• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Cosmic Trial

Equestria. Ponyville. Afternoon.

The arrival of an angel stunned many in Ponyville. Her name was Lightwing and she came here as a lawyer for Ash, who was set to be put on a grand trial tomorrow. A trial that would take place in a space beyond space. She already proved that she was an angel, prompting Twilight Sparkle to request her help. Perhaps, Lightwing could be the one to help create a new gateway. Light was staying behind until tomorrow's trial, planning to make sure that Ash makes it through in the upcoming trial that involved the wish Ash made and the Jirachis.

"Ash. The Judges are made up of great and powerful beings who all come from different parts of the cosmos. They will all be against you, Jirachi and anyone else involved." Lightwing explained, trying to prepare Ash for the worst. "I promise you that they do not have any malicious intent but only wish to keep the balance of existence stable. I will speak for you but you can also speak your mind. I know that much about you."

"What about Jirachi?" Ash asked.

"Jirachi will be summoned there. They will either summon every single Jirachi that used their power to unite the worlds or it could be one Jirachi. It is important to note that many eyes will be on this trial. It is without a doubt the largest trial that will ever happen. A first of many. Possibly the only one, honestly."

Lightwing wanted to make sure Ash was comfortable enough for what was coming tomorrow. But Ash always found a way to make himself comfortable. The angel just wished to keep things smooth and steady. At the same time, her Wisp Pet Halo was playing around with Pikachu and Fluttershy.

Fluttershy was completely amazed by Halo's appearance. Never before has she seen a creature of stars. Next to the Ultra Beasts, this was truly an otherworldly entity that could not be found on Earth. Approaching Lightwing was Twilight, ready to get that angelic help.

"Lightwing. I was hoping you could help me with just one thing." Twilight requested assistance. Getting the help from an angel was something special. The help they can give out was fittingly, divine. "I need help making a new gateway. Starswirl's made the mould for it but I just can't replicate a gateway." The fragment of the gateway was shown to Lightwing, remaining unchanged to this day.

"Right, the gateways. A result of the Jirachi putting everything together. Very few now exist with Pallet Town's being the most noticeable." Lightwing pondered for a moment, looking at the fragment of the gateway that Twilight offered up. She then closed her eyes, putting on a frown as she had bad news to share. "I'm sorry. But I cannot do that." Alas, Lightwing was exempt from solving this as well.

"Oh...It's fine." Disappointed, Twilight lowered her head. So much for Angelic Help. Not even an angel could assist and solve this issue.

"No, I mean...I have the power to for my own version of a gateway. However, I am not permitted to do so, Twilight Sparkle." In reality, Lightwing could do it but she had a rule to follow. "I am afraid that I cannot create a portal or anything of the liks for you. That is the law of an angel."

"Wait, so you can actually make a gateway!?" Twilight and Ash collectively said.

"For us angels, it's relatively easy. But we only do it on either the Ambrosial Plane, where we all come from or the Space Beyond Space. We also use that power in certain circumstances and scenarios. There are rules to this. Laws that we must follow."

"You come from the Ambrosial Plane. Have ya met my parents?" Applejack asked.

"I have. And that goes for anyone else they know and others that have sadly passed on. The Ambrosial Plane is the next life after one's passing after all." Lightwing would share some good news to them all, putting on a gentle smile. However, she went back to a serious sentence. "But I'm afraid eve the Ambrosial Plane is involved in this trial."

"That too?" Ash squinted. This trial would have a lot to offer. Everything Lightwing was sharing was just scratching the surface of what was to come.

"I would love to speak with you all even further. But Ash. You must get some sleep for tomorrow's trial. There is a chance that it will be durable and a Herald will come for you."

"Got it! I'm ready for tomorrow!" Once it's over, we'll be back home, doing whatever comes to mind first.

"I don't think I am." Twilight gulped. "What are you going to do in the meanwhile, Lightwing."

