• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Shalour's Fate

Equestria. The Crystal Empire. Nightfall.

The Crystal Empire. It wasn't quite ready to shut down for the night. The night was still young, leaving opportunities for the vampires to strike. The Black Crusade had begun after all. And on this night, the Royal Family had no clue about the coming tide of destruction that would spare no one.

Cadence was with both Flurry Hearts. Young and old. They were looking at Pokemon Cards together this late at night, oblivious to the disturbance that would soon grab the attention of everyone in the world. The older Flurry Heart from another world expressed her love for Pokemon Cards with her younger counterpart and mother, holding out the rarest ones and her personal favourites.

All the while, Shining Armor and his many guards kept patrolling the place at night. Even when there was no threat, they would always be alert. But now, a new threat was near. Unfortunately, the attack would not come from the inside, but rather from the outside. The vampires stood on top of the snowy mountains, viewing the Crystal Empire from afar.

For some of the vampires, this was their first target. And one of the more notable vampires, Sweet Fang, stood in front of them. "Hmm...I wish I had the box with me. There's this one demon I really want to have." Sweet Fang sighed, wishing that the Box of 100 Demons could be called to her.

"Melody Moon and Bittersweet are already going for the Box over at the Changeling Hive. We might see it again." A vampire said.

"Might. Everyone else in Equestria is stubborn, after all. If we don't get it back, we always have the Despair Plants. And our magic. And speaking of which..." She would rub her hooves, already plotting something devious for the Crystal Empire. "I prefer to have my destruction to be silent instead of bombastic."

Sweet Fang had a preference. She was all for silent destruction. And with her magic, there was only one way she could make it happen. The vampires advanced towards the Crystal Empire in the cold weather. Destruction was coming for the Crystal Empire but it would be discreet and secretive.

The harsh snow was practically responding to their presence, blowing violently on the mountains. Most Pokemon have already taken shelter from the blizzard, all except for one. The most common Pokemon in the Crystal Empire. The Sableye. And with them being so present, Sweet Fang was already eyeing them down, keeping her devious smile up. She already ahd something in mind for the Sableye.

Kalos. Shalour City.

Shalour City was now infested with Shadows. The Pony of Shadows succeeded in infecting a majority of its residents, sharing his pain with them. By doing so, the worst was brought out of them, revealing the inner shadows that they try to keep in. Hollowed-out eyes with shadows around them along with a strange magical aura gave rise to these Shadow People.

Only a few were still fine, thanks to the efforts of Zekrom, who was doing what he could to protect this city. Alas, he could not save them all as they were already infected. Water violently poured down on Shalour City, damaging the buildings with a torrent of Pokemon Attacks from the corrupted Water-Types.

Zekrom soon noticed that they were planning to flood the entire city. It was certainly a violent form of destruction that was gradual but effective. Shalour's buildings were already facing the water at a low level, only going up to everyone's feet at best. But with the Pokemon unleashing more of it, it was only rising at a faster rate.

Korrina was among the few people and Pokemon that escaped the shadows. Currently, she had her Lucario out to assist her, fleeing and defending herself against the shadows which were disgustingly abundant. Zekrom would stand before the sea of people and Pokemon corrupted by the shadows, being vastly outnumbered.

"Done running?" The Pony of Shadows said. "I can't waste my time with you forever."

"I'd rather be elsewhere continuing my mission..." Opal sighed, preferring to continue her search for Xerneas. "The Black Crusade's begun and you're slowing things down for us." The beautiful vampire would then descend, attempting to get closer to Zekrom. The main reason for this was due to her Fate-Changing Mane and how it worked best when in contact with an opponent. "Maybe a change of fate will shut you down for good!"

"I can't do this forever," Zekrom said to the people and Pokemon that were still remaining." Your town is already overrun by shadows. I have a brother to find and a world to protect at the same time. None of you are safe here. Or anywhere else."

"What?" The people gasped. With the Black Crusade active, any place that was safe would soon be stripped away, infested with destructive vampiric tendencies. Shalour City was only the beginning.

"So. Have you given up then?" Opal replied, hoping that Zekrom would surrender. "Let's just call it a night and I'll take you to Reshiram as a skeleton. If we can find him that is."

"I absolutely refuse to give up." Zekrom narrowed his eyes at the beautiful vampire. "No matter what happens here, Equestria and everywhere else will be well protected."

