• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Tantrums and Dragons!

Equestria. Ponyville. Day.

Entering Twilight's Castle were Twilight Velvet, Daisy and Paradise, who had been out shopping since yesterday. And upon returning, they got busy in buying whatever they wanted or rather what Twilight Velvet wished to get her grandchildren. But when returning, Twilight Sparkle was there with a cross look on her face.

"There you two are! Where have you been?!" An upset Twilight Sparkle yelled, facing Daisy and Paradise. The two Flora Ponies were joined by Twilight Velvet who was essentially their grandma, holding and wearing an assortment of objects. "You were gone for an entire day! I was worried!"

"W-We were just shopping! That's all, see?" Daisy showed off her new clothes that were in bags while wearing Starmie-shaped glasses.

"Mom! You were out with them for too long!" Twilight Sparkle faced her mother.

"But we had a great time though. I got too eager to go out with my grandchildren." Twilight Velvet grinned. "You didn't have anything to worry about, dear. With me around, they would've been safe. Plus, they moved like flowers to get around which tells me they can avoid most danger! Literally!"

"Yeah, and it was worth it! I got myself a Pokedex! A very stylish one too!" Paradise would show off her Pokedex which was in the style of Fire, having flame patterns and the Fire-Type Symbol on it. Twilight simply looked at her with lowered eyes.

"...Paradise. You could've just come to my lab and I would've given you the essentials." Twilight sighed. "But whatever. With you two gone, I've been having trouble handling the Baby Despair Plants. They're all kinds of chaotic. Only Ash and Roseluck have managed to calm some of them down."

"This way!" Speaking of which, running past Twilight and the others were Ash and Pikachu who were being chased by the baby Despair Plants who were crawling on the floor and walls to pursue the duo. As for the rest of the Despair Plants, they had exhausted Twilight, Applejack and Rarity, being incredibly frantic and hard to control.

"Well...They've got their attention, is what I should say." Twilight grumbled. "I figured that they'd calm down around you since you brought them into this world. The best I've gotten is for Ash to play with them and Roseluck to tend to them for these past hours. They made quite the ruckus last night."

"Sorry about that, mom. But we had so much fun, didn't we?" Daisy faced Paradise.

"It was! Now I can start my career as a Pokemon Trainer." Paradise replied with excitement, looking down at the bag of Poke Balls, potions and map. All of it had been spent on Twilight Velvet's money when really, she could've just come over to Twilight Sparkle's lab and got it for free. But for her, it was all about style. "Now I just need the look of a Trainer!"

"If you want...I can make something for you." An exhausted Rarity uttered.

"At least you had fun. But give me a heads-up afterwards. Poor dad probably struggled to get you home thanks to mom." Twilight shook her head, noticing that Night Light was not here.

"Oh, I should take you to meet my son next and then my daughter-in-law!" Immediately, Twilight Velvet focused on something else, wishing to go to the Crystal Empire with the Flora Ponies. "What do you say, dear? Do you think that would be okay with you?"

"You just got back with them. And aren't you tired?" Twilight Sparkle questioned with confusion on her face. How could they just leave after showing up since they were gone for a whole day yesterday? "It'd be nice if you stayed here for a while and we spent some time."

"We can do it together." Twilight Velvet suggested. "What's stopping us? And how long has it been since we've had a family outing together?"

"Well, I still have work to do, mom. Including today. We'll do it another time, okay?" Twilight pleaded.

"I get it. You're a busy princess. How about I just hang around with you all in the meanwhile? Then we can drag your older brother here later on." Twilight Velvet winked, followed by some silence from Twilight Sparkle.

"Fine, fine. Just tone it down, okay? First I need these Despair Plants to calm down. Those Triantis may be small, but their claws can tear something up. Especially all of my books."

"Got it! We're on it, mom!" Daisy saluted before using her Floral Travel, turning into an array of daises to travel. Paradise would soon do the same, turning into Paradise Flowers.

"I wish Starlight were here...She might've had something." Twilight sat down, exhausted herself on this bright day. "I wonder where she is at the moment though...Even she's been gone since yesterday."

Rattata Steppe. Day.

Starlight was currently elsewhere, doing her own thing even when the event at the Despair Plant Garden took place. But she wasn't alone. Joining her was none other than Goh. And if Goh was with her, that meant they were out doing one thing. Catching Pokemon.

