• Published 23rd Sep 2012
  • 2,958 Views, 281 Comments

Decretum - BlackRoseRaven

Realities, worlds, and good and evil collide, and Luna fights one last struggle to save Equestria.

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Many Happy Returns

Chapter Thirteen: Many Happy Returns

Luna's story amazed and delighted the villagers who stayed to listen: whether or not they believed her was another matter entirely, but Scrivener thought that the evidence that came from the show of power, the explanation about the anchor, and the fact that Celestia herself had sent them multiple letters was enough to make even the most cynical of the ponies and other beings pause and think. That, and also the fact Luna had cleaned Corvette's clock without suffering more than minor injuries.

Scrivener was surprised by two things, however: one, that Luna so readily shared the story from beginning to end... and two, that she told most of it herself, only making him tell a little here and there while he scribbled the story down in a notebook for later logging. Something he did more for himself than anything else... but he had always enjoyed keeping a record of their strange travels together. At first, it had mostly been for himself and his incessant need to write down every interesting thing that happened... but now, it was something he hoped to one day pass on to Antares, both to show his son what his parents had accomplished, and to hopefully help Antares along his own path in life, in figuring out what decisions to make and what roads to travel.

Luna's decision to explain even about the anchor – although she didn't go into too many details – ended up being a good one, however, as the villagers muttered amongst themselves before the bartender had nodded and looked up, saying quietly: “If you trusted us... and it sounds like breaking this thing wouldn't be to anypony's benefit anyway... under the fountain in the middle of town, there's the remains of an old aqueduct we used to hide our valuables in. You could hide the anchor down in there... would be a lot safer than the desert. Lots of people that come this way go out there, digging for scrap. To you two, I'm sure that it ain't easy to see who's been where... but to them, it's clear as day where people have been digging and moving the desert around.”

The pony paused, then smiled wryly: “I guess I finally understand that metaphor, too. Daylight... was a rare treat 'round these parts.”

Scrivener and Luna traded a look, a flurry of thoughts... and decided after a few moments that they trusted the villagers of Watershed. For now, anyway, the town was composed of good people... probably like the old days. Sure, they were a rough and tumble crowd, amongst their numbers greedy Diamond Dogs and dishonored minotaurs with shorn horns, but there was a difference between the ill-off and thieves and brigands. The fact that Corvette had apparently also found the anchor with such ease in the desert helped with their decision.

With Luna's slightly-exaggerated story of different worlds, epic battles, and working to save the universe told, Corvette and Autumn Orange locked up in the rickety town jail, and Sublime Style and Leafy Greene both safe and recovering, the winged unicorn felt there was no better time than the present to move the anchor to the aqueduct. The bartender was glad to act as guide, and a few other villagers followed with admiration in their eyes as Luna grinned and indulged her ego a little, while Scrivener only smiled and pulled the wagon, letting her have her celebration in the spotlight.

The entrance to the aqueduct was only accessible through a half-collapsed root cellar: in other words, it was only known to those who knew where to look, hence why it had been a safe secret even from Corvette. Luna carried the anchor herself with telekinesis down the steps and through the musty, dirty tunnel, feeling a little claustrophobic as the bartender led her around a narrow maze of boxes and rotting supports.

Then he carefully brushed a curtain that rested against the wall aside, and Luna smiled despite herself at the concealed tunnel beyond, thicker wooden girders here and there holding up the white-brick walls that led into a concrete, circular room beneath the fountain. And just as the bartender had said, valuables were stored here and there, illuminated in the red light shining down through cracks in the ceiling: a few bags of bits, but also paintings wrapped in cloth, little statuettes, even a cracked set of fine china dishes. When Luna tossed the bartender a curious look, the grizzled old pony only smiled and shrugged, saying quietly: “After Watershed started going downhill when the farming community began collapsing... well, bank was getting robbed every other week, until the bankers up and left town in disgust. Now we don't got no real bank... but we still got places to keep our valuables safe. Hate to say it, but not every bounty hunter who came through this way was as... professional... as Corvette. He might be an asshole, he might be a murderer, he might got the morals of a snake-oil skunk, but the one good thing about the bastard is that he was always too arrogant to resort to bein' a thief.”

Luna grunted at this, nodding slowly as she looked thoughtfully over at the bartender, and then the earth pony had left with a smile: a small gesture, but one she appreciated deeply. There were a few places she thought she could hide the device, several offshoots, a half-collapsed tunnel... but what Luna finally settled on was using her magic to tear up a section of loose-looking flooring, burying the anchor beneath this, and then fusing the concrete back down over it. She took her time with the work, even as she felt Scrivener Blooms just above her, checking curiously over the collapsed fountain overtop the hideaway.

Finally, Luna had made her way back to the surface, nodded firmly once to the villagers, and then smiled over at the bartender, saying quietly: “I would dearly like to give thee something for the trouble thou hast gone to for us.”

The bartender only chuckled quietly at this, however, shaking his head and saying softly in reply: “Believe me, Miss Luna... you've done a lot for the whole town already. Beatin' down Corvette, giving us at least a few days of respite with all those thugs out of town... helping that pretty unicorn and even more, poor Leafy Greene find her mind again. We owe you.”

