• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Queen to Queen Advice

Equestria. Near the Faye Mountains. Late Afternoon.

After visiting Pegalysium, May was told to try and come to the Changelings Lands for a while by Chrysalis herself. It was mainly the fact that the Queen of the Sea title was given to her. After dropping Cozy Glow off at Equestria, she was making her way to the Changeling Lands, following a map that was lent to her.

Equestria's map has changed drastically ever since the Pokemon have arrived and the landscape is constantly changing due to certain Pokemon. But thanks to Starmap, May could find the right location as she was near the Faye Mountains.

"Changeling Lands..." May spoke when looking at the map, her footsteps stopped on the beautiful grass. In the distance, the view of the Faye Mountains were very much visible. "It's pretty close. Not too far from here and that afternoon sun's looking deeper. But first! Let's eat!"

Instantly, she summoned her Pokemon, preparing to feast. Blaziken, Wartortle, Beautifly, Skitty, Munchlax, Venusaur and Glaceon were all summoned.

All the food that May had been saving up was immediately placed down on a picnic mat. All of her personal favourites were here along with her Pokemon's favourites. "Time to dig in!"

Wasting no time, her Pokemon began chowing down, enjoying the wonderful taste of human food. But May was still standing, watching them as she had her own hands in her pockets.

"It's so good that we can eat anything together." She smiled. "But it's not the same if you're not here..."

She looked away, remembering all the good times she had with him. "I know you're gone. But you'll always be a part of my heart, Ash. You keep coming up in conversations a lot, huh?" She giggled while eating.

It was a peaceful eating session as her Pokemon were also getting up to their usual antics. Beautifly and Wartortle were fighting over a single slice of cheese pizza. Venusaur and Munchlax were competing in an eating contest and Skitty was playing around with Glaceon. While eating, May looked at the mountains in the distance, seeing the Fairy Magic they exude around the area.

"Oh...Beautiful!" She watched as the Fairy Magic would change colours in a variety of ways. It wrapped around the mountains like a beautiful rainbow. Even her Pokemon stopped eating to admire this sight, all of them having their mouths wide open.

"They are called the Faye Mountains...right? I heard about them. The mountains emit a unique energy called Fairy Magic." She spoke out. But while they were gawking at this wonderful sight, that just made some Pokemon sneak up on their food while they weren't looking. The Pokemon in question were Nickit, Bounsweet, Pichu, Gossifleur and Rookidee. They were hiding behind the trees, looking at the food as they were drooling.

"Pichu..." They quietly moved towards the food, hoping that the Pokemon wouldn't notice. Nickit grabbed the food as Pichu and Bounsweet started to stuff their faces. As this was happening, Munchlax turned his head, spotting the Pokemon as they were stuffing their faces. Munchlax's eyes would glow as he cried out loud.


Hearing his cry, the thieving Pokemon were startled as they looked at him. This prompted Venusaur, Blaziken, Beautifly, Glaceon and Skitty to rotate their heads in a heartbeat, noticing some of their food missing. But the one most upset about this was May, whose eyes would widen when she saw the Pokemon stealing their food.

MY FOOD!" She screamed as the Pokemon immediately scattered. Her rage was intense, almost like a thousand volcanoes going off all at once. "GET BACK HERE! I WILL END YOU!"

"Chu! Pichu!" The Pokemon were running as fast as they could, not looking back. The Pokemon were running as fast as they could, not looking back. May was not holding anything back, immediately pursuing them on foot, her fist raised high. "Get back here! I paid good money to get that!" She would even drift on her own feet.

The Pokemon were heading back to a place where they lived. They were trying to escape into a cave but May would catch up. She would take a strong leap, getting in front of one of the Nickit with ease and blocking his path. "I got you!"


She would loom over him, her eyes glowing an untold rage that should never be tampered with. The other Pokemon panicked, fearing that they may have made a terrible mistake.

"You guys..." May's voice got deeper as she closed her eyes before reopening them. "Sorry about that. But if you wanted some food, you could've just asked. Plus, I get a bit too heated about my food sometimes.

Her sudden change in tone would surprise the Pokemon, who were looking at her with awe. Nickit immediately fainted on the spot. "Woah! Are you alright?"