"What? Are those your ideals talking? Because the truth is that this world is doomed now the Black Crusade has kicked off." Opal scoffed. "I bet Reshiram would've agreed with that,"

"Korrina!" Calling out for his granddaughter at the Tower of Mastery was Gurkinn. HE stood at the tower, waving to his granddaughter and everyone else. "Are you alright?!"

"Grandpa!" Korrina yelled out. "It's not safe down here! Or anywhere!"

"Then in that case...I'll take everyone else here with me...And sink this city into a Shadowy Ocean!" The Pony of Shadows exclaimed before unleashing a sound so loud it could match that of thunder. The people and Pokemon he infected had their bodies dematerialised into shadows. These shadow bodies would ascend. Zekrom, Korrina, Gurkinn and everyone else watched as they would all fly towards the Pony of Shadows.

Like a canvas, they would all stick to the Pony of Shadow's massive body which was just a head and plenty of smoke, becoming one with him. The water was also turning black, rising at an even faster rate. The clouds above turned black with the abundance of shadows increasing.

It was as if all the colour in the area was being sucked away, being devoid of anything else. A majority of Shalour's population had been pulled into the Pony of Shadows, leaving the remaining ones on their lonesome. And to make matters worse, the shadows closed in on Shalour. They already engulfed the Route next to it, eliminating it from the scenery. The city was next.

"It's going to swallow everything whole in darkness!" Gurkinn gasped as he was no longer at the safest place in Shalour. The darkness came from every angle, including the skies. And especially the ground. Zekrom saw his legs being covered by shadows, threatening to swallow him whole. Korrina and her Lucario were already caught by them, gasping at the dark sight that uncomfortably crawled up their legs.

"Just to be sure..." Opal Vivacity would take a chunk of her mane out. "Let's make it a guarantee that you'll fall in."

"I might be too late, at this rate." Zekrom thought to himself while the shadows kept rising. Shalour City looked to be on its last legs. "I still have to warn everyone else...And I might have only one way of getting out of this. Reshiram, my brother. If you have the strength left, please warn them all. I might be ending up in your state as well."

"Quick! Lucario, use-" Korrina was prepared to fight back at all costs with Lucario at the ready. Only to be cut off immediately.

"Don't. I'll handle this." But Zekrom decided to do it himself. All of it. With his eyes closing and the piece of mane being dropped into the shadows, the Deep Black Pokemon was going all-in for his next attack. And it would be only one attack.

A flash of lightning erupted from his body, emanating an azure flash. Opal Vivacity hissed at this light, ascending to back away. A fierce outburst of grand lightning would crack and shatter windows just from the sound it made. The lightning would pierce the shadows, fighting back against it as Zekrom would instantly drop the innocents, no longer holding onto them.

"Leave! Now!" Zekrom yelled at them all, wanting them to flee from the scene. The best thing to do was to keep them all safe and no one was safe here at the moment. Not when lightning and shadows were highly present. Korrina and everyone else fled from the scene as fast as they could, with Zekrom controlling his lightning to keep it away from the citizens.

It was a violent struggle between the Lightning and the Shadows. Zekrom held a bit back until everyone in the city was out of range. For now, he just had to keep the shadows at bay until he could let loose. The Pony of Shadows laughed continuously, practically mocking Zekrom.

"You're not getting away!" Opal Vivacity refused to let them leave, however. She spread out of jet black wings, pursuing Korrina and the others.

Zekrom expected this. Opal Vivacity would be the one to take action in the middle of this clash. But he couldn't lose focus on the shadows and think about Opal at all. His legs were already consumed by them, leaving him stuck to the ground. Those who fled looked back to see this beautiful vampire bare her vicious fangs, hissing at them. Her hooves were out while her wings were camouflaged in the darkness.

"Lucario! Use Aura Sphere!"

"Rrr!" Lucario would face Opal Vivacity, putting its paws together. The sphere was then thrown at Opal, spiralling past the enclosing darkness which was at a standstill with Zekrom's lightning. Knowing how dangerous Aura was, Opal Vivacity would sway to the side instead of using her mane to retaliate.

She just managed to avoid it, however, the Aura Sphere blew past a part of her mane which flowed to the side due to how long it was. Opal's eyes widened as her fangs were put together in shock. Aura Sphere blew away some of her mane, eradicating pieces of the Rift Magic that still existed within it.

"Of course, there had to be Aura here...!" Opal's heart skipped a beat for a moment. Aura was the one thing that terrified her since it could put an end to her Fate-Changing Mane if used in the best way possible. Of course, the vampire refused to let that happen, targeting Korrina and her Lucario.