Luna and Scrivener had only smiled at each other, however, then the earth pony had looked forwards and shrugged, replying easily: “Yeah, but we're meddlers. Always have been. Probably always will be, too.”

As the hours passed, Luna and Scrivener returned to the Greene farm with Leafy and Sublime, who had taken up the offer to stay with the earth pony mare while she settled her affairs and figured things out. Celestia had sent a few more letters to Scrivener and Luna, as intense and curious as she had been in their own layer of reality, wanting to know more, asking eagerly for their presence at Canterlot to explain things. But Luna had only smiled, replying with a courteous letter that explained they didn't have plans to stay for much longer in this layer of reality... but she did have Scrivener write a few sheets of parchment out better explaining the situation, for Leafy and Sublime to present to Celestia herself. Then Luna had sent out a cheerful letter declaring that if Celestia wanted to know the full truth of the matter, she would just have to ensure that Sublime and Leafy arrived safe and sound at Canterlot.

The two ponies spent the last of their time helping out Leafy and Sublime, talking with them and helping fix up the farm a little. Leafy Greene had been honestly ready to sell it to help out Sublime... but instead, Watershed had thrown their money into a pot and gathered enough bits to safely see a small group of ponies to the other side of the small island country. Transporting Corvette wouldn't be a problem, either: Leafy had taken a page from Autumn Orange's recipe book and left a bowl of mushroom soup for the sleeping bounty hunter. Corvette had eaten it while grumbling about how stupid the ponies in this town were... and then promptly fallen into a dazed stupor they planned to keep him in until they reached Equestria.

Sublime Style was more thankful than she could begin to express for the ponies who had saved her, and had helped restore her faith that there were still good ponies in the world. It had helped her want to see justice done... and want to stretch out that same kindness to try and save those who could still be saved from the slavers and meat-markets in the darker underbelly of Equestria. Luna admired it, to say the least... not simply because of Sublime Style's bravery, but because of the fact that the winged unicorn herself would likely have been unable to resist taking a much-darker and bloodier path of vengeance.

Scrivener Blooms and Luna felt good about what they had accomplished, and with a minimum of violence by their usual standards. And perhaps more important than what they had stopped and driven out, they had also saved two lives: one from madness, the other from slavery and torture. The anchor was in place, safe and secure in a town they both felt confident would keep their secret and had seen enough of the evidence behind Luna's crazy stories to understand that no matter what the magical device was, it was important it remained whole and functional.

The only lingering concern in Luna and Scrivener's mixed mind was the shapeshifters... but in all likelihood, they had first been drawn by the opening of the Bifrost, and then lured specifically into Watershed by whatever fiddling Corvette had done with the anchor. Although what worried Luna was that the shapeshifters had also been specifically drawn towards them, turning their wrath only on the ponies and other creatures around them when the metallic monsters were interfered with. It made her wonder quietly if more of these shapeshifters would begin to appear as they progressed through the layers... if they would begin cutting through reality itself to swarm in on them for whatever malicious reasons compelled the lifeless entities.

But they were thoughts easily pushed aside as they focused on enjoying the company of Leafy and Sublime, and responding to letters from the Princess Celestia of this world. Part of Luna wanted to stay, just to entertain the chance of seeing this layer's version of Equestria... but the rest of her longed to return home, to return to Antares, and even to tell Odin what they had witnessed, so that he could help them piece together some of the puzzle of the shapeshifters. She was also still curious why they had ended up in the Evening Isles instead of Equestria, although all things considered she was glad for it.

It was a little more than a week after their initial arrival when Scrivener and Luna suited up in their armor, checked over their wagon and supplies, and announced that it was time for them to leave. Leafy and Sublime had followed them out curiously to say goodbye, and to watch as the two ponies had bowed their heads forwards, well-rested, their energies mingling together, their bodies moving in perfect time as they concentrated on thoughts of home.

Luna's horn began to glow, and Scrivener gritted his teeth as he poured his energy and strength into her, neither pony holding anything back as Leafy and Sublime stared in awe at the way the fields rippled and the air itself vibrated. The soulbound soulmates held nothing back as the magic built between them, before they threw their heads back in matching time as Luna's ephemeral locks sparked violently, their eyes glowing brightly for a moment before a vortex of golden fire tore into the air and shattered reality, forming violently into the sparking rainbow bridge. Leafy and Sublime could only continue to stare as Scrivener and Luna both charged immediately for the Bifrost despite the aches in their bodies and the tiredness in their forms, but the moment they touched the arching rainbow, they both felt the rush: the surge of adrenaline, the quickening of their hearts, the triumph of emotion.

They charged upwards, Luna tossing a single grin over her shoulder as they ran into the rip in the sky and through the tunnel of swirling light and sound. The sensations never grew old, the exhilaration of the experience never grew less as they ran on the thin rainbow bridge between layers before shattering out the other side, and they half-stumbled, half-sprinted down the bridge and into the fields outside Ponyville, Scrivener wincing as the bridge began to shatter around them.

