• Published 23rd Sep 2012
  • 2,957 Views, 281 Comments

Decretum - BlackRoseRaven

Realities, worlds, and good and evil collide, and Luna fights one last struggle to save Equestria.

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Learning About Ourselves

Chapter Twenty One: Learning About Ourselves

The day was a quiet one, which Scrivener was grateful for: the biggest event was running into the Twilight Sparkle of this layer and her friends, who passed on their well-wishes to Scrivener and Luna. Shining Armor also came to check on Scrivener Blooms that evening, bringing a plate of cookies for him and his family to share from Cadence with her best wishes.

Canterlot was so friendly, so simply... nice. And being able to sleep in comfort, with Luna curled up beside him, safe and secure helped a world with Scrivener's recovery. By the next day, he was already almost back to full strength, and he penned a thank-you note to send to Zecora for the medicine they had treated him with, figuring that her elixirs probably had something to do with him not being dead and already back on his hooves.

Twilight Sparkle and her friends were returning to Ponyville that day, however hesitantly: it meant they would probably miss the chance to say goodbye, after all, although Luna promised that if it was at all possible, she would stop in at the town before leaving. Twilight had also promised to deliver Scrivener's note to Zecora, and had seemed oddly ashamed: possibly because of all her suspicions, possibly because of something else lingering just beneath the surface of her eyes. Either way, she was quick to board the train at the Canterlot station, and her friends followed after Luna had gotten pictures of each of them for memory's sake, and to show off when she returned to their home layer.

“You tell that guy version of me I would outrace him any day of the week, you got that?” Rainbow Dash said firmly as she'd stood on the platform long after all her other friends had boarded the train, and then she grinned and shook her head, saying finally over the sound of the train beginning to rumble away behind her: “I still think you're just pulling my chain. Me as a dude. And what, give up half my speed?”

“Oh, thou would be surprised how fast our Rainbow Dash moves. He moves fast enough that he would probably have gotten on that train.” Luna said cheerfully, and Rainbow had looked confused for a moment, then winced and stared over her shoulder at the sight of her friends shouting at her from the windows as the train chugged onwards, and the Pegasus had yelped and quickly shot into the air, chasing after it as Luna threw her head back and laughed. “They may be different in body but they are certainly the same in mind!”

Scrivener had nodded and smiled despite himself, and then Luna had quieted as she'd looked thoughtfully down at the camera as Scrivener frowned suddenly, feeling her thoughts... then wincing and grimacing at her idea. And they had headed back to the castle, and down into its depths, to where the dead body of Visionary was stored.

They took pictures of the corpse from different angles, and then, as Scrivener stayed nervously back from the cadaver, hearing whispers he kept telling himself were just his imagination, Luna took the time to slowly go over the body, taking a picture of something particularly-interesting here or there. Luna's odd little hobby suddenly was serving a purpose... as much as it disturbed Scrivener that she had gone from amateur photographer to amateur forensic scientist.

Then, finally, Scrivener had been unable to resist as he remembered something from his dream, stepping forwards and pulling the sheets half-covering the body all the way off, and Luna had looked at him curiously before Scrivener winced in distaste, pointing at her hip. The winged unicorn glanced down... and shivered as she saw that whatever emblem had once been there had been visibly scraped or cut off, leaving only a raw patch of flesh and scarring as she muttered: “I suppose he didn't want them to dare think they were anything more or less than what he had decreed them to be... and to think, Scrivy. The damnable Jötnar thought himself the one superior to us... but all I see is a monster's handiwork...”

Scrivener nodded silently, and Luna had sighed, then taken a picture of this before she'd gone back to inspecting the body moodily. But it was all foreign to her: she had expected to find some kind of magic she recognized, but instead all she found were mechanical parts and horrible mutilation... “Cowlick would understand this better, perhaps even Greece. But I do not. 'Tis beyond my comprehension... 'tis beyond, I think, any technology that exists anywhere in our world.”

Scrivener had only nodded again in quiet, before he reached out and silently, almost nervously touched the Clockwork Pony, as if he expected it to come alive at the sensation... but even though he felt a strange chill run through his body, nothing else happened. His hoof pressed gently against its side, as Luna looked at him quietly... and then Scrivener carefully stood up and leaned over the table, gazing down into Visionary's eyes before grimacing and sighing a little. “Doesn't even have eyelids, so we can't at least close her eyes... well... at least she can't be hurt anymore. She escaped him, and... she helped us. I just hope... she's right about us, and about me.” A pause, and then he said almost silently: “I'll do my best.”

With that, Scrivener shook his head, then quietly covered the corpse back up, and they had headed back up into Canterlot, trying to shake off the bad feelings. They ran into Trixie, which was at least a welcome distraction, and made plans to meet up and talk later that night.

In the evening, they found Trixie, and she took them to a small, comfortable coffee shop that Luna delighted in. They talked over coffee and donuts, which Luna continually ordered more of and gleefully abused the fact that the clerk mistook her for the actual Princess Luna to get him to charge Canterlot instead of her paying for them herself.

But she became more solemn as she told the story of Trixie the Brave... and Trixie herself quieted quite a bit, smiling faintly as she learned about how in their layer, Trixie had been willing to obliterate herself in order to put a stop to Veliuona. That she had put on one final, grand show... and afterwards, as they were walking back to Canterlot and the unicorn pondered over this, she finally looked up and asked quietly: “So what does it mean, Luna Brynhild?”

“It means whatever thou wishes it to, Trixie. Although I think at least partly it means that whilst thou should watch thine ego, thou should still always be a little... proud, a little boisterous, and not settle for less than what thou believes thou can achieve.” Luna smiled a little, glancing over at the unicorn as she'd nodded slowly, and then the winged unicorn added easily: “But fear not. There is no Veliuona in this world, and therefore much less chance of thou blowing thyself up.”

Trixie had smiled a little despite herself at this, and when they finally reached the castle, she had nodded firmly before saying quietly: “Trixie is going to push to study further at the magic school, she thinks. Trixie may not truly be the Great and Powerful, or as brave as the Trixie you knew... but all the same, Trixie does want to learn. And to be back entertaining on the stage... even more, to be able to do well... more than silly tricks...”

