit as he looked at Scrivener Blooms, who was laying prone on his back with his legs half-raised in the air, drooling stupidly into the grass. “Wait! Perhaps I can awaken the poet without raising my sister into consciousness... then we can hurriedly flee before she pummels me!”

“You're an enormous coward.” Kvasir said moodily, and Sleipnir glared at the god, who only snorted and rose a hoof in distaste as Antares whimpered a little in his play-seat. “Why don't we just leave if you're so scared?”

“I am not a coward, I simply know what awaits me when my sister awakens. There is not cowardice in prudence.” Sleipnir retorted, and then he added grouchily, as he turned towards Scrivener Blooms and began to poke the unconscious stallion with one hoof: “And her rage will be magnificent as it is. I do not want to imagine what her fury will be like if she discovers we left her child unattended as well.”

Then he paused and finally reached up to cover Scrivener's nostrils, and the earth pony snorted, then coughed and wheezed, his eyes fluttering slowly open before he looked blankly up at Sleipnir as Sleipnir peered down over him. “I. Where am I?”

“Outside.” Sleipnir answered cheerfully, and Scrivener groaned, grasping at his throbbing skull before he slowly sat up as the stallion said hurriedly: “'Twas a most energizing match, but I fear that Kvasir and I must take our leave... oh, thou and sister were so tired that thou both just... fell down asleep, but I thought I should at least awaken thee so as-”

“Wait, I remember!” Scrivener looked up sharply, and then he leapt forwards and brought his hooves down on Sleipnir's head as his eyes took on an odd glow, feeling a very Luna-like anger overtaking him as Sleipnir yelped and dropped low, covering his head as Scrivener pummeled on the much-larger earth pony and snapped in a voice that sounded distinctly like Luna's: “Great, blithering idiot! Don't you ever think before you act?”

“Oh by Mimir's blasted head, he is possessed by mine beloved sister!” Sleipnir winced, looking horrified before he skittered backwards and turned, bounding through the yard as Scrivener shot after him, his eyes still glowing oddly as Luna's fury raged through his conscious mind while her unconscious body twitched, hooves pawing weakly at the air as Scrivener's own thudded over the grasses and swung wildly at Sleipnir. “What foul magic is this? Get away from me, accursed creature! Thou art more terrifying than Celestia!”

“The soul link goes both ways, Sleipnir! Trying to wake Scrivener up to avoid me, I'll show you!” Scrivener shouted, although it was clearly Luna choosing the words as he continued to chase the terrified Sleipnir through the yard before the enormous earth pony finally skidded around in a wide turn and ran onto the forest path, yelping as Scrivener slid to a halt, stomping his hooves violently against the ground and tossing his mane as he snapped: “Dammit, Sleipnir, you're only going to make this worse on yourself!”

Then he huffed before twitching and grabbing at his head as Kvasir strolled moodily by, the god grumbling and not even offering a farewell before Scrivener mumbled: “Luna, please don't ever, ever do that again. Now get out of my head and go back to your own body.”

There was a grumble inside his mind, and then a sense of a consciousness retreating, although Luna's body remained laying prone and unconscious. For a few moments, Scrivener only looked down the forest path, and then he sighed as he turned around, walking over to her knocked-cold body... but instead of waking her up, he simply sighed again and turned, moodily heading over to Antares, who was still whimpering a little, looking confused by everything that had gone on.

Scrivener leaned down and kissed his son's forehead quietly, the sight of Antares instantly calming him... and Antares smiled a little, reassured by his father's presence before Scrivener carefully pushed the play-chair backwards on the wheels hidden on the bottom of it, making Antares giggle a little as Scrivy guided it towards the open door and carefully pushed his son inside and all the way back to the den room. He smiled at him, then turned his eyes to the stack of soft toys before picking up a small hoof-puppet, gently giving this to the foal, and the toddler took it with a burble from behind his pacifier, squeezing it between his hooves childishly.

The charcoal stallion gave a small smile, then he went about the process of cleaning up the living room, content for the moment to leave Luna laying out in the front yard after her abuse of his body. Once he was done, and after giving a glance to Antares to ensure the infant was still happily distracted, the earth pony walked down the corridor and headed back outside, striding over to Luna's body and looking down at her meditatively.

Finally, he turned around, then sat down on her stomach, and Luna wheezed in shock and flailed her hooves wildly as she snapped awake, her mane and tail both sparking and lashing through the air before she glared up at him, but Scrivener only looked back down at her mildly before he said blandly: “That really went well.”

“Scrivener, get thy enormous flank off of me. Thou hast already made thy point.” Luna mumbled moodily, and then she sighed a little and pawed grouchily at him with a hoof when Scrivener only looked down at her grumpily. “Stupid Sleipnir. Stupid Kvasir. Stupid. Everything else.”

“Yes, dear. Everything's stupid.” Scrivener finally stood up, and then he turned and gently helped pull Luna up to her hooves as she winced, reaching up to rub slowly at her throbbing skull as she rolled her jaw a few times before deciding the blow must have caught her in the side of the head, since nothing seemed to be broken. “There are pieces of broken armor all over the yard. You go inside and feed Antares, I'll clean up out here.”

“Scrivener...” Luna softened, looking at him, and Scrivener smiled a little at her in return before she leaned forwards and kissed his cheek with a slight blush. “I am sorry. We share all things, I did not think thou would mind the temporary hijacking of thy body. I mean... 'tis fun, is it not?”

“It's alright, Luna, it's... just... I mean, it's not that I'm mad at you, precisely, it's...” Scrivener hesitated, then he smiled a little up at her, saying softly: “I guess it's because of everything we went through with that echo. I dunno, maybe I'm just in a bad mood because Sleipnir beat us up.”

