• Published 23rd Sep 2012
  • 2,957 Views, 281 Comments

Decretum - BlackRoseRaven

Realities, worlds, and good and evil collide, and Luna fights one last struggle to save Equestria.

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Dashing Courage

Chapter Fifty Two: Dashing Courage

Rainbow Dash snarled as he shot after Courage, the Clockwork Pony laughing as it twisted back and forth through the rocky gorge, leading him further away from Canterlot and into deeper, more-dangerous territory. Above their heads, black clouds rumbled ominously, blocking out all but the brightest light from the risen moon, making the jutting peaks and reaching mountains even harder to see.

But far below, the ground was almost glowing: it was all gray, ashen rock, reflecting even the smallest bit of light, littered with cruel, jutting cones of stone. If a Pegasus fell... even if they were lucky enough to miss hitting the sharp, rocky mountain walls or the deadly blades and spikes of ore, they would still hit solid stone, with only gravel and dust to soften the fall. In other words, death was the most likely... and most pleasant... possibility.

On the ground below and far behind, Luna and Scrivener were racing along with Applejack and Big Mac: Rainbow glanced over his shoulder, barely able to make out the charging shadows in the darkness he knew was the group before he looked ahead... and cursed in shock as he saw Courage right in front of him, the mare swinging a metal-covered hoof out to slam into his face and knock him backwards with a grunt of pain.

The Clockwork Pony was merciless, shooting immediately forwards and simply ramming past Rainbow as she spun her body violently, the thorns and bladed edges of her armor ripping against the Pegasus stallion and flaying his uniform as he was knocked backwards with a howl of pain. He flapped his wings hard, withdrawing as Courage shot past, then simply dropped before flipping at the last moment to crash down on a ledge, grinning cruelly up at him as she leaned back against the rock face and mocked: “What's wrong? Can't handle the heat? Forget how to fly? You're no better than those loser blunder-bolts!”

“Shut up!” Rainbow shouted, and he gritted his teeth before launching himself forwards, but Courage only grinned viciously and leapt upwards at the last moment, shooting straight up into the air. Rainbow crashed against the stone cliff, but then he forced himself to run upwards, hooves pounding against the stone as he flapped his wings to give himself the extra boost he needed to sprint straight up the wall after Courage-

The Clockwork Pony dropped and slammed both rear hooves hard down into Rainbow Dash's face, knocking him backwards before he howled in agony as he bounced off the stone ledge, flipping awkwardly once in the air before forcing himself to recover, wings painfully catching the air and carrying him back upwards. He cursed weakly, spinning around and shooting into the sky, and then he snarled when Courage pointed at him and laughed loudly. “What a loser! You couldn't fly your way out of a barn, much less-”

A hoof smashed across Courage's face, knocking her backwards as a blue-and-yellow streak blasted by, and then another Pegasus slammed into her back, knocking her forwards before she cursed and shot upwards, avoiding the last two that shot towards her. Rainbow grinned despite himself as the Pegasi fell into formation around him, Spitfire grinning despite the bloody gash over her cheek as she shouted: “Thought you could use a little help here, Dash... besides, no one insults the Wonderbolts and gets away with it!

“I'd be more impressed if you didn't already seem down one.” Courage retorted in disgust, rubbing at her face as she snarled, and Soarin' glared through his broken goggles. “So which one did the Thunderbirds kill? Was it your bestest buddy, Soarin', you colt-cuddling faggot?”

Soarin' began to lunge, but Spitfire held a hoof out, saying sharply: “Don't listen to her. Don't let her psych you out.”

“Yeah, I really need an edge to out-fly you losers.” Courage said disgustedly, and then she flapped her wings and carried herself up higher before grimacing in distaste as she looked down and saw Luna taking to the air, and a cluster of earth ponies below. “Oh no, Brynhild, I don't think so.”

With that, Courage shot upwards into the clouds as Rainbow looked over his shoulder, more relieved than he wanted to admit... and then Luna stopped cold as there was a surge from the clouds above before they began to violently spin in a vortex, and Luna cursed under her breath before clenching her eyes shut and slowly beginning to descend as electricity sparked along her horn, the winged unicorn shouting: “Damnation, I cannot... the monster is emitting anti-magic!”

“What?” Rainbow looked up with shock as the clouds violently continued to swirl, before he and the Wonderbolts broke formation on instinct, shooting to the side as a blast of blue lightning hammered down through the sky and passed through where they had been a moment before.

Then, there was a horrible booming sound before a shockwave of violet and sapphire rippled out of the cloud, and Luna spun and dove quickly towards the ground, landing a little hard on the rocky earth with a curse before she gave a cry of pain as the shockwave hit and anti-magic ripped over her body, knocking her sprawling as Scrivener snarled in pain and flexed. Applejack stared at them with shock, but when the charcoal stallion shook his head, she turned her eyes back upwards, whispering: “Be careful, Dashie...”

The Wonderbolts winced as electricity sparked along them, and Rainbow Dash cursed, feeling his body flexing painfully before he snarled upwards as the stormcloud dissipated. It let the light of the moon and stars shine down through the circular hole carved in the cloud cover, but electricity still tore back and forth through the wound, and Courage was grinning widely, ignoring the shocks of lightning passing along her body. Slowly, she descended again, and then she leaned forwards, saying coldly: “I'm going to enjoy ripping you all apart.”

With that, Courage shot suddenly over their heads, a dark blur; immediately, Rainbow half-spun after her, pushing himself as hard as he could as Spitfire shouted an order and the Wonderbolts broke off into pairs before pursuing the two.

Courage shot down towards a cliff, Rainbow Dash flying after her before the Clockwork Pony slammed her hooves up into the rock face and kicked off it, launching herself in the other direction like a living weapon, and Rainbow was barely able to throw himself out of the way when she corkscrewed violently, her deadly armor sparking with lightning. The stallion cursed under his breath as she shot past, then laughed and suddenly blasted forwards, moving so fast it created a sonic boom... but instead of unleashing a rainbow of color, like Rainbow Dash's rainboom, there was a devastating crackle of electricity and a poisonous shockwave of violet malevolence.

The energy hammered against two of the Wonderbolts, knocking them backwards and disorienting them for a moment before Rainbow shot quickly to the sky again, cursing under his breath. Courage was simply too fast, and if she managed to hit any of them... well, there wouldn't be much left over to clean up.

Courage shot skywards, then twisted around in a U-turn and made straight for Spitfire, and the Captain of the Wonderbolts immediately shouted an order to Soarin' as he flew beside her: immediately, the Wonderbolt stallion put on a burst of speed, shooting up above her and seizing her by her extended front hooves. Then he dove downwards and half-flipped his body to acrobatically throw her forwards at the moment of highest momentum as he spun upside down... and Spitfire half-flipped at the last second, both her rear hooves smashing into Courage's surprised face before she could even think to react, sending up a burst of blood, drool, and vulgarities as the Clockwork Pony was knocked backwards.