With her hooves out, Opal would use the Psychic grip once more that she ended up stealing thanks to the Parasite Demon. There was a benefit with this ability this time. Zekrom was heavier than Lucario and Korrina combined, making this easier for the beautiful vampire.

The air was gripped by Opal's Psychic hold, showing a deep pink wave that would override the atmosphere. The people and Pokemon who ran felt themselves slow down all of a sudden. Their movements were abruptly interrupted by a powerful force which existed in the air itself.

"I can't move!" They shouted in shock.

"What is this?!" They bellowed in confusion. Opal would then turn her hooves, prompting all of them to turn around as well. She was like a puppet master, controlling her dolls with her bare hooves. However, Opal wasn't looking for any dolls, not when the Black Crusade sought after the destruction of all life.

"Now that I have you...I'll give you a benefit with enhanced eye sight!" It was then that Opal Vivacity finally used her natural magic. Her Curse Magic. Having them at her disposal, the beautiful vampire flashed her eyes, looking straight at Korrina and the others. Her magic travelled freely, safe from the darkness and even Zekrom's lightning thanks to the distance as it appeared as a purplish-blue aura.

The aura then met with the eyes of everyone here. Opal's Curse Magic kicked in, immediately attacking their senses. Specifically, their sight. Korrina and everyone's eyesight had been enhanced to a disturbing degree. Opal brought them to a new level which was too much for them to handle. The sensitivity in their eyes was elevated to create a powerful sensory reaction.

"Gh!" Korrina got on her knees, further enveloped by the shadows. This sensory reaction affected her and everyone else to the point where they were almost immobile. They could no longer move now that the shadows were closer to them, stopped by Opal's interference.

"How does it feel? My Pain Amplification will give you too good of an eyesight. You'll feel pain from even the smallest things, including the air itself!" Opal said to them.

Indeed. With their eyes enhanced to the highest degree, the air itself was painful. The breeze it gave damaged their eyes even if it was just mild and weak. It was enough to make them groan and cry out in pain. They were seeing more than they needed to, unable to take their eyes off everything else.

"It's too much...!" Korrina bellowed. "L-Lucario! Are you alright?!"

"Lu...!" Lucario wasn't doing much better at all. He got the worst of it all. It wasn't just his eyesight that was amplified but everything else. His ears and nose received an elevated treatment that startled and stunned him. Lucario's Aura was unable to make up for it, being a part of its senses. It felt like its Aura was malfunctioning.

"If I were to deprave Lucario of its senses, it would have that annoying Aura to make up for it." Opal grinned, knowing exactly what to do with Lucario. She couldn't take her chances with the Aura. "If I just amplify its senses, it'll be in too much pain to properly focus!" This was out of spite due to her hatred for Aura. "Now, get lost!" With everyone stunned and struggling to move, Opal would unleash a flare of magic from her wings.

Korrina would open her eyes, witnessing the purple glow of Opal Vivacity's Magic racing towards her. Unable to stop it, she and the others who were paralyzed would be engulfed in this magical wave while their eyes were still enhanced. All of them would scream as they were knocked back thanks to the flare.

"Korrina!" Gurkinn, who tried reaching her granddaughter, watched as she and the remaining citizens were blown back by Opal's magic. Korrina tumbled and slid on the ground, crashing into some rubble. She would also kick up some of the dark water which would splash onto others who were downed.

"Hmph." Opal, happy with how she struck them all by ruining their senses, smirked deviously at them. The shadows struggled to try and claim new victims while they were down, but Zekrom prevented that, still keeping the Pony of Shadows at bay.

Gurkinn felt the need to step in absolutely. His own granddaughter was in peril at the moment, down on the ground with dark waters and shadows latching onto her, threatening to bring out the worst in her. Currently, it was just him and Zekrom but the Deep Black Pokemon was occupied, unfortunately. "Please, help! Blaziken!"


"Hm?" Opal turned to face the arrival of Blaziken. Another smirk met her face while the lightning from Zekrom crashed everywhere. "Do you want some too, old man? In the midst of all of this?"

"Black wings and sharp fangs...You must be a vampire. And you're definitely from the Dread League." Gurkinn observed.

"That's right. What you're seeing now before you is the beginning of the Black Crusade. Your city is just the start of it. Whether it's enveloped in darkness or taken underwater, this is only the beginning of the world's end. And unfortunately for you, you just happened to meet up with the most beautiful vampire of all. Opal Vivacity. You've heard of me, haven't you?"