"I do not need to sleep, Princess Twilight." Lightwing winked. Much like Rift Ponies, angels didn't need to sleep. "I will be around Ponyville instead, keeping watch until the Sun rises for tomorrow. I can't waste this opportunity to interact with the Earth now that I'm here."

"Well, then, have a bite while you're at it!" Pinkie offered up some cupcakes to the angel. "Angels can eat, right?"

"I'm afraid I do not need to eat." Lightwing shook her head as the concept of eating was non-existent for her as well. "We angels have infinite stamina. We do not need food, water, oxygen, or sleep at all." She paused for a moment as the scent of the cupcake was too enticing to resist. "But...I am trying new things. First time for everything."

In the end, she would take the cupcake, deciding to indulge in it. It would be Lightwing's first time consuming food from Earth. Food in general since she has never eaten once.

"Mmm~" It was completely worth it. Even though Angels do not need to eat or rely on oxygen, that doesn't mean their senses were gone. Her taste buds had been unlocked for the very first time. "Mmm-mmm!" It was very much worth it. Lightwing had a reaction that made her wings flutter.

From her halo, a celestial light would fly up, showing ethereal projections. These projections were none other than her emotions. Lightwing showed off what else she could do and that was display her emotions in a unique way. The colours that showed up were bright yellow and pink, representing excitement, pleasure and joy.

"My first food...A worthy meal~"

"So what else can you do?!" Ash, who should be heading to bed by now, was too interested in Lightwing's physiology and what she was capable of.

"Plenty! We can mimic the voices of mortals." Lightwing explained while savouring the taste of the cupcakes. Seeing her reaction, Pinkie Pie was already bringing some more over. "Such as this." To demonstrate, Lightwing would replicate Applejack's voice, wielding her accent and the way she talked.

"Guh!" That spooked Applejack after hearing her own voice but with an echo-like effect. Lightwing giggled right afterwards.

"We rarely interact with the Earth that much, even though we have the power to walk through dreams to communicate with mortals. But that is only for specific scenarios, as always. We can do many things but we never find many reasons to use them. We live peacefully on the Ambrosial Plane but now it seems that recent events are changing that. Tomorrow will be the most important moment of your life. Not just for you, Ash. But for everyone else."

"Us too? How?" Rainbow Dash questioned. Everyone else looked at each other as that sentence sounded rather ominous.

"We will have to see when the time comes. I will see you all in the morning when the Herald Comes." And with that, Lightwing would continue feasting on these cupcakes that Pinkie Pie shared while everyone else would head off. Ash would have to put himself to sleep so that he would be active for tomorrow. Just as Lightwing said. It will be the most important moment of his life.

Lightwing's next target was the Pokemon Houe, which was a place she just had to visit. getting the chance to be close to so many Pokemon and by extension, Fluttershy got to spend some more time with the Star Wisp known as Halo.

For Twilight, the fact that Lightwing could solve the gateway issue but was permitted from doing so was a massive killjoy. Angels had plenty of power but such power came with a cost. If only Lightwing could form new gateways. She seemed to be an understanding angel, wanting the best for others and choosing to defend Ash.

"It's a shame." Twilight looked at the Gateway Fragment which was practically mocking her. "If only I could really understand it. If Emerald Aura was around...maybe she'd know an easier out of this."

"Espeon..." Espeon would nudge Twilight's hoof, trying to comfort her. Twilight smiled after seeing the Sun Pokemon's actions. Eve wasn't too worried about all of this. As a Pokemon, there was very little she had to worry about compared to Twilight. She lived a happy life but it would be truly happy if Twilight was at peace as well.

"Hm. I can't keep sulking. Not when a big trial is coming for Ash. I don't even know if we'll be a part of it." Twilight shook her head, deciding to call it a night "We'll just have to see when that time comes."

"Man. Maybe I could take one more bite before I clock out." Ash uttered, still feeling the urge to eat something else. "Ah, well. I could always wait for mom's dinner tonight. That stuff's the best and it lets me know everything's gonna be okay!"