Rainbow Dash shot in, smashing a shoulder into Courage's stomach, ignoring the edges of the armor and the spikes that tore against him for the satisfaction of hearing her howl in pain. The Clockwork Pony was knocked crashing backwards as the two other Wonderbolts shot up behind her, reaching for her... but Courage spun around with a snarl, ducking their hooves and seizing a wing of one of the Pegasi, making the mare shriek as she was dragged painfully downwards as Courage free-fell before half-spinning, spreading her large wings to catch herself in midair as she lashed the Wonderbolt downwards and into a jutting spike of rock.

The Pegasus mare went silent immediately as she was impaled through the stomach, gargling blood as Spitfire shouted a denial, shooting downwards... and without looking, Courage shot upwards, snapped her rear legs around Spitfire’s throat, and then twisted violently to throw her face-first into the cliff face. She bounced off with a crunch before Courage shot into the air, and Rainbow Dash snarled as he pursued her with Soarin' and the last Wonderbolt before Courage rammed through a cloud above... then tore back out with a wide grin, shooting straight towards them with a trail of lightning in her wake.

Soarin' threw himself in front of Rainbow, then cried out in misery when Courage smashed into him: the blast of lightning surged through her, but the Clockwork Pony didn't even seem to notice it as Soarin' howled in agony before he was blasted backwards, his limp body hitting Rainbow like a cannonball before the Wonderbolt stallion plummeted into a ledge below.

Rainbow barely managed to recover in time before an electrically-charged hoof smashed into his face, knocking him backwards with a cry of pain before Courage brought up both rear hooves and kicked him across the sky. The last Wonderbolt dove forwards, trying to grapple with the Clockwork Pony, but then Courage reached forwards and seized the Pegasus in a bear-hug, shouting in her face: “You want a flying lesson? Sure, punk! But it'll cost you!”

With that, she dove downwards, then suddenly went into a vicious spin, massive wings propelling her powerfully as the Wonderbolt howled, spikes and blades of armor grinding against the captured mare's body before she stared in horror as they shot faster, faster, faster... and then there was a tremendous bang as Courage smashed through the sound barrier with another malevolent, thunderous shockwave before twisting upwards just above the ground, halting herself almost as fast she had accelerated as she let the Pegasus' electrified, ruptured body go.

The Wonderbolt flew upwards weakly before she was caught by gravity, and Courage's hoof shot out, catching her by the throat, leaving her corpse dangling for a moment as the Clockwork Pony grinned widely before saying calmly: “Cost you one life. Oh, too bad, yours is worthless.”

With that, Courage threw the corpse to the gravelly ground, then grinned before dropping down and stomping on it savagely with her rear hooves. Then she looked up with a snort when Applejack and Big Mac charged at her, flapping her wings and taking off with a gust of force that knocked both earth ponies backwards, shouting disgustedly: “Don't even bother, slave hooves!”

She began to look up... and Rainbow Dash crashed full into her face, knocking her backwards with a gargle before Spitfire slammed into her stomach, cracking the armor there further as Rainbow snarled: “Shut your goddamn mouth!”

Courage slipped backwards with a growl as both Pegasi swung at her, and then the Clockwork Pony darted forwards, ripping just past Rainbow Dash and slashing her armor against his body before she spun around, tearing past him again and slamming a hoof into Spitfire's face as she passed just above her, knocking the Wonderbolt backwards. Spitfire tried to stay in the air with a curse, but Courage dropped, tackling her towards the ground and driving her down, the Pegasus' eyes widening as she screamed before Courage crashed down into the earth, crunching the Wonderbolt's skull beneath her hooves. “Get back in the ground, crowbait!”

Courage rose a hoof, slamming it cruelly down into Spitfire's face again, again, again, and then Rainbow tackled her from above with a wounded roar, knocking her skidding along the ground off the Wonderbolt. Tears filled his eyes as he looked with horror over his shoulder at Spitfire's broken body, and then he howled in pain as Courage tried to rip free of his grip, the two shooting high into the air with a snarl of fury as she yelled furiously: “Get your filthy hooves off me, you hoof-licking excuse for glue!”

Rainbow responded by jerking backwards, their flight path zigzagging wildly through the air before they smashed off a cliff, and Courage howled in pain as her face mashed against the rock wall before she shot violently upwards, corkscrewing rapidly before she hit the clouds above. Rainbow howled, seeing nothing but darkness whipping by but feeling electricity tearing and sparking against him before Courage corkscrewed violently, and the clouds rumbled, then crackled with electricity before there was a terrible peal of thunder.

A few moments later, Rainbow flew limply out of the black clouds, his body smoldering, wings burnt and damaged and half-unconscious as he began to fall... and then Courage shot down, looking furious, features bloody and bruised and armor damaged as she seized Rainbow by the throat. He gargled, snapping awake and staring up at her before a hoof slammed into his face as he hung limply, then she hit him again and again and again as Courage snarled: “You piece of garbage! You freak of nature! You worthless hunk of snot! You think that-”

Something smashed across the Clockwork Pony's face, and Courage looked stupefied as Rainbow looked up weakly before the tiny, fast-moving shape smashed viciously against Courage's bruised features again, making her yell as she hurled Rainbow Dash backwards. The Pegasus stallion barely managed to catch the air as Courage swept at the shape, and then Rainbow stared in shock, horror, and amazement as Avalon spun around and slammed directly into Courage's face once more, knocking the shocked Clockwork Pony a few feet backwards as the foal yelled furiously: “No! Leave Daddy!”

“Little bitch!” Courage lunged forwards, swiping angrily at the foal, and Rainbow snarled even as Avalon easily darted out of the way and hammered into Courage's features again. The Clockwork Pony roared in rage this time, however, then snapped her limbs out, and a blast of raw, terrible force ripped out of her body in all directions, Avalon shrieking as she was buffeted by shockwaves of violet energy and electricity before the stunned foal simply plummeted from the sky.

Rainbow stared in horror, and then he roared before charging forwards, smashing into Courage and knocking her backwards, grappling with the Clockwork Pony and hammering his hooves viciously against her armored frame. “That was my daughter!”

“Then I did you a favor!” Courage spat in return, and then she tried to drop away, but Rainbow lunged quickly after her... and when she slipped out of the way of his grab, he instead slammed into one of her wings, making Courage shriek before the Pegasus stallion rolled in midair, the Clockwork Pony's wing giving a sickening crack as it was forced to bend behind her own back before Rainbow Dash seized her around the waist in a crushing embrace, gritting his teeth as he flapped his wings and forcefully carried her upwards. “What the hell are you doing?”

“Showing you how to fly!” Rainbow shouted furiously, tears streaming down his cheeks as he yanked her higher into the sky, ignoring the spikes ripping against his foreleg, the bent wing smacking against his chest, the wild flapping of Courage's free wing as she tried to struggle free.

“I can fly better than you ever will! I'm lighter, faster, sleeker, better!” Courage retorted, snarling and then howling as Rainbow pressed forwards against her back, squeezing her tighter back against his body as they sailed up above the clouds, and then were framed for a moment against the moon as they hovered high, high in the air.