Luna leapt hurriedly to the air, but Scrivener was dragged backwards with a yelp when the bridge burst apart into light beneath the wheels of the wagon, the transport falling with a clatter to the ground and Scrivener thumping loudly to the grasses in front of it with a groan of pain. Luna only laughed, however, both in relief and entertainment, as her eyes flicked with a grin to the male, circling slowly down in front of him as the Bifrost vanished and reality sealed shut in a burst of electricity, the winged unicorn sighing in relief as she muttered: “At least the wagon didn't tip over, Scrivener. Or land upon thee.”

“Yes, yes. Don't worry, the ground broke my fall.” Scrivener mumbled in response, laying prone in the grasses for a few more moments before he carefully shoved his aching body back to his hooves, but even as he grimaced, he felt relief whisper through his frame at the fact the soreness came more from the exertions of opening the Bifrost than the tumble. “Home or Ponyville?”

“Don't be silly, Scrivener Blooms.” Luna replied softly, giving the stallion an entertained look for a moment before her eyes roved towards the village only a short distance away, and a smile spread over her features as she looked at the comforting sight of the small town. “Ponyville is home.”

Scrivener laughed despite himself at this, then he carefully pushed himself to his hooves, ignoring the roll of warmth and tenderness through his own system as he remarked mildly: “That was very sweet, Luna. And a little corny.”

“Shut up, Scrivy. I am not all sharpened edges.” Luna retorted, and Scrivener nodded thoughtfully before the two armored equines looked towards the village and started on an easy pace towards it, the Nibelung standing at the open gates waving eagerly at them. Luna laughed at this sight warmly, then smiled and nodded politely as they neared the dwarves, saying kindly: “'Tis good to be welcomed back by friendly faces.”

“Is good to see you, fancy-corn, pony-pony!” One of the Nibelung replied quickly, and the wolf-pig dwarves saluted as they passed, Scrivener smiling despite himself and Luna looking oddly proud as she nodded firmly once, the two continuing easily on their way into the village and gazing warmly back and forth at the reception they received, as other ponies waved and greeted them happily.

Before they could even begin to cross the square, the library door flew open, and Twilight and Antares both ran out, the foal skittering hurriedly towards his parents and babbling gleefully as the violet mare laughed and ran alongside him. Scrivener stepped forwards with a warm smile, and he swept Antares up in tight hug as Luna caught Twilight in a firm embrace before she looked up with a wide grin as Celestia calmly strode out of the library, looking both happy and even a bit relieved as she said kindly: “Welcome home, little sister. We were beginning to worry a little about you.”

“Bah, worry for me? And why would thou bother, I am invincible.” Luna replied with a wink and a grin, and then she laughed as Twilight stepped back and Scrivener tossed Antares to her, the foal giggling as Luna caught him and spun around in a circle, holding her son high in the air before hugging him fiercely down against her chest. “Delightful child! 'Tis so good to have thee back in my embrace, Antares Mīrus!”

“It's great to see you, Twilight.” Scrivener said softly, as the violet mare stepped towards him, and she hesitated only a moment before they shared their own tight hug. She slipped back after a moment, gazing over him warmly, blushing a little... and then Scrivener blinked and looked up in surprise as Celestia gave him a quick, gentle embrace as well, looking down at him with a warm smile as Luna laughed and the stallion grinned lamely after a moment. “Nice to see you too.”

“You and sister were in a fight, I see.” Celestia remarked after a moment, gently touching Scrivener's damaged armor, and the male cleared his throat as Twilight frowned worriedly at the two. Luna only continued to grin, however, and Celestia shook her head before she asked mildly: “I suppose that shouldn't be any surprise to me, though, should it? But at least answer one question: did you start the fight, or was it unavoidable?”

“Oh, fear not, Celestia, we shall tell thee and Twilight all about it... but where is Odin? I wish to tell the story all at once.” Luna answered, and then she looked down at her son as Antares burbled happily and clung himself up against her breast, gazing at her with warm eyes. Mother smiled happily down at her son, shaking her head slightly before she asked gently: “More importantly, how was my son? Oh Antares, I did miss thee terribly...”

“It took some adjustments, admittedly...” Celestia smiled slightly, glancing down at the foal softly as he burbled quietly. “He missed his parents terribly. He just needed a reminder now and then of home, and Scarlet Sage helped a world in giving him that... and to answer your question, your daughter is actually out with Odin right now. He offered to take some time today to help train her and teach her.”

“Oh, wonderful.” Luna said grumpily, and Celestia gave her sister an amused look before Luna sighed, then nuzzled Antares gently before finally setting the foal down, and he burbled as he happily ran in a circle around her before half-falling at Scrivener's hooves and giggling brightly as the stallion smiled before reaching down and gently picking the unicorn foal up, the child flailing at the air with a louder laugh before Scrivener set him gently on his armored back. “But let us retire inside, then. I am sure Odin will have felt the Bifrost opening, and we shall see him shortly. I am surprised that thou permitted him to leave with Scarlet Sage, though... he had best keep his wretched talons to himself.”

“Sister, Odin is trying to make up for his mistakes. And even as Freya, my heart still goes out to him for that attempt, knowing how... how difficult it can be.” Celestia replied quietly, looking softly at Luna, and the sapphire winged unicorn grumbled a little and nodded as she headed for the library. Scrivener followed, pulling the wagon up beside the enormous, hollowed out tree as Antares bounced on his father's back with a giggle, and then the stallion smiled when Twilight approached and helped him out of the harness, giving him a look that was both entertained and gentle.