"You're the one who caused so much trouble since last year and beyond." Indeed, Gurkinn has heard of Opal Vivacity. She has made quite a name for herself ever since the third Pokemon Festival.

"Great! Then you should be scared instead of walking up to me like this." Opal flipped her mane. "Otherwise, I'll give you a reverse of what they have. You're an old man, so your senses aren't as great as they used to be. Perhaps eliminating them is better than enhancing them, wouldn't you agree?"

"You will do no such thing! Now, get away from my granddaughter! Blaziken, use Flamethrower!"

"Bla...Ziken!" From its hands, Blaziken generated scarlet flames that were then thrown, flying over the dark waters and lighting up some of the darker areas. Opal would respond by unleashing a magical beam, clashing with Blaziken's Flamethrower. A spark ignited when both attacks met.

The attacks then blew up against each other, making the dark waters splash from the shockwave. Korrina kept her eyes closed, not wanting them to take any pain from the air around her. But from what she could hear, the Fighting-Type Gym could tell that her father was battling at the moment.



"In your age, any of your senses will do!" Opal cackled while the smoke moved past her. She immediately used her magic to try and affect Gurkinn, this time going for Sensory Deprivation.

"Blaziken! Blaze Kick!"

"Blaziken! Ken!" Blaziken replied to the wave, immediately seeing it once it passed through the smoke. The Fire-FIghting-Type ignited its feet to immediately kick the air so hard it formed a shockwave of flames. This attack would then blow away the magical aura, charring it with its cinders.

"Of course...Your Pokemon has to be out of the way first." Opal grit her teeth. "But that's fine. It's not just Psychic-Types I stole from! Observe!" With her hoof slamming into the water, Opal would reveal what else she used the Parasite Demon on. It wasn't just Psychic-Types.

Electric-Types were victims as well. A current of electricity would reach with the water, immediately creating a violent voltage. This voltage targeted Blaziken while also spreading out to meet with Korrina and the others.

"B-Blazi!" Blaziken took the violent voltage while Gurkinn backed away, just barely managing to avoid it. HE witnessed his Pokemon engulfed in a tunnel of electricity that would soon subside. Korrina and those who were downed unfortunately took the pain as well. They were already defenceless and this was just rubbing salt in the wound at this point.

"I've taken the liberty to absorb as many Pokemon Types as I can with that Parasite Demon! Electric-Types were the hardest with all of their light, but I managed!"

"Does that mean...everything?!" Gurkinn gasped, fearing that Opal Vivacity may have ever single Type at her disposal.

"Not all...I haven't gotten my hooves on a Fairy just yet. But mark my words, that will most definitely happen. You'll be gone though so you won't be able to mark it at all until you're a skeleton. Don't worry though. By the time this is over, you'll see me as the next Lich Queen."

"Lich Queen...?" Korrina repeated.

"That's right. If anyone deserves to be next in line as a Lich, it's me. I won't even need the cycle, I'll become one myself!" Opal Vivacity expressed her greatest ambition. Becoming the next Lich Queen. Once Rosa Maledicta leaves the throne, Opal Vivacity would plan on taking it. And since she was a vampire, she had the lifespan to plan towards it. "Her Majesty has even seen the potential in me and with what I have, I can live up to that position! No more will a cycle choose a Lich Ruler that isn't even from Magehold. I'll be Magehold's first Vampire Lich Queen! A nice combination."

"It sounds to me that you're relying on something that isn't originally yours to get what you want." Gurkinn narrowed his eyes, calling Opal Vivacity out. "With your prolonged lifespan, you haven't even been the Lich Queen once, have you?"

"I don't want to hear it from someone who's nearing his final years! I'll do you a favour and save you some time!" Opal replied with a hostile attack, raising her hoof as darkness would fly out of it. It was hard to tell if this was her natural magic or Dark-Type Infinity Energy. Either way, she was going to make sure that it would be devastating to Gurkinn.

"Blaziken!" Blaziken prepared itself for the worst, holding up its guard. Korrina would slightly open her eyes, seeing nothing but darkness and her grandfather facing off against Opal Vivacity.

However, this was soon disrupted by a grand crack of lightning. And this one shook the earth as it struck the ground. This came from Zekrom who was still clashing against the Pony of Shadows. However, their clash was developing at last. Opal Vivacity lost her balance, looking over at Zekrom.