A few minutes passed and May was back at the same spot. This time, she was with the Pokemon who stole from her, allowing them to share the food. They were enjoying the delicious food that she had as her Pokemon were watching them.

"It's a good thing I had extra, right?" She asked, looking at the Wild Pokemon.

"Nickit!" Nickit was jumping in excitement, eating some PokePuffs.

"Pichu-Pichu!" Pichu was also jumping, stuffing her mouth with some berries as all the other Pokemon indulged themselves.

After minutes of consumption, May was stuffed, feeling satisfied as she stood up. "Aah! That's more like it! Okay then. It's straight up ahead and I'll meet the Changelings. Be safe and don't eat too much, okay?"

Quickly, she returned them all to their Poke Balls once they were done. May walked off as the Pokemon watched her leave. She would disappear into the forest, heading to the Changeling Lands. All of her Pokemon would follow, leaving the Pokemon behind.

May only had a bit more to go as she immediately started running. Up ahead was some terrain that looked rather daring and exciting to try out.

If this was May in the past, she would never even dare to tackle them. But she has grown, being more adventurous as her legs were starting to move. She was heading to the rocky wall as the sun was setting. It would be a race against time as she climbed her way up.

"I've...been...so lazy." She told herself. "I think it's time I change. Time to start training and getting myself ready for what's to come. And this is the perfect way to do that!"

Her feet were pressing onto the rocks, keeping her body balanced. But it wasn't easy. There were moments where her legs were shaking, making her grip onto the rocks harder. "I can do this. I can do this." Her gutsy spirit was as strong as a Pokemon with Steadfast or Inner Focus without a doubt.

Faye Mountains. The Changeling Lands.

After climbing for a few minutes, she reached the top, landing on the floor. Her face was sweaty as her hands were also dirty from all that gripping. "Hah..." She smiled before noticing her surroundings.

It was a new view, different from her own. A beautiful sunset was in the sky, shining its light onto the entire area. "Oh my goodness!" She ran towards the edge, looking at the sunset. She would place her hands on the ledge, admiring this beauty.

"Beautiful..." She gasped, feeling the warmth of the sun hitting her skin. There, she would see the Changeling Lands. Home to Changelings and many Fairy-Types. She began sliding down a steep hill to make her way there, eventually arriving at the vast land before her.

"Wow. It's even more beautiful than I expected." May was looking at her surroundings, seeing a plethora of uniquely shaped buildings. A couple of Fairy-Type Pokemon were also seen, either sleeping or relaxing. Since the Changelings were similar to bugs, the number of hives and nests here were stellar.

At the centre was the tallest and biggest hive of them all. May knew that she had to go there. She was walking towards the hive, admiring the land and its inhabitants. A few Changelings and Fairies were looking at her here and there.

"Oh, is that her?" One of the Changelings said.

"Yeah, the one who did that silly dance and confessions." Another changeling giggled, only to be met with an intimidating glare from May. Immediately the two changelings jerked back, looking away.

May walked into the hive, seeing that it was filled with changelings. Some were flying, some were walking. The hive was full of activity and a certain someone was waiting for her arrival. It was straight to the biggest hive for May since that is obviously where Chrysalis would be. Immediately, she was let in by the guards who were expecting her and as soon as she entered, she was met with the interior, which was quite beautiful.

The inside of the main hive was filled with all kinds of things, mostly things related to Changelings. Some furniture was also here. There was a big window on the left, giving a good view of the land. The walls were decorated with green, orange and yellow stripes, representing the changelings' colour scheme.

It carried that royal theme by having a red carpet that was filled with symbols only the Changelings would understand. The room was also quite lit, but not too bright. It was mainly due to the hive having a green aura to it, providing the Changelings with the perfect environment. At the end was the Queen herself, turning her head to face May while having Ribombee by her side.

Umm...Queen Chrysalis, right?" May asked.

"Indeed." Chrysalis nodded when facing May. "And you're the Queen of the Sea, am I right?"

"Well, I wouldn't say that." May giggled. "I was just Manaphy's mother figure for a while, that's all. So, you wanted to speak to me because of that title, right? How come?"

"Come closer, May." Chrysalis used her hoof as a gesture, calling May to come closer. May did so, approaching her and bowing in the process. "Please, rise. There's no need to be so formal. After all, we are both queens, correct?"

"I guess..." May slowly got up, rubbing her hair. "So, why did you want to see me?"