“Oh, he did not, the fool lost.” Luna said grouchily, and Scrivener couldn't help but laugh a bit despite himself before the winged unicorn nodded and leaned forwards, kissing his lips tenderly for a moment and making the earth pony blush a bit. “Very well, though. We can speak on it more later. Still, I was unsure to the degree I would be able to influence thee... aye, we can enter the other's mind, so to speak, whilst one sleeps... but 'twas mostly instinctive reaction that let me... take hold. I wonder, is our link growing stronger?”

Scrivener shrugged slowly, looking thoughtfully at Luna before he said finally: “Maybe... tighter... is a better word, Luna. Because even as we find it easier to pool our concentration and reach into one another's minds... we also can't be apart for as long anymore, or go to great distances without being beside each other.”

“Tighter together...” Luna said meditatively, looking down thoughtfully... and then she shook her head slowly, smiling after a moment and glancing up with a firm nod. “Aye. Tighter together. But very well, Scrivener Blooms... I shall go and take care of Antares, then, before the babe miraculously crawls out of his throne.”

Scrivener sighed at her name for the baby chair, but Luna only grinned before she turned to head inside. She strode down the hall to find Antares still amusing himself with a plush hoof-puppet, and she shook her head in entertainment before flicking her horn towards the fireplace, sending up a burst of blue flames that made Antares stare for a moment before he giggled and clapped his hooves together, and Luna smiled warmly at the baby before she said softly: “And one day, thou too shall be able to do such things. But come, 'tis time for lunch for thee, my child.”

Luna leaned forwards, gently scooping Antares up out of the car seat and slipping back to the bedding to set him gently down beside her, then she removed the pacifier as she laid back. Her eyes roved over her foal as she settled herself into position, murmuring moodily: “I do not think I shall miss this when thou art finally weaned... mostly because thy teeth are such sharp little things.”

Luna relaxed as Antares fed all the same, ignoring the occasional nip of pain as she looked slowly towards the far wall, studying the pictures over it as she softened quietly. Among them were now several framed photographs of Antares as a baby, of their family, of their home. Scrivener and Luna had bought a camera and some film the last time they were in Ponyville, and Luna thought it was a delightful little device, and she was already assembling a photo album.

Scrivener wasn't as fond of photos for his own odd reasons, but that was fine: she was still able to coax him into relaxing for a picture here and there, and he was an alright amateur photographer. Then again, Luna couldn't see what was so hard about it: pointing, clicking, it all seemed easy enough. Then she smiled to herself, reflecting: “And drawing is just laying down lines, and writing simply assembling words upon a page. All things sound simple, do they not, Antares?”

She paused, glancing down at the foal as he finally pulled away, and she gently wiped at his mouth before picking him up and resting her over one shoulder, gently patting him on the back until he burped quietly and curled against her. He snuffled a little, and Luna quietly cradled him in her forelimbs, gazing down at him before gently settling him down to the bedding, picking up his pacifier to return it to his mouth.

He blinked tiredly a few times, and Luna smiled faintly, laying slowly down beside her son and half-wrapping one forelimb around him, letting him curl closer to her as his eyes slid closed. He twitched a little, but shortly, his breathing evened out as he fell into a deep sleep on the futon, and Luna reached down to pull the sheets carefully up and over her baby, looking down at the foal as she murmured quietly: “Sleep well, sweet Antares Mīrus. Thy mother is here... and thy father too, always, always...”

She smiled a little... and outside, Scrivener Blooms smiled, pausing in mid-conversation with Scarlet Sage, who had just returned from her trip to Ponyville. The Pegasus cocked her head curiously, and then Scrivener only shook his head, tossing another scrap of broken armor to the pile he had gathered up as he said softly: “Just Luna and your brother, it's alright. Antares just went down for a nap.”

“Oh, alright, Dad.” Scarlet smiled after a moment, nodding slowly as she looked over him, and Scrivener looked back curiously before she asked finally: “The blood.”

“Oh, right.” Scrivener cleared his throat, rubbing at his bruised body: he was barely aware of the soreness from how often he and Luna had been pummeled over the years, and in the tumult he'd forgotten about the fact he was covered in blood, rubbing awkwardly at his chest before he said finally: “Well, remember how I was explaining about Sleipnir? He wanted to spar. I think technically Luna and I won but then he punched Luna out on reflex.”

Scarlet Sage winced a bit, and Scrivener nodded, looking mildly entertained despite himself now. “It was a pretty nasty session. Luna and Sleipnir don't pull many punches even in a simple sparring session... warriors and honor and all that, after all. Plus they just both like to fight.”

“Sadomasochism.” Scarlet Sage muttered, and Scrivener grunted agreeably after a moment before the Pegasus sighed a little, giving a small smile. “I just wish you and Mom would take better care of yourselves sometimes. Especially now with Antares around... wasn't he scared at all by what was going on?”

Scrivener shrugged at this, looking towards the house as his gaze softened. “Your brother's weird. He's got... Aesir blood, and he does that... recognition thing, you know?” Scrivener smiled after a moment, glancing back at Scarlet Sage. “He seems to just be able to... know when things are serious, when they're not. I think that's why he's often so calm and everything, why the so-called 'monsters' like Nightmares and Phooka don't bother him, why he gets anxious around some strange ponies but not others.

“But come on. Your mother's probably waiting for us by now, and you know she likes to hear your stories, and I do too. Let's go inside.” Scrivener added softly, smiling across at his daughter, and Scarlet Sage blushed a bit before she nodded, gladly following her father towards the cottage and into the comfort of hearth and home.

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