Out of nowhere, from the vast skies above, a mighty voice even greater than Lightwing's spoke out. Lightwing gasped as she recognized this voice anywhere. The time for the trial had changed without Lightwing knowing at all. It wasn't tomorrow.

It was today.

Above, a celestial sky with stars opened up as a truly grandiose event happened. The clouds would part for this cosmic sky, showing the planets and the many clusters that were present, followed by the appearance of two specific entities. One appeared as a face, while the other appeared with its full body. It was harder to see the one who had just a face but the other one with a full body was easier to make out. It appeared to be an owl-like entity which was clearly not of this world.

"You could not have escaped us for long after you wished for both worlds to become as one, changing the laws of existence itself." The face in the sky spoke while the cosmic owl descended, appearing much bigger at a closer view.

"Woah man..." Ash looked up in awe, seeing the house-shaped owl entity.


"Starowl! I thought it was tomorrow! Why are you all showing up now?!" Lightwing took flight, approaching the massive owl.

"The time of the trial has been altered under the request of the jury. Ash Ketchum's trial is today." Starowl spoke, having a voice which had two different tones that did not sound the same. "Mainly from Strident Heart.

"Strident decided on it? Oh.."

"Ash Ketchum. You and Jirachi are hereby charged with unauthorized existence creation on an Absolute Scale. You will be summoned to the Astral Court which lies in the Space Beyond Space to decide your fate. And the fate of all." The Superior Voice spoke, having a presence so commanding that everyone else couldn't help but be stunned and paralyzed.

Afterwards, the almighty voice that came from the massive face disappeared, along with the celestial skies and eyes that came with it. It showed up, made an intimidating entrance that left everyone perplexed and just left as if nothing had happened. All that was left behind was Starowl, who was eerily hovering there.

"That just happened..." Rainbow Dash blinked as nothing would ever compare to what she just saw for a long time. That was a sight beyond sights without a doubt. No one expected the ones charging Ash to actually show up here and change the scenery above.

"So then...what about the massive owl?" Roseluck questioned since Starowl was still here.

"I shall be the one to summon you, Ash Ketchum." Starowl would be the reason for Ash's arrival at this Astral Court. He as the Herald that Lightwing spoke of. In a flash, a beautiful and powerful ray of light reached Ash, enveloping his entire body. By extension, it also caught Pikachu's body since he was right next to Ash.

The Kid from Kanto marvelled at the light that caught his body but he couldn't feel it at all. There was nothing to feel. And just like that, in an instant, Ash was gone. He had been summoned to the court.

Space Beyond Space.

Ash and Pikachu felt their bodies move through an unknown space as they was currently on their way to the Astral Court, located in the Space Beyond Space. The duo went through the light that Starowl used on them as it felt like they were going through another portal with their bodies floating freely.

Up ahead, Ash would see this otherworldly location that he didn't even know about up ahead. Past the ethereal space where ripples of all kinds could be seen, the land that was hard to see past the blinding lights was visible to Ash and Pikachu the further they went.

It was a Celestial Land, where life flourished. This truly ethereal place was inhabitable. At least to those who reside in it.

The Celestial Land was a vast, sprawling city that seemed to reach for the cosmic skies beyond it with its towering spires and gleaming marble columns. Ash was flying over the city, looking down as he felt a gentle breeze carrying the soft sound of angelic voices singing in unison, creating a serene and peaceful atmosphere. Pikachu's fur would tingle just from this comforting atmosphere.

As for these angelic voices, they came from Angels who showed up from the Ambrosial Plane and found themselves here. Ash got to see even more angels beyond Lightwing. And indeed, not all of them were ponies. Some of them either resembled familiar creatures or something else entirely that Ash has never seen before.

