• Published 23rd Sep 2012
  • 2,958 Views, 281 Comments

Decretum - BlackRoseRaven

Realities, worlds, and good and evil collide, and Luna fights one last struggle to save Equestria.

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In The Fertile Ashes

Chapter Thirty Nine: In The Fertile Ashes

“And they lived happily ever after.” Discombobulation finished ironically almost a month after he had started the story, gesturing expansively with his eagle talon before he crossed it over his chest and bowed deeply, and the ponies only stared silently up at him before he straightened and looked awkwardly back and forth before pretending to tug at an invisible collar. “Silence is a comedian's worst enemy, you know.”

Slowly, Scrivener Blooms put down the notebook he had started recording the story in and began to clap... and around the enormous round table they had been dragging out to do this every night in Sugar Cube Corners for the last few weeks, the other ponies began to clap and stomp their hooves as well, and Discombobulation looked relieved as he bowed quickly again before dropping back into his seat with a smile.

Discombobulation had told a harrowing and terrible story calmly and seriously in his dignified voice, gesturing as he spoke, covering some parts with such intensity and politely, gently skipping through other parts, yet with a natural flair that let him get across what was going on... without scarring the mind of even young Antares, who had tried his best to stay as awake as he could through most of it, snuggled safely in a blanket against his mother's body, but thankfully, who often fell asleep, and often before the worst parts of the story. Later, he would beg his mother and father to tell him what had happened, and Scrivener would pull out his notebooks and tell his son carefully, cautiously, more of the tale... censoring and skipping quickly through certain parts of what had been a story filled with evil.

And yet somehow, it had also drawn everyone here in: more than that, Discombobulation had attracted a wider audience that included Celestia, Big Mac, and Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle and others among its ranks. And even as he'd continued to tell a story that brought their worst aspects to light, that made even the brightest of them seem evil, pedantic, weak, and worse things yet... they had been fascinated, as if he had reached into the darkest depths of each and every one of them, and brought what he found there to light without ever pushing too far, or delving so deep. He made it undeniable, even when it seemed impossible; he was a natural storyteller.

It had been a story that had never happened; about how they had all destroyed each other, how in their own ways, they had all become villains. And, after a few moments of silence amongst the table, Celestia looked up and asked curiously: “Tell me, Discombobulation, if I may ask... why this story?”

“I gave you a glimpse of a future that could have been. That's much more worthwhile than seeing the future that will be, particularly for teaching lessons...” Discombobulation paused, rubbing at his chin thoughtfully. “After all, what lesson would there be to learn if I tell you the future that absolutely is? Then you can only build towards that fate, however foul or fair it might be. This way, you know what you avoided... good and bad alike.”

Scrivener snorted in amusement at this, sitting back as he crossed his forelegs and said dryly: “You sound as bad as me trying to defend my writing.”

“Well, bully for you.” Discombobulation retorted, then he paused before looking pointedly upwards, saying seriously as if he was clearly speaking to someone else: “And at least I didn't start killing off all the characters one-by-one after twenty-three chapters.”

Pinkie Pie slowly leaned forwards, craning her head upwards as Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Spike looked up as well, even Rarity sneaking an awkward look up, then clearing her throat when Applejack grinned widely at her as Scrivener Blooms only looked at the Draconequus, then asked slowly: “Are... are you talking to me?”

“No, I'm not. I suppose technically I'm speaking to the audience right now, but I am not speaking to you, Luna.” Discombobulation replied seriously, looking down and across at the stallion as he leaned over the table towards him. “You're just a symptom of neurosis. Not the neurotic in charge.

“But do you hear me up there, neurotic?” The Draconequus suddenly looked up again, shaking his fist firmly at the ceiling and glaring balefully as he shouted: “No one likes you and this is why you're going to die alone! I hope you know that!” A pause, and then he returned his eyes to the others with a benevolent smile, tenting his fingers as they all stared at him. “Now, let's just wait for me to be erased from existence and we'll see if anyone cares. If you do, please send me a postcard, I'll probably be in the dregs of the internet, amidst the free porno and the drugs for your doodle that don't work.”

“What the hell are you talking about?” Twilight Sparkle asked finally, as Scrivener and Luna only stared disbelievingly and even Celestia looked a little unsettled, her rainbow mane sparking slightly.

“Our esteemed guests; can't you see them everywhere around us?” Discombobulation said seriously, and he looked back and forth as he gestured out to the side, clearly motioning at something other than the ponies. “Hello audience, say hello back now.”

A pause, lengthening out, drawing longer as he waited for a response... then smiled slightly and winked. “It's funny how many of you actually replied to me, like I could hear you and would care if I did. Not that I think any of you are gullible or anything, but if you would send me a small monetary donation I'll grant you one wish. The size of the wish corresponding to the size of the donation, of course. And no refunds. We also accept Visa and Mastercard.”

“You... do realize this is real, right? That this isn't happening in anypony's mind?” Scrivener said awkwardly, raising a hoof, and Discombobulation snorted in amusement and quirked an eyebrow in response.

“Of course this is all happening inside your head, Luna. Why should that mean... it is any less real?” he asked seriously, and then he paused before becoming honestly solemn as he flicked his wrist, saying in a softer voice as a black, tall tarot card appeared in it: “All I showed you was what could have been, because it's also what each and every one of you are, even now, even as we sit here, even as we speak. Isn't that right... Scrivener Blooms?”