“It's like Antares felt the moment you and Luna returned... he woke up from where he was napping in his crib, excited, bouncy, energetic. Celestia and I felt the energy, too, but... for a foal to feel it, even connected to you both as it is...” Twilight smiled a bit as Antares babbled happily and buried his face into his father's mane, Scrivener looking curiously at the violet mare as they headed towards the library. “He really does have a strange gift. I don't know if it's his special talent or not... but he... senses things.”

“I know.” Scrivener smiled a little in return as they strode into the library, Twilight tilting he head even as her horn glowed and pulled the door closed behind her. “I have to wonder... how he sees things. I don't think it's like what happens when I stare too long at things, but... maybe it is, too. Maybe to him it's not scary like it is for me because... it's how things have always been. But maybe it's more than that, too... maybe he's able to not just see, but to feel.”

“Fee.” Antares agreed solemnly, and Scrivener gave his son an entertained look over his shoulder before the foal suddenly reared back, flailing his hooves and blurting: “Baby!”

Scrivener laughed, beginning to open his mouth, but then Twilight brightened and nodded, saying quickly: “That's right, I almost forgot! Hey, little guy, maybe you pay more attention than we realize...”

“Foals grow up fast.” Celestia said softly, smiling over at Twilight as Luna cocked her head curiously from where she was pulling off her armor, before the winged unicorn said warmly: “Applejack gave birth a few days after you left. A beautiful daughter, who they've named Avalon. She's a Pegasus... and I don't think I've ever seen Applejack or Rainbow Dash prouder.”

Luna laughed delightedly at this, stomping her hooves firmly before she hurriedly shook off the rest of her armor, but before she could manage to throw all of her gear off, Twilight glanced up and added quickly: “I'm sure they'll be glad to have you stop by, Luna, but at the same time I don't think you should just go barging in right now. A lot of the Apple Clan from across Equestria are over there right now, congratulating them and helping out with things on the farm. It's been pretty hectic, so... maybe you could wait a day or two, or at least tell them you plan on stopping in...”

“Yes, that sounds so like me.” Luna said drolly, and Scrivener rolled his eyes in amusement even as he gently pulled Antares from his back to set him quietly down on the ground, the foal happily scooting around on the floor of the library as Scrivener began to take off his armor. “Very well, though, if only for the sake of the newborn... I am glad that Antares will have a friend near his own age, though. Although likely nowhere near my son's level anywhere else.”

Luna puffed up at this proudly, and Scrivener rolled his eyes as Twilight and Celestia both gave the sapphire winged unicorn a flat look, the ivory, rainbow-maned mare saying dryly: “Little sister, you do understand that it isn't a competition...”

“Bah, everything in life is competition!” Luna retorted, waving a hoof imperiously, and Antares burbled as he sat back and attempted to mimic the gesture, then fell on his back with a giggle. Luna gave her son an amused look, then she shook her head quickly before adding softly: “But aye, fear not sister, I know. And I shan't rub it in their faces too much that Antares was likely running by the time their daughter learns to walk.”

She winked over at Celestia, who gave Luna an amused look before Scrivener said pointedly: “You know if you get yourself kicked in the face, I feel it, too.”

“And I would not have it any other way.” Luna replied comfortably, and Scrivener sighed and rolled his eyes at this before the sapphire winged unicorn turned her eyes curiously towards Celestia. “Is there any other news? Although a new baby as it is, aye, I am sad to have missed that. I was dearly hoping that we would be here when Applejack finally gave birth... was her labor as difficult as mine?”

Celestia only smiled amusedly, shaking her head slightly before she replied softly: “It was very smooth. Applejack gave birth in the hospital, but she was sent home the day before yesterday. Avalon is strong, and Applejack is doing well. Rainbow Dash is a little overwhelmed but he's a very protective, generous father. He's finding his way but... borrowing a little from the other stallions in his life.”

Celestia smiled again over at Scrivener, who blushed and fidgeted awkwardly before Twilight reached up and squeezed the male's shoulder, saying gently: “And if that doesn't reassure you you're a good dad, then nothing will.”

“Thanks. To all of you.” Scrivener said softly, looking up with a small smile before he shook his head and added quietly, as he watched Antares happily run over towards a stack of toys near the crib on one side of the room: “And believe me. Luna and I are just blessed with... such a damn good kid.”

“Yeah. He's got some sharp teeth, though.” Twilight said reflectively, and Scrivener gave her a curious look before the violet mare added dryly: “And Luna, you really have to work him onto bottles more. Let's just say he thought I was you more than once.”

Luna grinned widely at this, and Twilight gave her a flat look in return as Scrivener cleared his throat and looked away... but then glanced downwards curiously as Antares ran hurriedly up to him with a toy in his mouth, spitting it out and then smiling brightly as he declared: “Tia!”

Scrivener looked down curiously at the toy, picking it gently up before he smiled despite himself: it was a silvery winged unicorn doll, with beryl buttons for eyes, its wings, mane, and tail all deep black. The stallion turned it thoughtfully back and forth in his hooves, and then he gently held it down to Antares as he leaned up insistently before gladly taking it and hugging the large stuffed pony up against his chest, burbling happily.