She smiled a little, looking over at Luna and saying thoughtfully: “It's funny. Everypony seemed happy that I was being a complacent little girl and learning all these ropes and rules and regulations. But now you come in, and tell me of a Trixie that was still a little silly, still a little too proud, and still scheming away and causing mischief, and you stir up all these thoughts in me. Now why would you do that?”

“Because I want to see thee happy, Trixie, and I was always happiest to have thee as my friend and student when thou wert being an obnoxious little miscreant I wanted to slap, not when thou wert all... boring and learn-y. That is Twilight Sparkle's job, not thine. Thou art supposed to be an entertainer.” Luna winked at her, and Trixie laughed. “Excellent, Scrivener. I have meddled more. But do remember, Trixie, be proud but not arrogant, and be a trickster but not a schemer. I think thou would be best that way.”

Trixie smiled at this, and then Luna winked, saying cheerfully: “Now come. We shall see what a diligent student thou art and I shall teach thee the basics of polymorphing thine own form; if thou art half the unicorn thou were back home, I suspect thou shall catch on to this bit of trickery quite easily. Besides, Twilight Sparkle does not seem to like me very much here, so it only makes sense that I shall aid thee instead of her.”

Scrivener only rolled his eyes in amusement at this, even as Trixie had smiled warmly and happily, looking surprised and delighted by the offer. And Luna was all too glad to teach, managing to be both pleased and irritated all at once by how willing Trixie was to listen and learn beneath her tutelage.

By the end of a few hours of work, Trixie had learned a few basic polymorph spells: Luna was pleased with her meddling, and the unicorn had been thrilled as she'd left late that night, Scrivener smiling from where he'd been watching with Pinkamena, the two playing cards absently as Scarlet Sage gazed warmly up from where she was writing in a journal to say softly: “You're doing... a lot of good here, Mom. You should be really proud of that.”

“I am always really proud of me.” Luna said pompously, trying to hide her blush, but Scrivener had only smiled before wincing when Pinkamena smacked him and grumbled at him to pay attention.

It was another restful night, followed by a comfortable early morning breakfast they shared with the Princesses. Princess Luna had remarked curiously on how she had heard that Trixie had been taught some simple polymorph skills, and Luna Brynhild had grinned cheerfully and nodded at this. But then there had only been quiet for a little while, before Celestia had finally smiled and said softly: “I have an idea. Sister, there's not much to do today... why don't you spend the day with Brynhild and Scrivener? I know you've been particularly interested in them, after all.”

“Oh, aye! Yes, do spend the day with us, Princess... I know, Little Luna, I shall take thee on an average day in my life.” Luna said cheerfully, and when Scrivener and Scarlet Sage both looked at her pointedly, she had sighed, rolled her eyes, and said grumpily: “Very well, apparently I shall take thee on a boring, peaceful day in my life instead, happy?”

“I... I do not know...” Princess Luna shifted embarrassedly, looking awkwardly at her big sister, but when Celestia smiled encouragingly, she finally sighed and relented, looking apprehensively over at Luna Brynhild and Scrivener. “Very well then, what... shall we do?”

“We shall go for a walk, and see where that takes us.” Luna Brynhild replied cheerfully, and then she winked over at Scarlet Sage and Pinkamena. “And both of thee shall go with Nice Celestia.”

Celestia looked surprised at this, then winced a little as the half-demon grinned and licked her lips and Scarlet Sage blushed a bit. “I... well... I have royal business to attend to, and it would be... boring and...”

“Nay, nay, Scarlet Sage is very good at boring things.” Luna Brynhild said empathetically, and the Pegasus glowered at her mother before she added cheerfully: “And Pinkamena, why, there is no half-demon better at putting together plans! I imagine she could out-schedule Twilight Sparkle should the urge ever take her.”

“I like puzzles. I don't do schedules, I'm not an obsessive-compulsive neurotic.” Pinkamena said dryly, and then she sniffed a little and glanced over at the Princess of the Sun. “But what's wrong? You got something you wanna hide from us, is that it? Or are you just scared that we're gonna see all you do is sit on your fat flank all day reading pretty little friendship letters from your gal-pal Twilight?”

Princess Celestia sighed tiredly at this, and when her little sister gave her an imploring look, she nodded grudgingly. “Very well. I... suppose I can take this opportunity to learn more about your world as well, so I should be thanking you-”

“Damn right you should.” Pinkamena grunted, then she snatched Scrivener's fork out of his hoof as he began to lift the last of a pancake towards his mouth, flicking his food disdainfully off it before picking at her teeth with it as he only glared at her and the Princesses both stared at the dull-gray pony's behavior. “So what do we do first? Groveling? Hoof-licking? Interrogations? Oh right, you're Nice Celestia, not Princess Sunshine. Does that mean your servants beat you instead of you beating them?”

“Please don't kill her, but if thou likes, thou may knock her unconscious.” Luna Brynhild said kindly, and then she pushed away from the table and grinned slightly, rubbing her hooves together eagerly. “Enough though, 'tis time to go! Come, Little Luna, I have a whole world to show thee over the course of a few scant hours!”

Princess Luna looked less-than-thrilled... but an hour later, as they walked slowly through a forest-filled ravine hidden amongst the mountains around Canterlot, the Princess was gazing back and forth with awe as Scrivener easily paced alongside her with a saddlebag hanging from his side and Luna stayed in the lead, whistling to herself as her black pearl swayed easily around her neck. “How did you know about this place, Luna Brynhild...”

“Oh, there are many such places around Canterlot, thou merely has to look.” Luna said dismissively, shaking her head and smiling easily over her shoulder. “I was never permitted to journey far... my big sister is... far more controlling than thine, I am willing to wager. So I hunted out spots like this, near enough to Canterlot that I could oft return before Celestia knew I was gone... and I wagered that as our layers have many similarities, it would be here. It pleases me to see that I was right.”