And then he slowly turned the card around, and Scrivener leaned back, paling slightly at the sight of the Five of Cups, with the image of him distorted and half-warped into the shape of a Tyrant Wyrm, a fool's crown on his head, a sword buried beside him, a bottle of whiskey on his other side... and Luna snarled as she squeezed her foal closer, but Discombobulation only smiled faintly, his eyes flicking over the now-silent gathering. “Please, my friends. Take this story as a warning. But most importantly, take it for what it is: hope. Hope that stems from the fact none of you have yet to walk down this path... and I pray that you will all continue to be stronger than I have ever dreamed ponies could be. Now, if you'll excuse me... I have to catch up on my cartoons.”

With that the Draconequus bowed politely and then simply faded from existence as he dropped the Tarot card and it fluttered silently to the ground... and they had cleaned up in silence. Scrivener was surprised when he picked up the card and found it was still solid, as if Discombobulation had meant to make it completely real instead of just a simulacrum... and then he shook his head slowly before checking to ensure he'd grabbed his notebooks as ponies filtered out in awkward quiet, Celestia touching his shoulder gently and giving a small smile as she passed. It reassured him; after all, after the story Discombobulation had told, he thought that of all of them Celestia probably had the most right to be furious, considering the way he had presented her in some pieces of the strange, strange tale. With that thought in mind, Scrivener absently tucked the card into one of his notebooks.

“Hogwash.” Luna muttered finally as she put the sleeping, blanket-wrapped Antares gently on Scrivener's back, and Scrivener shrugged slowly, the winged unicorn glaring at him, but it was a half-worried look as they made their way quietly out into the street. “Scrivy, we are neither insane nor... nor... what is the word I am searching for?”

“Douchebags, but personally I would go with retarded. Packing that much power into one thing, let alone one of us, well... that's a recipe for disaster anywhere.” Scrivener muttered, and Luna grunted as they stopped and stood in the silent autumn night, Ponyville slumbering quietly around them. “But... well... I can't help but think... I mean, Odin does have some friend named Kvasir, right? How... how close were we... and I...”

“It is not important, it is not the truth and we are here now, and fine.” Luna said reassuringly, stepping towards him and nuzzling him silently, and then she smiled a little as she added quietly: “And our son is no Midnight Hour. He is Antares Mīrus. And our beautiful colt Antares is... aye, I believe with all my heart he is special, but he is no monster. He looks... just like thee.”

“That is not a good argument for saying he is not a monster.” Scrivener said delicately, and Luna laughed despite herself before Scrivy smiled faintly as he looked up as Applejack and Rainbow Dash approached.

They stood across from the two awkwardly, quietly; in particular, they had been enemies in the story, and Applejack had not had the kindest of things said about her... and some very vicious things had been described happening between the two couples. But after a moment, Applejack strode forwards and firmly hugged Luna, and Luna returned the embrace tightly, closing her eyes before the goldenrod mare stepped back and smiled, saying finally: “Just a story, right? And that Bob can be a real damn jerk at times, right?”

“Definitely. We always got your back, and I know you always got ours.” Rainbow added firmly, reaching a hoof out, and Scrivener knocked his own together with the Pegasus' before they smiled at one another, studying each other before Big Mac loitered calmly over, looking the least perturbed. “God I hate you sometimes. Does anything bother you?”

“Nope.” Big Mac replied easily, and Dash grumbled as the others laughed, before the red stallion added softly: “I just think of the good parts of the story. And wonder if maybe there is some truth in there after all.”

Scrivener cocked his head curiously at this, and then Luna smiled softly as Big Mac tilted his head ever-so-slightly, towards where Apple Bloom and Scarlet Sage were lingering in the light of Sugar Cube Corners, talking quietly, blushing a little. Rainbow looked confused by the others all looking past him, beginning to tromp around and staring for a moment... and then Applejack grabbed him firmly by the mane and yanked him slowly back around, making him yelp as she said dryly: “Can it, sugarcube. Don't go ruinin' anything for those girls or I'll ruin you.”

“Ha, ruin me.” Rainbow grinned slightly, then he winced when Applejack punched him in the shoulder, mumbling and rubbing at this before Big Mac hit his other shoulder and made him yelp. “Oh come on!”

Luna laughed and Scrivener smiled, and soon after Apple Bloom and Scarlet Sage joined their respective families. The Apple Family left as Twilight Sparkle finally emerged from Sugar Cube Corners, saying her last goodbyes awkwardly before ducking under a bucket thrown by Pinkamena, wincing at the volley of insults before she sighed and walked quietly over to join Luna, Scrivener, and Scarlet Sage.

For a moment, they looked at each other... and then Twilight Sparkle hugged first the stallion, then the starry-maned mare before she stepped back, her eyes lingering between them before she said softly: “I'll come by tomorrow. I... we can talk then, huh?”

“Sounds good.” Scrivener said softly, and the three smiled at one another for a few moments before they finally turned, parting ways as Scarlet Sage gave her mother and father a soft look. Antares mumbled a little on Scrivener's back, and it made the male smile wider as he glanced up, the winked at his adopted daughter, saying mildly: “Now, Scarlet-”

“Oh don't even start, I hate you and I hate Discombobulation.” Scarlet mumbled, blushing deep red, and Luna grinned and laughed loudly. “I hate you too Mom.”

“I know. I relish this.” Luna said cheerfully, as the family headed quietly for their home outside Ponyville, their home in the darkness, the safety of the Everfree Forest, the little cottage they had never and would never abandon for even a castle as mighty as what Discombobulation had described. A home that in the last month, had the hard part of the construction completed, and now just needed to have the interior finished off and then be furnished. Things Scrivener could do himself... especially with his family gladly helping out, and Twilight herself giving her own aid.