“Yeah, but you know where weight comes in handy? Free falls. Dives. And nothing says finale like one last dive, right?” Rainbow snarled, and then he yanked her viciously backwards, simply furling his wings as Courage's eyes widened in shock. Then, almost slowly, they began to fall... and Courage howled in horror as she looked down and stared at how far they were above the ground, struggling to free her captured wing and flapping her free appendage madly, but it only served to speed them up and send them into a vicious spin, as Rainbow clutched her back against his body and gritted his teeth as they shot towards the rocky ground below.

They fell like a living, spinning meteor from the sky, sailing down into the mountains, down to the rocky ground as tears streamed down Rainbow's face and Courage shouted, desperately attempting to rip free from the deathly embrace that the stallion had him in before the Pegasus stallion snarled as he felt Courage trying to roll him forwards, to use him as a buffer before Rainbow Dash shouted: “No, this is your finale, not mine!”

With that, Rainbow Dash suddenly unfurled his wings, spinning rapidly and then arching his back as he let his hooves slip free from around Courage while he forced the mare beneath his heavier body, and Courage looked down in shock before Rainbow flapped his wings and kicked off Courage's back as hard as he could, cursing in pain as the muscles in his wings tore from the force of attempting to stop himself but sending the Clockwork Pony crashing face-first into the ground.

There was a tremendous shockwave of electricity, and Rainbow howled in agony, feeling his blood boiling in his veins as he slung himself forwards through the air before crashing down on all four hooves: at least one of his limbs snapped loudly as he staggered violently forwards, and then he tumbled and rolled several times before flopping prone on the ground, rasping hard. His wings twitched uselessly and he felt nothing but agony as he looked weakly up... then grinned tiredly at the sight of approaching hooves, whispering: “I... I can be just as good as Pinkamena... see?”

The stallion's eyes fluttered weakly as he struggled to stay conscious, hearing shouts and rumbles... and then his eyes snapped open, fear sending a surge of adrenaline through his body as a voice snarled: “How dare you... shorn-wing...”

Rainbow forced himself to half-roll over, shaking his head wildly as he stared in horror at the sight of Courage slowly peeling itself off the ground. The creature had impacted with enough force to shatter its armor into a broken mess of plates that blood was steadily streaming through, but somehow it was still moving... somehow, it was still forcing itself up to its hooves as it rasped quietly and its wings spasmed, electricity shooting through them before Courage howled as it arched its back as the bolts and arcs of lightning grew and pulsed-

Both massive wings exploded in bursts of blood and electricity, Courage staggering forwards as wires and ugly cables danced through the air above it as feathers swirled around it. Metal glinted before one of the wings toppled off entirely, revealing a broken, melted titanium frame that a few shredded lengths of cabling were attached to, as Courage dropped its head forwards and rasped: “You broke nothing that can't be replaced, but... now... now I'm gonna break you...”

“You'll have to go through us, first!” Applejack snarled, charging in front of Rainbow Dash, and Big Mac, Luna and Scrivener were at her side in a moment, the four glaring across at the wounded Clockwork Pony. Rainbow smiled weakly as he slowly forced himself to sit up, and then he glanced up as Soarin' joined them, trembling, wounded and bloody, but gently passing Avalon's unconscious body to Rainbow... and the Pegasus stallion stared up at him with silent relief and thanks.

Courage only laughed at them, however, grinning despite the blood dripping from her before the Clockwork Pony whispered: “Now why would I do that when I can do this?”

Then Courage pounced forwards with a grin, and even as they readied themselves to meet the Clockwork Pony... Courage simply vanished from the spot in a blast of electricity before there was a blue flash in front of Rainbow Dash, and Courage reappeared in a blink before swinging a hoof cruelly down into Dash's face, knocking him sprawling,

He howled in pain even as he automatically rolled to protect Avalon, and Courage slammed a hoof into Dash's back with a snarl before she looked over her shoulder when Applejack threw a kick at her: she vanished before it could connect, reappearing a short distance away with her back still to them before she spun around and ran up one of the bent, jutting blades of stone to throw herself into a tackle towards Soarin'.

The Pegasus stallion was crushed to the ground on his back before Courage kicked both rear hooves into his stomach, and he vomited blood before Courage vanished when Big Mac dove at her. She reappeared a second later some ten feet away, laughing, back in the spot where she had first been, and Luna snarled before flicking her horn, sending a blast of lightning hammering into the Clockwork Pony.

Courage only arched her back, however, laughing louder before she broke into a sharp, short run forwards before skidding around in a short circle, dropped to a ready position, and then launched herself straight towards them, electricity still tearing back and forth along her body. She dove towards Luna, but when Luna leapt to meet her, Courage vanished and reappeared behind her, kicking both hooves backwards into Luna's haunch to knock her staggering with a grunt before the Clockwork Pony turned to Applejack and smashed a hoof across her face.

Applejack crashed down with a grunt, and Courage vanished again when Big Mac tried to ram into her with his shoulder before the red stallion dropped low when Scrivener ran forwards, and the charcoal pony leapt onto his back, then flung himself in a tackle over Applejack when Courage reappeared on the other side of the goldenrod mare.

He crashed into the Clockwork Pony's back, but Courage only snarled and bucked him off even as she skidded forwards, slamming Scrivener into the ground before she stomped a hoof into his face when Scrivener began to get up. The charcoal pony dropped limp, going prone as Luna staggered with a wheeze, shaking her head and looking stunned, and Courage grinned and rose her hoof to deliver a killing blow... but then Applejack slammed both rear hooves into her side, and there was a sickening crunch as Courage staggered before vanishing and reappearing again some ten feet away, again facing outwards, and Luna grinned bitterly: the pattern was easy to figure out. Now it was just a matter of getting her in the right position...

“Applejack, stay back. Our foe is too strong.” Luna said quietly as the winged unicorn hurried in front of Scrivener, before she shot a pointed look at Big Mac as she added sharply: “And Big Mac, protect Rainbow Dash.”

Big Mac calmly stayed in place as Applejack glared at Luna, then snarled: “No way! I can handle it, she... the freak hurt Rainbow!”

And with that, Applejack turned and shot forwards, as Courage watched eagerly, then laughed mockingly before vanishing from the spot, reappearing in front of Luna, standing overtop Scrivener Blooms... and the charcoal pony's eyes snapped open as he immediately slammed both rear hooves as hard as he could up into Courage's stomach.

Courage howled in misery as broken metal armor was forced deeper into her body, and then Luna swept her horn forwards in a cruel lash across the Clockwork Pony's face, making her shriek in denial and agony before she vanished again... and this time reappeared in front of Big Mac, who slammed into her with his shoulder and knocked her rearing back before he tackled her onto her back and smashed his front hooves hard down into her breast.

She was crushed down into the ground, eyes wide with terror as her damaged metal armor crunched further and the mangled remains of a wing snapped off, Big Mac grimacing even as he brought back a hoof... but then Courage simply vanished, once more reappearing ten feet away, in a straight, short line, on her back, and this time right between Luna and Scrivener. She shrieked as she rolled to her hooves, then lunged forwards before vanishing from the spot before either pony could hit her. But on instinct, Luna snarled and flicked her horn sharply, and a pillar of rock shot up a short distance away... before Courage tried to reform where the spire was, and she gargled in horror as there was a thick gush of blood and a horrible, electrical crackle.

