• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Infinity Potions

Equestria. Canterlot. The Pokemon School. Afternoon.

Gathering Infinity Energy into Potion Bottles, the students of the Pokemon School were supposed to have a normal lesson As normal as it could be. However, Yona, out of thirst, drank one of the potions and underwent somewhat of a Pokemon Transformation, replacing her front hooves gears plus two smaller gears on her back hooves. Plus, the ability to levitate. Yona was almost her own Pokemon but she was still very much recognizable.

Afternoon had come and it was time for the students to leisure around and have fun. By this time, most of them were probably set to head home considering these lessons end at 12:30 compared to what it was previously. 3:00.

And once everyone had left the classrooms, Team Rocket would enter, planning what could be their most profitable theft yet. The power of the potions was unpredictable, much like Rift Energy. But unlike Rift Energy, it was all Pokemon-based, making a bit more predictable. After seeing everything play out, they knew how to reveal the hidden wall that kept the Infinity Energy.

Jessie would slide her hand across the wall that Potion Nova stood by, trying to find the right spot. And after a few seconds of sliding, she found what she needed. The walls opened up, showing the Infinity Energy within the massive container, sitting there with endless power pulsating.

"There it is~" Jessie giggled, getting excited as if she was a little girl. "Our ticket to endless power. Grab a bottle, now!" All Team Rocket had to do was grab a bottle. Meowth wouldn't drink from it as he felt that he had no need for Infinity Energy. He was already a Pokemon.

Jessie and James would grab as many bottles as they could, holding them near the container of Infinity Energy which would gravitate towards these empty bottles. Jessie and James wanted more than one potion. They would obviously send a majority of them to Giovanni and the rest of Team Rocket but they would also take a considerable amount for themselves, just as a form of backup. And once they gathered enough, Jessie and James were ready to indulge in the possibilities.

"Alright. It's time we had our fill."

"DO you think we could possibly go back if we drink from this?" James questioned.

"Of course. There's always a way back. Our time with Zecora taught us that and we have things like RIft Energy to count on. And so on and so forth. This will be temporary but if we score big, then we'll make it permanent." Jessie boasted.

"I suppose. That Potion Nova probably has the perfect answer for it as well. I guess there's nothing to worry about for the most part."

"Now then. A toast to us going down a Path of Power!" Jessie raised her bottle and so did James as they could toast each other. They were predicting endless power at their disposal and this is where it would begin.

"Yeah right..."Meowth thought otherwise. His entire time being around Jessie and James had shown him that what could go wrong can go wrong. Whatever Jessie and James receive could backfire on them greatly. But they were too enamoured by the potion's temptation to skip out on it as the duo would drink from it.

"Mmm. Tastes like Strawberry." Jessie pointed out the taste of her potion. She was surprised to find that it had some kind of taste and it was a rather delicious one too. Perhaps, Yona had the right mind drinking from the bottle.

"Mine tastes like Vanilla." James got a different flavour as it seemed to vary depending on either the person or the bottle.

"Pssh. Vanilla has no taste." Jessie scoffed after hearing that, clearly not being the biggest fan of vanilla.

"That's because you don't get it. Vanilla is a one-of-a-kind taste." James defended it, finding vanilla to be quite pleasant. "Princess Celestia's favourite cake is vanilla, therefore, mine is the best by Royal Status."

"Oh please. In the industry of ice cream or cakes, no one in their right mind is going to-" Before Jessie could finish her sentence, the effects of the potions kicked in. The duo gasped as the infinity Energy radiated out of their bodies, emanating a golden glow.

Meowth stepped back, amazed by the event happening before him. He witnessed his friends undergo pseudo-transformations as the Infinity Energy was specifically trying to interact with their Human Bodies. This would be very different to how Yona, who was a yak, interacted it. In fact, this isn't the first time Humans have interacted with Infinity Energy as some Pokemon used to be humans. And this would certainly not be the last. Just then, one of Meowth's predictions was proven wrong.

Jessie was the first to change as her arms would suddenly pulsate rapidly. Before she knew it, she gained a long dress, very similar to a Gardevoir. In fact, her hair was also undergoing a change, trying to form itself into Gardevoir's hair but it just didn't go that far. She only gained the dress of a Gardevoir.