Luna looked across at Celestia with interest as the ivory equine smiled and shrugged, saying softly: “I am not sure quite why, but during my last visit to the Temple of the Sun, I felt compelled to go down to the street vendors and look around. Usually it's nothing but expensive junk... you know, merchants, trying to peddle to the latest fashions of the nobles. But I came across this, and it... reminded me of you both somehow.”

Luna looked thoughtfully at the toy as Antares burbled happily and clung to it, and then the winged unicorn smiled slightly as her eyes flicked up to Scrivener. “All the wrong parts mixed together... aye, that does seem like us, doesn't it Scrivy?”

Scrivener smiled at this, nodding thoughtfully as he looked towards the foal, and then Antares shook the doll before he hugged it close again and chewed gently at the black, plastic horn standing out of its forehead. “It looks like you picked a good choice, Celestia. Antares seems to adore it.”

The rainbow-maned mare only smiled a little in response, hesitating for a moment before she replied softly: “It's... strange though, I have to admit. I was instantly drawn to the toy... but at the same time, I look at it, and it gives me... chills.”

“Well, do not worry, Celestia, thou art enormous. Should the scary toy come to life and attempt to harm thee, thou need merely sit on it.” Luna said kindly, and Celestia sighed, giving her little sister an imploring look even as Twilight did her best to hold in a smile. “Well, 'tis true! Look at the size of thee! Thy flank is as grand as Sleipnir's!”

“Flank!” Antares waved a hoof at the air, then he looked down at the doll clutched against his body before he suddenly threw it, sending it sailing a short distance up into the air before it fell with a gentle clack to the floor, and he giggled and flailed his hooves a little at this sight. “Fly!”

“He has grown so much...” Luna murmured softly, and she smiled faintly as Antares scooted over to his toy, picking it up and tossing it into the air again, giggling quietly at this process as if fascinated by it. “In only a week... oh, I am glad we have done what we did but all the same...”

She shook her head slowly, then strode over to her son and leaned down, kissing his temple gently, and Antares looked up at her with a smile as Twilight said softly: “But now you're back, right? And you won't have to go and place another anchor for a while, Odin was saying...”

Celestia nodded in agreement, giving a reassuring look over at Luna.. and then she reared back slightly when Antares tossed the toy and it almost hit her, the foal giggling as he scooted over to he and then picked the doll up, holding it up to Celestia as she looked awkwardly down at the child and he declared: “Tia! Tia!”

“Well, go ahead, Tia, my foal obviously wishes for thee to help make his toy fly.” Luna said imperiously, and Celestia gave her younger sister a flat look before the sapphire winged unicorn grinned slightly and winked in response.

Then Celestia sighed softly before she smiled a little when Antares tossed the toy up into the air, before the foal's eyes went wide as the winged unicorn doll took on a gentle golden glow, its wings spreading before Celestia tilted her head forwards, amethyst eyes softening as she watched the foal even as she guided the doll in a slow flight around the room. Antares marveled over it, falling on his back and pawing his hooves at the air as he watched, enthralled, as his beloved toy sailed slowly around in careful, slow circles through the library, before sloping slowly downwards and settling into a hover over Antares before the foal burbled as he reached up and pulled it out of the air with a quiet giggle.

He hugged it down against his body, and Celestia looked tenderly down over the child before her eyes roved towards her sister, as Luna said softly: “Thou hast our heartfelt thanks... Tia.”

“You know, little sister, your name shortens to 'Lu.'” Celestia remarked, and Luna huffed a little before the ivory winged unicorn smiled a little. “Baby nephews get privileges that younger siblings don't sometimes, sister.”

“Very well, but I think thou shall still always be our son's Aunt Tia, then. I like the sound of that.” Luna said thoughtfully, and then she smiled over at Scrivener as he nodded in agreement. “See, even the poet thinks so! 'Tis so rare we agree on things, now thou must allow it!”

“Alright, alright!” Celestia laughed despite herself, smiling after a moment as she shook her head before gazing over at Twilight when the violet mare tilted her head curiously. “Names carry... a particular power, a particular weight to them. I always said they should be respected. My siblings, on the other hoof...”

“Oh, but think of all the fun names we had for Sleipnir!” Luna said with relish, grinning slightly up at her big sister with a wink. “Thou called him 'double-swing' once or twice, as I recall.”

“That's different. With Sleipnir, it was always... different.” Celestia said delicately, and Luna laughed but nodded all the same before the ivory equine smiled a little, glancing down at Antares as she added mildly: “Besides. He always seemed almost proud of the fact he was never the most sound pony around. And it wasn't as if either of you could have behaved any worse than you did on regular occasion anyway.”

Luna nodded agreeably at this, and then she glanced up as the library door opened, Antares looking up as well before rolling onto his stomach with a smile as Scarlet Sage came through the doorway, followed a moment later by Odin. The Pegasus gazed warmly at her parents, hurrying quickly over to Scrivener to share a quick hug with him before she ran across the room... and laughed when Antares ran in front of her with a happy burble, the Pegasus easily sweeping him up in her forelegs before her wings flapped and she carried both herself and Antares into her mother's open embrace.