Courage was left suspended with her hooves just inches off the ground, the pole through her midsection as she gasped weakly for air, her hooves pawing slowly at the earth like a grisly carousel horse. She shivered in disbelief, then leaned forwards and vomited blood again, looking weakly at the ground as tears spilled slowly from her staring eyes, whispering: “Not cool. Not cool at all.”

Then her eyes slipped closed, and she dropped her head forwards and screamed as

the dragon studied her mockingly. She gasped weakly, staring back and forth, shivering in pain and horror and wretched defeat as foam dripped from her jaws and tears fell from her eyes. She was beaten, broken, chained into this chair as Valthrudnir pointed at the enormous theater screen in front of her and said kindly: “I'm only showing you the truth.”

“No... n-no.” Rainbow Dash moaned weakly, shaking her head slowly. She had been here for hours... days... weeks, watching the same set of images scrawl by over and over on the theater screen. At first she'd simply closed her eyes, tried to block it out... but sure, she could look away from the images, but only for so long before she simply couldn't stop herself from opening her eyes and watching. Just as she could scream to block out the sounds... but not all the time. And eventually, the laughter, and the mocking and the teasing reached her ears, and she couldn't do anything but listen and stare...

Valthrudnir calmly leaned on the back of the chair, a remote control in his hand as he fast-forwarded with a yawn past images of Cloudsdale, of the bullies from her past, of everyone who had made fun of her growing up. “But they were right, weren't they? Oh, here we are, speak of Hel.”

Valthrudnir pressed play with a smile to the image of Rainbow Dash sitting in her bedroom, tears streaking down her cheeks as she stared at the rejection letter. It was one of countless rejection letters she'd received from the Wonderbolts... letters scattered all over the room, that all said the same thing. That said they 'didn't have an opening at this time' for her.

She could do a sonic rainboom, was the only pony who could pull it off, and it didn't matter; she had won best young flier, and it didn't matter; she was fast, her form perfect, everything about her screamed 'best of the best' and none of it mattered. And they knew how hard she had worked, how she had risen up from... from nothing to get here... and it didn't matter. Because they had always seen the failures, the mistakes, the losses. They had witnessed how often she choked at the crucial moment, they called her arrogant, they called her... coward.

And she didn't have to see what happened next for it to come back in all too vivid detail, but the screen continued to play, and the voices echoed out of the speakers as her 'friends' called up to her from the ground, her friends who couldn't understand what it was like to... to be a coward, to fail at everything you dreamed of again and again and again: “Why don't you come out and talk about it? Maybe it's time to... to think about moving on.”

“Stop it.” Rainbow whispered, but it was weak, tinny, broken, and Valthrudnir smiled kindly as she trembled and looked down. “You already... killed them all. Why won't you kill me, too... just kill me too... please...”

“I haven't killed any of them.” Valthrudnir said gently, and then he smiled and waved a hand over the chair, and it dissolved into dust and dropped the Pegasus to the ground, free. She gasped in surprise, and then looked up at him weakly as the dragon held up the remote and turned the screen off, then tossed it away. “Come with me.”

Rainbow Dash lowered her head, but then silently dragged herself to her hooves, wings furled at her sides. She knew better than to argue... the monster before her had easily overpowered them all, after all, her and all her... friends...

“Loyalty can be a weakness, you know. Loyalty to the wrong people, well.. that's not loyalty, that's foolishness. That's masochism.” Valthrudnir said calmly, as he pushed a pair of doors open and led her down a hallway... and Rainbow stared stupidly back and forth: there were no walls here, only lines of pillars supporting the ceiling above, and what looked like a sky of clouds beyond, illuminated by a slowly-setting orange sun... “What did you expect?”

“I thought... you...” Rainbow stumbled over to the side of the hall, and Valthrudnir gave a cruel, cold smile at her back before he flicked his wrist, and the cloud cover pushed back, revealing a beautiful, lush valley below. “No... no, no...”

“No? You thought I destroyed Equestria? No, I came here to save you stupid, ungrateful ponies.” Valthrudnir remarked mildly, and then he turned his attention ahead again with a snort. “I came to make all your dreams come true, but no. You attacked me first. I merely retaliated... and look, I did not kill your friends.”

Valthrudnir opened the door at the end of the hall, and Rainbow stared through in shock to see all her friends, not just her close five friends but everyone she knew from Ponyville, even from Cloudsdale, all inside what looked like some massive room. They all looked up in surprise at her, and then Valthrudnir slammed the door before Rainbow ran forwards, shouting: “No, I don't believe you, you're a-”

She yanked the door open... and staggered into a cold, bleak room beyond, nothing but concrete and darkness. She stared back and forth... and then there was a glint in the darkness before Rainbow sighed in relief, smiling at the sight of Spitfire: the glint had only been her goggles, pulled down over her eyes. “Oh, hey... I mean, Spitfire, it-”

“Shut up, mudwalker.” Spitfire said disgustedly, and Rainbow Dash trembled in shock as Valthrudnir grinned cruelly, a hand behind his back slowly playing with a puppet shaped like the Wonderbolt as it glowed eerily. “You're not wanted here. For Celestia's sake, I told him again and again that we didn't want you here to help...”

“W-What... what?” Rainbow shook her head wildly, staring at Spitfire with disbelief as her mouth went dry, before she looked at Valthrudnir and shouted desperately: “I won't fall for this trick!”

“What trick?” Valthrudnir said softly, and Rainbow's eyes filled with tears... tears that spilled down her cheeks when Spitfire slapped her hard.

“See, that's why you'll never be part of the Wonderbolts!” Spitfire shouted angrily, leaning forwards and making Rainbow tremble and drop back on her stomach, dragging herself backwards. “You're a coward! You're a crybaby and a weakling! You're worthless, and you can't be counted on to do a single thing right, you showboating loser; I swear to the Horses of Heaven themselves, I would cut your wings off if I could, because you don't deserve to be a Pegasus!”

“No, no, no no no!” Rainbow shook her head wildly, grabbing at her head and screaming the denial: but after weeks of being forced to endure all her worst memories, after weeks of watching herself repeat mistake after mistake, failure after failure, being reminded of all the times her friends had tried to 'help' her by telling her to aim 'just a little lower' or 'try to start at the bottom, Rainbow Dash,' she couldn't think properly, couldn't believe her own words even as she shrieked: “You're lying to me!”

Valthrudnir squeezed the puppet in his hand, and then it vanished as Spitfire puffed out of existence, the dragon walking calmly forwards and putting his hands in his pockets as he looked down and said kindly: “If I was lying, would I be planning to turn this world into paradise? Into perfect, working harmony? Tell me, Rainbow Dash... if I was lying, would I be offering you everything you ever wanted?”

“What... what are you talking about?” Rainbow looked up weakly, trembling, before Valthrudnir smiled and snapped his fingers... and in a moment, they were standing on the clouds, in a city made from the same fluffy white stuff... Cloudsdale. Rainbow stared back and forth, and then Valthrudnir gestured calmly out towards where a team of Pegasi were training, performing all manner of acrobatics and aerial maneuvers.