Scattered throughout the city are exquisite fountains, each depicting different constellations, their crystalline waters shimmering with an otherworldly glow. In the centre of the city, he noticed a holy temple with a radiant golden mosaic depicting a celestial figure reaching out towards the starry heavens, beckoning all in awe and reverence.

"This is awesome!" Ash was absolutely in love with this area. That was the beauty of an adventure. There was always something new to find. Whether it was by his own curiosity or in this case, being forced into something.

"Ash!" Showing up swiftly and flying alongside Ash was none other than Lightwing. She caught up fast, returning to the realms beyond Earth. Lightwing got here on her own without needing Starowl's light. "I am terribly sorry! I didn't know it would be instant, neither was I informed of this."

"Don't worry about it! Besides, this is pretty awesome! I never knew a place like this existed!"

"It is a nice place. But unfortunately, you won't have a chance to explore it all with this incoming trial." Lightwing sighed before taking in a deep breath. "I should have expected Strident Heart to be responsible for speeding this. She is rather gung-ho about the rules."

"So, where's the court? Which building is it?" Ash wondered, looking at all the many celestial buildings around.

"There. At the Cosmic Hall."

The temple in the middle wasn't the only impressive attraction here. There were many others. And in the case of law and order, the Cosmic Hall was where the Astral Court could be found.

The Cosmic Hall's building stood tall and narrow, its sleek otherwordly exterior reflecting the shimmering lights of the ethereal city. Rainbow-hued laser beams crisscross the entrance, creating a dazzling light show that could easily draw anyone's attention.

Ash would feel himself descend when approaching the hall. He still had no control over his movements since he was being brought straight to the court. The entrance automatically opened up for Ash and Pikachu, letting them see the inside of this magnificent place. It was just as beautiful on the inside.

Upon entering, a wave of cool, artificially scented air washes over you, carrying the distinct aroma of ozone. The center of the lobby holds a towering holographic globe, depicting countless galaxies swirling and colliding, mesmerizing all who gaze upon it. Ash was definitely the first to do so since he was a mortal being in this realm. This was just the start.

"Good. You made it just in time." Already, there was someone here to meet with Ash, expecting him to show up. And it was none other than the angel who requested Ash to show up today.

"He's here. Sooner than expected. Strident."

Another angel that appeared as a pony stood before them. The one named Strident Heart, who had quite the gaze on her.

"I wish you would have waited until tomorrow, Strident." Lightwing pouted, approaching her fellow angel. "I was about to practice some of my words at night as well. I did not even get the chance to interact with the Pokemon at the Pokemon House."

"Is that why you went to Earth where the mortals reside? To lounge around?" Strident replied with a harsh tone.

"You would have done it too if given the chance." But Lightwing believed any angel would have done what she did. All the angels here were glued to the higher realms that were nigh impossible to reach.

"There is no time for that. Ash Ketchum's trial must be dealt with as soon as possible. With this mortal, anything could happen. By tomorrow, he would have probably been in another wild adventure, postponing the trial's due date and time."

"On the dot. I understand. Even if it is one day earlier." This is the first time Lightwing has reacted to Strident Heart's actions. It also wasn't the first time that Strident Heart has done something like this. It was already clear that she was an angel who would definitely follow the rules.

"Ash Ketchum." Strident then gazed at Ash. "Out of all the defendants that have shown up here, you have without a doubt committed the gravest offence. Something that not even the greater beings thought would ever happen even with the law written down. But I already knew someone like you would be bound to cause some astronomical situations. Watching you from below raised my suspicions."

"Well, it happens a lot. Sometimes, it comes out of nowhere and my friends and I gotta go with the flow." Ash grinned, scratching his face along with Pikachu. Despite being in the presence of many divine beings, he was still himself, remaining completely calm.


"i will be the one prosecuting you among others. I cannot allow the crime you and your allies have accused to go unpunished." Strident was completely serious about this, wanting to see Ash pay for what he has done.