For now, Twilight was spending her nights at the library with Celestia, the two sharing a lot, treating each other as equals and being... friends. Something they both deserved, especially with the fears and worries of Clockwork World... and Scrivener looked up at the starry skies overhead, the notebooks feeling strangely heavy in his bag as he thought of the end of the story. Then he looked slowly over at Luna, and the winged unicorn smiled wryly at him, shaking her head slowly as she murmured: “Nay. Of course it is not coincidence... and I do not believe Bob would joke about such a thing. I simply do not know if it now offers up more questions... or solutions.”

The story had ended with Luna sacrificing herself to what Scrivener had been in the story: a Tyrant Wyrm. Scrivener had consumed her, mixing their already-bound souls together into one being. A being known as Gymbr: a singular entity made up of all their darkest qualities. A winged unicorn that looked just like the doll that Antares adored...

Scrivener looked up thoughtfully, quietly, at the beautiful night sky visible through the canopy of trees; it was dying summer now, moving slowly into autumn. Antares would be two years old in a few months, and yet he was already as intelligent as a much older foal, and about as big as one too. He was developing fast... but he still had a little trouble with his grammar, he couldn't do more than the very most basic math, he had a few spacial difficulties. His leathery wings were a little stronger, but still could only support him for short flights and glides without pain, and he could barely open a door with telekinesis.

Then Scarlet Sage glanced up, asking quietly: “Would you like me to try and do a blood link with Gymbr now? If... if he really is... something like that... I know he wouldn't hurt me.”

“I don't know about that, Scarlet Sage... what... we did to you in that story, it was unforgivable.” Scrivener murmured quietly, looking down and closing his eyes as he shook his head slowly. “I'm worried that Gymbr might... well, we don't even know what it is. It can't... be us, after all... can it?”

Luna grunted, looking moodily ahead before she sighed a little and looked over her shoulder, adding quietly: “And daughter, I... I want thee to know that I would never, ever-”

“No, Mom, no. I know. It's okay. It was just a story.” Scarlet Sage said softly, looking at her mother tenderly and smiling faintly before she shook her head, blushing a little as she glanced down. “I love you both... as my parents. And I know you love me... as your daughter. I... it's been a long, long time since I've felt like... I was the adopted daughter, too. You make me feel... you treat me like I'm your own flesh and blood, and yet at the same time you've never tried to make me forget or push away the few memories of my real parents I have and cherish. You... you never tried to replace them, funny as that must sound... Horses of Heaven, it's so hard to explain, but what I'm getting at is I know you'd never do that to me. You'd never use me or hurt me like that.”

She stopped, then looked awkwardly away, adding with a faint smile: “Besides, it wasn't all bad, right? There were moments in that story... I forgot Discombobulation was painting you two as the bad guys. And there were moments when I was... happy, too. Like... with Apple Bloom...”

“Aye.” Luna smiled softly, gazing over her shoulder and nodding slowly before she traded a look with Scrivener, emotions swirling between them before they both looked ahead and Luna admitted quietly: “Then I suppose thou will not think too badly of me if I admit that... I too found the story enjoyable at times. There was something... alluring... about much of it.”

“And well... I don't even have to say anything.” Scrivener said wryly, and Luna laughed as Scarlet Sage gazed fondly at her father's back. “I'm sick. I'm really, really mentally ill. I am a very twisted stallion and Luna, you really need to stop encouraging me.”

“No, no, where is the fun in that? 'Tis delightful to encourage thee! Besides, it makes thee all the more fun when it comes to the games of sparring and combat and all those nasty evil things that I too admire.” Luna winked over at him, and Scrivener sighed as Scarlet Sage giggled a little, and Antares mumbled in his sleep, shifting but smiling a bit as he nestled closer against his father's back. Luna looked at this, and she added softly: “And if there was anything wrong with thee, our son would not love thee so dearly and find such safety and comfort in thee.”

Scrivener swallowed a little at this, looking embarrassedly, awkwardly ahead, not wanting to admit how touched that thought made him. They continued down the path towards their home in silence, and Luna quietly strode up beside her husband, nestling her face against the side of his neck as Scarlet Sage strode up to his other side and smiled supportively at him before gazing tenderly at her little brother.

They were quiet until they reached the front yard of their home, sitting in the wild grasses and gazing up over the expanded house: two floors now, shutters in place over the second floor windows, the exterior varnished ironwood logs. It was more than enough for their strange family, and Scarlet Sage shook her head slowly as she murmured softly: “You and Mom have done such a good job on the place.”

“Well, the Nibelung did the hard stuff, and you've been helping out too, so don't sell yourself short. We've all had a hoof in building this... our home.” Scrivener replied quietly, gesturing towards it with a small smile, and Scarlet Sage nodded thoughtfully after a moment before the stallion added softly: “Thank you for being okay with Twilight moving in. And for putting up with the cramped quarters at the library for as long as we did, while the Nibelung were working out here.”

“Well, Dad, it wasn't hard. You and Mom are a little... weird... but...” Scarlet Sage looked up thoughtfully, then she smiled a little. “I mean this in a good way, but I could see that whole weird Lich thing happening. I think I'm going to go to bed, though... I promised Red we'd... we'd go out tomorrow.”

“Out? As in, courting?” Luna asked curiously as Scarlet Sage headed for the door, and the Pegasus only blushed a little as she hurried onwards, before the winged unicorn trotted after her daughter, calling cheerfully: “No, no! What is that word that Rarity and the fancy ponies use... uh... thou must dish!”

Scrivener cleared his throat at this as Luna chased the Pegasus inside, and then he shook his head, gazing thoughtfully over the structure of the cottage again before smiling a little to himself. Then he paused before glancing curiously to the side as he heard a rustling, tensing up a bit... but sighing in relief as he saw it was only a Nightmare.