Then the dragon whistled sharply, and a moment later, the Pegasi all halted before shooting over to them and landing in front of the two. Wonderbolts... not just any Wonderbolts, but the A-Team, the best of the best, and before Rainbow could say anything, Soarin' said warmly: “It''s going to be an honor to work for you and fly beside you, Rainbow Dash.”

“I... wait, what?” Rainbow stared up at Valthrudnir, not comprehending what was going on, and the Jötnar simply smiled calmly.

“Spitfire is being... removed from office.” Valthrudnir said kindly, looking down at the pale-blue mare. “The Wonderbolts need a new captain, and Equestria is going to need a new hero, as well. I've been thinking that suits you well... the Wonderbolts are Equestria's strongest fliers, after all, aren't they? And all of them acknowledge that you're the best. Don't you?”

Valthrudnir smiled over the Pegasi, and they nodded, Soarin' saying encouragingly: “Spitfire never let you join because she was afraid you'd replace her... just like you're going to. You're going to, right? We need a strong leader. We need someone brave. We need someone who can teach us to defend Equestria, and you and your friends are heroes.”

“Don't you want to be a hero?” Valthrudnir asked softly, and Rainbow shivered as she stared at Soarin', her mind unable to process any of what was going on anymore before Valthrudnir leaned down beside her and whispered softly: “And I can make all the fear... go away.”

“I'm not afraid. I'm... not afraid... I'm not afraid!” Rainbow turned with the last, staring up at Valthrudnir and breathing hard, looking up into the Jötnar's eyes with a tremble. “I'll do anything to protect Equestria, but... my friends... I thought... I don't know what's going on, why... why can't I think straight... why did you make me... torture me...”

“I had to show you the truth, Rainbow Dash. Didn't you understand what I was showing you? It wasn't torture... I was showing you that you've always had what it takes, but everyone else has always been holding you back. Everyone else has always been telling you you're a failure, no matter how hard you tried, no matter how hard you pushed, never believing how much effort and strength you put into every little thing you did.” Valthrudnir said calmly, and Rainbow rasped slowly for breath, staring up at the dragon before the Jötnar gestured to Soarin', saying quietly: “But I want to give you this... this chance to prove your strength, your merit, your courage... and if you accept my gift, Rainbow Dash... I will make you a greater hero than you can imagine, and the master of these skies...”

Rainbow Dash trembled, then whispered: “But does... does that mean... my friends, didn't they... I mean...”

Valthrudnir only smiled, however, saying softly: “I imagine they'll be both proud and envious. There is no sweeter revenge than a life lived well... that way, they can still be your friends, but you can have everything else you desire, too.”

Rainbow Dash looked down, and then she looked over at Soarin', who only smiled at her and nodded a few times, before Pinkie Pie's voice called to her tenderly: “Come on, Rainbow Dash, we're waiting for you!”

“Come and join us, Dash. He's right. He made us strong, and happy, he gave me back my family...” Applejack's voice added quietly, and Rainbow moaned weakly, staring back and forth before she looked up as Valthrudnir reached out a hand and settled it on her skull.

There was a flash, and Rainbow clenched her eyes shut... and when she opened them, she was staring up at a red sky, standing on a black, jutting cliff. She looked calmly back and forth, over dead fields, over broken earth, as black veins spread slowly through her features before she grinned slowly, breathing harder as her coat trembled, then became metallic, bulging upwards, transforming into armor as electricity sparked over her wings as they grew powerful, larger better...

And then she slowly turned around, closing her eyes and smiling coldly as electricity sparked around her body. “I didn't feel betrayed. I felt free. Because there was no more fear... and without fear, I could do anything. He made me strong, and even though Equestria had burned, I realized that being here, in this wild, dangerous Equestria... if anything would prove my strength, this was it. And I had my friends, and the Wonderbolts had to listen to me, to anything I ordered, slaved over me... but they were never my level. So I let them go. I grew up and grew out of them... instead, I wanted to be the ultimate thrill-seeker. The ultimate hero.”

Courage looked slowly off into the broken wasteland, breathing hard despite its tough words, eyes filled not with malice, but with desperation, and

Scrivener tried his best to resist screaming with her as the corruption bubbled through his mind; this time the memories had surged up with almost no warning as he staggered backwards, gritting his teeth, feeling black tears leaking from his eyes before he hacked and coughed, tarry goo bubbling out of his jaws as Courage's corpse sparked violently before exploding into neon arcs of lightning and shrapnel. The ponies staggered, and Scrivener winced and stumbled weakly... then his eyes rolled up in his head and he collapsed on his side as nothing but static filled his mind, and the last thing he heard was Luna yelling his name.

Celestia leaned forwards, Tyrfing lashing viciously across another headless knight and knocking it stumbling before she snapped her horn upwards, and golden light irradiated the undead creature, bleeding through the holes in its armor and shining out of its gaping throat. It howled in despair, and then burst apart into smoke and ashes... but there was no time to slow down, no time to rest, as Sleipnir shouted in a frustrated voice: “Phalanx!”

The ivory winged unicorn cursed under her breath, breathing hard and bleeding heavily from a sword buried in her back. It ached horribly, but pulling it out at this point wasn't an option: they were being swarmed from all sides, and for now, it hurt to move but it was also stopping her from bleeding to death.

They had been pinned down in a gallery: Drones had flanked them in the corridor outside with Hobby Horses, in such great number they had no choice but to retreat. Their escort of Royal Guards had been killed, but even with Sleipnir's strength and an enraged, demonic Pinkamena backing them, it looked like they were doomed to die here.

Her eyes locked on the doorway, watching as at least eight headless knights approached in a double shield-wall formation. Four in front, four holding their shields in a 'ceiling' over the others, swords all at the ready to stab and slice. Then she glanced towards Sleipnir as Pinkamena continued to rip and tear at the Drones still flooding into the room before Celestia ordered: “Tree fall!”

Sleipnir glanced sharply behind himself, then he hopped backwards and kicked both rear legs savagely into an ornate stone pillar: it shattered at the base and fell forwards with a rumble, and Sleipnir ran ahead, then reared back and rose his front hooves, cursing in pain as the top of the pillar hammered down on him before he roared and swung the stone column forwards in a vicious swing into the phalanx of headless knights. The raw strength of the blow crushed at least two knights and knocked the phalanx out of formation, but it was nothing compared to when Celestia poured the last of her magic into the top of the pillar and flicked her horn, the end of the column exploding in a blast of rocky shrapnel and golden flame.

The knights were knocked flat and Sleipnir staggered backwards with a curse as he was pelted by gravel, and Celestia cursed as she dropped to a kneel, looking up with a snarl as Drones flooded around the stunned knights. She wasn't ready to die like this... not because she was afraid, but because she hadn't saved everyone she could in Canterlot yet, she hadn't stopped Clockwork World, she hadn't... done so many things...

Celestia breathed hard in and out... and then, slowly, she forced herself up to her hooves, standing again as Tyrfing rose in front of her as her eyes blazed. Blood dripped from her mouth, and she spat to the side before striding forwards, forcing herself not to limp as her eyes glowed and she shouted: “I am Celestia! I am Freya! This is my home and these are my people, and I will not let you harm another pony in this castle tonight!”