Chrysalis shifted her eyes from left to right for a moment, staying silent momenterily. She then looked back at May, saying something that caught her off guard. "Alright. You have been with Ash longer than I have. Do you have any tips on how to confess to him?"

"Eh?!" May stepped back, completely caught off guard. "Wha-Wha-What?!"

"Do you have any tips on how I should confess my love to him?" Chrysalis repeated her question, not batting an eye. "If you're the Queen of the Sea and since he's the King of share."

"You-You-You love him?!" May was surprised. "Him?!"

"Is there a problem?"

"No, not really. I didn't think you'd be in love with Ash. But uh...I'm not sure I'm the one you should be asking for this." May sheepishly said while grinning.

"Nonsense!" Chrysalis exclaimed. "Listen closely. Me, Luna and Twilight all have one thing in common. It's only been 4 years since our world has crossed over with your world. Aside from getting used to the existence of Pokemon, I've been trying to win in a race."

"A race?"

"Indeed. A race of who can make Ash fall for them the fastest. If you're the one who's been by his side longer than anyone else, you must have some pointers. Twilight and Luna are ahead of me by I believe 1 or 2 years, but I won't slow down. You're the one who travelled across the Hoenn Region with Ash, right? What do you know?"

"Well uh...Ash isn't the kind of guy to really care about love. He's more into his journey, I guess. I mean, we have travelled together for a long time."

"So, you are the one who has been travelling with him the longest, correct?"

"No. I think that title goes to Misty and Brock, honestly. If there's anyone you should be asking, it's Misty. I'm not exactly that into Ash. Not that I don't like him but..."

"Mmmmrgh..." Chrysalis grumbled. "Your face says otherwise. Twilight already has a stark advantage since she is good friends with another girl by the name of Dawn and I have heard things here and there. That Misty girl shows up from time to time too even if its way less than Dawn. I'm not losing to those two. Queen to Queen. Tell me some things about Ash that I can use."

"Wait, if you want that so badly and you think I like him, why are you telling me this?"

"I have a lot of pride and dignity, yes. But I will do anything for the sake of the Changeling Hive and the one I love. If I can learn more about him through you, I can get an advantage over those two. They have an advantage and so will I now that you're here. Queen to Queen. Tell me some things about Ash."

"Wait, if you want that so badly and you think I like him, why are you telling me this?"

"I have a lot of pride and dignity, yes. But I will do anything for the sake of the Changeling Hive and the one I love. If I can learn more about him through you, I can get an advantage over those two. Plus, you're the first person that can give me such information. I'm not the same Queen that Ash battled a few times. I've changed. And yet, this new feeling of love is something I just can't overcome."

"Hmm..." May scratched her chin, thinking about it. "Well, Ash is a kind person. He will never hesitate to help others no matter what. He's determined and never gives up. That's the Ash I know. And he has a soft spot for Pokemon, that's for sure. That's something about him that I really like. A lot. He's very cute and he's always putting himself in harm's way for others."

"I see. Interesting." Chrysalis was listening as there was a Changeling nearby writing it all down.

"To be honest, I'm more into someone else. Drew. But Ash isn't so bad when I think about it." May looked up. "He's really nice and kind. Always helping others and making sure they're happy. Plus, he's pretty adorable. But his naivety gets the best of him sometimes. I'm sure that if you're able to help him out and make sure he's not doing anything stupid, you'll be able to have a strong relationship. It's just his naivety."

"Naivety, huh?" Chrysalis repeated, crossing her hooves. "He is rather naive, that much is true. But he's not oblivious to love. He knows a lot about it."

"I'm sure he'll listen to you and take your words seriously. I can tell he's the type of guy who will listen to you. As long as he doesn't make a mistake. I'd say you should just confess to him."

"Confess? Out of the question."

"Why not? It's better than hiding it."

"I've lived my entire life hiding my feelings. Why would I reveal them now? Love is a strange thing and it's rather embarrassing. It makes me feel weird, especially if it's around him. I'm not revealing it. Not now, at least. If it were anyone else sure, but I get a bit strange around Ash at times. I'd rather just wait."

"Well, there are many ways you can do it. You can do a dance like I did."

"Dance? Oh no, I'm not going to humiliate myself." The Changeling Queen vehemently dismissed that.