Scrivener paused for a moment as the shadowy creature approached him, and then he smiled wryly, asking mildly: “Do you think it's a good or bad thing I relax when I see Nightmares and demons lurking out of the shadows?”

“It is prudent, brother, for there are more dangerous things than our siblings and cousins hunting you and Mistress Luna.” the Nightmare replied, bowing its head politely with a smile. “We wished to share our nightly report.”

The stallion nodded, becoming a little more serious now: Luna had started to deploy her servants of the night more actively, sending them out on patrols and scouting missions, and asking for regular reports from them on what was going on in the country. For a few moments, the Nightmare only surveyed him, almost thoughtful, and then it leaned forwards and said gently: “There is little of interest going on... but we have noted... strangeness, here and there. There was a murder in Manehattan, and one of your strange buildings of electricity and metal was broken into. Laboratory, is this the word?”

Scrivener nodded again, and the creature nodded back before continuing softly: “Noteworthy, but still possibly the work of your own kind; but in the north, we detected chaotic energies, and found several demons in states of... discomfort. They were left vulnerable in the open, as if to attract others, bound down with strange objects... but whatever it was had long left, and the chaos energies were fading from around them. All the same, they were unable to tell us of their attacker... they had no memory of the events, only a blinding bang, and wild swirls of light and sound.”

“Like Ginnungagap energies?” Scrivener frowned, tilting his head curiously, and the Nightmare nodded, looking pleased that it wouldn't have to explain. “So you think...”

“We do not know: Helheim and Ginnungagap have long held a great... dislike... of one-another, but I will not suggest it was the Draconequus. We have... swallowed our hatred of him, as he has done the same for us.” The Nightmare sounded a little grudging all the same, but then it shook its head and continued quietly: “And he is not powerful enough to do this. I do not know what would be.”

The stallion grunted and looked down thoughtfully before the Nightmare bowed politely, then smiled as it looked up and studied him for a few moments. “Before I leave, my siblings and I would like you to know that we heard the stories told by the one called Discombobulation. We would like you to know that should things ever take this turn... we will still be there to support you and Mistress Luna, and gladly. You have been good to us. We are yours to command, loyal always, and we do not think either of you should be ashamed of the possibilities and thoughts that may cross your minds.”

Scrivener smiled thinly as he looked up, but the Nightmare only bowed its head politely before vanishing into dark smoke, and the earth pony sighed after a moment as he dropped his head forwards, mumbling: “Focus, Scrivy, focus.”

He shook himself out a little, and Antares stirred and murmured on his back before the stallion headed towards the house. He could already feel Luna sorting through his thoughts and the information the Nightmare had presented even as he pushed the door open, and he smiled a bit as she leaned curiously into the hallway before he said gently: “Just putting the kid to bed, first, Luna.”

“Is it really so late?” Luna almost wheedled, and Scrivener looked at her flatly before pointedly glancing at Scarlet Sage's door, but Luna only huffed at this. “Oh, our daughter always goes to bed early! And she requires rest, she has her first date with Apple Bloom tomorrow and must look pretty or some nonsense, when I am sure Apple Bloom shall already find her ravishing. Antares does not have to be awake. Bring him here, I desire to play with him.”

Scrivener gave Luna a flat look, and Luna glared at him before the stallion sighed and rolled his eyes, striding down the hall and muttering: “We are definitely not getting any parent of the year awards at this rate.”

“We would did such a thing exist. I would smash my way on stage to prove what a wonderful mother I am and defeat all those other lazy, magazine-reading mommies.” Luna winked over at him, then she posed for a moment in front of the bedding proudly. “What says 'best mother' better than one whom can slay a dragon?”

“A lot of mothers are dragons.” Scrivener muttered, and Luna looked at him for a moment before he said dryly: “Not referring to you, darling. You're... definitely a dragon-slayer.”

Luna grunted in agreement, nodding before she reached out and swept Antares off Scrivener's back, shaking him once and making the earth pony wince as Antares Mīrus groaned and then groggily opened his eyes, asking in an exhausted voice: “Mommy?”

“Come, stay up a little, Antares. Thou fell asleep again during the story, and missed the finale.” Luna said gently, kissing her son's forehead as she smiled a little. “Scrivener shall summarize it for thee, if thou likes. And he shall also get me coffee. But stay awake, if but for an hour, even half: otherwise thou shall be awake again at five in the morn and I shall be too tired to know what to do with thee.”

Scrivener rolled his eyes but smiled despite himself as he headed for the kitchen, and Antares nodded blearily as he sat up a little, rubbing at his eyes before he smiled and said quietly: “I didn't... miss the finale, though, Mom. I mean... I don't think I did...”

He frowned a little, looking down thoughtfully before he nodded and yawned, mumbling: “There was... a bad foal, named Midnight Hour... no. No, that's wrong. He was a really good foal at first, and smart, and strong, and a unicorn. A strange unicorn... like me, but not like me.” Antares nodded slowly again, looking down thoughtfully as he flapped his leathery wings once, then furled them slowly at his sides. “But he went bad... because he got... confused.”

Luna nodded slowly, cocking her head curiously: she had been sure that Antares had been asleep, after all, for the end of the story. Scrivener tilted his own head as he stood in the archway between den and kitchen, and Antares blushed a little, smiling awkwardly over at his father before he shook his head embarrassedly, but when his mother gestured for him to go on, the child hesitated, then said finally: “I think... it was because he was told all the time he was a hero. He could have anything he wanted. That he was... the best thing in the world. And because... his Mom and Dad would never tell him no, and never set rules. And so he went from being very good... to very bad. Is that right?”