"And I will be the one reasoning with everyone else." Then there was Lightwing, who was the complete opposite of Strident Heart. "Strident. I promise you that this is for the better, even if the rest don't see it that way."

"Hmph. With so many disagreeing with you, Lightwing, I fail to see how you can with this, even as a good friend of mine. This is the one individual that you should not have chosen to defend." Strident, who was friends with Lightwing, saw this as a mistake. Defending Ash Ketchum in a scenario such as this seemed like a complete failure waiting to happen. "Come to the courtroom. The Seraphic Judge and the rest of the Tribunal are waiting.

The Astral Court.

At last, the Astral Court.

A sprawling chamber with ceilings that seem to stretch on endlessly, adorned with intricate constellations and glowing celestial runes. Soft, ethereal music emanates from unseen sources, filling the room with a serene ambience.

In the centre of the room, a colossal floating orb emits a flickering glow, casting ethereal shadows across the polished marble floor. There was also a massive circular table floating weightlessly, its polished surface reflecting the twinkling stars and constellations above. Seated at the table are various beings from different planes of existence, here to judge Ash Ketchum and soon Jirachi.

Ash was in the presence of many who were against him. All of whom were of cosmic origin while still resembling familiar creatures and entities. Ash has definitely taken a massive leap in adventurous sights. It's not often he gets to visit space and on top of that, it was in a space beyond space.

"The Astral Court Case of the 20 Billionth Day year is now in session." At last, the trial could begin as Ash was seated. Once again, the same superior voice spoke. But this time, there was a clear appearance. It wasn't just a face in the sky. In this courtroom, the one who would be judging Ash Ketchum was present. Ash's eyes widened after seeing this entity who was unlike the rest and truly looked like the Upper Echelon of beings here.

"That, Ash...Is the Seraphic Judge Luceras." Lightwing already introduced her, knowing what Ash was about to say.

"The Trial shall be the Universe against Ash Ketchum. Ash Ketchum of Pallet Town. The prosecution here states that you, along with many of your friends, went on a mission to wish for one thing. To have both universes merge as one. All of the Jirachis carried out this wish, forming a brand new world." Luceras continued. "It is, of course, a violation of the Original Law that has been around since the early years of existence."

"Well, yeah. I made that wish." Ash was instantly honest, sharing no lies. "But I don't really see the problem."

"Of course you don't. To a mortal like you, you merely see this as a positive and a way to keep memories that should not even exist in the first place." Strident Heart sneered, eyeing down Ash with sharp narrow eyes. "This trial will see that you witness the severity of such a wish."

"And the one to defend you is the Angel Lightwing from the Ambrosial Realm. This trial will also be the first to be seen by many. Not just within the court but beyond it. Beyond our realm and across the cosmos."

"You mean...everyone back on Earth is gonna watch it too?" Ash questioned.

"Precisely." Luceras would show what she meant by that by instantly creating an astral projection. Or in this case, an astral screen. It filled the cosmic skies before instantly showing the Earth. Next to Earth, another planet was shown. And another. And another. And this continued, revealing a plethora of planets that were in view. "Across the cosmos, the stars and the dimensions that reside here, this will be broadcasted for all to see. The reason for this is due to the severity of this trial."

"Since it is all of existence, everyone available will have the chance to view it." Lightwing would explain the rest to Ash. "This includes those at the Ambrosial Plane, Tartarus, the Chaos Realm and more. It is something that should not be ignored, whatsoever."

"Oh, man! It's that huge?!" Pikachu gasped.


"The universe will be a part of this trial. Your fate is up to them. Friend or foe."

Indeed, many eyes were watching this. Ponyville instantly had their eyes on the Astral Projection, showing Ash in the cosmic seat. Twilight and everyone in Ponyville gulped, wishing the best for Ash now that he was being judged. They hoped that Lightwing could pull it off.