"I can see why you're racing for it and you needed my help." May chuckled nervously before noticing something nearby. A giant stack of romance books tat Chrysalis has gathered as of recently. They were all stacked neatly and in order. "Have you been reading these?"

"Indeed." Chrysalis confirmed. "They're just so wonderful and charming. Hah...It makes the heart swoon." She closed her eyes, putting on a wide smile. "These books have provided me with the knowledge I've needed."

"You're taking them seriously." May wasn't too sure about that.

"I wish but..." Chrysalis grumbled, using her magic to bring some of the books over. "They're no good! These won't help me with Ash at all!"

"How come?"

"All these romance books talk about the most ideal scenario. Meeting the Prince of your dreams. Spending time with him and going on adventures. Falling for him and then having him confess to you. Ash is nothing like these boys in these books! He's more complex than that."

"Is he?" May blinked a few times. She wasn't 100% sure about that one.

"Indeed! These books are useless to me. All these cliches won't work on him. We've fought a lot and yet, I'm still unable to get over him. It's not his looks, that's for sure. But sometimes I like to imagine myself in those books and Ash is there too, but the traits just don't match! What a waste! These books are garbage! And not the good kind!"

"Oh...That's a shame."

"Apologies. For centuries I've been feeding off of love in a destructive way. It wasn't until I met Ash and he saved me and my hive that I started to garner feelings for him. I even remember when we first battled. It was during the Canterlot Wedding that I personally infiltrated." Chrysalis was surprisingly proud of that even after all that time has passed. "I took on Ash on that day and I was absolutely furious."

Chrysalis began thinking back to that very day during the Canterlot Wedding. She remembered it well, probably because she lost on that day for the very first time too.

4 Years Ago. Canterlot. The Canterlot Wedding.

"Let's Go! Greninja! Full Power!" The Bond Phenemon was is in effect, and Ash Greninja has arrived. Now, with all of Ash's Pokémon forming the last line of defence, one can only hope that Canterlot remains unscathed. It was when all the ponies from the wedding were captured by Cofagrigus who was amplified by the Rift and joined by the Rift Pony Obsidian.

"Alright! Everyone! Our top priority is saving everyone that's been trapped in Cofagrigus. Greninja. You'll deal with Cofagrigus! Pikachu, Infernape and I will handle Chrysalis. Bayleef! Staraptor! Swellow! You focus on saving everyone who's been captured by Changelings. The rest of you handle the Changeling army. Let's go!" Each Pokémon knew its role as they divided and embarked on their missions.

"Don't let them succeed! Get them!" commanded Chrysalis as the Changelings swarmed in to assail Ash's Pokémon. Greninja swiftly engaged, using Aerial Ace to repel the Coffin Pokémon. Despite Cofagrigus's attempt to ensnare him, Greninja countered with a Double Team maneuver, creating the illusion of multiple copies before launching a swift Water Shuriken at its rear.

Meanwhile, Staraptor and Swellow dove toward the captured ponies, diverting the attention of the Changelings. Bayleef deftly employed Vine Whip to release the captives, while the aerial Pokémon continued to distract the Changelings.

Snorlax stood firm as a formidable barrier, impervious to the Changelings' assaults. Their efforts to dislodge or harm him proved futile, met only with a forceful slap in retaliation.

"Iron Tail! Mach Punch!" The duo executed their attacks with precision, targeting Chrysalis's horn and driving her back under the weight of their combined strength. In response, Chrysalis retaliated with magical beams.

"Flare Blitz!" Infernape countered the magic with a blazing charge, nullifying the attack. "Now, use Flamethrower!" Following up swiftly, Infernape unleashed a scorching stream of flames, causing Chrysalis to recoil in fear.

"What tenacity...How can someone wield such power?" Chrysalis began to comprehend the extent of her disadvantage. Resorting to treachery, she directed a magical beam toward the castle, endangering Fluttershy, Ash's other Pokémon, and Twilight.

"Charizard!" Ash cried out, but before disaster struck, a magical beam intercepted them, knocking them back. Charizard swooped in, rescuing them with a gust of wind that diverted them from the collapsing castle, triggering a massive shockwave.

"How many more these annoying creatures are there?! Why can they do much?! No matter. That leaves all of them to feed on. Their love is going to be delicious for all of us!"