Celestia anchored herself as Pinkamena and Sleipnir both withdrew beside her to the center of the ruins of the gallery, snarling at the doorway as the Drones began to encircle them and the headless knights picked themselves up. Then Sleipnir suddenly grinned, shaking his head before he murmured: “Well, I could ask for a worse death, sister. I have my older sibling and my beautiful wife here with me... but pray tell, Pinkamena, will thou not listen to thy husband just this once, and leave?”

“Don't you ever ask me to leave again.” Pinkamena looked over at him with a faint smile past Celestia on her skull-like features, and then the demon leaned forwards, setting herself and cracking her neck, baring her tombstone teeth. “Besides. Someone has to be there to look after you in the big beyond.”

Sleipnir smiled faintly at this, and Celestia closed her eyes as she bowed her head forwards, Tyrfing gleaming as the sword slowly rose... and then the ivory equine's eyes widened as the Drones and Hobby Horses went rigid, and then simply... stopped.

One-by-one, the Drones and Hobby Horses all lowered their heads, before the Drones slowly turned gray and rotted away as the Hobby Horses lost all life, all energy, some becoming like metallic statues, others falling apart like nothing more than cheap, badly-constructed toys. The headless knights looked back and forth, some of them seeming almost on the verge of panicking before several turned to hurry out, and it left only two of the former broken phalanx dumbly standing as Pinkamena grinned widely and licked her sharp teeth slowly, and Sleipnir stomped a hoof firmly before pawing at the ground, neither questioning what had just happened.

Celestia, however, was still staring, feeling a chill run down her spine as she looked disbelievingly over the crowd of unmoving dead... and then she gritted her teeth, and leaned forwards, readying herself as she said sharply: “Something's happened. Pinkamena, locate Scrivener Blooms and my sister!”

“Great. Well, have fun, Sleipnir.” Pinkamena said grumpily, and then the demon closed her eyes before she burst apart into dark smog, and Sleipnir gazed after this black mist adoringly as it wafted up into the air before vanishing.

“I love her.” Sleipnir said almost dreamily, and Celestia felt a mad urge to laugh despite herself before the earth pony lunged suddenly forwards, grinning widely at the headless knights before he ducked under a swing of a sword and then seized the headless warrior by the front hooves and smashed it like a club into the only other remaining monster, recriminating cheerfully: “Not so fun when thou does not have the advantage of strength and numbers, is it?”

Pinkamena, meanwhile, had shot up into the sky, simply a formless dark mass that was homing in on the distinct, familiar presence of Scrivener and Luna... outside of the castle, further away than she had expected. As she shot towards them, twisting through the air at supernatural speeds, she thought she could hear something, though... and she could already feel the violent array of Scrivener's emotions going haywire, sending a chill along her spine.

She suspected he was in trouble... and she was right, as Scrivener found himself in mist and darkness, staring up at a platform lit by a spotlight... and sitting calmly, cloaked in shadows cast by the high-backed throne that half-imprisoned him, was Valthrudnir.

He was calmly shuffling a deck of playing cards in his hands... but something was wrong with him. So clearly wrong with him, even though all Scrivener could see were those white scales of his hands, and his pristine ivory suit. His features were hidden in the darkness of the warped throne, but sitting against one side of it was a cloaked and alien figure. He couldn't make out anything about her, as Valthrudnir glared at him from the darkness, his amber eyes glowing... but he knew who it was all the same.

I have a message for you, now... for the special one, who can hear my voice. I know you can...whispered the Prophet into his mind, but she didn't look up at him. She only sat with her back against the side of Valthrudnir's throne, head bowed forwards. I have a message from the Clockwork King, for you to give to Brynhild and to Freya. And to Odin... to all those who played a role in his defeat.

“T-They cheated!” Valthrudnir shouted furiously, and the cards were scattered as he slammed a fist down against the arm of his throne, cracking it. But the Prophet didn't flinch, even as Valthrudnir snarled in the shadows, his eyes flickering like stuttering lamps before he pointed at Scrivener and said in a cold voice: “D-Do not think th-that your petty v-victory against my f-f-forces today means a-anything!”

Scrivener only stared mutely, unable to speak, feeling like he was bleeding but too scared to check... scared, because he didn't think he was bleeding blood. Then the Prophet's voice entered his mind again, saying quietly: We will return. For now, we leave you with this offer: surrender your world peacefully to us and we will offer a merciful execution to those who have offended the master and recalibrate all others to better suit the Clockwork King. Otherwise, all will be destroyed.

“You c-cannot win. My v-victory is inevitable, S-Scrivener Blooms. You will d-die from the c-corruption in your mind long b-before you conquer the Hexad. Y-You will never recover from t-those poisons, that I g-g-guarantee! And I think you know t-that yourself, too, don't you?” Valthrudnir mocked, and then he reached up... and Scrivener swore that he thought he saw a tremble in that hand as it slid into his jacket to pull out another pack of playing cards. “You may have d-delayed my plan, but... I will... obtain what is rightfully m-mine.”

The Black Mirror has closed, but it will be reopened when the time is right. The Clockwork King cannot be stopped. There are other ways to acquire Kvas. The Prophet said calmly, and then Valthrudnir snarled and slammed a fist against the throne again, dropping the unopened pack of cards.

“S-Silence, Prophet! They do not k-know, they could not know...” Valthrudnir broke down into muttering to himself, before his flickering amber eyes looked up at Scrivener and he whispered: “Unless... t-that is why you refused to simply h-hand the toy over... h-he is not even a r-r-real life, merely a m-manufactured t-trophy! Yes, I see... I s-see! You cannot o-outwit me, I will not be cheated a-again!”

Scrivener breathed slowly in and out, and he realized that whatever this thing was... it was also very likely insane. And the idea of an insane Valthrudnir scared him even more than a normal Valthrudnir, before the Prophet rose her head slightly, just slightly, and her voice murmured to him quietly: Goodbye, earth pony.

With that, the vision vanished into darkness, and Scrivener looked back and forth before he felt hot breath on the back of his neck. He stared straight ahead, trembling for a moment, and then a large, looming shape slowly leaned past him before he sighed in relief as a familiar voice whispered in his ear: “Hi. What did I miss?”

“Pinkamena...” Scrivener mumbled, and he smiled after a moment over his shoulder at the sight of the demon in full,terrifying shape: not likely the normal pony's reaction to finding a demon in their mind, but then again... “I'm glad to see you.”

“Well don't think I'm here to make out with you or anything.” Pinkamena said irritably, and Scrivener scowled at her before she grinned widely and leaned forwards, adding mildly: “It's really easy to puppet your body when you're unconscious, by the way. I think I'm going to grope Applejack while I'm in here, see how badly you get beaten up.”

Scrivener Blooms glowered at her, and then the demon paused moodily before frowning and looking back and forth, adding slowly: “Where's Nightmare Moon? Usually I say something like that and that monster shows up... the scary one, I mean, not the secret-softy you married.”