“It could be... in fact, I think it is, Antares Mīrus.” Luna said softly, reaching down and picking the child up to hug hm quietly for a moment, and he hugged his mother back, curling up against her a little as she looked down at him softly, rubbing a hand slowly up and down his back. “But I cannot say for sure, because... I do not know the child, and 'twas only a story. And in a story, all things are possible, are they not?”

“It was a sad story.” Antares murmured, and Scrivener nodded slowly as Luna gently set the foal back down, before the foal looked up at Luna curiously. “But then... the... I don't know. I know it was supposed to be like you and Dad, but were you... were you the heroes, or were you the bad guys?”

“We were... both, and neither. We were... the characters you end up cheering on sometimes, even when you don't want to.” Scrivener said softly, shaking his head and smiling a little. “And we were the characters you kept telling yourself were evil... yet all the same were horrified when they actually showed just how nasty they were.”

Antares looked down and nodded quietly, and then he was quiet for a few moments before saying quietly: “But you two turned into Gymbr. And I guess... that both surprised me and didn't.” The foal hesitated, then he looked up and asked nervously: “Gymbr... I mean, he's not... and...”

“No, Antares. No more than thou art Midnight Hour. Go, fetch thy toy, see for thyself.” Luna said softly, and Antares smiled a little after a moment, nodding in agreement before he turned and hurried off down the hall. Luna gazed after him quietly, then she sighed a little and turned her eyes to Scrivener, muttering: “Do I have to put a candy in the lie jar?”

“No, I don't think that counts.” Scrivener smiled a little: they kept a jar labeled 'Lies' on the counter as a reminder to always be honest, at least with each other. It was an amusing little idea that Twilight Sparkle had suggested after reading about it in some psychology book she'd been studying to try and help with the adjustments of their 'particular lifestyle choices,' as she phrased it. “Besides, I... I don't think Gymbr will hurt Antares. It might sound weird, but I think Midnight Hour proves that, assuming... Gymbr the doll and story-Gymbr have something to do with each other.”

Luna grunted after a moment, looking down moodily before Antares returned with his winged unicorn doll, and he sat down with this in front of his mother, gazing up at her with a small smile. He kneaded it quietly with his hooves, rocking a little on the spot, and then he finally swallowed a bit and looked up, asking nervously: “I'm... I'm not like Midnight Hour, am I?”

“No. Not at all.” Luna said firmly, before she reached out and played a hoof quietly through his mane, gazing at him lovingly. “Just as we are not the same parents who rose Midnight Hour, too-indulgent. Oh, aye, we spoil thee...” Luna winked and gently bopped Antares Mīrus on the nose, making him giggle a little. “But we also have rules, do we not? Thou must listen to thy parents, and thy family, and respect and care for thy friends. Thou must not ever use thy strength to harm others, and thou must always remember to be honorable. Honor flows in thy blood; honor did not flow in the blood of those silly creatures in the story.”

Antares nodded, looking reassured as he gazed up with his green-tinted eyes to his mother, who smiled softly back as she stroked under his muzzle and teased quietly: “And besides, thou might have thy father's coat and mane but look at thee, Antares, with thy mother's eyes and thy mother's pretty features.”

“Mom!” Antares laughed a little, blushing and pushing at her hoof, and Luna smiled as she let it drop away before the colt hesitated, gazing softly over his shoulder at his father. Scrivener smiled at him, but as he often was, Antares remained quiet before he bowed his head forwards with a bit of a blush, hugging his doll against his chest and rocking a little on the spot.

Scrivener brought out coffee for himself and Luna, and milk in a sippy cup for Antares: he still couldn't handle a regular cup all that well with his clumsy hooves or telekinesis, but he was content with the cup and able to feed himself. He was catching on to the little things fast, and he had a vocabulary that made Scrivener proud... then again, he thought every parent felt this way, if they cared about their kids. Rainbow was always bragging about Avalon, after all, who had learned how to say certain words, mostly so she could demand things or argue with her parents. She was a little terror; adorable, tiny, but a terror all the same.

But she was a good kid, and honest and loyal, just like her parents. And a better flier than chatty little Meadowlark, at that, but that was no surprise. Antares was glad to play with her when they got together, and sometimes Meadowlark's parents would bring her over too... and there were a few other foals Antares was getting to know in town on better terms than just playground buddies, too.

Luna and Scrivener had decided to have Antares tutored: with both Twilight Sparkle and Celestia willing to help with that, and the child's fast learning, he could learn more and much better from them. Not that Scrivener had anything against Cheerilee: as a matter of fact, they had asked her if it was possible they could have Antares tutored privately, but still ensure that he got plenty of interaction in one way or another with other foals.

There were plenty of things for Antares to get involved with around Ponyville: team sports, a foal's theater group, a program where parents could sign their kids up for play-dates together so children and parents could get to know one another. Scrivener had hurriedly nixed the last, and then decided to investigate the various places around town... but with Luna accompanying him, they had more than once been politely declined after she began either bragging about her children or scaring the other parents.

Either way, Scrivener and Luna wanted Antares to be able to interact positively with other ponies, since... that was a field his parents were a little lacking in. For now, they were just glad that Antares had friends, and was making more: both of them knew how important friendship was, after all.

Luna and Scrivener gazed at each other softly, smiling a little: they loved each other, after all, but they were also the best of friends. And then Luna looked down at her son and laughed softly as she realized he had fallen asleep on the floor with his half-full sippy cup and Gymbr both snuggled close, saying quietly aside to Scrivener: “Look at him, husband. Is he not... oh, Mimir himself could not describe his flawlessness!”