And it wasn't just Goh catching Pokemon. Currently, she just had Hatterene by her side. And that was fine, but having more than one Pokemon was always a great feeling to many. At the moment, they were stopping to have a bite to eat while Goh was looking over the map of this place on his Rotomphone. An assortment of food had been set up on a table that has yet to be touched. Courtesy of SugarCube Corner, the food was bright and colourful, mainly being sweets and other pastries.

"Most are just Rattata's but that makes finding the rare Pokemon all that more fun," Goh said while looking over the map and which Pokemon could be found here. Considering the name of this grassland-like area, Rattatas were the most common Pokemon. "Anyone that catches your eye, Starlight?"

"Uhh...Umm..." Putting on a judgemental face, Starlight looked over the list of Pokemon that can be found here aside from just Rattata. There was Seviper, Maractus, Wormadam, Corsola, Dratini and Clobbopus. Not many. "I don't know...I don't think any of them catch my eye."

"Why not? You said that about some other Pokemon recently."

"I guess I just like the way Hatterene looks. I'm a bit picky, honestly." Starlight scratched her mane, being honest about her preferences. "I like the mysterious Pokemon. The ones that carry a lot of mystery and enigma around them."

"Like Zoroark?" Goh replied, bringing up a Pokemon that carried mystery around it. "What about Ghost and Dark-Types then?"

"Hatterene just has that nice feeling," Starlight said with a smile. "You know what I mean? That's one of the reasons I connected with her."

"Okay then. I'm not picky with my choices though. Well...not in the beginning anyway." Goh turned his phone off. "Anyway, catching Pokemon needs a full stomach, so let's eat!"

However, the second they turned around, the food had been smashed to bits. Most of these delicious and bright pastries were now nothing but mush. Goh and Starlight were blown back by this. It was as if a hammer came out of nowhere and pulverized their food to the point where it was all mushy and splattered across the table.

Their food for today was unsalvagable and no more. The strange part was that neither had noticed this before or even heard such a sound.

"What happened to the food!?" Goh bellowed with disbelief. It looked like someone just came up and smashed them. And indeed, that was the case when they saw the culprit who made quiet but powerful sounds.

"Clobbo! Clobbo!" It was a Pokemon. One that was smacking against the remaining food with its tentacles.

"Who's that Pokemon?" Starlight immediately took out her Pokedex while Goh was still stunned and distraught by the destruction that befell the pastries.

"Clobbopus. The Tantrum Pokemon. It’s very curious, but its means of investigating things is to try to punch them with its tentacles. The search for food is what brings it onto land. Its tentacles tear off easily, but it isn’t alarmed when that happens—it knows they’ll grow back. It’s about as smart as a three-year-old."

"Oh, so you're the one responsible for this," Starlight uttered. "And if you're curious...something like this would've grabbed your fancy since it's also food. Did it have to be hit though?"

"You ruined our food!" Goh bellowed, facing Clobbopus. "Why?! What's up with that?"

"Clobbo?" Clobbopus looked up, gazing at Goh after he raised his voice. Unexpectedly, this little Pokemon took a massive leap, striking Goh's chest. "Pus!"

"Gouh!" Goh coughed after receiving an impressive strong strike from this baby Pokemon. He was surprised to be hit that hard as Clobbopus would then fall on its back after jumping that high, failing to recover on the ground. Speaking of the ground, Goh would also fall on it, getting on his knees first.

"Oh my gosh, Goh¬! Are you alright?!" Starlight gasped after Goh received that devastating blow.

"Mrrgh...What an impact..." Goh squirmed while on the ground, trying to resist the pain.

"That was uncalled for!" Starlight uttered, facing the Tantrum Pokemon while using her magic to help up Goh.

"Clo"? Being the curious Pokemon that it is, Goh's shirt and what was in the middle raised a bit of curiosity. But it wasn't just Goh. It was also Starlight. Looking at Starlight brought some more curiosity to the Tantrum Pokemon. Starlight looked interesting, very different from Goh as her colours helped illustrate that.

For a Pokemon like Clobbopus, these kinds of colours were attractive to the eye. But before it could go after Starlight next, its tentacles tore off all of a sudden, just like what the Pokedex stated. They fell off Clobbopus' body thanks to the powerful blow it gave to Goh, dropping to the ground and rolling.

"Eugh!" Even when knowing that they could tear off easily, seeing them come off was downright disturbing, especially since it was on a baby.