"I was so bitter when I lost that day. But oh my, the way he battled was so amazing. His moves, his commands and how he was able to adapt to the situation. I was smitten by his skills." Chrysalis had stars in her eyes. "I'll be honest with you! That kind of power was exhilarating, even if I lost! It was like watching a fairy tale."

"I guess that's one way to start having feelings."

"I still hated him after that. We had another encounter during the first ever Pokemon Festival and I planned to intercept him in Canterlot Castle. I lost...again and was just as bitter. But it was our third encounter where everything changed. He was the first one that showed me what love really was. Without obviously blasting me with it. He saved my hive and gave us the ability to produce love ourselves. After that, I became so intrigued with him. That's why I'm trying so hard. Even if my methods are not exactly the best."

"I guess. But don't you think it's time you try a different method? Maybe stop trying to make him fall for you."

"Impossible! I'm already too far deep. There's no backing down now. If I'm going to win this race, I'm not slowing down. But, enough about me. Tell me about your relationship. Did you ever have a relationship with Ash?"

"Huh?! What are you saying?" May exclaimed, blushing hard.

"Did you?"

"N-No. I told you I'm not into Ash. We're just friends, that's all!" She rapidly shook her head and hands.

"Hmmm...You're a terrible liar." Chrysalis crossed her hooves. "Either way, it's nice to talk about this with someone. Never before have I expressed so much of this to another. All of my Changelings have their own love but I can never seem to speak to them on this level at all when it comes to Ash. But speaking to you is different, May. I knew I was right to call you here.

"Really? For how long?" May questioned.

"Eh. It hasn't been that long but it feels like it. Whenever I think about Ash in that way or talk about him, I..." Just then, Chrysalis paused, taking a deep breath. She lowered her eyes as she felt her head heating up. "Ooh...A bit hot all of a sudden. As I was saying...I...huh?"

"Chrysalis? What's wrong?" May was watching the Queen's face. It was getting a bit red, which was unlike her. There was a strong blush on her face as she kept breathing heavily.

"Oh..." Just then, Chrysalis would collapse, falling to the floor. May gasped as Chrysalis kept breathing, her body shaking. "It's so warm all of a sudden. But it's not that kind of warm...It's...strange."

"Chrysalis!" May was confused. She would kneel down, checking on her. "What's wrong?! What happened?!"

"My body. It's...strange. Like there's something inside of me and it's burning."

"Burning? Oh, are you sick?!"

"Sick? This is not like any illness I have encountered." Chrysalis panted when looking up at May. Her beautiful white colour was even starting to dim a bit. "What's wrong with me?"

"Do you guys have a doctor here?!" May looked at the nearby changelings. "Send help, please!"

"R-Right away!" A few of the Changelings nodded, leaving the hive. May held the Changeling Queen in her arms while she kept breathing.

"Ribomb!" Ribombee cried out, fearing for her partner since this was brand new. Never before has this happened. The closest is when the Box of 100 Demons was affected. But this was something different.

A few minutes later, some doctors were called as they began inspecting her. Ribombee was crying in fear, unsure what to do. May watched the entire thing, seeing the Queen being tended to. The afternoon Sun dropped as the Moon began to rise. And with all this time passing, the doctors didn't have the best news.

"I have no idea what this is. It doesn't feel like any natural fever we know of. Not to mention the symptoms are strange."

"Strange?" May repeated.

"There are signs that the body is heating up, yes. But there are other symptoms that are strange."

"What kind of symptoms?" Thorax asked. "Do we know anything about them?"

"For starters, she's exhibiting a noticeable pallor with a lot of fatigue. She has a shortness of breath, chest tightness, and hyperventilation. The heat around her is hotter than any fever I know."

"But isn't that normal?" May questioned as some of those sounded rather familiar to other illnesses.

"No, it's not. Her body is not burning and the heat is not coming from within. It's coming from outside. On top of that, her magic is also fluctuating from this. Her body is even dimmer compared to what it was now. We have no idea what's wrong with her. It's like an amalgamation of multiple sicknesses in one.

"Oh no! What should we do?!" The Changelings were beginning to panic. To see their Queen suffer again was unbearable. Chrysalis kept breathing as she suddenly said one word.