Antares burbled happily between the mares as Luna and Scarlet Sage squeezed one-another tightly, and then the foal smiled as he dropped to the floor, picking up his stuffed pony and scooting to the side as he pointed and declared: “Old-win!”

“Old-win is here, yes. And he is very glad to see that you and Scrivener are in one piece, Brynhild... although I have the feeling not everything went according to plan.” Odin paused, smiling a little as Scarlet Sage slipped to sit beside her mother with a curious look towards her. “Mostly because I've learned that with you, things never tend to go to plan.”

“Did thou mean to dump us in a desert on the wrong side of the world?” Luna asked blandly, and Odin cocked his head in surprise before Luna grinned wryly at this reaction. “I take it thou did not, then. Because that is where we ended up, in some accursed barrens called the Evening Isles, where 'tis eternal dusk. We very quickly made the acquaintance of a bounty hunter named Corvette, and even faster than that became his enemy. He attempted to steal the anchor from us but we roundly pummeled the traitorous cur.”

“Perhaps you had better start at the beginning, Brynhild.” Odin said slowly, and Luna nodded after a moment before she sat back with a small smile, as the once-god looked curiously over her. “Now, tell me first about this place you ended up in, the desert.”

Luna nodded, starting on the story, and trading off with Scrivener Blooms after a few minutes to let him continue with the description of Watershed and meeting Leafy Greene. The two traded back and forth naturally, and even Antares seemed to be listening as the foal laid on the floor, chewing a little at his doll but otherwise staring back and forth between his mother and father and every now and then parroting a word here and there, looking content with the presence of friends and family all around.

As Luna finished the story with their exit, Odin was left frowning, looking across at her quietly, and the sapphire winged unicorn gave him a sulky look even as she prepared herself for a lecture. But the once-god's next words took her by surprise as he murmured: “I may have made an error of judgment, Brynhild. This mission... it could be more dangerous than I'd originally imagined.”

“Art thou not going to scold me at least a little?” Luna asked after a moment, and she cleared her throat when Odin gave her a flat look. “Well, 'tis strange, that is all! I am so used to being lectured by thee, by Celestia, by Twilight Sparkle, even by Scrivener Blooms, the world feels upside-down when I am not told what a naughty pony I am.”

“Little sister, focus.” Celestia said gently, and Luna grumbled and nodded after a moment before the ivory equine glanced towards Odin and asked quietly: “Do you think these shapeshifters are being produced by something?”

“It's possible, considering that Scrivener Blooms mentioned a core of some kind fell out of one of the creatures. They may be something more refined and malign than simply shards of created consciousness, if that is the case.” Odin replied with a slow nod, resting both his hands on top of the cane before he frowned a little as his eyes roved to the stallion, who looked up nervously at the once-god. “Did you notice marks or damages on the bodies of the shapeshifters before it was destroyed by the liquid?”

Scrivener hesitated, then glanced over at Luna, their eyes meeting as they traded memories back and forth, forming crystal-clear images in both their minds before the stallion returned his gaze to Odin, saying quietly: “Nothing but a few scratches and a bit of sand. Why?”

“Because blood is also a liquid, and yet that did not melt them as alcohol and apparently simple water did.” the once-god replied, and Scrivener and Luna both looked up in dumb surprise as Celestia smiled despite herself, seeming impressed even as the falcon-headed entity smiled wryly over at her. “Freya, do you have an idea why that could be, though?”

“I do. Blood is the river of the soul, containing life force and spiritual essence. The shapeshifters may feed off such... in that case, the liquid would be neutralized as it was absorbed.” Celestia replied with a nod, and Odin gave her a soft smile in return before the rainbow-maned equine hesitated and added slowly: “But there are many other possible factors as well. Almost too many to know for certain until we have more experience battling these creatures... from what you described though, Scrivener, something about most liquids disagrees with them. I have to wonder... what kind of world must these creatures be from, for their kind to have not long died out from such a vulnerability?”

Scrivener grimaced a little at this thought, muttering: “The world was windless and cold and dead, and the shadows offered no respite, but were as gaping jaws, waiting to devour me...”

Odin gave him a solemn look, and Celestia smiled a little before she asked quietly: “Why don't you ever quote any of your own poetry, Scrivener? With all due respect, I believe that most of what you write is dark and ominous enough to suit situations like this nicely.”

“Well, thank you, Celestia, but that would be supremely arrogant on my part. I'd be like Luna, always talking about how great I am.” Scrivener replied blandly, and Luna gave him a sour look before Antares giggled a little, and the male smiled faintly as his eyes roved to the foal before he added quietly: “And besides. Everything in the world's already been said, every story has already been told. All we do is change around the words and characters a little, even when we think we have an original idea. That scares me a little sometimes, you know? Somewhere... maybe this has all already happened, already been told, already been recorded and written down, and... forgotten.”

There was silence for a few moments, and then Twilight looked over at Scrivener and said softly: “We aren't going to forget you, Scrivy.” A pause, and a small smile. “You're just too much of a pain in the flank.”