Princess Celestia witnessed this from her balcony along with everyone in Canterlot. Manehattan, Pallet Town, Castelia, Lumiose, Pegalysium, Samiya, Magehold and more. Every known location would see this trial occur. Even Ghetsis. He sat at his throne, fixated on this trial as he did not want to miss this for a moment.

Ash had other eyes from the cosmos watching. Fittingly, Cosmos was watching this even after being sealed away. And indeed, other lifeforms from outer space were viewing it. Aliens were confirmed to exist and now they were viewing the Trial of Ash Ketchum.

"And of course...we cannot ignore the other defendant. The many Jirachi that used their power to unite the worlds. However, we shall select only one to represent this case." They didn't forget about Jirachi. After the name of the Wish Pokemon was said, one of the Jirachi was selected. It was specifically the Jirachi that Ash spoke with and was close with.

The Steel-Psychic type appeared on the cosmic seats, minding his own business until this happened. Jirachi paused for a moment before realizing he had been snatched from wherever he was, now ending up here. At least the search for Jirachi came to an end thanks to this trial.

"Huh? Ash?" Jirachi looked around before noticing Ash next to him. "What's going on?"

"You are being charged with using your power to unite two worlds." Strident heart replied. "This is where we decide your punishment."

"Now then. We are all aware that the wish has been carried out. The new universe we live in is proof of it. This trial is not a matter of whether you requested the Wish Ash Ketchum or if you carried it out, Jirachi. This is a trial based on whether you can find a way to defend yourself and hope you can leave here victorious. Let it be known that this court does not carry out a final act immediately. Cruxluck."

Descending from above was none other than this otherworldly entity named Cruxluck, who would play a part in this trial. Ash wasn't sure if Cruxlux was an angel or something else. Either way, he was definitely from the vast cosmos out there.

"The outcome of this trial will be decided based on the universe's respective choices." The otherworldly being acted as that bridge between who saw Ash as guilty or innocent. "At this very moment, I am hearing many voices from across the cosmos and will take their thoughts and honest words into account."

"Your honour. I'd like to start by pointing out the effects that this wish has caused." Strident Heart would be the first to go, deciding to lay out the outcome of such a wish. "To begin. The universe we live in has grown in size. Exponentially. Two completely different forms of existence has become one and this includes the many alternate universes each of those worlds possess, which are cosmically abundant. Such an act has never been done before until now and the result is not only a larger existence but a more complicated existence."

Another projection appeared. This time, it was about both existences. Ash would see how the process happened. The two massive forms of existence were sitting right next to each other thanks to the Rift creating a bridge between them. Even though the worlds crossed over, they were still separate, only having the gateways as a way to travel to either one.

But once the wish was made, Ash saw how the two Existences which appeared as two massive forms of white energy would ripple. The rippling existences would stretch as they were being pulled towards each other. The Existences would then swirl, forming a spiral. They would spin rapidly, merging as one before forming something new.

With two Existences becoming one, the size increased by an impossible amount. A larger form of white energy. Ash marvelled at this sight. He actually got to see how the process was done and it was rather swift.

"After they became one, creating an Existence that was never meant to exists, stars, nebulas, planets across the cosmos expanded as well. Such as the Earth, which is now many times its size, resulting in larger lands, seas and skies. While this outcome did not necessarily cause any massive consequences, it has put the Earth in a peculiar place. It is now in the Center of the Universe."

The Earth was then shown. Its position has remained the same, however, with a larger existence, it was now at the very centre, becoming the Universe's hotspot in a way. But that was just the Earth. Strident Heart would instantly show the rest of space.

"On top of that, entire stars were completely distorted. Most of them almost had their lights snuffed out, changing the many Suns that each section of the cosmos uses. Planets with three Suns only have two Suns to count. The Black Holes were flung from their original positions, swallowing up many of these stars along the way. No planets or any life was swallowed up but many Suns have been taken away. The Black Holes are also noticeably closer to populated areas."