"Ash..." Ash's name came out of her mouth all of a sudden. Quite unexpected to be saying that right about now.

"Step aside. All of you." A hoof touched the floor, grabbing everyone's attention. With all their heads turning, there they saw the Mother of Chrysalis and the former Changeling Queen, Mellifera.

"Former Queen Mellifera!" Thorax gasped along with the rest.

"Mother..." Chrysalis slowly turned her head. Her mother came to her in a crucial moment once again. Despite how serious, intimidating and stern she was, she truly loved her daughter.

"So...It's finally happened. I knew this would happen one day, I just knew it. Ever since you all changed your ways, this was the one thing I feared would've occurred." Mellifera closed her eyes.

"Wh-What do you mean?" May asked.

Isn't it obvious? Chrysalis." Mellifera approached her ill daughter. "You've done something no other Changeling has ever done. Something that I warned you about centuries ago when you were just a child. But it seems you've already forgotten it."

"Former Queen, she's ill. Please go easy on her." The changeling doctor pleaded.

"She needs to hear this. All Changelings cannot do this. After all, every single one here is your child and that is how it has always been, from you, to me, to the last and before that. But...you have fallen for someone else. Someone that you actually care for as an equal. And since you are a Queen, this is something that should never be possible. And yet...it's happened. This is the result."

"Wait, are you saying this is caused by her love for Ash?" May raised her hand.

"Correct. As the Changeling Queen, we stand on the top, being able to grow our hive on our own, not needing a Changeling King or anything similar to that. Much like those Vespiquens you humans have. However, when we have feelings for another to the point where they are seen as equal, possibly even a superior, it becomes a problem and leads to this.

"How?" May wasn't understanding it just yet.

"When a Changeling Queen falls in love with someone else, that is a sign of a King. The Queen's magic begins to fluctuate as a result of their own emotions. The magic itself is meant to provide sustenance for the hive, not something to be wasted. If a Queen has these feelings, they will begin to feed off of others' love and the magic will become unstable. The Changeling Queen of 3 Generations ago experienced this very illness. It is called the Amora Scourge.

"Amora Scourge? Everyone here repeated.

"You should have never fallen for Ash Ketchum, daughter. Or at least, you should have never seen him as your equal. If you fell for him but were still seen as above him, perhaps you could've avoided this. But no, you've made him your equal. A King.

"But mother..." Chrysalis panted.

"I warned you. Centuries ago, I told you to never fall in love with anyone. I taught you to have the mindset of the Changeling Queen. The top of the hierarchy, never falling for anyone. You were the perfect successor and you were to follow the teachings. You are the one who must provide sustenance to the hive. The one who is responsible for the future of the Hive."

"Come on! What's so wrong about that?" May glanced at Mellifera who narrowed her eyes. "Can't she just love him?"

"She can love whoever she wants, sure. But as a Changeling Queen, that cannot happen. It's against the rules. A Changeling Queen can never have King. The reason for that is because of the Amora Scourge."

"Well, is there a cure for it at least?" Thorax asked.

"A cure? Well...The previous Changeling Queen never found that cure, but there was one thing that tempered the illness. She went to the pony she fell for, meeting him even in her condition. Perhaps, it has something to do with them or the bond they have."

"Is there any way to help her then?" May then looked back at Chrysalis.

"The only way is to find out the true reason as to why the former Queen was cured. If we find out, we can save her. As much as I hate to say it, she will have to go to Ash Ketchum. He cannot come here himself. It must be from the Queen instead."

"Go to Ash? In her state?" A worried May was concerned.

"If the former Queen was able to at least hold back the illness for a while, even though she never overcame it, then perhaps, Chrysalis might have a chance. But, we can't waste any more time. We need to act fast. I have a feeling that her current state is not that bad. But it could get worse without a doubt."

"I'd like to...I'd like to go to Ash. Please." Chrysalis looked up at May with pleading eyes. Despite her condition, she would take that risk and go to Ash before the illness can get worse.

"Alright." May nodded in understanding. Anything to help Chrysalis get better.

The most unlikely ilness had struck on this night. One based around love. A love that a Changeling Queen can never truly have and yet, here it was. Chrysalis was now the second Changeling Queen to ever go through such a thing and with a cure being up in the air, the only way to help her was to go to the root of it all.

Ash Ketchum.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 448 End.

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