She smiled again over her shoulder as they continued onwards, pushing through a curtain of vines to laugh as they reached a large, beautiful pond in the base of the ravine, surrounded by wildflowers and tall trees. “And look! 'Tis almost exactly as I recall from home, all those years ago... oh, Scrivy, remember when I first dragged thee out here?”

“Before we were really getting along, but you were afraid that if you didn't drag me along on your adventure, I'd rat you out to Celestia.” Scrivener paused meditatively, approaching the pool before he shrugged the saddlebag off, adding mildly: “I remember that you-”

Then Luna Brynhild rammed into him and knocked him flying into the water with a tremendous splash, and he winged unicorn laughed as Princess Luna stared in amazement. Then she winced when Luna Brynhild grinned mischievously at her, shaking her head hurriedly. “No, no, I'm fine, thank you!”

“Oh, thou art no fun!” Luna Brynhild whined, and then she huffed a little before shaking herself briskly, her mane and tail snapping around her before settling as she smiled, ignoring Scrivener grumbling in the pond as she asked curiously: “So does thou know how to polymorph?”

Princess Luna hesitated, then nodded... before staring as Luna Brynhild grinned and flexed, her body glowing brightly before she took on the shape of Nightmare Moon, leaning forwards and grinning with a set of razor-sharp teeth. “Can thou do this?”

For a moment, Princess Luna only stared, her eyes slowly widening, her body trembling a little as the larger, polymorphed equine winced and Scrivener flinched a little, not wanting to think of what memories that likely brought up... before suddenly, the Princess of the Night bowed her head forwards, blushing even through the glow before her frame shifted and transformed, mimicking the shape of Nightmare Moon as well as she mumbled almost embarrassedly: “Of course.”

The two Nightmare Moons studied each other... and then Luna Brynhild smiled slightly before flicking her horn, and her frame glowed before reverting back to her normal body. Princess Luna sighed in relief and did the same, and for a moment there was silence between them before they studied each other curiously once more.

Finally, the gentler, tiara-adorned winged unicorn rose her head and asked quietly: “What's it like, Luna Brynhild? Being a warrior? Being as free as you are... having... a soulmate?”

The warrior mare softened at this, looking over her shoulder to where Scrivener was now sitting at the edge of the pond, and the stallion smiled a little back at her before Luna Brynhild looked thoughtfully back at the Princess. “Hasn't thou ever felt the urge to be freer than thou art, Little Luna? Heard the call of the wild, desired to fight, lived in the night instead of during the brightly-burning day?”

Princess Luna shifted nervously at this, and then she closed her eyes, saying finally: “I don't know. Sometimes, I... I do wish that it could all be different, yes. The way you speak, it is like the Royal Canterlot Voice but-”

“Oh yes! The Royal Canterlot Voice, thou has that too?” Luna Brynhild's eyes glinted mischievously, and Scrivener winced and ducked as the Princess of the Night only frowned before her eyes bulged and she was almost bowled off her hooves when Luna shouted in an echoing, cheerful voice: “Does it not go something like this?”

Princess Luna slowly leaned back, winced and grimaced, then glared across at the fellow starry-maned, sapphire-bodied winged unicorn before a slight grin quirked at her mouth, and Luna had a moment to frown before the Princess leaned forwards and shouted clearly back in the same voice: “It is more like this, Luna Brynhild!”

Scrivener covered his head, wincing at the sounds that reverberated throughout his skull and Luna Brynhild almost toppled backwards... then she grinned widely and cheerfully, her eyes flashing as she gazed with almost excitement towards the winged unicorn. “Delightful! Most delightful indeed, Little Luna, oh, aye, there are the flashes of myself I have been looking for all this time!”

The Princess of the Night smiled a little at this, blushing and glancing awkwardly down for a moment before she looked up and said finally: “It is merely that... I have been trying my hardest to maintain my position at my sister's side. I will not lie, there have been times when I have felt... I don't know. Out of place, perhaps, or like the ponies... look at us together, but their eyes still see her first and foremost, and I... in her shadow.”

She quieted, then shook her head and continued softly: “But I am afraid of what those feelings mean. I do not want to once more descend into such darkness that I become... Nightmare Moon, after all. That would be... terrible.”

Luna Brynhild smiled faintly at this, even as Nightmare Moon laughed quietly inside her, but then she closed her eyes and forced the dark specter away as she replied softly: “Nay, my friend, my... twin. Do not worry for such things, and do not think that Nightmare Moon is...” She grimaced, looking as if she had bitten into a lemon even as she said moodily: “Is completely without value. I am loathe to admit it... but she has aided myself and Scrivener Blooms as often as she has caused trouble for us.”

Princess Luna looked curiously at them at this, and then Luna Brynhild shook her head grouchily, muttering: “'Tis not important, fear not. 'Tis just... painful to admit right now that aye, the creature is not completely without its use. But does thou still hear her voice, then?”

“I do not know if it is my own voice or another's but... sometimes, yes.” Princess Luna said quietly, glancing down and nodding slowly, looking strangely ashamed of herself as she closed her eyes. “I think that is also why I have striven so hard to... imitate my sister, listen to the lessons she has to teach me, and be a good, strong ruler for my people. For Equestria. Sister will always be their figurehead first and foremost but I still... wish to provide something, in some way, for the ponies...”

Luna Brynhild smiled faintly at this, nodding slowly in understanding before she sighed a little, looking down thoughtfully in silence. Then, after another moment, she finally brought her eyes up, asking curiously: “What are thy thoughts upon the subject of love, fair Princess? Surely thou has had suitors.”

The Princess of the Night only blushed awkwardly at this, however, slowly turning her eyes away, and then Luna leaned forwards and asked seriously: “Twilight Sparkle? Does thou prefer mares? I enjoy mares from time-to-time. Well, apart from my husband, I mean.”

“Brynhild!” Princess Luna looked up with a deep flush, saying embarrassedly: “That is not something that... I mean... you... you're just teasing me, aren't you?”