“Thanks, Twilight. You've embarrassed me and insulted me at the same time, most ponies can only manage one or the other.” Scrivener replied wryly, and then he shook his head before adding hesitantly, as his eyes turned to Odin: “I don't think... the shapeshifters are a serious threat as long as we keep in mind what their weaknesses are, and remember to keep distance if possible. If an earth pony like me can take one down – ironically enough, I might add – with booze, then... we should be able to stay safe. And they appeared in three...”

“Three is the root of nine, the most powerful number in regards to fate and magic.” Odin said softly, and then he sighed when Luna blew a raspberry at him and Celestia shifted uncomfortably, Twilight and Scarlet Sage both frowning curiously. The once-god glanced over at them with something like surprise, and then his eyes roved to Celestia, who shrugged after a moment as Luna only continued to look stoic, and a moment later the falcon-headed god smiled wryly. “It's amazing the way things change, what becomes forgotten, and what rises back to the surface.”

Scrivener laughed a little a Luna huffed, retorting irritably: “Oh, 'tis superstitious nonsense. Thou may have an obsession with the damnable number but the only true meaning it carries is the meaning that thou gives it. And the only reason it gains meaning at all is because thou art an annoying, doddering old relic who was once a mighty brutish god.”

Odin looked calmly at Luna, then turned his eyes to Celestia, who shrugged and glanced from Luna to the falcon-headed being before she said carefully: “I don't put much stock in the old myth... but it has been said that combinations of threes and nines point towards a strengthening of certain magics, among other things. Miracles and blessings are often said to fall upon dates that reflect multiples of those numbers as well, and there are many other legends-”

“It is all coincidence and nonsense. Next thou shall tell me that there are three Norns because of the same foolishness, or... that the shapeshifters have been sighted in threes because of some secret magical law.” Luna complained, and when Odin looked at her pointedly, she glared back, saying flatly: “If nine is so special, old lecher, then why were there forty Valkyries?”

“Because my wife wouldn't let me have ninety.” Odin said kindly, and for a moment Luna only looked at him... and then the winged unicorn threw her head back and laughed as the cyclops smiled wryly, saying dryly: “But a woman's magic has always been more dangerous than the darkest of Helheim's hexes and curses, just as it is the one thing that can soothe where the holy blessings of Asgard may fail.”

“Aye, a mare's love is a powerful thing indeed.” Luna agreed, winking over at Scrivener, and the male sighed a little before Luna's eyes roved to Twilight, lingering silently over her for a few seconds before the starry-maned winged unicorn gazed down towards Antares Mīrus as the foal shifted a little on the ground, snoozing quietly with his head on the winged unicorn doll. “But I think there are few loves more powerful than a parent's for her child.”

She fell silent, hearing the faintest of whispers in the back of her mind, but she hurriedly blocked it out before stepping forwards and gently lifting Antares in her forelimbs, cradling him quietly as she gazed down into his eyes softly. “But I must admit something, Odin... and it is that in spite of everything, in spite of... how direly it did hurt to be away from my child... my concerns for Antares, for the worlds, and for what these shapeshifters want, my... my responsibilities outweigh my desire to be beside my little colt every moment of every day. Yes, I wish I could be there to witness his every growth, his every change, his every evolution... but I know that I cannot. That it will be much more worthwhile if... if I am out there, helping place these anchors. Helping protect the layers, and prevent evil from seeping into this world, or into the core reality, to threaten everything we have spent so much time on and worked so hard for.”

Scrivener nodded slowly as Scarlet Sage smiled faintly, bowing her head forwards a bit as Odin looked for a few moments in silence at Luna. Then the falcon-headed entity laughed quietly, murmuring softly: “You are still a Valkyrie, Brynhild. No matter how they shunned you in the past... I want you to know that you still embody everything I'd hoped the Valkyries could be.”

“I do not know whether to blush or pummel thee.” Luna muttered, then she looked moodily over at Celestia, adding wryly: “But at least I suppose it means that someone is finally recognizing how much better than thou I am, big sister. 'Tis about time.”

“I'm glad you feel that way, Luna.” Celestia replied mildly, and then she softened, adding in a quieter voice: “But Odin is right, you know. I can think of no one else who exemplifies what the Valkyries once were. Even more than myself, Luna, it's always been you... a warrior of the old ways, mixing honor and passion into one.”

Luna blushed and shifted, mumbling, as she hugged Antares close against her body with a small smile, and Odin chuckled quietly as he gazed over at the rainbow-maned mare, adding softly: “Do not worry, Freya, I meant nothing against you. Without your guidance and aid, after all, I am well aware that Sleipnir and Brynhild would have been much harder-pressed... in this life and the last.”

“It's alright, Odin.” Celestia smiled over at the once-god, shaking her head with a quiet laugh. “As I just said, I agree with you. I... did not do the best of jobs when I first came to this world.”

Odin only smiled a little in return, and then Luna grumbled a bit before she shifted quietly, carrying Antares carefully over to his crib to settle him in as Scrivener and Twilight sat back in the awkward hush that fell through the building. Then, finally, Odin nodded once to himself before he looked up and asked: “Will a month serve as a long enough break between missions, Brynhild?”