Scrivener smiled a bit at this, glancing amusedly over at Luna before he stepped over to the child... but Luna huffed a bit, leaning over and poking at him with her horn, making him wince back a little. “Oh, cease. Look, he is fine there... let his rest deepen, and then I shall take our son to bed.”

Scrivener nodded after a moment, and then Luna gazed over at him before stepping carefully around her son, and she leaned over as Scrivener turned his head to meet her lips, kissing her slowly, gently. Their eyes closed, and they pressed closer together for a moment before Luna slowly drew back, her eyes closed as the stallion reached up and quietly drew a hoof through her starry locks, meeting her eyes with a slight smile. “I love you, warrior princess.”

“As I love thee, Scrivy. Always.” Luna said softly, and then she leaned forwards and kissed his nose gently before winking at him. “I shall show thee just how much I love thee shortly, too.”

“You know, if you get pregnant again, I'm going to put you in a wheelbarrow and leave you in Ponyville with Celestia. She can deal with you.” Scrivener said mildly, and Luna only laughed, looking over at him with entertainment. “Hey, you're the one always jumping my bones.”

“Aye, I am. But it would be nice if thou could play the ravishing brute now and then.” Luna winked and leaned towards him. “I know thou has it in thee. Would it help if I called thee a handsome monster?”

Her hooves stroked along his chest as Scrivener cleared his throat awkwardly, trying to ignore the thrill that raced along his spine before he tilted his head upwards as Luna kissed the side of his neck lightly, saying lamely: “L-Luna, uh... Antares. Is right there. You're going to give him nightmares.”

“Oh, very well. I shall put the foal to bed, then.” Luna grumbled, and Scrivener smiled slightly before Luna reached down and gently swept the foal up, looking at him lovingly before she kissed his forehead softly and carefully slipped the child onto her back. She carried him down the hall, and Scrivener climbed to his hooves to follow after her, pausing only to pick up Gymbr after a moment of hesitation.

Luna gently set Antares down on his bed, his leathery wings twitching once before half-furling against him, and the winged unicorn smiled softly, reaching down to help smooth his wings out against his sides as she murmured: “Always loose, but 'tis to be expected. His wings are not the strongest, but... yet, I am glad for it, somehow. Is that wrong of me?”

“Nah.” Scrivener said softly, and he reached out, gently passing Gymbr to his son... and smiling when the colt rolled a little to instinctively hug the doll up against his chest. “He's plenty special and plenty strong, just the way he is, after all. And.... Nightmare Moon...”

“Nightmare Moon and I have come to an understanding over Antares, if not peace. She shall speak to him... when he is ready to speak to her, and as with all things with Antares, I am sure he will give us a sign when he is ready. His gift, is the gift of understanding, Scrivy...” Luna looked softly up at her husband, and the two leaned against each other as her starry mane swirled quietly behind her. “And it is a greater gift than my Valkyrie might or thine slaying words. Well. Any gift is a greater gift than thy sordid poetry.”

Scrivener grunted at this, not knowing whether or not he was agreeing or arguing before he shook his head and said softly: “You're right, though. Understanding... if we all had a little more of that, this would be a much better place.”

“And that, Scrivener Blooms, is why I believe our son is truly destined for greatness.” Luna smiled over at him, and then she leaned over and nipped the side of his neck playfully, making him wince and blush a little before she firmly used her horn to nudge him around in a circle, poking him towards the door. “Now come, Scrivener. 'Tis time for me to show that I can be just as carnal and wicked as any evil Luna could.”

“I think you're probably worse.” Scrivener remarked, and then he winced when Luna huffed and shoved him into their bedroom before tackling him back onto their bedding, making him grin awkwardly. “So much for wanting me to be the big bad monster.”

“Some other night.” Luna licked her lips slowly, then grinned widely... and more than an hour later, the winged unicorn emerged with a pleased look on her face, Scrivener following her after a moment to the den and looking amusedly at the winged unicorn before he slipped up beside her and kissed her cheek, then headed towards the kitchen.

He returned after a few minutes with coffee, and Luna smiled as he laid down beside her, the two resting together as she buried her face against the side of his neck. For a few moments, there was peace, and quiet, and only them together... and then Luna finally kissed the side of his neck and murmured: “I am fortunate to have thee as my husband, my husband.”

“Some would argue with that.” Scrivener replied mildly, nuzzling her gently in return, and he smiled as her mane swayed against his features, leaving a soft tingling sensation before he lowered his head and murmured: “I'll never be able to express how lucky I am to have you. You know. For more reasons than the fact I can hide behind you when large, scary things try to eat me and because you're really good in bed.”

Luna snorted in amusement, bumping their noses together as she looked at him cheerfully. “Aye, I do have many good qualities, do I not? I am everything a proper mare should be.”

“Well. I wouldn't go quite that far.” Scrivener said mildly, and Luna huffed at him, poking at him lightly with her horn before the earth pony laughed and leaned out of the way as he shoved at her with one hoof.

Then they were simply quiet, smiling at each other after a few moments before Luna picked up her mug of coffee and sipped slowly at it with a sigh of relief, murmuring: “There are many good things in life, Scrivy. Many, many fortunes. 'Tis easy to forget with all the encroaching darkness but... we have much to be thankful for, do we not? And above all, we always have each other... that, I think, is the lesson I choose to take from the strange story Discombobulation told. That our love shall conquer all.”