Luna Brynhild, however, only grinned widely as she stood straight and proud, declaring: “I shan't let anypony tell me what I may and may not do. Aye, I am married, adore and love my husband, and will viciously pummel anypony who says different. But that does not mean I am going to allow my life to become boring. Scrivener Blooms is a very handsome stallion, oh, aye, and he pleases me in ways that I would be delighted to describe in detail-”

“No, no, that's... fine, thank you.” Princess Luna winced a little, leaning awkwardly away before she grumbled and pawed a hoof at the ground, then strode moodily past to look down into the pool of water, saying quietly: “In the past there were suitors. Stallion... suitors, I am not as... as....”

“'Adventurous.' I use the word 'adventurous.'” Scrivener said delicately, and Princess Luna gave him a look of faint amusement before the male shook his head, adding in a softer voice: “You also don't have to talk about this if you don't want to.”

The Princess of the Night shifted a little, then she finally smiled a bit, saying quietly: “No, it's fine. I simply... well... you know. I don't usually talk to many ponies, apart from my sister, Trixie, and Twilight Sparkle. I am... I am treated with respect and compassion, yes, but I am also a Princess, and my sister sometimes likes to jest that we are considered 'untouchable' by too many ponies... it's hard for either of us to find ponies who will treat us like... well... you know.

“And on top of that... I am Nightmare Moon.” Princess Luna smiled wryly, shaking her head slowly. “There's only one night of the year where that becomes an advantage, instead of a problem. It's simply... difficult.”

Luna Brynhild nodded slowly, looking softly over at Scrivener Blooms as she murmured: “Aye, it always was. I was very fortunate with Scrivy, I know this well... he was assigned to me by Celestia, and he... is such a dark, nasty little creature at heart.” She grinned a little despite herself, and Scrivener sighed as the Princess looked up with a small smile. “Wicked poet. Nothing is more monstrous than a damnable poet.”

Scrivener laughed quietly at this, then he looked towards the Princess as she gazed between them softly, before Luna Brynhild grinned widely and turned her eyes cheerfully back to the fellow winged unicorn. “But in all seriousness, thou never feels a compulsion for a mare? They are such soft and pretty things! Thou art certainly very pretty, but that may be narcissism on mine own part talking.”

Luna Brynhild nodded seriously a few times, and the Princess sighed and shook her head slowly before she glanced towards Scrivener moodily. “And how do you put up with Brynhild's behavior, if I may ask? Or do you also seek out others to enjoy the company of in that particular fashion?”

The stallion snorted in amusement at this, saying mildly: “Oh, Luna's a little touchy about that. See, she's the one who goes around and gets to choose people who interest her. On the other hoof, if I ever show interest in a pony, she usually beats me.”

The Princess laughed at this, and Luna Brynhild huffed, rearing back and saying grouchily: “The poet has had more divine and passionate experiences than most stallions ever shall, the ungrateful wretch should be extolling how fortunate he is for me right now! But I have another highly-personal question, Little Luna, and thou must answer me honestly: what is thy darkest, deepest, most-hidden desire and dream?”

Princess Luna looked dryly at the inquisitive winged unicorn, replying mildly: “And exactly what makes you think, Brynhild, I would answer that?”

“Because I think thou wants to.” Luna Brynhild smiled slightly, winking slowly at her. “After all... with me, thou has nothing to lose. Few would believe me even if I went around blurting it out, and I will be gone within several days' time back to my own layer of reality. And all of us who have secrets wish we could share them with the world... but some secrets some cannot tell even thine sister, cannot entrust to anypony but thyself. And I, Luna, am exactly that: I am thou.”

Princess Luna looked apprehensively over at Luna Brynhild, who continued to grin at her cheerfully, leaning forwards pointedly before she finally sighed a little, looking moodily back and forth between Scrivener Blooms and the twinned winged unicorn. Then she finally closed her eyes, mumbling under her breath: “This is ridiculous. But very well, Brynhild... if you must know, one day I... I would like to travel throughout Equestria myself, going from place-to-place. Seeing you, hearing all your stories has... made me think. Not just because you were revered as a hero, but because... you were free, weren't you? Completely free, in a place where... where nothing anypony said or did mattered. Where you weren't...”

She quieted, blushing and looking down, and Luna Brynhild smiled slightly before she straightened and declared imperiously: “If thou wishes to be free, Little Luna, and travel as thou likes, thou must learn to defend thyself... for not all creatures shall be scared off by thee puffing thyself up into the form and shape of Nightmare Moon, and there will always be annoying do-gooders that are far worse than any villain or bandit. I shall do something that has always driven my big sister into absolute fury and teach thee to horn foil.”

“What?” Princess Luna looked surprised, and then she winced when the other Luna leapt forwards with a wide grin, her black pearl swinging in front of her as she slashed her horn down. The Princess of the Night skittered away from this almost fearfully, her eyes wide with surprise as she babbled: “Wait, no, magic is the realm of-”

“Magic is for sissies!” Luna Brynhild shouted cheerfully in her face, and the Princess winced backwards before Scrivener winced when his soulmate reached up and firmly slapped the other winged unicorn across the face with one hoof, making her gape in horror and only stare in amazement as Luna Brynhild grinned challengingly. “Now, thou may suffer thy bruises and learn... or thou may cry about how unfair this all is and I shall simply pummel thee for fun instead of for teaching. Here thou art not the Princess of the Night, and I care not for that title in any event. Here thou art Little Luna, now tell me, what is thy name?”

“Luna, the-” began the winged unicorn, and Luna Brynhild promptly smacked her with her horn, making the Princess wince and drop low, still shocked by the initial slap. “Little Luna!”

“Better!” Luna Brynhild grinned widely at this, nodding firmly before she pawed her hooves eagerly against the ground, then leaned forwards as her eyes flashed. “Now, I shall attack... and thou shall defend! Simple, no?”

Little Luna only stared at this... then squeaked when Luna Brynhild stepped forwards, beginning a quick onslaught of short, rapid strikes with her horn as she shouted: “Defend! Do not think, use only thy horn! Concentrate energy into it and strike back against mine, do not think, only do!”

It was much easier said than done, as Little Luna pushed back as hard as she could, swinging her horn back and forth but unable to deflect more than a few strikes out of every ten or so Luna Brynhild laid against her. Then she stumbled backwards and half-fell over onto her haunches, breathing hard as Luna grinned and stepped backwards, nodding firmly. “A fair start, Little Luna. A fair start.”