"A-Are you alright?!" Starlight worried for the Tantrum Pokemon, wondering if it was feeling any pain before the tentacles could grow back.

"Clo." Clobbopus was not alarmed at all. For someone so young, it was amazing that this species was so nonchalant about this. But perhaps its young mind is what makes that possible.

When waiting for its tentacles to grow back, it would continue to look at Starlight, attracted by her bright colours, as opposed to Goh's dark colours thanks to this clothing. The only thing that stuck out was the symbol on his shirt. Starlight scrunched her face while looking back at Clobbopus. Suddenly, she was approached by the Tantrum Pokemon who would try and hit her, but to no avail.

"I don't think you can hurt me with those missing tentacles," Starlight said before using her magic to lift Clobbopus into the air.


"What was all that for...?" Goh breathed in and out after being helped up.

"It's a baby, Goh. It's just like the Pokedex said. If something catches its attention, it'll try and hit it. And just like babies, we look interesting enough." Starlight explained, having some good knowledge on babies. "And in our case, we look pretty colourful to it and babies love bright colours Just like the food that was on the table."

"You look colourful, you mean." Goh groaned while still holding his chest. "I would've thought Clobbopus would've eaten it instead of hitting it. Isn't that why it comes out of the water?"

"So, are you also hungry then?" Starlight asked the Tantrum Pokemon.

"Clobbopus!" Very much so! Clobbopus would most definitely want something to eat as its tentacles would grow back.

"Great. But...You kind of destroyed everything that we needed to fill our hunger." Goh pointed out the destroyed mush of food that was everywhere. It took Clobbopus just now to realize this destruction. Granted, it was a baby, so that was its first instinct.

"It's fine. Babies can eat mush. But maybe not this since it's been splattered on the table." With her magic, Starlight revealed that there was an extra piece of food within her saddlebag. A single cupcake had been revealed as she then crushed it with pure mental force.

Goh felt a piece of his heart shatter after seeing that cupcake get crushed, becoming mush in the process. His stomach could be heard growling afterwards. With this cupcake mush, Starlight would hold it up to the Fighting-Type, ready to feed it.

"Eat up." She said. And much like a baby, Clobbopus would take a bite. It snagged a bite of the mush from its hard-to-see mouth, not even hesitating for a moment. Once its tentacles grew back, Clobbopous would flail them around with excitement, confirming that it enjoyed it. "Great! Tastes good even when crushed!"

"That could've been ours..." Goh sighed as any semblance of remains of the food they brought along was gone.

"Don't worry, we'll get our fill. This place has some fruits we can choose from, so let's go for those instead." Starlight gave out a second option now that all of their food was gone. Fruits from the Rattata Steppe. "Hopefully, with all of these Rattata around, they don't run out of that either. And we'll catch ourselves a Pokemon along the way."

"Clobbopus!" But the moment they decided to get a move on through this forest while also focusing on their goal to catch some Pokemon, Clobbopus would suddenly jump on Starlight's mane, hitching a ride.

"Is it coming along with us?" Goh asked Starlight Glimmer upon seeing the Tantrum Pokemon hitch a ride.

"Looks like it. Babies will do that if something makes them happy. I think it's expecting me to give it more of those mushed cupcakes. But maybe mushed fruits will do the trick as well."

When exploring the rest of this forest, they saw nothing but Rattata along the way, swarming every part of this area with the rare Pokemon being truly rare. And most likely, a Dratini would be even rarer compared to the rest. Just as Starlight predicted, most of the food here was taken by the Rattata since this was their home. Fruits of all kinds were being munched on by these scampering little Normal-Types.

"Clo?" And with the Rattata here, Clobbopus' eyes were focused on them too, itching for a good smack. But its attention would be diverted elsewhere as it could not focus on one thing long enough, always curious and aware of its surroundings. Much like a skilled fighter, fittingly.

"A lot's happened actually..." Goh said while holding out his Rotomphone, checking out the news of what's been happening in the world. Princess Celestia's still working on reaching Magehold and it looks like the Dread League's actions have been slowing down recently. And a garden's been spotted in the sky too that's not from Pegalysium. I'm just waiting for them to free Yveltal so that Black Crusade doesn't happen."

"It could still happen. They were planning it to pull it off before they even knew about Yveltal." Starlight replied Clobbopus would then focus on her hair, playing around with it.

"Aha! We should be near the lake by now, which is where Dratini should be!" Goh exclaimed. "I'm surprised that it's not Part-Water because of this. Pretty soon, Dratini's gonna be with us!"