But as a bonus, she also received wings. Jessie would blossom wings that resembled blossoms as they would match her hair colour, appearing as a part of her. Upon receiving them, Jessie would spread her arms out, making herself appear as an angel.

"Lucky me! I'm an absolute angel! I mean, I always was but now I'm more of an angel!"

"Hold on! Why did you get such a good pick!?" But for James, it wasn't what he expected. At all. His transformation was minimal. Very minimal. So minimal that it barely looked like anything was different from him as he just looked like himself. But there was indeed something there and it was on top of James's head. It turned out to be an antenna of some sort.

"Pfft! Ha!" Jessie wheezed, pointing at James's antennae. "So much for that! You're just yourself but with an accessory! Meanwhile, I have a beautiful dress. I suppose that theory Twilight had was completely right. It does choose what's best for us. And this is best for me~"

"Hmmmrgh..." James grumbled, rather unsatisfied with his decision. But at that moment, the purple antennae on his head would light up as the power it bestowed would reveal itself.

"I would've much rather preferred to be a Milotic but this is just as great." Suddenly, James heard Jessie's thoughts. His eyes widened as he could know what she was thinking. "So sad for James but fortune favours the beautiful, I suppose."

"Hm-hm." James smiled as he was already aware how much of an advantage this was. He would then shift his attention to Meowth, reading his mind as well.

"How am I gonna tell the boss this? If we give him a potion that makes him lame like James, it'll be over for us."

"Anyway! Enough dawdling. Let's get these back to the boss." Jessie would then hold her hand out, aiming at the container of Infinity Energy. Lo and behold, much like Yona, it was all instinctive and natural. And in this case, gaining Psychic abilities.

She indeed had them, making it a bit convincing that she gained some traits of a Pyschic Pokemon However, while it became natural for her to already know to use this power, it was not easy to control. The second she used it by flicking her finger, the container broke through the rest of the wall, shattering it. Jessie grimaced after that loud sound was made. But it wasn't just the sound that was a problem but the speed. She had no proper control, resulting in the container moving at high speeds, threatening to crash into her.

"Wait, wait!" Jessie screeched, trying to bring a halt to it. But she was too late as it was already close. It looked like Jessie would suffer a heavy hit from the container, only for her to suddenly teleport. Her body would let out a purple flash, allowing her to vanish, ending up on the other side of the classroom. Jesse instinctively saved herself at that moment.

Thankfully for Team Rocket, the caldron didn't go too far, only crashing into some tables and chairs at best. Hopefully, no one heard that but that was a rather bellowing sound. After looking at each other, Jessie, James and Meowth realized they have truly hit the jackpot. Aiming to take the Infinity Energy was the best plan yet.

"Well, that could've gone better. But it'll be much better once we get this rolling," said Jessie with a wide grin.

"And with all of these potions to drink from, we can be Jacks of All Trades and Masters of All at the same time," James added. And the things they were going to do were seemingly endless. And James was already ahead of them, reading both of their minds and knowing what they wanted. Jessie was now some sort of Psychic Angel while James could read minds. These two working together with these newly acquired could lead to absolutely terrifying results. The first thing to do was find a way to get all of these to Giovanni.

"I'll be able to prank anyone once I get my hooves on this potion." Just then, James heard a voice. But it wasn't one that came from the mouth but from the mind and neither of his friends were responsible for that.

"Oh, hold on! Someone's coming!" James warned as his mind-reading ability allowed him to be a few steps ahead of others. Hearing this, Team Rocket would try and conceal themselves somewhere. The massive container was pulled out of the wall, making this destruction very visible.

And the one place they would hide themselves was that very same well. If it was wide enough to hold the container, it was wide enough to hide them as the trio would zip away. Entering the classrooms were students. Enamoured by the Infinity Energy potions, they were here to take them. Upon entering, their eyes met with the container which was just sitting out there as well as the wall being open.

"What happened here?" A young pegasus wondered. "Did someone beat us to it?"

"Do you think we should tell the teachers about this?" A Hippogriff student wondered.