Scrivener only shook his head, however, reaching up and touching his forehead as he murmured quietly: “Can't you feel it? Come on, you used to be really good at this whole 'possession' thing.”

“Hey, I haven't practiced this garbage for a while.” Pinkamena snorted in disgust, and then she looked moodily up as surroundings began to slowly filter in around them: dark, dead trees, a night sky above, a solid but warm mire beneath their hooves. “I see. The corruption is clogging your mind... yeah, you looked... you looked hurt.”

Pinkamena quieted, and Scrivener looked awkwardly away before the half-demon said moodily: “Don't read too much into it, mister sensitive. I only care because you still understand what life is like for me better than most of the idiots around here do. I only care because you're still my cellmate, even if I got Sleipnir here, too.”

She paused, then shook her head and said moodily: “Come on. I'll bring you out of unconsciousness. Princess Sunshine said something bad must have happened to you and no surprise, she was right.”

“She was right in more than one way. I need to talk to Celestia.” Scrivener paused, then looked at Pinkamena meditatively for a moment. “How badly does my body hurt right now?”

“Oh, right, yes. Let me just turn on your pain sensors, expose myself to what will likely be agony for you, and then come back down here to tell you that your condition is one of suck. But guess what? It's your body, loser, so you deal with it.” Pinkamena said grouchily, and then she looked at him moodily as Scrivener looked at her pleadingly. “Oh, goddammit. Fine, we'll cut a deal, but only because I'm hungry.”

Scrivener smiled at her and nodded... and a few moments later, he opened his eyes in reality, wincing for a moment before Pinkamena grumbled in his static, haze-filled mind: Yeah, yeah, shut up.

A moment later, the pain quickly receded, and Scrivener sighed in relief even as Pinkamena muttered :Don't know why you care. You seem to like pain.

“Only certain kinds.” Scrivener mumbled, and then he smiled faintly when Luna hugged him tightly, returning the embrace before he looked up and said awkwardly: “Sorry, everyone. I... I guess it was both Courage and... something else...”

Scrivener shook his head slowly, still feeling fuzzy, his emotions muted and his body feeling a bit numb... but that was from Pinkamena, as the demon fed off his emotions and his pain. As the demon gobbled them greedily up, she grew stronger, and he felt less pain... a win-win, as long as she didn't start digging too deep into his mind and memories to have the opposite effect on him and instead worsen the way he way he was feeling.

But he trusted her... trusted her enough to let her poke around in his head, which she mumbled a moody 'thank you' for as he turned his eyes to Luna and smiled faintly at her. They studied each other for a few moments, both hating the way their mental link was being blocked out by the boiling corruption, and then Rainbow looked up and said finally: “Guys, I don't... I don't want to interrupt, but we need to get Spitfire to a hospital, and... and...”

“Big Mac, you carry Rainbow. I'll get Spitfire.” Scrivener said quietly, and when Luna gave him an apprehensive look, he shook his head. “I have Pinkamena painkillers. I'm fine.”

“Pinkamena painkillers. Somehow that sounds horrible.” Rainbow grinned a little all the same, then he wheezed a bit when Soarin' stepped towards him to help him to his hooves, shaking his head before looking worriedly over at Spitfire again: she was breathing shallowly, and they had convinced Luna despite her almost-panicking state over Scrivener to do what healing she could... but that wasn't a lot. She didn't look good, and Rainbow shook his head slowly as he whispered: “Goddammit. Courage was so... vicious...”

“She hated Spitfire.” Scrivener said abruptly, and Rainbow looked at him sharply, the male smiling faintly over at the stallion. “I'll... fill you in later.”

“Yeah, okay. Yeah... you got... those visions again, huh?” Rainbow asked finally, and Scrivener nodded slowly in response. The Pegasus grimaced a bit at this, shaking his head slowly as he looked down before he glanced up and said finally: “And something else happened, yeah?”

Scrivener smiled at this as Applejack glanced over her shoulder at unconscious Avalon on her back, before the goldenrod mare murmured softly: “Now come on, Dashie. I'm sure... Scrivener and Luna will tell us everything in time. I just... I'm glad that you're okay, Rainbow. I know... I know that might sound a little cruel, and I'm sorry for those who died, but... I'm so glad you and Avalon made it out.”

“You have an amazing daughter.” Soarin' said after a moment, and Rainbow smiled a little over at him before the Wonderbolt hesitated, then added finally: “I'm... sorry.”

“Hey, save it for later.” Rainbow smiled again, though, nodding to him before he groaned in pain as Big Mac carefully began to pull Rainbow up over his back, the blue Pegasus cursing weakly as Soarin' winced and awkwardly helped push Rainbow up and over the red stallion's back. Luna, meanwhile, had already gently lifted Spitfire with telekinesis onto Scrivener: the charcoal earth pony could feel his legs trembling a bit and felt worried that he'd overestimated his strength, but the demon currently in his mind only grumbled and muttered: Stop your fussing, you big baby. I should be making you do this without my help.

“You've always been so nice.” Scrivener mumbled, and Luna gave him an odd look before the earth pony grunted and gestured upwards, and the winged unicorn sighed a little, glowering: somehow, it was all too clear she was glaring at Pinkamena, not at him.

But shortly, they were organized: Luna, now a little more coherent, and if anything, embarrassed over how she'd panicked over Scrivener, pushed herself to tend a little further to both Rainbow Dash and Spitfire, and to gaze quietly over Avalon. But the foal wasn't hurt: unconscious still, but she had lapsed into natural sleep from her faint, and it was best just to let her rest for now.

Their march along the gorge trail was slow but steady, as the dark clouds above slowly cleared away and revealed the full, beautiful night sky. As Scrivener looked back and forth, he realized he was seeing hints of auras... but with Pinkamena in his head, his vision was being suppressed, and the demon muttered: A full time demon nanny? I don't think so. Why don't we just try electroshock therapy or trepanning your skull? Those could both be plenty fun options.

“How about no.” Scrivener mumbled, and then he shook his head quickly before looking up at Luna, smiling faintly when she glanced over her shoulder at him. “Just arguing with Pinkamena.”

“It still scares me she can like, go into things on top of everything else she can do.” Rainbow said mildly, and then he attempted to stretch out a wing before cursing sharply, Big Mac giving him a pointed glance. “Hey, I was just checking! No harm in checking, right?”

Big Mac only looked at him for another moment, then Applejack said wryly over her shoulder: “If there was no harm in checking, Rainbow, then you wouldn't've been hurt just then, would you?”

“You're one to talk, miss 'gotta be back on my hooves as fast as Luna was.'” Rainbow retorted, and Applejack blushed a bit as she cleared her throat loudly and looked ahead. “That ended in disaster once or twice, didn't it?”

“Luna fell down a lot after her pregnancy. I had to carry her in from the backyard more than once.” Scrivener remarked, and then he winced when the sapphire mare glared over her shoulder at him. “Just adding to the conversation. All of us here are guilty of trying too hard at some point, I think.”

Soarin' smiled at this, shaking his head and saying softly: “Nah. Me? I'm way more than happy with sitting back and resting between shows. Sure, nothing beats being in the air... but laying on the couch with a piece of pie sure comes close.”