"If you can find it. They can sometimes blend in with the water, you know." Starlight joked around which made Goh chuckle afterwards. But she had a point. The fact that they were as blue as the sea made them rarer to find.

"If we're gonna look for dragons we should-"

"Out of the way!" Someone interrupted Goh, yelling in the direction of him and Starlight. Both stopped to hear this powerful shot before looking ahead. Coming their way was none other than a Dragon-Type. But not the Dragon-Type they were looking for.

"Gabite!" A Gabite was launched across the area, coming straight for Goh and Starlight.

"Woah, Woah!" Goh bellowed before he and Starlight moved out of the way. Right on time as Gabite would crash into a tree, taking a fairly hard impact. "A Gabite?!"

"Gabite, are you okay?!" And the trainer of Gabite would rush in, moving through the grass and acre of trees. It was none
other than the current Dragon Lord Ember. She quickly ran to Gabite's side after that damaging crash.

"Ember?" Starlight uttered. "What's going on?! Are you in a battle!"

"Were. We were in a battle." Ember responded. "But the blowback to that was bigger than I thought it would be. Are you alright, Gabite?"

"Gabite." Gabite shook his head after being helped up. He did feel a bit bewildered, stumbling and wobbling afterwards. But he would be fine. Ember would then pat him on the head afterwards.

"If you're here...then you're after Dratini too, aren't you?!" Goh put two and two together, knowing that Ember was a Dragon Trainer. Coming for Dratini was an obvious choice.

"After Dratini?" Ember looked back at him with confusion on her face. "I already have Dratini."

"A-Already?!" Goh stammered as she and Starlight were shocked. So much for catching Dratini. Ember already beat them to it, having Dratini in her party. "Beaten to it and no food too...That sucks." For Goh, this was just blow after blow of disappointment.

"Well, guess that shuts that down. Maybe the other Pokemon will do. Dragon-Types are hard to get and find after all."

"Hmph. Not here. Well, almost." Ember smirked before healing up Gabite with a Super Potion. "It's not just met that's out searching for Dragon Pokemon at the moment. There's more Dragons from the Dragon Lands nearby."

"There are? I would've noticed if that was the case but the skies look pretty clear to me." Starlight shrugged, failing to see any more dragons around. "And it's pretty silent too if they're all here."

"It's near the Rattata Steppe, across that lake where I found Dratini. It's a place us Dragons knew about compared to others so I'll share this neat little fact with you." Ember smirked. "Way past the lake is a mountain path that leads to area with plenty of Pokemon. Specifically, those that belong to the Dragon Egg Group."

"That exists?!" The two of them yelled with amazement.

"It does. And it's hard to reach unless you're a dragon. So it's not like it's a secret but who else is gonna try and get through there? Dratini was only found here though. The Mountain Pass called Mareidlin Path has a lot more to offer. You'll just see most of the same species but I'm not complaining."

"How many Dragons have you caught now then?" Starlight asked, curious about Ember's team due to this area of Dragon-Type Pokemon. "I'm guessing you have Pokemon that only belong to the Egg Group instead of being actual Dragons from what you just said."

"Check this out." From her bag, she would hold out seven Poke Balls before throwing them all into the air. One by one, all of her Dragons and Non-Dragon-Types would show up.

Drakloak. Dratini. The four-legged version of Appletun. Helioptile. Dragalge, Scrafty and Sandaconda. Some of these options were surprising to Goh as he used his Pokedex to see if they were a part of the Dragon Egg Group. Sure enough, Scrafty, Sandaconda and Helioptile belonged to that group.

"No way! They actually count!?" A surprised Goh said.

"It's the same thing with Sceptile. That's a Dragon too and that Mega Evolution backs it up. I guess if they're part of the egg group and resemble lizards, then they're dragons." Starlight shrugged. "Can't argue with that."

"Yeah, yeah. Everyone knows that." Ember shook her head. "But I decided to really make them feel like Dragons. Not all Dragons fly sure, but I always loved that part. Being so free in the air and feeling the rest of the world is great." She would walk over to Helioptile and Dratini, petting them both on the head.

"Make the feel like Dragons? What did you do then?" asked Starlight.

"Here's one final surprise." By digging into her bag, Ember revealed one last object that Goh and Starlight would get to witness for the first time. And when taking it out, it would emanate a familiar colour. A Rift Colour. The colours of the Rift were shown as they were surrounding what looked to be a claw. "It's this."