"You can do that I'm taking some of these potions home with me." The students would quickly gather the empty bottles that could be found on the shelves of this classroom, ready to do what Team Rocket did. If anything, the students and Team Rocket weren't so different from each other at the moment.

Meanwhile, Potion Nova was going through a list of potions in the Staff Room, trying to find a solution to Yona's new Pokemon parts. She had more potions lined up in the staff room now that she works here. Best to bring them over. Potions back at her classroom didn't do the trick so she was hoping some from the staff room would be effective. But none showed positive results at all. On the floor and tables were empty bottles that have already been drank by Yona, but neither of them did anything.

"Surely there's something!" Potion Nova said, scanning her catalogue of potions. Twilight was there, observing it all play out. All these potions and none were having an effect even though they were also filled with Infinity Energy. "Nothing..The rest of these won't do us any good. Never before have I been this stumped."

"It's alright, Nova." Twilight gave her a comforting pat on the back. "Happens to the best of us. On the bright side, Yona seems the be getting used to this."

Indeed she was. Yona has already gotten very adjusted to the new limbs and the power to levitate. It felt like a whole new world for the young yak and she didn't feel like getting rid of it at all. Potion Nova felt like she was lacking now, not really appearing as the potion expert she appeared to be. But this was something out of her control at the moment.

"Prince Rutherford and the Yaks could be here any minute to pick up the young Yaks. How are we going to tell them this?2 Potion Nova sighed. "I don't want to say Neighsay was right but..."

"NO need to worry. We'll figure something out even if they arrive too soon."

"Hm?" But before they could do so, suddenly, the gear limbs that Yona now had were starting to pulsate. She looked over at them, noticing how they were beginning to disperse with beautiful golden lights appearing. Twilight and Potion Nova gazed with astonishment as Yona slowly descended from the air, touching the floor. The gears on her back hooves were disappearing as well. Just like that, they were all gone. No longer did she have those gears. She was now back to being herself. "Yak back to normal?"

"I-It ended? It has a time limit!" Twilight Sparkle gasped as that solved their problems in a heartbeat. "How much time was that?"

"She drank it midway during the lesson which is 30 minutes. That means the potion only lasted for 15 minutes!" Potion Nova deduced. Twilight and Nova now found out how long the effect of the Infinity Potion lasts for. 15 minutes at best it seems. "Oh, thank Celestia, it only lasts for 15 minutes."

"Aww..." Yona was rather disappointed by that. She thoroughly enjoyed every moment of it and now it was gone with no sign of popping back up.

"When I get home, I'll have to test them out myself. If they only last for 15 minutes, then I should be fine." said Potion Nova."

"Do you mind if I take one as well?" Twilight requested. "I'd like to give it a shot to see what I can find. That Harmony Phenomenon part I spoke of might come into play."

"I saw some of the students sneak some of the potions away. That much was to be expected." Potion Nova added. "But if they drank it earlier, then by now, it should have run out. You can head home now, Yona. Everything's fine now."

"Yak wanted the moment to last." Yona walked out, wanting it to last longer. Alas, that was not happening right now.

Twilight Sparkle and Potion Nova were about to call it a day as well. Potion Nova would be busy back home as well as Twilight Sparkle. But right as they were preparing to depart, a growl suddenly hit their ears. The magical duo paused for a moment. It was temporary. The growl did not last that long at all. But the way it sounded was rather concerning. It sounded like a Dragon's roar. But it did not come from any Dragon Pokemon they knew.

The cause of this happened outside. On the fields of the Pokemon School, the first group to really try and drink the potions were had gathered around. Once again, it was Gallus, Ocellus, Sandbar and Smolder. And in their clutches were the Infinity Potions. Most of these were gathered by Smolder and her partner Charmander.

"Okay. We have them with us. Let's see what they can do."

"This is probably too dangerous," said Sandbar. "It made Yona's hooves into gears and allowed her to levitate."

"How's that dangerous? That sounds amazing!" Gallus exclaimed. "We've got limited time before we get picked up from school so let's make this quick."