“A fair start? All you did was beat on me!” Little Luna shouted at her, one of her eyes twitching as she glared up at Luna Brynhild, who only grinned infuriatingly in return. “What is wrong with you? How is this to teach me anything?”

“The bruises upon thy pretty face have already taught thee much, Little Luna. They have taught thee about pain. And soon, they will teach thee about pushing through pain.” the fellow mare replied cheerfully, leaning back with a wink. “And besides, 'tis not as if thou art learning nothing at all... why, thou deflected perhaps a bare quarter of my attacks! I believe in learning through doing, Little Luna, 'tis how I have always taught, and how I will continue to teach, whether thou likes it or not.”

“I. I don't want to play this game or learn this, it is only a silly dream anyway.” Little Luna muttered, and now Luna Brynhild looked less-than-pleased before Little Luna added grouchily: “Besides, I always have my magic to fall back upon if I am ever in trouble. My sister and I may not be as strong as you are, but in this world there are few ponies who can boast greater magic power than us.”

Luna Brynhild huffed at this, her eyes narrowing moodily before she glanced over her shoulder and shouted, as Scrivener looked up with a wince: “Beat her up!”

“I. Luna. This is not the polite way to do things.” Scrivener began delicately, and then he groaned when Luna Brynhild glared at him and stomped her hooves, and Little Luna only looked blank and confused for a few moments before the earth pony sighed and sat moodily up. “Sure. Why not? Beat up a Princess. The only thing I'm going to enjoy about this is that I'll be hitting a pony who looks like you.”

“Oh, shut up.” Luna Brynhild huffed, then she returned her eyes to Little Luna, declaring challengingly: “If thou can last five minutes against Scrivener Blooms with thy paltry magic, then I shall do any task thou desires. If Scrivener Blooms outlasts thee or better yet, pummels thee into submission, then thou must accept my tutelage.”

“Oh, as if I'm stupid enough to-” Little Luna began, and then she frowned when Luna Brynhild grumbled something under her breath, the Princess asking sharply: “What was that?”

“I said, thou art a coward.” Luna said scathingly, and Little Luna's eye twitched before she slowly ground her teeth together, her mane sparking and swirling behind her. And Scrivener winced at the resemblance he saw to his wife in that moment in not just form, but suddenly personality as well.

“Well, very well then! I accept, I accept the challenge, and if you lose I shall make you lick my hooves!” Little Luna snapped, voice echoing through the ravine as she leaned forwards with a furious glare. “I am not to be underestimated, Brynhild!”

But if anything, Luna Brynhild only looked thrilled at this, grinning slowly wider as she licked her lips slowly. “I knew I saw more than a glimpse of myself in thee! Thou has the same foul temper... but very well, then let the game begin: Little Luna, Scrivener Blooms, have fun.”

And with that, Luna leapt upwards, flapping her wings firmly to propel herself safely into the air to watch from above as Scrivener cleared his throat and Little Luna glared over at him furiously, the male raising a hoof and saying mildly: “This really wasn't my idea so-”

Little Luna snapped her horn downwards, and a blast of lightning erupted from the skies and pounded into Scrivener, making him wince and stagger backwards. Then Little Luna stared when the earth pony simply shook his head out, wincing a little as a bit of smoke floated up from his charred mane before he muttered: “Okay, okay. I'm going to be the better pony here and give you that one as a freebie. Now, Princess, I want to say that I'm very sorry about-”

“It is Little Luna!” the winged unicorn shouted suddenly, and Scrivener looked at her in confusion before the winged unicorn's horn glowed as she made a vicious upwards hauling motion, and a moment later the ground beneath him erupted in a tremendous bang, sending the earth pony flying backwards to crash loudly down into the pond in another enormous splash. Above, Luna Brynhild winced and grabbed at her body... then threw her head back and laughed despite herself.

A moment later, Scrivener hauled himself slowly out of the water, groaning in disgust more than pain as he carefully crawled up to his hooves and shook his head out, swaying slowly on the spot as Little Luna grinned at him... and then her eyes widened in shock, rearing back when the earth pony suddenly dashed towards her before she cursed and flicked her horn downwards, her horn unleashing a beam of sapphire radiance.

Scrivener leapt to the side, then winced and lunged forwards, skidding beneath the beam when Little Luna traced it towards him before he leapt towards her and tackled the Princess onto her back, and Little Luna cursed in surprise before Scrivener pinned her... and then the Princess of the Night's horn glowed as her eyes gave a bright flash, and a moment later Scrivener was blown off her by what felt like a shockwave of force, stunned by the blast as he landed on his back a few feet away and twitched once.

Little Luna, thankfully, didn't have the experience to act to press the advantage and was too shocked by what was going on to think clearly, even as she scrambled to her hooves with a translucent sapphire sphere of energy now surrounding her. Above, Luna Brynhild looked at this with sharp interest, flying down to take a better look as Scrivener rolled to his hooves and muttered: “Localized protective barrier, great.”

Then Little Luna ran towards him with a grimace, and Scrivener only stared in surprise before she rammed the barrier into his face, the sphere releasing another powerful pulse that knocked him crashing and rolling backwards several feet as Luna Brynhild clapped her hooves gleefully above despite wince of pain that went through her. “Oh, most excellent indeed! Perhaps I did underestimate thee, Little Luna!”

The Princess of the Night grinned at this despite the fact she was still obviously fuming as well, and Scrivener grumbled as he clawed up to his hooves before narrowing his eyes when Little Luna ran forwards again... and this time, Scrivener threw his shoulder hard against the barrier. He winced at the pulse of force that washed over him, but inside, the Princess cursed in surprise, the glow around her horn stuttering before Scrivener leapt up on his rear hooves and slammed a series of hard blows against the front of the spherical barrier, every strike creating a pulse of force that washed over him like a biting wind even as the magical energy began to fracture like glass.