The view of many black holes from both respective worlds were seen moving across the cosmos, eating up stars and nebulas. They should not have been moving in the first place, but now they have, finding new spots. Prior to this, they were far away from most life. Now, they have ended up elsewhere where populations can be found.

"Jirachi. You are the one who carried out this wish with your fellow Jirachi, therefore, you shall be the one to speak. Unless, someone will speak for you.

"Umm..." Unfortunately, Jirachi wasn't very good at court trials. This was his first one and a Pokemon such as him shouldn't even be here in the first place.

"I'll speak for you." Thankfully, Lightwing was here to help.

"I would like to add something else." But Strident Heart wasn't done. "The one benefit I can say that this brought is the fact that Jirachi's power will now be authorized."

"Authorized?" Ash repeated.

"That is correct. Since we share an existence now, beings such as Jirachi who possess such astronomical power cannot be ignored. If both worlds were still separate, then this would not be the case. Even though it is the existence of Jirachi to carry out wishes, with its power being authorized, it will now have to be put in check."

"But...That's what I do." Jirachi pouted. Essentially, Strident was saying that Jirachi wouldn't be allowed to carry out wishes without permission from any of these cosmic beings.

"Since this is a trial that involves trying to defend your act, we have already decided to authorize your Wish Granting Power. If it involves something on a smaller scale, such as wishing for a beautiful skin, then we would not have to authorize you. But, when it involves the cosmos, you will expect to see us there."

"No way! That's Jirachi's whole thing!" Ash saw this as ridiculous. Putting a limit to Jirachi just because of these merged worlds didn't sit right.

"That goes for all Jirachis." Strident Heart sneered at Ash. "They will all be authorized. We will spare not a single one. The power Jirachi holds can be used in many ways, especially since the Wish Pokemon had no clear thought when merging the worlds. All it did was something rather simple, unaware of the consequences. Ash Ketchum. You are the one who sought out this wish with no clear details. But you do not have to worry too much about the Black Holes, expanded planets and stars. There is something else that you should focus on."

"Like what?"

"Perhaps I should have started out with this. Because of the reckless action of the Jirachi, the guaranteed outcome of the two worlds going their separate ways has been disrupted. The Rift was supposed to leave, wiping the memory of such an event ever happening. Much like how other worlds have left behind."

"You know about this?" Ash gasped. "So, you totally saw the Rift too, right?"

"We have. In fact, we knew of the Rift's existence prior to this. Or rather, the Seraphic Judge did." Strident would turn to Luceras next.

"Indeed. I was made aware of the Rift's arrival. It was targeting both of our worlds next after finishing up with the last one, returning them to how they were. However, we did not take action against the Rift even after its arrival."

"Why not? I figured you would since it's something pretty big." Ash was confused as to why they wouldn't interact with the Rift. They interacted with Jirachi who had grandiose power as well but not the Rift.

"The reason for this is because of the fact that the Rift was bound to leave eventually. Memories of our worlds meeting would have been stripped away, even if I would have remembered it either way. All damages that the Rift does would have been reversed. Thus, we found no reason to involve ourselves. That is until the wish was made. Now, even if the Rift was to depart, the memories would remain. I understand you see this as a positive, Ash Ketchum, but there is another side to this."

"So you were gonna wait for everything to go back the way it was, huh..." Ash was understanding this. Luceras and other beings in this court were supporting keeping their existence how it has always been.

"But now, a new timeline has been formed. A new existence. But this also came with some setbacks I know you have not expected. For this trial, one of the punishments will be a reverse of what has occurred."

"In short..." Strident Heart smiled, wanting the honour of saying it herself. "If you are to lose the trial, everything shall be reset."

"Say what?!" This came as a shock. The ultimate punishment was already revealed to him. And that was everything that has ever been done being reset. Since the Rift couldn't do it anymore, someone else with high amounts of power would do the same. Now Ash truly couldn't afford to lose this trial. If loses, it would be as if this conversation never happened.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 274 End.

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