“Because love conquers all.” Scrivener murmured thoughtfully, looking down... and then he nodded after a moment and stood up, heading over to his writing desk and the notebooks stacked on it. Luna watched him curiously as the male flipped one open... then winced a bit when the tarot card fluttered out, grimacing a little as he carefully picked this up and studied it for a moment before finally putting it carefully aside.

He shook his head out, then picked up a quill as he shuffled through his notebooks before selecting one, popping it open, and scratching down a quick title over the top margin of the front page. He surveyed it for a moment, then smiled and nodded to himself as he put the quill back and closed the booklet, stacking it back with the others as he said over his shoulder. “Thanks, Luna. I was stumped for a title. You're an inspiration.”

“Yes, I am.” Luna replied cheerfully, but she was blushing a little even as she rose her head proudly, gazing over at stallion warmly. “But hast thou not always recognized this in me, my handsome husband?”

“You got me there.” Scrivener smiled again at her, then he strode back over to the bedding to drop down beside her as they curled their forms together, eyes closed as they rested against one-another like the young lovers they would always be.

Their hearts beat in soft time, their minds worked gently together, they felt like one being as they simply relaxed with one-another in this moment of tranquility. They had no major plans for most of the week, after all... the next big event, Nightmare Night, was still a couple of months away. The Anchors had all been placed, and they hadn't even seen Odin that often: he was busy trying to find Clockwork World, and working on a variety of different projects.

The defenses had been built, Canterlot was nearing complete restoration – to the point where staff were now moving things into the castle, even if Illyria still had to do one final check of the structure to ensure it was stable – and soldiers were being trained. Luna helped out with this every now and then, and they usually paid her a hefty sum of bits for the training she provided the groups of soldiers. Not that they were ever in severe need of money... Luna could always scrounge up the bits from somewhere, wheedle Celestia into giving her some, or procure items for trade. Barter was still Luna's favorite method of getting what she wanted... well, second favorite, since her first would likely always be intimidating and threatening people into doing what she wanted them to.

Luna grinned a little at this thought as she nestled her head against the side of his neck, murmuring: “'Tis not entirely true, Scrivy... I only rarely threaten or pummel Ponyville's merchants, after all. And they always deserve it when I do.”

Scrivener smiled amusedly, then he kissed her temple gently before looking towards their empty coffee mugs, then up at the faint morning light that had begun to crawl into the kitchen and the corridor. Luna grumbled a little, and Scrivener gave a soft look before she mumbled: “I am not saying that I do not enjoy not having to attend to every little detail, beloved, but... I do sometimes miss moving the moon through the sky as I please. And moreover, miss being able to harass Celestia into waiting just a little longer before raising the sun.”

The stallion nudged her gently, and she grunted after a moment. “But aye, 'tis nice like this. No need to worry about missing the time to move the sun or moon; no need to sit around staring at clocks or the sky. No Celestia complaining about timing.” Luna yawned a little, then suddenly sprung up to her hooves, shaking herself briskly out. “But very well then, Scrivener Blooms. Come, we have spent long enough in bed now, let us get up and... well... we must do something today. Something special.”

Scrivener smiled slightly at her, giving an amused look to Luna before she huffed a little. “Well, we must! Scarlet Sage is going on a date... perhaps we should go on a date as well. We can leave Antares with his beloved Aunt Tia and Twilight-Mommy, and... go out to dinner at a nice restaurant.”

The stallion only continued to look at her amusedly for a few moments, and Luna mumbled under her breath to herself before the stallion finally said mildly: “For one thing, Twilight is going to be here today. For another, I thought we were going to finish off as much of upstairs today as we could, so we could start moving furniture and things in. And lastly, what happened the last time we went out to a restaurant together?”

“'Twas a fluke!” Luna scoffed, even as her nose twitched and she glanced awkwardly away, and then she mumbled: “The glass windows were fragile. 'Twas the fool's own fault that he was pummeled through them.”

Scrivener gave the winged unicorn an amused look, and she huffed a bit at him before the stallion asked mildly: “And when's the last time Antares called Twilight Twilight-Mommy?”

“Oh, do not change the subject.” Luna grumbled, then she paused before asking finally: “Compromise, perhaps? Thou should cook us a nice, special dinner here. A family meal, but... special. Thou knows what I mean.”

“But only if you help me finish off those rooms today. And no throwing the bucket of nails at me.” Scrivener said pointedly, leaning towards her, and Luna grunted after a moment, nodding in agreement, and the stallion smiled. “Alright then. Fair enough.”

Luna nodded cheerfully, then she turned and started for the kitchen, but Scrivener halted her as he said flatly: “We are not starting work yet.”

“But... I am bored.” Luna whined, and Scrivener sighed a little before Luna turned around and grinned widely at him, looking at him pointedly. “Shall thou... entertain me, my handsome stallion?”

“Why is there so much wrong with you?” the stallion asked almost curiously, and Luna huffed at him before she paused when Scrivener glanced up after a moment, hesitating before he said finally: “I think we should put the staircase in here.”

The winged unicorn grumbled a little, and Scrivener smiled despite himself: for now, the upper level of their house was reachable only by a staircase outside of the building, curving up from the back patio to the door that led into the second floor. It made it seem almost a separate condominium: charming in a way, but it could be a little frustrating when they wanted to go between floors.

On the other hand, neither Scrivener nor Luna were eager to expand on the changes that had already been made to their household and were hesitant to put in an inner stair. It would mean moving things around in one way or another, and it wasn't like either of the ponies were all that fond of changing things that had already been set up and they had gotten used to... although Luna had also suggested a ladder and trapdoor, which for some reason amused Scrivener more than he could say. It would give the feeling of turning the entire second floor into a secret clubhouse or something.