Little Luna cursed and drew hurriedly back, her horn glowing brighter, but Scrivener leapt forwards and rammed his shoulder viciously into the force-field, and it shattered like glass in a burst of sound that knocked Scrivener sprawling but also stunned Little Luna as she cried out in pain, disoriented as electricity sizzled around her horn. She swayed slowly on her hooves, and Scrivener took the moment to leap back to his own before running forwards and seizing her around the neck before he kicked hard off the ground with his rear legs, making her choke as he dragged her backwards and into the air before slamming all four hooves down into her chest, kicking off her body to send himself backwards and slamming Little Luna back-first into the ground.

He landed easily on his hooves, skidding backwards and breathing hard, ready to continue the spar... and then he winced when Little Luna trembled a little on her back, trying to withhold a sob as Luna Brynhild glared pointedly down at Scrivener, and he looked back up with a wince, then a glower in return to the winged unicorn warrior before mumbling under his breath and carefully walking forwards.

Little Luna was curled up on her side, her breaths shuddering, covering her face with her hooves before Scrivener said awkwardly: “You... you did very well. I'm sorry, I forgot that you aren't a full-fledged warrior.”

“No...” Little Luna said quietly, her eyes closed as she slowly drew her hooves away from her features... and then they opened and glanced up at him, and Scrivener looked at her blankly for a moment before she muttered: “Just a Princess.”

And with that, she slammed a rear hoof hard up into Scrivener's throat, making him gag and stagger backwards before Little Luna sat quickly up and slashed her horn out, a beam of sapphire light smashing into the male and knocking him sprawling backwards before he was shoved slowly, painfully backwards by it, leaving a trench through the ground as the beam hammered into him like a solid battering ram, sending agony through his system as he gargled and flailed his hooves wildly in surprise.

But then Little Luna half-collapsed backwards with a wheeze, wincing and clenching her eyes shut as a shudder ran through her body, and Scrivener groaned in pain from where he was laying before the Princess of the Night dropped onto her back with a groan, muttering: “I... I am no warrior. I have no strength left...”

She closed her eyes slowly... then frowned as a shape fluttered down and landed over her before opening her eyes, looking up at Luna Brynhild as the twinned winged unicorn stood over her, frowning disapprovingly. The Princess of the Night grimaced a little in return, moodiness and defeat in her eyes before the warrior mare leaned down and said quietly: “Scrivener Blooms did not defeat thee, Little Luna. Thou defeated thyself, just like I used to... giving in to sadness and despair, bah. Giving in to thyself, and thine own weakness.”

“I am not weak, I simply... I cannot fight any more!” Little Luna shouted, glaring up at her angrily, and then she trembled before closing her eyes tightly, whispering: “And what would you know? You're a warrior. Out of Celestia's shadow... free from the obligations of being a Princess, and who has... something that completes you...”

“No, Little Luna, I know well.” Luna Brynhild replied quietly, then she smiled when the winged unicorn looked up at her almost sulkily. “That is a bit better, but still not what I am aiming for. Alright, up on thy hooves, I shall spare thee the lecture until later, Little Luna, and I suppose thou art still growing up.”

“Still... still growing up? Do you know how old I am?” the Princess of the Night asked incredulously, looking frustrated, and then she winced when Luna seized her and yanked her easily up to her hooves, blushing a little as she looked awkwardly at the fellow winged unicorn. “I. Suppose you do.”

“I do not know. Were thou a foal? Did thou have... have parents?” Luna Brynhild asked quietly, leaning forwards, and the Princess of the Night seemed surprised by this question before the warrior mare smiled faintly and closed her eyes, murmuring: “Because of what we are, mine siblings and myself... awoke, 'complete,' so to speak. Adults, with all our knowledge... but not always the ability to handle... ourselves, or what we knew. But nay, nay, enough.”

Luna Brynhild smiled, stepping back and looking thoughtfully over Little Luna, then she sighed and said grouchily, without bothering to look over her shoulder: “Scrivener, thou art not that badly injured, and Little Luna was not really crying, she was merely being deceitful. So get up out of the dirt.”

“The dirt is comfortable.” Scrivener muttered in response, and then he winced when Luna glared over her shoulder and her horn glowed, a telekinetic aura surrounding the earth pony and hefting him into the air from where he was laying prone, carrying him slowly over to her before simply dropping him on his haunches beside her, and the male wheezed a little as he dropped his head forwards before smiling awkwardly at Little Luna. “I'm sorry if I hurt you.”

“No, it is... alright.” Little Luna hesitated, then she smiled a little, bowing her head forwards. “I lost the battle and will bow to your wish.”

“Good.” The warrior winged unicorn said comfortably, and then she leaned back and said kindly: “I shall think upon this and tell thee my desires later. For now, Scrivener, let us wash thee off in that pool, thou art filthy.”

“I. I don't want to go in the water again.” Scrivener said moodily, and when Luna glared at him, the earth pony sighed and turned around, trudging towards the natural spring and muttering: “Fine.”

“Excellent.” Luna Brynhild nodded approvingly, then she turned her eyes towards Little Luna, adding mildly: “Thou art filthy as well. Into the water with thee.”

The Princess of the Night blinked... then the warrior mare simply slipped around behind her and bulled her firmly forwards, Little Luna trying to dig her hooves into the ground and spluttering in denial before she was butted firmly into the pool, and Scrivener looked stupidly over his shoulder before the winged unicorn crashed down on top of him and Luna Brynhild laughed.

The pool was cool and comfortable, surprisingly deep in the middle and pleasant to rest in. Little Luna was quiet for the most part as she studied the two soulmates curiously, watching the way they bickered and splashed and flailed at one-another, but picking up more and more on the way they moved in natural rhythm, even in their arguments. They were strange and fascinating and exotic to her, and she blushed when the two finally caught her studying them, shrinking back a bit in the water and mumbling: “I apologize. You're both just so... strange.”

Luna Brynhild nodded agreeably, then she said softly: “Well, I find all thee and thine strange, too. Then again, even in my world, I am considered rather far from the norm.” She paused for a moment thoughtfully, then smiled slightly and glanced over at Scrivener, saying kindly: “Scrivy, come here. Let us help Little Luna relax.”