Luna gazed thoughtfully down at the foal in the crib, watching Antares shift a little, clinging to his toy and murmuring softly. Then she smiled faintly, nodding slowly after a moment before glancing over her shoulder towards Odin, saying quietly: “Aye, it will. But I would like to request that thou permits Pinkamena to journey with us next time-”

“And I'd like to go too.” Scarlet Sage added suddenly, blushing a bit, and Odin tilted his head curiously as the ponies all looked at her with surprise, the Pegasus shrinking a little before she rose her head with an awkward smile and looked quietly from her mother to her father. “I... I know that Antares liked me around, but... by the end of the week, he was settling in with Twilight and Celestia just fine. I mean, I wasn't here nearly as much over the last two days and he's been okay and all, so... I think... I think it would be better if I was out there. Helping you and mom.”

She looked quietly towards Scrivener, who softened as he gazed back at her before his eyes flicked curiously to Luna. The sapphire winged unicorn looked undecided, meeting Scrivener's eyes with her own and grimacing a little as their irises locked, thoughts and ideas and worries beginning to trade back and forth between them even as Celestia started gently: “Scarlet Sage, your desire to help your parents is an admirable one, but taking care of Antares is very important as well...”

“I... believe me, Scarlet Sage, I understand. I really, really understand.” Twilight added quietly, smiling faintly across at the Pegasus as the violet mare gazed at her softly. “But I also know that... my talents are better suited here for now. Keeping everypony safe and sound and... you know.”

Scarlet Sage nodded a little, bowing her head forwards before she looked at Odin, but the falcon-headed entity remained silent as he instead looked thoughtfully towards Scrivener and Luna. The two were still sharing thoughts, ignoring the world around them before the link suddenly broke as Scrivener grunted and closed his eyes, and Luna looked up with a confident smile, glancing over her shoulder and saying quietly: “Scarlet Sage. I want for thee to think upon this... but ultimately, I shall leave the choice to be thine own.”

Celestia and Twilight both looked surprised as Odin tilted his own head, seeming interested but not nearly as shocked as the other ponies, and Luna turned her eyes to the once-god as she said quietly: “Aye, Scarlet Sage can be there to comfort her little brother... but Twilight and Celestia... are close family as well. Are Antares' family as well, and... I wish for that to be clear. For Antares to truly learn that. And furthermore, I do not... wish to underestimate what Scrivener Blooms and I may encounter in other layers. Corvette was a fool who should not have been so dangerous, and yet he was, because we underestimated him and because he had superior knowledge of the area and superior numbers backing him. He had familiarity, which is almost as powerful as intelligence.

“Scarlet Sage is a Blood Seer. She has been learning well, but... training is no replacement for true experience.” Luna said quietly, her eyes roving to her daughter as she nodded slowly. “And these missions are important and difficult, aye, but... they are not extremely dangerous. Unless, Odin, thou can no longer guarantee where we land in these layers, and the layers begin to grow more... inhospitable to our presence.”

“I cannot explain why you ended up in that desert, although it is seemingly a good thing that you did.” Odin replied quietly, then he rubbed slowly at the underside of his beak before looking towards Celestia, asking softly: “Your thoughts, Freya? As a Valkyrie, not just as concerned kin.”

Celestia grimaced a little as she looked towards Odin for a moment, then she shook her head slowly and said slowly: “It's... difficult. It's not that I am incapable of separating the two but... it's uncomfortable for me to try and think purely by logic and strategy these days. I have learned that compassion may lead to flaws, but lack of it can lead to far worse things, and far greater regrets.”

Odin only looked at her curiously as Scarlet Sage turned almost-nervous eyes on her aunt, and for a few moments Celestia was silent before she finally said quietly: “I still think it would be safer for you to stay here... but maybe... it's time for you to begin finding you own path, which means taking risks, making mistakes... and doing what you feel is right, most of all. Do what you feel is right, Scarlet Sage.” Celestia paused, then smiled a little. “Maybe what I'm really just afraid of is that I won't be able to handle looking after Antares by myself.”

“A strange thing for you to be afraid of, Celestia.” Scrivener said softly, and the rainbow-maned winged unicorn gave him a small smile before the charcoal stallion glanced towards his daughter, adding: “You already are a good daughter, who does a lot for us, Scarlet Sage. Don't feel you have to do this just to impress us... Luna and I are always going to support your choices, and you already make us proud, every day.”

The silver Pegasus smiled faintly at this, blushing a bit before Twilight sighed a little, then glanced up and asked after a moment: “What if we take turns? I mean... say if Pinkamena and Scarlet Sage went with you next time... the the time after that I could go with you, or... or somepony else...”

She blushed a little, and Luna and Scrivener both gazed softly towards the violet mare for a few moments before Odin smiled a little, bowing his head forwards. “Then I suppose that's settled. But Brynhild, Scrivener, I won't take up any more of your time, and I now have several subjects of my own to consider. I am glad to see you back, however. Twilight, Freya... do please make sure they take care of their injuries.”

“As always.” Celestia replied with a small smile, nodding to the falcon-headed once god, and Odin smiled back as he turned and carefully pushed his way out through the door. He closed it carefully behind him, then stood for a moment in the warm summer air as his expression became more worried, rubbing slowly at his face as he wondered silently what he had gotten these ponies into, and just what hidden dangers were lurking in the depths of the different layers.

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