"Woah...What is that?" Starlight and Goh leaned in, entranced by the Rift-Covered Claw. Fittingly, it resembled that of a Dragon's claw the more they looked at it.

"I got caught up in my own Rift Mess as you can tell. This right here is a claw that gives them wings. Like this." Ember would then toss the claw into the air as Scrafty would leap in response.

"Scrafty!" Wasting no time, Scrafty would take a bite out of the claw, crunching it. And upon consuming this claw, the Rift Energy within would react. From Scrafty's back, a burst of Rift Magic appeared, lighting up its body The light from the Rift Energy would fluctuate, keeping Scraft in the air for a bit. Afterwards, the energy transformed into Dragon Wings. And just like that, Scrafty was airborne. "Scrafty!"

"Amazing! Just amazing!" An elated Starlight exclaimed. "Real wings! Well...Energy Wings at best!"

"Clobbopus..." Clobbopus' curiosity was off the roof. It had seen so much recently. From Gabite's appearance, Ember's colourful body and the other Dragon-Types. And now this.

"Mhm. It works the same way Rift Magic always works. Whatever the user imagines, the Rift can make it possible in some way. And this is what came out. When they eat that claw, those that don't have wings can take flight."

"Scrafty! Scra!" Scrafty would zoom across the air.

"When did you find this?!" Goh questioned. "How did you find this?!"

"It's actually pretty recent..." Ember scratched the back of her head. "About 1 week ago, really, so there's not many of them right now. It came about from Helioptile's wishes, actually. You see...She was pretty infatuated with me and my Dragons. Every Dragon, really. Living with us meant that she was amazed by all of the flying in the area and wished to fly herself, but she couldn't."


"So it's just like what a Bagon goes through before it becomes a Salamence?" Starlight noticed the similarity between this and Salemence's progression.

"About that...I found this RIft Energy in the same area where Spike found Salemence." Ember took out another one of these glowing claws. "I only explored it out of curiosity and all of a sudden, I found this thing hanging around there. Then I figured that it was Helioptile's desire to fly like everyone else which made this possible."

"That makes sense. Rift Energy does respond to the imagination of someone. And I guess remnants of Salamence's imagination was left behind there and Helioptile just followed in his footsteps."

"Helioptile is definitely the biggest dreamer back at the Dragon Lands. Since then, it's been the best addition to my team. When they wanna fly, they take a bite out of one of these things. Not a full bite like what Scrafty did. Just half. But they're pretty limited though."

"How many do you have then?" Goh went up to Ember's face, taking a peek. Currently, she saw around 12 of these Glowing Claws inside which wasn't enough if she wanted to have them all fly as much as they wanted to. "Yikes. That's small."

"It is. I'm still aiming to make more of these and I think that Helioptile's wishes are the key. I'm just waiting for more of them to pop up if they can. And when they do, I'll go wild with as many as I can. And I definitely wanna pass some on to Spike. It'd be pretty great to see his Haxorus and Goodra fly."

"Clobbo! Clobbopus!" Clobbopus would then lunge off of Starlight's mane before going straight for Ember's Dragons, attempting to hit one of them.

"Wait, Clobbopus, no!"

"Clo!" Clobbopus went for Drakloak, which resulted in an immediate failure. It phased through the Ghost-Dragon-Type, tumbling on the ground afterwards. "Clo-Clob!"


"Are you okay?!" Starlight would rush to Clobbopus' side, worried that this might've truly hurt it due to how much of a failure it was.

"Anyway...I can take you there if you're looking for some rare Pokemon." Ember suggested that she take them to Mareidlin Path. And along the way, I'm looking to make more of these claws for my dragons. Spike's waiting for us as well."

"Spike's there too?" Starlight was thrown with one final surprise for the day. Spike was added to the conversation, apparently in this area of Dragons and Non-Dragons.

"What Dragon wouldn't want to head there? Come along and stay close to me if you don't wanna get obliterated." Ember smiled before returning all of her Pokemon.

Goh and Starlight looked at each other before realizing the massive opportunity before them. This fulfilled both of their wishes. Goh was all for catching as many Pokemon as he could while Starlight was all about mysterious Pokemon. And no type worked better than the mysterious and powerful Dragons. It was off to Mareidlin Path which would lead to this special area. And they had a rather rambunctious Pokemon to tag along with them. Clobbopus.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 82 End.

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