Scrivener gave her a flat look as Little Luna winced a bit, and Luna Brynhild huffed before slipping to the Princess's other side, saying moodily: “If thou art me, thou should be more fun. Thou does not know the meaning of fun. Thou art stuffy.”

“I am not.” Little Luna looked almost hurt by this remark, then she grumbled a little before sinking moodily into the water, adding grouchily: “And I know I'm not you. I can't help that, Brynhild, you're an incredible warrior and a powerful mare, and all I am is a Princess, which apparently means nothing to you...”

“Well, it is different for me.” Luna Brynhild said quietly, and Little Luna looked up with a frown at this surprisingly-serious response before the warrior winged unicorn smiled faintly even as Scrivener slipped quietly up to Little Luna's other side. “I... I did not want to be a princess, as I have said already. And when I lived in exile... then I felt true freedom. How can I describe what that is like?”

She smiled a little again, looking down into the water before her eyes roved to Little Luna's, meeting them evenly. “Thou art wiser than I am. Likely more compassionate, and friendlier, too. Thou art better suited for the throne, and I am glad to see it, and know that it is important... Celestia, after all, had... had a difficult time, without her little sister by her side.” Luna closed her eyes, leaning her head forwards and saying softly: “No, I do not respect thy title. But I do respect thee, Little Luna. Also, well, thou art me.”

The two smiled hesitantly at each other, and then Luna Brynhild grinned and winked. “And that is why when I offer thee the chance to sleep with my husband and perhaps myself thou should be honored!”

Little Luna groaned and turned away, and Scrivener Blooms grabbed his face with his hooves as he muttered: “And the moment was ruined by Luna's big mouth yet again.”

“I take it this happens often.” Little Luna muttered, and she grimaced and slipped a little away from Luna Brynhild when the winged unicorn winked. “Let us please just move on.”

The outing, all-in-all, was a success. Both Princess Luna and Luna Brynhild were able to learn much about one another, and Scrivener Blooms picked up on more similarities than he had thought existed at first between the two. They both had a temper, they both had a mischievous streak – although Little Luna had obviously been trying her best to keep hers in check for the last few years – and it didn't take Little Luna long to adjust to Luna Brynhild's fondness for physical contact and closeness.

When they returned to Canterlot, Princess Celestia had been a little horrified to find her younger sibling with a few large bruises on her body, smelling faintly of the forest and looking embarrassed... but before she'd headed off to have an actual bath instead of just the rinse in the pond, she had said finally that she desired to spend the next day with Luna and Scrivener as well, if they would permit it. Luna Brynhild had nodded thoughtfully, and then looked curiously towards Celestia as the Princess of the Sun had hesitated, but then nodded slowly, gazing protectively over her younger sibling.

Then Celestia had added that Scarlet Sage was still helping with research, while Pinkamena she had eventually been forced to ask to leave after the half-demon had succeeded in grinding down her patience. Pinkamena had refused at first... but eventually agreed to go with Shining Armor after the Captain of the Guard made a report, recognized that Celestia was starting to lose her mind with the half-demon around, and had hurriedly invited Pinkamena to take part in a training exercise.

It was no surprise to either Luna or Scrivener when they headed out into the fields outside of Canterlot and found Shining Armor covered in bruises and simply staring in a mix of awe and horror at the sight of Pinkamena. Scrivener and Luna calmly sat down beside the Captain of the Guard, the winged unicorn smiling pleasantly and glancing up at the picturesque setting sun before returning her eyes to the pockmarked battlefield, enjoying the way the light reflected off the armor of the Royal Guards: many of whom were laying prone or trying to weakly crawl away.

There were still at least a few standing, others picking themselves up to renew the attack as they caught their breath and pushed through the pain of their injuries. And in the middle of it all, Pinkamena was grinning in her armor, bloody, bruised, but moving like a whirlwind as a guard lunged at her, and she smashed her front hooves across his face before seizing him by the neck and wing and ramming him face-first into another charging guard like he was a living battering ram. Then she spun, hefting the pony she was using like a weapon with a snarl and throwing him into the face of another guard to send them spilling and rolling backwards in a pile as she shouted: “Come on, you weak little fillies!”

“It's been like this for almost an hour. Does she have dragon blood in her veins or something?” Shining Armor asked incredulously, and then he winced and grabbed at his foreleg as it shivered beneath him, muttering: “She dislocated one of my limbs about ten minutes in to take me out of the fight. I think what scares me is that from watching her, I can see she's not actually trying to maim too many of my soldiers.”

“Aye, but she is certainly not above leaving scars.” Luna commented easily, nodding thoughtfully before she grinned slightly over at Shining Armor as the unicorn shook his head in slow disbelief. “And Pinkamena is a half-demon. A half-demon born from a dangerous psychosis no less. To her, this is how she makes friends.”

One last guard tried to charge her... and Pinkamena simply slammed her head into his own before he could ram her, knocking him flat to the ground in a broken heap before she looked moodily back and forth at the exhausted guards, spitting blood to the side and muttering: “Barely worth the time and effort. Fun, though. Hey, Nightmare Moon, you want to play a little? Or what about you, Scrivener? If you win, I'll let you cut me.”

“You're so sweet.” Scrivener said drolly, and Pinkamena mockingly fluttered her eyes at him before grumbling as she strode easily over several fallen soldiers, the ponies groaning in pain but not daring to move or even complain. “Come on, let's head back to our quarters.”

“Yeah, yeah, whatever.” Pinkamena muttered, shaking her head before she glanced moodily at Shining Armor. He winced a little as she shoved a hoof up under his chin, and then she grunted and nodded, saying moodily: “Thanks for the fun. But you guys still suck a whole lot. Try and toughen up, huh?”

“I'll keep it in mind.” Shining Armor replied dourly, and then he sighed before stepping forwards, beginning to shout tired orders to his soldiers as his foreleg twitched a little beneath him, wincing but bearing up the damage well.

Pinkamena fell in step beside Scrivener Blooms and Luna as they turned to head back towards the castle, the half-demon studying them meditatively before she asked finally: “Did you fulfill your sick little fantasy and bang her?”