"Now I have a taste of what a Legendary Pokemon can do." said the Pony of Shadows. "But you're obviously not using everything you have for the sake of everyone around you. How about I make things easier for you by corrupting the rest and placing them within me?!"

"You will do...no such thing!" Zekrom vehemently replied. He would gladly hold back if it meant protecting everyone around him. And that made Zekrom think for a bit. "It's strange. In the past, I've never had to worry about protecting others when I battle. My lightning scorches the earth, bringing about mass destruction in days of old. Collateral damage meant nothing to me. But the day I met those in Equestria...everything changed. They all have such an influence, don't they?"

Knowing that Equestria was responsible for his evolved nature, Zekrom couldn't help but chuckle a bit. And it was at this moment that Zekrom knew he couldn't give everything he had. Not when there were others around. But that wouldn't stop him from doing what he could. And with his mind made up, Zekrom used a further ounce of his electricity, immediately lighting the place up. There was a balance of Light and Dark within Shalour City as the Pony of Shadows felt Zekrom's increase in strength.

Korrina and the others couldn't exactly see what was going on. Only Gurkinn, Blaziken and Opal Vivacity could. And what they saw next was perplexing. By using so much power, both the Pony and Shadows enveloped Shalour in a mix of light and dark. Opal Vivacity quickly used her Fate Changing Mane while she had the chance. The fate of this city was unknown and she wasn't about to take any chances.

Gurkinn and Blaziken closed their eyes in the face of these two approaching forces as this was the last thing they saw before being enveloped. Korrina, the remaining citizens and the entirety of Shalour were consumed by Lightning and Shadows without a single sound being made. Not a howl of the wind not a crack of thunder.

The Hyperdream. Reshiram's Dream.

It was then that within the Hyperdream, the sleeping Reshiram would twitch. Luna and Darkrai kept an eye on him since he was emanating a pulse earlier, but it was faint and hard to understand. And now, at the same moment when Shalour was consumed, Reshiram would make another action.

"Reshiram?!" Luna noticed the twitching. It came from his Vast White Quills. The Dragon of Truth let out another pulse as his mouth was trembling within his own dream. Being that he was still a stone back in the real world, this was the only way to see his full form once more. Alas, his mouth could not say anything. All it did was tremble but the pulses he let out were a bit stronger.

This time, Luna and Darkrai heard the words 'Shalour'. It froze them for a moment, allowing them to take in these words. Shalour. Were those names familiar to them? Just about. Luna knew that name from all the Dreams she's organized within the Hyperdream. Shalour was one of those organized locations that were alphabetical. And the only place like that was Shalour City.

"Shalour...Shalour...Shalour City?!" She spoke the name, recognizing it. And when putting it together, it was clear that Reshiram was trying to tell him something significant about Shalour City. "Is that where you are, Reshiram?!" Luna believed that was where Reshiram's Light Stone could be found.

Unfortunately, that was all Reshiram could say for the moment, needing more rest. He said no more. But even if he was speechless now, he gave something crucial to Princess Luna and Darkrai.

"Darkrai! We're heading to Shalour! Now!"

Equestria. Canterlot. Canterlot Castle.

"Princess Celestia!" Rushing through the doors to meet with the Princess of the Sun was Twilight Sparkle. She came as fast as she could, using the train that was already heading back to Ponyville and stopped right here at Canterlot. It was thanks to Absol's horn that she managed to catch notice of the Black Crusade. Speaking of Absol, he joined Twilight, staying by her side as his horn was still vibrating. Even when knowing a disaster was coming, it didn't stop while it was occurring.

"What's wrong, Twilight?" Celestia said, petting Alcremie who was enjoying it greatly based on the look on her face.

"I-It's...the Black Crusade! It's started!" Twilight bellowed with severity in her tone. At that moment, Celestia ceased her enjoyment with Alcremie as Twilight's words echoed through the throne room.

"It's begun?!" Celestia, Alcremie and Gardevoir collectively gasped. Tonight was the night when the Dread League begin their advances. Shalour was the beginning and the Crystal Empire was next. In fact, Twilight was already thinking about the Crystal Empire since it was the closest to Magehold.

No doubt, vampires were already there. And aside from those in Shalour City, the ones in great peril against the most vampires at the moment were the residents of the Crystal Empire. Shining Armor, both Flurry Hearts, Flash Sentry and Princess Cadence had yet to know. And by now, it was too late to warn them.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 124 End.

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