Rainbow snorted in amusement at this, looking over at the Wonderbolt as he said in a gentle, teasing voice: “I can't believe I used to idolize you guys.”

“Me neither.” Soarin' smiled wider in return, and then he shook his head slowly and glanced awkwardly up at the night sky overhead, murmuring: “Spitfire, though. She was always dedicated. To the team, and to the skies...”

He looked at her silently, then shook his head and added finally: “Barely... I barely knew the other two. Think one was named... Roller or something, and the other was Windstorm. Pretty sure it wasn't her real name, of course... I mean, heck, half the 'bolts changed their name up for something with a little more flash, a little more sizzle.”

Soarin' sighed after a moment, dropping his head forwards, and then he grimaced a bit and mumbled: “All that talk about us... I think Spitfire really believed it. But I guess that even when you're the best... there's always someone better, isn't there?”

“It depends on how thou may judge their quality.” Luna said thoughtfully to this, gazing ahead. Soarin' looked up, as if for guidance, but then Luna fell silent for a moment, frowning before she muttered: “Scrivener, something is moving ahead.”

Scrivener nodded, frowning as he strode up beside her, and the group paused in the middle of the gorge as the earth pony studied the darkness ahead. He took a slow breath, giving Pinkamena a mental reassurance, and the demon grunted after a moment before he felt a twist in his mind, cursing under his breath as pain flooded his system in a pulse, and the auras grew into stranger, larger visions.

But at the same time, it let his eyes see through the darkness ahead, and his corruption-laced mind processed the creatures that were in the process of trying to flee through the gorge, thankfully not coming towards them but instead hurrying up a pass just ahead. “Dullahan. Deathless warriors from Decretum, somewhere between... undead and cursed. They won't fight us, though...”

Scrivener grimaced after a moment, and then the pain and the visions both receded as he shivered a bit. He forced himself to step forwards... and as he did, the pain faded slowly, Luna striding beside him and looking at him quietly. The charcoal earth pony couldn't help but smile a bit, and then he murmured: “Just like old times. You're the warrior with all the real experience, but I'm the walking encyclopedia of legends and stories and monsters.”

He closed his eyes, and Luna slipped a bit closer to drop her face against the side of his neck, and it comforted him, more than he could express. And bit-by-bit, he could feel their mental link starting to clear up, felt the static fading as they pushed onwards, until they were finally once more in sight of Canterlot.

Pegasus Guard were patrolling the perimeter, and they looked thankful to see the ponies returning, a cadre of soldiers immediately hurrying out to meet them: while Soarin', Spitfire and Rainbow Dash were carefully taken to get treatment in the infirmary, Scrivener and Luna were asked to accompany the others to meet Celestia. Applejack, meanwhile, decided to go with Rainbow Dash and to have the doctors take a look at Avalon, just in case, and Big Mac volunteered to help with cleanup operations once they were inside the castle and saw the devastation that had been wrought.

They were brought to Celestia's quarters, and Luna's expression of grumpy worry turned to full-out concern when she saw several doctors just leaving Celestia's bedroom. The sapphire mare hurried forwards, shoving through the double doors... and immediately, she was almost tackled by Twilight, who hugged her fiercely and whispered: “I'm sorry.”

“No, no. No, thou has nothing to be sorry for.” Luna soothed quietly, hugging Twilight tightly back as Scrivener quietly walked in behind her... and then Twilight slipped past Luna and hugged him fiercely, and Scrivener hissed in pain and almost collapsed as Luna groaned and flinched, wheezing: “Now thou has something to be sorry for!”

Twilight blushed and hurriedly drew back, looking embarrassedly at Scrivener, but the charcoal earth pony only shook his head out tiredly and smiled wryly. Then both he and Luna looked slowly up at the large, round bed Celestia was laying in with her eyes closed and her rainbow mane swirling slowly around her, before Luna smiled faintly and said quietly: “Thou art awake, big sister. Do not be childish.”

“I was just avoiding rushing you, that's all.” Celestia replied softly as her eyes opened, studying both Scrivener and Luna with tangible relief. Her covers were pulled carefully up over her body, but when she rose her head and sat up a bit, it became clear how much bandaging was over her body, much of it soaked through with blood.

Luna frowned at her as Scrivener studied the ivory equine, and then he said softly: “You seem different. Apart from the cuts and bruises.”

Celestia only smiled a little, then she shook her head, looking over him thoughtfully before murmuring: “And you, Scrivener Blooms, seem both better and worse than I expected. Better because you're on your hooves... but I expect Pinkamena has something to do with that, doesn't she?”

Scrivener looked up at her with surprise, and Celestia only shook her head, saying softly: “Your eyes are darker than usual, among other things. But then again, I've spent a lot of time and experience with demons and possession.”

“Well screw you too, Princess Sunshine, I'm just doing him a favor here. Why do you need to turn everything into a 'look how great I am' contest?” Scrivener said sharply, and then he blushed deeply and reached up to cover his mouth as Pinkamena laughed in his head. “Oh Horses of Heaven.”

“Don't worry about it.” Celestia only shook her head, and Scrivener could swear there was a hint of amusement in her eyes, perhaps even relief. “But as you've seen and no doubt surmised... the attack here was catastrophic. I have no idea how they came on in such great numbers, but I'm thankful to say their main focus was the castle and not the city... they appeared to be after Kvasir.”

“I was going to tell you that myself.” Scrivener quieted for a moment, looking down, and Celestia frowned at him as Luna looked sharply over at Scrivener, picking up the information from their mental link even before he said softly: “The Prophet and Valthrudnir... or... or whatever the hell it is... spoke to me. Told me that... they wanted Kvas, which I'm assuming is Kvasir. Valthrudnir and the Prophet wanted us to hand him over.”

“More specifically, it's my blood.” murmured a voice, and Scrivener looked over his shoulder in surprise as Kvasir quietly strode into the room, a bruised but smiling Sleipnir beside him. The enormous, vine maned earth pony traded a hug with his sister, then made Scrivener whimper in pain with the fierceness of his embrace, as Luna gargled a little and Twilight winced.

Kvasir, however, only looked quietly from Scrivener to Celestia, then he asked finally: “Why didn't you agree? Either of you? Celestia, you said yourself, I am homunculus... a... a puppet, not a real god.”

“You're still a person.” Celestia said simply in return, and Kvasir looked stunned at this response before the ivory mare turned her eyes to Scrivener, asking quietly: “But if you have the strength for it... perhaps you can go over this vision in detail.”

“I have Pinkamena painkillers. I'll be fine.” Scrivener smiled a little after a moment, and then he frowned when Sleipnir gave him a thoughtful look. “What?”

“Oh, nothing. I simply do not know whether or not 'tis adultery that my wife is inside of thee, instead of thou being inside my wife.” Sleipnir replied easily, and Luna snorted laughter as even Twilight looked surprised into cracking a smile.

Scrivener shook his head as Pinkamena snorted in amusement inside of him, but then the charcoal stallion returned his eyes to Celestia, taking a deep breath before beginning quietly: “The vision was strong... but... there was something... wrong... about Valthrudnir...”

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