Scrivener slowly closed his eyes as Luna grinned widely, half-lidding her eyes. “A stallion as gentle as Scrivener Blooms would not kiss and tell, whilst I, on the other hand, am all too often told I have-”

“Oh, so she isn't a whore like you.” Pinkamena said mildly, and Luna scowled horribly at the half-demon before she sniffed and looked towards the castle moodily. “Bet you fifty bits you fail and she finds you two disgusting.”

“What? Ridiculous!” Luna retorted, and Scrivener looked pleadingly at the two mares before Luna added sharply: “A hundred bits! A hundred bits that I am able to seduce her into a world of pleasure unlike any she has ever imagined!”

“Can we not bet on this? Please? I don't want to be involved in this, I think that invalidates the bet.” Scrivener said finally, and then he winced when Luna smacked him with her horn and Pinkamena punched him firmly in the shoulder, cursing and stumbling between the two mares. “We have a world to save-”

“We have an entire day and night to waste before we are able to return home by the Bifrost, and I for one refuse to spend it twiddling my hooves.” Luna retorted grouchily, raising her head proudly high. “The half-demon has challenged me. It does not matter how grandiose or how silly the challenge is, I always rise to a challenge and I always win.”

Pinkamena grunted at this, muttering: “I just really want to see you get punched in the face, and I figure if anything will piss this world's Princess Sunshine off it's that. I cannot wait for the fallout either way: you fail, and I get a nice handful of bits and you get to feel rejected by yourself, you win, and I get to watch you likely get chased out of Canterlot by a furious Celestia.”

Luna looked thoughtful at this, then she looked grumpily down at the field as they continued onwards, muttering: “Well, Scrivener Blooms, art thou happy now? Perhaps our newest adventure to plunder the dragon's treasure shall lead us to be chased by a very angry dragon-slayer... say, they are rather-”

“Don't. Even. Start.” Scrivener enunciated slowly, glaring at Luna, and the winged unicorn cleared her throat hurriedly, looking awkwardly away as Pinkamena laughed. “You shut up too.”

“I love it when you get pissed off. Your anger takes so long to finally rise to the surface that when it does, it's like fine wine, aged to perfection.” Pinkamena said with relish, her eyes giving a flash as she licked her teeth slowly. “So tell me, Scrivener. All that corruption dancing around in your mind... does it make those nasty thoughts of yours better or worse?”

“You just beat up a small army, wasn't that enough to make you relax?” Scrivener asked flatly, and when Pinkamena only grinned and shrugged, the stallion sighed tiredly and dropped his head forwards, muttering: “Of course it wasn't. Of course not.”

Pinkamena laughed again, but thankfully was complacent and quiet on the way back to the castle and into the room they had taken over in the guest quarters instead of the tower. Once there, the three settled in, Scrivener Blooms pulling out his journal and Luna simply flopping on the bed, while the half-demon took off her armor to repair and polish it up.

After an hour or so, Scarlet Sage showed up with a smile and a few books, saying they were gifts from Princess Celestia for them. Scrivener and Luna smiled back at their daughter, and Luna and the Pegasus talked easily, sharing the details of their days as Scrivener looked thoughtfully over the books that Celestia had given them: two history books and a book of old Equestrian legends and myths. Scrivener flicked the last open, studying its contents with a smile... then wincing a little when Pinkamena pressed herself against his back to lean past him and read over his shoulder, a sour look gradually spreading over Scrivener's features before the half-demon said grumpily: “Well, hurry up, turn the goddamn page.”

“Can you please wait your turn? You're being worse than Luna.” Scrivener said flatly, but the half-demon only grunted before the earth pony sighed tiredly, looking pleadingly at the winged unicorn... but she only looked cheerfully up at him as Scarlet Sage smiled lamely and shrugged, before the stallion muttered: “Will you stop reading over my shoulder if I read the story out loud to you?”

“No, but I won't do this to make you turn the pages for me.” Pinkamena said kindly, and then she punched him firmly in the kidney, making Scrivener curse and wheeze as he leaned forwards.

Luna winced as well, glaring at the half-demon before she instead looked at Scrivener Blooms and said mildly: “As much as I do so loathe Pinkamena at times, I agree with her. Thou should read to us, Scrivy, and if the stories are not interesting, then I demand thee to make them more interesting, is this understood? Thou art a storyteller.”

“No, I'm a writer. And a poet. But you can be both those things without being a storyteller...” Scrivener paused, then muttered: “And usually all three of those things without being an author. But alright, alright. Since I get the feeling you're going to encourage Pinkamena to bludgeon me if I don't, I'll give Luna what Luna wants.”

“Oh, I bet thou will.” Luna said immediately, grinning widely up at him, and Scrivener gave her a scathing look as Scarlet Sage blushed and winced and Pinkamena snorted in amusement. “I do so love that our daughter is old enough that I no longer have to cover up my jokes! That was a joke about Scrivener Blooms having intercourse with Little Luna, in case thou did not get the punchline.”

Scarlet Sage turned beet-red as she slowly dropped her face in her hooves, and Luna grinned brightly before Scrivener narrowed his eyes in concentration. The winged unicorn frowned as her horn began to glow, looking dumbly up at this before electricity suddenly surged around it, and Scrivener winced even as Luna yelled and flailed wildly as lightning sparked along her body, collapsing onto her back with a wheeze as Scrivener muttered: “Better than a spray bottle.”

Then he shook his head and sighed, flipping moodily through the book to the first story before he cleared his throat, beginning to read. Behind him, Pinkamena smiled as she leaned over his shoulder, her eyes slowly closing as the half-demon half-pushed herself against Scrivener's back, and Scarlet Sage gazed up with a smile at the stallion, flush gradually fading as she let herself become absorbed in the story. And last, Luna sat up as well, glowering for a little while and promising revenge, yet not interrupting as she sat back and smiled a little, soothed by not just the stallion's voice but the presence of her strange and wonderful little family around her.

It promised to be a good night, a peaceful night... and it was just what they needed, finding their own little slice of home in this comfortable but foreign world, four abnormal ponies enjoying the rare slice of normalcy in their strange and wild lives.

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