“And yet 'twould also be out of the way and efficient. I desire the ladder and trapdoor. We can even hide it away in the servant room.” Luna said pointedly, and Scrivener gave her a dry look as she huffed. “Very well, the laundry room, better?”

“That makes me think, though. Why aren't Nightmares and demons doing all those odd jobs and chores for us? Folding clothes, cutting the grass outside when it gets too wild, all the stuff that I do?” Scrivener asked mildly, and Luna shrugged and looked at him with a grin, making the stallion sigh. “You know, just because you're soulbound with me, doesn't mean the sense of accomplishment I feel when I manage to get things done around here yours.”

“'Tis so. We share in all victories. But whenever thou art defeated 'tis all thine own fault.” Luna replied cheerfully, and Scrivener grumbled before the winged unicorn bounced over to him and leaned down to kiss his forehead lightly. “Now come, Scrivy. Let's at least check on the Ambrosia tree outside and do some work in the garden, if thou art so worried about disturbing the foals.”

“Scarlet Sage isn't a foal anymore.” Scrivener said softly, smiling a little, and Luna paused before laughing quietly and nodding slowly, the two studying each other before the stallion hesitated, then asked finally: “Do you think we've been good parents to her? I mean... we've tried to teach her all we could and everything, and about her powers and... we've tried to keep her safe. But we also made her a little like us, didn't we?”

But Luna only smiled slightly at this, shrugging slowly and replying quietly: “And is that not what all parents do, Scrivener Blooms? Make their foals at least a little like them. Aye, perhaps... we have not always been good influences, I shall be the first to admit that. But Scarlet Sage is a beautiful, wonderful daughter. And we...”

Luna quieted, looking down for a moment before she shook her head, and Scrivener looked at her softly as he stood. But she only smiled again, then turned and led him out through the kitchen, striding over the patio and into the back yard as she murmured: “It is not our right to judge whether or not we are good parents. Have we not discussed this? Why, thou wert the one who often said it, no?”

“And that's why I worry a lot.” Scrivener replied quietly, gazing over his shoulder at the house softly. “I try to be the best father I can be to her and to Antares but... I have no idea what the hell I'm doing. I can say with confidence I'm a better dad than Bramblethorn but that's not exactly saying a lot. And I look at other fathers sometimes and can't help but see how they're doing a better job than me. Rainbow Dash is so damn patient with Avalon, after all, and so encouraging... Engelhart is an amazing father to Meadowlark.”

“Bah, that is only what we see in public.” Luna said dismissively, shaking her head quickly, and Scrivenre gave her an amused look before the winged unicorn said kindly: “Stop comparing thyself to everypony, thou art not me, Scrivener Blooms. And 'tis only cute for so long when thou art insecure and neurotic, then it becomes tiresome and I wish to pummel thee.”

Scrivener gave her an amused look before he turned his eyes forwards, gazing softly over the Ambrosia tree that still loomed quietly over the pool. A tree of temptation... and once, yes, both he and Luna had given in and shared a fruit from that tree. Not that it seemed to do much... it had just been one of the bittersweet fruits, after all, carefully skinned and cored and cut into pieces they had eaten slowly and leisurely together.

Luna looked quietly towards the tree as well, and then she shook her head, murmuring: “Aye, we are no good at resisting temptation. But... my curiosity was sated, anyway, by the act: and besides, the damned tree is here, begging us to eat from it. 'Tis annoying enough that Pinkamena keeps eating the fruit whenever she stops in... and I swear that after the story, she honestly does consider the idea more and more of... becoming a full-blooded demon.”

“Can you blame her?” Scrivener asked softly, and Luna smiled wanly at this and nodded after a moment, the two gazing silently at the gnarled reflection of the Ambrosia tree in the pond. “I... think sometimes... about evil Scrivener. It's... alluring to me. So I can't even imagine how compelling the thought of that transformation must be to Pinkamena. And I think her reasons would be the purest of us all, to pursue that path; not just because she cares so much for friends and family, however deep its hidden beneath the blades and the blood... because she hates herself almost as much as I do.”

“'Tis something we have to work on. Although 'tis also the reason why thou and her are such good friends, is it not?” Luna smiled after a moment, and Scrivener nodded with a laugh despite himself, sitting back a bit before the winged unicorn leaned over and kissed his cheek. For a little while, they were silent... and then the starry-maned mare looked ahead and said quietly: “I think that... should Pinkamena ever come to us about that subject... I would help her. Perhaps because I am cruel, perhaps because there is a part of me that is both very evil and very curious, but also because I believe... in her. Does thou understand?”

They looked at each other, trading emotions and thoughts back and forth, and after a few moments Scrivener finally nodded. He smiled a little, and she smiled back, reaching a hoof up and carefully brushing back the male's mane before she said kindly: “Very well then, handsome Scrivener Blooms. Now come, to tend to the damned Ambrosia tree and our little night garden. I do not want again to deal with bugs that have eaten of the Ambrosia and trebled in size, 'tis too much of a pain to squish them while thou screeches and cowers like a little filly.”

“Oh, thank you, Luna.” Scrivener grumbled, rolling his eyes before he added dryly: “And I'm not the one scared of moths, at least.”

“I am not scared of moths!” Luna glowered at him, blushing a little. “'Tis simply annoying that... my mane attracts the foul, poisonous little creatures. Like... well...”

“Moths to a flame?” Scrivener grinned over at her, and then he winced when Luna smacked him lightly, laughing despite himself after a moment before he strode out into the backyard, and Luna grumbled as she followed him... but all the same, felt both entertainment and warmth, here, in this bubble of tranquil morning spent with her husband.

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