"This won't be that much different compared to when I transform." Ocellus quietly said. This wasn't new territory for her. She and the Changelings tend to turn into others and most recently Pokemon.

"Well, it is for us." Smolder opened up the bottle, putting on a wide grin. Not only was she about to drink but also Charmander. Compared to Meowth, Charmander was eager to try it out, being just as rambunctious as his trainer. These two were a perfect duo without a doubt.

"I would like to know what would happen though..." Sandbar's curiosity was also getting the better of him. Before he could make up his mind, Gallus, Charmander and Sandbar drank from the potions. They would savour some of it. Only drinking small portions instead of the whole time.

"Aaah..." Gallus breathed out. "Tastes familiar. Is this grape-flavoured?"

"Ooh. This is weird." Smolder didn't exactly recognize the taste. Dragons don't eat much food. But to her, it tasted like magic which was rather odd. She didn't even know magic could have a taste?

"Char...Charman!" And the first to feel the effects was Charmander. All of them gasped as the golden light emerged from his body. They backed away as Charmander was suddenly beginning to glow. What would happen when a Pokemon who already has Infinity Energy inside drinks Infinity Energy? They were about to find out. And the result was rather impressive.

Charmander grew a bit. Not by much, but he grew to a level that was slightly taller than Smolder. His body shape remained the same and there was something very familiar about the form he was about to take. His normal orange skin turned black. The flame on his tail turned blue, becoming hotter than before and his usual blue eyes now turned red. Lo and behold, Charmander appeared as his Mega Evolution. But not as a Charizard. Just as his normal self.

"Woah! Look at you, Charmander!" Smolder's eyes enlarged. "You've Mega Evolved! B-But not really? How come you're still just a Charmander? I heard Spike's Salamence started out as a Bagon and then skipped to his final evolution. Shouldn't the same happen here?"


"So is this Mega Charmander X instead of Mega Charizard X? Nice." Gallus greatly approved.

"I didn't see that coming." Sandbar shook his head. "But then again, Mega Evolution has plenty of Infinity Energy in it. Maybe this just exposed Charmander to what he's always had within but could only get when he fully evolves."

"Char! Charmander!" Amazed by his Mega Form which was still his first form, Charmander would breathe out of fire. And of course, it was blue. With blue fire, that confirmed that Charmander had grown stronger.

"This could make things way easier for me actually...I could become a Dragon Master in no time with this kind of boost..." Smolder thought for a moment. "I'll have a Mega Evolution on my side forever. I'll win battles easily and by the time he evolves, he'll be the strongest Charizard out there. It's foolproof!"

"Mander!" Charmander agreed, enjoying the power boost very greatly.

"Okay, Charmander. We-" But now, it was time for Smolder to undergo a change. She puffed her cheeks as the golden glow left her body too. All eyes were on her now as she was about to feel the traits of a Pokemon as well. But arguably, Smolder underwent the biggest change out of all of them so far.

Her body went through a great chance. It was also growing bigger, just like Charmander. But it was by a greater margin. Smolder groaned as she was suddenly losing her usual build. It was now being replaced with something else. Something serpentine. But her arms and legs would still remain.

Her growth prompted everyone else to move away as the buildings of the Pokemon School would soon be hit by this growth. Yet again, it took damage. But what else was new?

Not only was she gaining a new build, but she was also gaining new parts. Her wings went away first, removing it away from Smolder's natural appearance and instead, bringing her something new. Next to her were two long heads that sprouted from her body. And these heads with their long necks looked very much like Smolder. In fact, they were her.

Jaws dropped as Smolder's transformation was the most extreme out of them all so far. She now had three heads of herself, appearing older as well. And as for those wings, they returned but were now on her arms, similar to how bats have wings. And this was also the cause of the roar that Twilight and Nova both heard.

The left head ended up breaking through the windows of the Pokemon School, entering the hallway. And when breaking through, these new eyes spotted Team Rocket. The Team Rocket Trio screeched, holding onto each other upon seeing this massive head of a Dragon. They felt like they've been caught already. Twilight and Nova would look outside the window, seeing this massive Three-Headed Dragon outside. It seems that they weren't quite done with the day yet as the journey continues.

Chapter 237 End.

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